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Complex projects of "smart" houses: technology, description, tasks. Smart home technology project Necessary equipment for a smart home ready-made projects

The House 3
One storey house, designed for a small family. The uniqueness of the house lies in the materials used for construction. The walls are made of living trees. The floor and ceiling are two slabs of heavy-duty plastic, consisting of modules connected to each other, like a puzzle. This principle is needed so that an imperceptible difference in the growth rate between the tree-walls does not affect the comfortable operation of the house. The essence of the construction is as follows: The plastic base is strengthened on a prepared site. Along the edges of the base, recesses are made with a diameter of 30% of the cut diameter of an adult tree. Trees are planted simultaneously in a strictly defined place under the base, after which the direction of their growth is monitored for several years. At first glance, such a house would take too long to build, but Siberian and American scientists have already They are conducting experimental work on creating fast-growing trees. As a result, in a few years the trees grow and grow into the base, supporting it. In the same way, the line reaches the roof. Taking into account the peculiarity of the design and the need for a tight fit of other materials that make up the building to the trees, it is planned to use Ruflex coating for the roof.
Despite the apparent gloom of the house, it is light and warm. In the gaps left when "planting the walls", between the base slab and ceiling slab, there are cast frames made of the same plastic, with 6-chamber windows occupying all vertical space.
The area under the house is a thermal niche, going 8 meters deep. Under the house it is planned to install a mini bioelectric power station, the task of which is to generate energy to heat the soil under the house. The remaining energy goes into the system internal heating at home using infrared radiation. To satisfy the remaining energy needs, three movable wind generators located above the house are used.
Heated soil in an area limited by a thermos will allow trees not to slow down their life processes during the cold period. It is known that many plants can self-regulate their internal temperature. By not allowing the trees to “sleep”, we get thick, breathable walls with internal temperature up to 25 degrees Celsius all year round.
When creating complexes of such houses, the benefit of construction increases, even despite its duration.
Depending on the properties of the wood, 2- and even 3-story buildings can be erected.
The building is highly earthquake-resistant, economical and environmentally friendly. Useful material, with which the tree saturates the air, will make such a house a real resort.
+By using the invention of my compatriot Alexey Strelyaev, you can completely abandon centralized energy networks. We are talking about a device that generates electricity using the energy of plant growth.

P.S. I forgot to draw the steps to the entrance)

Project smart home is a complex electronic devices, installed throughout the room, which performs centralized control of engineering systems. TO engineering systems include sewerage, audio and video equipment, gas pipelines and other technical equipment of the apartment. In this article we will look at general issues when creating a smart home, review standard solutions and examples of DIY projects.

Typical structure of a Smart Home project

The smart home system should be based on the following principles:

  • balanced functioning of all equipment;
  • recording of all events with a detailed report and indication of the working device;
  • constant monitoring of the operation and condition of all equipment;
  • immediate notification of the owner about the occurrence of an emergency;
  • quick response to an event and analysis of the situation;
  • prevention, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations;
  • simplicity and ease of management.

The structure of a smart home includes climate control, lighting and electricity, security, multimedia system, weather and watering of plants. To implement each item, you need your own set of sensors and other components.

A smart home includes devices that need to be controlled (sensors, video cameras, smart sockets) and devices that perform control (remote controls, communication systems).

The smart home system has its advantages:

  • saving time on setting up and carrying out various operations;
  • saving electricity, water, gas;
  • adjusting the microclimate will have a positive effect on health - the system can be programmed to reduce the temperature at night, which helps you fall asleep faster;
  • notifying the owner about the occurrence of an event;
  • ease of control - access can be done through applications on your phone or tablet;
  • quick response to emergency situation and the ability to prevent it;
  • possibility of programming unique scenarios.

Smart House is not without its shortcomings. One of the main disadvantages is high price all equipment, its installation, maintenance and service. Payback time can be long, especially if equipment breaks down.

You can assemble an intelligent system with your own hands. All equipment and control programs can be purchased in stores.

