home · Appliances · Skirting for heated floors made of ceramic tiles. Ceramic plinth: tips for choosing, price, how to glue ceramic plinth. Artificial stone planks

Skirting for heated floors made of ceramic tiles. Ceramic plinth: tips for choosing, price, how to glue ceramic plinth. Artificial stone planks

Previously, tiles were used to decorate walls in rooms where you constantly have to deal with water - bath, toilet, kitchen. Today, designers propose finishing not only walls with ceramic tiles, but also floors in rooms with high traffic:

  • halls
  • hallways
  • stairs.

Traditionally, the corner between the wall and the floor was always covered with a plinth - wooden or plastic, which did not always combine beautifully with ceramics, although it protected the joints when wet cleaning. Not long ago, designer collections famous manufacturers replenished ceramic baseboard for the floor, amounting to a worthy alternative traditional finishing materials. It not only harmoniously combines with the floor covering, but also effectively emphasizes the transition between the decoration of the walls and the floor. In addition, ceramics has many advantages compared to wood or plastic:

  • it has a stable structure and fairly high strength,
  • does not deform at high humidity,
  • hygienic,
  • environmentally friendly,
  • resistant to cleaning agents, temperature changes,
  • prevents the formation of mold and fungi.

Ceramic baseboard for the floor: what does it look like and what does it give?

Previously, in order to obtain finishing strips to mask the joints between the floor and the wall, at the corners, a tiler had to cut tiles and manually grind the cuts, which did not guarantee much beauty and made the top edge dangerous. Today, ceramics manufacturers offer frieze strips of various thicknesses and shapes, with or without patterns, for each collection.

The standard ceramic plinth has a base triangular shape with a concave middle or relief. But flat friezes with a narrow base and a soft chamfer along the upper edge are no less popular. The use of such skirting boards facilitates the process of installing furniture, since it can be moved almost flush against the wall.

The height of the products is also different - from narrow 1.5 cm to wide 8-10 cm, however, taking into account the height of the tiles in a particular collection. The surface can be plain, patterned or textured, with either a matte or glossy finish.

The plinth is selected not only to finish the joint between the floor and the wall, but also to close the gap between the wall and the bathtub (sink), since traditionally in our country plumbing equipment is placed close to the wall to save space.

Modern collections of tiles for walls and floors are so diverse that it is hardly appropriate to talk about trends. Designers boldly suggest choosing skirting boards that stand out in contrast against the background of the walls, since this emphasizes the geometry of the space, and in combination with the tone flooring gives the room the effect of completeness. By choosing a ceramic baseboard for the floor that matches the color of the walls, you can visually increase the height of the ceiling and make the room lighter and airier. Particular attention is paid to the pure white baseboard, which harmoniously combines with any color, but at the same time serves as a clear accent, clearly separating the wall and the floor, introducing a touch of rigor and classics.

The weight of the product is minimal, which allows it to be mounted on regular glue for tiles

Advice! Master tilers advise buying ceramic baseboards for the floor with a reserve of at least 6-10%. This is done so that there is always a reserve in case of a fight during installation, and a reserve for repairs, because it is no secret that in a couple of years the store may not have suitable skirting boards.

Rules for selecting skirting boards

Certainly one of the most important parameters when choosing a ceramic plinth - color and texture. The product must be harmoniously combined with the tiles. No less important is the thickness of the plinth, which in no case should be less than the thickness of the tiles. It is optimal to choose the length of the plinth, corresponding to the size of the tiles, so that there are no inconsistencies in the seams. If the tile has an end of 25 cm, then the length of the plinth cannot be less. Most manufacturers prefer to produce skirting boards of the same length as the tiles, but some offer borders 1.5-2 times the length of the tiles so that the skirting board has as few seams as possible.

When calculating the required number of baseboard units, do not forget to take into account how many corners (internal and external) you will have to cover. To facilitate the installation process, many manufacturers have begun producing additional decorative elements- corners Not every collection provides them, so check with the seller about their availability. Corners also have different shape, but thanks to their presence you won’t have to cut the tiles.

Placement and installation of ceramic skirting boards

Installing a ceramic plinth is not much different from laying tiles. The consumption of the adhesive mixture will be the same, and so will the layer thickness. However, there are nuances in the layout. If the plinth is the same width as the tile, then the seams should match; if the plinth differs in size on a larger side, then it is laid in proportion to the seams of the tile.

