home · On a note · Mock orange in Siberia - correct pruning in spring. Pruning mock orange after flowering: what you need to know about the formation of the bush. Pruning ornamental bushes

Mock orange in Siberia - correct pruning in spring. Pruning mock orange after flowering: what you need to know about the formation of the bush. Pruning ornamental bushes

In gardens and dachas near Moscow, the lilac flowering is ending, and soon its smell will be replaced by jasmine - mock orange, which gardeners mistakenly call jasmine, will bloom. How to prune lilacs after flowering? Why do you need to remove root growth? How to propagate lilacs if you are crazy about the shade flowering bushes neighbors' lilacs? When is it time to plant a new mock orange bush? We talk about the most popular garden shrubs.

Lilac: planting and care

The best time for planting is September. Depending on the size of the seedling, the planting hole should be 60(80) × 60(80) cm. Place the seedling in the hole and carefully begin filling it with soil. The root collar should be located 4–6 cm above the soil level. Having sprinkled the root system with a 3-5 cm layer of fertile soil, fill the hole with the remaining soil and trample it firmly with your feet, starting from the edge.

In dry weather, be sure to water the plant - a lack of moisture will have a bad effect on the flowering of the next season. Weed the soil, mulch it, and generally use standard measures to combat weeds and drought in the summer.

Lilac produces a lot of root shoots, which are recommended to be removed immediately after their appearance - too many invaluable resources are spent on forcing them out. nutrients, which directly affects the development of the mother plant, weakening it. And in the case of grafted varieties, never use wild shoots for propagation!

Syringa vulgaris, sp.
Sem. Olives
Height: from 2 to 6 m
Width: from 2 to 4 m
deciduous shrub
Optimal location: in the sun or partial shade
Frost resistance: frost-resistant
The soil: regular, dry garden soil
Use in design: high hedge, soliter landing
Trimming period: early spring, summer

Lilac pruning

Formative pruning. For bare-root seedlings, take care to trim the ends before planting. Also cut all branches to half their length.

If the bush was purchased in an earthen container, then do nothing until it blooms. At the end of flowering, cut in half all the shoots that bear inflorescences.

Sanitary pruning. In early spring, branches that are weak, withered and growing inside the bush are pruned; in grafted lilacs, wild shoots are also removed as they appear.

A second pruning is done in the summer. Flower buds form on last year's shoots. Therefore, faded panicles are cut off, trying not to damage the shoots located next to them, on which flower buds are laid - from which flowers will appear next year.

Lilac propagation and grafting

Propagation by cuttings. Heeled cuttings are used, taken from the mother plant between April and June. Dust the ends with hormonal powder and place in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Graft. In the middle zone, the best time to graft lilacs is July. Graft varietal lilacs using the budding method “under the bark”, using common privet, Hungarian lilac and common lilac as a rootstock.

Chubushnik: planting and care

Prepare a planting hole 60(80) × 60(80) cm. Loosen the soil at the bottom of the hole and along its edges, place the seedling in the center landing pit. Fill with soil, compact and water fresh plantings generously.

Lightweight spring weeding in the tree trunk circle of the bush will not only relieve pesky weeds, but will also ventilate and loosen the soil. Mulching the soil will also benefit the plant, but neither fertilizer nor additional watering of the bush (except in cases of particularly long and severe drought) makes much sense.

After a good ten years of service to the good beautiful landscape your plot, the mock orange will begin to slowly wither, and fewer and fewer new shoots will appear from year to year. There is no choice but to replace old bush on new.

Philadelphus coroonarius
Sem. Hydrangeaceae
Height: 3m
Width: 2 m
Classification by foliage type: deciduous shrub
Optimal location: in the sun or partial shade
Frost resistance: frost-resistant, easily tolerates frosts down to −30 °C
The soil: ordinary garden soil
Use in garden design: in a decorative shrub group, in a beautifully flowering loose hedge
Trimming period: after flowering

How to trim a mock orange bush

Formative pruning. In case you are dealing with a seedling with an open root system, trim the tips of the roots - this will promote the formation of new suction roots after planting. As for the seedling itself, immediately after planting, cut all shoots by two-thirds of the length to stimulate branching.

In the second year, the pruning shears can be left to gather dust on the shelf - let the bush grow.

Sanitary pruning. As soon as the bush has finished flowering, cut off all flower stalks, cutting them just above the young shoots, as close to the ground as possible. Get rid of crooked, underdeveloped and dried branches, as well as those that violate the symmetrical contour of the bush.