When planning a project, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • User. You need to think about how the system will be handled ordinary people. It should be simple so that the user does not have to think long about where to click and what to do to complete the operation.
  • Choice of technology. Can be done wireless, wired or combined system. If it is wired or combined, you should think in advance where the cables will be placed, where automation elements and sockets will be placed. IN wireless system you need to decide where to mount the sensors and receivers, where to install signal repeaters.
  • Executor. Who will organize and support the system - the person himself or the company.
  • Autonomy. The functionality and capabilities of an intelligent home are thought out in advance. It is also necessary to provide in advance for the operation of the system in the absence of an Internet connection.
  • The kernel that controls the system. You need to decide which device will issue commands, receive signals and analyze the received data.
  • Placement of the core of the complex. It should be located in a ventilated area (for example, a closet or closet).
  • Expenses. This includes both financial and energy costs.

Different systems require a device with advance installed programs. Such a device can be a computer, tablet or phone.

Implementation of the project requires understanding and knowledge of the basics of operation, configuration, and features of the complex. Before starting, a smart home diagram is developed with all installation points, methods of integration, and control.

To assemble the system, you can purchase a ready-made kit, which will contain all the necessary equipment and assembly instructions. The disadvantages of sets out of the box are that they are highly overpriced, closed types protocols and systems and the inability to make changes to the system. By assembling a system with your own hands, you can save on something, but for development you need to have serious knowledge and skills in the field of electrical engineering, principles of automation organization, and programming. There is also difficulty in synchronizing and combining gadgets from different companies. You will either have to choose products from one manufacturer, or manage each device separately.

The composition of the complex directly depends on the type of premises in which it is used. For private houses and cottages, heating systems, water supply, and electricity supply operating in autonomous mode are relevant. In the apartment, functions are simplified due to the connection to centralized networks– here it is enough to turn the system on and off in a timely manner. As the area and autonomy of the home increases, the number of mechanisms involved also increases. The less housing depends on a centralized system, the more resources need to be spent to create a management complex. also in large room will be required wire lines, while in small apartment work can be carried out via radio channel.

The installation process for a smart home system is as follows:

  • designing each area that will be equipped with smart devices;
  • analysis of selected subsystems;
  • exploring the possibility of installing smart systems;
  • purchasing the necessary equipment;
  • cable laying;
  • installation of control sensors;
  • connection and installation of executive components;
  • connecting all components to the processor board.

Fulfill installation work with a 220 Volt power supply must be done by a highly qualified craftsman with experience. Otherwise there is a claim of fire or damage electric shock. Work must be carried out in compliance with safety regulations.

When installation is completed, a test run of the system is performed. During the inspection, various situations– sudden cooling or overheating of the room, fire alarms, security sensors, artificial increase or decrease in illumination. If it fails, the error is found and corrected.

Then debugging of the system begins. The necessary scenarios are written, the main operating parameters are set, and the control method is selected.

The most difficult stage is programming a smart home. If the system is boxed, there will be no problems, since there is a program with written scripts that you just have to adjust to your needs. In other cases, you will have to develop the software yourself. There are working modules that can be downloaded on the Internet, but they will have to be redesigned and customized for your equipment.

When considering the possibility of installing a smart home, the question arises: is such a system profitable? Intelligent technologies make life not only simple and comfortable, but also safe. With a smart home, you don’t have to worry about an outlet not being turned off or the stove being on. Through the control panel, you can register operating scenarios for devices and their schedules. Security and fire protection systems will always notify the owner and relevant services in the event of an emergency. Special attention is given climate system. Optimal temperatures will make life not only comfortable, but also healthy and economical. No heat will be wasted, which will lead to significant financial savings.

TOP 5 unusual projects

Implementation of projects is impossible without smart devices. They can perform not only their classic tasks, but also do additional work.

The smart intercom can record HD video 24 hours a day. It conducts night photography, can record visitors and inform the owners about the arrival of guests. Even if there is no one at home, the intercom will transmit a message and show a broadcast of what is happening in the house.

Important distinctive feature The device allows the visitor to make a call to the owners of the house. If they cannot answer, the built-in voice assistant will talk to the visitor. The gadget can record a video message, and it also remembers frequent guests.

Mirror Mirror

From ordinary mirrors Mirror features a built-in fitness trainer. Once you turn on the device, the room becomes a virtual sports hall. A picture of a virtual trainer appears on the mirror’s display, performing the workout together with the person, showing the correctness of the exercises and giving advice. When turned off, the device is a regular mirror.

