home · Appliances · “One life”: a training program for the prevention of deviant behavior in adolescents. Test on the topic: Tests and trainings for working with children at risk

“One life”: a training program for the prevention of deviant behavior in adolescents. Test on the topic: Tests and trainings for working with children at risk

" All in your hands!"

Psychoprophylaxis in training with children at risk

(5-9 grades)

Alferova I.I. , educational psychologist,

GKS(K)OU "Special

(correctional) general education

boarding school No. 7 VIII type"

Life may not be easy today,

We have nothing to fear from adversity.

It will definitely help YOU

A friendly team is your wealth!

Goal: prevention of psychoactive substances, correction of feelings of loneliness and negative emotional states


    Correction of behavior through analysis of feelings and actions;

    Working with bodily “tensions” (sensation, tension, muscle tension);

    Regulation of emotional states;

    Formation of social trust.

I .Warming up the group(5 minutes.)

Exercise "Snowball"

Goal: emotional stabilization of the group, preparation for further work.

In a circle, everyone says their name and all the names already named before them. You can add something about yourself to your name, for example: my passion, hobby, association with my mood.

Exercise “Clapping in a Circle”

Goal: building relationships between training participants.

Psychologist's explanation:“Now we will clap our hands once, moving clockwise. As soon as I suddenly clap my hands twice, the movement after the clap begins in the opposite direction.”

As the game progresses, the participants will make mistakes; each mistake should be followed by the question: “Why did you make a mistake?”, “Why did you miss it?”, “Who stopped you?”

II . Main part(30 min.)

Introductory speech by a psychologist

Drug addiction - what is it? This is the path to crime and prison, to death and despair. Drug addiction is spreading all over the world and is getting younger every year. Often teenagers become victims due to curiosity and feelings of loneliness. Guys, answer next questions:

    Have you or your loved ones faced the problem of drug addiction? How dangerous is this phenomenon?

    If this problem is not solved soon, how will it affect your generation?

    Are there any teenagers among your peers who feel lonely? How can you help them?

    What do teenagers need to make them less willing to try drugs?

Conclusion: teenagers make their own choice whether to use drugs or not; but the one who does this also chooses the consequences (short life, grief to loved ones, destruction of plans, prospects for the future, etc.)

Exercise "Nuts"

Goal: correction of feelings of loneliness and self-worth.

The number of nuts must correspond to the number of participants. Everyone takes one nut . Exercise: Examine one nut for 1 minute and remember its features. Then all the nuts are mixed. After that, everyone tries to find their own.

Discussion. What helped me find my nut.

Psychologist: In a crowd, all people are the same, like nuts when they lie together. To see the characteristics of a person, you need to spend time and look closely at him. The value of a nut is judged by what is inside it. It can be mature, green, empty, rotten, good. Therefore, you cannot judge a person only by his appearance. The nut has a very hard shell, it is needed to protect the delicate kernel. Many people also often hide in a shell to feel safe. They cannot open immediately; time must pass for this to happen. Loneliness will pass if you have a true friend nearby!

Exercise “Trust Test”

Goal: building trust.

Place an object, such as a vase or book, in the middle of the circle. Explain to the group that a game is about to begin that makes the invisible visible.

Everyone must stand a certain distance from the object. Anyone who stands close to him thereby speaks of a high, in his opinion, degree of trust in the group. The weaker the player's sense of safety and trust in the group, the greater the selected distance.

Ask participants to experiment with different distances until they feel they have chosen the right location. Everyone explains why they made the choice they did.


No one can force themselves to experience a feeling of trust. No one can call on another to gain trust. Trust is very easy to break if we feel hurt. Everyone strives to avoid injury. Try to treat other people with care.

Exercise “Fire - Ice”

Purpose: relieving tension and muscle tension.

The exercise involves alternating tension and relaxation of the entire body. Participants perform the exercise while standing in a circle. At the psychologist’s “Fire” command, participants begin intense movements with their whole body. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements is chosen by each individual arbitrarily. On command, “Ice” freezes in the position in which the team caught them, straining their entire body to the limit. The psychologist alternates both commands several times, randomly changing the time of execution of both.

Exercise "Shadow"

Goal: development of inner freedom and relaxedness.

Calm music plays and the children break into pairs. One is a traveler, the other is his shadow. The latter tries to exactly copy the movement of a traveler who walks around the room and makes various movements: unexpected turns, bends down to pick a flower, jumps on one leg, etc.


Dear guys! I want to tell you the parable “Everything is in your hands!”

“Once upon a time there lived a wise man who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage does not know everything.

Holding a butterfly in his hands, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?”

And he thinks: “If the living one says, I’ll kill her; if the dead one says, I’ll release her.”

The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands!”

In your hands is the opportunity to become a REAL PERSON, start a family, plant a tree, raise children and live to a ripe old age. Keep drugs out of your life and you will be HAPPY!!!

III . Reflection(5 minutes.)

    What did you like?

    How did you feel?

    What were the difficulties?

Through analysis of your feelings and actions, you can Everyday life recognize truth and lies, get rid of the feeling of loneliness, your experience will keep you from making life mistakes.

IV . Bottom line.(5 minutes.)

Our psychotraining has come to an end. I suggest writing a wish on a poster for each training participant and drawing a general positive picture.

Wish good health to everyone and for long years life!


1.Yulia Zaripova Believe in yourself. Psychological assistance program for adolescents. Series “School Psychologist”, Moscow 2007

2. Exacousto T.V. Workshop on group psychocorrection: Trainings, exercises, role-playing games. Edition 2. , Rostov-on-Don Phoenix 2008

Career guidance work with children at risk in the modern educational environment

Bayanova N.V., social teacher

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1 named after A.A. Inozemtsev"

The importance of professional, and in a broad sense, social self-determination of the younger generation poses serious challenges for the organizers of career guidance work at school. Career guidance is a system of preparing young people for the free and independent choice of profession, designed to take into account both the individual characteristics of the individual and the need for a full distribution of labor resources in the interests of society. However, career guidance V modern conditions does not always achieve its main goals - the formation of professional self-determination in students, corresponding to the individual characteristics of each individual and the needs of society in personnel, its requirements for modern work. A significant hindrance to the development of career guidance is that it is usually designed for some average student. There is no individual approach to the personality of those choosing a profession. How to properly organize work to prepare for a conscious choice with children at risk, who require a special, individual approach.

Who are the children at risk? These are children who live in an antisocial environment and experience neglectful or aggressive attitudes towards themselves and/or others. These are children from disadvantaged families, children who find themselves in difficult life situation. Children with antisocial behavior bad habits and offenses, absences without good reason. Such students do not always know how to organize their activities; often these children can be aggressive, withdrawn, indifferent, unsure of themselves, and have an inadequate reaction. Also, GR children most often lack cultural skills, motivation for education and development, and self-image as a member of society.

