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Dwarf citrus fruits. We take care of the tangerine tree to get a beautiful specimen. Features of growing and caring for tangerines

The evergreen tangerine tree will all year round give pleasant emotions and fruit harvest. Caring for it at home is not so difficult, but some conditions must be observed.

tangerine tree: how to care at home

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Choosing soil for a young tangerine tree

For good health and fruiting, you need to choose soil with the following composition: leaf soil (1 part), turf (2 parts), quartz sand(1 part), humus from cow manure (1 part). Using this composition, you can create the necessary conditions for the survival of the plant.

You can germinate a tangerine shoot yourself. This requires patience and time. You can germinate it from the seeds in sawdust, just like an orange, maintaining sufficient humidity.

What kind of soil do mature trees like?

For mature tangerine trees, a slightly different ratio of soil parts is required: 1 part leaf soil, 3 parts turf, 1 part humus from cow manure, 1 part sand component and a little high-fat clay. By transplanting a grown tree into such soil, you can achieve its rapid rooting and fruiting.

Tree from a seed

You can grow a tangerine tree from the seed of a ripe fruit. When it is removed from the pulp, it must be wrapped in gauze or cloth and constantly moistened with water. The seed will swell and a sprout will hatch. Then you need to plant it in the soil. Alternatively, you should place tangerine seed into the middle layer of hydrogel and wait for the sprout to appear.

Where to plant a tree

When choosing a place for a tangerine tree, you need to consider that it should be well lit. Mandarin loves a lot of light. On a very hot day, it is still better to shade the plant to avoid leaf burns.

It is best to plant an indoor tree in a wooden tub or flowerpot made of natural materials. It is best to place it on southern, southwestern and southeastern windows. In winter, it is best not to open the window for a long time. With the onset of spring, the plant can be taken out to the balcony or loggia. During the hot season, you can create a retractable awning for shading.

How to water a tangerine tree

Growing tangerines is a troublesome task. You should not water it with regular water. Moisture for irrigation must be settled and warmed if it is cool.

In winter, it is enough to water 2 times a week. It is better to draw a watering schedule so as not to overdo it. In summer, it is best to do this several times a day. In hot weather, this must be done carefully so that water does not get on the leaves.

Leaves that are wet in the heat can get burned.

Grow and fertilize

The choice of fertilizer for a tangerine tree is best made in favor of organic and mineral complex products. This can be as expensive fertilizer for citrus fruits or as simple slurry from cow manure.

Before applying fertilizer to the soil, it is necessary to water it thoroughly. Feeding should be done in the summer, but in winter it is better to stop it.

A tree that is fertilized bears juicy and tasty fruits, without bitterness

A houseplant should not be kept in one flowerpot. The reservoir must be changed as the tangerine grows. If the plant is forced to stay in the same flowerpot for several years, it is better to increase feeding. Since homemade tangerines can also bear fruit, it is very important to monitor soil fertilization.

Pinching and cutting

Proper pinching leads to the fact that the tree begins to branch strongly and increases fruiting. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the branches. It is necessary to pinch the tops of young shoots. It is better to trim off excess and weakened branches.

Cuttings, layering

The tree is propagated by seeds, by cuttings, by air layering, and by grafting. Each method is suitable for different trees. Old trees with well-formed branches are suitable for propagation by air layering. Only certain varieties of tangerine trees are propagated from cuttings.

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate

Planting the seeds is successful, but this way you have to wait a long time for the fruits. Fruiting accelerates in grafted plants.

Before grafting a tree, it is very important to speed up the flow of sap. This is done by watering abundantly. Immediately before grafting, it is necessary to check how the bark comes away from the trunk. You need to make an incision just above the site of future budding and try to very carefully bend the bark layer.

On the branch that needs to be grafted onto the rootstock, all leaves must be removed and only the petioles left. This is done to prevent moisture evaporation. It is better to choose the grafting site 5-10 cm from the ground. The bark in this area should be smooth, free of buds or thorns. Then, with a light, careful movement, it is necessary to make a transverse incision at this distance and another, perpendicular to it, going down 3 cm from the center of the incision.

The cuts made in the bark must be pryed with the bone part of the knife and lifted. Then you need to return everything except the top edge to old place. Then you need to quickly take the prepared bud from the scion and insert the eye into the T-shaped cut made on the rootstock. Wrap around the grafting area insulating tape and remove it when the kidney takes root.

- one of the most favorite delicacies in New Year's Eve. The aroma of citrus lifts your spirits, gives the body many beneficial microelements and delights with a pleasant, sweet taste. It is possible to grow a “homemade” tangerine. Moreover, it's simple. The plant will decorate the interior of the room and refresh the air with delicate floral and citrus notes.

