home · Tool · An apple tree that blooms with pink flowers. Review of varieties and features of caring for ornamental apple trees. Ornamental apple tree Weeping or riverside

An apple tree that blooms with pink flowers. Review of varieties and features of caring for ornamental apple trees. Ornamental apple tree Weeping or riverside

They will decorate any garden with their luxurious blooms and bright colors of fallen leaves. Apple trees are beautiful trees: a lush crown, dwarf fruits, glowing among the lush green foliage.

Description of ornamental apple trees

This crop is a low tree. The top point of the crown reaches ten meters in height. Certain types of ornamental apple trees take the form of shrubs. If the crown is not formed, it will be an irregular oval or ball. There are fruit-bearing varieties, but their fruits do not have excellent taste, many of them are not edible at all. The trunk bark may have pastel shade or brown color.

When choosing varieties of ornamental apple trees, special attention should be paid to the color and shape of the leaf plates. In some species they have a red tint and do not fall off for a long time in the fall, thanks to which designers have the opportunity to create magnificent landscapes, even if the soil composition is poor and the weather conditions are unfavorable. However, the main foliage color of ornamental apple trees is green. With the onset of autumn it changes to yellow and red. The leaves have the shape of an ellipse or plum, their length is 10 cm.

During flowering, the crown is strewn with numerous flowers with a heady aroma; their diameter is four centimeters. The main color is white, but with peach, pink or ivory shades. Inflorescences are bouquets collected from single flowers. The fruits are formed immediately after flowering, at first they are green, then yellow or red.

Features of cultivation

Ornamental apple trees have an amazing property: they do not respond to unfavorable factors that the environment presents from time to time. The culture is frost-resistant, grows in regions with cold climates, and is also not afraid of drought, growing on saline soils, in a polluted environment and in the conditions of modern cities.

Ornamental apple trees are grown in illuminated sun rays places. Here they will not lose their decorative properties and will decorate the garden at any time of the year. Apple trees grow poorly in areas even with light partial shade, and they cannot tolerate shade at all. It is unlikely that in such conditions they will delight with abundant flowering and fruiting.

What soils do they grow on?

Apple trees do not have any special requirements for soil, but they have their own preferences: fertile, fresh soil. They grow in any conditions, but overly moist, dry, sandy, swampy and rocky soils are not desirable for them. These ornamental plants are attractive even when grown in poor soils.


The procedure is almost the same as for most woody plants in the garden. It is better to plant ornamental apple trees in the spring, before the buds open. But this can also be done in the autumn; planting occurs in September or early October. Seedlings of four years of life are planted in spring and autumn, adult plants - only before the onset of winter. It is especially important what plants will grow in the neighborhood. Apple trees need free space, so it is better not to plant them next to large specimens. For each, a space is left equal to the diameter of the crown of an adult tree, approximately five to six meters. The distance between apple trees and neighboring crops should be two to three meters.

Holes for planting need to be dug large, with a diameter of 80 cm and a depth of about one meter. This is done in advance, in the fall or 30 days before planting. The soil in the hole is replaced with another, prepared independently: leaf soil from the garden, sand and humus are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 3 parts. Mineral fertilizer is added to the resulting mixture in an amount of 250-300 g. Without soil improvement, apple trees take a long time to take root. The root collar should not be covered with soil; it should be above its surface.

How is the crown formed?

This is usually done during pruning. There are many types of crowns according to their shape: weeping, tiered, improved, cordon, palmette and others. Regardless of the time of planting: spring or autumn, formation is done on next year, as soon as spring arrives, but the buds have not yet bloomed. This time falls in April, its beginning.

In the spring, a strong shoot stands out on the seedling, growing in a vertical direction. Three or four branches are selected from it, spaced evenly along the trunk, and cut to the same height. When forming a crown, you need to place the branches at a sufficiently large distance from one another, and the central one should be higher than the rest. On next year, in March, shorten selected branches at the level of strong outer buds. Shoots that may compete are removed. In subsequent years, several new branches are selected and formed in the same way.

Some ornamental apple trees are shaped like weeping trees. To give the crown this shape, the apple tree needs to be grafted onto a standard at a level of one and a half meters from the ground. After three to four years, the branches will hang to the ground surface. Subsequently, they need to be trimmed regularly so that the crown is beautiful and transparent.

How to care for a tree?

An ornamental apple tree requires appropriate care. This crop grows best in fertile, well-drained soils and requires moderate watering, but does not tolerate stagnant water. The soil in the tree trunk circles should be mulched with crushed conifer bark, nut shells, sawdust, and peat. This will retain moisture in the soil and rid the apple tree of weeds.

In the spring, preventive spraying of trees is carried out. If the fruits are not to be consumed, pest control can be carried out during the flowering period of the apple tree, the formation and ripening of its fruits. But it is better to refrain from this, since delicious apples attract, especially children. In addition, birds feed on them. To prevent anyone from getting poisoned, it is better to control pests with chemicals before the onset of the growing season.

Apple trees are affected by diseases such as powdery mildew and scab. In addition, trees are infected by bacteria that cause burns. In this case, such specimens must be destroyed, since the disease can quickly spread to other trees.

In the climatic conditions of our country, this species is the most common. Experienced gardeners They believe that the Niedzwiecki apple tree has no equal among other fruit representatives. This low tree reaches a height of three and a half meters. Crohn's has oval shape, its width is two and a half meters. As you can see, the parameters of the two measurements are almost the same. This makes the crown look even more rounded, which gives the whole tree a cozy appearance. During abundant flowering, the tree is covered with purple buds, and during the fruiting period - with crimson apples four centimeters in diameter. The only disadvantage of the Niedzvetsky apple tree is damage in severe frosts.

Weeping apple tree

This variety has another name - “riverside”. The apple tree is distributed mainly in North America, but it grows well here too. It is not afraid of severe frosts and can easily withstand them due to the large thickness of its bark. If you provide good care, its height reaches 12 meters. It got its name because of its flexible branches, which bend down to the ground under the weight of numerous fruits and leaves.

red leaf apple tree

This is a hybrid crop, therefore it is able to withstand conditions that are called unfavorable. Another advantage is resistance to diseases such as scab and other lesions characteristic of this species.