In addition to the above-mentioned characteristics of GR students, it is necessary to highlight the problem related to career guidance work with such children. It lies in the fact that children at risk are primarily guided by the opinions of their environment and therefore often neglect the interests of other people (successful classmates, teachers and parents); the opinion of adults is not authoritative for them and this position is quite difficult to reverse. Another common problem for GR children is lack of interest and employment in any form. extracurricular activities.

The primary task for teachers is to interest and involve the child in extracurricular activities, taking into account his interests and capabilities (you can consider options for extracurricular employment offered in the city - creative, sports, etc.). Also, it is very important to structure work with GR children in such a way that the child and his family can trust the teachers.

In order to understand the professional disposition of a child, it is necessary to have full information his interests and capabilities can be identified through:

Conversations with the class teacher (obtaining information regarding the child’s attitude to work, etc. based on the results of the diagnostic “Student’s personality as the main indicator of the effectiveness of the education process”);

Conversations with a teacher-psychologist (results of professional diagnostics, training sessions on career guidance for students);

Conversations with a social teacher (individual characteristics of the child’s socialization (successes, problems and shortcomings, results of conversations about professional and life self-determination));

Conversations with parents (organization of the student’s work in the family, his personal responsibility and attitude towards labor activity, interests and opportunities);

Questionnaires “Identifying the interests of the child”, etc.

Career guidance work with this category of students is carried out multilaterally with the involvement of several educational institutions. These are the class teachers, ( cool watch, debates), psychologists (consultations, diagnostics, individual and group work), organizers (involvement in social activities, self-government), social teacher (assistance in socialization, psychological and pedagogical support and support), subject teachers (interaction with classmates, teacher, intellectual abilities). Each structure has an important influence, because only interaction can lead to the successful implementation of a child’s professional interest.

Another important fact in working with GR students is the creation of a situation of success during the educational process. Must be found in a child positive sides and interact with him by approving and supporting his interests and capabilities, taking into account the individual characteristics of each, thereby improving the student’s self-esteem and communication skills.

To improve career guidance work, GR children studying in 9th grade can attract:

To scientific activities (participation in scientific and practical conferences);

Participation in school Olympiads (obzh, Physical Culture);

Participation in sports competitions;

Participation in extracurricular activities(organization of competitions, promotions);

Participation in social activities (for example, even the simplest, small assignments: security guards at school events, assistance in preparing the assembly hall, meeting guests in the hall, volunteer movements, etc.), this is necessary for the best interaction between all participants in the educational space.

After involving the child GR in various types of activities, you can determine the range of his capabilities (the child has oratory, artistic abilities, design skills, skillfully handles tools, has skills in working with wood, metal, has good athletic abilities, etc.).

Taking into account all the results obtained, it is necessary to further work individually with the GR student and his family, helping to make right choice vocational training.

In our educational institution individual career guidance work is aimed at “at-risk” students in grades 9, since these are children who cannot go to grades 10-11 due to poor academic performance. We recommend secondary vocational institutions for such children, vocational education(in the 2015-2016 academic year there were 4 such children in the GR group, so an individual approach prevailed, which gave positive result, all students decided on choosing a profession based on their interests and successfully entered vocational lyceums and technical schools).

As part of career guidance work, in this academic year together with students of grades 8-9, we visited the Bratsk Economic Forum, where the main enterprises of the city were presented; Rusal Festival, where one could see the activities of the metallurgical plant from a different, more interesting and creative side.

Having analyzed our work, we can conclude that the weak point in this direction is the lack of direct interaction with educational institutions (secondary vocational), perhaps there is a need to invite employees and consultants of these institutions to school, conduct excursions to production facilities, create student production teams, provide assistance in organizing summer work practice. Conduct work through the distribution of information brochures, recommend that parents attend days open doors, attending career guidance seminars.

Thus, we can summarize career guidance work with students in the conditions of a continuous educational process:

A set of career guidance services in the form of professional diagnostic activities, classes and trainings on career planning (clarification of the educational request during elective classes and other elective courses; group and individual counseling in order to identify and formulate an adequate decision-making on choosing a training profile; formation of an educational request appropriate interests and abilities, value orientations);

Consultations on choosing a study profile (individual for GR students);


Organization and conduct of excursions (to educational institutions, enterprises);

Meetings with representatives of enterprises, educational institutions.

Working with parents:

Carrying out parent meetings, (school-wide, classroom);

Lectures for parents;

Individual conversations between teachers and parents of schoolchildren;

Questioning of students' parents;

Assistance to parents in organizing professional tests at enterprises;

Assistance to parents in organizing temporary employment for students during the holidays;

Election of the school's parent committee from representatives of parent committees of classes, the most active parents of students who are ready, in cooperation with teachers, to provide pedagogical support for the self-determination of schoolchildren.

Individual character any career guidance influence (taking into account individual characteristics student, the nature of family relationships, work experience, development of professionally important qualities);

The focus of career guidance influences is primarily on the comprehensive development of the individual (providing freedom in choosing a profession, creating opportunities to try one’s strength in various areas professional activity, awakening activity in independent choice of the field of professional activity and determination of a professional plan).

Training for “at-risk” schoolchildren “Know yourself.”

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards yourself and others,


Expand students' knowledge about the specifics of interpersonal relationships;

Form a positive attitude towards yourself;

Develop a sense of tolerance;

Form adequate self-esteem.

Exercise "Bingo"

Goal: to continue getting to know teenagers and create a positive atmosphere.

The presenter invites the children to take human figures, paint them with felt-tip pens and write on the back:

On your head is your cherished dream;

On right hand- your character trait;

On the left hand - the character trait that you want to develop;

On the right leg is a favorite resting place;

On the left leg is a favorite dish;

On your torso - what you want your peers to call you.

After the children have completed the task, the presenter asks everyone to stand up, move around the room, approach each other, find and write down on the appropriate parts of the “Bingo” the names of those with whom they have one or more positions. After this, the participants return to the circle. Discussion.

Exercise "Waiting"

Goal: Find out what participants expect from today's lesson.

Teenagers take turns expressing their expectations for the lesson.

Exercise "Literacy"

Goal: increase the child's self-esteem. The presenter gives each participant a sheet of A4 paper and invites them to write a letter of commendation for themselves, indicating why they receive it. Each participant reads out their work.


Was it difficult to write a letter to yourself?

If so, why?

Did you enjoy this exercise?

Exercise “We are all different”

Goal: awareness of your individuality and uniqueness.

The presenter reads the epigraph written on the board: “People are like rivers: the water is the same in everyone and the same everywhere, but every river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet, sometimes warm” (L. Tolstoy). Leading. Indeed, we are all different. But something special sets us apart from others. What?

Name and write your special unique feature on the flower petal, attaching it to the center of the flower. Now look what we have beautiful flower. He is one, but there are many of us.

Exercise “My Tips”

Goal: to understand what needs to be changed in yourself, to see yourself through the eyes of others.

