home · Installation · Proper transplantation of lemon at home: how not to harm the plant? How and when to replant a lemon into another pot at home How to properly replant an indoor lemon

Proper transplantation of lemon at home: how not to harm the plant? How and when to replant a lemon into another pot at home How to properly replant an indoor lemon

IN Lately In our homes, plants are increasingly appearing that were previously considered quite rare or too whimsical to live on the windowsill of an ordinary apartment.

Time passes, and more and more often tangerines and lemons, as well as other citrus fruits, which pleasantly please the eye not only with their juiciness, become faithful friends of housewives green its leaves, but also the bright colors of its fruits. Thanks to modern developments, you can easily purchase the soil and fertilizers necessary for such plants, and if desired, you can prepare it yourself, adding great love and care for your “green friend.” So, a lemon has appeared in your house. The joy of the purchase has subsided, and it’s worth figuring out how to care for this whimsical plant, and is it necessary to replant the lemon at home after purchase?

How to replant a lemon correctly

Transplantation is safest for lemons in the spring, before intensive growth begins. But if the tub is quite large, and with abundant regular watering, acidification of the soil is observed, which threatens the plant, then replacing the pot and soil is simply necessary; here the time of year does not play a decisive role. In this case, it is even permissible to replant the lemon with fruits. You need to be very careful when choosing dishes, since excessive volumes can lead to the soil not being sufficiently penetrated by roots and gradually turning sour. But if you see that there is a lump of earth in flower pot is already quite strongly penetrated by the root system, we recommend not to delay this event.
You can prepare the soil for lemon yourself. IN equal parts(1-1-1) mixed washed river sand, leafy turf soil and well-rotted manure. With this composition, the plant will not need fertilizing for half a year. The container can be either plastic, wood or clay, the main thing is that there is a hole to drain excess liquid.

The first step is to place a shard on the bottom of the pot, with the convex side up for better outlet water. Then a layer of river sand or crushed brick for drainage. It is advisable to moisten the walls of the pot with water so that the soil will stick to them better in the future.

Step two - take the lemon out of the container in which it grew previously. Abundant watering will help extract it, minimizing the risk of damage to the root system. Most safe way, especially if the pot is made of plastic, this is to cut it and then remove the 2 halves to free the plant.

Step three is checking the root system. If the plant is replanted due to soil mold, the roots are most likely already damaged. In this case, it is important to trim off damaged roots and some branches to reduce the likelihood of the plant drying out. If root system weakened and damaged, it will be difficult for her to provide nutrients the whole crown.

The next step is replanting the plant. In the prepared tub or pot, pour soil around the edges. We leave a hole in the middle to place the lemon with the remains of the old soil. Then we press the plant with our fingers and evenly cover it with soil. You need to plant the lemon shallowly and try to ensure that the plant is located directly in the middle of the pot. If you plant it very deep, the lemon will not bear fruit.

Young lemons need to be replanted quite often, two and sometimes three times a summer. But for older lemons, which are already 4-5 years old, it is enough to replant them once a year, this is enough to ensure the correct and uniform development of the root system. Transplantation or transshipment, as it is called because the plant is in new pot“moves” along with the old soil; for lemons older than 6-11 years, it is done once every 2-3 years. By the way, there is one secret for better flowering It is necessary to replant a blooming lemon using the transshipment method. When the tree is already fully formed and its age has exceeded 12 years, it is enough to replant it once every 10 years. The tub in which it grows is large enough, and there is no need to update the soil so often to provide the plant with everything it needs for healthy growth.
Of course, for some, all this may seem like a rather troublesome task, but the joy that such beauty brings with it in your home is incomparable to any troubles. And remember - plants feel when they are loved!

Lemon is an evergreen tree. Its leaves are rich, bright green, smooth, dense; Through small holes - pores - the leaves secrete special phytoncides, thanks to which the plant smells so pleasant. Homemade lemon does not grow to large sizes, but in the wild it can reach 3 m in height. Growing a fruit-bearing tree at home is quite difficult, but quite possible.

Planting lemon at home

The best ways to grow a new plant at home are from cuttings or from a fruit seed.


This is the surest way to end up with a fruit-bearing tree. It is quite simple even for beginners.