Propagation of mock orange by cuttings

Cuttings are cut in June, approximately 12 cm long. Remove most leaves, treat the tips with a growth stimulator and plant them in a greenhouse in a damp mixture of sand and peat. Soon the rooted material will be able to be planted in the school and only then on permanent place in the garden.

Comment on the article "How to prune lilac and mock orange? Flowering ornamental shrubs"

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How to prune lilac and mock orange correctly? Flowering ornamental shrubs. In early spring, branches that are weak, withered and growing inside the bush are pruned; the grafted viburnum bullonezh is good in itself, as is the gray spirea, it blooms early; I have 2 more mahonias together...

In gardens and dachas near Moscow, the lilac blossoms are ending, and soon its smell will be replaced by jasmine - the mock orange will bloom. The lilacs are not growing! Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables...

Graduation in kindergarten. Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine. Please tell me who gives what in the kindergarten for graduation and how: to the teachers or to the group something? How to prune lilac and mock orange correctly? Flowering ornamental shrubs.

See other discussions: How to prune lilacs and mock orange? Flowering ornamental shrubs. In gardens and dachas near Moscow, the lilac flowering is ending, and soon its smell will be replaced by jasmine - the mock orange will bloom. In early spring, they prune...

Lilac. questions.. Flowers. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchase, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries For lilac lovers. This afternoon I went for a walk to the Lilac Garden. How to prune lilac and mock orange correctly?

Can you grow it as a tree (remove all the shoots, leaving 1 trunk) or is it a separate variety. In gardens and dachas near Moscow, the lilac flowering is ending, and soon its smell will be replaced by jasmine - mock orange will bloom. In early spring, weak, dried and...

I want lilac! On the beds. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings How to prune lilacs and mock oranges correctly? But I don’t know anything about her... how is she? Does it grow quickly, does it take root well? or...

Decorative shrubs. Landscape design. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: purchasing, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs Look at other discussions: How to properly prune lilacs and mock orange? Flowering ornamental shrubs.

Mock orange Philadelphus from the Hydrangeaceae family can be found almost throughout the Earth in the northern hemisphere, although Greece is considered to be its homeland. The origin of the name of the shrub is even more interesting and is connected with the Greek province.

Local residents have mastered the craft of making smoking pipes, and by the name of the province - Chubukov. And although mock orange is similar to a shrub such as jasmine only in visual indicators, gardeners do not want to give up their erroneous opinion, continuing to call mock orange jasmine.

How to plant mock orange

So that the shrub can show all its beauty, first of all, a suitable place for it is determined.

If the selected area is swampy and shady, he is unlikely to like it.

In such conditions it will stretch out greatly in search of sun rays, delay flowering dates.

And in the worst case, it will disappear from excess humidity. Therefore, it is so important to select a location on the sunny side of the site, with soil without signs of waterlogging.

  1. You need to start by preparing a hole for garden jasmine. Its dimensions completely depend only on the volume of the root of the bush. Usually small shrubs are planted, for which a hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 is considered the most suitable.
  2. If you are planning to plant mock orange as an element of a hedge or in composition with other ornamental shrubs, you cannot ignore such an indicator as maximum size crowns of jasmine. When planting a plant to create a hedge, the distance between the bushes is maintained at 0.7 m. With compositional planting, this figure doubles and is 1.5 meters.
  3. Before you start planting the plant, you need to prepare the soil. It should contain 1 share of sand, 2 shares of humus and 3 shares leaf soil. Before planting the plant, you should dig it in with prepared soil so that the roots do not become weathered. It is also important to take care of drainage, the height of which from the bottom of the pit should be at least 15 cm.
  4. When planting mock orange, carefully monitor the root collar. It should not be located very deep. The depth limit for the root collar is 2 cm from the surface. If you ignore this condition, the jasmine may die from rotting.

How to care for mock orange in the garden

Garden jasmine does not require a scrupulous attitude. One has only to devote the minimum amount of time to him, and he will thank him even more. lush flowering. We'll tell you more below.

What, how and when to feed mock orange

Only once a year, in late spring, one bucket of diluted infusion of slurry is brought under the jasmine bush. To do this, take 1 part slurry and 10 parts water. Starting from the second year, in addition to manure, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is added.

It includes:

  • urea, in the amount of 15 g,
  • potassium sulfate - 15 g
  • and superphosphate in the amount of 20 grams.

All these components are diluted in a bucket of water, which is enough to feed 2 adult plants. This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually at the beginning of the growing season, in the spring. After jasmine blooms, urea is excluded from the fertilizing composition, while wood ash is added.

In a bucket of water dilute:

  • 15 grams of potassium sulfate,
  • 30 grams of superphosphate, wood ash 100 gr.
  • This solution is enough for 1 m² of land.