The presenter gives each participant a sheet of A4 paper and asks them to write their name and negative trait character. Then everyone passes their sheets clockwise, on which everyone takes turns writing a recommendation regarding character flaws.


Are you satisfied with what your friends wrote?

Exercise “You’re doing great anyway”

Goal: to raise the teenager’s self-esteem, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

The presenter invites schoolchildren to unite in groups of two, based on “day” and “night”. One person talks about his shortcoming, and the other replies: “So what, you’re doing great anyway, because...”.


How did the exercise make you feel?

Parable of the Master

One evening we got together musical instruments: violin, saxophone, trumpet, flute and double bass. And a dispute arose between them: who plays better. Each instrument began to produce its own melody and show its skills. But the result was not music, but terrible sounds. And the more everyone tried, the melody became incomprehensible and ugly. A man appeared and stopped these sounds with a wave of his hand, saying: “Friends, the melody is one whole. Let each one listen to the other and you will see what happens.” The man waved his hand again, and at first timidly, but then increasingly better, a melody sounded, in which one could hear the sadness of the violin, the lyricism of the saxophone, the optimism of the trumpet, the uniqueness of the pipe, the majesty of the double bass. The instruments played and watched with admiration the magical movements of the man’s hands. And the melody kept sounding and sounding, combining performers and listeners into one whole. How important it is for someone to conduct the orchestra!

Achieving harmony is possible only when everyone is united by one goal and directed by a single will in a single impulse...

Exercise “Finish the phrase”

Goal: increasing the self-esteem of participants. Participants take turns saying the following:

Today I found out that I...

I was pleased when...

Exercise “Flower of Wishes”

Goal: relaxation.

For this exercise, a flowerpot and a violet bush are used, which are handed over to each training participant in turn. Having handed over the flower, they say wishes: “I wish you...”. The psychologist thanks the participants for their sincerity and cooperation.

Goal: developing the ability to find positive things in yourself and others, the ability to talk about your positive attitude towards yourself.

— develop skills of mutual respect;

- to form a teenager’s idea of ​​a positive image of “I”;

- promote the development of adequate self-esteem;

— develop communication skills without judgment.

Exercise "Waiting"

Goal: to update the attention of participants, to obtain information about what they expect from the lesson. The psychologist gives the teenagers stickers in the form of leaves, on which the students write their expectations, voice them and attach them to the tree.

Warm-up game “Emotions and situations”

Goal: activating participants to work in a group, training skills to control emotions.

Material: ball.

Participants stand in a circle. Leading. Now each participant will name one emotion or feeling and remember what he named. I start: “Joy.” When everyone has named one emotion and remembered it, the presenter continues the exercise.

Leading. And now everyone names some situation and throws the ball to the other participant, inviting them to continue the sentence and name their emotion or feeling. For example: “When I work at work, I feel joy.”

The game ends when each participant has the ball.

Exercise "Reporter"

Goal: developing the ability to evaluate one’s positive traits. One of the group members interviews the other group members, inviting each to say a few words about themselves for a holiday telecast in honor of the successful completion of some important task in which the teenagers took part.


— Was it difficult to talk about yourself?

- Perhaps you would still like to do a good deed? Why?

Exercise “Bombardment with positive qualities”

Goal: developing the ability to find positive things in yourself and others.

The teenager sits on a chair in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Each group member takes turns approaching him and whispering a few words about him. positive features, for which he appreciates and loves him. Each group member receives such a “bombardment” of positive emotions.

Exercise “You will be me, and I will be you”

Goal: developing the ability to develop non-judgmental communication skills.

Two participants “exchange personalities”: each imagines that he is the other: for this he copies his language, gestures, behavior, statements. After they have been communicating in this way for some time (15 minutes), each of the two tells how he felt when he saw his image in the other. Does he think it was similar or funny? What new things did he learn when he saw what he looked like from the outside, etc.? Then the whole group discusses what they saw. Teenagers conclude that the ability to put oneself in another’s place is very important element communication skill. In this exercise, you must strictly adhere to the following rules: “Don’t do anything on purpose that could unpleasantly offend the feelings of the person whose role you are playing.”

Exercise “I am a confident person”

Development of Prototype in the Uncategorized section and published on September 15th, 2015
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MBS(K)OU Kharovskaya comprehensive school- boarding school

Work program

with teenagers at risk

Kharovsk city

Explanatory note

In times of crisis modern society and changes in moral and value attitudes, the number of adolescents prone to antisocial and addictive behavior has increased. A specific way of transforming social norms and expectations by demonstrating a value-based attitude towards them is called deviant behavior, which is characterized by the use of one’s own methods of self-expression. Children with deviant behavior make up a significant part of the “at-risk group” in schools.

The main task when working with adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders is to facilitate their adaptation to the world around them, to bring them to an awareness of the mirror nature of the world and the choice of safe models of interaction with it.

Mentally retarded adolescents, due to the imbalance and immaturity of the basic nervous processes, instability of the psyche and personal categories, are very susceptible to the action of many distorting harmful social and biological factors, disrupting and traumatic the normal formation of behavior. Most pupils of correctional schools are still in early childhood have acquired negative social experiences, the consequences of which have a serious impact on their entire future life. They are unable to resist negative impact on the other hand, they are characterized by impaired socialization: from the inability to adapt to new circumstances to various manifestations deviant behavior.

1. When identifying children at risk, our school identifies the following, the most common factors for students in grades 5-9:

    abnormal personality traits (adventurism, inadequate self-esteem, often inflated, excitability) submission to pressure and threats aggression lack of self-confidence accentuation of character inability to cope with social tasks positive attitude towards the behavior of substance abusers inability to cope with stress

2. In each grade, starting from grade 6, 40-45% of students are at risk for various factors.

3. The survey revealed that adolescents had an insufficient level of knowledge, skills and socially adaptive behavior strategies, as well as the ability to stand up for themselves, determine and take responsibility for themselves, their actions and their choices.

This program was compiled by Svetlana Sergeevna Okatova. During its development, materials from the following authors were used: , Belicheva S. A.,

The goal of the program is to develop in adolescents a set of skills to counteract pressure from other people so that they can independently decide not to use psychoactive substances in the appropriate situation.

The program includes several sequentially implemented tasks:

Formation of skills in adolescents to determine the range of positive values ​​and negative factors. Formation of self-concept. Formation of a valuable and responsible attitude towards oneself. Training skills in making responsible decisions, defending beliefs and positions. Accumulation of knowledge of risk factors and situations, methods of avoiding risk, including under external pressure. Strengthening the skills of constructive and positive communication between each other and with adults. Formation of adequate ideas about feelings, emotions, moods and their influence on behavior, as well as the ability to manage them and overcome stress. Formation of a value-based attitude towards your health.

This program presents topics that are most significant for “at-risk” adolescents. The program is not based on intimidating a teenager scary facts consequences of negative behavior, use of psychoactive substances, and the need to maintain healthy image life, respecting a person’s personality while simultaneously teaching him the skills of self-analysis, independent choice decisions; on the ability to defend one’s convictions. The uniqueness of the program is also that each lesson can be used separately, even as a lesson or addition to a lesson.

