home · Tool · Homemade ridge aerator for bitumen shingles. Ridge aerator: features of installation and operation. Installation of a ridge point valve

Homemade ridge aerator for bitumen shingles. Ridge aerator: features of installation and operation. Installation of a ridge point valve

The installation of aerators on the roof is necessary, since their presence prevents the destruction of the roofing carpet under the influence of moisture that forms in the under-roof space.

Desire to save money on furnishings roof ventilation leads to many problems: first of all, the roof begins to leak, icicles collect on the eaves, and a damp smell appears in the house. As a result, the expensive coating material is destroyed very quickly. The fact is that moisture gets into the thermal insulation layer and elements rafter system.

Decide this problem installation of a roof aerator, which is an artificial ventilation duct. Air circulates through it, drawing out excess moisture and drying the cake structure from the inside.

Reasons for the appearance of moisture in the roofing pie

Manufacturers finishing coatings for roofs they position their materials as airtight, so where does moisture come from in the roofing pie, even though it contains layers of vapor and waterproofing?

Unfortunately, the presence of moist vapors is present in any apartment or house. They are formed as a result of cooking, taking water procedures, washing and breathing of people. According to scientific research, it was found that in houses where a family of 4 people lives, at least 2 liters of water vapor are formed per day. It partially settles in the under-roof space.

When warm steam comes into contact with cold surfaces, condensation forms. As a result, water droplets impregnate the materials and structural elements of the roof into which they can penetrate. First of all, the vapors reach the insulation, rafter system and sheathing.

Another way of moisture penetration is outer side roofs. Warm steam accumulates in the attic and heats roof covering from the inside. Snow gathering in winter period on the roof, starting to melt. As the air temperature drops, ice forms on the roof, and under certain conditions it can also melt. Water penetrates into the smallest gaps between the joints of the coating and leaks form on the roof.

The roofing material begins to gradually become covered with microcracks into which moisture penetrates. At sub-zero temperatures it freezes and tears the roof finish. The cracks are increasingly increasing and turning into through gaps. As a result, the roofing covering becomes unusable.

What is a roof aerator

This device consists of a pipe with a diameter of 6–11 centimeters made of stainless steel or polypropylene. A cap is installed on top of it, which protects the fan from precipitation getting inside it. The aerator helps dry the thermal insulation layer and accelerates the process of evaporation of condensate.

These devices are used in regions with different weather conditions, since they have good operational parameters and withstand temperature changes over a wide range from +90 to -50 degrees.

The roof aerator for metal tiles and other types of roof coverings is intended for the following purposes:

  • ventilation of layers roofing pie;
  • condensate evaporation;
  • withdrawal humid air;
  • preventing processes leading to roof destruction;
  • preventing leaks from occurring.

The principle of operation of aerators is the appearance of draft in the pipe, which arises due to the low pressure created by external air flows.

Types of roof ventilation devices

According to features design solution, there are several types of roof fans:

  1. Spot. Such devices are mushroom-shaped and equipped with fans. They are installed in a place where access is limited - this may be a complex roof configuration or skylights. Point products are divided into ridge and pitched. The first of them are mounted under the ridge - they are intended to remove condensate and vapors along the entire structure of the ridge. This type of aerator is installed in areas that require increased circulation of air flow.
  2. Continuous. They are placed evenly over the entire roofing surface and thus ensure ventilation of all layers of the “pie”, as well as areas of attics and attics. The most popular continuous aerators are moisture-resistant ventilation tape, which is installed in the waterproofing layer, and a ridge fan.
  3. Turbine. They are produced in the form of a pipe and equipped electric fan or an electric hood. Experts advise giving preference to aluminum products because they are resistant to corrosion and do not change shape when exposed to high temperatures.

When choosing an aerator model, take into account the roof slope. Typically this information can be found on the product packaging.

Choosing an aerator

A certain type of device is used for different roofing coverings. For soft materials Aerators made from weather-resistant and impact-resistant polypropylene are suitable (read also: " "). Usually they are placed equidistant from each other at the highest points of the roofing or at the junction of thermal insulation slabs.

Such a device performs the following functions:

  • reduces pressure in the under-roof space;
  • removes steam from the layers of the “pie”;
  • prevents the appearance of condensation.

The aerator fan housing for metal tiles is made from materials that are resistant to corrosion and aggressive environments, exposure different temperatures and ultraviolet. Polypropylene and stainless steel meet these requirements.

For corrugated sheet coverings, the same materials are used for the deflector body as for metal tile roofs.