A small citrus tree was specially bred for growing in greenhouses, winter gardens and rooms. Beautiful ornamental plant can not only brighten up the decor of the room, but also bear fruit. The process of growing a tangerine is very interesting, and what pride appears after the first taste of a sweet fruit grown independently! Growing conditions, planting and caring for citrus - all this can be found in useful material for the grower.

Mandarin orange originally grew wild in China. In nature, it reaches a height of 4 to 5 m and grows as a lush tree. Citrus leaves are bright green, juicy and glossy. Interestingly, the plant changes its crown only once every four years. The plant blooms with white inflorescences in May. Tangerine begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years of age. The fruits are round in shape, slightly flattened in the center, bright orange or yellow color, ripen in October. The peel is easily removed, thin or compacted, depending on the variety and type.

The tangerine tree belongs to the mulberry family and has many species and varieties.

The house plant belongs to the group called "satsumas". They are usually grown indoors. This is a frost-resistant tree, reaching a height of no more than 2 m. It begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years of age, the fruits are sweet or moderately sweet, depending on the variety in this group. Many gardeners grow tangerines from seeds they get from store-bought fruit. But such seeds are not able to produce sweet and tasty fruits in the future. Fruits from the store are tangerines from the “tangerine” or “noble” group, which cannot be grown at home; they need a good climate and a lot of space.

To grow tangerines at home, it is advisable to find seed material from the satsum group and a variety intended for growing indoors. This way you won’t have to bother with grafting tangerine or a noble species planted and grown from a “store-bought” seed. Having understood the intricacies of citrus, you can decide which tangerine to grow at home.

Whatever type of tangerine the gardener chooses to grow, it is necessary to comply with the conditions under which the plant will feel comfortable. For successful development, you need to choose a good place and provide the tangerine with lighting, humidity and select.

Lighting and air temperature:

  • Citrus fruits love bright areas with a lot of diffused sunlight. Twelve hours of daylight - necessary conditions for tangerine.
  • At home, choose windows facing south. You can also place the seeds on the windowsill, but protect the already grown sprouts from sunburn– place the flowerpot a little further from the window.
  • IN winter time Keep your distance from radiators. Do not expose the tangerine to dry air or currents coming from batteries. It is more advisable to choose a place near the wall of the room, not far from the window, but at a sufficient distance from the radiators. Lighting plays an important role in growing a plant; it should not be ignored.
  • The air temperature in the room should not fall below 15° in winter and below 18° in summer. Varieties of the "satsuma", "tangerine" and "noble" group can withstand temperature changes down to -7°.

Citrus loves nutritious soils rich in microelements. Moreover, for seeds you need one mixture, and when transplanting adult plants - another.

The main condition is good drainage and nutritional content of the soil.

For seeds and their germination, a substrate is prepared from turf soil, sand, humus and leaf soil. Ratio 2:1:1:1. Peat cannot be added to the soil; it acidifies the soil. For a tree aged one year or more, a substrate is prepared from turf, humus, sand, clay and leaf soil. Ratio 3:1:1:1:1. If there is no clay available, no problem. This is not a mandatory component of the substrate. Having properly prepared the soil, you can safely plant seeds or replant an already mature tree.

It is very important to provide the plant with sufficient air humidity. This condition is quite difficult to implement at home, especially if the heating system is equipped with conventional radiators. Experienced plant growers place containers of water next to pots of tangerines, and in winter they place wet towels on the radiators. A prerequisite is a regular sprinkling procedure - this will maintain high humidity air and will not allow the citrus to dry out. As often as possible, you just need to spray water into the air in the room where the tangerine is located.

Mandarin from the seed: planting rules

Tangerine seeds are the most common plant method. You can always get it from purchased fruit or purchase it at a garden store. Seedlings are bought less often. Growing process exotic fruit from the seed is very interesting. It's always nice to know that the resulting fruit was grown "from scratch" - from a seed.

Planting the seed:

  1. The available seed material must first be prepared. To do this, the bones are placed in damp gauze for several days. should swell and hatch a little. This way they will sprout faster, in 3-4 weeks, and not in the prescribed 5-6. Mandarin takes a long time to grow. Therefore, be patient from the very beginning.
  2. Place a drainage layer in a flowerpot or any other container. It can be expanded clay, broken brick or pebbles.
  3. Then the pot is filled with substrate for young plants (see above).
  4. Plant the seed shallowly - to a depth of 1-2 cm.
  5. Cover the container with film to create a greenhouse climate.
  6. The container with seeds can be placed on the windowsill.

The air temperature must be at least 15°. The soil must be periodically moistened, but not flooded. Remove condensation from the film so that the young sprouts are not affected by the fungus. Initially, the seeds soaked in gauze will sprout in 3-4 weeks.

Caring for the plant is simple and requires minimal effort, mainly associated with watering and fertilizing. Mandarin will not cause any trouble if all growing conditions were initially met and provided.

