home · Measurements · Replanting indoor citrus plants. Rules for replanting a lemon at home into a new pot How to properly replant a lemon at home

Replanting indoor citrus plants. Rules for replanting a lemon at home into a new pot How to properly replant a lemon at home

Lemon is a citrus plant native to the tropics. Therefore, it will not grow in the garden. But many gardeners manage to enjoy the fruits grown in the apartment. from a seed at home? What should I do to make the plant bear fruit?

Description of lemon

Lemon refers to evergreens. Its young shoots have purple, over the years they turn brown. The leaves are thick, leathery, oval. Each of them lives about 3 years. On their surface there are glands with essential oils.

An adult plant forms flower buds. They develop slowly, each blooming within 5 weeks. After the bud opens, it blooms for 7...9 weeks. The flowers have a strong pleasant smell.

Gradually, a fruit forms in place of the flower. At first it is green, then gradually turns yellow. The fruits are covered with a thick, aromatic peel. Inside there is yellow pulp that tastes sour. The fruit is divided into several segments. There are seeds inside. The maturation process lasts 9 months or longer. At this time, the plant needs to create certain conditions. You can buy lemon or grow it yourself.

Growing a Lemon Tree

How to grow lemon from seed at home? You can use seeds obtained from purchased fruit for this. It is only necessary that it be ripe, the seeds large and hard.

It is better to graft the plant after some time. After all, lemons grown from seeds begin to bear fruit no earlier than after 6 years, and those grafted already at next year after vaccination.

You can use cuttings 10 cm long and 4 mm thick. They must have at least 2 leaves and 3 buds. Treat the cuttings with Kornevin. They are kept in water for a couple of days, then planted in pots. The soil for them consists of soil for flowers, sand and humus. The seedlings are sprayed every day. Do not flood the soil. At temperatures up to 25 degrees, roots will appear in a month and a half.

Plant a young lemon in a pot. Transplanting and caring for plants obtained from cuttings at home are the same as for those grown from seeds.

Lemon soil needs loose soil; it must allow air and moisture to pass through well. Take soil for flowers from the store and peat.


Prepare dishes with large drainage holes and place drainage on the bottom. Fill in a layer of prepared soil mixture. The seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm. They germinate in a couple of weeks.

Seedling care

The soil should be watered regularly with warm, settled water. When the seedlings have a couple of leaves, they are planted in a separate container. You can immediately plant one or two seeds in a pot.

Transplanted plants are covered with jars. This will help create the optimal temperature regime and moisture level. Every day they are removed for half an hour so that they adapt and ventilate.

Light mode

Lemon is a short-day plant. Therefore, it can grow and develop in low light conditions. Such conditions accelerate the fruiting of lemons. If the daylight hours are increased, this may lead to a delay in fruit formation.

But in winter, if the lemon develops, it needs to be illuminated for up to 6 hours using a special lamp.

Place for lemon

Lemon grows well on southern and eastern windows. If there is no natural shading, it should be organized in the afternoon.

To prevent the crown of the tree from leaning to one side, it is regularly turned. They do this once every ten days. And you need to rotate it 10 degrees.


The room temperature depends on the stage of plant development. During the period when it does not bloom, 17 degrees is enough. The optimal temperature for the formation and development of lemon buds is 14...18 degrees. If it rises higher, the flowers and already formed ovaries fall off. When the fruits grow and begin to ripen, the temperature is increased to 22 degrees.

In summer, lemon can be grown outside or on the balcony, but at this time there should be no temperature changes. Therefore, it is advisable to wrap the pot with the plant at night.

In winter, when at rest, the lemon is placed indoors at a temperature of about 13 degrees. There should be no heating radiators nearby.


During fruiting (May-September), the lemon is watered every day with filtered or settled water. Then the intervals between waterings are increased, bringing the number to two per week. Water generously, but only when the soil dries out. If you over-water it in the fall or winter, the roots may rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to completely change the soil.

Lemon leaves need additional moisture. This is especially important in winter if the room is heated. Spray the leaves with warm boiled water.

