home · Networks · Transplanting flowers in the fall at the Astilbe dacha. Astilbe planting and care in open ground, types and varieties, photos with names, propagation by cuttings. Morphological features and characteristics of the flower

Transplanting flowers in the fall at the Astilbe dacha. Astilbe planting and care in open ground, types and varieties, photos with names, propagation by cuttings. Morphological features and characteristics of the flower

Flower growers especially value unpretentious perennials, which decorate the site with bright, tremulous inflorescences year after year. Such crops include astilbe, planting and care in open ground which will not be difficult for even a beginner to follow.

Once you see the openwork foliage and the lush inflorescences rising above it, like airy foam, it is no longer possible to forget the appearance of a perennial ornamental plant! Even outside the flowering season, astilbes are graceful and attractive. It is not surprising that the plant is becoming more and more popular among gardeners. different regions countries. There are flower enthusiasts, for example, in Siberia, where it would seem one can only dream of planting and caring for astilbe.

In order for the beauties that appear on the site to feel comfortable, grow and bloom to the delight of the owners, you need to know something about the culture itself and the conditions acceptable for it.

Garden beauty astilbe

Astilbe – herbaceous decorative perennial, different kinds which arrived from Asia and North America. Depending on the variety grown, the height of the plant can vary from 20 cm to 2 meters; the shades of tiny flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences are also incredibly varied. Well-chosen plants will cover the garden with a cloud of shades of white, pink, red, purple and lilac. Leaves, like inflorescences, are decorative. Not only do they have an exquisite false dissected shape, but the color of the leaf blades varies from the usual green to burgundy or purplish-gray.

If you put a little effort into growing and caring, from June to August you will be surprised by friendly and long flowering.

In open ground it is a very grateful plant that responds well to attention, correct selection planting areas and effortless care. This is one of the few crops that not only tolerates, but also prefers partial shade. Astilbe has very few enemies in the garden, and the flower is extremely rarely affected by diseases.

When to plant astilbe in open ground: in spring or autumn

After hibernation, the plant wakes up somewhat later than other perennials. In order for astilbe to begin stable growing season, the average daily air temperature should not fall below +10 °C. In warm areas, young leaves of astilbe, when planted and cared for in open ground, appear at the end of April or early May.

In the north, where spring is delayed, plant development is delayed until late May or early June.

If a gardener wants to add to his collection of luxurious plants, it is important not to rush to flower culture did not freeze after transplantation, and do not hesitate. Otherwise, in hot weather it will be more difficult for astilbe to acclimatize.

The beginning of the growing season is the time when better in spring plant astilbe in open ground.

Some summer residents practice autumn planting flower, but in this case the plant must be given time to take root and adapt to the new place.

Place for planting astilbe in open ground

When choosing a place for astilbe, you need to remember that the plant:

  • prefers diffused light;
  • can grow and bloom in the shade of trees and buildings;
  • unpretentious when choosing soil, which should retain moisture well and not be overly heavy;
  • however, it does not tolerate stagnant moisture, which threatens to rot the roots, and in spring time increases the risk of preliminaria.

To flowering perennial did not suffer from too dry air; to plant astilbe in open ground and make it easier to care for, it is useful to choose areas near bodies of water where the humidity is slightly higher.

Features of planting an astilbe flower in the ground in spring

In the flowerbed, the space for astilbe is calculated so that there is about 30–40 cm between the bushes. planting pits depth and width up to 30 cm add:

  • 30 grams of complex fertilizers for ornamental crops;
  • about a glass of bone meal;
  • humus.

Planting is carried out in moist soil to a depth of about 20 cm, while the soil layer above the points of future growth should not be more than 3–5 cm.

Planted adult plants and cuttings at vegetative propagation Astilbes are thickly mulched at the top so that the soil retains moisture better and the plants are protected from the germination of weeds.