  • IN summer time Citrus should be watered and sprinkled frequently. The earthen clod must not be allowed to dry out.
  • Make sure the soil is evenly moistened but not waterlogged.
  • Use only settled, warm water. You can’t take it straight from the tap. All sediments that are invariably present in the water will settle in the soil. This adversely affects the health of the plant and the nutritional value of the soil.
  • Sprinkling procedures are also carried out with warm, settled water. In the hot season, the plant is sprayed 1-2 times a day so that direct spray does not fall on the leaves. sunlight.
  • In winter, watering and sprinkling are reduced by 2-3 times.
  • Feeding:
  • In spring, it is necessary to add and to the soil. The first feeding is carried out after 5-6 full-fledged leaves have formed on the sprout. It's better to give preference mineral complexes for citrus fruits. Well-rotted humus is added from organic matter.
  • In autumn, fertilizing is reduced.
  • In winter it is better to avoid them.

It is important to apply fertilizer before - May-June and before the fruits ripen - September. Always observe moderation and adhere to the gardener’s golden rule: in the spring, apply fertilizers with nitrogen compounds, and closer to autumn with phosphorus-potassium compounds.

Every year, in the spring, the young tree needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

After 8 years of life, the tangerine is replanted once every 2-3 years. The method is transshipment of an earthen clod. Fresh substrate is distributed in a circle into a free space along the diameter of the pot. Young plants should be moved from one flowerpot to another with extreme caution, since the tangerine root system is very fragile. Many gardeners do young tree so that the fruits are sweet and tasty. However, if the variety and group are selected correctly, this procedure is not necessary. Basically, it is provided if the seeds were taken from a purchased fruit of an unknown variety and group.

At home, tangerines are more often affected by spider mites, scale insects or mealy worms. Pests are removed with cotton wool, and the plant is treated either with plant solutions or with insecticides of chemical origin. Solutions can be prepared from soap shavings, as well. As for chemicals, “Fitoverm” or “Aktellika” will help here. Remember that the use of chemicals is justified in case of severe damage to the plant, which rarely happens at home.

Pests are more likely to attack tangerines when the room is hot and low humidity air.

If done incorrectly, the leaves of the tree become stained and fall off. Therefore, it is very important to water the citrus tree in a timely manner, but not to waterlog the soil. Otherwise, the mandarin no longer has enemies or diseases.

Grow indoor tangerine at home it’s simple, if the rules are followed, the tree has enough light and moisture. At the 3-4th year of life of the exotic, the first tasty fruits will appear - the pride of the grower. Good luck growing your tangerine!

More information can be found in the video:

Mandarin, just like lemon Tree, is quite common and popular. A houseplant is grown directly indoors. Botanists suggest that it was first grown in China or Japan.

Where did the plant get its name? In the past, it was grown in the gardens of mandarins, who were wealthy dignitaries at that time. At the beginning of the 19th century, tangerines began to appear in Europe. They were transported to Italy in 1840. After which the whole Mediterranean learned about this fruit.

The tangerine tree is distinguished by the fact that it ripens quickly and brings a large harvest. It also has quite sweet fruits that do not have seeds. When did Ukraine see this? beautiful tree? At the beginning of the 20th century, where the Black Sea is located. It is in this place that tangerine is most common at home.

The fruit tree can be called weak-growing. Its height reaches 3 meters. It has beautiful, eye-catching leaves. Their color is dark green, and their structure is quite dense and has small wings in the petiole area. The flowers have a wonderful aroma and white color - they are beautifully arranged in clusters. The fruits of the tree are spherical, flattened and have a diameter of up to 6 cm. Their weight is about 100 g.

The fruit has a thin orange peel that is easy to separate from the pulp. There are “plump” tangerines, the peel of which practically does not come into contact with the pulp, but has air gap. The sweet yellow-orange pulp is easy to divide into slices.

The fruit of the tree is rich in sugar, organic acids, and vitamins. It is rare to find seeds in the fruit. If you decide to plant a tangerine at home, then it requires a limited amount of light and fresh air. Not every variety of tangerine can grow indoors, so it is necessary to distinguish between these types. So, you can get early ripening tangerine trees, which are of Japanese origin. They are undersized and unpretentious.

Among the most common options is the Unshiu variety, which means seedless. He is short in stature - up to 1.5 meters. It has a spreading crown and the branches do not have thorns. The leaves are wide, leathery and have dark green color. The tree blooms profusely once a year. Tangerine from seeds at home has small white flowers with a pleasant aroma. When the tree is already 3 years old, it begins to bear fruit. If you take good care of an adult tree, you can get up to 50 fruits within a year.

This decorative look plants characterized by low growth. They are indoor varieties tangerines. Mature trees are usually no higher than 80 cm. This has made them popular among plants that are kept on the windowsill.