Lemon that overwinters in a cool room is not sprayed. Excessive moisture can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

Transplanting a lemon into a new pot

After the seedlings grow to 15 cm, they are transplanted into a new pot, the diameter of which will be 5 cm larger than the previous one. In such a container, the roots will quickly grow, filling the space of the pot. If a homemade lemon is transplanted immediately into big pot, the soil in it will turn sour from moisture.

It is better to plant the seeds immediately in separate pots. This will reduce the number of transplants and improve the condition of the lemon. This will keep the root system intact.

Transplanting a lemon into a new pot is carried out using the transshipment method. The new pot should also have good drainage and holes for moisture removal. Its diameter should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The soil can be taken the same as when sowing seeds. You can take a mixture from the store or a mixture garden soil with humus. Transplanting a lemon into a new pot is carried out so that the root collar remains at soil level.

Fertilizer application

A good harvest of lemons cannot be obtained without constant fertilizing. The easiest way is to deposit complex fertilizer for indoor lemons. It reacts well to the addition of ash diluted with water. To do this, they are crushed and kept in water for 2 days. You can use an infusion of manure, diluting it in a ratio of 1:10.

For young plants, one feeding per month and a half is sufficient.

In spring and summer mature plant feed 2 times a month. In autumn, a lemon located in a warm room is watered once every month and a half. The plant in a cool room does not need feeding.

Do not apply fertilizer to dry soil. Therefore, before fertilizing, water the plant with clean water.

With the help of fertilizers you can accelerate fruiting. To do this, reduce the amount nitrogen fertilizers, increase the amount of phosphorus.

Trimming indoor lemons

The lemon crown needs to be shaped regularly. This is done in two ways, depending on the purpose of the plant. If it is grown only as an ornamental plant, it is pruned to form a small bush.

For active fruiting, you need to get a tree with a sufficient number of shoots and leaves. Typically, fruits are formed on branches of the fourth order. They need to be formed as quickly as possible.

The main method of formation is pinching young shoots. The first time it is done when the seedling reaches 20 cm. Then it is pinched at a distance of 15 cm from the previous one, making sure that there are at least 4 buds in this area. The main shoots are subsequently obtained from them.

The branches of each subsequent order should be 5 cm shorter than the previous ones. This will allow the formation of a compact crown.

In the future, shoots that are broken and growing inside the crown are cut off.

Diseases and pests of lemon

For many lovers, the leaves on the lemon turn yellow and fall off. This may be caused by:

  • dry air;
  • malnutrition;
  • high temperature in the room in winter;
  • when infected spider mite(you need to fight it with “Fitoverm”, “Akarin”).

Beginning gardeners often complain that indoor lemons have lost their leaves. What to do in this case? You need to see which of the care items is not being followed and change the regimen. Perhaps this is a consequence of the transplant. If done incorrectly, root system may become damaged, causing leaves to fall off. Therefore, transplanting a lemon into a new pot in the first years of life is carried out every 2-3 years.

Leaves and stems, especially young ones, can be damaged by aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, and mealybugs. To get rid of them without using chemicals, undesirable in the apartment, use garlic infusion. To prepare it, garlic is crushed and infused in water for 5 days. Strain, pour 6 g of infusion into 1 liter of water, spray the plant. But if the pests have spread over a large area, such a remedy is unlikely to help.

Growing lemons at home is a fairly popular activity. This subtropical plant requires special attention and reacts poorly to errors in care. One of important stages Lemon agricultural technology is to replant it regularly.

Basic aspects of transplanting homemade lemons

Strictly speaking, replanting should be considered an operation that involves completely replacing the soil and exposing the root system of the plant. For lemon, this may only be necessary in case of root disease or soil contamination with fungi or pests. After such a transplant, the lemon will need time to take root, which, of course, will slow down its growth.

A lemon will need a transplant only in case of root disease.

In most cases, during a planned transplant, the method of transferring it to another container with a lump of earth on the roots is used. If the operation is carried out carefully, the plant will not even notice this, since the roots will not be affected.

How often to replant a lemon

The first transplant should be carried out after purchasing the plant:

  • if the roots have already appeared from the drainage holes, then you cannot delay replanting;
  • if the roots are not visible, and the plant is very small, then you should wait until the roots take over all the space inside the pot.

