home · On a note · Master class on making a composition with viburnum buldenezh flowers. Viburnum clusters made of polymer clay - master class Do-it-yourself viburnum compositions

Master class on making a composition with viburnum buldenezh flowers. Viburnum clusters made of polymer clay - master class Do-it-yourself viburnum compositions

Any modern girl wants her wedding to be perfect and not like everyone else's. To achieve such an “individual” version of the event, it is necessary to combine several points in the wedding plan. For example, Wedding Dress, wedding style, wedding bouquet. A bridal bouquet with berries is a great way to add variety to the traditional round bouquet that brides across the country love so much.

Which berries to choose for a bouquet?

It would be more logical to choose berries for a bouquet right on the branch. This makes it easier to insert them into the bouquet composition, and you also don’t have to glue one piece at a time to other elements of the bouquet. But you can also just take larger berries; they are also much easier to attach directly to the flowers.

List of berries suitable for a wedding bouquet


The good thing about rowan is that, as mentioned earlier, it is located directly on a branch, generally called a bunch. Rowan berries are large and bright red, but sometimes they are also bright orange. Such wonderful variegated colors of rowan berries are combined with mass bouquets. As for the color scheme, then bright shades red and orange flowers harmonize perfectly with shades of purple and burgundy, with pastel pink and dark blue colors, as well as Orange color looks great paired with white.


Viburnum berries are also located on branches, like rowan. The difference between viburnum is that its berries are slightly smaller than rowan, but at the same time they are bright red, their surface is glossy and they are not so dense. Viburnum has long been used at Russian ceremonial events, especially weddings and engagements, as its color is very vibrant. The color red, as you know, symbolizes girlish beauty and therefore brides often resorted to using viburnum. As a rule, these berries were used to create bouquets, hairstyles, and decorate tables and dishes. The combination of red color in viburnum looks perfect with green leaves from plants, yellow and purple.

Blackberries and raspberries

In order to beautifully, firmly and neatly place blackberries on a bouquet, slight difficulties may arise, since these berries are no longer located on the bunch, like the previous options. But the big advantage of this berry is its bright dark color and glossy surface. Bouquets using blackberries are simply perfect - they look amazingly festive, unusual and even modern. Beautiful alternatives to blackberries are raspberries. Of course, these are not exactly blackberries, but their shape and, in principle, appearance are very similar. Depending on the color scheme of the bouquet, you can choose what is more suitable - raspberries or blackberries.


The final item on the list of the most beautiful and common berries for creating bouquets is strawberries. Strawberries are considered one of the key berries when decorating flower arrangements. This berry is usually large and has its own unique texture; its color is also red. Strawberries are a fragrant berry; in addition to the fact that their presence in flowers will add beauty and uniqueness to the bouquet, the wonderful aroma of fresh berries will perfectly complement the composition of essential oils from flowers.

Other edible “decorations” for wedding bouquets

Not only berries, but also fruits are often used to decorate wedding bouquets. Usually a berry-fruit pair is used, so the bouquet looks juicier and more interesting, and also pleases the bride with pleasant fragrant aromas emanating directly from the “decorations”.


An apple is an extremely popular option for complementing berries such as rowan or blackberry. Usually apples are central figure compositions, since by their nature they are voluminous and take up a lot of space in the bouquet. Apples are usually an element of autumn bouquets.


Lemon, cut into small circles, is easy perfect option decorating a bright and lush bouquet of flowers, consisting mainly of plants that are quite familiar and simple to everyone. Florists often use lemon in their work.


By analogy with lemon, oranges are used in simple bouquets. It's just a matter of color combinations. Where you didn't go color scheme lemon, take orange as a backup option.

Photos of bouquets created using fruits.

Apple bouquet.

Lemon bouquet.

Orange bouquet.

Arrangement of bouquets with berries

It is the registration that usually takes a lot of time. We suggest considering several popular decorative solutions for decorating wedding bouquets.

Bright bouquet and use of viburnum

A round bouquet will serve as the basis for a flower arrangement with viburnum. To implement such ideas, many small flowers are usually used, for example, mini roses or daisies. Having created a round ball of plants, we carefully fill the voids between the buds with green leaves, and then insert viburnum branches into the almost finished product.

