home · electrical safety · Which adhesive for plastic tiles is better to choose. Choosing adhesive for PVC tiles and how to lay them correctly. Is it possible to decorate the walls of a room with FineFloor quartz-vinyl tiles?

Which adhesive for plastic tiles is better to choose. Choosing adhesive for PVC tiles and how to lay them correctly. Is it possible to decorate the walls of a room with FineFloor quartz-vinyl tiles?

PVC tiles triumphantly entered the market with a flying gait building materials. Due to their strength, durability and ease of installation, PVC tiles have become a popular flooring choice.

How to glue vinyl tiles? What adhesive should I use for PVC tiles? The answers to these questions are in our material.

What is vinyl tile made of?

Vinyl tiles are manufactured under high pressure, which makes the material dense and durable, while maintaining ductility and bending strength.

The bottom layer of the tile is fiberglass with a rough surface. This ensures good fixation of the material on the surface.

The middle layer is a polyvinyl chloride base, which has a certain color. PVC is moisture resistant, durable, rich in colors and textures.

To provide additional protection, the top transparent layer is glued. This protective layer made of polyurethane makes the tile resistant to moisture, household chemicals and detergents.

Advantages of the material

Vinyl boards are popular and have become so in demand for a number of reasons:

  • They are resistant to moisture, so over time the floor covering will not swell or become wrinkled. PVC tiles can be laid in the hallway and other rooms.
  • Strength and wear resistance. The material is resistant to mechanical damage, friction, exposure to abrasive substances.
  • Richness of colors and textures. There are various color solutions, imitation wood, etc.
  • Easy to install. Laying tiles does not require special skills, and the covering can be installed in various combinations and options. So you can combine tiles of different shades, play with contrast, or lay them in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Maintainability. If part flooring the floor is damaged, just remove the damaged fragment and replace it with a new PVC tile.

    This is important difference PVC tiles from linoleum. If the linoleum is worn out and requires partial replacement, nothing can be done. It will be necessary to completely lift the entire floor covering. With PVC tiles everything is simpler.

  • Vinyl tiles can be installed in small spaces, in difficult areas where a lot of trimming is required. The vinyl product is cut with a painting knife with a sharp blade.

Laying rules

When purchasing, always take the cladding with a reserve - 2-3 square meters more. Damage during transportation, improper installation, defective products and the need for trimming cannot be ruled out.
Laying PVC tiles on glue - video tips and tricks

Laying work is carried out at a temperature not lower than +20 C. PVC plates must be stored at a temperature of +18-29 C for two days before installation.
Before starting work, remove the skirting boards if they are already installed. Vinyl tiles are fitted to the walls and then covered with baseboards.

Preparing the base

The base for gluing PVC tiles to the floor must be carefully prepared and leveled. What types of substrates can the coating be laid on?

  1. Tree;
  2. Concrete;
  3. Self-leveling floor;
  4. Old ceramic cladding, for example, large-format porcelain tiles.

Key requirements for the foundation:

  • The floor must be level, without drops, cracks or potholes. For quick filling of potholes and cracks, alabaster is suitable, as it sets quickly and quickly solves the problem of an uneven surface.
  • Cleaned from dust, dirt and construction waste. You can use a powerful vacuum cleaner for this purpose.
  • Treated with primers to improve adhesion.

If you plan to lay tiles on a concrete base, make sure that it is level and does not have any drops. If the screed crumbles, you need to dismantle all problem areas and re-plaster them.

Use self-leveling mixtures that create a smooth base, without cracks or bumps. If you plan to glue PVC tiles to a wooden floor covering, for example, OSB sheets or plywood, it needs to be prepared.
Master class on gluing PVC tiles to the floor - video

  • Make sure it's tight OSB fastening, additionally secure the sheets with wood screws.
  • The screw heads should be recessed and should not protrude. All screws must be sealed with wood putty.
  • Make sure that the joints of the sheets do not have any differences. Adjust their position if necessary.

An OSB panel is not a perfectly flat surface. Correct styling will provide an even plane, but not smooth surface. There are various chips and minor irregularities on the surface that interfere with the installation of thin vinyl cladding.