Installation of ridge aerators

Installation of devices of this type is simple and there is no need to complex calculations. The ridge aerator is placed along the entire length of the ridge. Experts recommend using this product for roofs with a slope of 12 to 45 degrees. It is mounted exclusively on the ridge and thereby provides air ventilation in the attic space.

Conditions for using the ridge aerator:

  1. In order to ensure air flow, it is necessary to have vents on the eaves.
  2. The device should be mounted along the entire length of the ridge - its segments are connected into a single structure.
  3. Ridge tiles are laid on top of the assembled product, and therefore appearance the roof will not be damaged by the presence of a fan on it.

Arrangement of a ridge aerator for metal tiles or soft roof performed in a certain sequence:

  1. To cut the ventilation groove, use a circular saw. There can be either one hole (at the top point of the ridge) or two (on both sides). Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations for a specific aerator model, the total gap thickness should be from 3 to 8 centimeters. The slots are cut so that they do not reach the edge of the ridge by about 30 centimeters. As a result, the roof on its sides is continuous.
  2. In the place on the ridge where the gap was not made, ridge tiles are laid.
  3. They begin to install the aerator: each of its segments is fixed with roofing nails or screws, which are screwed in through ready-made holes made at the manufacturing plant. The individual parts of the product are assembled into a single structure in the same way as is done with the parts of a construction set.
  4. The profile of the ventilation product is covered with ridge tiles - the petals of the roofing material are overlapped. Long special nails are used to attach the covering to the ventilation device.
  5. The places where the ends come into contact with the roof are treated with silicone sealant.

Features of installation of point devices on metal tiles

Aerators of this type are installed:

  • on flat roofs or on roofs with a slope of less than 12 degrees;
  • as a complement to another type of device in order to increase ventilation efficiency;
  • if it is not possible to install a ridge product, for example, because there is no ridge, or there is an abutment of the roofing to walls or vertical surfaces.

Conditions for using a point aerator:

  1. They are mounted on the slopes, maintaining a distance of 50-80 centimeters from the horizontal edge of the ridge.
  2. Air flow must be ensured on overhangs.
  3. One point device can provide high-quality ventilation on an area of ​​up to 5 - 100 “squares” of roofing, depending on its model. Based on this value, the required number of ventilation products is calculated.

Technology for installing point devices on the roof:

  1. IN continuous lathing make a hole whose dimensions must match the parameters of the internal channel of the aerator. To do this, apply the base skirt of the device to the surface of a sheet of plywood or OSB board and, through the passage channel, mark the contours of the gap on the roof with a nail or pencil. Using a jigsaw, cut a hole along the drawn line.
  2. The skirt of the device is placed on top of it and secured with screws or roofing nails in an amount of at least 6 pieces. Some manufacturing companies recommend using adhesive fixation in addition to fasteners. In this case, apply to the back surface of the skirt bitumen mastic, glue it, and then only use the parts for fastening.
  3. To waterproof the junction areas, bitumen glue is used over the skirt.
  4. Shingles of tiles, trimmed at the points of contact, cover the skirt.
  5. An aerator mesh is placed on top of it and secured with self-tapping screws. Then they install the cap (lid), snap it on and again use self-tapping screws for fastening.

Other point aerators for the roof are installed in a similar way according to the calculations made, which will ultimately amount to unified system ventilation.

As can be seen from the above information, the installation of such devices is not difficult work- inexperienced self-taught craftsmen can easily handle it.

Thanks to the presence of aerators on the roofs, water vapor is removed from the roofing pie, the formation of condensation and the spread of fungus and mold are prevented, unpleasant odor. The absence of these unfavorable factors has a positive effect on the length of service life wooden elements roof structure and the state of the microclimate in residential and utility rooms Houses.

Famous folk wisdom says that every man must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. If the last two points are a little easier to implement, then with the construction of a house things are more complicated. The main attribute of any building, be it a dacha, a barn or administrative building, is the roof. She will protect the house from rain and from summer heat. But the variety of roofing materials makes owners think about what fits better. And when all doubts are cast aside and the material is chosen, the main thing is small: correct design.

What is a ridge aerator?

Cost and quality now play a big role in choosing roofing materials. Most often used or bitumen. It is resistant to temperature changes, retains heat well and has a reasonable price.

During its installation, a vapor barrier is used, which should retain the heat coming out from inside the house and protect it from rain and snow from outside in case of damage to the outer layer. But like anyone plastic material, it tends to accumulate condensation.