Cuttings take root in about 1.5 months. After rooting, the plant needs to be “accustomed” to room air, opening the greenhouse first for an hour, then gradually increasing the time.

Fruit-bearing lemon can be grown at home

Planting a lemon with a seed

To do this, you need to choose a ripe fruit without damage. Remove the seeds and select the largest ones. It is necessary to plant immediately after extraction, or no later than a day later, since the germination capacity of dry seeds is noticeably reduced.

It is worth planting at least 10 seeds to guarantee germination.

We choose a pot for planting that is quite spacious so that there is enough space for all the seeds, or we plant each seed in a separate container. Planting depth is 2–3 cm, the soil should be well moistened.

For germination, future lemons need to create comfortable conditions: temperature 17–18 o C degrees, light watering. You can create a mini-greenhouse by simply tightly covering a pot with seeds with the cut off top of a plastic bottle.

To be sure to get seedlings, you need to plant at least 10 lemon seeds

Soil for planting lemon

Lemon - pretty capricious plant, its requirements for soil composition are high. Of course, you don’t have to waste extra effort and buy special soil for citrus fruits in the store, but experienced gardeners prefer to prepare the soil themselves. Lemon soil contains:

  • sphagnum. This is a special type of moss. Rich minerals. With such feeding, the plant will grow strong and healthy;
  • peat. In some regions, sphagnum is quite problematic to find, but, fortunately, there is a good replacement for it - the well-known peat;
  • sand. It “lightens” the soil, allowing roots to grow through the soil more easily;
  • layer of nutritious soil. But you'll have to buy it now. This is special land that is sold in “sheets”;
  • drainage. Expanded clay, charcoal, nut shells, stones - all this is suitable for creating an outflow of water.

“Construction” of planting soil for lemon: a mixture of sphagnum and peat - upper layer, behind him - leaf soil, below - drainage.

Proper soil is very important for lemon

Transplanting (transferring) lemons at home

Strictly speaking, lemons are not replanted, but transshipped. For the first time, transshipment is carried out 2–3 weeks after rooting. Fundamentally, it is no different from a standard transplant, but the root neck of the lemon cannot be sprinkled with soil. When transplanting, the roots should not be exposed.

A stronger tree requires a second transplant after a year into a pot 4–5 cm larger than the previous one. Further transplants are carried out every 2-3 years into a larger pot.

Is it possible to replant a lemon during flowering?

You can also handle lemons during flowering, because in favorable conditions some varieties bloom and all year round. But the procedure must be carried out with special care and accuracy, then problems with the tree can be avoided.

Blooming lemon can also be replanted

Video: lemon transplant

How to increase the possibility of fruiting

Lemon, of course, can be used as ornamental plant, but many want to see the result of their labors in the form of fragrant lemons on the table. Here are some secrets that will help the tree become a full-fledged fruit-bearing lemon:

  1. The more leaves the better. The tree requires 16–20 leaves to grow and ripen one lemon. So, if you want homemade lemons, then you should pinch the top of the plant - then it will grow wider, not higher, and therefore there will be more leaves.
  2. Remove dried flowers and leaves. The plant does not like the extra load.
  3. Another method is grafting from fruiting lemon. But one still needs to be found, and this is a delicate and complex matter, especially for a novice gardener.
  4. Try to bring the conditions for lemon as close to natural as possible. More light, moisture and warmth - after all, lemon is a tropical plant.

With proper care, the plant will definitely delight you with fruits.

Video: lemon grafting

Growing a healthy, fruit-bearing lemon is not at all difficult. The main thing is to put effort, patience and, of course, love into such an interesting business as gardening.

Transplant indoor lemon is not very difficult. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules for replanting a tree. This procedure very important for a plant grown from seeds. Lemon will be able to grow freely and delight you with its fruits. If you make a small mistake, you risk destroying the plant. In this article we will tell you how to replant a lemon, in which cases it can be done at home, and how to choose the right container and soil.

Reasons for lemon transplantation

The first sign that a plant obtained from seeds can be replanted is protruding roots from the drainage holes. If the roots are not visible, but the citrus itself resembles an inconspicuous stick with a couple of leaves, then it is not worth replanting yet.