As a result, one vinyl piece may be visually higher than another. And the reason is a chip under one of the tiles. If you are laying on porcelain tiles, check the condition of the tiles. But there should be chips and protruding edges.

Reasons for replacing flooring may include:

  1. the need to repair old cladding;
  2. desire to radically change the interior.

Which basis should you choose?

At least glue it vinyl covering can be used on any base, self-leveling floor or concrete screed. Plywood or OSB panels will be problematic bases, with which there will be a lot of unnecessary work and difficulties.

Laying PVC tiles

Laying begins with choosing the layout and marking of the room. The layout depends on the shape and size of the cladding. If the PVC panels have an oblong shape and the texture imitates wood, choose installation with an offset of half the tile.

If facing square shape, will do traditional styling in rows or in a checkerboard pattern using material of two different colors.

For proper gluing, you need to make preliminary markings:

Find the center of the room. From the center of one wall, beat a line to the center of the opposite wall. Then do the same procedure with the other two walls. The point where the two lines intersect is the center of the room.

This marking divided the room into four zones. Laying from the center is not always used. If you see that in this case there will be a narrow and unsightly trim under the wall, then the installation of the first row can be shifted. There should not be strips narrower than 5 cm near the wall.

Without applying glue, lay out several rows and see what the result is.

Which glue to choose?

For gluing polyvinyl chloride products are used ready-made adhesives on acrylic base. Low consumption and high adhesion distinguish acrylic adhesives. A popular option has become BOSTIK KU 320 - a universal adhesive for vinyl boards, roll materials, other things.

Ceresit offers Thomsit K 188E adhesive for working with polymer-based materials. The composition remains sticky for half an hour, it will ensure reliable adhesion and durable cladding.

Actually the sticking itself


After finishing installation, moisten a piece of cloth with polish or regular alcohol. This way you can wipe off any remaining glue near the seams.

Use sealant to match the color of the floor covering, go through the joints of walls and floors, as well as places near pipes, etc. Install the floor plinth.

After just 72 hours, you can bring in furniture and arrange your home. For three days the room must be maintained at this level. temperature regime, as during work.

Bottom line

Vinyl flooring has a beautiful appearance and is pleasant to walk on. The material will please you with its strength, wear resistance, and installation will not take much time. The tips from the article will help you choose the right adhesive composition and quickly lay the material.

PVC tiles are laid either using contact adhesive or dispersion adhesive. If you lay it with contact glue, then in principle everything will be almost the same as when laying cork: we smear both the tile and the base, let the glue dry, and lay it (for more details, see). The only difference is that there is no need to adjust the tiles (because humidity does not affect PVC in any way - if you lay it without cracks, then cracks will not appear later). Please note that installation with contact adhesive is more labor-intensive.

Consider installation with dispersion adhesive (for example, forbo 522 or thomsit UK 400).
Installation with dispersion adhesive:
The tiles can be laid immediately while the adhesive is still wet. But even when the glue has already dried, it still remains sticky for about half an hour (and even later - if you heat the adhesive layer with a hairdryer).

With this method of installation, the tiles remain movable until the adhesive sets. Even if you lay the tiles on dried glue, after installation they still remain movable within a millimeter. Therefore, to prevent the joints from coming apart, they must be secured with pieces of paper tape.



The base must be strong, level, dry and smooth. Just cement strainer not suitable, even polished - because the surface will not be strong enough and not smooth enough. It is completely unacceptable to trim the floor with tile adhesive.

The screed must be leveled with a self-leveling cement-based mixture (gypsum-based mixture will not work). A dry gypsum floor is also suitable as a base (it is advisable that the joints be puttied not with gypsum, but with acrylic putty for floors - because glue does not adhere well to gypsum). Wooden floors are leveled with 10-15 mm plywood.

Before laying, the base must be impregnated with strengthening impregnation and dried.