Unusual bouquet using blackberries

Blackberry bouquets are, as a rule, something chaotic, the so-called “floral hodgepodge”. The most incongruous flowers, different shapes and sizes of buds can be combined here. It is advisable to add thin blades of grass between the flowers, and then, as in the first case, insert blackberries into the voids. The main thing is to secure the berry tightly, otherwise it will easily fall out of the bouquet.

Lemon bouquet

Lemon bouquets actually look very beautiful and exotic. We create a round bouquet from yellow roses, inserting buttercups into the empty spaces. We decorate everything with lemon rings on top.

In autumn, with the advent of gloomy bad weather, viburnum ripens. They begin to collect it with the first frost. It is believed that if the berries are given a light frost, they will become sweeter. Bright ruby ​​clusters hang on the branches. Viburnum bunches are carefully cut from the bush.

For a long time, viburnum has been a symbol of female love, purity and chastity.

In those distant years, after all the labor-intensive summer work, weddings were celebrated in the fall.

A bouquet of viburnum was in the hands of every Russian bride.

Viburnum berries are red, sometimes bright ruby ​​- this is the color of love. Taste them, carefully examine the seeds. They are shaped like a small heart.

So viburnum became an indispensable attribute of a Slavic wedding for its bright color and the shape of its seeds.

Blooms in spring beautiful plant white fluffy baskets of inflorescences. The bush is so elegant and beautiful during this period, like a bride in front of the Altar.
There are many legends about viburnum, because it is loved by the people.
The people's love for viburnum is alive, but most of us not only do not remember the legends, but also know little about healing properties viburnum.

Kalina Composition

How is viburnum useful?

First of all, I would like to note that the berry contains a lot of ascorbic acid. For comparison, I note that there is 2 times more of it than in my favorite citrus fruits. Can you imagine how powerful it is?

Secondly, the berry contains a lot of iron. There is 5 times more of it than in an apple.

And look at the composition of vitamins: E, PP, A, K, B9.

Microelements and macroelements are the same as for selection: magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, zinc, chromium, potassium, cobalt, calcium.

The healing berry contains a lot chemical compounds: tannins, organic acids, triterpene saponins, pectin substances, flavonoids, resinous substances.

Viburnum Useful properties

Due to its rich composition, viburnum has numerous beneficial properties.

Effect of viburnum

  • anti-inflammatory
  • laxative
  • diuretic
  • restorative
  • sedative
  • sweatshop

Viburnum berries, leaves, bark, flowers are used in the prevention and treatment of many diseases:

  1. lower blood pressure
  2. calms nervous disorders
  3. relieve inflammation during colds
  4. excellent for coughs, throat and respiratory diseases
  5. treat digestive organs
  6. supports the liver - our second heart.
  7. Relieves swelling
  8. cleanses the skin in case of skin diseases.
  9. Indispensable for women's diseases

Viburnum Folk recipes

In folk recipes, viburnum bark and the bitter-tasting berry itself are often used.

The bark is harvested in the spring. This is done early, when there is sap flow in the plant. The bark is removed from the branches and cut into small strips. It is dried so that it can then be easily crushed. Take the required amount and prepare a healing recipe. The berries are harvested in late autumn.
According to doctors, viburnum bark has no contraindications.
Infusions and decoctions in folk medicine prepared from the bark, leaves and even beautiful flowers of the plant. It’s true that I’m always very sorry to cut off this beauty. In all this time I have only used white viburnum flowers twice. I made do with other folk recipes.

Even the seeds of viburnum are useful. According to traditional healers, they will remove all the stones in the body that are present in the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.
This is such a wonderful medicinal plant.
Viburnum infusion can be prepared in two ways, with and without boiling.

Pour a couple of tablespoons of raw material into 200 grams of boiling water. In the first case, leave for 20 minutes under the lid.

In the second, boil the contents for 20 minutes.

Then squeeze and take 1/3 cup per dose 2-3 times a day.

Decoction - when preparing it, any raw material is taken: bark, twigs, flowers, berries, both fresh and dried.

Be sure to boil, infuse, strain and take throughout the day.

Since ancient times, viburnum was prepared in homes with honey. I use this recipe every year, selecting some of the juicy viburnum berries. Get acquainted with useful recipe Can .