The most suitable mulch different materials, which include:

  • chopped straw;
  • large chips or pieces of bark;
  • pebbles or expanded clay;
  • lowland

As necessary, the layer of mulch is renewed in the summer, and when planting astilbe in open ground in the fall, it helps the perennial crop to quietly overwinter.

When is it useful to plant astilbe in open ground in the fall?

A feature of astilbe is the upper growth of the root system, which over several years leads to the appearance of a dense island under the bush, rising above the general soil level. Without regular transplantation, once every 4–5 years:

  • astilbe roots weaken;
  • the number of annually formed renewal buds decreases;
  • The flowering of such a plant is shorter and poorer, the leaves are smaller.

After the adult astilbe has flowered, it is useful to replant it in the autumn, combining the procedure with dividing the bush into several young ones.

If you are planning to plant and care for astilbe in the Urals, Siberia, or Non-Black Earth Region, you need to calculate the time of replanting so that the plant has time to acclimatize. It will be a good help autumn mulching, which will partially replace or enhance the effect of covering the flower for the winter.

Vegetative propagation and planting of astilbe seeds

In an amateur garden or summer cottage astilbes reproduce vegetatively, that is, by dividing an adult bush or using individual renewal buds. Planting astilbe with seeds is a rarity, used to obtain new varieties or hybrids, as well as in the presence of varietal seed material.

The easiest way is to divide an adult bush. This is done in spring or autumn so that each part has several promising growth points and enough roots for nutrition.

Places of cuts on the root system should be treated with crushed charcoal. Planting in open ground and caring for astilbe in this case has no special features, except that young specimens are watered every day. If you are not late with replanting, astilbe will delight you with its first flowers in the second half of summer.

Separating promising buds, which will become independent shoots next year, will also help to obtain young astilbe. And here it is worth taking care that the renewal bud has a healthy root.

The future bush is planted in a separate seedling bed in a loose, moisture-absorbing substrate. Film shelters are often used. They will help support comfortable temperature, high humidity and will help the plant take root faster. In the fall or next year, such seedlings are ready to be planted in a permanent place.

Caring for astilbe after planting in open ground

Caring for a beautiful astilbe will not be difficult for the busiest summer resident. If the planting site is chosen correctly, during the spring, summer and autumn, while the growing season is in progress, the flower needs:

  • watering, providing the plant with its favorite water;
  • fertilizing with a predominance of potassium and;
  • measures to keep the soil clean and loose, for example, maintaining a layer of mulch.

The soil under the astilbe should not be allowed to become covered with a dry crust. The plant immediately reacts to this with lethargic leaves, shedding flowers and “gaps” in the lush inflorescences.

Astilbe is not afraid of the cold, so in most regions it is not specially covered, but it is worth checking the layer of mulch in the fall. When spring comes, mulching is done again. It will protect the sprouts from frost and simplify the care of astilbe after planting the flower in the ground.

Experienced flower growers who have been growing the crop for a long time recommend removing fading inflorescences along with the flower stalks. This measure will preserve the strength of astilbe and improve appearance the entire flowerbed. Before the cold weather sets in aboveground part The plants are carefully cut off, leaving petioles 5–10 cm above the ground level.

Interesting information about the charming astilbe - video

grassy perennial Astilbe, distinguished by its decorativeness, long-lasting lush flowering, and shade tolerance, is valued by flower growers. garden plant Astilbe planting and care in open ground does not require special rules, but proper execution simple rules, will allow you to decorate your shady garden for the whole season.

Botany plants

Astilbe's native habitats are the broad-leaved forests of Japan, America, and the eastern regions of Asia. In the Russian wild, two species of astilbe can be found in the Far East.

Astilbe is a perennial plant with an adventitious root system that grows unusually - vertically upward. The stem part grows over several years, becomes thicker and becomes covered with a large number of roots.

During the season, the astilbe flower is decorative with its wonderful inflorescences with transitions from pink to white. With the onset of cold weather top part herbaceous plant dies.