Standard installation methods

The most common method is staggered (usually this is how tiles with a wood pattern are laid). The last tile in each row is not complete. The second part of this tile goes to the beginning next row. This leads to the fact that the transverse joints do not coincide either through a row or through two. Ideally, the pattern of displacement of the tiles should not be felt at all - then the transverse joints will be less noticeable. You just need to make sure that the offset in two adjacent rows is no less than 15 cm (if less, we’ll leave the starting piece across the row).

Second standard way laying - mesh. This is how square tiles are usually laid. The tiles are joined evenly - side to side, without displacement.


First you need to saw down all the door jambs. We take one tile, and, placing it with the wrong side up near the door jamb, we cut it down with a hacksaw. We pick out the excess from under the jamb with a narrow chisel or a straight screwdriver. We check - the tile should go under the jamb in the “shallowest” place by at least 5mm. Repeat for all jambs. It is advisable to remove the doors so as not to interfere.


Let's lay out the tiles on the floor like this:

This is not yet laying (laying will be offset by a third, but here we are shifting the tiles by approximately half). Let's fasten this entire structure with paper tape - one piece along the short side, four pieces along the long side. We will get a long “ruler”, which at the same time will be a stop, using which we will lay the starting tiles.

We fasten it in this way: standing on one tile, we stick the beginning of adhesive tape 5-7 cm long onto the second one, pull this tile towards ourselves so that the gap goes away, and rub the adhesive tape onto ourselves again. After making sure that the tiles are pulled together and there are no gaps, we tear off the tape, crimping the tip of the strip (to make it easier to remove later). The fastening strip should be 10-15 cm long.

Pushing our “ruler” to the ends, we install it on Right place: 3-4 rows to the wall. The last row near the wall itself it should “fit into the wall” by 2-3 cm. If there is a door on this wall, and then there will be another covering, the joint should be exactly under the door (so that when closed door no other covering was visible from either side). Let’s check that the row on the opposite wall is at least 5 cm wide. We set the “ruler” parallel to the wall. We fix the “ruler” with double-sided tape to the floor at two points so as not to accidentally move it.

Two starting rows

Apply glue to the floor to the width of two tiles plus 5-10 cm, and to the length of four to five tiles. Make sure that the spatula is in the glue on only one side all the time - then you can get the glue as close as possible to the “ruler” (literally a millimeter) and not stain it. Standing on our support ruler, we lay the tiles on freshly applied glue and attach them to the support with paper tape. We lay two rows at once. The second row is offset by approximately a third. When you have laid the persistent “ruler” to the end, go to the laid platform, and pushing the “ruler” from the end, move it further. Having completed the two starting rows, the ruler can be disassembled. Please note: there is usually an arrow on the underside of the tile indicating the direction of installation. All tiles must be laid in one direction.

How to fix joints

Tape all joints without gaps: one line on the short sides, three on the long sides. Like this:

Stand on the already laid tile and pull the one being laid towards it. Pull the tape from the laid tile to the laid one, smoothing it towards you.

Other nuances

When laying in places where the glue has had time to dry, the joints need to be tapped with a hammer (in places where they were laid on a damp surface, this is not necessary).

Having reached the edge of the row, we measure which piece we need and cut it off from the whole tile. The second part of this tile will be the beginning of the next row. The laid coating should not reach the walls by 5-7 mm.

It is convenient to cut tiles using another tile as a square. If the cut edge goes under the baseboard, just cut the tile and then it will easily break.

If you need an edge that will meet the factory one, then the tile is cut along the ruler in two times (let me remind you that the ruler must be fixed to the tile, otherwise you will move it with a knife and the second cut will go crooked). You can first heat the tile with a hairdryer - then it will be easy to cut through it in one go.

For installation in difficult places (for example, around pipes), you can do without a template. Just heat the tile with a hairdryer - it will become soft and pliable - cut it against the pipe and, continuing to make small cuts, go around the pipe. Then cut off the excess directly along the pipe. The heated tile bends and cuts very easily - almost like household linoleum.

After laying an area of ​​4-5 squares, the entire laid surface must be rubbed in with a lapping block (or rolled with a rolling roller).
Separately, it is necessary to say about laying with a grid.