Necessary tools for installing skirting boards:

  • spatula with teeth (for applying glue);
  • mallet (rubber hammer);
  • construction knife;
  • level;
  • “crosses” for sewing seams.

Materials: plinth and the required number of corners and glue mixture(approximate consumption for a layer of 3-4 mm is about 5.2 kg/m2).

Installation procedure: apply the mixture onto the back side baseboards and apply them to the floor, press them against the wall and gently tap them with a mallet so that they fit tightly into place. To maintain the same thickness of the seams, “crosses” are used. Vertical installation of the plinth is checked with a plumb line. When you reach the corner, set connecting element. If it is necessary to trim the baseboard, it is better to use a tile cutter, as a last resort, Bulgarian. The cut area is cleaned with an emery stone or sanding paper with a coarse abrasive.

Upon registration external corners without decorative elements, you should cut the inside of the baseboard at 45 degrees. There are several ways to do this: using electric tile cutter or Bulgarians. In this case, you need to try not to touch the front side coating.

Grouting of joints is done after the glue has set. It is advisable to use compounds that have antiseptic and antifungal properties.

I believe that a tile baseboard can make a bathroom look better. Do you want to buy a tile baseboard? Today in the world of tiles there are a large number of ideas, you can even choose a non-standard plinth from glass tiles, adding a touch of uniqueness to your kitchen.

When choosing water-repellent ceramic tiles and installing them, you will encounter certain pitfalls, because in order to do this work yourself, you need to know a number of certain nuances.
Having asked myself so many questions and expressed my beliefs, I have to admit that the tile baseboard great idea for bathrooms and kitchens. I like this solution for many reasons. The main one is the water resistance of the tiles. The second feature is that the stores offer a wide range of different tile models, differing in shapes, sizes and textures, so making the baseboard an eye-catching design element will not be difficult.
A tile baseboard looks especially elegant when it harmonizes with a countertop made of natural stone, granite, marble or artificial stone.

Did you know the right technology? This process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance!
You won't need any special tile to install tile baseboards, but I encourage you to consider one option.
Regular flat tiles will look good as skirting boards, but you will need to make sure that you buy ready-made skirting tiles that have the correct dimensions and special finish.

Skirting boards made from ceramic tiles in a wide range can be found in stores selling construction products

To find the tiles you need, we recommend visiting a hardware store that sells tiles and similar products. There you can buy special tile trims that resemble wood cladding. The tile profile has one edge thicker than the other. These tiles are rectangular in shape. Tiles are far from being a finishing material that brings a short-term decorative effect; they are used indoors long years. The downside of really high-quality models is high price, however, they have a very long service life of up to 50, and sometimes even up to 100 years. In addition, many tiles look even more elegant as they age.

But many types of tiles are transitional and can be used for no more than 10-20 years; they are cheaper.
There are many various options installation of tiles and countertops. Would look great over a granite countertop. decorative tiles. Before laying, a fugue or sealant is applied to the seams between the tiles. The grout or sealant should be chosen to match the color of the tile.

These sealants are sold in stores in a wide range. Filling the joints must be done before installing the tiled plinth. If a very liquid solution gets into the seam, we recommend that you remove it using a toothpick. There is no need to wait until the solution dries; it must be applied to the seam before it hardens. To lay tile baseboards, you will need a minimum of tools.
As for skill, laying tiles requires great attention to detail and an accurate assessment of your abilities. You can’t take tiles that are too small, because the seam will look simply huge and it will be obvious. If you decide to lay tiles, we recommend using, with the help of which it will become much more convenient for you to carry out facing works. You can buy from us at affordable price. Delivery is organized, all products are of high factory quality.
That's all... Happy renovations!

May 24, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

It is impossible to imagine an attractive interior without a plinth; this element unites the floor and walls. As for tiled surfaces, here right choice doubly important. I will tell you what options there are and what their main features are, based on this information you can choose best solution for your home.

Main features of each type

We will consider two options for plinths; they are made from different materials, so their characteristics are also different. You will need to carefully read the information in this section to understand which type is best for your situation.