The sequence of topics in the program can be changed depending on the choice of the presenter and the mood of the students.

This program is designed for group work. The group is formed based on the results of the “Risk Group” diagnosis, includes 15 classes, which take place twice a week and are structured in such a way that each participant is maximally involved in the process and is able to demonstrate their abilities, as well as receive a positive emotional charge from the class. To achieve these goals and prevent fatigue, classes are conducted with a small group of people), are short in time (minutes), and contain alternation of different types of activities. The facilitator is involved in the organization and conduct of the lesson, is also an active participant in each exercise, and provides stimulating and educational assistance as necessary. Despite the group form of work, each individual student is in the psychologist’s field of view, and his condition is taken into account at each this moment. The duration and intensity of the work is determined by the workload acceptable for a particular participant in the lesson, as well as the health status of the teenager (during the implementation of the program, a relationship is maintained with the school’s medical worker, and his recommendations are taken into account).

When selecting material, attention is paid to accessibility and simplicity of presentation, its connection with personal experience students. Considering the fact that mentally retarded adolescents have various difficulties in establishing social contacts, especially the emotional and volitional sphere, they are offered work in pairs or groups at will, the right to refuse to participate in any task. The sequence of topics in the program can be changed depending on the choice of the presenter and the mood of the students.

The program's classes have the following structure:

· A greeting ritual that helps participants get ready for work and increases their level of activity

· The main part, which can be modified depending on the specific topic of the lesson. It includes exercises and games aimed at developing specific skills; tests that promote self-knowledge; mini-lectures that supplement students’ existing knowledge on the topic.

· Reflection, which involves an emotional and semantic assessment of the lesson during the final discussion.

· Ritual of farewell

The presented program also uses the following diagnostic methods and techniques:

Methodology for primary diagnosis and identification of children at risk, adapted);

Test “What kind of person am I in communication?” , modified for adolescents in order to identify preferred communication strategies.

The effectiveness of work is determined by comparing the results of the initial and repeated examinations.

Expected results:

    Formation of effective behavioral strategies and personal resources in children and adolescents. Strengthening personal resources that prevent the development of self-destructive forms of behavior. Reducing risk factors for substance abuse.




Who are we? What are we like?

Appearance and character

Confident and insecure behavior

I understand you

About friends and fellow travelers

Should you always say “YES”?

Our emotions

What is responsibility?

About the benefits of criticism

Getting pleasure

I am unique

Before a long journey



GOAL: Creation of favorable conditions for working in a group, familiarization with the basic principles of work psychological training, mastering an active style and methods of transmitting and receiving feedback.

1. At the beginning of the group’s work, each participant draws up a business card, where he indicates his real name or pseudonym and an emblem that reveals the individual’s individuality. Business cards are pinned to the chest so that everyone can read the name.

2. Exercise “What are we?”

Everyone sits in a circle and receives a small piece of paper. Each participant writes their name at the top of the sheet and divides the sheet into two parts with a vertical line. We mark the left one at the top with a “+” sign, the right one with a “-” sign. Under the “+” sign we list: the name of your favorite color, your favorite season, your favorite fruit, your favorite book, how to give pleasure, etc.

On the right side of the sheet, under the “-” sign, everyone names: their least favorite color, etc.

The facilitator reads the title of each item in turn, writes his answers and participates in the exercise along with everyone. Getting to know the answers.

3.Exercise “Getting to know each other”

Let's get acquainted and do it as follows. Each person will take turns saying their name, as well as one of their real hobbies, but which has not yet come to fruition for one reason or another. The one who introduces himself second, before talking about himself, repeats what was said first. Starting from the third, everyone will repeat what the previous two tell about themselves.

After introductions, the facilitator invites the participants to choose the rules for the group:

    communication according to the “here and now” principle (we do not discuss events that happened to other people, but talk and discuss what is happening in the group); personification of statements (express judgments only on one’s own behalf) sincerity in communication (we say only what we feel, only the truth, or remain silent) confidentiality of everything that happens in the group (everything that happens during classes is not carried outside the group), etc.

Compliance with the accepted rules of group work should be monitored at each lesson.

4.Exercises for emotional release

Swap places for everyone who has white in their clothes.

*Name the city in a circle starting with the last letter of the name of the previous city (the presenter begins), etc.

5. Reflection at the end of the lesson. Each group member chooses a pair:

Who would he like to go hiking with? Who would he like to be friends with?

In conclusion, everyone gives their piece of paper to whomever they want, having first written their wishes on it for that person.

LESSON 2. TOPIC: “Appearance and character”

GOAL: Formation of ideas about the external individual characteristics of people; difference and consolidation of self-analysis skills, promote deeper self-disclosure. Which leads to self-exploration.

1.Welcome ritual

Stand in a circle. Place your hands on each other's shoulders. Look at each other friendly and say hello.

2. Exercise “Continuing acquaintance”

Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: the person standing in the center of the circle (for starters, it will be me) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some kind of skill. He calls this skill. In this case, the one who sits in the center of the circle will try to take one of the vacant seats at the time of changing seats, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a seat will continue to work. And we use this situation to learn more about each other.

3.Self-determination test

4. Exercise “Reflection of feelings”

The first student says an emotionally charged phrase. The second one repeats it and reports what feeling he thinks the first one is experiencing. Then he says his line. Which is repeated and “deciphered” by the third, etc. Summing up the exercise, the presenter suggests discussing in what situations understanding the emotional state of the interlocutor helps communication.

5. Exercise “Mirror”

They are carried out similarly to “Reflection of Feelings”, but phrases are replaced by certain poses. Please note that people have a lot in common.


What did I like today? - What color is my mood?

7. Farewell ritual.

LESSON 3. TOPIC: “Confident and uncertain behavior”

Objectives: To teach how to distinguish confident from uncertain in practical situations. Further practicing assertive behavior techniques and promoting a sense of self-confidence.

1. Greeting ritual.

2. Game "Reproduction"

Children sit in a circle.

When throwing the ball to each other, we will say the name of the person we are throwing to. The one who receives the ball. Takes any pose he wants. And everyone else follows him in reproducing this pose. After this, the one who has the ball throws the ball to the next one, etc. until everyone has the ball.

3. Self-acceptance test.

4. Exercise “The power of words”

Three lists of words characteristic of confident and uncertain answers are compiled. The presenter writes down the words on whatman paper.

5. Exercise “Circle of Confidence”

Imagine an invisible circle with a diameter of about 60 cm on the floor about half a meter away from you. Come into the circle and remember the wonderful time when you were on the “crest of success.”

In this situation, all your abilities were demonstrated to the maximum. Everything was fine and luck was with you. Amazing ability our brain is that for it there are no boundaries between real history and imaginary history. Feel free to fantasize - no one will know about it.