Laying square tiles

The “ruler” for the stop is assembled in exactly the same way - with an offset of half the tile. If the tiles are large, then the “line” may not have three, but two rows. You need to start laying from the middle of the room. We do the laying in diagonal rows, applying glue each time to the width of one diagonal row:

When laying tile No. 3, use your finger to check from the end that the corner of the third and the corner of the first lie flush. The same about the sixth and tenth.

Finishing touches

After the covering is laid, tear off the tape. Start from the place where it was laid a long time ago - by the time you reach the end, the glue will have set sufficiently there too. Let me remind you that when gluing tape, the edge of the tape needs to be crumpled so that it is easier to tear it off later. The adhesive tape can be slightly heated with a hairdryer - then it comes off easier.

Choosing flooring is a difficult task. It must be reliable, wear-resistant, beautiful, non-slip, durable. It is also desirable that it is easy to fit. PVC floor tiles satisfy all these conditions.

What are PVC (Vinyl) Floor Tiles

Not long ago, another type of PVC coating appeared on the market - vinyl tiles. She is somewhat similar to good linoleum(hence another name - linoleum), but the production technology is different, as is the release form. This material is cut into rectangles or squares, can be with or without an adhesive base. It has more than one name - LVT tiles (LVT) - abbreviation English name Luxury Vinyl Tile. Design or art tiles - this is also understandable - designer floor coverings are created from squares or rectangles.

The release form turned out to be so convenient that it quickly conquered the market. It is easier to install and more economical. Not in the sense of price - it is just high (at the level of commercial-grade linoleum), but in the sense that there is a minimum of scraps left - much less than when using linoleum. In this, and in excellent operational characteristics and that is the secret of its growing popularity.

PVC floor tiles consist of vinyl and resin, to which stabilizers, plasticizers, and sometimes fillers are added (to give specific properties or a special appearance). The heated mixture is pressed. The resulting material is different high density, but remains flexible and ductile.

PVC tiles consist of several layers:

In terms of composition, there are two types of linoleum tiles: vinyl and quartz vinyl (quartz vinyl). The second option is more expensive, but also denser, with increased wear resistance.

Types and varieties

According to the installation method, there are PVC floor tiles with a self-adhesive base, and there is a regular one (installation of the second type will require glue). Finishing material for this type of floor, it is glued end-to-end onto a flat, clean base. With this installation method, the floor covering forms a monolith with the base.

There are tiles with locks - mechanical and adhesive. The elements are connected to each other using these locks, and the coating itself turns out to be unrelated to the base. This option is called a “floating” floor.

Like linoleum, PVC floor tiles are classified according to the degree of load:

In any of the classes, the choice of color and texture is very wide. There is an imitation natural materials- wood, various types stone, etc., there are plain ones, with and without decorative additives. Most common rectangular shape, and with different lengths sides, there are squares. Rectangles are most often made to look like wood, imitating parquet or wooden floors, but squares are more often found in plain colors. Interesting panels are collected from them.

When choosing at the same time as the class, you need to look at the thickness protective coating. The thicker it is, the more durable the coating will be. Optimal choice for houses and apartments - tile thickness 3 mm, protective layer thickness - 0.3 mm.

Advantages and disadvantages

We collected the main properties of vinyl floor tiles from reviews of the owners (and housewives) of such flooring. It turned out to have many advantages:

In general, almost everyone unanimously declares that PVC floor tiles are the best they have had so far. Moreover, “before” there was laminate, linoleum, ceramic tile, some even have parquet flooring. Disadvantages were also collected from reviews. There weren't many of them:

As you can see, this is really a good option. Suitable for any premises - technical, residential, with difficult operating conditions.


Actually, the installation of vinyl tiles itself is not very difficult process, but requires precision. Pay special attention to laying the first two rows, on which all the rest then rest. There is also a difference in the technique of gluing vinyl tiles with glue, laying self-adhesive or with locks. But there is also General requirements. Let's consider all the questions in more detail.

