home · electrical safety · Rules for using household electrical appliances. Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances? Rules of conduct when using electrical appliances Household electrical appliances and rules for their use

Rules for using household electrical appliances. Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances? Rules of conduct when using electrical appliances Household electrical appliances and rules for their use

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16"

2. Not leave it electrical appliances turned on and unattended. Especially irons, hair dryers, table lamps, TVs, etc.

6. Eliminate children's access to electrical appliances and open sockets.

8 . Don't let to prevent your child from inserting thin or sharp objects into the socket.

Fire protection" href="/text/category/pozharnaya_ohrana/" rel="bookmark"> fire department call 01 or ask your neighbors about it.

Rule 3. If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call 01 and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment.

Rule 4. In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.

Rule 5. During a fire, never get into an elevator. It may shut down and you will suffocate.

Rule 6. While waiting for firefighters to arrive, do not lose your head and do not jump out of the window. You will definitely be saved.




1. Report the fire to the fire department by phone "01", and in the absence telephone communication send a messenger.

4. Observing safety precautions, begin to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents (fire extinguishers, water, sand, etc.).

throwing a thick cloth or blanket over it, pouring water or covering it with sand.

Rule2. If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that call the fire department by phone "01"or ask your neighbors about it.

Rule No. 3. If you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call “01” and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passersby for help from the window.

Rule4. In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.

Rule5. If smoke has entered the room, you need to wet your clothes with water, cover your head with a wet napkin and go out crouching or crawling.

Rule6. Be sure to close the window and door in the room where the fire started. Closed door can not only delay the penetration of smoke, but sometimes also extinguish the fire

Rule No. 7. Fill the bathtub, buckets, basins with water. You can pour water on the doors and floor.

Rule№ 8. If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator. He may shut down and you will suffocate.

Rule9. When the firefighters arrive, obey them in everything and do not be afraid. They know better how to save you.

Remember the most important rule not only in case of fire, but also in case of any other danger:

“Don’t panic and don’t lose your composure!”

Electricity. The main causes of electric shock are: touching bare wires, contacts, connections and other live parts; the appearance of voltage on the housings, which are in normal conditions are not under voltage; Accidental appearance of voltage on live parts disconnected for repair or maintenance; The occurrence of a step voltage in the current spreading zone when a bare conductor is short-circuited to the ground or a conductive floor. About 50% of deaths from electric shock in the home occur when using electrical appliances.

Electricity and children. When you bring any new electrical device into the house, first of all, explain to your children that they should not play with this thing, especially when it is plugged in, as this is very dangerous to their health and can lead to injury. Also ensure that children do not climb into large appliances such as washing and washing machines. dishwashers, as well as slabs.

To avoid fire. Do not leave the iron on clothes, keep all high power electrical appliances away from carpets, upholstered furniture, curtains and other flammable items. Maintain electrical wiring in good condition. Don't turn it on Appliances into sockets with a voltage higher than that specified for specific devices. Do not leave electrical appliances plugged in when leaving home. Especially make sure that the iron, water heater and electric heater are turned off. To protect devices from fire resulting from sharp changes tension, use high-quality plugs. Keep electrical appliances away from central heating radiators.

To avoid electric shock. Water is an excellent conductor, and therefore everything related to electrical appliances must be dry. Make sure that water does not get into the socket or plug of the appliance. Do not touch exposed live wires. Do not touch electrical appliances or plugs plugged into sockets with wet hands. Do not touch water that contains an electric heater or a fallen hair dryer that is plugged into the outlet. For washing machines and other appliances located in the bathroom, it is best to use a special waterproof cable.

To avoid an accident. You need to know that it is deadly not only to touch, but also to come closer than 5-8 m to a broken wire lying on the ground overhead line. Having discovered broken or sagging overhead line wires, you should organize security for the damage site and alert the person responsible for the electrical equipment or the chairman of the board of the gardening partnership.

Children and wires. Injuries are often caused by children touching broken or sagging wires. To prevent these cases, children must be prohibited from: climbing onto the roofs of houses and buildings where there are nearby electric wires, on the supports of overhead power lines; play under overhead lines, fly kites there, make fires, throw wire and other objects on wires, break lamps and insulators, open doors of distribution boards, power cabinets, doors transformer substations, on which, as a rule, warning posters are mounted.