To prevent moisture accumulation from leading to damage to the wood used during the construction of the roof, it is worth using special plastic or metal device with many holes or a built-in mesh to remove hot air, called a “ridge aerator”.

Types of aerators

Depending on the roofing material and type of roofs, several types of aerators can be used:

  • A single aerator is placed pointwise across the entire surface of the roof, this is especially true for isolated and hard-to-reach places. They are divided into ridge and pitched.
  • A continuous aerator looks like a long plastic or metal strip, which is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the slope.
  • The turbine aerator appeared on the market not so long ago; it looks like a pipe with a built-in fan. This hood makes it much more efficient to remove hot air out.

For roofs covered with metal-plastic, metal constructions with a special coating that easily withstands corrosion and temperature changes. Metal aerators are easily attached to any part of the roof.

The ridge aerator is made from high-quality polyurethane, which can withstand heat up to +90 C and cold down to -40 C. Such parts must be impact-resistant. Most often they are installed at the junction of the upper edges of the slopes.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

In order to understand whether you need a roof aerator or not, you should consult with a specialist. After all, it is most convenient to install these devices while laying the roof. At this time, it is easier to take into account the characteristics of the material, the depth of the protective layer and possible additional insulation.

But if it happens that there is already a roof, and additional work are still necessary, you can try to do it yourself.

The easiest option is to install a ridge aerator. The layer of bitumen squares covering the ridge will have to be removed. Install a ribbon ridge aerator made of plastic or metal under it. Such a corner with many holes and meshes will lift the roofing material at the junction of the slopes. All hot air will rise freely and exit through the holes, preventing condensation from forming.

Things are more complicated with point aerators. Required for installation accurate calculations diameter of the recess for the base of the aerator. If you make it too large, you will have to use additional material for compaction.

First, you need to circle the size of the base of the point aerator with a pencil. Using a jigsaw or other tool, make a hole, insert the skirt and secure with nails, screws or adhesive composition. Bituminous glue is applied to the top of the skirt and the tiles are laid so that there are no holes left.

But it is worth remembering that point aerators are installed on flat roofs or with a slope of no more than 12 degrees.

What happens if you don't install an aerator?

Ridge aerator - required part for roof covered soft tiles and not only. If you are still thinking about the advisability of such an acquisition, then it is worth noting: it is worth it. If you save a small amount now, you'll end up spending a lot more later on replacing your entire roof.


  • Rotten beams and ceilings.
  • Increased humidity in residential areas.
  • Reproduction of mold fungi in the insulation and on the walls of the building.
  • Bulging and cracks in roofing material.

If you don’t yet know what a ridge aerator for a soft roof looks like, photos are presented in this material.

But it's worth remembering that this device installed in conjunction with soffits that promote air flow. A ventilation system consisting of spotlights and an aerator will create an excellent microclimate in your home.

Sometimes, in an effort to build their home as best and as efficiently as possible, people purchase and install unnecessary, useless devices. But more often the opposite happens - when buying expensive materials, whose manufacturers promise that they will last 50-60 years, homeowners forget about related accessories ensuring their long-term operation. Few people install aerators on the roof, although their presence directly affects the comfort and service life of the roof. This article will tell you why deflectors are needed, how they work and how to install such a device.

Aerator design

An aerator or deflector is a device through which heated air is released into the external space. Figuratively speaking, with its help the house begins to “breathe”, filling with fresh, rich oxygen air flow. There are two ways to ensure its free circulation:

Arrangement of forced elements ventilation system on a soft roof

In modern houses with a residential attic, for thermal insulation of which they used effective insulation materials, it is not enough to equip a ridge aerator for the forced one to work; you also need to provide eaves vents and exhaust openings.

Air circulation in a house with a soft roof

To organize ventilation using deflectors, you need to understand how heated air circulates inside the building. During the cold season, it enters the house through doors and windows, heats up in the rooms on the first floor and rises higher. As a rule, there is an attic above, which is insulated with several layers of thermal insulation material with waterproofing film to reduce heating costs. There is nowhere for the air to escape from this almost sealed room, so it remains there, making the atmosphere musty, humid and uncomfortable for living.

The second aspect of this problem is the use roofing material. The properties of a soft roof are such that when heated in the hot season, its surface temperature exceeds 100 degrees. The air, heated by contact with the roof, turns into a vapor state, gradually cooling down and settling as condensation in the inner layers of the roofing pie. The insulation suffers the most from condensation. When wet once, its structure is damaged and its thermal insulation properties are reduced by half. Even after drying, the effectiveness of the insulation will not reach its previous level; under a soft roof, wetting cycles are repeated many times.