To see this, water the soil generously and after a while, carefully try to remove the lump of earth with the plant from the pot. If the lump is dense, roots stick out from it all over the surface, then it’s time to replant the plant, but if the lump is loose and falling apart, then you need to wait a little longer.

If the lump of earth is dense, with protruding roots, then it’s time to replant the plant

If the soil smells of rot, it should be replaced completely with washing of the roots and disinfection. weak solution potassium permanganate.

By general rule lemon needs to be replanted 2-3 times in the first year of life. At the age of two to five years, it is transplanted once a year, and thereafter the transplant interval is 2–3 years.

Is it possible to replant a flowering lemon and a lemon with fruits?

Of course, it is undesirable to disturb a tree with fruits and flowers, but lemons often bloom and bear fruit all year round and it has to be replanted with flowers or fruits. If you do this as carefully as possible by transferring it with a lump of earth, then there will be no harm.

A flowering lemon tree can be carefully transplanted by transshipment

In cases where an emergency transplant is required, including washing the roots and replacing the soil, flowers and fruits must be removed to make it easier for the plant to take root in new conditions.

How to replant a lemon at home

Lemon transplantation is not complex process. Even a beginner can cope with it.

Transplant timing

The best time for transplantation is mid-February and mid-August - this is transition periods between active phases of plant growth. If for some reason a complete replacement of the soil and drainage is required, then it is better to do this within a time frame as close as possible to the recommended one.

In the case of transplantation by transshipment, compliance with these deadlines is not so critical, but still you should not do this in May–June and November–December.

Favorable days for lemon transplantation

For those who adhere to plant care lunar calendar, we note that you should try to transplant lemons on the waning moon. And the most favorable days for this in 2019, according to astrologers, are the following:

  • January - 1–5, 22–31;
  • February - 1–3, 20–28;
  • March - 8, 9, 17, 18;
  • April - 24, 25;
  • May - 4, 5, 21, 22, 31;
  • June - 5–8; 13, 14;
  • July - 25, 26;
  • August - 21, 22;
  • September - 18, 19, 27;
  • October - 3, 4, 12–14;
  • November - 4, 5.

Choosing a pot

The importance of choosing a pot for planting and replanting a lemon cannot be underestimated. Its size is especially important:

  • if the pot is too small, then the roots become cramped in it, there is nowhere for them to grow, and the development of the plant is suspended;
  • when the pot is too large, the plant does not consume all the water when watering - as a result, it stagnates and turns sour, which leads to various diseases.

You should choose pots that exceed the size of the root system by 3–4 cm. With each transplant you will need a pot of larger diameter and height.

When choosing the height of the pot, you should take into account the fact that it will be placed on the bottom. drainage layer.

There are several types of pots suitable for growing lemon:

Soil for replanting

A nutrient mixture for planting/transplanting lemons is easy to prepare yourself. To do this, you just need to mix the following components:

  • chernozem (imported, not from the garden) - 2 parts;
  • turf land from meadows or plantings - 1 part;
  • well-rotted dry humus - 1 part;
  • coarse river sand (washed, without clay inclusions) - 1 part.

Before use, this mixture should be disinfected by calcination or heating in a water bath for an hour. If this is not possible, then it is better to use purchased soils with neutral acidity.

To replant lemons, you can use ready-made soil from the store.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's consider two transplant options. Simpler and more common case- transshipment of lemon with a lump of earth:

  1. A drainage layer is placed in the new pot. The best materials for him are: broken red brick, broken ceramics, expanded clay. The drainage holes are covered with convex shards, then the rest of the material is laid, starting with large fractions and ending with small ones. The layer thickness should not be less than 5 cm, and if used plastic pots this layer makes up 30–50% of the height of the container.

    The drainage layer in the pot must be at least 5 cm

  2. Place 2 cm of peat, moss or dry humus on top of the drainage, and then 3–4 cm of nutritious soil.
  3. A tag is attached to the transplanted plant on the sunny side.
  4. The lemon is watered generously and after 10–15 minutes, carefully removed from the pot with a lump of earth, being careful not to destroy it.
  5. If dried roots are found, they should be cut off.
  6. Place the plant in a new pot so that its level relative to the edge remains the same. If necessary, add soil to the bottom of the pot.