In astilbe breeding there are varieties medium height and tall, reaching a level of two meters.

Astilbe blooms in early summer, decorating the landscapes of parks, gardens and squares. The curly inflorescences of the flower continue to bloom for about a month.

Features of growing astilbe

Astilbe unpretentious plant, attracts gardeners with its characteristics of growing in open ground:

  • Astilbe is the queen of the shady garden. It blooms luxuriously in the shade big trees. Bright sunlight shortens the duration of flowering, the bright panicles of the inflorescences become faded, fading in the sun;
  • This plant prefers soil that is moist and rich in humus. In dry areas, bushes lose their decorative properties;
  • The rhizome grows unusually, rising above the soil surface by about 4-5 cm, it becomes bare. An important condition Growing a healthy, strong bush is by hilling the plant at the end of the season;

Gardeners unfamiliar with the nuances of growing astilbe end up with a very frozen plant that is not capable of full flowering.

Astilbe plantings can grow in one place without replanting for more than 15 years. A prerequisite for preserving the decorative appearance of the bush is annual fertilizing, moistening the soil around the bushes, and hilling. The following feeding of old bushes is necessary:

  • For spring fertilizing, fertilizers containing nitrogen are used; hilling with humus is sufficient for grown rhizomes;
  • During the period of bud formation, the bushes are fed with fertilizers, the basis of which is potassium, for example, watering with a solution of potassium nitrate (dilute 2 tablespoons of fertilizer in 10 liters of water). Approximately 500 ml of prepared fertilizer is applied to each bush;
  • Faded plants are fertilized with phosphorus compounds. Each adult bush will require about 20 g of superphosphate.

Fertilizers can be applied in liquid form or in granules, mixing them with the soil around the bush. Fertilizing should be completed by mulching.

Methods for propagating astilbe

The powerful root system of astilbe serves as a source of new seedlings. This is the easiest way to get the desired type and flower varieties. The most convenient time to divide a bush is early spring.

The rhizome must be dug up, shake off the soil and divide the rhizome so that the separated part has a root at least 5 cm long, adventitious roots and 3-4 buds. The procedure is performed using a sharp knife.

Important. From the dug up astilbe rhizome intended for division, it is necessary to remove dead and rotten parts. The planting material must be sufficiently moist. It is better not to use specimens with elongated, deformed sprouts for propagation. Such a plant will be sick for a long time, will not take root well, young plant will lose its decorative effect.

The planting site must be prepared individually for each plant:

  • The area allocated for planting astilbe is dug up using a spade bayonet;
  • Fertilize the soil with bone meal and complex fertilizers at the rate of 30 g of fertilizing and two handfuls of flour per 1 sq.m of bed;
  • Adding peat, humus, and compost to the soil completes the design of the planting site;
  • Under each bush of the plant, dig a hole, the volume of which should correspond to the size of the rhizome and be freely located in it;
  • Place bone meal, mineral fertilizer, ash at the bottom of the hole; hydrogel added along with fertilizers will provide the necessary soil moisture.
  • The plant should be planted so that the growth point is above the soil surface, avoiding deep deepening of the bush;
  • After planting, the soil around the bush is compacted; this procedure is necessary to remove the emptiness of the rhizome;
  • New planting and stilbes should be additionally watered and mulched, covering the soil under the plant with crushed bark or peat crumbs. The mulch layer should be at least 2 cm. This way you can maintain the necessary soil moisture and protect the roots planting material from drying out.

A crop grown from a separated part of the rhizome will retain all the characteristics of the species and variety and will allow one to obtain a plant of the desired selection.

Important. The rhizomes of the plant grow in a vertical upward direction. At the same time, its lower part gradually dies off, which over time deprives the root of nutrition. Hilling up the bush will prevent this process. Timely watering is a prerequisite for growing astilbe.