For an indoor tangerine tree there is no need to form a crown. However, from time to time it is necessary to remove branches that have dried out or grown incorrectly. Feature dwarf mandarin is that it begins to bear fruit after two years of life. However, the size and taste of the fruit is the same as that of ordinary fruit trees.

Basics of planting and transplanting

In order to plant a plant you need to take suitable pot. Its material doesn't matter. But there is important condition, to top part the diameter did not exceed 15 cm, and the height should be the same. The bottom of the container should have one or more small holes so that excess water can drain from it during watering.

The pot can be in the form of a plastic bucket, wooden, ceramic or glass container. It is necessary to place drainage at its bottom, which can be expanded clay or sand. Practice shows that drainage is best served by: charcoal after the fire. You should not make drainage more than 5 cm in height.

After selecting the drainage, you need to take a little soil to sprinkle it. Any soil will not work in this case. There are specially prepared types of soil, for example “Mandarin”. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

In some cases, you can do the soil preparation yourself. Where the old ones grow deciduous trees in the forest, take some soil. However, avoid areas where oak, poplar or chestnut trees grow. The soil is most fertile in the upper layers, the thickness of which is 10 cm. Additionally, you need to add sand, river sand, ash, humus, if available, will do. Dilute a glass of earth with a glass of sand, three tablespoons of humus and a tablespoon of ash, as well as a small amount of water. You should end up with a thick, sour cream-like mass. This will help avoid air voids near the root of the tree.

When six months have passed, you need to take a container that is 5 cm larger and transplant small tangerines there. When you have planted a tree, you need to spray it and water it with a weak potassium permanganate agent from time to time.

Prepare a place for the plant in advance. A window sill that is directed towards the light is suitable for this, so that enough sunlight falls on the leaves.

Propagation occurs when seedlings are grafted from other citrus fruits such as orange and lemon. This method is also used air layering. If you want to take cuttings from plants using amateur conditions, then you won't succeed.

Important attention should be paid to lighting. The window where you will keep the plant should be on the southern sunny side. When summer comes, take it outside to breathe. fresh air. This could be a veranda, garden or balcony. However, it is important that this place is protected from the wind.

It is good if the plant grows on the south side, but it is important not to forget to protect it from direct sunlight in the summer. This can damage the roots and crowns, and also cause burns on the tangerine itself from the seed at home. How to avoid this? Make a curtain of gauze and place it on the window where the tree stands. When you plan to leave the house, make it a rule to cover the glass with a curtain, especially on sunny days.

Temperature and watering the plant

Have you placed a tangerine on the windowsill? Then in winter you should take care of it by properly insulating the window. The pot with the tree itself is also insulated. In order for the tangerine to shoot buds and bloom, it is important to maintain the temperature to 18 degrees. There should also be suitable humidity - 60%. At the same time, you should not be afraid of high temperatures, because the plant has the ability to withstand up to 40 degrees of heat.

Now let's move on to the basics of watering. As it dries upper layer soil, it is necessary to water the plant. Under no circumstances should the lump of earth dry out in the pot. Every day determine how much wet soil, checking the surface layer of the earth with your fingers. If during the inspection you notice that the soil sticks together, then it does not need watering, but if it begins to crumble, then watering is required.

Especially in the summer, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. After all, due to the fact that the tree is affected heat and the bright sun, the earth often dries out. It is also worth remembering that not all water is suitable for irrigation.

If you have city ​​apartment, then the water from it is not suitable for watering tangerines. This is explained by the fact that it contains alkaline earth metals, as well as chlorine. Such substances will only harm the plant. As a result, its leaves will suffer from chlorosis, and metabolic processes in the soil will be disrupted.

It's a good idea to boil the water every time, but you probably don't need that much trouble. Another good option is to use hot water from the tap, which contains less chlorine and, moreover, it is soft. Before watering the tree, leave the water in an open container for a day - then the chlorine will be completely removed from it. After all, this substance is destructive for any citrus fruit.

If you own a private home, then water from wells will do. However, the water found in a lake or stream is even better. Let it warm up a little at room temperature before watering. Not suitable for watering rainwater, because it contains harmful impurities. What is the best way to care for tangerines in winter? Heat the water until it reaches 35 degrees. Then the tree will grow and bear fruit better. In summer, it is easier to deal with this issue by simply placing water on a window where there is more sun.

Watering alone is not enough for a tangerine tree. It needs to be sprayed once every day. clean water. You need to take care of this especially in the summer. Use a spray bottle or other means to create moisture. Thanks to this, there will be no dust on the leaves and they will be able to breathe. Also, once a month it is necessary to carry out the following procedure: place the plant in the bathtub, cover an area of ​​soil with plastic film, while treating the entire plant with cotton wool and soap suds. This will allow you to forget about the hard work of pest control. However, remember that you need to take gauze or a bandage to bandage the tree trunk. This way you will avoid getting hit soapy water into the ground.