What tools are needed

To work, you will need a decent set of tools, but they are all inexpensive, many are on the farm. So, you will need:

It would also be nice to have a hair dryer. In difficult places - when going around pipes - it is more convenient to cut tiles when they are heated. Then it’s no more difficult than cutting household linoleum. And you can only warm it up construction hairdryer. You cut the heated tile, wrap it around the pipe, and cut off the excess.

How to cut PVC tiles

Although linoleum tiles are dense, they are easy to cut in a straight line. If you need a cut that won't meet the edge of the tile, it's easier to work with. Draw the blade forcefully along the front side, bend it at the cut site, and cut the remaining part with a knife along the fold line.

If the cut must be smooth - for joining with next tile, you will need a ruler on tape so that it does not move. In this case, you will have to cut through everything with front side. This cannot be done in one go, but since the ruler will not move, you can use the blade two or three times.

Preparing the base

You can lay vinyl tiles on the floor yourself. It is only important that the base is properly prepared. It should be smooth, clean, dry and hard. PVC floor tiles can be laid on concrete, any type of screed, plywood, fiberboard, OBP, gypsum fiber board and other similar materials.

There is one caveat with a concrete floor and screed. The DSP screed turns out to be too loose and not rigid enough. It is better to level it under vinyl tiles with a self-leveling mixture on gypsum base. It is not difficult and not very expensive, but the result will be excellent.

The permissible deviation when laying PVC tiles is 2 mm per meter

When laying vinyl tiles on a wooden floor, it is leveled with plywood 12-15 mm thick. You can use GVL or OSB. All fasteners must be recessed and the holes filled with putty. The joints between the sheets are also puttied (do not forget to lay the slabs at intervals and leave seams of 2-3 mm - to compensate for thermal expansion). For puttying joints it is better to use acrylic putty- it is more elastic and smooth, and adhesive tiles adhere better to it. In general, it is better not to place it on wooden floors. adhesive tiles, and a floating one - with locks of any type (mechanical or adhesive). There is less chance that the coating will swell somewhere due to the difference in the amount of thermal expansion.

The last stage of preparing the base is impregnation suitable soil. The base will become even stronger, the absorbency will decrease and level out, and the glue consumption will be reduced.

It is also very important that the base is dry. Its humidity should not exceed 5%. It is measured using special device, but in household he's not there. So we have to make do with improvised means. Take a piece of polyethylene without holes and masking tape. We tightly glue the polyethylene with tape to the base (along the edge in several layers) and leave it for a day. After a day, peel off and feel with inside. If there is no condensation, everything is fine - the floor is dry enough to start laying PVC tiles.

Laying methods and markings

If you will be laying PVC tiles yourself and you are using “planks” that imitate wood, you have no experience working with such material, it is better to start with the simplest scheme- with offset. For this installation method, it is better if the offset is arbitrary - the joints are not visible. When using this scheme, it is only important that the joints of the “planks” be spaced at least 15 cm apart. This method of laying is also economical - a cut piece from the last element in a row can serve as a starting plate in the next one (or after one, if the joint is closer than after 15 cm). Other common offset options are 1/3 and 1/2 the length of the board. In this case, the pattern is more regular and the joints stand out more.

With this layout method, the planks are usually placed along the long wall of the room. When using lockless PVC tiles, the layout begins from the middle. To determine the location of the starting line, find the middle of the room. Then a line is drawn through it, parallel to the walls. This is done using a paint cord or a ruler and a pencil. This line is used as a guide when laying the first two rows of vinyl tiles, aligning the edges of the tiles with it. With other methods of layout, everything is more complicated - you have to calculate, draw, and this is not so easy.

Vinyl tile adhesive

Special glue is used for gluing PVC coatings. There are two types of compositions: glue and fixation. Everyone knows what glue is, but few know about fixings yet. This composition is different in that it does not dry out until solid state. When it dries, a sticky substance remains on the surface, similar to that found on tape. This method is good because the glued coating can be peeled off several times. In this way it is also similar to the sticky composition of scotch tape. PVC tiles can be easily peeled off when fixed, even after a considerable period of time (several years or decades). In this case, it will not be possible to move the covering, which is fixed in place: lateral displacements are excluded. It comes off only if you pull the edge of the tile up.