However, the most the right way, with which you can find out whether a transplant is needed, will be as follows. Wet the soil with water. The water should drain well. After this, tilt the container to its side. Try to carefully remove the soil. If the roots penetrate the ground from all sides, then the tree requires replanting at home. If the roots are not visible and the soil falls apart in your hands, the citrus is not yet ready for replanting.

Therefore, the plant can be left in its original container. Sniff the ground. If you smell rotten emanating from the soil, clean the root system and replant. home tree into another box. When the roots are at the bottom of the container, it is recommended to transplant the lemon into a deeper box.

Please note that after purchase, citrus must be placed in the so-called quarantine zone. The plant should be kept away from indoor crops for at least seven days. This is necessary so that if you purchase an infected lemon, other plants are not harmed. After all, it is unknown in what conditions your tree was grown. It could very well become infected spider mite, which is invisible at first glance. However, after a while his “tricks” become noticeable. Naturally, to plants grown from seeds, this rule not applicable.

Another reason requiring immediate replanting at home is damage to the pot. If this happens, the first step is to carefully lift the tree. At the same time, the soil with roots should retain its previous appearance. If there is no container for replanting and all specialized stores are closed, wrap the soil with the plant in a slightly moistened cloth and place it in a bag. In this form, lemon can only be stored for a day. Has the container been found? Then properly remove the damaged roots and branches, and sprinkle the root system with crushed coal.

When a lemon begins to wither at home and the smell of rot comes from the container, this is the first sign that the plant needs to be replanted. This is necessary to prevent earthen fleas from infesting. Moreover, some of the soil needs to be removed and replaced. It is not necessary to take a new container. You can simply clean the old one and treat it with disinfectants. This procedure requires fresh drainage. It is recommended to remove several branches so that the roots can easily provide nutrients to the tree crown.

When can you replant a lemon tree?

Citrus needs to be periodically replanted at home so that it grows and develops normally. There are several opinions about when to transplant a lemon. Thus, for plants under three years of age, it is recommended to carry out the procedure twice during the summer. If your plant is three to four years old, then one transplant per year will be enough. For older crops, it is recommended to take a break a year. Why such difference? The fact is that the growth of the root system decreases every year. After reaching ten years of age, the tree is replanted only in extreme cases. Gardeners recommend replanting before buds or ovaries appear.

How to choose a container for citrus

There are no special requirements for the material. It can be ceramics, plastic, or wood. The main condition is to create excellent drainage. For plants that grow for a long time at home, it is recommended to use cone-shaped tubs made of wood. When choosing a container for transplanting a crop, it is advisable to give preference to pots that have the ability to check for liquid stagnation. For example, a container with a flat tray is much better than a flowerpot. Next you just have to choose a color. Try combining it with other indoor plants. The result will be an interesting composition.

How to choose soil for a lemon tree

If you prefer to prepare the soil yourself, then the following recipe for preparing the soil will be useful to you. Mix three parts defatted soil with one part humus and the same amount of river sand. However, in specialized stores you can purchase ready-made soil for indoor lemon with a neutral acidity level.

Of course, not all manufacturers make high-quality soil. There is a risk of acquiring contaminated land. When purchasing soil, you should take good care of drainage. After transplanting at home for six months, the tree will not need various nutrients and fertilizers. Subsequently, you can feed the crop with organic or mineral fertilizers that do not contain chlorine.

How to replant a lemon or brief instructions for replanting citrus

Not many people know that a well-executed lemon transplant will speed up the growth of the plant, increase the number of fruits, and also give the lemon a healthy and blooming species. Replanting a lemon is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Next, we will list the rules for carrying out this procedure, which will subsequently make the transplant quick and easy.

First you need to decide whether the tree needs replanting. If the procedure is necessary in all respects, you should prepare special accessories: homemade lemon, a container larger in size than the old one, soil, fertilizing, watering liquid. All is ready? Then we start planting at home.

First of all, prepare the pot. It doesn't have to be many times better than the old one. This can lead to rotting of the root system. By the way, the diameter of the container for two-year-old plants and less should be twenty centimeters. Lemon from three to four years old should be placed in pots with a diameter of thirty centimeters. Trees between five and six years old are planted in containers with a diameter of thirty-five centimeters. A lemon that has celebrated its 7th birthday or more deserves a 45-centimeter pot in diameter. We have already noted that the material of the container does not play any role for the plant. The main thing is that there is drainage.