Ceramic elements

The review should begin with this type of product, since they appeared much earlier and have been used for quite a long time. There are several main advantages regarding this option:

Durability The service life of ceramic plinths is almost unlimited. It is able to withstand moderate mechanical stress, is not afraid of moisture and retains an attractive appearance throughout the entire period of operation.
Attractiveness The number of colors and structures is very, very large, you just need to choose best option. In this case, the surface can be both smooth and structured, both shiny and matte.
UV resistance There is no need to worry that certain areas will turn yellow or fade under the influence of sunlight; ceramics are free of this drawback
Easy to care for In order to maintain the surface in excellent condition, you only need to wipe the baseboard with a cloth from time to time. Nothing more is required

When choosing, I advise, if possible, to purchase skirting boards from the same manufacturer as the tiles.
Then the elements will definitely fit perfectly with each other.

Disadvantages include such factors as quite high price and the need to adhere to technology during installation.

If you are interested in the cost, it depends on factors such as manufacturer, collection and size of products. In the market as a whole, the price range is from 160 rubles per element to 7,000 and even more. The most expensive options, this material is not only very attractive, but also durable.

The length can be from 25 to 100 cm, again it all depends on the collection and manufacturer. That is, you need to know total length, which is necessary, and when you choose a specific option, calculating the quantity will not be difficult.

As for manufacturers, these are mostly foreign brands. In each region you can find products from different companies, but the most widespread are the products of such companies: “Ceracasa”, “Atlas”, “Italon”, “ Kerama Marazzi", "Keramex", "Oset". The bulk of products come from Italy and Spain, although last years And domestic producers are beginning to master the production of these elements.

So that you can choose quality option, I advise you to use a few simple recommendations:

  • First of all, choose an option that will go well with ceramic tiles;
  • There should be no flaws on the surface, the coating should be uniform without any imperfections;
  • In high-quality products, the ends are smooth, and the back also does not have any major flaws.

Plastic products

Plastic floor plinth for tiles is very popular, although it appeared relatively recently. Of course, PVC products can be used not only with ceramics, and this is their main advantage.

As for the advantages of this option, the main advantages are:

  • The cost of skirting boards is several times lower than that of ceramic products. You can save a lot by choosing this option;
  • The material is not afraid of moisture, plastic perfectly resists water, so it can be used in rooms for any purpose. But if the baseboard is constantly getting sunlight, then the surface will fade over time;
  • It is impossible not to note the ease of installation of the elements. Moreover, there are several installation methods; you just need to choose the one that is more convenient for you;
  • The flexibility of the plastic allows you to smooth out minor imperfections, unlike ceramics, which requires perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • It is best to use the option with a cable channel, it is very convenient to hide wires in it.

I advise you to choose products with a flexible edge, as thanks to it the elements adhere very well to the surface.

But this option has many disadvantages:

  • The appearance of the products leaves much to be desired; plastic looks much worse than ceramics;
  • If the baseboard does not adhere well to the surface, then moisture accumulates underneath it, which can lead to the formation of fungus or mold.

As for manufacturers, there are several main options:

  • Products under the “Ideal” brand are distinguished by a fairly large selection of structures and good quality products. The cost is about 100 rubles per piece, the length of the elements is 2.5 meters;

  • T-Plast brand products are distinguished by their low price (from 75 to 95 rubles per piece) and a fairly large variety of shades and textures. At the same time, the quality of the products is quite good;
  • Another common option is “KronPlast”; this manufacturer has very interesting textures. As for the price, the thing will cost you about 90 rubles;
  • Products under the Vox brand have proven themselves well among customers. Good quality plastic and affordable cost (about 90 rubles) are the main reasons for the popularity of this brand.

“Vox” is a brand that has been on the market for more than 10 years

  • First of all, evaluate the quality of the plastic, it should be quite hard. If the product has a flexible edge, it should not be too soft;

  • The structure must be clear without blurs, streaks and other flaws, which are most often caused by violations of production technology or the use of outdated equipment;
  • For a bath it is better to use plain options, while for living rooms Options with some kind of texture are more suitable.

Installation features

Now let's figure out how the plinth is installed. This section will be especially important for those who do the work themselves.

Let's start with ceramics; the instructions for carrying out the work are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the base; to do this, you need to clean the surface from dirt and wipe it with a damp cloth;
  • Next, use a notched trowel to apply adhesive composition and gently press the element to the surface. After this, the position is checked using a level; if necessary, some areas are carefully tapped by hand or with a rubber hammer;

  • After the glue has dried, the seams are filled with jointing solution, which provides additional protection from moisture. This is especially important if you are installing tile backsplash in your bathroom.