For the recipe, you can take the berries completely with grains, or you can grind them through a fine sieve and separate them.

But I don’t throw away the grains; I wash the remaining skin with seeds and separate the grains - the hearts. I dry them and use them for their intended purpose. I grind viburnum hearts in a coffee grinder. Take 1 tablespoon once a day. The course is long, but very effective. True, the grains need to be prepared for 3 months. Yes, you should take the ground grains before meals, after drinking big amount water.
Have you tried viburnum juice? I also assumed that it would have a bitter aftertaste.

Guess what, I didn’t guess right.
I made juice by adding 150 grams of granulated sugar to 5 kg of viburnum. Not a bit of bitterness. I really liked the juice.

I rejected its preparation, assuming in advance that the taste would not be liked by those at home. They all drink viburnum juice with great pleasure. Give it a try.

There is an opinion that wonderful plant helps with cancer. It is necessary to take infusions and decoctions for a long time. Can be consumed simply as a regular drink, instead of tea, every day. Malignant tumors are reduced.
Viburnum berries are dried, infused in water, and made into a tincture. Many people prefer alcohol tincture for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Using it, you can easily maintain the required norm.

How to prepare viburnum tincture?

It's not as difficult as it seems.

Wash the berries, you can separate them from the branches, but I usually put them with them.

Dry and place in a jar or other container. I fill it 2/3 with tart berries. I pour vodka so that the berries are completely covered.

I let it sit for a day without closing it with a lid or cork if I take a bottle.

Then I seal it and put it in a dark place as usual.

Our tincture will be ready in 20 days.
The approximate ratio is ½ kilogram of berries and ½ liter of vodka.
Take in small portions for prevention and treatment.

Kalina Skin Care

Viburnum is a good cosmetic product. Masks, creams, and lotions are prepared on its basis. It relieves rashes, removes age spots, and can be used to treat juvenile acne.

I often make cosmetic ice from the berries and use it instead of cleansing.

Viburnum tightens, rejuvenates and brightens the skin.

I like to make homemade lotion from viburnum juice. I have known the recipe for a long time and use this remedy more often in the fall.

I mix about 50 ml of pure viburnum juice with a couple of egg yolks, add a dessert spoon of olive oil and the same amount of honey. I warm the honey slightly beforehand.

I beat the mixture with a mixer. Then, stirring, I add a tablespoon of lemon juice and two more vodka. I beat it again.

I apply the lotion in the morning, wiping my entire face and neck. After a quarter of an hour, I wash it off with cool water.

I like viburnum lotion. It is more suitable for combination skin.

Before using in homemade cosmetics recipes, it is better to scald viburnum berries with boiling water.

I make various masks from viburnum with olive oil and sour cream, egg, honey.

For oily skin, you can add a little starch.

Sometimes I just combine the berries with kefir and apply them to my face if I’m in a hurry. We don't have enough time.

To get a good result, you need to carry out a series of healing procedures. Then your face will receive a lot of vitamins and will definitely rejuvenate from the miracle berries.

Viburnum Contraindications

Many have contraindications medicinal plants and viburnum is no exception.

Individual intolerance, the body's tendency to form blood clots, gout, increased blood clotting.

Kalina Family amulet

I dry the viburnum branches along with ripe berries in a vase. As soon as they wilt, I hang them in the house or leave them in a vase. It is believed that the amulet will protect your home, bring love and joy, and warm the hearts of loved ones in any adversity. I am pleased to look at a dried bouquet of viburnum and remember its lush bloom and radiance sun rays on ripe ruby ​​clusters. Everything goes on and on. Will New Year and everything will happen again.
Love viburnum not only for all the beneficial properties that strengthen your precious health, but also for its ability to give and protect your family hearth, to preserve the warmth and love of your family and friends.

Galina Tarasova

The holidays flew by like a colorful dream. September 1 is approaching - the day when schoolchildren will bring flowers to their teachers. Bouquets of asters, dahlias, zinnias and the most school flowers in the world – gladioli – will stand out against the general background of Dutch roses and will give your child’s teacher real emotions that smell of sun and garden. You can make such beauty out of garden flowers - what a salon! In this review we will tell you how to create an impressive and memorable bouquet from ordinary country flowers.