The decorative red-leaved apple tree reaches a height of four meters. The crown is lush and wide. Its diameter is three meters. This amazing plant. The leaves are purple at first, and when the red fruits ripen, they turn emerald. It withstands frosts without being damaged.


Today it is the most popular decorative crop. The homeland of the apple tree is China. In the wild, the place of growth is Siberia. It is grown everywhere to decorate the landscape. Flowering occurs in spring. At this time, the crown of the tree looks like a cloud of white pink shade. Apples, like beads, ripen in the fall. The tree is different average height, about five meters. The crown has an umbrella-shaped or rounded shape. The leaves are elongated, the surface is smooth, the tip is pointed. Flowering lasts 14 days. The fruits ripen quickly, but are not suitable for eating.


This variety of apple tree is characterized by slow growth. It takes 8-10 years for a tree to become an adult. After this, its height reaches five meters. The crown is wide, four meters in diameter. The Royalty apple tree has unusual leaves. They are narrow, have a glossy sheen purple. In autumn, the leaves turn red, but their brightness and attractiveness remain. The Royalty apple tree is resistant to frost, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil.


The apple tree grows in the form of a low bush, shaped like an oval. The crown of the plant is wide and dense. This variety is distinguished by the color of its buds: they are red, rich, attractive even before blooming. During the flowering period, the bush is covered with numerous flowers with a raspberry scent, hence the name.


The modest apple tree is native to Europe. The tree can grow up to three meters, but its height can be 10 m. The crown is spreading, the leaves are wide, ovoid in shape. The flowers are four to five centimeters in diameter and are white or pink. The fruits, 4-5 cm in diameter, are spherical in shape, yellowish-green in color with a pink blush. The apples are edible, but slightly sour.


The apple tree is a creeping variety. The fruits are edible and ripen in the summer. They are white in color with a hint of red. Large enough for decorative fruit trees, the weight of one apple is 80-100 g. Storage is average in duration - one month.


This type of apple tree has tasty fruits. They are used to make compotes and jam. The Chinese apple tree is adapted to growing in the Russian climate, including in the northern regions. Refers to wild varieties with rapid growth. Over the course of a year it adds 20-30 cm and can reach 10 meters in height. Decorative Chinese apple tree: the branches are hidden behind pleasant emerald leaves, and during the flowering period - behind snow-white flowers. It seems that the crown is covered with snow. This species has many varieties, some of which are presented below.

Golden Chinese

This is the most popular variety. It is not distinguished by high frost resistance, but has other undeniable advantages: it ripens early, fruiting occurs quickly, and there is no need to wait five to eight years. The crown is weeping, the fruits are formed mainly in the apical part of the branches, they are edible. Weight reaches 30 g, size - seven centimeters. The apples are yellow and sour in taste, but very pleasant. However, they do not last long, only seven days, and fall off when ripe. The fruits are high in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids, so they are consumed fresh. In addition, they are used for making jams, jams, marmalades, and jellies. Juices and wine are made from them.


A popular variety that can often be found in garden plots. The tree is tall, the crown is dense, and therefore needs shaping. The fruits are edible and large enough for an ornamental breed; individual specimens weigh 500-600 g. They are colored yellow with a pink tint in the form of stripes. They have a sweet and sour taste, a pleasant aroma, and are stored for a long time, two months. The apple tree begins to bear fruit after eight years of life, the yield is small.

Ornamental apple trees have many advantages over other varieties:

Decorative varieties are undemanding to the soil on which they grow. Trees growing on fertile and fresh soil produce abundant flowering and fruiting. However, even when grown on depleted soil, trees can be attractive but slower growing. Decorative apple trees love good lighting. Even a slight shade can affect the number of flowers and their brightness, as well as the abundance of fruits.

Popular varieties

Even novice gardeners can grow an ornamental tree, just like one, since such plants do not require special growing conditions or care knowledge. The most popular varieties of ornamental apple trees are distinguished by a variety of shades, flowers and fruits. Apple trees are more reminiscent of an ornamental plant than a common fruit tree. Therefore, most gardeners grow them for appearance, and not for the purpose of yield. In addition to the bright visual effect, during flowering such trees fill the surrounding area with a sweet fragrance. Thanks to this, the plant is well pollinated and produces a good harvest of small fruits.


The variety is represented by a small ornamental tree with a weeping crown shape and red leaves. Plant height is 1.5-2.5 meters. The apple tree grows well on ordinary garden soils, loves abundant watering, but can tolerate short-term drought. The tree grows equally well either alone or in a group planting. Peak flowering occurs in May. At this time the plant is completely covered pink flowers, and then small red fruits.

Small apples ripen in September. The fruits make delicious and beautiful jam or jelly.

The weeping apple tree is resistant to brown spot, but requires additional protection against apple scab and powdery mildew - it affects buds, leaves and stems.


The variety is one of the hybrids of the purple Niedzwiecki apple tree. Due to its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, the apple tree can be grown in southern regions and central Russia. The tree can grow up to 4-6 m. The diameter of the spherical crown reaches 4-5 m. Flowering begins in May-June and lasts about 2 weeks. The flowers have a rich dark pink hue. The variety has high pollen fertility rates, which is why it is often used as a pollinator for industrial gardens. After flowering ends, small bright red fruits gradually appear. Due to their taste characteristics, apples can only be used in processed form - jam, jam, dessert. The species is frost-resistant, drought-resistant, and has average resistance to scab.

The fruits can be used in folk medicine in the treatment of anemia, for general strengthening of the body, as a bactericidal or laxative.


Mature tree does not grow higher than 4 m. The lush spreading crown also does not exceed 4 m in diameter. The tree grows quite slowly and reaches its maximum by 10 years. In the spring, abundant flowering begins, which after a while is replaced by clusters of bright red fruits that do not fall until late autumn. IN winter time The reddish bark of the branches also gives the plant a decorative appearance. Thus the tree pleases appearance almost all year round. Due to its small size, the variety can be used as a hedge. Helena is highly resistant to low temperatures and diseases. However, we should not forget about preventive measures.