    The plant is placed in a new pot so that its level relative to the edge remains the same

  7. The space around the clod of earth is covered with soil, compacting it thoroughly with hands and leaving no voids. In this case, the root collar cannot be covered.
  8. Water the lemon with warm water and after the soil has settled, add the required amount.

    After planting, water the lemon with warm water.

  9. To reduce the stress received by the plant as a result of transplantation, you can spray its crown with Zircon solution and cover it with a bag to create a greenhouse effect.

    Zircon will help the tree recover after transplantation

  10. For 5–7 days, the pot is placed in a slightly dark place, and then returned to its original position, facing the sun with the same side as before. If the lemon was covered with a bag, then remove it.

If you need to replant with a complete replacement of the soil, the procedure will be as follows:

After replacing the soil, do not feed the lemon for a month until complete rooting.

Tall old trees are difficult to move from one tub to another; this requires special devices- levers, blocks, winches, so it is better to limit yourself to partial soil replacement:

  1. Carefully remove old soil up to about half the container, being careful not to damage the roots. It can be easily washed with water from the shower.
  2. Then the vacated space is filled with fresh nutrient soil mixture.

Video: transplanting citrus fruits

Transfer indoor lemon carried out regularly throughout his life. If you approach this work responsibly, the plant will tolerate it calmly, without unnecessary stress, which, in turn, will ensure good growth tree, its healthy decorative look, abundant flowering and fruiting.

In order for the citrus tree to grow healthy, beautiful and bear fruit, it is necessary to regularly transplant the lemon into a new pot, due to the peculiarities of the development of the plant’s root system.

Transplanting a lemon is a simple procedure. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations

This is a simple procedure, the main thing is to follow the basic rules and listen to the recommendations. Care is important for this plant, then it will bear fruit. Immediately after purchase, learn how to replant a lemon tree.

Replanting after purchase

Replanting lemons is needed after purchasing the plant. Carefully tip the pot over: if the roots stick out from the drainage holes, this indicates a lack of space for their development and therefore urgent replanting is necessary. Otherwise, the lemon may get sick and die. If the roots are not sticking out, then replanting can wait.

After purchasing, the plant must be placed separately from other flowers. Wherever you buy your tree, there is a high chance of spider mite infestation. It is recommended to treat citrus with preparations (Agrovertin, Actellik, Fitoferm) 1-2 times a week. After this, you can safely transplant the lemon into another pot.

How to replant a lemon if the pot breaks: carefully remove the plant, keeping a lump of earth around the root system, wrap it in a damp cloth and place it in a plastic bag until replanting. Do not leave it in the bag for longer than a day.

Planned transplant

In the first three years of the life of an indoor lemon, it is important to replant it once a year; this forms a strong tree. Every 3–4 years or if the plant’s condition worsens, a lemon transplant at home is required. At the age of more than 10 years, transplantation is carried out when the roots do not have enough space in the container or when the tree is diseased.

If the soil does not have enough nutrients, then the ovaries fall off or the number of fruits decreases. In this case, it is necessary to replace the soil as quickly as possible.

The appearance of a putrid odor from the pot and earthen fleas indicates acidification of the soil and rotting of the roots. Possible reason– overwatering or insufficient drainage. Replace the soil immediately and provide the necessary care.

Choosing a lemon container

Before replanting a lemon, it is necessary to prepare a new container, the selection of which affects the care of the plant. When choosing a pot, you should give preference to containers with a flat bottom rather than flowerpots.

When choosing a pot, you should give preference to containers with a flat bottom (in no case a flower pot)

The vessel can be made of any material - ceramics, wood, plastic. The main thing is that its diameter is 3–4 cm larger than the previous one to ensure the growth of the root system, and that the pot has drainage holes. A low and wide vessel shape is preferable, because lemon roots grow wider.

  1. A plastic vessel does not require special treatment, but the amount of drainage should be greater, since ceramics absorbs excess liquid.
  2. It is recommended to make wooden containers from pine or oak. This wood is the most resistant to rotting. The vessels are fired from the inside, which creates a layer of charcoal, which makes it even more resistant to rotting.
  3. If you are using a large ceramic pot, you will need to soak it in water for 3 hours to ensure it is saturated and does not take away moisture from the soil.

