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Euonymus care at home. Details about the plum. Cultivation, beneficial properties and choice of variety. Home friend and decoration - Japanese euonymus

Home care

Euonymus does not require special care at home. It can be grown indoors, but only if the variety is selected correctly. You should look for decorative dwarf specimens, who will feel comfortable indoors. Most suitable for home growing Japanese euonymus.

Care after purchase

If you bring home a plant from the store whose roots are in the substrate, it is recommended to replant it immediately. It is a shrub and requires hard good soil. Due to its unpretentiousness, Euonymus does not require special conditions during the adaptation period.


The flowering process at home begins in the summer, around the first days of June. The indoor euonymus is distinguished by green-yellow flowers, collected in inflorescences of fifteen to thirty pieces. Flowers of other species can be purple, pink, white and green.

ATTENTION: In other species, in addition to Japanese, the flowering process can begin in early spring.

Crown formation

The crown should be formed constantly. Be sure to remove dried and old parts, so that the bush can please you with a lush crown.

To obtain more volume, it is advisable to carefully remove some young shoots. Pruning can be done in different ways.

If you need a lush bush, form a ball shape, and if you need a high crown, bare it bottom part trunk

It is important to note that Euonymus contains poisonous sap that can damage the skin. That's why Pruning must be carried out wearing protective gloves.


In order to plant Euonymus, you should get a large pot. Before purchasing a planting container, remember that you will need to change it frequently.


Before the plant is five years old, it will require replanting annually. Then it can be moved from one container to another every couple of years.


The most important condition For successful cultivation- competent watering scheme. It is advisable to use water that has had time to settle. In winter, stagnation of water should not be allowed, but in spring and summer it is advisable to water abundantly.

Although it is difficult to call Euonymus domestica moisture-loving, do not ignore the spraying process, especially during the warm period. This manipulation is suitable for preventing the appearance of pests and diseases.

ATTENTION: this process is good only if boiled or purified water is used, because if you ignore the condition, plaque will appear on the leaves. If you take a warm shower in the summer, do not forget to cover the soil with polyethylene.


Euonymus reproduction process can be done during transplantation, carefully separating the roots, or cuttings. In the second case, you need to plant a six-centimeter shoot in the ground.

No less good process of propagation by seeds. First you need to create an artificial wintering place by placing the seeds in coarse sand for three to four months at ten degrees Celsius.

Then you should clean the seeds and keep them at temperatures around zero for a couple of months. After that, the seeds are pickled in a manganese solution (five grams per liter).

The soil

Place for planting - soil made from two parts of humus and four leaf soil, as well as part of the sand mixture and turf soil. Euonymus is planted to a depth of no more and no less than two centimeters.

IMPORTANT: if you want to plant Euonymus grown from seeds outside, do this only three years after planting in the first soil.

A suitable soil should consist of a couple of parts sand, one part peat and six parts turf soil. Drainage layer made from broken bricks is also needed.


Bright lighting is required. If there is no way to pamper the bush natural light- use artificial. From direct sun rays It should be hidden only at the height of solar activity.


The optimal summer temperature is about twenty-four degrees. It's not allowed in winter raise to ten, but also drop below six degrees No heat either.

Outdoor care

It is advisable to place the seedling in the ground in the spring. Acidic soil doesn't fit. It is desirable that the bottom layer of soil be drainage in the form of expanded clay, and the soil itself should be a mixture of sand, turf and leaf soil, as well as sand.

It is necessary to form a crown only during warm periods. If you want to create a hedge, create rectangular or other shapes only after the plant has reached the height you want.

Watering should be moderate. Strengthen the process during dry periods.

Care calendar

In spring, dry branches need to be removed. In April and May, Euonymus should be thoroughly fertilized using mineral fertilizer. Colloidal sulfur should be used as protection against pests in the spring.

In autumn, it is advisable to clearly form the crown. Euonymus In the fall it is recommended to feed with mineral fertilizers.

In winter, mulching of the soil is necessary. For this you need sawdust, dry leaves and peat. Sheltering Euonymus for the winter should only be done for young plants (up to three years old). Adult specimens do not need this.

Useful video

You can learn more about the features of caring for Euonymus in the video below:

Benefits and harms

Tinctures from the fruits and leaves of Euonymus have found application in folk medicine. Modern specialists in the field of pharmacology are afraid to use the component.

The reason for fear is high toxicity. The sap of the plant is poisonous, and it will have Negative influence even in contact with skin.

Diseases and pests

Most often, euonymus suffers from three pests:

ATTENTION: To avoid other problems, provide the required care, that is, indulge in sunlight and avoid overhead watering.