What can you say about fertilizer? In winter, there is no need to fertilize the tangerine. But in the summer and spring time this is done every two weeks. There are features that show how to properly fertilize. Do not start doing this before you have watered the plant, otherwise you will burn the roots. Moist soil is suitable for fertilizing.

How much should a tree be fertilized? Make sure there is enough of it and that it flows straight out of the drainage hole. In specialized stores you will see big choice fertilizers You can also use regular fish soup, which is suitable for a plant that is taller than one meter. Thanks to this feeding, it will begin to bear fruit better. But at the same time, do not neglect special fertilizers, such as Mandarin.

Mandarins can be damaged by sucking and gnawing pests, as well as fungi and viruses. You can often encounter spider mites and scale insects. Chemical and biological agents are used to combat them. However, this is the case if you plant the plant in open ground. It is better not to use pesticides within the apartment.

How can you determine that a plant needs care? For example, it may become covered with white dots. You may also see a reddish tick on it that moves quickly if you touch it. In addition, white cobwebs may appear on white leaves.

To combat such pests, use tobacco dust, garlic and laundry soap. One tablespoon of tobacco dust is poured with boiling water (one glass). All this must be insisted for 6 days. Then add laundry soap to this. Spray the plant every 6 days. However, take a break for 6 days.

How to use garlic against pests? Mash the plant head and pour it hot water. Wait 2 days and strain the broth. You can spray the tangerine according to the same previous scheme.

What if you notice that your plant is covered in brownish-gray shiny growths? This means it is a scale insect infection. This can be dealt with using water-oil emulsions. Mix machine oil (1 teaspoon) with warm water (1 cup). To this add laundry soap (40 g) and washing powder(2 large spoons). When you treat a plant with this, be sure to use plastic film to cover the soil with it. Also use a bandage to bandage the trunk. Thanks to this, the emulsion will not get on the ground and damage it. For processing, you can use a cotton or gauze swab. Treat the entire surface and leaves of the plant. Then wait 4 hours and wash everything off. This procedure also needs to be done 3 times.

Thanks to such simple tips you will grow a beautiful plant.

Plant tangerine (lat. Citrus reticulata)– small evergreen tree, a species of the Citrus genus of the Rutaceae family. The fruits of this plant are also called tangerines. The tangerine, the most common species of the genus, comes from Southern Vietnam and China. Currently, the tangerine tree cannot be found in the wild, but it is grown in cultivation in areas with a subtropical climate. And this type of citrus fruit is becoming more and more in demand as a decorative indoor plant. In popularity, the homemade tangerine tree is second only to the indoor lemon.

Planting and caring for tangerines (in brief)

  • Bloom: usually in the spring, but can last all year round.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight: a southern window sill with shading in the afternoon is most suitable.
  • Temperature: V warm time year - from 16 to 30 ˚C, in winter - not lower than 14 ˚C.
  • Watering: regular, as the top layer of the substrate dries.
  • Air humidity: in hot weather, regular spraying of the plant with warm water and monthly showers are recommended.
  • Feeding: during the growing season twice a month with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. In winter, fertilizing is not needed.
  • Rest period: not clearly expressed, but from about the end of October to mid-February.
  • Pinching: the crown is formed within 3-4 years in the spring, at the beginning of active growth: if the seedling does not branch when it grows 40 cm, it is pinched to force it to form side shoots. Subsequently, the ends of all shoots after the fifth leaf are removed by pinching.
  • Reproduction: seeds, grafting and air layering.
  • Pests: spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects and aphids.
  • Diseases: root rot.

Read more about growing tangerines below.

Homemade tangerine - description

Mandarin at home does not reach such a height as in nature, growing only up to 1.5-2 m. The branches of the tree are mostly drooping, the leaves of mandarin are dense, small, elliptical or ovoid, dark green, located on petioles with barely noticeable wings. Single or paired fragrant tangerine flowers with matte white petals are located in the axils of the leaves.

The multi-seeded and multi-lobed mandarin fruit - hesperidium - is covered in a peel that is easily separated from the pulp. It is flattened from the top to the base and reaches a diameter of 4 to 15 cm. The pulp is yellow-orange in color and consists of large quantity fusiform hairs - sacs filled with juice. The peel of the fruit, which is called “flavedo”, which means “yellow”, contains many glands with essential oil, and its inner white layer, called “albedo” (“white”), is loose, which makes it easy to peel the tangerine. The pulp of a tangerine is usually sweeter and the flavor is stronger than that of an orange. And although the fruits of homemade tangerine taste qualities much inferior to the fruits of the garden tangerine, the fruiting tangerine, hung like a Christmas tree with yellow-orange balls, looks very attractive.