Take new soil. It makes no difference whether you buy ready-made or make it yourself. Experienced gardeners advise placing a crock at the bottom of the container, with the convex part facing up. Next layer– drainage mixture. The thickness of the layer must be at least three centimeters. This way the liquid will not stagnate in the container. We continue to form layers. Next in line is a handful of soil. The box with soil is ready.

Next, we move directly to the plant itself. Carefully remove the tree from the previous pot along with the lump of earth. Try not to damage the earthen ball, as otherwise the crop will get sick or die altogether. All that can be done at this stage is to remove the top layer of soil located above the root system. After extraction, do not rush to replant the lemon. Carefully inspect the roots. If you notice dried or broken roots, cut them off using sharp knife. Don't try to untangle the root system. If you have removed the roots, you need to cut off a couple of branches.

Then the plant is placed in a previously prepared container. Gently hold the tree while covering the roots with soil. Tamp down the soil after planting the tree. Then the plant needs to be watered. For the next five days, homemade lemon should be in the shade. Then you can return the culture to its original place.

Citrus fruits grow well at home and even produce harvests. At proper care and following the conditions of agricultural technology, you can provide yourself with tasty and healthy fruits, as well as decorate your home with an exotic tree. However, over time, the gardener will have to face such an event as transplanting an indoor lemon into another pot. This is a necessary measure to ensure the growth, development and regular fruiting of a green pet.

In what cases is a transplant required?

Transfer indoor plants produced by one of several possible reasons. Citrus trees may become cramped in an old container, they may suddenly get sick, or after purchasing a tree in a store, you need to place it in a permanent pot.

Planned transplant

Planned transplant lemon tree carried out as it is filled with the root system of the pot. If they start peeking out of the drainage hole, it's time to rehome the plant. It is preferable to plan the work for February or early March, before the lemon begins to grow. However, if necessary, you can make a transplant in the middle of summer.

Before moving the seedling to another pot, a layer of drainage is placed on the bottom of the container, on top of which a small amount of sand is poured. After this, you can sprinkle the nutritious soil mixture, install the lemon along with the earthen lump. The root collar of the plant should be located slightly below the side of the pot. Next, add more soil so that there is little space left for watering up to the edge. The soil is compacted and watered abundantly.

After purchasing a new tree

After purchasing a lemon, it will also need replanting. As a rule, flowers are sold in so-called temporary pots, which are not suitable for long-term growing of plants. The purchased seedling must be kept separately from others for the first time. indoor flowers to avoid spider mite infestation.

Before transplanting, you need to prepare a new container, drainage and nutritious soil mixture in advance. Place at the bottom of the pot drainage layer, then a layer of soil, place a lemon in the center along with a lump of earth and add required amount soil in such a way that there is room for watering up to the edge of the vessel. To make it easier for the plant to take root, you can cover it with polyethylene for a while, making a kind of greenhouse.

If the plant is sick and does not grow

If the first signs of a lemon disease or its growth stop are detected, it is necessary to examine the tree and take measures for its rehabilitation. An unscheduled transplant cannot be ruled out. The plant should be removed from the pot and the root system examined. If heard bad smell, and signs of decay are visible, then the diseased roots are cut with a sharp knife, the cut areas are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and sprinkled with wood ash. Further technology carrying out a transplant is no different from a planned one.

Optimal timing for transplantation

When is the right time to replant a lemon so that it takes root well and does not get sick? Experienced florists recommend doing this before the plant comes out of dormancy and begins sap flow processes. The ideal time would be the end of February - the beginning of March, but the procedure can be carried out in the middle of summer. In autumn, replanting is carried out only in case of emergency, if there is a threat of death of the tree.

Preparatory stages

Preparation for transplantation takes the most time and is perhaps the most important procedure. The further success of all work depends on its correct implementation.

Preparing the plant

Before transplanting, the lemon tree should be removed from the old pot and the root system should be inspected. If rot is detected, trim diseased roots and disinfect them. Excess branches on the plant also need to be removed so that they do not take away vitality and the seedling takes root more easily.