Air line. The danger of electric shock can arise when the overhead line is in working order, but the distance from a person to the wire is artificially reduced, i.e. when any buildings are erected under the overhead lines, materials are unloaded or stored, radio or television antennas are ineptly installed near the wires, are carried out various works using metal devices.

Only professionals. Unqualified persons who have no special tool, nor materials, should not be allowed to install or repair both internal and external electrical wiring, as well as to unauthorizedly connect to the electrical input or overhead line of pantographs and yard electrical wiring passing by the house.

Open space. On outdoors where the ground is under your feet, a conductor of electric current; touch of a person standing on the ground to bare current-carrying parts of electrical wiring or to poorly insulated areas of it, as a rule, leads to electrical injuries

Portable power tools. Incompetent use outdoors poses a great danger of electric shock. portable power tool, irrigation pumps personal plots. In this regard, when using power tools (and for pumps and when installing them), you must strictly follow all the instructions contained in the instructions manufacturer of this instrument or pump.

Outdoors. You should know that household electrical appliances (kettles, irons, tiles, etc.), portable lamps (floor lamps, table lamps, etc.) are intended for indoor use only. The use of electric lamps and electrical appliances connected to the mains in the open air can cause an accident, since the earth is a conductor of electric current

Electric wires. Some housewives use electrical wires as a rope for drying clothes and laundry. This cannot be done, since the wire rope may accidentally touch live networks external electrical wiring or metal object ( drainpipe, riser, structure, etc.) touching exposed parts of an overhead line or electrical wiring, and thus become energized. Touching such a “rope” may cause electrical injury. Proper Use electricity at home in dry rooms, in rooms with wooden floors eliminates almost all cases of electric shock

  1. What electrical devices do you know that are used in home management farms? What is their purpose?
  2. From what documents can you learn about the purpose of electrical appliances?
  3. What safety rules should be followed when using electrical appliances?

It is difficult to imagine our life without reliable helpers - electrical appliances. They are used to bake bread and prepare food, store food and clean the room. Without electrical appliances, we would not be able to quickly transmit and receive information, for example, get acquainted with technical achievements, sports and cinema news, and weather forecasts. They help process a variety of materials, illuminate rooms and streets, and perform many other functions. useful works. Look at Figure 183 and explain what electrical appliances are shown on it and what they are intended for. What do they have in common and what are the differences? What similar devices does your family use?

Rice. 183. Use of electrical appliances in everyday life

Yes! What all household electrical appliances have in common is that they operate by electrical energy. Devices that operate using electrical energy and are used in everyday life to facilitate the performance of certain work, creation comfortable conditions for work and rest are called household electrical appliances.

During labor training lessons and subsequently in Everyday life you will use, or maybe already use, a variety of similar electrical devices. To do this, you need to know the purpose of such devices, the principle of their operation and, most importantly, the rules safe use them. Regardless of its purpose, every household electrical appliance has an element that consumes electrical energy to operate its working part. For example, in electric drill Electrical energy drives a motor on the shaft of which a drill is fixed, in an electric jigsaw - a nail file, in a meat grinder - knives, in a washing machine - a drum with laundry, etc. Since such devices operate using consumed electrical energy, they are all called consumers .

Depending on their purpose, principle of operation and design, household electrical appliances are divided into types and types. The most common types according to the principle of operation are the following: electric lighting, electric heating, electromechanical.

Each type can have several types. For example: the type of device is electric lighting, and its types: floor lamp, sconce, chandelier, desk lamp. Another group is heating electric appliances, and their types are: electric stove, electric iron, electric coffee maker, etc.

Electromechanical ones include electric meat grinders, Food processors, sewing and washing machines, screwdrivers, electric drills and much more (Fig. 184). Long-term use of household electrical appliances may cause different types problems. The most common ones include: self-unscrewing of clamping screws, with the help of which the conductive cores of electrical sockets, plugs, and sockets are secured; broken wires; failure of electrical and mechanical parts of devices, etc. As a result, sparking may occur, heating of wires, melting of insulation can occur, resulting in a fire, failure of electrical devices (Fig. 185).