6. Game “I am the master”

What is your idea of ​​the owner?

One of the owner's traits is self-confidence. Who among you is confident in yourself, stand up! Congratulate the one who stood up first, and let the rest sit down. I believe that you are the master, but prove it to others. Do or say something so that everyone understands that you are the boss here. Please!

Now, as the owner, transfer your powers: appoint another owner (“you will be the owner”) from among the applicants; the applicant must utter a phrase or, for example, simply name himself so that everyone understands - this was said by a person who feels like the master in this situation.


What new did you learn about yourself today?

Continue the phrase: “A confident person is.....

8. Farewell ritual.

LESSON 4. TOPIC: “I understand you”

GOAL: To develop communication skills (the ability to start, maintain a conversation, and also overcome the reasons that complicate the communication process)

1. Greeting ritual.

2. Game “Broken Phone”

Children stand in a chain.

The leader stands at the end of the chain. Thus, all the children have their backs turned to him. With a tap on the shoulder, he invites the teenager standing in front to turn to face him. Then he names an object with gestures. The first participant turns to the second and also taps him on the shoulder and asks him to turn around and shows the object, the second passes it to the third, etc. Last participant shows an object

Conditions: everything is done silently, only gestures are used, you can only ask to repeat, participants should not turn around until they tap him on the shoulder.

3. Test “What kind of person am I in communication”

4. Mini-lecture “How to strengthen your communication skills”

Make it easier for others to communicate with you by going to a meeting. To do this, carefully study the following recommendations and follow them. And you will be the “life of the party” (recommendations written on whatman paper)

*Seriously look for friends.

*Openly show interest in the other person.

*Go to meet people with an open heart.

*Smile before you speak.

*Ask others about their interests.

*Introduce yourself first by saying your name.

*Ask the person questions.

*Speak less yourself.

*Answer every question asked of you.

*Help others overcome difficulties.

*Be cordial.

*Be calm and calm.

*Be tolerant and optimistic.

*Speak clearly and articulately in a melodic voice.

*Look at the person with interest.

*Listen carefully to your interlocutor.

*Remember what the other person said.

*Be calm and confident.

*Be extremely careful when expressing your point of view.

5. Exercise “Etude”

Participants are divided into pairs. They are invited to role-play a dating situation and exchange compliments.


What new did you learn from today's lesson? What else would you like to know?

7. Farewell ritual.

LESSON 5. TOPIC: “About friends and fellow travelers”

GOAL: Awareness of one’s own influence on other people and their importance in one’s life; the importance of choosing friends.

1. Greeting ritual.

2. Game "Circle"

Gather in a tight group around me. When I say “start,” you will close your eyes and begin to move in any direction in the most chaotic manner. While trying not to step on anyone. At the same time, you will buzz like bees. When I clap my hands, you must immediately become silent, freeze in the same position as you were. Without opening your eyes and without touching each other, try to line up in a circle. When all the participants take their places and stop, I will clap my hands three times, you will open your eyes and see what kind of figure you managed to create.

3. Presenter: Today I want you to get acquainted with one of my favorite fairy tales, which can hardly be called children's. The Tale of the Little Prince.

4. Reflection: (this part of the lesson is conducted in groups by the facilitator’s assistants)

*Why did you choose this particular continuation of the fairy tale? *If you had to choose, which clearing would you choose and why? *Is “possible” always good and “cannot” always bad? *What did you understand that was new to you today?

5. Farewell ritual.

LESSON 6-7. TOPIC: “Should you always say “YES”?”

GOAL: Formation of the belief that each person is personally responsible for his decision, understanding. That a decision is made by the “whole company.” It's not always the right thing.


1. Greeting ritual.

2.Game “Flight to the Future”

You have entered the future. There is a threat to life in the society you find yourself in. Here are three words: “temptation, addiction, bad habits.” We face two tasks:

Determine the nature and methods of dealing with danger in order to warn humanity about the impending disaster.

Issues for discussion:

What do the words “temptation”, “bad habits” mean?

“addiction”? Are they all equally dangerous? When does temptation arise, and when does addiction occur? What are the types of dependencies? What do they have in common and what is different? Etc.

A list of dependencies is recorded on whatman paper:

Chemical dependencies: alcohol, tea, coffee, sweets, drugs, smoking, etc.

Emotional addictions: (running away from troubles, because then you experience a feeling of guilt, powerlessness, self-contempt)

    TV constantly on, desire for risk, passion for postponing everything for later, computer games, constant desire to talk on the phone, constant desire to sleep, etc.

When we found out. What we should fear, we'll write it down in the Big Book of Ideas

Within 5 minutes, each team will come up with a situation where, with the help of a friendly disposition or group pressure, they will try to seduce one of the members of the other team to drink, smoke, or inject themselves, and the members of the other team must resist them without conflict, but firmly (the whole team can draw up a plan, and perform alone). Then the teams change places.


How did you feel in this role?

When was the temptation recognized?

What difficulties did you experience during the confrontation?

What helped you successfully cope with the situation?

Presenter: We have found ways to counteract temptations. Let's write them in the Big Book of Ideas

4. Farewell ritual.


1. Greeting ritual.

2.Game: “Puppet”

Participants must split into groups of three. Each trio is given a task: two participants must play the role of a puppeteer - completely control all the movements of the puppet doll, one participant will play the role of the puppet. For each trio, 2 chairs are placed at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters. The goal of the puppeteers is to move the doll from one chair to another. At the same time, the person who plays the doll should not resist what the puppeteers do to him. It is very important for everyone to be in the place of the doll.

The participants discuss what he experienced in the place of the doll. Help me draw a conclusion about the unpleasant sensations when you are not independent.

3.Mini lecture “Know how to say NO!”

In the last lesson we found good ways say

" NO!" offering us alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. We know how to cope with situations when we are under pressure. But look around. Why do people who know about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, who experience their destructive effects, still continue to get involved in them?

(Together with the guys we make a list of reasons)

*imitation of parents;

*desire to be considered an adult;

*to get rid of painful problems;

*to weaken self-control;

*to relax;

*to dare to communicate;

* for “war” stories that boil down to how

The “hero” broke down, what state he came to, where he ended up and how he doesn’t remember anything, etc.

What lies behind these reasons? (common for all)

What happens to a person if his needs are not met? (I want but I can not)

The facilitator should direct the course of the discussion and lead the participants to an understanding of the most preferred needs that a person, for some reason, cannot satisfy. As a way out of this situation, a person chooses to escape from reality and become dependent. The unsatisfied need does not disappear, but, as it were, freezes in a person, and until a person understands what kind of ice he has in his soul and begins to look for ways to satisfy the frozen need, he will be in captivity of addiction.

Participants are asked to list several situations in which they needed to refuse certain offers. The presenter tells the participants the algorithm

"Two O" ("Optimal Failure" algorithm):

I – message + refusal + argument + counter offer

(“I’m glad you invited me, + but I can’t go,

Since I have an important meeting, + let's go to the cinema tomorrow). The algorithm is written on Whatman paper.