The variety is a purely ornamental plant, since its fruits are not eaten even in processed form.

Red obelisk

The height of an adult tree can reach 6 m. The columnar crown can grow to a diameter of 3 m. During flowering, the plant first becomes covered pink flowers which turn white after a while. Large red fruits gradually ripen on the tree, which can be stored throughout the winter until spring. Apples can be picked and used to make preserves, jam or cider.

The plant is widely used in decorative purposes when landscaping urban landscapes and garden plots.

The apple tree may bloom again in the fall, but not as profusely as in the spring.


The tree quickly grows up to 4 meters in height. Flowering occurs in May, when the plant is covered with a large number of dark pink flowers. By autumn, the tree becomes overgrown with small purple fruits that can remain on it for a long time. The plant prefers a sunny place protected from the wind. The apple tree has weak resistance to diseases and pests, but it can be strengthened by preventive treatments. The variety has high winter hardiness, due to which it is widely cultivated in the Moscow region. The plant is used as a hedge and can be planted separately or in group plantings.

Royal Beauty

The plant is a hybrid variety created on the basis of the Niedzwiecki apple tree. The tree grows to a small size - 2.5-3 m. The diameter of the crown is 1-4 m. As it grows, it has a weeping shape, and in mature trees it has an umbrella-shaped shape. Lush flowering begins in early May and lasts 2 weeks. In hot, dry weather, this period can be shortened to 6-7 days. The flowers have a rich dark pink hue.

Over time, small dark red fruits appear on the tree, which can decorate it for a long time. Apples ripen in the first ten days of September, but have a bitter taste, which is why they are inedible. The variety is characterized by high frost resistance (up to -34°C) and tolerance of polluted air. Thanks to this, trees can be grown in the central and northwestern regions of Russia. The only drawback is the average resistance to scab.


The robin is characterized by a medium size and a dense, rounded crown. On average it grows to 4-6 meters. During the flowering period, the branches are covered with dense pink-red flowers. Outwardly it resembles sakura. By autumn, the plant is covered with small, bright burgundy fruits. Despite their small size, apples are edible and are used in making compotes. The collected fruits are well tolerated long-term storage in wooden containers. The variety is quite winter-hardy and can be grown in central Russia. The plant is susceptible to diseases and therefore requires preventive treatment measures. Find out about the Malinovka apple tree variety.


An ornamental variety, which is one of the hybrid forms of the purple apple tree. Royalty is characterized by slow growth; by the tenth year of life it can grow to 3-4 m. The crown has an oval shape with a diameter of 4-5 m. In young trees it is compact, but gradually becomes wide and spreading. The flowering period occurs in early May and lasts 2 weeks. At this time, the tree is abundantly covered with ruby ​​or crimson-red flowers. By the beginning of autumn, small dark red fruits appear on the apple tree. Royalty will tell you about the characteristics of the apple tree variety.

The variety is frost-resistant, resistant to wind and drought. Trees are not very resistant to scab, so they need regular preventive treatments.

Apples have a bitter taste and are considered inedible. If consumed directly, they can lead to acute food poisoning.


The tree rarely grows over 5 m in height. It has a lush spreading crown. During flowering (May), the branches are covered with pink-red flowers. The tree resembles cherry blossoms. By autumn, the flowers are replaced by small decorative red fruits, which can remain on the tree until winter. The plant is perfect for decorating a site, gardening area or as a hedge. Read how to form the crown of an apple tree.


An apple tree can grow as a bush or tree, depending on the initial formation of the crown. An adult tree reaches 5-6 m in height and can live up to 60 years. During spring bloom the branches are almost completely covered with large pink flowers. The flowering period depends on the location where the tree grows. It ranges from early to mid-May. In autumn, small purple-red fruits ripen. The pulp of apples has an unusual pink color. They can remain on the tree throughout the winter.

Read about apple tree diseases.

The Nedzvetsky variety is resistant to frost, pests and most diseases.

Which varieties are preferable for the Moscow region?

Variety Height (m) Foliage color Flower color Fruit color
Godlen Hornet 3-5 green white yellow
John Downey 4-6 green white-pink bright red
Lesnaya 10 green soft pink yellow-green
Lisette 5-7 green-brown blue-red garnet red
Makamic 4-6 dark red-green dark purple red
Nedzvetsky 10 Dark red dark red dark red
Fusion 5-7 red-brown carmine red red-brown
Royalty 3-4 purple-red carmine purple dark red
5-6 bronze green rose red orange
Tina 1,5-2 green pink and white red
Hillery 5-7 green pink yellow-orange
Everest 4-6 green white-pink orange-red

Features of planting and growing

Growing ornamental varieties of apples has some differences compared to ordinary apple trees.

  1. The soil. For the most part, ornamental apple trees do not have special soil requirements and are able to grow even on poor soils, but the quantity and quality of flowers will suffer from this. It is advisable to avoid waterlogged, swampy, extremely dry sandy and rocky soils.
  2. Landing. The process of decorative varieties is almost no different from ordinary apple trees. Spring is the best time for this.
  3. Distance. Ornamental apple trees need a lot of space, so the distance between trees should be on average 2-3 m. Thus, each plant receives an area of ​​approximately 5-6 m.
  4. Landing place. It is advisable to prepare the planting hole a month before planting, or preferably in the fall of the previous year. The diameter of the pit should be about 80 cm and the depth about 1 m.
  5. Pruning in spring. Ornamental apple trees tolerate formative pruning well, quickly adapt and recover. In general, trees do not require pruning, and mandatory pruning consists only of removing damaged or dead branches.

    He will tell you about pruning an apple tree in the spring.


    Video about decorative apple trees.


    1. Apple trees can not only produce healthy fruits, but also be a worthy decoration of the garden.
    2. Thanks to the variety of decorative varieties, you can choose trees by color and size.
    3. Most ornamental apple trees have unusual colors of flowers and fruits. It is also common for tree leaves and bark to become stained.
    4. The fruits of most ornamental varieties are inedible, but can decorate a tree even in winter.
    5. Decorative apples can be consumed in processed form. However, the fruits of some species can cause food poisoning.
    6. Ornamental apple trees are unpretentious to planting conditions, but for sufficient flowering they need abundant lighting.