Indoor tangerine - spectacular potted plant not only because of its bright, mouth-watering fruits: the flowering of tangerines is also a fascinating sight, especially since it is accompanied by an amazing fragrance. Currently, many amateur gardeners are enthusiastically growing tangerines from seeds just on the windowsill, and we will be happy to tell you how to grow tangerines in room conditions how to care for tangerine, how to graft homemade tangerine, how to protect it from diseases and pests, how to replant a tangerine if the pot has become too small for it, and we will also describe beneficial features tangerine

Indoor tangerine from seed

How to grow tangerines at home

Before planting tangerine seeds, they are wrapped in slightly damp gauze or a napkin for several days. Keep the fabric moist the entire time the seeds are swelling. Instead of gauze or fabric, you can use hydrogel - a product that perfectly retains moisture. Seeds from a freshly eaten tangerine should be sown in the ground immediately, without soaking.

Even if you grow just one tree, soak at least a dozen seeds: firstly, not all of them may germinate, and secondly, some seeds may die from diseases during the growth process, and some seedlings will not survive transplantation.

As soon as the seeds hatch, they are planted in 200 ml cups or in bowls no more than 9 cm deep with drainage holes, filled with a substrate of turf soil (3 parts), humus, sand and leaf soil (1 part each) with the addition of a couple of handfuls of clay. . You will have to prepare the substrate yourself, since any of the purchased soils contain peat, which is contraindicated for tangerines. In extreme cases, you can use Biohumus or Rose soil as a substrate, the pH of which is in the range of 6.5-7.0 units. At the bottom of the cups under the substrate you need to place a layer of expanded clay or small pebbles. The seeds are buried 4 cm in moist soil. The crops are kept at a temperature of 20-25 ºC. Shoots appear within three to four weeks, although this can happen earlier.

If you sowed seeds in a common container, then at the stage of formation of four leaves in the seedlings (citrus fruits do not have cotyledon leaves), you need to pick them out into separate cups. Sometimes two plants can grow from one seed, since multi-germination of seeds is quite common for citrus crops. In this case, the tangerine seedlings need to be carefully separated (each of them has its own root system) and planted. If one seedling is significantly weaker than another, it is better to sacrifice it: pinch it off so that it does not interfere with the development of a stronger plant.

The next transplantation of seedlings is carried out when their roots fill the entire volume of the cup. You can use a pot as a container small size. Planting a tangerine in a pot is done by transferring the seedling along with a lump of earth.

Caring for a tangerine in a pot

Growing tangerine in an apartment

The conditions for growing tangerines at home should be as close to natural as possible. Mandarin loves the sun, so the best place for him - a window facing south, provided that in winter the temperature in the room does not drop below 14 ºC. In summer, the plant can be kept on a balcony or loggia. However, in the afternoon, tangerines should be protected from sunlight with a curtain made of light fabric or gauze.

The favorable temperature for the development, budding and flowering of tangerine is considered to be from 16 to 18 ºC with an air humidity of 60%. However, do not worry if the room becomes hot with the arrival of summer: tangerines can grow and bear fruit even at 40 ºC.

Watering a tangerine

Caring for a tangerine involves regularly watering the plant as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. There is a trick to help determine whether a plant needs watering: take a pinch of soil from the pot with your fingers and squeeze it. If the soil sticks together, then it’s too early to water the tangerine, and if it crumbles, then it’s time to moisten the soil in the pot. Under no circumstances allow the earthen ball to dry out completely. Water the tangerine with water that has been standing for 24 hours in an open vessel. room temperature. In winter, it is advisable to heat water for irrigation to 30-35 ºC, and in summer it can be left in the sun.

As for air humidity, the tangerine, especially in the summer heat, needs daily spraying, and once a month it must be washed in the shower with soap, covering the stem of the plant and the soil in the pot with plastic. This hygienic procedure is also a prevention against pests.

Mandarin fertilizer

During the dormant period, in winter, tangerine does not need fertilizing, and during the growing season, a solution of complex mineral fertilizer is added to the soil twice a month. To stimulate abundant fruiting, adult plants 1 m or more in height are fed with fish broth once a month: 200 g of unsalted fish or fish waste is boiled in 2 liters of water for half an hour, allowed to cool and filtered through cheesecloth. Water the soil with “ear” in the morning at an air temperature of 18-19 ºC.

Tangerine transplant

Young plants are replanted annually, fruit-bearing ones - once every 2-3 years, each time increasing the size of the pot in diameter by 4-6 cm. The soil for young plants should be of the following composition: turf soil - 2 parts, and leaf soil, sand and humus - one part at a time. For plants older than three years of turf soil, you need to take three parts, and the remaining ingredients - one at a time. When planting, it is important that the root collar of the tangerine remains at surface level. Very large or old trees better by transplant do not disturb, but once every 2-3 years you need to remove the top layer of soil in the pot and replace it with fresh fertile substrate.