You can buy a ready-made mixture in the store for citrus plants or make it yourself. This will require 2 parts of turf land, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus, 1 part river sand.

Mix thoroughly and sterilize in a water bath. To do this, place the container with the mixture in a larger diameter container filled with water and heat for 1.5–2 hours.

Time for transfer

It is better to replant lemons at home in late autumn or early winter. Experienced specialists It is recommended to do this before flowering, fruit set and growth.

Is it possible to replant a lemon with fruits? The answer is negative, because replanting is stressful for the plant and it will drop all its fruits. Caring for lemons requires special knowledge and preparation, so everything needs to be done correctly.

Transplantation process

How to properly replant a lemon at home:

  1. Take the prepared container.
  2. Place the shard with the convex side up at the bottom of the pot.
  3. Sprinkle a 3–5 cm layer of drainage mixture on top. This can be sand with broken shards or large and medium-sized expanded clay.
  4. Supplement the drainage with a 2 cm layer of peat. This will provide the plant with additional nutrition.
  5. Carefully remove the plant from plastic bag or a pot. Do not allow the soil to crumble. If the roots are exposed, the tree may become sick.
  6. Cut off dry and damaged roots (peeling of bark from the roots, mucous membrane, dark color), sprinkle with Kornevin.
  7. Place the plant in the center of the pot. The root collar should be level with the top edge of the pot or slightly lower. If it is buried, the plant will rot and die.
  8. Pour in soil and compact thoroughly.
  9. It is necessary to water and place it in the shade for several days. After this, you can place it in a permanent place.
  10. To relieve the condition lemon tree After transplantation, it is advisable to spray it with a zircon solution.

Care after transplant

After replanting, you need to provide care for the tree. Water it with settled water once a day in summer, 2-3 times a week in spring and autumn, and once a week in winter. In summer, citrus loves spraying.

Feeding minerals carried out 1–1.5 months after transplantation. Taking good care of a tree means understanding what it needs.

It has been widely known to the inhabitants of our planet for 8 centuries. Back in the 12th century, residents of the Indian state domesticated this citrus tree and began to use its fruits not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Today this beautiful thing can be grown in decorative purposes right in the apartments. In the article we will talk about how to grow and plant lemon at home, how to care for it and treat it for various diseases.

Indoor lemon: choosing a variety for home growing

Lemon plants reproduce by grafting. This is a must and should be taken into account when purchasing.

You need to ask the seller if the plant was imported from Armenia, Georgia or Azerbaijan. After all, the seedlings in these countries were separated from the trees growing under open air, and they won’t survive in your apartment.

You need to buy a lemon plant grafted on Trifoliate, as this is the most the best option For ornamental cultivation in our climate zone.

You need to buy lemon seedlings only from trusted sellers, and ask them in detail for all the information about the seedling. For southern regions our country the most suitable varieties lemon will be “Lisbon”, “Genoa”, “Meyer”, “Maikopsky”.

If growing lemon at home takes place in the northern regions, then you need to look for the following varieties: “Pavlovsky”, “Kursky”, “Lunario”, “Ponderosa”.

How to create the best conditions for planting a lemon tree at home

In order for the citrus plant not to feel discomfort and grow in the most optimal conditions, you need to plant it correctly, choose the best place in the apartment.

Choosing a seat in the room

The fate of the homemade lemon will depend on the correct location in the home. If you place this plant on (many people place it there), then you need to carefully monitor temperature changes, which the lemon tree does not tolerate well.

Natural sunlight will fall on the crown of the plant only a few hours a day (in the morning or evening, depending on the side of the balcony), while the heat from the rooms will be regular, within +20 ° C.

Thermal mass from a heater or radiators will also only warm one part of the citrus plant. The result is a constant temperature difference, which can often cause leaves to drop or even die.

To avoid this, you need to maintain a stable temperature throughout the balcony on the balcony.
If you place an indoor lemon on the windowsill, then again, the sun's rays will illuminate only one part of the crown. In addition, summer heat can cause the root system to dry out.

To prevent this from happening, the citrus tree needs to be unwrapped regularly and daily. Of course, the most ideal option to place the tree there will be a bay window, where lighting will occur in a more or less normal way.