Doesn't matter what type adhesive composition you choose. It is important that it is suitable for gluing PVC coatings and is not expired.

Laying PVC tiles with glue

The glue is applied in an even layer on a dry and clean base along the strip drawn on the floor. The width of the glue strip is enough to lay two tiles, if they are long and narrow, the length is to the end of the room. When applying the glue, spread it with a fine-tooth spatula. There should be no bald spots or puddles. We need to achieve uniform distribution. If according to the instructions for the glue, you need to give it time to dry - we wait. If not, you can put it in right away.

We place the first row, aligning one edge strictly along the drawn line. When applying glue, try not to smear it, otherwise you may lay it crooked. We laid the first tile and ironed it with our hands, expelling the air from under the material. We step on the laid tile with our feet, lay the next one, fitting the joint tightly. Glue a piece to the newly laid board masking tape about 10 cm long. Glue about half of the tile to be laid, pull it tightly to the laid one and secure with tape. This way the tiles have no chance to move. Having fixed it, we iron it, expelling the air. Repeat with the next one. When laying the second row, we also fix it on the sides using 3 strips of tape.

Having laid two rows, we take a pressure block and use it to rub the laid coating well. This is how we completely expel the air. According to the technology, it is necessary to use a pressure roller weighing 50 kg, which is used to roll the freshly laid coating. It is not available at home, so you have to make do with a replacement. There is another way to glue linoleum tiles well: after laying, tap them well with a rubber mallet.

Why do you need fixation with tape, since it is rarely used? So that the already laid tiles do not move, and this is possible, since the adhesive takes 72 hours to completely dry.


Self-adhesive PVC floor tiles are also installed. The difference is that you don't need to apply glue. Before installing the tiles, remove the protective layer, lay the tiles in place, and smooth them. The rest of the procedure is the same.

In this case, the planks do not need to be fixed with tape, since the substance on the reverse side is sticky enough to keep the coating from shifting immediately after gluing. Important nuance— you must first press the tiles against the side surface, holding the bar suspended. When the edge is joined, the covering is gradually lowered, trying to leave as little air as possible.

Laying PVC tiles with a lock

The lock on vinyl tiles can be mechanical or adhesive. The only difference is in the principle of fixation. The rest of the rules are the same.

The main difference is that the installation of interlocking vinyl tiles starts from the wall. The slats are positioned so that the locks “look” into the room. The first row is laid a few millimeters away from the wall to compensate for thermal expansion. This gap can be ensured by installing pieces of material of suitable thickness or by finding thick crosses for the tiles.

When laying PVC tiles with an adhesive lock, you must first join the end, aligning the edges of the planks. Then they join the lock along the long side and, only after that, lower the slats completely. The edges are ironed, checking the tightness of the mechanical lock.

The following video demonstrates how PVC tiles are laid on a floor with a mechanical lock. Usually the material comes with instructions with pictures, but watching the video is also useful.

The process of installing self-adhesive vinyl tiles is shown in this video. The connection is no less reliable, and assembly of the coating is even simpler.

PVC floor tiles have gained great popularity among owners who prefer to do renovations in the apartment themselves. It's durable and beautiful material, which is easy to install and easy to process. However, very often, you can hear complaints about PVC tiles peeling off from the surface, which spoils appearance and leads to damage to the tile itself. The cause of peeling is non-compliance with the installation technology or unsuitable adhesive for PVC tiles.

Advantages of adhesives for PVC tiles

The main advantage of mixtures for plastic tiles is their polymer base, which provides a number of advantages over other types of compositions. The main advantages include:

  • Possibility of use on surfaces with any level of absorption, which allows their use on concrete and wooden surfaces, as well as laying PVC tiles on polymer floors and ceramic bases;
  • Excellent initial adhesion to materials due to polymer components;
  • Long adjustment time, from 15 to 30 minutes in case of incorrect tile laying;
  • Easy to apply using a notched trowel;
  • During use it does not emit toxic substances and has virtually no odors;
  • High level fire safety coverings.