Participants are divided into pairs, one of them persuades the other, the second refuses, uses the proposed algorithm, then the participants change roles.

5. Reflection:

Participants are asked to complete the statement: “It’s easy (difficult) for me to resist the group because...” This will make it possible to comprehend the individual style of psychological defense.

6. Farewell ritual.

LESSON 8-9. TOPIC: "Emotions"

GOAL: Acquaintance with emotions, emotional states and methods of emotional satisfaction; learning to freely express negative emotions.


1. Greeting ritual.

2. Game “Colors of Emotions”.

We choose a driver. The driver closes his eyes at the signal, and the rest think of a color, for starters it’s better to use one of the main ones: red, green, blue. When the driver opens his eyes, all participants, through their behavior, mainly their emotional state, try to depict this color without naming it, and the driver must guess what color it is. If he guessed right, then another driver is chosen, if not, then the same one remains.

So, on command, one player closes his eyes, and everyone else quietly guesses the color. Then the player opens his eyes, and everyone else depicts the intended color. The driver must guess.

3. Exercise “Expressing anger and rage.”

The presenter invites those who wish to role-play the situation: “Two young men quarreled. Very angry, eyebrows knitted, waving their arms, stepping on each other. They're about to fight." The others are watching. After the exercise is completed, a discussion follows on the following questions:

What posture did you adopt to express your anger?

How did you feel?

What state did you experience?

How did you deal with emotions?

The presenter offers socially acceptable forms of expressing anger: (methods of satisfying emotions are recorded on whatman paper).

Express anger in movement, beat a pillow with a scream, throw things around the room, tear paper, dance fiery dance, shout loudly, vent to a friend, breathe in and out, do something nice for yourself, stamp your foot, hit the table with your fist.

4 Game “Name-calling”.

In a circle, passing the toy, they call each other different harmless words. "And you…"

And in the final circle, something pleasant.

5. Exercise “Expressing fear.”

Situation: “You pass by a group of guys you don’t know, who seem to be threatening. You are afraid that they will pester you with threats or ridicule. Your posture: your head is thrown back and pulled into your shoulders, your eyes are wide open, your mouth is slightly open, your palms seem to be blocking the terrible sight from your face.”

Those who want to play out this situation, after which there is a discussion.

Identify the signs of your fear and experience it in advance;

22.Is it difficult for you to answer in front of the whole class at school?

23. Do you have friends whom you just can’t stand?

24.Can you hit a person?

25.Do you sometimes threaten people?

26.Do your parents often punish you?

27.Have you ever had desire escape from home?

28. Do you often feel unhappy?

29Can you get angry easily?

30. Would you risk grabbing a running horse by the bridle?

31.Are you a timid and shy person?

32.Do you ever have the feeling that you are not loved enough in your family?

33.Do you often make mistakes?

34.Are you often in a cheerful and carefree mood?

35. Do your acquaintances and friends love you?

36.Does it happen that your parents do not understand you and seem like strangers to you?

37. When you fail, do you ever have the desire to run away somewhere far away and not return?

38.Has it ever happened that one of your parents made you feel afraid?

39. Do you sometimes envy the happiness of others?

40.Are there people you really hate?

41.Do you fight often?

42.Is it easy for you to sit still?

43.Are you willing to answer at the blackboard at school?

44.Does it happen that you are so upset that you can’t sleep for a long time?

45.Do you often swear?

46.Could you sail a sailboat without training?

47.Do you often have quarrels in your family?

48.Do you always do things your own way?

49.Do you often think that you are worse than others?

50.Do you easily manage to cheer up your friends?



Question no.

1.Attitude towards people


2. Aggressiveness


3. Distrust of people


4.Lack of self-confidence


5 Accentuations: hyperthymic, hysterical, schizoid, emotionally labile

34+,42-,50+ 5+,35+,43+, 17+,36+,48+, 6+,37+,44+.



High scores (risk group)

1. Relationship in the family

5 or more points

2. Aggressiveness

5 or more points

3. Distrust of people

5 or more points

4.Lack of self-confidence

6 or more points

5. Character accentuations

2-3 points for each type of accentuation

Processing the results

The total score for each of the 5 scales reflects the degree of its severity. The higher the total score, the more pronounced this psychological indicator is and the higher the likelihood of classifying the child as a risk group.

Self-determination test

We're starting big and serious work above oneself. But first we need to understand what we really are. To do this, we offer a test that will help you answer this question. And in the future we will constantly return to the results of this test. So be careful and honest with yourself if you want to truly change yourself, become stronger and more responsible, learn to understand your feelings and control your behavior.

You are asked to answer questions grouped into blocks, each block contains 5 questions. Each group is designated by a letter. You need to answer each question “yes” or “no.” Don’t think about each question for a long time; answer the first thing that comes to mind.


A1. Do you have a sense of humor?

A2. Are you trusting and frank with your friends?

A3. Is it easy for you to sit for more than an hour without talking?

A4. Are you willing to lend your things?

A5. Do you have a lot of friends?

B1. Do you know how to entertain guests?

B2. Are accuracy and punctuality characteristic of you?

BZ. Do you save money?

B4. Do you like a strict style of clothing?

B5. Do you think house rules are necessary?

IN 1. Do you publicly show your antipathy towards anyone?

AT 2. Are you arrogant?

VZ. Is the spirit of contradiction strong in you?

AT 4. Are you trying to become the center of attention in the company?

AT 5. Do they imitate you?

G1. Do you use harsh words when talking to people who are shocked?

G2. Do you like to boast on the eve of an exam that you know everything perfectly?

GZ. Do you have a habit of making comments, reading notations, etc.?

G4. Do you ever have a desire to amaze your friends with your originality at all costs?

G5. Do you enjoy ridiculing the opinions of others?

D1. Do you prefer the professions of a jockey, actor, television announcer to the professions of an engineer, laboratory assistant, bibliographer?

D 2. Do you feel at ease in the company of unfamiliar people?

DZ. Do you prefer to go in for sports in the evening instead of sitting quietly at home and reading a book?

D4. Are you able to keep secrets?

D5. Do you love a festive atmosphere?

E1. Do you strictly follow the rules of punctuation in letters?

E2. Do you prepare in advance for Sunday fun?

E4. Do you like to clean things up?

E5. Are you suspicious?


Count the number of “yes” answers to each part of the test indicated by a letter. In those parts where the majority of the answers are “yes”, put an index: A, B, C, D, E, E. Then where the majority of the answers are “no”, put “O”. You should get one of the answer options for each group of indices: 1) A, B, C; 2) G, D, E.

For example: 1) JSC G; 2) ODO.

Interpretation of answers.