The mirror contains more than 50 types of different sports exercises. There are boxing, yoga, stretching, and fitness programs. Taking into account individual characteristics individual and his preferences, the optimal training program is selected.

Additionally, the mirror can monitor your health status. To do this, the gadget synchronizes with a fitness bracelet or other device, reads the information and displays the received data on the screen.

Xiao AI Smart Alarm Clock

The alarm clock from Xiaomi is a full-fledged gadget for sleep and household chores. It has a voice assistant installed, but it only recognizes Chinese. The assistant can notify you about important events, report the weather forecast, control other household appliances. The device works through the Mijia application.

A distinctive feature of a smart alarm clock is its ability to lull a person to sleep at night. The device's memory contains various soothing sounds that help you fall asleep quickly. To wake up the owner, the default mode is set to increase the volume so that the awakening occurs smoothly. The rise time and mode change are made in the application.

Zera Food Recycler

A device for recycling household waste makes life not only more comfortable, but also safer for environment. The device is a visually attractive white container smaller than a dishwasher.

The working principle is as follows - food waste are placed in the disposal through a hole, which is then closed with a lid. The waste enters the mixing chamber, where it is mixed and crushed. After this, the waste is sent to a processing chamber, where it is treated with a special compound. This mixture promotes rapid decomposition of waste. The result is an environmentally friendly ready-made fertilizer that can be used in the garden. The unit completes its full operating cycle within a day.

It works through an application in which the user can start the device, receive a notification about the end of the cycle, and check the processing status.

Such devices help relieve landfills, save on waste transportation and significantly improve the environmental situation of a particular location.

This gadget has a whole range of different tasks. It can determine air quality, measure its composition, and provide real-time meteorological reports on the state of the environment in and outside the home. The station has a built-in barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer. The device can also determine the noise level.

The connection is wireless. In the main mode, the weather station does not interact with a smartphone or computer; it connects directly to the Internet and transmits readings to the company’s server. Applications receive information from this server and display them on the owner's screen. It is possible to see what other devices near the user are showing.

Currently, technology is developing so quickly that today the concept of a comfortable home is no longer only stylish design interior Real comfortable home is a smart living environment, sensitively responding to the owner’s orders and independently maintaining the necessary parameters of the home.

The first reason is also the most important. A smart home is safer than a regular one. We are not talking here about all sorts of spy retinal scanners and laser sensors movements. Smart home security systems include control over alarms, gas and water leakage sensors, fire protection systems and video surveillance systems.

A smart home equipped with motion sensors and timers to automatically turn off electrical appliances allows you to save up to 40% on electricity. All temperature control systems and heated floors will be put into sleep mode every time you leave the apartment.

Thanks to the integration of all devices into one system, any electronics in the house can be controlled using your smartphone, even from another continent. Whether it's a TV, a light bulb in the living room or a lock on the front door. All this is tied up in unified system management.

Forget about flash drives, cables and adapters. Watching a movie, listening to music, surfing the Internet, doing all this is much more convenient in a smart home than in a regular one. Just imagine: you turn on the player in the bedroom and go to cook in the kitchen, where you listen to the same music through the kitchen speakers.

Have you turned off the iron? Did they bury front door? Didn't they leave open window? In a smart home, such questions simply do not arise. At any time, you open the control panel on your smartphone or laptop and see all the parameters of the home control system in real time.

Of course, before humanoid androids with artificial intelligence We still have a long way to go, although work in this direction is being carried out quite successfully. But now on the market you can find many offers of small home robots that perform certain functions. A robot vacuum cleaner, a robot cleaning the floor, a robot cleaning windows, and finally a robot that reminds you to take your medication on time or remember to go for a walk. All this is already reality.

Of course, a smart home cannot do without an appropriate household appliances. For example, refrigerators with built-in tablets for searching for recipes, online ordering products that are running out, or monitoring the expiration dates of all the products that are in it. Well, what about coffee makers that prepare coffee for you in the morning at the appointed time, or microwaves that warm up food before you get home from work?