Seed propagation of perennials is mainly used by breeders, since there is a high probability of cross-pollination during the flowering period. In this case, varietal characteristics, as a rule, are not reproduced:

  • The inflorescences have a changed color;
  • Brushes may have a sparse structure;
  • The overall appearance of the plant is less decorative;
  • Flowering times change downwards.

To grow astilbe from seeds, you should use only seeds High Quality from well-known companies.

In order for a seedling grown from seeds to form a powerful, well-developed root structure, it should not be replanted during the first five years.

Basic Rules seed propagation astilbes are as follows:

  • Treatment of seeds with cold for three weeks, followed by ventilation and drying in a warm, bright room. This procedure improves seed germination;
  • Prepare containers for planting seeds by filling them with a nutrient mixture consisting of three parts peat and one part sand;
  • For the convenience of sowing small astilbe seeds, they are mixed with sand;
  • Distribute the seeds in an even layer on the unprepared surface of the soil mixture;
  • Moisten the seeds using a spray bottle. Spray watering should be continued for a month until the seeds germinate;
  • With the appearance of the first leaf, the seedlings dive, carefully pulling each seedling out of the soil mixture. Pinching the root, remove one third of the length;
  • Plant the seedlings in another container, the soil in which should be moist, which will ensure easier survival of the seeds;
  • Astilbe seedlings are planted in open ground after a year, as the seedlings grow very slowly;
  • Flowering occurs only in the third year.

The third method of propagating astilbe is by separating the bud from the mother bush. To do this, it is necessary to rake away the soil from the base of the bush, freeing the bud, which is cut out with part of the rhizome. No more than 2-3 buds can be cut from one bush.

When planting astilbe in open ground, the bud and root are given the opportunity to take root in the greenhouse. To do this, a soil mixture of peat and sand is distributed over the surface of the soil and the prepared parts are planted in holes. Next, the seedlings are watered and planted in open ground in the spring of next year. In the same year, astilbe plantings will delight you with their flowering.

In the second year of the plant’s life, it should be fed with solutions of organic and mineral fertilizers. Young plantings should be covered with the onset of cold weather.

Important. Astilbe serves as a real decoration of the garden if a shady, comfortable place for it is chosen for planting. wet area. Early or late varieties astilbe can be planted in sunny areas. Astilbe, which blooms in July, feels comfortable in the sparse shade of the garden; in sunny areas, the plant sharply reduces the timing and splendor of flowering.

Rules for caring for astilbe

To ensure that astilbe plantings do not get sick and are not attacked by pests, you need to pay attention to them and provide proper care, taking into account the characteristics of the plant:

  • It is necessary to ensure timely watering of the bushes of the plant, which has a unique growth of the root system. Young roots formed on vertically growing stems need nutrition and watering, therefore upper layer The soil under the bush must be provided with moisture and fertilizing.

On hot, dry summer days, the plant should be watered early in the morning and in the evening, with mandatory root mulching of the plantings. Young plants may dry out due to lack of moisture;

  • The astilbe flower is responsive to regular feeding. They provide long-lasting and lush flowering. The technology for growing astilbe requires fertilizing at least twice a year. The first feeding is carried out in early spring with the appearance of new shoots, complex nitrogen-containing fertilizer;

The next mandatory feeding is autumn. For this procedure, fertilizer solutions containing phosphorus and potassium are used. Watering is carried out carefully, avoiding the solution getting on the stems of the plant. After fertilizing, the soil around the bushes needs to be loosened and sprinkled with mulch.

  • In late autumn, the herbaceous above-ground part of the bush is pruned. Cut the stems at ground level;

Pruning of inflorescences after flowering is allowed. New leaves will grow in their place.

  • Proper preparation of planting astilbe flowers for wintering will allow you to get healthy bushes in the spring. During the growing season, the astilbe plant forms roots above the soil surface. To prevent the roots from freezing in frosts, the bushes should be mulched and the spaces between the bushes should be covered with spruce branches and sawdust. Place spruce branches on top of the bushes to ensure snow retention over the plants in winter.