1. According to the first three groups (A, B, C), or “How you seem to others.”

AOO. You are often considered a reliable person, although in reality you are a little frivolous. You're cheerful and talkative, you're doing... sometimes eat less than you promise. It is easy for friends to carry you along with them, and therefore they sometimes think that you are influenced by others. However, in serious things you can insist on your own.

AOB. You give the impression of a person who is not very shy, sometimes even impolite. Striving for originality, you contradict others, and sometimes even yourself, refuting today what you affirmed yesterday. You seem like a careless, careless, unnecessary person. But once you want it, you will become dexterous and energetic. You lack what is called balance.

ABO. People around you really like you. You are sociable, serious, respect the opinions of others, and will never leave your friends in difficult times. But your friendship is not easy to earn.

A B C. You love to command others, but only those closest to you experience discomfort from this. With everyone else, you hold back. When you speak your mind, you don't think about the impact your words might have on people. People around you sometimes avoid you, fearing that you will offend them.

000. You are reserved, reserved. Nobody knows what you're thinking. It's hard to understand you.

00B. It is possible that they say about you: “What an obnoxious character.” You irritate your interlocutors, do not allow them to speak, impose your opinion and never make concessions.

OBO. People like you are exemplary students, polite, neat, disciplined, always with good grades. Teachers respect and trust them. As for comrades, some consider them “tricksters”, others offer them their friendship.

OBV. Some people may see you as someone who constantly feels like they are being bullied. You quarrel over trifles. Sometimes you're in good mood, but this doesn't happen often. In general, you give the impression of a touchy and suspicious person.

2. According to the last three groups (G, D, E), or “What are you really like?”

000. You are attracted to everything new, you have a passionate imagination, and monotony is a burden to you. But few people know for sure what you really are. You are considered a calm, quiet person, content with your fate, while in reality you strive for a life filled with bright events.

OOE. Most likely, you are a shy person. This is evident when you have to deal with strangers. You are only yourself when you are with your family or closest friends. In the presence of strangers you feel awkward, but you try to hide it. You are conscientious and hardworking. You have many good plans, ideas, projects, but because of your modesty, you often remain in the shadows.

ODO. You are very sociable, you love to meet people and gather them around you. You can't even think about staying

alone, believing that then “everything was lost.” It’s difficult for you to even lock yourself in a room to write some important paper. The spirit of contradiction is very strong: you constantly want to do something differently from others. Sometimes you give in to this impulse, but most of the time you restrain yourself.

ODE. You are reserved, but not timid, cheerful, but in moderation, sociable, polite with everyone. I'm used to being praised often. I would like to be loved without any effort on your part. You feel uneasy without the company of friends. You enjoy doing good to people. But you can be accused of a certain tendency to have your head in the clouds.

GOO. You tend to express and fiercely defend very paradoxical points of view. That’s why you have a lot of opponents, even your friends don’t always understand you. But you don't care much about that.

GOE. You won't have to listen very well pleasant words. How did you manage to choose such a combination of letters? The character is quite difficult, extremely unyielding. Insufficiently developed sense of humor, cannot stand jokes. You often criticize other people's actions and force others to do what you want. And if they don’t obey you, you start to get angry. That's why you have few friends.

GDO. You are a great original and love to surprise your friends. If someone gives you advice, you do the opposite just to see what happens. It amuses you, but irritates others. Only your closest friends know that you are not as self-confident as you seem.

WHERE. You are energetic. Everywhere you feel in your place. You always control yourself, are sociable, but it seems that you love the company of your friends! only if you play in a group main role. You love to be an arbiter in disputes and organize games. Those around you recognize your authority, since your judgments always contain a large share of common sense. But nevertheless, your desire to always teach tires those around you.

* Self-Acceptance Test

A. - Let's work with some of our shortcomings and habits, those that the test helped us identify and those that you knew well about even before the start of classes.

To do this, divide a sheet of paper into two halves. On the left, in the “My shortcomings” column, write down very frankly everything that you consider to be your shortcomings today, now, on this lesson. Everyone is given 5 minutes for this work. Don't feel sorry for yourself

filling out the left side of the table, everyone has shortcomings, and there is nothing wrong with that.

My flaws

My virtues

After that, opposite each shortcoming that you remembered and added to the list, write one of your advantages, i.e., something that can be contrasted with the shortcoming, what you have at the moment and what the people around you accept in you. Write them down in the “My Strengths” column. You are also given 5 minutes for the second stage of work.

B. - The next stage is to unite in groups of 3-4 people and discuss the notes. It will be better if you sit in a group with those people whom you know least and with whom you have not yet communicated in this lesson. During the discussion, be extremely frank in your statements and attentive to what your partner tells you. Please remember our rules. You can ask each other questions, but in no case “criticize” the speaker. Just thank him for his sincerity and trust in you. You are given 10 minutes to discuss within the group.

B. “He who is not against us is with us.”

There are two processes that must be launched simultaneously in any training group, for example, like the movements of the right and left legs when walking. We are talking about simultaneous elaboration of the content of joint activity and the very form of jointness, methods of communication and cooperation in mastering this content. We all must, in other words, decide for ourselves on two questions: what are we going to do together? How are we going to do this together?

Collaboration is built at the level of:

a) conscious agreement of the group on the norms of cooperation;

b) at the level of physical and emotional trust.

Test “What kind of person am I in communication?”

The word “diagnosis” is more medical than psychological, but for us it will mean the opportunity to learn something new about ourselves. To work more productively during class, you need to obtain initial information about the level of your communication skills and sociability at the very beginning.

We will do this with the help of a small test “What kind of person am I in communication?”

Therefore, carefully read the test questions given to you and answer them with utmost sincerity and frankness. In this case, you should answer “yes”, “yes and no”, “no”. Choose one of the answer options, do not think too much about each question. Once again I draw your attention to the need to answer frankly,” since this is what you need first of all. And now the questions themselves.

1. Do you have many friends?

2. Can you always carry on a conversation with friends?

3. Can you overcome isolation and shyness in communicating with people?

4. Do you ever get bored alone with yourself?

5. Can you always find a topic for conversation when meeting an acquaintance?

6. Can you hide your irritation when meeting someone you don’t like?

7. Do you always know how to hide Bad mood without taking your anger out on loved ones?

8. Do you know how to take the first step towards reconciliation after a quarrel with a friend?

9. Can you resist making harsh remarks when communicating with loved ones?

10. Are you able to compromise in communication?

11. Do you know how to unobtrusively defend your point of view in communication?

12. In conversation, do you refrain from judging your acquaintances in their absence?

13. If you learn about something interesting, do you want to tell your friends about it?

Thank you for your sincerity and frankness!

Processing the results.

For each positive answer, i.e. “yes,” give yourself 3 points. For each “yes and no” answer - 2 points. For each negative answer “no” - 1 point. Now add up your points.

Interpretation of results

From 30 to 39 points. You are a sociable person who experiences great satisfaction from contacts with loved ones, acquaintances and strangers. You are interesting in communication, most often you are the “soul of society”; friends and acquaintances value you for your ability to listen, understand, and give advice. But don’t overestimate your capabilities, sometimes you can just be talkative. Be attentive to your interlocutors, watch their reactions, try not to become intrusive.