How to water mock orange

During planting, 10 to 20 liters of water are poured under, depending on the size of the bush. Then another 30 liters of water are distributed to water the plant in the first 2 summer months.

Garden jasmine has enough moisture that gets into the ground with precipitation and morning dew. Only in dry periods is it sometimes worth watering the bush abundantly, but without stagnating water.

How to prune mock orange after flowering

Even at the very beginning, before planting, it is necessary to inspect the bush, remove all branches that interfere
formation of a beautiful crown. Leave branches with two or three healthy buds at the base of the bush. The rest must be removed.

A year later, after the mock orange has faded, an inspection is carried out. They do this in order to eliminate weak branches and those that have undergone a degenerative process. They are removed until growth begins. In the third year and subsequent years (after flowering), the branches are cut down to the part of the growth on which flowering was observed. If pruning rules are violated during sanitary pruning of the bush, up to 25% of dead and old branches are removed. Each next year It will be easier to trim and shape the crown of the jasmine bush.

Trimming jasmine video:

How to propagate mock orange

To propagate plants, use one of the 4 proposed methods:

  • dividing the bush
  • layering
  • cuttings
  • seeds

The plant tolerates any type of propagation well and gardeners have no difficulties with this. When choosing one method or another, you need to know that using a bush seed for propagation, jasmine flowering can only be observed 3 years after planting.

Propagation of mock orange by cuttings

You can propagate mock orange from cuttings in several ways:

  • using annual cuttings cut in early spring, before the start of the growing season;
  • using cuttings taken in the fall.
  • green cuttings.

Further actions will depend on which cuttings are used for transplantation.

How to root cuttings taken in the fall

  • Cuttings are stored until spring. For this they will use basement, Where
    zero temperature is maintained.
  • With the onset of spring, prepared cuttings are placed in holes with sandy soil. In this case, the pair of upper buds should remain above the surface of the earth.
  • By autumn, a full-fledged root will form.
  • Next spring, when the cutting comes out of dormancy, it is cut off. They do this in order to give way to the development of young shoots.
  • In the fall, a fully formed young bush is transplanted to a permanent place specially designated for it.

How to root garden jasmine cuttings cut in spring video

  • Cuttings are cut only from the healthiest and strongest branches. As for their length, approximately 6 - 8 centimeters is quite enough. Each cut cutting should have a pair of leaves and an internode.
  • In order for such a cutting to form a root, it is placed in greenhouse conditions and planted in prepared soil rich in humus, turf soil and sand.
  • The depth of the cutting is 1 cm.
  • After planting, the cuttings are sprayed several times a day. They do this so that it takes root faster. Approximately, the rooting period of cuttings is 2 - 2.5 months.
  • Hardening young plant- This is one of the important stages carried out after rooting the cutting. To do this, they begin to open the doors of the greenhouse in the evening hours. For the winter, hardened cuttings with a formed root system are buried in open ground on the leeward side.

The cuttings are transplanted to a temporary place by May, but the plant can count on a permanent place of growth only after three years.

Reproduction of mock orange by layering

In order for the process of propagation of mock orange by layering to be successful, the most beautiful and healthy bushes are selected in advance, pruning them to the ground in the spring. During the growing season, instead of old branches, young flexible and pliable shoots will begin to emerge.

Next spring, before the first leaves appear, a wire harness is placed on the flexible stem at a distance of 1 cm to the lower bud. After thickening, the stem sprouts roots. They become part of the single root system of the new bush. As soon as the first signs of rooting of the stem appear, it is tilted and sprinkled with nutrient soil.

During the season they hill up a couple of times and do not forget about watering. You should start separating this mock orange stem only with the onset of calendar autumn. Carefully ensure that it is well rooted and has new shoots. It is better not to transplant it immediately to a new place, but to arrange it in a temporary bed so that it becomes strong and hardy. In a couple of years, the mock orange will be ready to be transplanted to a new (permanent) place.

How to propagate garden jasmine by dividing the bush

Large jasmine bushes cannot be handled with this type of propagation. A young shrub is very suitable. It is not difficult to remove it from the ground and carry out all the operations to divide the bush.

At the first stage, the bush is dug up and carefully freed from lumps of earth so that it is clearly visible in which place it is preferable to divide it. It is important to carry out this procedure correctly, even if the bush is not divided in half. They look more at how it develops root system. When dividing, try not to harm the plant.