Pests and diseases of astilbe

All types and varieties of astilbe are resistant to pests and diseases, since mature plant is capable of independently destroying weeds in which pests and pathogens multiply. Therefore, planting and caring for astilbe is carried out with minimal costs effort.

However, this plant has pests that require human help to combat:

  • The slobbering pennitsa is a sucking insect that sucks out the juice from the plant. Pennywort larvae, settling in the axils of the leaves, in the dwellings of lumps of foam, also feed on astilbe juice. Plants damaged by pennies practically do not grow, and flower stalks develop poorly. If the slobber has multiplied greatly, you can treat the plant folk remedies, for example, infusion of wormwood;
  • Strawberry nematodes are worms that gnaw through the buds and leaves of astilby, disrupting the movement of juice. Damaged areas die, plants are suppressed, and their growth and flowering stop. When nematode worms are detected; Affected plants should be removed immediately and burned, chemicals do not give good results;
  • Small worms no larger than 2 mm salt on the roots of plants, forming pathological swellings and galls on them. These formations interfere with the full functioning of the roots. A plant affected by a nematode must be destroyed. New plantings in this area are not recommended.

Astilbe different colors amazing garden decoration. It looks great in the form of single inclusions in shady garden, in group plantings, as well as near pools and reservoirs.

Astilbe is a very beautiful flower that has a variety of shapes and colors. By planting exactly this ornamental plant on your site, you will have the opportunity to make almost any of your dreams come true regarding landscape design plot. And a huge number of types and varieties of Astilbe will help you choose exceptional combinations.

Astilbe in landscape design

If you combine Astilbe with coniferous plants, you can get a very elegant picture. Multi-colored flowers will look very beautiful among the green carpet.

And the fact that Astilbe loves water very much, most often they prefer to plant it near alpine hills with ponds or swamps.

Another option beautiful landing Astilbe is its participation in the arrangement of borders.

The most traditional in landscape design The following combinations with Astilbe are considered:

  • Hosta;
  • Iris;
  • Fern;
  • Heuchera;
  • Tiarella;
  • Bell;
  • Woodruff fragrant;
  • Day-lily;
  • Badan;
  • Hellebore;
  • Cuff;
  • Rogersia;
  • Podophyllum

To focus on spring garden, it is worth paying attention to the landing next to Astilbe:

  • Tulips;
  • Doronicuma;
  • Lilies of the valley;
  • Iberis;
  • Rhododendrons;
  • Swimsuits;
  • Goryanki.

Moreover, plants need to be planted in rows. For example:

First row:

  • Saxifrage;
  • Umbilicals;
  • Krupki;
  • Tenacious;
  • Yasnotki.

If we talk about the period when Astilbe leaves have not yet grown (this season after winter), then the space can be filled with plants such as:

  • Snowdrops;
  • Crocuses;
  • Pushkinia;
  • Hazel grouse.

When is the best time to replant Astilbe?

You can replant a flower like Astilbe throughout the season. Transplantation can be carried out even when buds have already appeared and it has bloomed. However, when replanting, it is important not to separate the earthen ball from the roots and to water it abundantly after completion.

At the original planting site, Astilbe can grow for up to 10 years, but it is necessary to divide and replant approximately 3, maximum 5 years after the initial planting. If this is not done on time, the roots may weaken, the buds die with age and the flowering may weaken.

If you replant the plant in the fall, then this must be done in the first ten days of September. Moreover, it can be transplanted directly to the same place. Replanting is necessary because the roots tend to grow upward and may freeze in winter.

Astilbe, planting and growing

To ensure proper growth of Astilbe, it is important to consider two main factors:

  • Landing place. It is better to find a shady place, protected from the hot rays of the sun. If everything is done correctly, the flowers will have a brighter color and will be able to stay on the stems longer;
  • Time (season). The most correct thing would be to plant a plant such as Astilbe either in the spring (late April - early May) or in early autumn (September).