In a modern technological home, not only gadgets and household appliances can be smart, but even the walls and floor. There are already technologies that make it possible to create wallpaper that prevents electromagnetic pollution and does not allow the Wi-Fi signal to pass outside the apartment. Or, for example, window screens. Do you think this is science fiction? No, this technology was introduced back in 2012. More recently, Spanish developers presented a smart flooring, capable of providing a uniform and stable Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signal throughout the house.

Vital sign monitoring systems can work in a single network with smart home systems. They can perform certain action scenarios. For example, a system that monitors elderly parents at home can, if one of the elderly falls, send a message about this to relatives or neighbors through the smart home hub, turn on an alarm, or send information to a doctor.

Far from being the least important attribute of almost any home are indoor plants. In the smart home control system, you can set up automatic watering of plants depending on the weather, soil, time of day and other parameters.

Here is how it was. Mikhail from Krasnodar approached me with an offer to help develop a “Smart Home” system for his cottage. Mikhail explained that he pursues several goals at once:

  • Learn to program Arduino controllers, improve your knowledge in the field of electronics, systems engineering, algorithmization, etc. Those. learn to develop fairly complex systems. He has experience working with electronics and microcontrollers. But he forgot something, he lacks fundamental knowledge, rather he is not a professional in this area, but an amateur. He also wants to get his 14-year-old son interested in this work.
  • With little material costs, get a workable system adapted to your task.
  • Gain experience in developing Smart Home systems, study the specifics of tasks of this kind.

Mikhail has a 3-story house on which he plans to test and operate the system. He is ready to gradually install controllers at home sites, test them, and gradually include them in the system.

I thought this would be the perfect topic for another series of Arduino tutorials. The Smart Home system is a distributed computing system:

  • with a wide variety of sensors;
  • With various types actuators;
  • with a variety of regulators;
  • with several levels of data processing;
  • with various transmission media, including wireless technologies;
  • etc., it’s impossible to list everything.

Many people especially noted my lessons in which I developed . In these lessons, I did not give out a finished project, but developed the device step by step, explaining each step. The “Smart Home” project cannot be developed any other way. It's a very big task.

Mikhail and I agreed that:

  • It defines the technical specifications for each controller and determines all design features.
  • Together we develop electronic circuits nodes
  • Mikhail assembles controllers and constructively brings them to finished devices.
  • We write resident programs somewhere together, sometimes I’m alone. How it goes.
  • I am developing top level test programs (for a computer).
  • Mikhail tests all this on real objects.
  • We adjust the programs, if necessary, and the controller remains installed at the site. Thus, the system will gradually grow.
  • Mikhail gives me all the test results, information about the objects we manage and all other materials.
  • I am gradually posting information on the site with explanations.

Mikhail wants to control everything that can be controlled. The system promises to become huge. In the future, it is planned to make options with completely wireless communication between controllers, possible different variants top level implementations. I would like to believe that the new section of the site will be voluminous and popular.

In addition to lessons and training materials, I hope fully functional controllers will be developed. A “Smart Home” system assembled using Arduino controllers should be very cheap.

I have no experience in developing such systems, but when the project is tested on a real object, experience comes on its own.

So, I will formulate the goals of the new section:

  • Educational articles, lessons on:
    • development of a complex distributed computing system;
    • connecting various sensors to Arduino boards;
    • control of actuators;
    • development of regulators;
    • use of wireless technologies.
  • Practical experience related to the specifics of developing Smart Home systems.
  • Workable controller projects from which a Smart Home system can be created.
  • I hope that in the end we will get a “people’s” Smart Home system with an extremely low price.
  • The project will be carried out “in real time”. Errors and modifications are possible.

“Smart Home” control system.

“Smart Home” is understood as a hardware and software complex for automating and controlling various equipment of an apartment or house. The goal is to achieve optimal resource conservation, safety, and comfort. The system must recognize situations occurring in the house and respond to them accordingly.

As a rule, a “Smart Home” is the integration of several control subsystems into a single system:

  • heating, ventilation, air conditioning;
  • water supply;
  • lighting;
  • power supply;
  • ensuring safety and security;
  • control of complex household appliances.