Rice. 184. Types of household electrical appliances

Rice. 185. Possible faults electrical equipment

The use of faulty electrical appliances can lead to electric shock and, as a result, serious health consequences. To prevent this, you must comply following rules safe work:

  1. Before using an electrical appliance, carefully read the instructions that come with each electrical appliance.
  2. Use electrical appliances only with permission and in the presence of adults.
  3. It is prohibited to touch the levers, buttons of equipment located in the workshop and turn them on.
  4. It is impossible to check the presence of voltage in electrical circuit, touching exposed wires with your fingers.
  5. In case of any minor effects of electric current on the body (tingling, warming) and if a sign of damage to the electrical wiring is detected, the smell of the melting insulating sheath of wires, or the appearance of smoke, it is necessary to turn off the source of electric current and immediately inform the teacher, and when performing work at home, adult family members.
  6. When using electrical appliances, it is necessary to ensure that the current-carrying wires are not taut or twisted.
  7. To prevent electric shock to a person, when connecting electrical appliances to the electrical network, it is forbidden to hold your hand on the metal pipes water heating, the wall of a building, the body of another person (Fig. 186).
  8. Do not hold or pull the electrical plug from the socket using the cord (Fig. 187).
  9. To avoid electric shock, do not touch bare wires with your hands or carry out any work while consumers are connected to the electrical network or other power sources (Fig. 188).
  10. If another person has been electrocuted, you must place a rubber mat or dry wood stand under your feet and with one hand pull the victim by the collar or other part of dry clothing away from the electrical conductive network (Fig. 189).
  11. In case of falling into a fall zone electrical wires it is necessary to urgently get out of it, not by jumping, but in small steps, moving the soles of the feet without taking them off the road, as shown in Figure 190.

Rice. 186. Possible cases electric shock to a person

Rice. 187. Incorrectly pulling the plug out of the socket

Rice. 189. Method of releasing the victim

Rice. 190. Exit from the zone of falling electric wire

New terms

    electrical engineering, sources of electrical energy, consumers of electrical energy, household electrical appliances.

Basic Concepts

  • SconceWall Light or lamp holder.
  • Chandelierhanging lamp having multiple light sources.
  • Floor lamp– lamp on a high stand.

Fixing the material

  1. What types and types of household electrical appliances are divided into?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between the types and types of electrical appliances?
  3. What safety rules must be followed when using household electrical appliances?

Test tasks

1. Why is it necessary to save electrical energy?

    And to avoid failure of household appliances
    B to reduce energy costs
    To reduce costs natural resources for its production

2. What household appliances operate using electrical energy?

    And the chandelier
    B hairdryer
    In a meat grinder

3. Using faulty electrical appliances can lead to

    And excessive consumption of electrical energy
    B electric shock
    Failure of an electrical appliance

4. Why should you not touch exposed wires?

    An electrical appliance will fail
    B the supply of electrical energy will stop
    You may get an electric shock

When studying the causes of fires in electrical installations of residential buildings, it is necessary to focus on the fact that most often fires arise as a result short circuits, power supply overloads, sparking and heating of contact connections. Many fires occur when the rules for using household electric heating appliances (irons, kettles, electric stoves, etc.) are violated.

When using an electric iron, you must remember that it working surface heats up to 300°C and place it on ironing board(table) without a fireproof stand is unacceptable. Often, the power cord of the iron is damaged at the junction with the iron; here it is exposed to heat from the heated body and mechanical stress during ironing. The cord insulation dries out and cracks, which creates the preconditions for a short circuit.

An incandescent lamp also contains elements fire danger. Its bulb (outer surface) heats up to high temperature(250-300°C), and contact of the lamp with flammable materials may cause a fire.

In electrical networks and electrical installations, so-called “transition resistances” arise at the points of contact between live parts (“twisting” of wires). At the points of such connection, local heating of the current-carrying parts occurs, which can lead to the insulation catching fire and then to a fire.

Many tenants, despite the ban, install for heating their rooms, country houses homemade electro heating devices handicraft production, without thinking that this could lead to a fire.

You can often see that electrical wires are pulled back with ropes, the wires are tied in knots, and chandeliers are hung on the wires. This damages the insulation of the wires and creates conditions for short circuits.

In some apartment buildings residential buildings electrical panels on stairwells do not close, residents use them to store ashtrays. It should be remembered that free access to electrical panels for unauthorized persons can end sadly.

A fire can also occur from improper actions when repairing electrical networks or electrical equipment. Remember: repairs to electrical equipment must be carried out by a specialist.