Growth and its speed will also depend on two main aspects:

  1. The amount of heat;
  2. Moisture.

The distance between plants when planting should be calculated based on their height:

  • Higher ones – 50 cm;
  • Lower ones – 30 cm.

Before you start planting Astilbe, the soil must be prepared:

  1. Dig up;
  2. Remove debris and roots of other plants;
  3. Feed with:
    • Compost;
    • Peat;
    • Manure.

For each square meter when fertilizing the soil before planting a plant, you will need one bucket of a mixture of the above ingredients.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is the most common option among gardeners. It is only important to know some nuances:

  • Each part for division (division) must have from 1 to 3 buds;
  • The length of the roots should be at least 3-5 cm.

The season for dividing is spring, since only in this case will the plant be able to please you with its magnificent flowers by autumn.

To transplant astilbe in the fall, it is necessary to determine the time, approximately 2-3 weeks before the average air temperature drops below +5 degrees Celsius.

Caring for Astilbe

Although Astilbe is quite easy to care for, some facts are still worth knowing:

  • After it fades, it is better to cut off the flower stalks;
  • The stems should also be cut, but this should be done only at the end of the season, and below ground level;
  • After trimming the stems, the plant must be mulched either with soil or using peat;
  • Preparation for winter will also include pruning part of the root system. The fact is that the roots of this flower grow upward, so in order to protect them from winter cold and freezing, it is better to cut off the tops.

All of the above aspects are very important for growing Astilbe in open ground. But it is also necessary to take into account the fact that this plant loves water very much and the soil should not be too dry, otherwise this can lead to smaller inflorescences, wilting of the leaves and a “sloppy” appearance of the plant as a whole.

Astilbe, diseases

Most often, the tranquility of Astilbe is hampered by Root Rot. To get rid of this disease, you need to spray the plant with Hom in the spring (May).

If Astilbe has stopped blooming, this can only mean that the plant needs more space and a little renewal. Perhaps it is already quite old. It is better to dig up a bush, divide it into parts and plant it. This is what will help renew the plant.

In addition, the soil itself will need to be slightly updated, which will stimulate growth.
Sometimes the leaves of Astilbe begin to dry out, although it seems that the soil and location were chosen correctly. The only reason can be insufficient humidity soil. Try to water the plant more deeply and maintain humidity levels.


Proper care of plants allows you to keep them in at its best, decorate the area. How to trim Astilbe, watch the video instructions:

When taking care of their own garden, many people want not only to make it beautiful, but also to choose plants so that they are easy to care for and at the same time add some zest to the design. In this case, Astilbes will fit perfectly into your garden. These flowers have many varieties, shapes and shades, so they can complement any composition in your garden.

Amazing plant with incredible bright colors is slowly beginning to win its place on personal plots our country. The name of this perennial is astilbe. One of the main advantages of this truly fascinating plant is the huge variety of varieties. During the entire flowering period, the plant retains its decorative effect, thanks to its amazing leaves. In nature, astilbe can be found in East Asia And North America. In total, 30 species of plants are known, 10 of which are successfully cultivated in our gardens.

Of the ten species, breeders were able to grow a large number of varieties. Conventionally, all of them can be divided into dwarf (up to thirty centimeters in height), short (from thirty to sixty centimeters), medium tall (from sixty to ninety centimeters) and tall (from ninety centimeters to one and a half meters). In nature, astilbe prefers to grow along river banks and forest edges. One of the main advantages of astilbe is its exceptional hardiness and increased frost resistance, so the plant survives even the harshest winters well. But still, flowers need to be prepared for the onset of the cold season.

Autumn care. Preparing for winter


Depending on the variety, astilbe has different terms flowering. Some plants bloom as early as June, others do not. before the middle summer, and the rest, late bloomers - at the end of August. With the onset of autumn cold weather, the plant stops blooming, but many gardeners are in no hurry to prune it. For even a faded plant complements it surprisingly beautifully and elegantly with its albeit semi-dry peduncles country plantings until late autumn.