It is better to divide the bush in autumn period(For middle zone- this is October). Some experimental gardeners are not averse to dividing the bush in the summer. This is also possible. Just make sure that these manipulations do not coincide with the flowering period of the plant. Despite the fact that the transplantation takes place in the hot summer, new jasmine bushes are still planted in sunny places in accordance with the requirements of the plant itself.

Growing mock orange from seeds

And this method of reproduction requires special knowledge, the right approach, which boils down to the following:

  • Purchased or those seeds that were collected on the site after ripening are sown in early spring in late February - early March;
  • Before sowing, prepare the soil, which must contain 3 components: peat chips, sand and humus;
  • Seeds for planting are placed in an elastic stocking, lowering it for 3 (or more) hours. special solution, consisting of water and a growth stimulant;
  • Then the seeds are placed directly in this stocking in sawdust for a couple of days;
  • After 2 days, the seeds are removed from the stocking and dried.
  • Since the soil in the containers has already been prepared in advance, all that remains is to make furrows, lightly moisten the soil and plant the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Sprinkling peat on top, moisten it again and wait for the first shoots to appear;
  • When the first two or three true leaves appear, the plants are picked into separate cups and grown on a windowsill or balcony to a height of 20-30 cm.
  • You need to water moderately, monitoring the humidity and not allowing the earthen clod to dry out.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened off by taking them out into the fresh air. Gradually the plants get used to natural environment and can safely remain outside for 24 hours. So you can leave young bushes in a shady place in the garden until autumn. If there is no threat of frost, seedlings are planted in the garden in warm autumn and covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of leaves for the winter.

How to replant mock orange garden jasmine

Not only for its powerful snow-white flowering, but also for its good ability to adapt after transplantation, garden jasmine is valued by many admirers. For replanting, plants are used at any time except for the flowering period. If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then this year the jasmine will not delight anyone with its flowering.

When transplanting, the following steps are carried out:

  • the jasmine bush is filled with water, in excess, to make it easier to dig it out of the ground;
  • While the ground is saturated with water, pruning is carried out: old branches, including last year’s branches, are cut off completely, while young ones are slightly shortened;
  • then they dig up the bush and transplant it to a new place.

At least 2 buckets of settled water will be needed to water the transplanted bush. After which the ground around the plant is sprinkled with a layer of humus as mulch.

Why mock orange does not bloom Pests and diseases

Among the pests that can spoil the appearance of jasmine, the most common are spider mite, insects of the aphid family and leafy green weevil. You can get rid of them using insecticides. During spring and autumn processing bush, it is best to use karbofos in accordance with the instructions.

Mock orange may not bloom for the following reasons:

  1. The wrong place for the bush to grow is chosen. Shady places negatively affect the plant and should be replanted.
  2. The soil does not meet the requirements, the land is severely depleted. You should dig up and transplant the jasmine bush into the soil necessary for its normal growth and flowering. Only fertile, breathable soil, with timely fertilizing with mineral components and organic matter will be suitable.
  3. Jasmine does not like severe waterlogging. In areas where it is too damp, it is not recommended to plant mock orange. Good installation drainage system to drain water from the ground will be an ideal way out of this situation. Sometimes thick layer drainage of 15-20 cm, in a hole for planting crops, helps to cope with this problem.
  4. Feeding the bushes is not carried out according to the rules; excess nitrogen is introduced. If you follow all the requirements, the problem will disappear on its own.
  5. Both excessive watering and lack of moisture greatly affect the condition of the plant. During periods of drought, additional watering of the crop is organized, otherwise the plant not only will not bloom, but may also die.
  6. When planting or replanting a shrub to another place, make sure that the root collar is not buried more than 2 cm. Otherwise, it will support, which will lead to its rotting and, as a result, the growth of the plant will be inhibited.

How to care for jasmine in autumn and winter

Jasmine needs care with the onset of calendar autumn, so it is important:

  • feed the bush with mineral fertilizers;
  • water if necessary;
  • trim damaged, old and dry branches.

How to prepare a jasmine bush for winter dormancy

  • In the fall, you need to pay attention to mock orange, whose age does not exceed 1 year. It needs increased protection from winter cold. Using thick, warm batting, young bushes are covered and tied with twine;
  • In the area where the root system is located, leaf humus is scattered on the soil surface.
  • V winter time, especially after heavy snowfalls, free the bushes from the snow cap.
  • with the onset of the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it is also recommended to remove snow from the crown of the bush.

Mock orange in landscape design

Designers have found many ways to use snow-white jasmine bushes to renew
area adjacent to the house.

You can often see:

  • jasmine bushes as a hedge;
  • as an element in the decoration of alleys;
  • will attract attention as a lonely flowering bush;
  • in a single composition with other plants, for example, roses, hydrangeas;
  • like a symmetrical geometric pattern in landscape zone summer cottage;
  • in the design of a theme garden.