What should a school bouquet be like?

Autumn. This can be achieved with the help of color (by the way, autumn yellow-orange colors are also the colors of gratitude, and in a bouquet intended for a teacher, this is doubly appropriate). Rowan twigs or decorative cereals can add an autumnal “sound” to the bouquet.

Durable– let the flowers donated by your child please the teacher for as long as possible. Asters and garden chrysanthemums do not fade the longest among cut country flowers: a bouquet of them can last up to two weeks. Bouquets of zinnias and gladioli last a little less, with roses things are worse - it’s good if they last about five days, and shrub roses last even less. Lilies could top the list of long-lived cut flowers, but they are definitely not suitable for a school bouquet due to their strong smell and pollen.

Appropriate. It is wrong to give a strict male teacher a “girlish” bouquet of pastel roses - discreet plain flowers with dark greenery are suitable here. A good choice– gladioli or chrysanthemums, and the older the teacher, the more solid the bouquet should be. But you can give a young teacher a delicate bouquet in pastel colors. An authoritative, experienced teacher can be presented with large, double, ceremonial flowers. The boy can go to the line with a simple bouquet from one gerbera and greenery. Gerbera, by the way, can be replaced with sunflower. A girl with such a delicate bouquet.

Beautiful. For many garden plants There is amazing property: in a flowerbed they may not make much of an impression, but in a bouquet they look just great! So, sedum, which grows on every second garden plot, in the vicinity of asters or zinnias can become the basis of a good flower arrangement.

What flowers to choose for a bouquet?

Many parents of schoolchildren plant flowers so that they bloom just in time for September 1st. The basic country flowers for a school bouquet are:

Gladioli. True, these strict flowers can throw out their favorite trick and bloom as early as August. Dutch varieties from packages “fall short” of the start school year. Therefore, for the first of September bouquet, many gardening parents plant old Russian varieties in mid-May.

For bouquets, gladioli are cut as soon as the first 3 flowers open. To make the bouquet last longer, you need to pinch off the lowest bud and use a toothpick or needle to different places pierce bottom part stem.

Dahlias. For the bouquet, choose varieties with strong, dense petals that will not wrinkle and will withstand the school ruler without damaging their appearance. Plants are cut only when the flower is fully in bloom. Clear the petals from the part of the stem that will stand in the water, and the bouquet will live for a really long time. If you want to put dahlias in the same bouquet with other flowers, be careful. This is an aggressive flower, from the proximity of which others simply wither. But dahlias can be made friendlier by slightly scorching their stems with fire.

Roses second wave of flowering. These whimsical beauties must be kept in settled water (the water should be changed every day). You can extend the life of cut roses by scorching the stem and tearing off not only the leaves, but also the thorns. Freshly cut roses cannot stand being in the same bouquet with other flowers and quickly fade - to correct this circumstance, they need to be kept separately in water for several hours. By September 1, Ann Henderson, Pastella, and Anny Duperey will be in bloom. An original, eye-catching bouquet is made from Paso Doble roses. They bloom steadily at the beginning of the school year and last a relatively long time in The Fairy bouquet. Augusta Luise blooms until frost, which is why it is especially loved by parents of schoolchildren.

Garden chrysanthemums. Great choice for a school bouquet: these are the flowers that look fresh, cheerful, and somehow life-affirming in the fall. The main thing to remember is that you cannot cut chrysanthemums for a bouquet. Chrysanthemums for a bouquet are broken, and it is better to do this in the evening or in the morning. Flowers should be in full or almost full bloom. They will last in the bouquet even longer if you throw a silver spoon or decoration into a vase of water. They combine chrysanthemums with asparagus (especially large, cool colors), thuja branches (especially yellow, medium-sized) and fern branches (small-flowered). In the latter case, the bouquet should be low.

Asters. Along with beautiful, large-flowered varieties, small-flowered perennials can also be used - they will complement a mixed bouquet. To make a bouquet of asters last even longer, you should remove almost all the leaves from the stems, except the top ones, and change the water as often as possible. If you add a little alcohol to the water (a teaspoon per liter of water), the bouquet will break all records for longevity.