It is important! Let's move on to removing the above-ground part of the plant. It can be done using a well-known country tool - pruners. In order not to harm the plant or infect it with fungal and other diseases, garden shears should be disinfected beforehand. This can be done by immersing the instrument in a solution of potassium permanganate for twenty to thirty minutes. It will be excellent if the gardener can handle the tool as he moves from bush to bush. This will reduce the risk of transferring fungal diseases from plant to plant.

How to prune correctly? First, the entire above-ground part of the plant should be completely removed. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that young buds are not exposed. It is important to know that new astilbe buds are located in the upper part of the rhizome. Therefore, after pruning, the bushes should be thoroughly hilled and mulched. The bushes should be hilled to a height of three to four centimeters.


In order to protect root system plants, as well as young buds, it is necessary to cover the surface of the soil around the astilbe with mulch. Dry sawdust, peat or rotted manure are perfect for above-ground shelter. Sometimes gardeners use shredded tree bark as mulch. Mulching helps protect both young buds and adventitious roots.


In preparation for winter cold, astilbe should be fertilized. This will allow the plant to survive the winter safely and not lose its decorative properties. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are excellent. It will be enough to add no more than twenty grams of fertilizer to each bush.

In addition to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, it is advisable to add humus to the soil. Astilbe prefers to grow on enriched nutrients soils. Therefore, it will be great if a summer resident, before the first frosts arrive, enriches the soil with organic matter. There is no need to worry that the plant will begin to grow, because rotted manure will decompose slowly, and only by the onset of the spring thaw can it be used by the plant as an additional source of energy.


Astilbe is a surprisingly cold-resistant plant, so if a summer resident grows it in conditions middle zone, then you don’t have to worry about shelter. It will be enough just to mulch the plantings well. However, the situation is different if we are talking about four to five year old plants. Weakened, with gradually growing bare rhizomes, astilbes run the risk of not surviving the cold. Some gardeners choose to protect them classic options shelters: spruce branches, dry leaves, sawdust, hay. The main thing is to use natural materials so as not to create Greenhouse effect for plants. It is very important to protect the bushes from excess water, which can subsequently cause the death of the perennial.

Astilbe is rich in various forms and color scheme. By using beautiful flower You can harmoniously decorate any area. It is often used in landscape design. Thanks to different varieties and types of astilbe, you can create interesting and harmonious combinations. Let's take a closer look at when is the best time to replant flowers, as well as how to grow them correctly.

Features of planting

In order for flowers to grow properly, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Landing place. You can choose a shady area that is protected from direct sunlight. If planting is done correctly, the flowers will be bright and bloom longer;
  • It is also important to consider the time of planting. Experts advise planting astilbe in the spring - in April, or in the fall - in September.
  • The rate of growth and flowering of astilbe depends on moisture and heat.
  • Tall plants should be planted at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other, and low ones - at a distance of 30 centimeters.
  • Before planting flowers, it is imperative to prepare the soil. Dig up the ground. Remove debris and roots of other plants. Fertilize the selected area with compost, peat and manure.

If you decide to replant flowers in the fall, do it a couple of weeks before the air temperature drops to five degrees Celsius.

Features of plant care

Caring for astilbe is as follows:

  1. Always trim flower stalks after they bloom;
  2. At the end of the flowering season, you need to cut off the stems of the plant below the ground level;
  3. When the stems are trimmed, mulch the flowers with soil or peat;
  4. Before wintering, the plant needs to be prepared by cutting off some of the roots. This can be done to protect the roots from the cold as they grow upward.

The points described above are necessary for astilbe to grow and bloom well. In addition, it is necessary to provide it with moisture. Otherwise, the inflorescences may become small and the leaves will wither.

How to protect a plant?