What can you say in conclusion?

Be sure to plant mock orange on your site. Let it be not just one species, but several, and then the whole summer you will enjoy the flowering of this unpretentious shrub. The unique combination of the color of green foliage and the color of snow-white jasmine flowers contributes to the harmonization of space and peace of mind.

Types of mock orange with description and photo

Gardeners loved it the following types of this crop, which have become very popular when decorating summer cottages:

  • Jasmine virginiana;
  • Mock orange crown,
  • Mock orange lemoine.

Any type of snow-white mock orange can decorate a garden plot and create a festive atmosphere. As for planting and caring for the plant, it will not be difficult due to its absolute unpretentiousness.

Mock orange Philadelphus coronarius

The crowned mock orange is also called the common mock orange. The maximum height that can be achieved by the plant is 3.5 m, and it will grow up to 2 meters in diameter. The reddish-colored shoots bear light green, pointed leaves.

Somewhere at the end of May, the mock orange blooms its flowers and pleases the eye for the first month. The five-petal flowers have a creamy hue and a very pleasant aroma. It is not pretentious, grows on any soil, is resistant to gusty winds, does not freeze in severe frosts. Very often, ordinary mock orange is used by designers when decorating the landscape.

Virginia mock orange or maiden mock orange Philadelphus x virginalis

Virginia mock orange philadelphus x virginalis ‘minnesota snowflake’ photo

Virginia jasmine was obtained by crossing small-leaved and evergreen mock orange. On garden plots grows up to 3 meters tall. Oval leaves, 7-8 cm long, together with brown shoots form the crown of the bush. From mid-summer it begins to bloom, releasing snow-white inflorescences consisting of flowers with double petals. The flowers reach 5 centimeters in diameter. Under favorable circumstances, at the beginning of September, the second flowering of Virginia jasmine of the season is observed.

Philadelphus × lemoinei

Mock orange lemoine differs from its counterparts in that it has small, ovoid leaves. The crown of the bush is thick and spreading. Reaches up to 2.5 meters (diameter). The flower petals are double at the end. It seems that with the onset of flowering time for the lemoine chebushnik, which falls in the month of June, its leaves begin to hide behind snow-white flowers. A huge white ball is formed, which some time ago was completely green. This type of jasmine is characterized by the fact that it can also be two-colored. Through its snow-white petals a purple-pink core with golden stamens is visible.

Garden jasmine is an unpretentious crop. But if left untreated, old and damaged branches do not allow new shoots to grow. They become a source of disease and a haven for pests. The plant loses its decorative qualities. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to trim the crown in a timely and correct manner.

Description and characteristics of culture

Jasmine refers to two different types of plants. The present one is an indoor plant belonging to the olive family. Shrubs growing in the garden are also called jasmine for the similar scent of the flowers. In fact, this is a mock orange plant belonging to the Saxifraga family.

Jasmine is a spreading multi-stemmed shrub. Flowering continues from late May to mid-summer depending on the variety. Mock orange is decorative throughout the growing season. The flowers are large, in some varieties reaching a diameter of 6 cm.

When growing freely, the branches reach a length of 2 m. They bend and look very sloppy. Because of them, the mock orange does not have enough strength to adequately feed new shoots. In order for it to constantly please the gardener with beautiful flowers, it needs to be cut regularly.

Plant pruning: basic rules

Trimming - important stage caring for mock orange. There are several types of procedures.

  • Shaping - allows you to change the crown, make it symmetrical, round, pyramidal, etc. Stimulates good growth of new shoots and flowers.
  • Sanitary - the main task is to improve the health of the plant. Broken, dry, old, diseased branches and shoots are subject to unconditional removal. It is better to do it at the end of winter before active sap flow begins.
  • Rejuvenating - updating the crown by removing all old and diseased branches.

On a note. The first time the shoots are shortened immediately after planting, leaving 2-3 pairs of buds at the base. Because of this, flowering will be delayed by a year, but many powerful shoots will appear. In the future, it will be easier to form a crown from them.

Jasmine pruning

What to do next when the jasmine has faded

During the growing season, new branches are formed, some of which are damaged by diseases and pests. They also need to be removed, so around August the mock orange is cut off.

How to properly prune jasmine after flowering:

  • thin out the bush;
  • shorten long shoots to adjust the shape;
  • remove faded inflorescences;
  • remove diseased and dried branches.

This procedure improves decorative qualities, sets the desired direction of growth and performs a sanitary function.