However, in winter, citrus plants require different conditions. From the beginning of November to mid-February, it is better to “slow down” growth, to create a so-called artificial dormant stage.

Due to the fact that in winter period The rays of the sun no longer warm, the tree should be at temperatures of +5–10 °C. Moreover, it is important that any sharp drop temperatures can negatively affect.

Therefore, if the lemon is kept on the balcony or in the bay window, then try not to open the doors there for longer than 5 minutes, otherwise the thermal masses will begin to fill the space of the colder room.

I would also like to note that ideal place for growth citrus tree there will be a room with a glass roof, where a stable temperature of about +20 ° C is maintained and high humidity air.

How to choose a container for planting lemon at home

In order to properly plant a lemon at home, you need to know how to choose the optimal container. A pot for planting a lemon tree can be made of any material: plastic, wood, metal, ceramics, etc.

When purchasing a container, please note that its upper diameter should be no more than 15 cm, and at the very bottom there should be several small holes to drain excess water.

The height of the pot should be 15–20 cm. It is better not to buy particularly tall containers, since the lemon roots are small and will only take up a lot of space on the balcony.

What should the soil be like for a home harvest?

At the bottom of the pot you need to make a drainage 3–5 cm high. It is made from sand or. However, the best drainage will be ash combined with sand. The bottom of the pot needs to be filled 3 cm with ash, and then covered with a 2 cm layer of sand.

The soil for homemade lemon must be special, from your garden or it will definitely not be suitable. It is best to buy such soil in specialized stores. Just ask the sellers if they have citrus plants for indoors.
If you don’t have the opportunity to buy soil, you can prepare it yourself. To do this you need to take forest land ( upper layer, no deeper than 10 cm, it is advisable to take under old ones, except and), river sand, humus and wood ash(ash can be purchased at the store if necessary, just like sand and humus).

It is important to observe the proportions when preparing lemon juice: For two cups of forest soil you need to add a cup of sand, 3 tablespoons of humus and 1 tablespoon of wood ash.

The resulting mixture must be stirred with water until a creamy mass is obtained. Fill the pot with this mixture so that the lemon roots are completely covered. After 6 months, it is advisable to transplant the tree into a wider container (20–25 cm in diameter).

Features of planting lemon at home

Water that flows from faucets into multi-storey buildings, not suitable for watering indoor lemons, since it contains many alkaline metal macroelements, as well as chlorine ions. Such water can cause leaf chlorosis and other tree diseases.
It is best to take water from a well or well, let it sit for 24 hours, and then water the plant. But if you don’t have the opportunity to get some water from a well or borehole, then take hot water from the tap (it has minimal chlorine content) and leave it for 24–36 hours.

The water temperature for irrigation should be +30–35 °C, especially in winter time of the year.

The container for watering the lemon tree should have a narrow neck. When watering, tilt it close to the soil so that strong water pressure cannot expose the plant’s root system.

There is no need to spare water; water the lemon until you see liquid flowing out of the lower holes. This will mean that all the soil along with the roots is saturated with water.

Excess water can be removed from the tray 30–40 minutes after watering. It should also be noted that the citrus plant in its natural range grows in tropical, humid climates where frequent precipitation in the form of rain is normal.

Therefore, try to spray lemon leaves with water 1-2 times a day. This way you can create optimal humidity.

How to fertilize lemon

In the fall, when the lemon is preparing for the dormant period, it can be watered with natural black tea 2-3 times at weekly intervals. During the period from November to February, the plant does not need feeding, as it is at rest.

How and when to prune a plant

There is a lot of information on how to rejuvenate and prune indoor lemons. Some recommend pruning the plant in the fall, others in the winter, and others in the spring.

Moreover, each of the “specialists” has a lot of positive arguments in favor of their own method of pruning.

Autumn pruning, which is carried out in November, allegedly increases the fruiting of the tree, winter pruning (in February) causes minimal damage to the tree, and spring pruning stimulates the growth of young shoots, accordingly, increases fruiting and strengthens the tree.
Therefore, from a professional point of view, the most optimal period for rejuvenating and pruning a citrus tree will be spring, when the process of budding and flowering begins.