Now let's figure out how to install plastic elements:

  • First of all, you need to stock up required quantity components - internal and external corners, connectors and plugs. With their help, you can achieve the most attractive results and simplify the work process. Naturally, their number is calculated in advance based on the configuration of a particular room;
  • Next you need to determine the mounting method. The first option is to use dowel nails; you need to drill holes every 50-60 cm, and then remove the plug from the element. Many people do not like this solution for the reason that it is necessary to drill holes in the ceramics; in this case, you can use the second option;

  • You can use this type of fastening as liquid nails. This group of compounds is characterized by excellent adhesion to most materials and high reliability of fixation without the need to drill holes. The working process is very simple: you need to apply the compound to the baseboard and press it firmly into the desired position.


Based on all the above information, you should choose the option that will best suit your floor. Of course, plastic is preferable in terms of ease of installation and cost, but ceramics look much better. The video in this article will tell you more about some important nuances topics, and if anything is unclear to you, ask questions in the comments.

May 24, 2016

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Ceramic tiles are used in rooms with high humidity. This could be a bathroom, kitchen, toilet, hallway, porch or staircase. To prevent water from entering the junction of the wall and floor, lay a ceramic baseboard. Currently, the abundance of tile products allows them to be used to decorate living rooms and halls, which requires special execution of the tiles.

Ceramic skirting boards can be combined with many finishing materials, they are able to hide installation defects and become a beautiful addition to any room, giving the floor a finished look.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of ceramic skirting boards include the following:

  • baseboard protection prevents moisture and dirt from accumulating along the walls, thereby preventing the appearance of fungus and mold.
  • Resistance to high temperatures makes the ceramic product impervious to fire, and increased thermal conductivity allows it to be used with a “warm floor” system.
  • The plinth perfectly hides all the flaws made when installing tiles at the junctions of walls and floors.
  • Included ceramic products such natural material as clay is involved, so they do not cause allergies, are non-toxic, and comply with environmental standards.
  • The product is UV resistant, does not deform and does not fade when exposed to sunlight.
  • The plinth can easily be cleaned using chemicals, however, wet wiping is usually quite sufficient.
  • Wide choose And attractive design makes products in demand. Color range can be matched to any interior.
  • The baseboard itself is as durable as the tiles.

Despite many advantages, skirting boards also have disadvantages:

  • The material is fragile, you need to be careful with it during installation and during operation.
  • Straight products are laid along the walls. The plinth does not have angular or curved elements.
  • The price is higher than similar plastic products.

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

Moisture-resistant skirting boards can be made from ceramics or porcelain stoneware. To understand the difference, you need to take a closer look at them specifications. The production of ceramics is based on natural materials: clay, quartz sand, kaolin and spar. All ingredients are well ground, mixed and baked at high temperature.

The tile becomes moisture-resistant, durable, but to some extent retains its porosity.

The same materials that are needed for tiles are used to create porcelain stoneware, but only in larger proportions. The basis is granite chips. The material gains particular strength during the baking stage. Porcelain tiles are exposed to more than high temperatures, with the help of which all components are not just melted, but literally soldered together.

As a result of strong pressure, porosity decreases, moisture resistance increases, and the material acquires special strength.

Tiles are used for interior work , only a particularly durable one can be mounted outdoors. Porcelain tiles are designed for outdoor installation. It tolerates temperature changes well, is heat-resistant, and is not afraid of frost and sunlight. Increased moisture resistance guarantees its unchanged properties regardless of the amount of precipitation. Despite its higher strength characteristics, it looks just as attractive as tiles, so porcelain stoneware has also found its use indoors.

Shape and size

When choosing the shape of the plinth, you should take into account the size of the room:

  1. For a small room, such as a bathroom or toilet, flat elements are suitable. They look like a continuation of the walls, visually increasing the space.
  2. IN large rooms a large figured plinth is needed, because a low and thin one will be completely invisible. Corrugated products look more voluminous and beautiful, but in some cases thin elements are necessary.
  3. Flat cladding lower corners makes it possible to place furniture close to the walls. This type of plinth has an advantage when installing sliding doors.