Before gluing PVC tiles to the floor, you need to consider one important drawback. Adhesive for PVC tiles, in most cases, is made only for internal use and cannot stand the cold. This glue cannot be used on a concrete base if the floor is not insulated or there is a cold basement underneath. This will cause the adhesive to peel off from the concrete or wood.

Important. When using glue, the temperature in the workroom should be no lower than + 18 degrees and no higher than +24. At low temperatures, the glue becomes very thick, its consumption increases significantly and it takes longer to harden. At high temperature more than 25 degrees, the glue becomes liquid and will not allow you to apply the required thickness for quality installation.

It is also necessary to observe humidity indicators for wooden base no more than 12%, and for concrete or cement base no more than 80%.

Types of adhesive for PVC tiles

When deciding how to glue PVC tiles to concrete, we recommend paying attention to already proven and quality manufacturers, such as Thomsit and Khomakol, based on our own experience and numerous consumer reviews. Next, we will consider the specific types of adhesives from these manufacturers that are best suited for laying PVC tiles.

Universal adhesive for installing textile materials and PVC tiles on surfaces with an absorbent base, such as cement or concrete screed. Is used for interior work. It has high adhesion and elasticity, and withstands the impact of heavy furniture legs. The adhesive can also be used when laying a heated floor system. The composition does not contain organic solvents and is considered environmentally friendly. It should be stored in a warm place, but short-term exposure to cold, for example during transportation, will not affect the quality of the glue. average cost$26 for 14kg container.

Thomsit K188E

Adhesive for PVC tiles Thomsit K188E special purpose used for laying tiles on non-absorbent substrates due to more polymer components in the composition. Like its previous analogue, the glue is considered environmentally friendly and has no solvents plant origin. The composition has increased thermal insulation and sound insulation properties. The average cost is $26 per 14 kg.


The manufacturer of this glue is South Korea and it is also used as a universal composition for substrates with poor and good moisture absorption. Before gluing PVC tiles with this glue, the surface must be carefully prepared. Used for interior work on laying PVC tiles in household and public spaces. It is environmentally friendly and its hardening time ranges from 20 to 27 hours. The tile adjustment time is from 20 to 30 minutes depending on the temperature. A special feature of the glue is that it can be used at temperatures from +5 to +50 degrees Celsius. The price of the adhesive composition is from 12 to 18 dollars per container of 10 kg.

Khomakol glue for PVC tiles is made on the basis of PVA glue with the addition of acrylic resins and is universal for different types surfaces. Depending on the temperature in the room, one kilogram of glue is enough to cover a surface from 2 to 4 square meters. The composition is a liquid mass white, which is poured onto the surface and spread with a spatula. The cost of the composition is 20 dollars per 14 kg.

Important. The adhesive contains solvents that keep the acrylic components in a liquid state, so it is not recommended to apply it to surfaces such as foam plastic that can be damaged by the solvent.

There are many types of tile adhesive. Taking into account the type of work being carried out, the base on top of which the cladding will be attached, the material with which the coating will be made, tile adhesive is selected. For example, if when working on interior decoration vinyl briquettes are used in the premises, then a special connecting mixture must be selected.

This type of flooring will need vinyl tile adhesive. Decoration can be carried out outdoors (decoration of building facades) or interior (decoration of premises). To carry out work outdoors, the binding component must be moisture-resistant, heat-resistant (as with low temperatures, and at high). By doing interior renovation, it is also necessary to take into account the purpose of the room; moisture-resistant glue may also be required.

Adhesive for PVC tiles (click to enlarge)

PVC surfaces are in no way inferior to other types of tiles; rather, they are superior to all other surfaces. Due to their plasticity, lightness, compactness, polyvinyl chloride slabs are simple, more convenient than others, environmentally friendly, have high level wear resistance. It is permissible to use cladding not only on top of the floor, but it is also possible to decorate walls.

Quartz vinyl slabs can be used even when laying heated floors.

Polyvinyl chloride coatings are divided into many varieties according to different characteristics.

For example, according to the production method, polyvinyl chloride surfaces are divided into:

  • pressed - produced using special plasticizers, in order to improve quality, the entire composition is compressed;
  • quartz vinyl – this coating is made using natural quartz as a base.