From 20 to 29 points. You are a moderately sociable person, but you experience some difficulties in communication. You have few friends, you can’t always find acquaintances mutual language. Sometimes in a conversation you can be unrestrained and unbalanced. You should be sincere, attentive, and friendly towards your interlocutors. In addition, it would not hurt to overcome some self-doubt.

Up to 20 points. You are a shy, reserved person, you generally remain silent among your friends, and you prefer loneliness to communicating with people. However, this does not mean that you do not have friends and acquaintances. It is likely that they value you for your ability to listen, understand, and forgive. But, if you want to freely express your point of view, argue on an equal footing, and become an interesting conversationalist, you should, having overcome your shyness, be sincere in the argument, and actively maintain the conversation. And so that your statements do not seem inappropriate, you should develop and improve your communication skills. In addition, perhaps you are too critical of yourself, your knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Test “Today”

Here is the text of the charge positive thinking, which is recommended by D. Carnegie. It was called “Precisely today.” , Work on yourself every morning. We talk a lot about the importance physical exercise, awakening us from the state of half-sleep in which many remain. But what we need even more is spiritual and mental exercise to stimulate us into action every morning. Don't forget to tell yourself encouraging words. Does having a daily pep talk with yourself make you look stupid, frivolous, and childish? No, on the contrary, this is the very essence of sound psychology. By talking to yourself every day, you can learn to manage your thoughts. Think of courage and happiness, strength and peace.

1. Today I will be happy. Happiness lies within< оно не является результатом внешних обстоятельств. Поэтому человек счастлив настолько, насколько он полон решимости быт счастливым.

2. Today I will adapt to the life that surrounds me and will not try to adapt everything to my desires. I will accept my family, my studies, the circumstances of my life as they are, and try to adapt to them.

3. Today I will take care of my body. I will do exercises, take care of my body, avoid harmful influences and thoughts, so that my body willingly fulfills all my demands and instructions.

4. Today I will pay attention to the development of my mind. I'll learn something useful. I will not be a mental sluggard. I will read with interest anything that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

5. Today I will engage in moral self-improvement. For this I will do something good and useful to a specific person and do two things that I don’t want to do.

Ten deep, slow breaths in and out. To slow them down, while inhaling, let’s count to ourselves to seven, and while exhaling, count to nine. You don’t have to count it, depending on how easy it is. Let's begin.

At the end:

Now you can open your eyes. Let us tell you what we experienced and felt while doing this exercise. Can I start?

In this case, the presenter shows how you can talk about your feelings, trying to describe what you experienced in more detail.

Another way to relax could be called the “magic word.” For example, when we are worried, we can say this magic word and we will feel a little more confident and calm. These can be different words: “peace”, “silence”, “gentle coolness”, any others. The main thing is that they help you. Let's try.

At the end, the presenter asks which " magic words each participant picked up and what he felt.

- Another way to calm down and relax. Remember or imagine a situation that usually causes you anxiety and tension. Say a few statements to yourself that you feel confident and calm. But these statements must be positive. For example, “I am calm,” etc. Let’s start.

At the end, the presenter asks who what phrases did you use, what did you feel, and asks you to tell me, if it’s not difficult, about what situations do you remember?

G. Up the Rainbow

Children are asked to stand up, close their eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that as they inhale, they are climbing up the rainbow, and as they exhale, they are sliding down it, like down a slide. The exercise is repeated 3 times. After this, those interested share their impressions. Then the exercise is repeated again with with open eyes, and the number of repetitions increases to seven. After a brief discussion of impressions, students are asked to simple ways relaxation (for example, tense all muscles as much as possible, and then relax them). The importance of each of these exercises or their complex for regulating one’s own emotional states is indicated.

* "Stress test"

Target: find out if the teenager is susceptible to stress;

Time: 15 minutes.

Almost never (1 point);

Rarely (2 points);

Often (3 points);

Almost always (4 points).

1. I am rarely annoyed by little things.

2. I get nervous when I have to wait for someone.

3. When I find myself in an awkward position, I blush.

4. When I'm angry, I might offend someone.

5. I can’t stand criticism, I lose my temper.

6.If someone pushes me in public transport, I respond in kind or say something rude.

8. I always arrive early or late to a meeting.

9. I don’t know how to listen, I insert remarks,

10. I suffer from lack of appetite.

11. I often worry for no reason.

12. I feel bad in the morning.

13. I feel tired, I don’t sleep well, I can’t switch off.

14. And after a long sleep I don’t feel normal.

15. I think my heart is wrong.

16. I have pain in my back and neck.

17. When I sit at the table, I drum my fingers on the table and swing my leg.

18. I dream of recognition, I want to be praised for what I do.

19. I think that I am better than many.

20.I don't follow a diet.

Rating scale:

30 points or less . You live calmly and sensibly, and manage to cope with the problems that arise. You do not suffer from false ambition or excessive modesty. These people often see themselves in a rosy light.

31-45 points. Your life is filled with activity and tension, and you suffer from stress in both the positive and negative senses of the word. Apparently, you will not change your lifestyle, but leave some time for yourself.

46-60 points. Your life is a constant struggle. You are ambitious and dream of a career. The opinions of others are important to you, and this keeps you stressed. If you continue in the same spirit, you will achieve a lot, but it is unlikely to bring you joy. Avoid unnecessary arguments, pacify your anger caused by trifles. Don't try to always achieve the maximum result. Give yourself a complete break from time to time.

61 points or more . You live like a car driver who presses on the gas and the brake at the same time. Change your lifestyle. The stress you are exposed to threatens both your health and your future.

Questionnaire to assess the effectiveness of the training cycle

Dear teenager!

You participated in training sessions where many issues were discussed. It would be interesting to know your opinion about our working together. Please answer a few questions, this will help make classes even more interesting and useful in the future.

1. Which of the topics or questions discussed in our classes do you remember (list)...

2. What did you like most, what exercises, games, lesson topics (list)...

3. What did you not like at all...

4. What of what you learned in our classes will be useful to you (already useful) in life...

5. What else would you like to learn about during the training sessions...


This program has been tested at the Khrenovskaya Secondary School No. 1.

After conducting the training sessions, the following results were obtained:

(Situational anxiety was assessed using the Spielberg questionnaire, the level of aggressiveness was measured based on the Barbora-Darkey questionnaire)

The level of self-esteem among participants increased;

Most of the guys made plans for the future;

The attitude towards other people changed, the guys learned to distinguish real friends from imaginary ones;

The classes allowed the children to learn to respect their own decisions;

Learned to resist pressure from outside;

Correctly express your demands and be responsible for your actions.

These facts were confirmed not only by research, but also by the opinions of teachers, class teachers and parents.

The research results obtained allowed us to talk about the effectiveness of the technique.