Gerberas – festive, elegant and at the same time quite official flowers. According to etiquette, they can be given to both men and women, and for a gift to a male teacher it is better to choose a bouquet of five flowers in burgundy and orange shades. Rose, chrysanthemum and aster go well with gerberas. Florists especially like to combine gerberas with roses. Five gerbera flowers, several medium-sized roses, lush greenery - a magnificent bouquet is ready. You can make a bouquet of just gerberas, for example, make the center of the composition light flowers, and the edges are dark.

The bouquet will last longer if you trim the ends of the flowers by about a centimeter every day under running water. There should not be much water in the vase: due to the small hairs that cover the stems of the gerbera, they quickly become covered with mucus.

Sunflowers. The teddy bear variety is especially suitable for a school bouquet. These soulful and cute “bears” bloom in mid-August and bloom until the frosts, they are invariably liked by teachers and, oddly enough, often win against the backdrop of prim roses from a flower salon. Both simple sunflower bouquets and mixes with them are good. Sunflowers are combined with gladioli in lilac and violet shades, and look good next to dahlias. The bouquet is complemented by rare sprigs of greenery.

Zinnias: There are tall and large varieties that look like double gerberas. In the first of September bouquet they look especially impressive: straight stems, elegant flowers. They are combined with light, delicate plants, for example, asparagus. For a bouquet, zinnias are cut, the inflorescences of which have opened ¾, and then they do not lose their natural colors for a long time and retain their freshness.

Marigold. Large varieties of these unpretentious flowers - 10-12 centimeters in diameter - are especially suitable for a school bouquet. Their orange-yellow-red color scheme and autumn scent with fruity notes fully correspond to the mood of the first day of the school year. The bouquet includes strong flowers with fully open inflorescences, but a dense core. The bouquet will last longer if you cut the stems to the height of the vase and remove the root leaves.

Snapdragon. These joyful ones bright flowers unusual shape always cheer up the person who receives them as a gift. They go well with many other country flowers: with the same bush roses, chrysanthemums, asters... Such a bouquet can be stored in a vase for up to two weeks.

Tall eustomas. These gorgeous exotic flowers can create a real sensation in the schoolyard. Eustomas are flowers popular among FORUMHOUSE gardeners. But among less advanced gardeners it is quite rare plant: you won’t immediately understand what kind of beauty this is, where it comes from. There is hardly a teacher who will remain indifferent to such a bouquet, but it would be more appropriate to give it to a young teacher.

Eustomas remain fresh for a long time when cut. While they are standing in the vase, some flowers on the stem dry out, others bloom - beauty!


I put them in bouquets for September 1st (in fact, that’s why I sowed them), I was tired of telling everyone what kind of animal it was.

These plants can play second fiddle in school bouquets perfectly.:

  • Jerusalem artichoke. You can make a bouquet of fiery red dahlias and yellow Jerusalem artichokes that look like strange daisies.
  • Aspagarus - asparagus for a bouquet.
  • Hydrangeas paniculata.
  • Decorative sedums.
  • Ornamental cereals.
  • Bladderwort.
  • Rudbeckia. They look great in a bouquet with any blue flowers and complement zinnias perfectly.

How to make a bouquet

The best bouquets are made from flowers different types, but you don’t need to collect everything that grows in your garden into one such mix. Two or three varieties of flowers will be enough, it is important that they are combined in color, mood (whatever you say, you can’t put a rose in the same bouquet with daisies), flower size and texture.

Make sure that the plants in the bouquet are different heights. Here is the formula that professional florists use when composing bouquets:

most tall flower- ¼ of its height = average flower;
average flower - ¼ of its height = shortest flower.

If you use this formula, all the flowers will be visible in the bouquet.

The color scheme of the bouquet for September 1 can be contrasting, for example, yellow-blue or yellow-violet; monochrome - when colors of the same color, but of different saturation, are collected into a bouquet; identical (for example, yellow-orange).

In the center of such a bouquet there can be any flower of any color, the main thing is that it is noticeable and stands out in the composition. It could be the largest gladiolus or sunflower, or the largest and brightest aster. The remaining plants, smaller and less bright, are gathered around in a spiral, and the stems can be fixed with tape. And by the way, have you probably noticed that bouquets containing flowers of varying degrees of openness - from buds to fully blossomed flowers - look especially attractive? Use this technique in your student's bouquet.