    Types of PVC coatings (click to enlarge)

    Types of tile adhesive

    Tile adhesive differs according to many criteria, but first it is distinguished by the form of production.

    With such an abundance of glue, it is difficult to choose the right mixture. You will need glue special for PVC tiles to connect the vinyl covering. What kind of adhesive should be used for vinyl tiles? Do you need separate adhesive for quartz vinyl tiles?

    What is special about the adhesive suitable for PVC boards?

    The connecting composition is truly special, it has many differences:

    • withstands low temperatures;
    • stable in humid environments;
    • provides reliable adhesion of the cladding and the base;
    • withstands elevated temperatures, which allows it to be used with underfloor heating systems.

    Remember! To choose the right glue mixture, you need to pay attention to some circumstances:

    • the purpose of the premises being designed should be taken into account;
    • pay attention to the material from which the base for covering is made;
    • determine and take into account temperature conditions, humidity levels;
    • take into account the load that will further affect the coating in the future.

    Watch the video to find out more:

    Only by clearly understanding what material is used and for what purpose, in what room, under what conditions the connection will be made, only then selecting the right glue will not cause you any difficulties, and the process itself will be completed successfully. Based on this, several types of glue are distinguished when PVC installation covered.

    Types of glue suitable for PVC tiles

    The binder component suitable for polyvinyl chloride cladding is divided into several types, based on the constituent components and its purpose.

    Each type of glue has a complex composition, individual characteristics, and methods of use. The question arises, how to glue PVC tiles to the floor.

    Installation features

    Lay vinyl tiles on the floor without using glue, like laminate. There are also self-adhesive tiles, which do not require special care, you just need to remove the adhesive tape. Installation process other types of polyvinyl chloride coatings have several features.

    • before gluing the slabs, you need to clean the base from debris, dust, and level it;
    • the slabs must be glued to the base, starting from the center of the surface to be glued;
    • laying out the slabs can be done like laying out a laminate, one after another or according to the pyramid principle;
    • prepare glue solution To mix the composition, it is better to use a construction mixer;
    • To apply the paste you will need a notched spatula;
    • excess adhesive should be removed immediately with a damp cloth, since dried excess will be difficult to remove;
    • mounted tile briquettes must be tapped with a rubber hammer and rolled with a roller to ensure better adhesion to the base;
    • You can use the pasted surface only after a minimum of 24 hours, a maximum of 48 hours.

    From the video you will learn all the necessary information:

    Perhaps experienced craftsmen know the intricacies of the process of laying this type of covering, but not everyone has such information, so novice craftsmen need to know about some points that arise during the installation process.

    • before gluing PVC boards on top concrete base, you need to check it for condensation. You can attach the oilcloth to the base with tape and leave it overnight. If condensation has accumulated, the base must be dried;
    • It’s worth thinking through the laying principle in advance, sketching out a diagram, especially when laying in diamond shapes;
    • you should work quickly, because the adhesive dries quickly;
    • If it is necessary to cut off part of the cladding, it is better to do this after attaching the whole briquette.

    PVC briquettes are durable, have an attractive appearance, are easy to install, and therefore are quite relevant. The floor can be laid out of vinyl material according to the design idea, using several shades or textures of the material. Such covering requires a special adhesive composition, thanks to which it will last long years. For example: a two-component or thermally activated component may be suitable for quartz vinyl tiles - this material is used more often for heated floors.

    When choosing a connecting compound, you should not be guided by well-known manufacturers or at a high price. Suitable glue you can choose only by knowing what material will be used and what type of work it requires. In order for the process to end with a good result, you need to take into account some installation features and work with glue correctly, according to the instructions.

    Important! The adhesive liquid must be used very carefully: some types set instantly, therefore, it will not be possible to correct any errors that occur.

    Compared to the installation of other types of cladding, the connection process PVC boards quite simple and enjoyable. Thanks to the abundance of adhesive composition, PVC tiles can be connected in almost any room.

    Good luck with your selection and easy installation!