Pruning rules

For the procedure to be successful and beneficial, you need to know how to trim jasmine:

  • shoots that form at the base of the bush worsen its decorative qualities and are completely removed;
  • roots that appear on the surface of the soil are immediately cut off;
  • support during molding optimal height plants (1.5-2 m), so that the crown is evenly illuminated;
  • It is forbidden to cut strong branches too short and leave weak ones long;
  • You cannot remove the apical part of two-year-old branches, because the crown is formed from them.

Small sections may not be processed. Large ones must be covered with garden varnish.

Pruning rules

When and how to trim jasmine

Mock orange takes pruning well, so it can be done throughout the season. However, it is better to do this at a certain time.

How and when is the best time to prune jasmine:

  • in spring - remove frost-damaged and broken parts;
  • after flowering - when pruning jasmine, remove broken branches and wilted but not fallen inflorescences, thin out the bushes;
  • in the fall - mock orange is prepared for wintering by cutting off old branches.

Important! Thanks to the autumn procedure, the plant spends less energy on nutrition and tolerates cold better.

Flowering bushes are thinned out every year, because over time many basal shoots and twigs appear. The mock orange thickens greatly, the flowers and leaves become small. All weak basal shoots are cut to the ground.

The end of winter is the best time for rejuvenation. Over time, the number of leaves decreases, the branches look bare and unattractive. This sure signs aging.

While the buds have not yet swelled:

  • cut off old branches;
  • remove damaged shoots;
  • form a crown.

When and how to trim jasmine

Mock orange has a powerful root system that can provide nutrition to many new branches. That's why old crown boldly remove, stimulating the growth of shoots.

Important! After spring pruning Jasmine bushes are fed every 10 days with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. At the same time, they are watered abundantly, and the soil in the tree trunk circle is also mulched.

Pruning in autumn: basic rules

Before the procedure, it is important to prepare suitable tools for haircut:

  • hacksaw;
  • pruner;
  • lopper

They must be sharpened. Dull equipment cannot be used. It damages young branches. Fresh cuts are immediately covered with garden varnish to prevent frostbite or fungal infection.

The procedure is carried out until the temperature drops below -10°C. In frost, the bark becomes brittle. Because of this, there is a high risk of damaging healthy shoots.

Trimming occurs as follows:

  1. Tree trunks older than five years are cut down.
  2. Diseased branches growing inside the crown or at an incorrect angle are removed.
  3. Give the crown the desired shape.

In order for new branches to actively grow, mock orange needs increased nutrition. Fertilizing is carried out before pruning.

On a note. Autumn is the most suitable time for taking cuttings.

Pruning in autumn

The crown can be formed throughout the season if:

  • jasmine is too thick;
  • stretches in height;
  • grows asymmetrically.

These factors negatively affect flowering and inhibit the development of the crop.

How to properly form a jasmine bush:

  • To delay the pulling of fast-growing branches, their number is reduced by half. Thanks to this, lateral shoots appear, on which new inflorescences are formed.
  • To reduce density, up to 4 old shoots and branches growing inside the crown are completely removed.
  • To give the bush the correct shape, they practice pruning large and elongated shoots.

On a note! Most beginners don't know the best way to trim jasmine to make it look beautiful. Beginners can simply make the bush symmetrical. More experienced ones form it into a ball, cube or other geometric figure. If the plant develops normally and does not lose its decorative properties, then such pruning is carried out once every 4 years.

The best varieties for landscape design

More than 70 varieties of mock orange have been bred. The most popular in ornamental gardening are:

  • Avalanche - up to 1.5 m tall, with arched curved shoots. The flowers are white and fragrant. The petals are oval in shape.
  • Sibylla is a plant with a dense spreading crown up to 1 m high. The flowers are white, with a delicate pink tint at the base. The stamens are bright golden in color.
  • Ermine mantle is a compact (0.6-0.8 m) shrub with flowing branches. The flowers are white, semi-double, and smell like strawberries.
  • Moonlight - about 70 cm high. The shoots are thin, reddish. The flowers are double, greenish-cream with a strawberry scent.
  • Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya is a lush bush about 1 m high. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, white, double, with a light aroma.

Timely pruning of jasmine can restore the former beauty of a stunted bush. This mandatory procedure, healing and rejuvenating plants. If you properly care for your mock orange, it will bloom actively and profusely.

Many people are familiar with it from childhood. Huge, spreading, very beautiful bush with large star-shaped snow-white flowers, it seems to beckon with its sweet, unique scent.

Caring for this plant is simply a pleasure, since it does not require special attention. In order for jasmine to bloom magnificently and fill the garden with its intoxicating fragrant aroma, it is important to prune, water and fertilize.