Tangerine pruning

Mandarin is one of those plants whose crown needs to be shaped. If, with a growth of 30-40 cm, the seedling does not begin to branch on its own, it needs to be pinched to stimulate the formation of side shoots of the first order. However, this is not enough, since fruiting occurs only on branches of the fourth or fifth order. This means that pinching should be continued, removing the ends of all shoots after the fourth or fifth leaf. For sanitary purposes, weak shoots and those growing inside the crown are also pruned. It usually takes 3-4 years for a tree to form.

Sometimes, in order to enhance the branching of shoots, they resort to deflecting and fixing them: one end of a soft wire is fixed on a branch, and the other on the edge of the pot so that the wire pulls the top of the shoot down.

Pests and diseases of tangerine

Mandarin turns yellow

Many amateur gardeners are faced with the fact that tangerine leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow. What is the reason for this phenomenon? There are several reasons. For example, due to a lack of nitrogen in the soil, first the lower leaves of a tangerine become yellow, and then gradually all the foliage turns yellow. This process can be stopped by adding ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate or organic matter to the soil.

Against the background of iron deficiency in the soil, tangerine develops chlorosis: first, young leaves acquire a light yellow color, then older foliage becomes discolored. To prevent chlorosis, tangerines are treated with iron chelate once a month.

Another likely cause of yellowing tangerine leaves may be spider mites - tiny arachnids that make punctures in the leaves of the plant and feed on its cell sap. You can only see a mite under a magnifying glass, but sometimes its presence is revealed by the thinnest web appearing on the plant. To destroy pests, wash the tree in the shower, then treat its leaves with a soapy solution: put grated laundry soap in warm water, whip up a thick foam and use a cotton swab to wipe the tangerine leaves with the foam. To completely defeat the tick, you may need three such procedures with an interval of 2-3 days. The place where the mite-infested tangerine stood should be thoroughly washed.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow due to insufficient lighting, as well as because the pot has become too small for the plant.

The tangerine is falling

Leaves falling from a tangerine are not always a sign of any disease. If this happens from late October to mid-February, move the plant to a room with a temperature of 14-17 ºC and reduce watering: the tangerine needs rest. Leaves may also fall due to low air humidity. In this case, the plant should be sprayed in the evenings with settled water at room temperature and containers of water should be placed around it. Tangerine leaves also fall due to improper planting: the plant is too big pot or the root collar is buried in the soil. The cause of leaf falling may be a lack of potassium in the soil, drafts, too wet soil in the pot and poor lighting.

Mandarin is drying

If, before the tangerine leaves begin to fall off, a dry crust forms on their edges Brown, we can conclude that the watering regime has been disrupted: you have chronically over-moistened the soil in the pot. To restore normal development of the plant, transplant it into another pot with good drainage layer and fresh substrate with a predominance of leafy soil. When transplanting, carefully inspect root system tangerine and remove rotten roots. Leaves also dry out if there is insufficient watering. A drying plant will have to be revived by placing it in a bowl of water at room temperature. The water in the basin should reach the edge of the pot. Now you need to water the tangerine until the soil is completely wet and air stops coming out of it. After the procedure, drain excess water and spray the tangerine with a solution of 1 ml of Epin in 2 liters of water. These sprayings should be continued for some time, 2 times a week. In this way, even a very dried out plant can be revived.

Planting one on your windowsill seems like an impossible task for many. We are constantly afraid that the citrus family requires unique care that will consume all of our time and finances. Indeed, some of these plants require careful supervision, but this does not particularly concern the tangerine. This fruit is completely unpretentious and hardy enough for our climate. Therefore, after reading our article, choose the best cultivation method for you and feel free to start planting the overseas fruit. We will tell you below how to choose and grow tangerines from seeds at home.

Choosing a place for a tangerine

If you decide to grow a tangerine, the first thing you need to do is choose a place for the tree. Indoors can grow both on the windowsill and on the balcony. To date, breeders have bred a lot dwarf plants, but ordinary tangerine trees can also be given the desired shape.

The place for planting a tree at home is chosen in the same way as on. The site must be well lit with little direct sunlight. If there is insufficient lighting, the tangerine will slow down its growth and may not bloom at all. Therefore, to grow a tangerine, choose the southern part of the room, but so that at noon the tree can be slightly shaded.


To keep tangerine indoors, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. In summer, optimal temperature indicators when growing a tree, should be +20...+25°C. When the plant begins to bloom or buds appear on it, it is advisable to prevent them from falling off the flowers by lowering the temperature no higher than +20 °C.

In winter, to improve future flowering, citrus mandarin is better leave without much movement. Temperature in winter period contents can vary from +5 °C to +10°C. By observing these temperature conditions, you can easily grow tangerines from seeds at home.