Measures fire safety when using electrical devices:

1. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of electrical wiring, electrical appliances and equipment, as well as the integrity and serviceability of sockets, plugs and electrical cords.

3. It is prohibited to tie electrical wires into knots, twist them together, cover them with wallpaper or cover them with combustible finishing elements.

4. It is prohibited to simultaneously connect several current consumers (lamps, tiles, irons, etc.) to the electrical network, especially into the same outlet using a tee, as overloading the electrical wiring and causing a short circuit is possible.

5. It is prohibited to attach wires to gas or water pipes, on the radiators of the heating system.

6. Contact of electrical wires with telephone and radio broadcast wires, radio and TV antennas, tree branches and roofs of buildings.

7. Extension cords are intended for short-term use household appliances; They should be unplugged from the outlet after use.

8. Do not lay the extension cable under carpets or through door thresholds.

9. You must use only certified electrical accessories.

11. It must be remembered that fuses protect against short circuits, but not against fire due to poor contacts of electrical wires.

12. Signs of faulty wiring:

Hot electrical plugs or sockets;

Strong heating of the electrical wire during operation of electrical equipment;

The sound of crackling in sockets;


The smell of burning rubber, plastic;

Traces of soot on plugs and sockets;

Darkening of electrical wire braids;

Reducing the lighting in the room when one or another electrical appliance is turned on.

13. It is necessary to prohibit children from touching electrical wiring, sockets, extension cords, or power cords with their hands or sharp objects, as well as from turning on electrical appliances and electrical equipment in the absence of adults.

14. Electrical sockets It is advisable to equip with plugs.

15. Before turning them on, heating devices must be installed on stands made of non-combustible materials.

16. It is prohibited to leave switched on devices unattended, especially high-temperature heating devices - electric kettles, boilers, soldering irons and electric stoves.

17. It is prohibited to use electrical appliances with open coils during explosive areas, for example, in places where gasoline and drugs in aerosol containers are stored and used.

18. It is necessary to ensure that flammable interior items (curtains, carpets, plastic lampshades, wooden furniture parts, etc.) do not, under any circumstances, touch the heated surfaces of electrical appliances.

19. It is prohibited to cover electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth or other flammable materials.

20. It is prohibited to leave an electric heater on at night, near the bed or other flammable objects.

21. When purchasing an electric heater, you must make sure that it is equipped with an emergency switching system (in case it overheats or falls).

22. When turning on heaters, try not to use extension cords if possible. Otherwise, you need to make sure that the calculated (rated) power of the extension cord is not less than the power of the electrical appliance.

24. Do not leave a working TV unattended. When operating the TV, you must fulfill the following requirements:

Do not install the TV where it is poorly ventilated (cooled), that is, near heating devices, V furniture wall etc.;

Do not block the ventilation openings at the rear or bottom of the case;

When installing the TV, be sure to provide the ability to quickly and safely disconnect its plug from the socket; do not install it close to flammable materials (tulle, curtains, curtains, etc.);

If a malfunction occurs, immediately disconnect the TV from the network and call a specialist;

After turning off the TV using the toggle switch (button), unplug the cord from the socket, then it will be completely de-energized;

When leaving home, do not leave the TV in standby mode, since this mode is not fireproof; you need to completely turn off the power to the device;

Clean your TV from dust regularly.

If the TV is on:

1. Disconnect the TV from the power supply. If you cannot get to the power outlet because of the fire, then de-energize the apartment by turning off the breaker or circuit breaker.

2. Report the fire to the fire department by calling “01” or from your mobile phone “112”.

3. Cover the TV with a thick cloth (bedspread, blanket). Without air access, combustion will stop.

4. To avoid poisoning by combustion products, remove all people from the premises

5. If you cannot control the fire, immediately leave the room, closing the door behind you.

If other electrical appliances catch fire, proceed in the same way.

Do not extinguish fires with water electrical devices connected to the electrical network.

Rules for using household electrical appliances.

Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Electrical appliances are our faithful friends and helpers. Although they are not living, but iron, they must be handled with care and caution. Electric current, without which no device will work, can be very dangerous. In order not to suffer due to improper handling of electricity, we will get acquainted with the basic rules for using electrical appliances that everyone should know.

Rule one:

Don't plug it into a socket foreign objects!