The Internet is replete with proposals for creating Smart Home systems. Ready-made modules are offered, from which the user can synthesize the system himself. There are many offers to install a turnkey system. According to my observations, the result is very simple systems that only allow you to manage something without leaving the couch, or the price of the project can reach 2.5 - 3 million rubles.

Basic principles of developing a “Smart Home” system.

So far the following principles come to mind. Perhaps life will change them or add new ones.

  • Our goal is to develop complex system from low cost components. As a result, we will use Arduino boards as controllers.
  • The system should be easy to expand. We will add controllers as development progresses. System configuration, i.e. the number and types of controllers can be easily changed at any stage of development or operation.
  • The system consists of several decentralized subsystems connected into a single system in one node - the central controller. Those. The system is built on the principle of local regulators - controllers that independently perform tasks even in the absence of communication. For example, a water leakage control system automatically shuts off the water in the event of an accident. But water supply control can also occur from a central controller.
  • The system can be expanded through segments with other networks, data transmission media, both at a lower level and at a higher level. For example, sensors or controllers can be connected to a local controller via its own network, including wireless. If I'm not mistaken, such networks are called heterogeneous. You can connect a computer to the central controller. This will be an expansion of the system towards the upper level.
  • We will use RS-485 as the main communication network. This is the cheapest and most reliable option for organizing a network.
  • In general, local controllers will be powered from a separate 12 V network. This allows:
    • simplify the system - there is no need to separate blocks nutrition;
    • simple ways to organize battery backup;
    • increase system reliability - if any controller freezes, the central controller can reboot the local controllers by turning off the general power.
  • Staging terms of reference for the development of local controllers will occur “on site” of their installation. Those. We will not now plan and describe in detail what controllers are needed, what sensors or actuators to connect to them. When the time comes to develop a specific controller, we will look at what room it is installed in, what elements need to be connected to it, etc.
  • The system will be developed from the bottom up. First of all, local controllers are developed. During the development phase, a computer will be used as the central controller.
    • Those. we are developing a local controller.
    • We install it on the object. Connect to the network.
    • Using a computer and a special test program, we debug the local controller.
    • Only when several local controllers have been developed and installed does it make sense to develop a central one. Even so, new local controllers will be tested using a computer.
  • We will use the standard protocol as the network protocol.
  • The system configuration will be done using a computer or tablet.
  • And the last rule is to have no dogmatic rules. If practice shows that we have made mistakes in some principles, then we must boldly cross them out and take new ones as a basis.

We will talk about all these principles later when developing system elements.

Control object.

I have already said that the system will be tested and operated at a specific facility. This is an already built town house (blocked development) with a plot of adjacent territory. The building consists of 3 floors and an adjacent technical room. The house plan looks like this.

Mikhail previously set the following tasks and functions for the system.


  1. Light control (zonal, with optional autonomous mode). 315MHz wireless light control modules are used, to which the signal is transmitted over the air from the controller through wireless communication modules.
  2. Irrigation control (zonal). Mandatory control of soil moisture, on the basis of which watering can be blocked. A soil moisture sensor is used for monitoring.
  3. Access system control (gates, barriers).
  4. Measuring weather conditions (temperature and humidity).

Residential premises.

  1. Light control (by room + zonal).
  2. Exhaust and forced ventilation(by premises). It works automatically, comparing the temperature and humidity of the air outside and inside the room, as well as with the possibility of manual remote override. Motor control from a relay module, humidity and temperature sensors DHT-22, as in paragraph 4
  3. Air conditioner control (by room). IR emitters are used.
  4. Irrigation system management indoor plants(individual by watering points). Similar to point 2, but without weather control.
  5. Control of blinds, curtains, etc. (individual). Relay control modules with limit position sensors.
  6. Temperature and humidity control (room by room). Standard DHT-22 sensors
  7. Gas control (gas leakage, CO2, smoke) (for “at-risk” rooms).
  8. Control of human presence (in control rooms).
  9. Management of power sockets and consumers (depending on the project and needs). Standard relay modules.
  10. Managing multimedia devices.
  11. Internet of things (status monitoring and control of individual devices - a refrigerator, for example).

Technical premises

  1. Management of a centralized water supply system (including metering).
  2. Centralized management heating system(including accounting).
  3. Centralized power supply management (including metering).