Mandarin is very important point with his growth. In insufficient light, the tree is lagging behind in development and there is a high risk of getting modest blooms. In summer, young tangerines can be gradually exposed to open air so that the plant gradually gets used to the environment. But at noon you will have to hide it from direct sunlight.

In winter, when daylight hours are quite short, the tangerine must be placed in the brightest place in the room. It happens that a young tree may not have enough lighting. Here a phytolamp will come to the rescue, which is screwed into a regular table lamp or a chandelier. Start off You need to highlight the tangerine gradually, otherwise, with a sharp change in daylight hours, the plant may lose its leaves.

Air humidity

Mandarin does not tolerate dry air. Therefore, to maintain sufficient humidity, it is recommended to place containers of water around the container. As the temperature rises, the plant needs to be additionally moistened, sometimes several times a day. In winter, it is better to spray, but only when it dries.

Choosing a container or container for planting

It is recommended to choose dishes for planting tangerines based on its size. Remember for better growth its trees will need to be replanted every year. Do not immediately choose a large pot, as it will be too large space may lead to root rot.

The best containers for tangerines are small ones. wooden boxes or pots made from natural materials. When planting, don't forget the good things. Pebbles, expanded clay, and the remains of a bat are great for this role. ceramic tableware and even foam. Mandarin does not like stagnant moisture in the soil, which can also lead to root rot.

Important! Every week, inspect the shoots, as well as the trunk and leaves of the tree for bacterial or pest infestation.

Soil for tangerine

As with growing in open ground, indoor tangerine does not love acidic soils . Therefore, when choosing a ready-made mixture for planting in the store, pay attention to the substrate.

If you don’t trust purchased substrates, you can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, take turf and leaf soil, washed river sand and a little. Keep the proportions 1:1:0.5. From these components, light, well-permeable soil is obtained, which the tangerine loves so much.

Planting, propagation and replanting of tangerines

When growing tangerine citrus at home, there are several ways to propagate it: cuttings, grafting, and the most popular method today - seeding. But how to properly plant and grow a tangerine from a seed so that the tree bears fruit?

First of all, you need to understand that when using this method, you should expect results no earlier than six years later. Even more the hard way propagation - cuttings, since when using it it is extremely rare to grow a tangerine at home.

At the same time, tangerine grafting is considered one of the proven options. At home, it is grafted onto orange or grapefruit seedlings. In addition, many gardeners are interested in how long does a tangerine grow? This citrus tree very durable and with proper care will live for more than thirty years.

Mandarin roots grow actively every year, which is why the plant needs annual replanting. After 5-6 years, they are replanted less frequently - once every two years. Transplantation must be carried out in the spring, before the active growth of the rhizome, and each time a flowerpot or pot is selected that is not much larger than the previous one. The best method for replanting a tangerine would be a transshipment method: try not to destroy the formed earthen lump.

Important! The roots of the plant should not be washed. Only when they are infected is rinsing allowed.

Vegetative methods of propagation

As we mentioned above, propagating tangerines at home using normal landing cuttings - almost impossible. Therefore, in order to grow a fruitful tree, tangerine cuttings are grafted to any other citrus plant.

To do this, you will need a bush that is one to two years old and a cutting of your choice. We take a citrus seedling and make a T-shaped cut at a distance of up to 10 cm above the soil. Then, lightly pressing the tip of the knife, we get a recess into which we insert our cutting.

After this, you need to coat the cut area with garden varnish and wrap it with PVC film or electrical tape. After grafting tangerines, you need to place them in or simply cover them with a plastic bag. You can ventilate once a day, making sure that a peephole does not appear after vaccination.

Usually the cutting is grafted within a month, after which the greenhouse is removed and the electrical tape is loosened. After rooting, you can completely get rid of the stretched film. By growing tangerines using this propagation method, you have every chance of getting sweet and juicy fruits.

Did you know? For better tangerine growth, spray its leaves daily with warm water from a spray bottle.

Seed method

The easiest way to grow a tangerine is to plant a seed, and you already know about this. Therefore, buy several fruits in advance that have been properly stored, without freezing or direct sunlight, and select a dozen seeds from them. Then, rinse them thoroughly with running water and place them on a windowsill or other flat surface to dry.

When the seeds are dry, they need to be soaked for further germination: take a cotton cloth and wrap the seeds in it. The fabric should be damp for several days, but not floating in water.

After the seeds swell and sprouts begin to hatch, you can replant them in previously prepared soil. As soon as you plant the tangerine seed and the seedling grows a little, it needs to be transplanted into a container with a volume of about 4 liters.

Important! Be sure to take several grains at once for planting, since some tangerine seeds usually do not germinate.

Plant care

If you no longer have any questions about how to plant a tangerine, then all that remains is to provide it with proper care and wait for the fragrant fruits. For good growth tree do not forget about sufficient humidity in the summer. Give more light, but shade in hot sun, as tangerine leaves easily get burned.