Decorative apple tree, began to be found more and more often in Russian gardens. It is not only decorative, but the fruits of many varieties are edible. You can make jam and compotes from them. The apple tree is as good as in single landing, and in the group. Since it is quite winter-hardy, it is an excellent substitute for sakura.

Varieties and their characteristics

Breeders have developed many varieties and among them the following stand out:

Decorative red-leaved apple tree. A powerful tree, with red leaves, 4 m high. The crown reaches a diameter of about 3 m. Hybrid variety. Has red leaves. The color of the leaves lasts from bud break to leaf fall. Resistant to frost and disease. Decorative throughout the growing season. The leaves are a beautiful purple color, but during fruit formation they can change color to emerald. They grow well in central Russia, as well as in Siberia and the Urals.

Apple tree Rudolph. Tree up to 5 m high. Powerful, spreading crown. Hybrid variety. Foliage has classic shape, rich green hue. Flowers white. At good care It blooms for up to 1 month, which makes the tree decorative. After flowering, fruits are formed. They are quite large. Small apples, a beautiful honey color, reach 3 cm in diameter. The fruits are edible. You can make jam or jam from them.

Tree 4.5 m high. Round, openwork crown. The leaves are red when they bloom and later turn green. The flowers are a beautiful pink hue. The tree is decorated with bright red fruits. They are quite large. Up to 3 cm in diameter. Hanging on branches until late autumn.

Looks great both as a single tree and in group plantings. Decorates arches and hedges.

Apple tree Helen. A beautiful, decorative tree. They decorate arches in the garden, plant them in single plantings, decorate parks and alleys, and create beautiful compositions. A low plant 4 m high. Spreading crown. Three-lobed leaves of purple color add decorativeness. Small fruits, red in color. Flowering is long and abundant. The flowers are purple. It winters well and is resistant to diseases. The Helena apple tree is demanding of soil, preferring moist and fertile soil.

Apple tree Weeping. Decorative tree 5 m high. It has an oval, conical crown shape. The plant is spreading. Leaves are red. In the summer they have a greenish tint and by autumn they turn bright red again. Flowering is abundant. The flowers are large and crimson in color. A pleasant aroma that attracts bees to the garden. In dry times, as well as in hot regions, flowering is short, lasting 2 days. The fruits are small apples and dark red in color. They have an elongated shape. Needs fertilized, moist soils. They grow best in loose soil. Has high winter hardiness. The weeping apple tree is widespread throughout Russia. Formative pruning is required in spring.

Apple tree Purple. A highly decorative tree about 5 m high. The crown is sparse, with thin branches. Hybrid form. The leaves are colored red, but when fruits form, they can acquire a green tint. Blooms in early summer. The color and shape of the flowers depend on the type of tree. Color varies from pink to dark burgundy. They come in simple and terry shapes. The apples are small, carmine-colored, and edible. Suitable for recycling. The apple tree is winter-hardy, but not resistant to scab.

Growing and caring for ornamental apple trees

In order to grow beautiful tree, which will serve as a decoration for the garden, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient care. The great misconception of some gardeners is that ornamental apple trees do not require care. The fact is that they cannot stand shade; there is no decorative effect in the shade. Short flowering. Dim colors. Apple trees are demanding on soil. They grow best in loose, well-drained soils. They do not tolerate wetlands.

The soil should be fertile and moderately moist. Ornamental trees should be planted in the same way as ordinary trees. Seedlings are planted in the ground in the spring, before the buds open. If the seedlings are purchased in the fall, then it is possible autumn planting. For single plantings, you should dig a hole. Its depth is 1 m and diameter is 0.80 m.

If plantings are carried out in combination with other trees, then the distance between them should be left at least 5-6 m. This distance is necessary so that in the future the trees do not crowd or shade each other. Ornamental apple trees require a lot of light and space to develop and be decorative. Planting holes for decorative varieties are prepared in the fall if the seedlings are planted in the spring.

It is better to replace the excavated soil with fertile one, but if this is not possible, the fertility of the existing one should be improved.

To do this, add 5-6 buckets of humus or peat, also add wood ash and nitrogen fertilizers and superphosphate. The proportions can be viewed on the packaging of purchased fertilizers. To stir thoroughly. Place drainage at the bottom of the hole. Pebbles or coarse sand are suitable for drainage. Pour the soil onto this layer in a mound and place an apple tree seedling on it. Gently spread the roots around the mound. Stick a linden or hazel stake into the center and cover everything with fertile, prepared soil.

Do not forget that the root collar should be 8-10 cm higher. Press down the soil around the plant. If the seedling is tall, then it should be tied to a peg. After planting is completed, water thoroughly. You need to water in several stages. First, pour out one bucket of water. After the water is absorbed, pour another one and so on until the soil in the moon is completely saturated with moisture. Apply a 5-6 cm layer of mulch on top. The layer will protect the plantings from weeds and drying out of the soil.

Further care of apple trees consists of watering, weeding, loosening and shaping pruning. Caring for ornamental apple trees is much simpler than for cultivated ones, but it is also necessary so that the trees maintain their decorative appearance throughout their entire life.

Decorative plants, unlike crops, do not require the formation of skeletal pruning, but are responsive to pruning. After a haircut they recover quickly. The crown can be given any shape. Circle, oval or any other shape. Regular watering, spring fertilization, weeding, and treatment with fungicides against insects and diseases are required.

Thanks to decorative varieties beautiful and not demanding to care for, they began to occupy a worthy place in the garden. Look great in single and group plantings. Plantings of ornamental apple trees decorate parks and alleys and create arches. Magnificent, fragrant aroma in spring and beautiful and sometimes edible fruits in autumn.

The decorative tree does not lose its beauty throughout the entire growing season.