Jasmine (shrub): planting and care, photo, pruning

To grow neat and beautiful plant, it is important to know and perform some agricultural techniques:

  • Jasmine tolerates shade well, so it can grow both in the sun and in shaded areas. But a plant planted in a well-lit area will develop much faster and bloom more profusely.

  • Planting of seedlings can be done in early spring or autumn. This favorable periods for rooting and development of young bushes.
  • The plant is not picky about soil, but it can only reveal itself in all its glory on fertile soil.

  • Jasmine does not tolerate stagnant water, so it is recommended to plant it in a high area or make preliminary drainage from crushed stone and sand, gravel or broken brick with a height of at least 15 cm.
  • The hole for planting the seedling is dug at least 50 cm deep. The soil must be sufficiently fertile. It is advisable to add nitrophoska (30 g). When planting a plant, it is important to ensure that its root system is buried no more than 3 cm into the ground. The soil around the bush should be compacted and watered abundantly.

    Jasmine pruning is performed as follows: an oblique cut of the branches is made at an angle of 45 degrees and all places are treated with garden varnish.


  • Fertilizing of garden jasmine begins approximately one year after planting.
  • Among organic fertilizers Slurry has proven itself well. To prevent the jasmine bush from getting burned, manure is diluted with water 1 to 10. This feeding is carried out once a year. You can also use wood (birch or apple) ash. For one bush, 100 g of such fertilizer is quite enough.

  • As mineral fertilizer can be used next lineup. For 10 liters of water take: 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium sulphide and 15 g of urea. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a bucket of water and the contents poured under one or two bushes. A faded plant can also be fed by adding 20 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium to the soil.

Jasmine: care and pruning

When growing jasmine, pruning is important process: it allows you to give the plant a neat and tidy appearance and helps the bush look healthy and lush. The first pruning is done immediately after planting the seedling. All shoots that are located incorrectly on the bush are removed, leaving only two or three branches with several strong buds. Everything else is cut out.

Jasmine is not a winter-hardy plant and needs warmth. In regions with a more severe climate, the bushes freeze every winter, and a lot of damaged, dry branches appear on them. That is why jasmine is pruned in spring after winter. It is done only with a sharp instrument. A high-quality pruning shears is perfect for these purposes.

Spring pruning

Jasmine is pruned in spring before the buds awaken. This procedure promotes more luxuriant flowering and good growth young shoots.

In order for the crown of the plant to be beautiful, when pruning it is necessary to remove all branches that are older than 9-10 years, as well as shoots that greatly thicken the crown. Usually, correct pruning Jasmine in the spring involves removing very mature branches to make room for young shoots. After this, the bush produces many young shoots, which will bloom magnificently the next year. The best time for spring pruning is considered to be the end of March - the first ten days of April.

If the bush is still young and no more than 2-3 years old, in the spring it is necessary to remove the branches that darken the crown. Typically, such pruning of jasmine is done one year after planting.

Sanitary pruning

Its goal is to remove all dry, dead, frozen shoots that could not survive winter frosts. All diseased and damaged branches that were broken by the wind are also removed. This procedure is done before the kidneys awaken and active sap flow begins.

Pruning after flowering

After jasmine blooms, it is also necessary to prune the bushes. Firstly, it helps to maintain the decorative properties of the shrubs, since the purpose of this procedure is to remove faded inflorescences. Secondly, pruning jasmine after it blooms contributes to the formation of a lush bush, since all varieties of this plant, especially vigorous ones, can grow one-sided in uneven lighting.

The procedure is done with a sharp instrument, and the wilted flowers are cut off. In this case, there is no need to treat the cut area. Also, shoots that are too long are cut off, spoiling the decorative appearance of the crown of the bush. At the same time, you can perform another sanitary procedure. To do this, inspect the bush, remove all weak and diseased shoots and broken branches.

Formative pruning

The height of jasmine can reach more than 2 m, and a bush that is too tall often looks rather untidy. For improvement appearance The plant undergoes formative pruning of jasmine. It must be done throughout the growing season. When forming a bush, branches that are too long are trimmed, giving the plant a neat shape. Thin and weak shoots are shortened by half or a third. The purpose of this pruning is to give the desired shape to the bushes. In addition, this procedure causes the growth of new young shoots, which will bear many flowers next year.

Formative pruning is also necessary if the plant is used as a hedge. To do this, the strongest branches are pruned slightly, and the thinner ones, on the contrary, heavily. This improves the shape of the plant and promotes good growth of annual shoots.