Modern durable roofing material is produced on the basis of bitumen-polymer mastic; if aerators are not installed on it, hazardous vapors of these compounds settle inside the house, exposing the health of its inhabitants to great danger.

Types of aerators

For organization forced ventilation attic room There are several models of deflectors under soft roofs. Depending on the type of roof and what roofing material is used, you can use one of the options:

A ridge deflector can be replaced by a ventilation ridge tape with an adhesive base; this is a corrugated strip of thin metal. It bends and stretches, adapting to the topography of the roof, and circulation is carried out through a breathable membrane.

Functions of aerators

A soft roof needs to organize forced ventilation, since without them, it will not last half its life. possible exploitation. Roof aerators are necessary to:

  • Do not allow condensation to settle and the thermal insulating material to become wet. Damp insulation makes the microclimate in the attic uninhabitable due to high humidity, unpleasant odor.
  • Prevent rotting and subsequent destruction of the wooden rafter system due to the harmful activity of microorganisms.
  • Remove musty, stagnant air from the attic and let in fresh air from the street.
  • Support optimal temperature during the summer heat, overheating of the roof.
  • Protect soft roofing material from the formation of bubbles, cracks, deformation and breaks due to excessive overheating.
  • Protect households from bitumen fumes, which, when exposed to high temperature highlights the roofing material based on it.

High-quality ventilation, the use of ridge and point aerators makes the soft roof durable, comfortable, and safe for the well-being of your family.

Video instruction

The roof ventilation device allows you to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the under-roof space and leaks, to ensure effective ventilation all rooms of the building. A microclimate is created in the house, which reduces heating and air conditioning costs. A TechnoNIKOL roof aerator must be purchased for correct operation roofs. Order delivery throughout Moscow from our company "4 Seasons". Wholesale prices for all TechnoNIKOL ventilation: aerators, valves, ventilation outlets, hoods, passages and elements.

Solid aerator TechnoNIKOL

Applies to ridge roofs slope from 12° to 45°. Solid aerator installed directly during installation flexible tiles. Has cover and cover ends that connect when applied, forming a strong and airtight seal. solid structure. Mounted on a ridge aerator ridge-eaves tiles, which makes the element invisible on the roof. Has maximum efficiency in ventilation of the under-roof space 1 pc. for 25 m2.
TechnoNIKOL ridge aerator - Technical sheet (PDF).

TechnoNIKOL point aerator

Point aerators are installed on hipped roofs, if they are adjacent to a vertical wall (roof slope less than 12°) or if the ridge is not enough to ventilate the entire under-roof space.

KTV pitched aerator. For use only on roofs covered with flexible tiles. Fixed to the soft roof using pass-through element immediately at the time of laying flexible tiles. It consists of two elements: a pass-through element and a protective plug, and also has a plug with a protective mesh. Almost invisible on the roof. Outlet diameter 110 mm. The ventilation efficiency of the under-roof space is 1 element per 5m2.

KTV-alpha - TechnoNIKOL point aerator for soft bitumen shingles. An economical option for cable TV for pitched roofs. One product provides ventilation with a volume of 20 m2, provided that the height of the ventilated under-roof space is 5 cm. To protect against precipitation and insects, the aerator is equipped with a protective filter made of reticulated polyurethane foam.
Aerator Pilot TechnoNIKOL shingles for soft roofing are installed only on roofs covered with flexible tiles. It is fixed with the help of a passage element directly at the moment of laying the flexible tiles. Due to the lower sliding element, during installation it is fixed strictly vertically, regardless of the roof slope. The height of 69 cm provides an additional guarantee against getting under the snow cap, and a special cap is equipped with a system of protection against precipitation. The size of the ventilation outlet is 110 mm, the ventilation efficiency of the under-roof space is 1 element per 5 m2.

Pilot - ridge aerator is installed only on roofs covered with soft tiles. It is fixed to the roof using a passage element directly at the time of laying the flexible tiles. The height of the pipe provides an additional guarantee against getting under the snow cap, and a special cap is equipped with a system of protection against precipitation. The outlet size is 110 mm, the ventilation efficiency of the under-roof space is 1 element per 5 m2.