The stems of the finished bouquet are trimmed evenly with pruning shears and tied with a matching color satin ribbon, lace or decorative cord (the choice depends on the style of the bouquet). To prevent the ribbon from slipping, secure it with decorative needles. A beautiful ribbon and, if necessary, wrapping paper will give a bouquet of simple flowers a designer look.

Don’t be afraid to decorate your bouquet with greenery: a couple of branches and it will sparkle with all its colors. And decorative cereals: the main thing here is that the cereals in the bouquet are higher than the flowers, but do not obscure them.

If you want to give your teacher a floral arrangement that will last on the desk for a long time, it’s not as difficult as it seems.

♦ Decorate the jar or glass in which it will stand with wrapping paper.

♦ Cut out a piece of suitable size from green floral foam (oasis) and saturate it with water. There is one subtlety: the oasis must float freely in a container of water until it drowns itself - only then will it be completely saturated and be able to keep the composition blooming.

♦ Let’s start composing the composition. Florists say that when arranging flowers and greenery in a floral oasis, the main thing is to maintain the given shape: ball, trapezoid, etc. All flowers parallel to each other should be at the same level.

The composition can be decorated with school supplies: bright, sharp pencils, boxes of paints, a tiny decorative globe, etc. Can you use bright ones? autumn leaves, bunches of rowan or viburnum, fruits - from apples to corn... It is important not to overdo it: greenery and decorations should not draw attention to themselves, the main thing is the flowers.

Good afternoon - today I start series of articles for decorating your home in the fall. In this article I will show what principle should be used to compose autumn bouquets? I’ll show you how to choose the material... and what rules to use to design a bouquet arrangement. We'll see vivid examples autumn floristry of juicy flowers and dry bouquets of leaves... How to make short bouquets made of autumn material. I'll tell you what original vases can be made from simple pumpkins, zucchini and cabbage... In short, there will be a lot of interesting things.

So... let's start our floral selection..

AUTUMN BOUQUETTS - from branches, herbs and flowers.

It is better when the autumn bouquet contains more bright and rich flowers. Asters, roses, ripe juicy fruits rosehip+ small inclusions of fresh leaves and stems of herbal plants.

To the bouquet looked like one solid whole– it makes sense to TILE IT into a single BUNCH – and then insert it in a bundle as a WHOLE AUTUMN COMPOSITION into a vase.

It is not necessary to use long stems of flowers and plants... An autumn bouquet can be made from short cut flowers and branches(as in the floral examples below).

Branches fruits of rose hips, hawthorn, barberry and rowan The bouquet creates a special flavor of autumn floristry. You can also add deciduous branches of bushes or trees... heavy fruits along the bottom line of the composition and blue flowers along the top edge of the bouquet.

Autumn flowers: garden roses, asters, rose hips and wild roses... And original floral inserts - in the form miniature pumpkins or pumpkins... In order for heavy pumpkin fruits to hold well in a bouquet, you need to carefully “drill” a hole in them... find a strong branch... and pin the squash onto the branch. And just like that, insert it on a branch into our autumn bouquet.

Any container can serve as a vase for an autumn composition... for example tin milk jug(as in the photo above). Or a clay decorative amphora... or you can place a vessel with water in a wicker basket.

Fresh berries can also be present in an autumn bouquet.

Branches of red currant will give the bouquet a juicy shade - especially if the roses also match the color of the berries. And by the way... in the same composition in the photo below clearly you can see the RULE OF THREE CLASSIC LINES of a bouquet(which I will talk about below).

Autumn bouquets of LEAVES.

You can just cut it off from dwarf maple beautiful branches with yellow maple leaves. Let their beautiful twigs be visible in the crystal water of a transparent vase.

And another interesting move - if you put cleanly washed carrot root vegetables– there is no need to cut the tops, they will serve as part of the autumn bouquet. And by the way, one classic rule of composition (and not only autumn) can be seen in this bouquet.

Dry transparent leafy stems It’s better to choose tall ones - so that they create the TOP EDGE of the bouquet... and place them on the BOTTOM bright juicy flowers and leaves.