He schematically depicted the tasks of the Smart Home system as follows.

These are all just preliminary requirements. The functions of each local controller, and therefore the entire system, will be determined at the stage of its development “on site”. I provided this list rather to show the scale of the project. As far as I understand, Mikhail adheres to the principle that the system should do everything that can be done.

I will create a section on the site forum to discuss the project. If the questions are voluminous and require the presentation of diagrams or sketches, please communicate there, and not in the comments.

Progress moves inexorably forward. Many things that seemed futuristic just recently have become commonplace today. IN last years The installation of smart home systems is steadily gaining popularity.

Let's try to figure out what they are - a whim in the pursuit of fashion, or an indispensable attribute of residential premises of the near future.

What is a smart home?

It is human nature to strive to simplify our existence. Over the course of the 20th century, people have created many household appliances and devices that make housework easier.

This need was dictated by the growing pace of life; every minute in a busy schedule became crucial for life comfort in general.

The logical development of this process would be to combine various gadgets into one, which will save even more time and not bother you with unnecessary actions. The smart home system has become such a solution for the office and home.

In simple terms, it can be described as the transfer to one place of controls for lighting, heating, air conditioning, alarms and some household appliances.

Do you want the curtains to open for you when you come home, the music to turn on, or the coffee to warm up?

How do you like real-time SMS information about emergency situations or about a neighbor knocking on the door while you are not at home? Moreover, the smart home system can send its photo to your phone, capturing it with a camera. Today all this is possible.

System capabilities

Functionality and design depend on the needs and financial capabilities of the consumer. The list of configurations is very extensive, but any smart home system diagram includes three main elements:

Numerous sensors that collect information about air and surface temperatures, gate/door position, movements, light brightness, and so on.

An executive system responsible for transmitting signals to devices connected to the system. The impulse can be either mechanical or electrical, depending on constructive principle interactions.

The smart home system control unit, in which the user gains access to the functions of all connected appliances and devices. Stationary unit using software can be duplicated on a smartphone or personal computer.

Climate control makes it possible to maintain constant temperature and humidity in a room without human intervention, as well as to use energy as efficiently as possible in the absence of the owner.

The sensors of modern systems will notice that no one is home, which means there is no point in keeping the set temperature at 24 degrees - this extra costs, and the system will lower it to room temperature. Hygrostats will control the humidity level, and special evaporators and dehumidifiers, if necessary, will adjust it to the desired level.

Control warm floors, batteries and other heating devices will prevent overheating of the room and help save on utility bills or fuel if the heating is autonomous.

Lighting control will allow you to set the parameters of lighting devices under certain conditions. The most simple option- turning on the light when motion is detected will no longer surprise anyone. This method has long been used for street lighting.

But maintaining a certain level of light through regulation lighting fixtures and the position of the curtains, depending on the time of day, level natural light and the weather outside the window - this is already more interesting.

The specified indicators will be automatically saved and provide comfortable environment for an office or actively used garage.

The sophistication of alarm and safety equipment depends on where it is used. Smart home systems for apartments, as a rule, do not differ from standard alarm systems installed by security companies.

In the case of a private house with local area variations are more varied. To standard security system are being integrated additional sensors movements, surveillance devices, unwanted ones become available in apartment buildings siren functions.

For special sloths, manufacturers offer a huge selection of additional functionality expansion through software control of multimedia systems, kitchen appliances and other solutions, even exotic ones.

For example, in Lately Robotic cleaners, which are quite affordable, are gaining popularity. When all the owners of the home go out on business, the sensors see this and launch funny cars that roll along the floor, collecting dust and debris.

How to choose the right option?

Market presented big amount manufacturers providing services for any budget and needs.

Therefore, if your needs are limited only by finances, and if they are limited, you should decide which functions are really needed and which ones you just want to “have” or show off to your friends.

The type of room may impose certain restrictions. So, in the case of an apartment or house with already finished finishing, a wireless communications circuit may be required, which is more expensive and less reliable than a wired one.

In any case, even if you overpay a little by ordering unnecessary functions, the costs will be more than recouped by a completely different level of comfort, which will certainly appeal to all family members. And you won’t have to regret a single penny spent.

Photo of smart home system