As you already know, the socket is intended for connecting electrical appliances to the network, and not at all for your fingers. However, it is dangerous to insert not only your fingers into the socket, but also foreign objects, especially metal ones: nails, wire, knitting needles, hairpins. These objects are good conductors of electric current! The current through them, like a bridge, will instantly transfer to your hand and hit you as if you had stuck your finger into the socket.

Rule two:

Do not touch exposed wires with your hands!

Wires through which the devices receive electricity, have insulating protection. This means that the metal wire where the electricity flows is placed inside another wire, plastic, rubber, with a fabric winding. Rubber, plastic, and fabric are insulators through which current does not pass and cannot harm anyone. But it happens that the insulating sheath of the wire is damaged, and the dangerous metal wire is exposed. It is very dangerous. If you touch the exposed wire of a switched-on device, you may receive an electric shock.

Therefore, before connecting the device to the network, check whether the metal wires. If yes, then never use such a device until it is repaired!

Rule three:

Do not touch switched on devices with wet hands!

Remember that water is a conductor of electricity. She, like metal objects, is a bridge through which electricity moves to a person. If you touch a switched-on electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk receiving an electric shock.


Before turning on, turning off or doing anything else with an electrical appliance, you must wipe your hands dry!

Remember, young friend:

Tok doesn't like wet hands.

Before turning on the device.

We need to wipe our hands!

Rule four:

Do not wipe electrical appliances when they are turned on with a damp cloth!

Water in a damp cloth serves as the same conductor for electric current as water on wet hands. If you want, for example, to wipe the TV while it’s on, first turn off the device and then wipe off the dust from it.

Rule five:

Do not use electrical appliances touching water!

As you already know, water is an excellent conductor-bridge for electric current, so never touch water and a switched-on electrical appliance at the same time!

You cannot hold one hand under running water and the other turn on the electric stove or washing machine. Never use electrical appliances while lying in the bathroom!

Rule six:

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended!

When leaving home, always check that the lights are off and that the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron and other electrical appliances are turned off. Electrical appliances left unattended often cause fires.

Rule seven:

Do not fall asleep with the TV, tape recorder, electric heater or other household electrical appliances on!

Rule eight:

Do not plug more than three electrical appliances into one outlet!

Rule nine:

Do not wrap electric lamps with flammable materials (cloth, paper, oilcloth, etc.).

How to behave in case of fire of electrical appliances.

We hope that all the appliances in your home are in perfect working order and will never catch fire. But, unfortunately, due to various reasons electrical appliances may ignite and cause a fire. In order to avoid getting into a dangerous situation, you need to know the basic rules of behavior in case of fire of electrical appliances.

Rule one:

If the device catches fire and your parents are at home, you need to immediately inform them about what happened!

Rule two:

If you are alone, then you need to remember the basic rule:

Under no circumstances should you extinguish the appliance with water while it is plugged in!

First you need to turn off the device, that is, remove the plug from the socket, and only then

fill with water. If there is no water nearby, you can cover the device with a blanket and fall asleep

sand, earth.

Rule three:

If you see that you cannot cope with the fire, then you need to leave the apartment or house and call adults.

To call the firefighters, you need to dial 01.

Rule four:

If you can’t leave the house and you don’t have a phone, then you need to look out the window and attract people’s attention.

It is necessary to shout loudly and persistently: Fire! Fire! Dial 01!

Information for adults! How to help a child who has suffered an electric shock.

Sadly, our children do not always listen to us and sometimes act in their own way. To prevent your child from being harmed by electricity, it is necessary to take measures in advance.

All sockets must be equipped with special current-proof plugs.

Try to hide all electrical wires so that it is difficult for children to reach them.

If a child nevertheless sticks a finger or an object into the socket and receives an electric shock, it is necessary to push or pull the child by the edge of his clothing or belt. For safety, you need to stand on a dry board, rubber mat, stack of newspapers or books. You need to wrap your hand in a dry cloth or wear a rubber glove.

If a child grabs a bare wire, you must immediately disconnect the device from the network. If for some reason this cannot be done, then you should cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or use wire cutters with well-insulated handles. You can push the wire away with a dry stick.

After the current has stopped, it is necessary to place the child on flat surface, cover him and call a doctor immediately.


We hope that our children will never find themselves in such situations, and that electric current, without which no electrical appliance can operate, will not harm anyone!