The plant withstands attacks from diseases and pests. Sometimes it is attacked by the pennies, which infects the leaves, causing them to turn yellow, curl, and wither. They eat the leaves of the leafhopper plant. Pests also carry viral diseases. They fight them with karbofos, aktara, rogor, and confidor.

Read also: Trimming boxwood - how to trim a bush to create an exquisite decoration

The strawberry nematode causes deformation of the leaves and slows down the growth of the plant. The foliage is covered yellow spots. The roots suffer from root-knot nematodes. Since a plant that is sick may die, it is important to do everything to save it. To prevent pest attacks on healthy bushes, treat them with phytoverm.

How to transplant flowers?

Astilbe can grow in the same place for ten years. But in order for the bushes with flowers to be lush and healthy, gardeners recommend replanting the plant every four years. During this period, the roots of the flowers begin to age, the bush gradually fades, and the buds die off. Replanting is also necessary if the soil is severely depleted.

Correct planting when transplanting astilbe:

  1. If the plants are young, they can be easily separated by hand. If the roots are too large, use a shovel. There is no need to dig up the bush completely. It will be enough to dig up only a small part of it;
  2. The place where the planted bushes will grow must be fertilized with humus or mineral fertilizer. After fertilizing, moisten the soil with water. When it is absorbed, the rhizomes prepared for transplantation are planted;
  3. Sprinkle soil around the plant so that the roots are not visible and also so that there is no air in the hole;
  4. When planting is completed, be sure to water them again. If the replanting process was successful, in a couple of days the bushes will begin to grow.

If division is carried out in the summer (after flowering), the plants for transplantation must have at least five buds. Thanks to this condition, it will successfully survive the winter. The leaves can be cut off, but the petioles cannot be touched.

Take note! To get an expressive, visually lush and voluminous flower garden, increase the number of plants of each name, and reduce the number of planted species.

When can flowers be replanted?

Flower growers recommend that it is best to replant astilbe in spring or autumn. Typically, planting a plant in a new location is carried out at the end of August or at the beginning of September.
Some gardeners manage to transplant flowers when they have formed into buds. In this case, the procedure itself is carried out together with a lump of earth. It is important to ensure regular watering. In order for flowers transplanted in spring to feel good, they can and even need to be provided with the presence of sun and a humid environment.
Astilbe bushes transplanted in spring will bloom in a couple of months - in June or July.

Read also: Everything about growing and caring for gatsaniya when landscaping your own garden plot

Some features of transplantation

The period when flowers can be replanted is influenced by climatic conditions region in which the bushes will grow. For the flowers to bloom next year, seedlings are planted in the autumn season, after the summer heat has subsided. It can be planted in the same way as replanting in the spring.

  • To replant the plant, you need to dig a hole twice the size behind the rhizomes and at least 15 centimeters deep. To make astilbe grow better and more comfortably, provide loose soil around the bushes.
  • After all the seedlings are planted in the holes, they need to be filled up clay soil. Make sure that all layers of air have been removed by checking how compacted the soil is around the new plants.

Important points in growing flowers

Before winter, it is important to protect bushes that have not been rejuvenated from damping off. For this purpose, they need to be covered with dry materials - leaves, spruce branches, brushwood. Cover the top with film with an air gap.
Gardeners sometimes do not advise pruning plants before winter cold, since the leaves and stems protect the rhizomes from the cold under the snow. In this case, it is better to prune before the shoots begin to grow in the spring.

Beautiful astilbe flowers are combined with mountain weed, tulips, lilies of the valley, irises, and hosta. They design personal plots, alpine coaster, artificial ponds and borders. Planted in one flowerbed different types and astilbe varieties you can create a harmonious and very beautiful flower arrangement.

Most people are interested in how quickly flowers grow. Over the course of a year, from the root, the plant expands by 3 to 5 new shoots. Since astilbe grows rapidly, it is better to plant it at a distance of at least a meter from other flowers. In order for the shoots to be strong and grow rapidly, it is necessary to systematically rejuvenate the bushes.