The SKAT valve is installed on pitched roofs with a slope of 5° with a flat surface directly onto the roofing itself, i.e. on an already installed roof. It consists of two elements: a pass-through element and a protective plug, and also has a plug with a protective mesh. It has a seal on the lower surface, which ensures a tight connection with the roof when fixing the Pass-through element with self-tapping screws. Almost invisible on the roof. The diameter of the ventilation outlet is 110 mm. The ventilation efficiency of the under-roof space is 1 element per 5m2.

The SKAT Monterrey roofing valve from TechnoNIKOL has a modified passage element for installation on metal tiles with a Monterrey profile directly on finished roof. It consists of two elements: a pass-through element and a protective plug, and also has a plug with a protective mesh. It has a seal on the bottom surface, which ensures the tightness of the connection when fixing the Pass-through element with self-tapping screws. Almost invisible on the roof. Outlet diameter 110 mm. The ventilation efficiency of the under-roof space is 1 element per 5m2.


TechnoNIKOL cap. Available for pipes of two diameters: 110 and 160 mm. It is used to give an aesthetic appearance to roofing passage elements, and prevents the ingress of atmospheric precipitation when used in penetrations used for ventilation of the under-roof space. The D110 hood is used in conjunction with the D110 Ventilation Outlet. The D160 hood is used with the D126/160 insulated vent outlet and has corresponding mounting holes.

The SKAT roofing passage element serves as the basis for the installation of ventilation or sewer outlets. Applies to pitched roofs with a slope of 5° with a flat surface directly onto the roofing. It has a seal on the bottom surface made of special long-aging rubber, which ensures the tightness of the connection when fixing the Pass-through element with self-tapping screws.

The SKAT Monterrey passage element serves as the basis for installing ventilation or sewer outlets. Used for installation on metal tiles with Monterrey profile directly on the finished roofing. It has a seal on the bottom surface made of special long-aging rubber, which ensures the tightness of the connection when fixing the Pass-through element with self-tapping screws.

The TechnoNIKOL passage element (Shinglas) serves as the basis for installing ventilation or sewer outlets on soft roof roofs. It is installed directly at the time of laying flexible tiles. It has a system of grooves aimed at more rigid adhesion through the mastic to the contacting materials.

Internal ventilation

Internal ventilation - to remove extraneous odors from constant human activity and remove sewage waste from the living space.

Ventilation outlet insulated TechnoNIKOL D 125/160 is recommended for installation on the roofs of houses with year-round residence to ensure ventilation sewer system, to remove all odors and vapors generated during cooking. It is not subject to icing even during long frosts thanks to the polyurethane foam insulation. It has a landing skirt on the Pass-through element and a thread on top for fixing the Cap. Installed on any roof using a passage element suitable for this type of roof. Diameter inner pipe 125 mm, external 160 mm, pipe height 500 mm.

The universal antenna and pipe sealant TechnoNIKOL D 90-175 and D 10-70 is designed to make a reliable connection to protruding elements round section on the roof (pipes, antennas, racks, legs). It is used on flat roofs covered with bitumen roll materials.

How to install roof aerator on bitumen shingles, soft roofing. Installation of ktv ridge point valve.

For installation roof vent necessary:

  • roofing nails with a wide head, which are used for installing soft roofing (bitumen shingles);
  • bitumen roofing adhesive (roofing mastic);
  • electric jigsaw, spatula.

Installation of a ridge point valve

The aerator is installed at a distance of no more than 1.0 meters from the roof ridge line, according to the rule “the higher, the better.” It is desirable that the upper edge of the KTV flashing be located below ridge tiles by 2 cm (approximately 20 cm from the ridge to the top of the flashing).

Using a hammer, roofing nails punch out evenly in three circles relative to the ventilation hole of the flashing.


After the flashing is installed, it should be glued with roofing bitumen glue.

You can glue it either gradually as the aerator passes through the roof, or after the aerator flashing is covered.

To do this, when installing the roof in the areas of the aerators, the roof is nailed so that it is possible to unfold the roofing tiles and glue the aerator flashing.

Apply bitumen adhesive using a spatula in a minimal layer.

Coat the entire flashing and the joint between the flashing and the roof. After applying the glue, the bitumen tiles are installed. It is important that nails do not get into the flashing. punching nails in the right places.

Afterwards, the aerator mesh is placed on the flashing, which is screwed onto the flashing with three self-tapping screws (one at the bottom and two at the top of the aerator). Manufacturers usually put marks on the aerator mesh for scrolling. On the back of the aerator mesh there is a special spike on which the aerator cover is placed. Put the lid on, snap it on and screw it to the mesh with two self-tapping screws. Self-tapping screws should be no longer than 35 mm, so as not to make holes in the roof.