HOW to compose a bouquet - rules for the correct placement of lines.

The bouquet also has a RULE OF LINES... This rule is well illustrated by the following photograph. It is necessary to comply with Three main directions (see yellow branches)– a branch UP with a slope to the left... a branch to the LEFT with a slight rise... a branch to the RIGHT almost horizontally.

And for balance, a few branches or stems should hang down (these are the brown branches in the photo below)

Here is a bouquet below - also created according to the same principle of THREE CLASSIC LINES OF COMPOSITION.

LEAVES AND FLOWERS - a friendly combination of shapes and shades.

Small bouquets of flowers look beautiful autumn flowers and large leaves... Chrysanthemums are ideal for this purpose - they last for a very long time without fading...

The color of tea roses... and the orange-yellow hue of lilies match perfectly with the shade of autumn foliage... and in the bouquet we emphasize this color match with green-leafed plants. And also note that as linear elements- are used plant seed stems(brown in the photo below).

Here's an example of how You can make “tea” roses with your own hands from ordinary maple leaves. Below we see the very essence of the technology - and to help ourselves it’s better to take duct tape to wrap the bases of such leafy buds along the way (and it is better to choose a green ribbon - sold in construction and florist stores).

DRY BOUQUETS for autumn interior.

DRY BOUQUETS are great idea for long-term interior decoration. Such autumn compositions do not need moisture. Such a dry bouquet can even be painted with spray paint (as in the photo below).

Or bouquets can be arranged as decorative "heap" from leaves, cones, plant seed pods, dry branches, berry umbrellas and other natural material.

MINIMALIST DESIGN – in the design of an autumn bouquet.

The bouquet can be quite modest– the main thing is that the design is stylish. Here's how in the photo below - you can glue funny inflorescences from acorns and acorn caps... and insert such dried flowers into a vase along with oak leaves. This is a great fall craft for kindergarten(can be done with your child). You'll just have to make the wire holders yourself.

Even so modest composition of leaves in beakers– looks self-sufficient. Also an example of minimalism in an interior bouquet.

After all, you really don’t need much. Small flowers... stalks of cereals... umbrella branches with berries - and now you have a beautiful autumn bouquet for a small composition on the table.

Or you can use cups of flowers with a very short stem- if you place them at the bottom of a large glass vase. For linear harmony, add tall stems- but in muted colors... so that they do not draw attention to themselves and the center of the composition remains JUICY BRIGHT FLOWERS.

Or flower cups can be arranged beautifully flower carpet in a flat vase(similar to a bowl or salad bowl).

By the same principle you can make a bouquet of rowan branches, juniper branches and pine needles...

If you haven’t found a beautiful salad bowl... then you can mask its walls with dry leaves- securing it all with turns of coarse rope, or woolen knitting thread (as in the photo below).

And by the way - this photo below is an example of that HOW TO EXTEND THE LIFE OF YOUR WILLING ROSES(which were given to you... they are standing in a vase and have already drooped their heads and are about to start losing their petals - despite the fact that you change the water and trim the stems)...

Withered calyxes will instantly come back to life... if you cut them short. put it in a small bowl (as in the photo below) and decorate the bowl with this leafy wrapper... The secret is that it won’t take long for the water to get to the bud along a long stem... the buds will receive plenty of water and again the petals will become dense and elastic... and your roses will delight you for a long time...

AUTUMN BOUQUETS - on an “oasis” (floral foam).

You can make a bouquet arrangement in the EASTERN STYLE - when the material for bouquets OASIS is placed in a flat vase (this is a porous material, plasticine foam. It is soaked with water and the stems are stuck into it - such a bouquet lives for a long time due to the moisture accumulated in the oasis. And it just takes time Moisten this floral sponge with water from time to time.

In such an oasis you can stick not only stems of flowers and herbs, but also pine needles... cones... poppy pods... and other natural materials. And as we see in the photo below, the oasis can be placed on a cut of an ordinary birch log.

Autumn bouquets are made from APPLES.

You can make the beautiful bouquet arrangements with apples in the photo below with your own hands.

In order for the apples to stick, you need pin on holders. It could be metal holder- with spread out peaks... insert the holder into the water... prick apples onto the peaks... and fill the gaps with other vegetation.