Decorative apple trees in spring

Actually, spring is the cherished time for which ornamental apple trees exist primarily, since their flowering is a truly magical sight. For example, I.V. Michurin writes about the hybrids obtained from the pink-flowered Nedzvetsky apple tree, which he used in breeding: “All the trees... give a spectacular, rare beauty of some tropical plants... They were mistaken for magnolias, they thought that they were seeing a particularly tall type of azaleas.”

And since we're talking about pink varieties, then the choice here is quite large. You can note a variety such as, for example, Rudolph.

It was obtained in Canada in 1954. This is a very profusely flowering tree, up to 5-6 m high. It blooms with large pink-red flowers, which cover the tree so densely that the foliage fades into the background. By autumn it is covered with bright orange fruits.

In the variety Profusion interesting distinctive feature: leaves unusual shape– three-bladed. The flowers are lilac-pink, simple. It is also distinguished by abundant annual flowering.

But the variety is especially noteworthy Brandy Magic.

He is awesome! Its double flowers for apple trees are, one might say, simply huge (up to 5 cm in diameter), and their tone is also completely unusual - warm. And even if the flowering is not so abundant, there are flowers with large stamens, similar to miniature roses, make it stand out from all the others.

It should be noted that varieties with white flowers are also popular, especially if they are dwarf and do not take up much space in the garden, such as Tina variety. It grows slowly, reaching about 3 m in diameter when mature. Red buds unfurl into small white flowers with golden stamens. There are so many of them on the branches that the tree or shrub appears to be covered with snow.

Decorative apple trees in summer

The time is much calmer, but even now apple trees do not remain colorless extras, while many beautifully flowering shrubs, generally recognized garden favorites, cannot boast of this. They have only one high point - flowering, then for some it would be better if they were completely forgotten until the next flowering. Apple trees compare very favorably with them.

Many varieties of ornamental apple trees have either a purple color or a purple tint to the leaves. This is due to the fact that they originated from Niedzwiecki apple trees, which served as the donor of such coloring. Most bright representative purple-leaved varieties - Royalty, which many have already heard, up to 5 m in height. Its leaves are such a thick dark purple color (especially in spring) that the royal burgundy flowers and fruits are almost lost against their background.

By autumn, many purple-leaved forms often turn somewhat green, but the color still remains quite striking. Dark foliage is well complemented by shrubs and trees with white-variegated foliage in multi-color compositions. But when planting, remember that in the shade the intensity of the purple color decreases.

Decorative apple trees in autumn

The breeding direction of ornamental apple trees provides for the abundance of fruits and their long stay on the trees, and taste qualities are practically not considered. Although there are varieties with a pleasant fruit taste. For example, Golden Hornet) – its apples are small (2.5 cm), rich yellow with a tan on the sunny side, and remain on the branches for a long time. Abundant fruiting turns this apple tree into a tree hung with gold beads, which looks cheerful even when the leaves fall off and the skeleton of the tree is exposed.

Among the most decorative and at the same time edible are the fruits of the variety John Downie– dark yellow with red barrels (on the sunny side), relatively large, they can be eaten fresh, made into compotes or used for jam.

Decorative apple trees in winter

During the first half of winter we continue to admire the fruits that are hung on branches that have lost their foliage. Often this is the only bright spot in an empty, dim garden that has forgotten about the sun.

In addition, in winter, varieties with original form crowns, it is now that one can fully appreciate their unusualness. The most interesting are weeping and umbrella apple trees. To obtain them, use a short apple tree, grafting it onto a tall trunk. These umbrellas look great either alone or in groups, especially if they differ in height from each other.

Breeders could not ignore such unusual crowns. This is how they appeared varieties Red Jade, Cheat's Weeping, Royal Beauty with weeping hanging branches, and of course, rich flowering.

But enough of the “crying.” Let's leave sadness behind and turn to cheerful vertical forms.

Columnar apple trees with edible fruits immediately crossed the border separating the orchard from the decorative one. There are varieties that, although not columns in pure form, but also with narrow vertical crowns.

For example, in the variety Van Eseltine(with white-pink semi-double flowers, about 5 cm in diameter) the crown in youth is first narrow-columnar-shaped, then funnel-shaped. Street Parade characterized by a dense narrow oval crown, and Red Obelisk In addition to the columnar shape of the crown, it attracts with red foliage. You can always find a place in the garden for these compact trees.

Ornamental apple trees: purchasing and planting

The first question when buying apple trees is: what do you want to see in the garden when you purchase a decorative apple tree? Possible answers: a pink cloud of flowers in the spring, unusual reddish foliage all summer, lots of bright fruits (edible or not) in the fall, an original crown (even after the leaves have fallen), or both. Depending on the answer choose different varieties apple trees But in any case, the most important indicator is winter hardiness (the ability to withstand not only the most severe frosts in the middle of winter, but also temperature changes at the end). The vast majority of varieties we sell are winter-hardy enough for the middle zone.

SO, HAVING DECIDED ON THE VARIETY, select a specific seedling. As a rule, container plants are now available for sale. Please note that the plant was actually grown in it, and not just planted. It is quite simple to determine this - a plant grown in a container holds its roots tightly to a lump of earth, and if you take it by the trunk and lift it, it rises along with the lump. Plants that have been recently dug up and just planted in containers typically do not have as well-developed root systems as those in containers, so the soil falls off the roots.

If we are talking about a variety with regular form crowns, it is preferable to choose symmetrical specimens.

When purchasing weeping forms, you need to pay attention to the height of the trunk (the trunk itself). All apple tree seedlings are grafted plants. Only in standard crowns the scion (wildstock) is the root and sometimes a small lower part of the trunk, the entire top is the scion, and in weeping rootstocks the rootstock is both the roots and the trunk. The graft of weeping forms is located in the upper part of the trunk, and since weeping crowns grow upward little, mainly to the sides and down, then on a small trunk the branches of the tree will soon fall on the lawn and it will lose its attractiveness, since the trunk (trunk) no longer grows upward will increase. Only the grafted upper part will grow further. Therefore, for weeping and umbrella forms, a high standard (at least 1.5 m) is preferable. If shoots appear from the crown or on the trunk of the rootstock, they must be removed immediately - these are wild shoots. If this is not done, they may clog the grafted part over time.