Choosing a pot

What kind of pot is needed for growing lemon so that the seedling feels comfortable and is easy to care for? Preference should be given to containers with a flat bottom; flowerpots are not suitable for these purposes. The material from which they are made can be absolutely any; there are no restrictions in this regard. The size of the pot for indoor lemon is chosen 4 cm larger than where the plant grew before. Mandatory requirement is the presence of drainage holes. It is better if the container is small in height but wide.

Required soil and drainage

Expanded clay and river sand are used as a drainage layer for lemon. Soil for growing citrus plants It is preferable to purchase ready-made. It already contains everything necessary components and microelements.

Procedure technology

Transfer homemade lemon consists of the following steps:

  1. Take a pot of suitable size.
  2. Drainage is laid at the bottom with a layer of 3 cm.
  3. To provide additional nutrition, a layer of peat 2 cm thick is laid on top of the drainage.
  4. Carefully remove the lemon from the old pot, preventing the earthen lump from falling off.
  5. Dry and damaged roots are cut off and treated with Kornevin.
  6. Place the lemon in the center of the new pot so that the root collar is located slightly below the edge of the container.
  7. Fill with prepared soil mixture and compact it.
  8. Water the seedling generously and sprinkle with Zircon solution.

Lemon care after transplantation

Growing lemon at home requires some care. After transplantation in summer, the tree is watered once a day with settled water; in spring and autumn period 2-3 waterings per week are sufficient, and in winter, irrigation is carried out only once a week. In dry and hot weather, it is useful to spray the crown regularly.

Fertilizer application

Lemon does not require fertilizing for the first 1.5 months after transplantation. After the specified time, they begin to add complex mineral fertilizers, nitrogen-containing preparations and organic matter.

Features of replanting tall specimens

Tall lemons grow about 2-3 meters, so replanting them is somewhat difficult. To avoid damaging the tree, the following measures must be observed:

  • The trunk of the lemon tree near the root collar is wrapped in cloth;
  • put a loop of strong rope on the rag;
  • insert a stick into the loop;
  • the stick is pressed against the stand with one side, and the lemon is lifted with the other;
  • fix the stick in a hanging position;
  • remove the old pot from the root system of the tree;
  • place a new container with a drainage layer under the lemon;
  • lower the plant into a new container and fall asleep nutritious soil mixture free space;
  • Remove the loop and fabric from the trunk and water the lemon generously.

It is undesirable to allow direct contact with the transplanted tree. sun rays, so for some time it is fenced off with a fabric screen.

Lemon tree is a pride experienced gardener, but grow beautiful plant Even a beginner can do it. Caring for lemon is not difficult, because it is an unpretentious subtropical plant. It is important to understand the intricacies of care and know how to properly replant a lemon.

Lemon trees do not require too much care

Need for transplant

The homemade lemon tree needs timely replanting. When the plant completely draws all the nutrients from the soil, it is depleted. This leads to lemon diseases, gradually the plant sheds its leaves and dries out. Transplantation helps the plant receive nutrients from the soil on time and bear fruit.

It is necessary to determine the ideal time for transplantation. A novice gardener will be helped by a small hint about when it is necessary to replant a lemon - light roots peek out from the drainage holes of the pot.

But there are other reasons for transplanting a lemon into a new pot:

  1. Replanting indoor lemon is necessary immediately after purchase. Often rooted citrus shoots are sold in small pots in stores. If you pull a flower out of a pot along with a lump of earth, you can see that it is entangled in a developing root system. For effective plant growth, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger pot. Detailed recommendations about replanting after purchase can be obtained from the seller at the flower shop.
  2. Transplanting a lemon into a new pot is necessary when the roots rot. If the grower has not properly cared for the plant and systematically overwatered the soil, it may become swampy. When overwatered, signs of wilting are observed, and the pot smells rotten. To prevent the plant from dying, it needs to be transplanted into a pot with new soil and drainage. The roots of the plant must be cleaned of rotten parts.
  3. Roots are visible around the trunk of the plant. This means that the plant has already grown out of the pot in which it was originally located, and the root system is sufficiently developed to be transplanted into big pot. If it is not replanted in time, the root system will stop supplying nutrients to the upper runs, and they will begin to dry out and fall off.
  4. If, from growing season to growing season, fewer and fewer fruits appear on the plant, and flowers appear less and less often, even though the lemon looks healthy, then the soil is depleted.
  5. Broken pot.