On construction markets tiles are often offered with ceramic baseboards, decor and frieze. Buying full set, you can be sure of correct selection elements by style. The length of the elements matches the width of the tiles, which ensures that the joints match. The thickness can be from 0.7 to 1.3 mm, and the width can be from 16 to 90 mm.


Ceramic skirting boards can be perfectly combined with tiles. Everyone knows that tiles are used in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, swimming pools. Thanks to large selection and amazing beauty, tiles began to be used in corridors, living rooms and halls.

It is used on balconies and loggias, in courtyards, laying out paths and stairs.

The plinth is not always laid along a flat surface. There are other options for using this material, for example: decorating stairs. A beautiful tile floor with a ceramic baseboard should not break off at the foot of the steps; it is logical to continue it to the second floor. To perform this task, you can find special items on sale that have L-shape or consist of two parts. During installation, such a plinth covers the step from different sides.

A ceramic baseboard looks good as a bathtub rim. It solves aesthetic and hygienic problems at the same time, preventing water from accumulating between the side and the wall.

The elements are easy to install:

  • At the beginning of work, the joints of the tiles and the bathtub should be treated with a layer of sealant and allowed to dry.
  • It is better to glue the plinth with moisture-resistant mastic; you can use liquid nails.
  • Grout for grout should also have increased water resistance.

On sale you can find not only straight plinths, but also elements for corners.

Floor edging color

The baseboard should not match the color of the walls, but the color of the floor. Then its natural continuation is felt, and the space visually expands. Elements can be a tone lighter or darker than the floor covering. Matching the color of the walls is permissible only if the color is uniform. Tiles with a pattern or ornament on them do not always match the baseboard. In such a situation it can help White color elements: it goes perfectly with motley tiles. If the baseboard is matched to the color of the door, then you should take into account the material, thickness and width of the door frame.

Installation of ceramic plinth

In order to carry out installation correctly and quickly, you need to take into account that it is carried out in several steps.

Preparatory stage

More and more often instead plastic skirting boards ceramic ones are used. When purchasing, you must ensure that the length, color and texture match the characteristics of the tile. This will make it easier to install the product and bring harmony to the interior. All parts should be laid out on a prepared dry floor and inspected. Joints and seams will immediately become visible.

To fit a simple baseboard, a device such as a roller glass cutter is suitable. More complex textured products require processing with a grinder with a diamond blade. When working with ceramics, you must be extremely careful not to damage decorative layer, prevent cracks and chips. Small defects can be removed with coarse sandpaper. To perform a rotation, you should use corner elements. You can also cut the baseboard at a 45 degree angle.

All fittings and trimmings must be done before diluting the adhesive. For installation of skirting boards, the same compositions are used as for tiles. You can make the solution yourself by purchasing dry glue cement based, or buy ready-made pasta, which will help eliminate mistakes when adding water. The plastic mass is evenly distributed over the surface of the material, easily connecting the baseboard to any base: concrete, tile, plasterboard.

The working process

It is necessary to carefully wash and wipe dry all working surfaces. The cleaner they are, the higher the adhesion of the material. To protect the wall cladding from getting mortar, you should paste it over masking tape according to the height of the plinth. The mixture is applied with a notched trowel, then carefully glued ceramic element, checking the level each time. The product can be trimmed by hand and also beaten with a mallet. It is necessary to remove excess glue, let the plinth dry for 24 hours, then fill the seams with jointing mortar. It will protect the finish from moisture and microorganisms.

Work is carried out from the corner, moving towards the middle of the wall. Then they move to another corner, again moving towards the center, until both working areas are connected. This method will help prevent seams from coming apart, especially when installing on uneven surfaces. The distances between the elements are maintained using plastic crosses, as when installing tiles.

If you don’t do this, you won’t get clear lines between the baseboard and the tiles. After finishing work, all work surfaces should be thoroughly wiped.

We’ll talk about how to choose the right decor in this article. In addition, we will analyze in detail what types of porcelain stoneware and artificial and artificial skirting boards are natural stone, and also where they can be used.

Use of stone and ceramic skirting boards

Most often, tile baseboards are used to decorate a kitchen, bath, toilet or hallway. You can also buy strips designed to mask the gap between the bathtub and the wall. The porcelain stoneware version, as well as planks made of natural and artificial stone, among other things, can be used to decorate the floor in the main rooms - halls, bedrooms, offices. In any case, such decor makes the floor finish complete and neat. Like in these photos:

Ceramic strips

The advantages of such decor as ceramic tile plinth include, first of all, its resistance to moisture. Unlike plastic in the bathroom or kitchen, it will never turn yellow, and unlike wood, it will not deform.