When planting, the seedling is thoroughly watered. Add 2-3 buckets of humus or compost to the planting hole and subsequently carry out standard fertilizing - in the spring nitrogen fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium in the fall, which helps annual abundant flowering and fruiting.

Planting a decorative apple tree

PLANTING T decorative apple trees in a well-lit place, optimal acidity fertile, drained soil pH 6-6.5. The size of the plant, depending on the variety, is about 5 m in height, 3-4 m in width when mature. Protection from pests and diseases is the same as for fruit trees.

In the first years after planting, if the tree is not formed, proper pruning is necessary. It is usually carried out in early spring, before the buds bloom on the branches. Of course, if the tree is not shaped, then it does not die and even in most cases feels quite cheerful, but its decorative effect will leave much to be desired.

Standard crowns are pruned in the same way as fruit crowns - dry, broken, intersecting branches are removed, forming a cup-shaped or columnar crown (depending on the variety). Index correct pruning– after this the tree should look beautiful.

For weeping crowns, pruning is somewhat different. Long branches are shortened so that this year's shoots can grow to the sides rather than down. Therefore, pruning is done on the buds that look up; the shoots growing from them will expand the diameter of the umbrella.

Compositions with decorative apple trees

If you plant a decorative apple tree solo on the lawn, then your only concern will be maintaining the shape of the crown, watering and fertilizing, and the apple tree itself will be responsible for the decorative effect. However, you can try a more complex option for decorating a corner of the garden using other woody and/or herbaceous plants, that is, to compose a composition.

A win-win option for large gardens is to plant several varieties of ornamental apple trees, differing in the shade of flowers and leaves. At the same time, it is desirable to have a similar character of the crown and the final size of the tree. For example, the varieties Hopa (Nora) with soft pink flowers and Royalty with deep red flowers look great together. The spectacular juxtaposition of white and pink-flowered varieties will also be with the silver birch Purpurea, whose dark foliage will set off the tenderness of the apple tree flowers.

If the size of the garden is limited and the space allows you to plant only one apple tree, then successful partners in a composition with it can be varieties of mountain pine, large varieties of western thuja (with pruning in the future).

LEAVED SHRUBS can be used as decorative deciduous species, selecting the variety depending on the shade of the apple tree flowers. Purple-leaved bladderworts, varieties of Ottawa barberry or large varieties of Thunberg barberry will look good with white and pink-flowered apple trees.

In a warm area, reliable and long-lasting decorative combination can be obtained using purple-leaved varieties of black elderberry. Elderberry is easy to shape, so you can always keep the volume of the bush at the desired size. With red-flowered apple trees, you can plant thuja western Albospicata, variegated varieties of white deer, mock orange Variegatus, black elderberry Pulvirulenta or Albovariegata in one composition.

A composition with a decorative apple tree will attract attention all season long if we include long-flowering shrubs in it. Potentilla bush varieties will not cause much trouble. We will plant light-loving cinquefoil on the most illuminated side of the composition. Compositions of Japanese spirea or Bumalda varieties planted in the foreground can also be useful.

All the shrubs and trees that you include in a composition with an ornamental apple tree will sooner or later have to be shaped at least once a season, or even more often. This must be taken into account immediately when choosing a distance when planting, so that it is convenient to approach each plant in the composition.

Trunk CIRCLE apple tree It is advisable to keep it clean for the first few years after planting. Then you can sod it or plant it there herbaceous perennials. Small-bulbous ephemeroids for spring flowering are very unpretentious, do not require fertilizing or dividing bulb nests, are easily propagated by self-sowing and naturalize in the garden over time. Under the apple tree you can plant dense corydalis, Siberian and two-leaved scillas, chionodoxes, and snowdrops.

These crops will bloom when the apple tree is just unfurling its leaves. At the same time as the apple tree, muscari blooms, and among the traditional bulbous plants, daffodils and tulips with a medium flowering period. Muscari can be planted in trunk circle, daffodils and tulips - in specially designated places on the illuminated side of the composition. Primrose, large-leaved brunnera, and round-leaved saxifrage get along well under the apple tree. You can “launch” a dotted bell into the tree trunk circle - it blooms from the end of June for more than a month, is unpretentious, has a shallow root system (that is, it will not offend our apple tree), easily spreads into stolons and will quickly occupy the proposed area.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees: photos

Decorative apple tree - cultivation, types and varieties: professional advice

When planting an orchard, we, of course, think about the harvest. And now the garden is happily blooming and bearing fruit, but something is missing from it... Maybe inspiration? Luxurious ornamental apple trees can help with this

It is quite simple to distinguish an ornamental apple tree from a fruit variety: its apples are used for decoration, not for harvest. Most often they are small, brightly colored and stay on the branch for a long time without falling off. But this apparent simplicity dissolves when it comes to choosing a plant for your garden.

What is most often asked when the conversation turns to ornamental apple trees?

“Are their fruits edible?” Such a question seems illogical in light of the fact that the value of plants is in the color of flowers and leaves, the shape and size of fruits, and, finally, in habit, but not in edibility. But no!

The brain is designed in such a way that apples should be apples, not artificial decoration tree. Well, it must be admitted that only a few ornamental apple trees have bitter, slightly astringent fruits - more often they have completely edible fruits, or in general these are varieties with outstanding decorative qualities. But first things first.


When choosing a variety, it is important to pay attention to the winter hardiness of the rootstock and the presence of intercalary inserts (when an M9 cutting is first grafted onto an ordinary strong or medium-growing rootstock, and a bud or cutting of a cultivated variety is grafted onto its top).

Where to plant

Among the peculiarities of cultivation, it should be noted that it is better to choose sunny, sheltered from the wind places for planting. Soils are better with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, preferably sandy loam or loamy, drained.

Required watering

In hot weather, apple trees need watering. The amount of moisture directly affects the yield. Lack of spring rains leads to shedding of flowers and ovaries. Summer water deficiency causes the fall of formed fruits. And the autumn dryness increases the outflow of nutrients from the generative buds.