Pruning a lemon plant is necessary in order to form a crown, allow young shoots to grow, and provide the maximum possible light to the entire plant.

Therefore, during the pruning process, you need to take into account the fact that bushy plant will constantly need sunlight In addition, a thick lemon will produce fewer fruits.

The first pruning of a citrus tree should be done only when it reaches a height of at least 20 cm. First, the zero-order shoot (the main trunk of the tree) is pruned at a height of 20–30 cm (4 developed buds are left).

Over time, lateral skeletal branches will appear there, on which beautiful lemon fruits will ripen. Shoots of the first and second order are cut to a height of 20–25 cm.
Only those that interfere with the growth of young shoots are completely removed. Shoots of the third order are cut at a height of 15 cm, the fourth - 10 cm. Shoots of subsequent orders are not cut.

Basics of Transplanting a Lemon Tree at Home

There are several reasons for replanting a lemon tree, and you need to be able to identify them in a timely manner:

  1. The lemon has grown a lot and there is not enough room for it in the old pot. Water the plant generously, turn the pot horizontally and try to remove the tree along with the earthen lump. If the roots are sticking out from all sides, an immediate transplant is needed into a wider and deeper container.
  2. Lemon tree struck root rot. If the roots of the citrus tree begin to emit an unpleasant rotten smell, they need to be washed in potassium permanganate, and the plant should be urgently planted in a new pot with new soil.
  3. A pot with a plant broke. In this case, you need to purchase a new container, and temporarily wrap the root system of the lemon tree with a wet rag (the tree cannot be stored in this form for more than a day). When transplanting, you need to add the drug to the soil.
  4. The plant stopped actively growing and bearing fruit. This is a sign that it lacks microelements in the soil and space for normal growth and root development, so replanting is required, and the sooner the better.

If you find a reason to transplant your tree, you need to act immediately. The rules for replanting are very similar to the rules for planting, so you need to select a pot and soil for filling as described several points above.

But when replanting, you need to pay attention to the condition of the root system of an adult lemon tree. If some shoots are affected by rot and emanates from them bad smell, then carefully remove all rotten roots.

Then pour some soil into a new pot and add “Kornevina” there. Insert the tree with a ball on the root system and cover with soil to the required level.

Since in the first month the lemon root system will actively spread its roots throughout the container, try to feed the plant at least once a week.

The root system of a lemon is limited by the size of the container in which it is planted. In order for it to grow and bear fruit normally, regular replanting is necessary.

Frequency depends on the age of the tree:

  • 1-2 year olds – replanting is not recommended;
  • 2-3 year old plants - twice a year;
  • 3-4 year olds – once a year;
  • 4-7 year olds – once every two years;
  • Over 10 years old - transplant every 9-10 years.

In addition to planned ones, it may be necessary transplants according to the condition of homemade lemon. They are carried out in the following cases:

  1. The size of the pot was chosen incorrectly and the soil began to turn sour. The plant must be transplanted into new soil regardless of the time of year, otherwise it will die.
  2. Buying a plant in a small pot. This is especially necessary when roots are sticking out of the drainage hole, which indicates a lack of space for their growth. If you do not transplant such a specimen into a spacious container, the lemon will stop growing and die.
  3. Roots are visible around the trunk. This means that the root system has mastered the space of the pot and there is not enough space for further growth.
  4. Reducing the number of fruits produced. The plant looks healthy, but the flowers do not set. This means the soil is depleted and needs to be replaced.
  5. A putrid smell is felt from the pot, fleas have appeared - evidence of souring, rotting of the roots.

Correct transplant

How to replant a lemon at home? Any container will do. Main condition– sufficient drainage.

Take the size of the new vessel 3-4 centimeters larger.

For a tree older than 6-7 years, plant it in a wooden tub with a narrowed bottom, and increase the size of the new tub by 6-8 centimeters.