Or a holder can be replace with sharp knots... sharpen strong thin branches with a knife...prick apples onto the branches...insert them into water under different punctures...and fill the remaining gaps with autumn flowers and leaves.

You can also use SWEET PEPPER FRUITS in a bouquet...

Fruit-bearing VASES – for autumn bouquets.

Citrus and pumpkin crops have a strong, waterproof PEEL. This brings up the idea of ​​using them - AS A VASE.

It is enough just to cut off the top of the fruit... remove the pulp from it... fill it with water and place our autumn bouquet in such a fruit vase.

And even cabbage can become a vase. No, the pump itself will not hold water for long... most likely it will leak. But you can be smarter... make a recess in the rocker... into which to insert a small vase of water.

But the most convenient thing, of course, is pumpkins - such a vase can be used many times... And not only as a vase, but also as a candlestick for autumn evening gatherings with cozy candle lighting.

In addition to the classic round pumpkin, a vase for a bouquet in the fall can serve pathesons, zucchini and decorative pumpkin crops having a bizarre curved shape.

And even decorative pimply fruits - which are not stable - can be placed on their side - and the neck of such a fruit vase can be made - in the side of the fruit. (as in the left photo below).

Or a vase can be made from birch stump... this is of course not a fruit - but also part of the plant world.

Vases with decorative filling for bouquets.

As a filling in a vase, you can use acorns... pine cones... rose hips... apples... beans... cereals... and other bulk natural material.

And most importantly... pour water into yourself bulk material do not do it... otherwise the water will simply darken and all this beauty will simply rot. Better to do the smart thing.

IN wide vase– place narrow vase... so that there is space between the vases. And so we pour water for the bouquet into the inner vase... and pour some natural material into the space between it and the outer vase.

And also...

I have prepared articles on creating autumn floral masterpieces from natural materials for interior decoration...

Autumn table setting – 40 photo examples.

Happy fall crafts.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Kalina buldenezh – amazing beautiful bush! Its flowers look like snow-white balls. In France this plant is called “ Snow globe”! And if someone has this growing in their garden decorative bush, then I’ll show you using viburnum bedenezh.

Here's what you need for this:

Branches with inflorescences of viburnum buldenezh (can be bought in florist salons), roses of the Miss Piggy variety, lisianthus, mantle, basket, floral sponge for fresh flowers, transparent packing tape, scissors. If you do not have such colors in stock, then you can use any that are at hand - the main thing is to understand the technology. Here you have them, bought in a store and cut in the garden.

Flowers, including flowers, must be given water for at least 4 hours. To do this, renew the cut of the flowers and place them deep in cool water. Not saturated with water, cut flowers stand very poorly in the composition and quickly wither, even if they are freshly cut.

Cut the floral sponge with a knife to the size of the basket so that it fits there freely, wrapped in film. Then the sponge needs to be soaked in water. To do this, pour into a deep container clean water and put there the cut under right size sponge You cannot put the sponge into the water with your hands - it should sink on its own, gradually becoming saturated with water. If you force it under water, there will be dry voids with air inside and the plants anchored in these dry places will wither without water. The sponge, carefully placed on the surface of the water, should be evenly saturated with water and sink to the bottom itself from gravity. Try to ensure that the height of the water in the container is greater than the height of the sponge itself. Then wrap the sponge saturated with water in transparent film, so that water does not leak into the basket. Place the sponge wrapped in film into the basket. We cut off the strongly protruding edges of the film with scissors.

Let's start doing it ourselves flower arrangement. First, let's determine the height. To do this, we select the most elegant branch and, having cut the stem diagonally, stick it into the sponge to a depth of at least 2 cm. We place thin branches with small buds in our composition in steps. The lower the level, the more shape colors. We place roses in the middle part. At the bottom of the composition we place flowers of viburnum buldenezh.

We add mantle greens between the florets to give it a more subtle texture. For a light effect, we add graceful blades of grass and twigs with buds. Open places Cover the sponge with twigs and leaves. Our composition turned out to be tender, juicy and quite elegant. - a very interesting, enjoyable and educational activity. Every time we get something new and very beautiful! Creative success to you!

Sincerely, Larisa Kornelyuk.