Choosing a pot

Before replanting a lemon at home, you need to take care of the pot; it should be several centimeters larger in diameter. For trees older than seven years, choose medium-sized pots with a large neck but a narrowed bottom. The main condition when choosing a pot is the presence of drainage holes. This important condition, because the plant gets sick when there is excess moisture. Exist certain rules choosing a pot for transplanting a lemon tree:

  1. If you are using white plastic pot or dishes made of translucent material, it must be wrapped in thick dark cloth or placed in a flower pot. Otherwise, the plant will get sick, and the soil will begin to become covered with moss.
  2. If the choice fell on ceramic pot, then before planting the plant, the pot must be placed in a container with warm water for several hours. A ceramic pot that is moistened before planting will not absorb liquid from the soil.
  3. A plastic pot made of dark material is perfect solution for planting citrus fruits. Plastic containers do not take moisture from the soil, plants receive enough nutrients and water. But to ensure the correct microclimate, it is necessary to put about 5 cm of drainage at the bottom of the pot.
  4. Large lemon trees should be planted in wooden pots made from pine or oak. Such tree species are highly resistant to rotting and absorption of negative pathogenic bacteria; they are ideal for citrus fruits. But the wooden tub must be prepared before transplanting the lemon tree. It is necessary to burn the skating rink from the inside in order to inner surface wooden pot a layer of nutrient has formed charcoal. This will disinfect the container and protect it from rotting.

Ceramic pots should be kept in warm water before replanting.

Soil for citrus fruits

Transplanting a lemon at home is not the easiest task; only experienced gardeners can perform all the operations correctly. Great importance is given to the substrate in which the plant will live until the next transplant.

All components are mixed in equal proportions and additionally fertilized with nitrogen or phosphorus nutrients. After transplanting into such soil, the lemon is not fertilized during the first months.

After this, it is necessary to add nutritious mineral or organic fertilizers. A prerequisite for care is the absence of chlorine in such fertilizers.

Forest humus is part of the lemon soil.


Drainage is an integral part of the ecosystem of a potted lemon tree, it helps control soil moisture and prevent root rot. Take responsibility for his choice. It is common to use several different options:

  1. If the pot is clay and has one hole, then you need to place a clay shard on it with the convex side up. This will leave the hole always open to allow excess moisture to drain out.
  2. River sand. Citrus fruits feel great next to river sand. It is used in the manufacture nutrient soil, because river sand perfectly passes moisture through itself.
  3. Expanded clay is pebbles made of baked clay that perfectly absorb moisture. They are often used as drainage not only for citrus fruits, but also for other plants. Expanded clay can be poured in a layer of up to five centimeters at the bottom of the pot when transplanting citrus fruits or mixed with soil in equal proportions. This drainage option works best with lemon trees because it helps the liquid in the soil to circulate well and allow air to pass through.

River sand - excellent drainage

Step-by-step transplant instructions

Replanting a plant is important stage To care for it, you must strictly follow the instructions:

  1. The drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot and covered with a small layer of earth.
  2. Take the plant out of the old pot. It is necessary to water the plant a few hours before transplanting for easy removal. It is impossible to completely clean the lemon roots from the earthen coma, since there is a high risk of damage to the small roots.
  3. Remove dry roots or broken parts of the root system.
  4. Place a lump of earth along with the root system of the plant on top of the drainage and a small layer of soil and begin to gradually sprinkle them with soil.
  5. When filling the pot, it is necessary to compact the soil by gradually pouring a new layer of substrate on top of the previous one.
  6. The root collar of a lemon tree cannot be covered with soil.
  7. After transplanting, water the plant and move it to the shade.

Since replanting is stressful for lemons, plants with fruits should not be replanted. But if you bought it already with them, then you should wait until they are fully ripe.

Caring for the plant after transplantation

After transplantation, the plant needs special care. It is necessary to place it in the shade, and after the fruit’s stress has passed, move it to its usual place.

Most gardeners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to prune a newly transplanted tree in order to protect it from additional stress during a repeated traumatic procedure.

This procedure is optional, but if the plant has dry roots or dried upper shoots, it can be trimmed.

And some gardeners claim that such care will help the plant form new fruits with triple strength.