Over time, jasmine grows and its branches become bare. If the bush has become old, it is necessary to perform rejuvenating pruning. You can do it throughout the season, but best time for this it is considered spring. To rejuvenate jasmine bushes, you need to cut 4 or 5 trunks to 0.5 m, and cut the remaining shoots to ground level, that is, to the base. To prevent the plant from getting fungal diseases, all exposed areas of the cuts must be treated. The best remedy This is what garden varnish is for. After anti-aging pruning trunk circle mulch and fertilize with compost or mullein solution. The pruned shrub must be watered and fertilized abundantly throughout the summer so that it gains weight faster.

When new shoots begin to appear, they must be completely removed. After anti-aging pruning, gardeners leave no more than three strong branches on the stump. This is the future basis for a new bush. The very next year the plant will gain mass, and in two or three years it will be possible to enjoy the beautiful lush flowering of a dense new bush.

Autumn pruning

In the fall, sanitary pruning of jasmine is carried out again, and shoots that are too long are shortened. They also begin to prepare the plant for winter.

Typically, mature jasmine bushes do not need any additional preparation as they tolerate cold temperatures well. Behind winter period Over time, mostly only the tops of young branches are damaged, but after spring formative pruning, the bush quickly gains strength and is completely restored.

But it is not so easy for young plants to endure winter cold, therefore, if the jasmine bush is not yet a year old, it needs to be covered in late autumn.

In late autumn, the soil near the plant trunk is dug up and covered with mulch, manure, garden compost or pine needles. This is done to prevent the jasmine root system from freezing.

Thanks to its unpretentiousness and ease of care, ease of propagation, this plant has won the hearts of many gardeners. An adult beautifully flowering jasmine (shrub), the pruning of which was discussed in our article, is business card garden Enchanting unique aroma, abundant beautiful flowering, snow-white, simple, double flowers attracts the attention of all passersby. Looking at the bush, you just want to stop, breathe in its delicate aroma and enjoy its magnificent beauty.

Jasmine (care and cultivation in the garden, pruning are discussed above) requires the following activities:

  • weekly loosening of the soil;
  • removing all weeds;
  • application of organic and mineral fertilizers;
  • forming a bush, pinching the top to give it a beautiful and correct shape;
  • carrying out timely watering, do not allow the soil to dry out;
  • It is necessary to remove faded inflorescences;
  • thin out the bushes as necessary, remove weak and old shoots;
  • Apply phosphate-containing fertilizers to enhance flowering.

Garden jasmine is very attractive ornamental shrubs, which is given richness by fragrant and very fragrant, white flowers of rather large sizes. First of all, pruning is carried out so that the plant has the opportunity to bloom profusely; if this is not done in a timely manner, the branches will become sparse, bare, and the bush itself will become unkempt and very sloppy. Formative pruning helps the bush maintain its fullness, symmetry and neat appearance, because, most often, the plant develops unevenly and needs to be corrected.


Weakened branches need to be removed, this is done so that the jasmine can bloom again. full force. The best time for pruning is early spring; the tools you will need are: pruning shears, and you should also get a garden varnish for processing the cuts. There is no need to be afraid of doing something wrong or overdoing it; garden jasmine tends to grow quickly, and soon new, fresh shoots will be visible. It is worth noting that thinning promotes crown rejuvenation. It is necessary to remove the longest branches, but in no case should you spare them and be afraid of spoiling them; if you forget about this or postpone the procedure, the bush will be left without flowers. The removal of frozen shoots, tops, and shaping is done before the buds swell (spring), but thinning and removal of layering can be done in the fall. Again, it is important to know that long branches– it is necessary to shorten them in any case, even if they are not damaged, but if they are weak, they should be removed by no less than half.

Crown rejuvenation leads to abundant, healthy flowering and development. Inevitably, you will have to get rid of branches that are not useful or effective, because: they have already outlived their usefulness (old), damaged, broken. A branch can actively bear fruit for no more than five years. The bush should not be very thick or thickened, this makes it sloppy and extremely awkward. Thinning makes it possible to keep the branches at the same length, the shape looks attractive, and jasmine fascinates with its well-groomed beauty.


Once every three years, you need to carefully examine the jasmine and get rid of old shoots; all branches must be less than ten years old. The sections are treated with garden varnish. You cannot do without: thinning shoots, sanitary, anti-aging pruning, removing faded inflorescences. During the growing season, feed well, water abundantly, and mulch with compost. If, with the arrival of spring, you leave only a few of the strongest shoots and get rid of all the rest, the plant will become very beautiful in a year, and in three years it will bloom profusely and does not need special shelters.