Repeated flowering

Sometimes the weather conditions of the year cause apple trees to re-bloom. Most often - in September. The last time such a phenomenon was observed was in 2007. This is an anomaly for the plant. At the same time, generative buds open, intended for next spring.

And, although repeated flowering is quite decorative, it is still better to pick off the buds that open in September. Otherwise, the plant will waste energy, which will negatively affect overwintering. In any case, you can’t expect vigorous spring flowering.

Spectacular fruits

From August until the fruits fall, the effect of a fruit alley will be created by hybrid apple trees different varieties on high trunks, planted on both sides of the path. And different colors of apples will only enhance the effect.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees are the most beautiful

Red-beautiful apple tree – 2

In spring and early summer, stately snow-white, with a delicate marshmallow-pink bloom, the beauties of apple trees attract our attention. No less good are decorative apple trees, which bloom with pink, crimson and almost red flowers.

Let's turn our attention not to newfangled, widely advertised varieties of ornamental apple trees, which often cost crazy amounts of money, but to more traditional, species-specific ones: they are no worse.


One of the most beloved, widespread and recognizable ornamental apple trees is me. Niedzwiec-kogo. It looks exotic among ordinary plants. It's painted in


red-brown bark of the trunk and branches, young leaves are burgundy-crimson, and old ones are green with a reddish tint; luxurious rich magenta-pink flowers, dark purple peel and bright pink fruit pulp in different shades of purple everything: red-brown bark of the trunk and branches, young leaves are burgundy-crimson, and old ones are red-green, magenta-pink flowers, dark -purple peel and bright pink flesh of the fruit.

Interestingly, this species synthesizes the anthocyanin pigment (responsible for the red color) throughout the entire season from the beginning of the growing season to the end, whereas in most other plants anthocyanin synthesis occurs only in spring or autumn. Flowering occurs in late May - early June.

And by August, the entire tree, whose height does not exceed 7-8 m, is covered with purple (to violet) apples with shiny glossy sides. The fruits are small, up to 1 cm in diameter, but numerous. The high winter hardiness of this apple tree allows it to overwinter without shelter and grow in its own root form, and not in a grafted form, which is more typical for ornamental apple trees.

The first varieties are me. Nedzvetsky were received in Germany. Just 100 years ago, this was the most common type of ornamental apple tree in Europe. This type of apple tree forms beautiful shape crown, reminiscent of a bright tent. It is resistant to diseases and pests. Tolerates pruning (in early spring), but most often does not need it. But it does not grow well with excessive soil moisture.

Dwarfs and umbrellas Two more types of apple trees deserve the close attention of garden design lovers and professionals.


I have the reputation of being the lowest of the ornamental apple trees. Sargent. Its height is usually about 2 m. And its cultural forms are usually dwarf. Abundant flowering turns into equally abundant fruiting. Although the fruits are quite difficult to call apples in the usual way. They look more like a bouquet of bright berries. The diameter of the fruit is 6 -8 mm. The fruits are carmine, dark red, bright red on very long stalks (up to 3 - 4 cm), which looks unusual in contrast with the small fruits. By autumn, the leaves acquire warm shades of red gold. The fruits stay on the tree for a long time, maintaining the decorative appearance of the plant after leaf fall. In addition, this species tolerates planting on heavy soils.

There are about 50 species and more than 190 cultivated varieties of ornamental apple trees.

Ornamental apple trees are unpretentious to their growing conditions. Planting a decorative apple tree with red leaves is considered especially chic. This plant allows you to form bright accents and decorate even the shady corners of the garden.

In cultivation it is a low tree, which rarely reaches 10 meters at the top of its crown. Ornamental apple trees can also be shrubby forms of the crop. In the absence of pruning, the crown is formed in the form of an irregular oval or ball.

Some varieties can bear fruit successfully, but the fruits do not have pleasant organoleptic properties.

The color of the bark of the stem part can vary from pastel gray to rich Brown. Special attention When choosing a variety of ornamental apple tree, the shape and color of the leaf blade deserves consideration. Some species are presented with a red color and a long period of not falling leaves in the autumn. This allows you to create magnificent landscapes even with a poor soil mixture and unfavorable weather conditions.

Most varieties of ornamental apple trees have dense foliage of a rich green color, which transforms into a yellow and red riot of colors only in late August - early September. The average length of an ellipsoid or plum-shaped leaf is 100 mm.

During the flowering period, the entire crown is densely covered with fragrant flowers, which can reach a diameter of 40 mm. The main color is white, which can have various shades of pink, peach, ivory, etc. Single flowers are collected into bouquets of inflorescences using stems.

Fruit formation begins immediately after flowering. In the center of each flower there is a receptacle, which gradually grows and fills with pulp. The outer color of the fruit is first green, then, as it ripens, it changes to yellow and red.

These trees have fantastic resistance to adverse factors external environment. This is a frost-resistant crop that grows successfully even in the northern regions of our country.

Planting ornamental apple trees

It is best to plant such apple trees in the spring, before the first buds appear, or in the fall, in September and the first half of October. Young seedlings up to 4 years old can be planted in both spring and autumn, but older ones, which do not adapt well to a new place, can only be planted in autumn.

Particular attention should be paid to the distance to neighboring plants. For ornamental apple trees, it is necessary to provide a lot of free space; they should not grow in close proximity to large plants. For each plant, you need to leave as much space as its crown will spread in adulthood: the diameter of a tree of a particular variety should be the main guideline. Classic version- area about 5-6 m (respectively, a distance of 2-3 m to neighboring crops).

For ornamental apple trees, you need to dig large planting holes in advance, preferably in the fall of the previous year or at least 1 month before planting. Diameter landing pit about 80 cm and depth about 1 m - perfect option. The soil removed from the holes must be replaced with a special substrate. TO leaf ground mix in a two-fold portion of sand and a three-fold portion of humus. If possible, 250-300 g of complete mineral fertilizer is mixed into the soil. Without pre-planting improvement, apple trees will take a long time to take root and will take a lot of time to achieve the desired size. The planting depth is similar to all apple trees: the root collar should be 5-10 cm above the ground level.