Advice: Can be hidden behind such ceramic strips electric wires. Ceramics do not allow water to pass through at all, and therefore decor made from it will serve as reliable protection for them.

Ceramic plinth for the floor. Photo of standard size planks

The disadvantages of ceramic plinth include, first of all, its fragility. Such planks cannot withstand strong impacts.

Ceramic baseboard for bathroom

Previously, hand-cut regular tiles were used to mask the gap between the bathtub and the wall, as well as between the floor and wall tiles.

Ceramic baseboard for bath. Photo of an option that closes the gap between the side and the wall

This decor did not look very neat. A modern factory-made ceramic baseboard for a bathtub looks much more creative. Its edge is rounded, rolled and smooth. The length of such planks is a multiple of the length of the tile itself, so they are very easy to install. Can be used as decor in a bathroom interior tiled baseboard having different sizes and colors.

Flat ceramic planks can look very impressive in the bathroom.

On a note: If desired, you can purchase a ceramic bath skirting board, included in the collection with both floor tiles, and with the wall. The second option will make the room visually higher, the first - wider.

The height of ceramic floor plinths varies greatly. Wide option usually used in large rooms, narrow - in small ones. A special tiled corner is used to decorate the corners. This eliminates the need to cut the planks at a 45 degree angle to fit.

Easy to install corner element ceramic

Planks for the bathroom

In the interior of the bathroom there is a plinth made of ceramic tiles can also play a very significant role. Using it, the toilet looks incredibly neat.

A mosaic baseboard option that perfectly complements the design of the bathroom

On a note: If the selected collection does not initially include ceramic skirting strips, you can order them separately. Today there are workshops specializing in this.

Laying ceramic planks in the bathroom, just like in the bathroom, is done using regular tile adhesive and is not difficult at all.

Ceramic planks in the kitchen interior

In the kitchen, tiled baseboards are used both to decorate the floor itself and in combination with a countertop.

Makes tiled plinth ceramic finish finished kitchen floor

In the latter case, ceramic strips can either match the color and texture of the countertop surface or be made in contrast. Ceramic decor with patterns and ornaments is also often used.

The ornamented tile plinth is very impressive

Advice: If you just can’t decide on the design of ceramic planks for your countertop, use white version. This color goes well with almost any other.

Porcelain stoneware planks

Porcelain stoneware plinths can withstand much higher temperatures than conventional ceramics. Therefore, for the kitchen, if the countertop is located next to the stove, you should choose a model made specifically from porcelain stoneware with appropriate strips.

Options for porcelain stoneware planks

Stone plinth

The regular stone plinth comes complete with tiles made of the same material. Issued as artificial variant, as well as expensive models made from natural stone.

Artificial stone planks

Artificial stone plinths are most often used to decorate corridors and large halls. Sometimes it is used to decorate living rooms and offices. There is also an option available that comes complete with stone countertops and sinks. Faux stone planks usually match the color and texture of the countertop or floor surface.

Spectacular artificial stone washbasin with matching frame

Natural stone planks

Natural stone plinths, just like the tiles themselves, can look simply chic. Marble and granite options, as well as sandstone planks, are especially popular.

A marble countertop will look decent even in the richest interior

Such floor decor is also produced from expensive ornamental stones - jasper, onyx, malachite, etc. Its cost, of course, is simply exorbitant, so it is not used as a floor option in private cottages (except for onyx).

Onyx tabletop with plinth - a luxurious piece of furniture

Although a tabletop, say, made of jasper or onyx with a corresponding plinth, is a quite affordable piece of furniture for wealthy citizens. Orsk landscape jasper is especially beautiful.

This is interesting: Recently, a mothballed quarry on Mount Colonel near Orsk was reopened. So, perhaps soon you will be able to find a tabletop made of Orsk landscape jasper with the same framing strips.

Marble floor plinth is very aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time quite difficult to maintain. Marble floor planks, for example, should be cleaned with powder household products You can’t, because this will cause scratches on its surface.

Planks made from natural stone can have a ground, polished, sanded (sandblasted) and brushed (metal brushed) surface.