  1. Wrap a white, translucent pot with thick cloth, otherwise the soil will become overgrown with moss and the plant will suffer.
  2. Before use ceramic pot, keep it in water for 2-3 hours so that it is moistened and does not take water from the soil.
  3. No plastic container required additional processing. But the drainage layer in it should be larger to avoid waterlogging. Clay absorbs excess liquid, but plastic does not.
  4. Wooden tubs recommended for tall specimens should be made of pine or oak. Other types of wood will rot high speed, and you will have to transfer at the wrong time. The tub is fired from the inside to inner surface a layer of charcoal formed. It will disinfect the container and at the same time increase its resistance to rotting.

What soil should I plant in?

Special soil can be found in the store. If you can’t buy it, make a mixture of soil (2 parts), leaf turf (1 part), sand (1 part), humus (1 part).

Before boarding sterilize it using a water bath method. Place the container with soil in another one, bigger size filled with water. Heat for an hour and a half.

Do not use soil from the garden. It is not loose enough and too sour. Lemon will not bloom or bear fruit.

The nutrients contained in the soil will be enough for the plant for six months, then start feeding it with a special one.

We talked about how to prepare the ideal soil mixture for lemon at home.

When to replant?

When can you replant a lemon at home? Best time for transplantation indoor lemon - late November early December. Experienced plant growers advise replanting in February. The main condition is to get into the period between waves of active growth.

Is it possible to replant lemons with fruits?

Lemons cannot be replanted during flowering and fruit set. This will cause the buds to drop and you will be left without a harvest.


How to properly transplant a lemon into another pot at home? Transplanting a lemon tree into a new pot is carried out as follows.

  1. Cover the drainage hole with a convex shard, and pour a layer of drainage mixture of at least 5 centimeters onto it. Then add a small layer of soil.
  2. Supplement the drainage with a two-centimeter layer of peat, moss or crushed dry manure. This technique will additionally protect the plant from waterlogging and provide it with nutrition.

  3. Remove the tree from the pot, being careful not to destroy the lump of soil. If the soil falls off the roots, the plant will become sick, as it will not be able to immediately adapt to new conditions.
  4. Cut off dried roots sharp knife or scissors. Do not tug or untangle them.
  5. Place the tree in the center of the pot at the same level as the old one.
  6. Fill in the remaining space and compact the soil.
  7. Do not fill the root collar. The layer of soil above the roots should be no more than 5 centimeters.
  8. Compact the soil thoroughly, avoiding the formation of voids.
  9. Water the lemon and place it in a slightly shaded place.
  10. After a few days, place the plant in the same place where it was previously.

Place the tree on the same side towards the sun, as it was located before. Feeding and watering the lemon tree after transplanting.

First feeding carried out no earlier than a month later. The composition of the fertilizer should include minerals and organic matter. Read about how and what to feed lemons at home.

Even careful transfer to a new pot is real stress for the tree. To help it get used to new conditions faster, treat it with Zircon.

Watering produced with settled or frozen water. Every day at high temperature air and low humidity, in damp, cool weather - once every two to three days, in winter - once a week.

When watering, try not to get on the root collar. Pour water into the edge of the pot. Water the lemon with exclusively warm water for the first two weeks.

The amount of water is determined by the liquid poured into the pan. A day after watering, drain the water from the pan into the pot.

In addition to watering homemade lemon need to spray. Only soft water is suitable for spraying. Spraying is not carried out in winter (you will find rules for caring for homemade lemons in winter in).

Features of transplanting tall specimens

Mature trees reach impressive sizes - up to 2-3 meters. Replanting them is difficult, but necessary. Experienced lemon growers it is recommended to do it as follows:

  1. Wrap the trunk in the area of ​​the root collar with a rag.
  2. Make a rope loop over it.
  3. Insert a stick into this loop.
  4. While resting the stick on the stand with one side, lift the tree with the other.
  5. Secure this structure in a hanging position.
  6. Remove the old pot from the clod of earth.
  7. Place a prepared pot with drainage and a lower layer of soil under the tree.
  8. Dip the lemon into it and fill the empty space.
  9. Free the trunk from the fabric and water the tree.

Carry out transshipment at the place where the tree is grown. Before rooting, shade it with a fabric screen from direct sunlight.

If this method does not work for you, partial soil replacement possible on new nutrient soil. To do this, carefully remove about half the old soil from the tub and fill it with new soil.

And here are videos on how to transplant a lemon into another pot in different stages growth.

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