Caring for ornamental apple trees and pest control

Apple trees need fertile, well-drained soil. The planting site should be located in the sun; heavily shaded areas are not suitable for these trees. Moderate watering is required; water stagnation should not be allowed. It is recommended to mulch decorative apple trees. Peat, sawdust, bark are suitable for this. coniferous trees, nut shell.

In the spring, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention and spray the trees with insecticides.

If you do not plan to eat the fruits of ornamental apple trees, you can destroy pests during flowering and fruiting. However, it is still not recommended to do this if there may be children on the site, who are often attracted by delicious small apples. The fruits also serve as food for birds, which may be harmed by the toxins. Therefore, in order to avoid poisoning by toxic substances, pest control of ornamental apple trees with chemicals is carried out before the beginning of the growing season.

Decorative apple trees, like fruit trees, are most susceptible to scab, powdery mildew, bacteria, causing disease, known as a burn. If a burn occurs, the tree must be destroyed, as it dangerous disease quickly and actively spreads throughout the garden.

Propagation of ornamental apple trees

Ornamental types of apple trees can be propagated by seeds. They are sown immediately after harvest in early autumn or after stratification for 1.5-2 months at the end of autumn.

Only rare species And varietal apple trees with improved characteristics that are not transmitted by seed, they are propagated exclusively by grafting.

Cuttings are not the most productive, but acceptable method. For most apple trees, the survival rate does not exceed 5-15%, even when treated with growth stimulants.

Varieties of ornamental apple trees

Ornamental floribunda apple tree (Malus floribunda)

Luxurious Japanese apple tree- apple tree (Malus floribunda). Suitable for small cottages, because... it is up to 4 m high. It is often a shrub with outstretched, sometimes prickly branches and ovoid dark green leaves, 4-8 cm long. The flowers are very abundant, carmine-red in buds, pale pink after blooming, 2.5- in diameter 3.0 cm, in bunches of 4-7 on purple pedicels; bloom in May. The fruits are spherical, small, 1-2 cm in diameter, reddish-yellow; ripen in September. One of the most decorative apple trees.

Ornamental Pallas apple tree (Malus pallasiana)

The snow-white beauty is the Pallas apple tree, or Siberian apple tree (Malus pallasiana) - a tree up to 3-5 m high or a shrub with a rounded crown. The leaves are ovate, 2.5-8 cm long. The flowers are white on long pedicels, 2-3.5 cm in diameter, 4-8 in umbellate inflorescences; bloom in May-June. The fruits are spherical, yellow with a red tint, up to 1 cm in diameter; ripen in September. Homeland: Eastern Siberia, Far East, Northern China, Mongolia.

Sargent's decorative apple tree(Malus sargentii)

A modest Japanese beauty, the Sargent apple tree (Malus sargentii) is a shrub 1 to 3 m high with horizontally spread branches, often with thorns. The leaves are ovate, often three-lobed, 5-8 cm long, dark green, orange and yellow in autumn. The flowers are white, on bare stalks, 5-6 in bunches; bloom in May. The fruits are almost spherical, about 1 cm in diameter, dark red with a waxy coating; ripen in September. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Decorative plum-leaved or Chinese apple tree (Malus prunifolia)

This is a tree or shrub up to 10 m high with pubescent young shoots. The leaves are ovate, 5-10 cm long, dark green, slightly shiny, yellow or bronze in autumn. The flowers are large, 3 cm in diameter, white, 5-10 in umbellate inflorescences; bloom in May. The fruits are spherical, up to 2-3 cm in diameter on long stalks, yellow or red, sour, edible apples (paradise); They ripen in September and do not fall off for a long time. Decorative during flowering and fruiting. Resistant to fungal diseases. Homeland: Northeast China.

Decorative apple tree Tsumi (Malus x zumi)

Apple tree Tsumi ( Malus X zumi) - possibly a hybrid of the Manchurian variety of berry apple and Siebold. A small tree with a dense, spherical crown up to 6 (12) m high. The leaves are oblong-ovate on long shoots, noticeably lobed, 4-9 cm long. The flowers are numerous, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, pink in buds, white when open; bloom in May-June. The fruits are spherical, red, about 1 cm in diameter; ripen in September. Decorative during flowering and fruiting.

Ornamental Scheidecker apple tree (Malus Scheideckeri)

Scheidecker apple tree (Malus Scheideckeri) is a low tree up to 3.5 m high, with a dark brown trunk and fissured bark. The branches are light brown with an orange tint and light lentils. The leaves are oval, sharp-toothed, dark green. The flowers are pale pink, semi-double, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, dark pink in buds. The fruits are round or elongated-ovoid, bright yellow. She's interesting decorative form"Red Jade" (red fruits).

Ornamental apple tree Weeping or riverside

It was introduced into selection in an almost unchanged, wild form. In nature, it is found almost everywhere on the North American continent. With proper care, it grows up to 12 meters in height and has long flexible branches, which bend towards the ground during the growth of leaf mass and ripening of fruits. That is why this decorative apple tree received the name “Weeping”. It will grow well in all regions of our country, since it is not afraid of even severe frosts due to the dense layer of bark.

Ornamental apple tree Ola (Malus hybridus Ola)

The low ornamental apple tree of the Ola variety was bred in Poland. She prefers moist and moderate wet soils. Blooms profusely in sunny places, tolerates partial shade. Due to the fact that the plant does not grow higher than 5 meters, it is used for decorative landscaping in gardens and residential areas. The unusually elegant, openwork crown of the tree in spring is covered with a cap of large pink flowers and exudes a wonderful aroma.

Decorative apple tree of Makovetsky district

A tree or bush with a smooth, spherical crown up to 2 m in diameter and burgundy-colored branches. The leaves are red when blooming and gradually acquire a dark green color. burgundy shade. Blooms in July with large bright red flowers. The fruits are bright red and edible. Light-loving. Prefers moist and fertile soils. Resistant to diseases. Highly winter-hardy.