Euonymus is a versatile plant. This shrub is suitable for decorating a room and for creating a composition in the garden. Looks great hedge from Beresklet.

The main condition is to choose suitable look to get what you want.

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Euonymus– a name that combines a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees small size belonging to the euonymus family. The genus includes about two hundred plant species.

The Latin name of the plant - Evonymus - comes from the Greek ευ - “good” and όνομα - “name”, that is, the name of the plant literally means “ good name" Actually, euonymus is the Slavic name of the plant, which also has such variations (not currently used) as euonymus, bruslina, brusklet, kizlyanka, night blindness and others.

The appearance of euonymus is shrubs or low trees with numerous densely branching shoots. The leaves of the euonymus are smooth, bright green, the flowers are small in size, usually dimly colored. In the wild, after flowering, euonymus bears fruit - in the form of a small box, often with thorns, inside which there are white, red or brown seeds.

[!] Almost all types of euonymus are poisonous!

The most common use of euonymus is as ornamental shrub or hedges on personal plots.

In indoor plant growing, euonymus has also found application as pot culture. The most commonly grown indoor euonymus;

  • Japanese Euonymus - Euonymus Japonica
  • Euonymus fortunei

Japanese bresklet grows in the wild in China, Korea and, as the name suggests, in Japan. Unfortunately, in Russia, Japanese euonymus cannot grow in open ground due to low winter temperatures. But, at the same time, the plant is successfully grown as an indoor potted crop.

Japanese euonymus is a small, highly branched shrub with dense foliage. The leaves of the plant are shiny, smooth, rich green; a variety with a variegated color is often found - lighter along the edges of the leaf or in the middle. The leaf shape is narrow, lanceolate or elliptical. The flowering of Japanese euonymus usually begins in June, the flowers are small (about 1 cm in diameter), yellow-green, collected in umbrella inflorescences of several pieces.

B. Japanese

Euonymus rooting (fortune). The main habitat is China, and is also found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in southern Ukraine. It is possible to grow rooted euonymus both in open ground (it is a frost-resistant plant) and at home.

Appearance Euonymus fortunea is a low evergreen shrub. The rooting euonymus is densely covered with small, shiny and smooth leaves. The color of the leaves can be either monochromatic (bright green) or variegated (the edge of the leaf is more contrasting). light color). The flowers of the rooting euonymus are small, yellow-green.

B. rooting

Caring for indoor euonymus

Lighting, temperature, watering, humidity

Euonymus prefers well-lit, sunny rooms, perhaps even with direct sunlight. Ideal place for plants - south-east and south-west windows.

The optimal temperature is no more than 25 °C in summer and about 10-15 °C in winter. Euonymus also responds well to lower winter temperatures - up to 5 ° C, but high winter temperatures have a negative impact on the plant:

[!] If the room temperature is more than 20 °C in winter period, euonymus can shed all its leaves.

The plant requires moderate watering, close to natural conditions. East Asia, more frequent in summer and not too abundant in winter. It is important not to allow the earthen ball in the bowl to dry out completely. Euonymus is one of many plants that respond well to spraying.

Ornamental shrub loves enough high humidity air, but can easily tolerate dry indoor air.

In summer, as well as on warm days of spring and autumn, indoor euonymus is best placed on outdoors: balcony, loggia, garden plot.

Soil, fertilizing

The ideal soil for euonymus is one part each of humus soil, leaf soil and sand, two parts turf soil. About 1 cm of drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot with the plant.

Euonymus does not need intensive feeding; feeding it once a month in spring and summer is sufficient. complex fertilizer. In autumn and winter, fertilizing should be completely avoided.

Transplantation, propagation, pruning

The most common methods of propagating indoor euonymus are by seeds and cuttings.

  • For planting, take fresh euonymus seeds, which are formed in the fruits of the plant after flowering. The seeds are stored at a low temperature of about 5°C for three months, after which they are disinfected in weak solution potassium permanganate. The seeds are sown in shallow furrows (sowing depth is about 2 cm). After two to three weeks, the first shoots should appear. When the young plants get a little stronger, they are planted in individual containers.
  • Propagation by cuttings is generally easier than the method described above. Freshly cut cuttings about 5 cm long are rooted in a mixture of leaf soil and sand. The best period for rooting cuttings is the beginning and middle of summer. After the euonymus cutting gives abundant roots, it must be transplanted into a larger container and cared for as an adult plant.

Peculiarity home euonymus– the plant requires regular pruning, just like shrubs grown in open ground. Pruning performs several functions at once:

  1. Sanitary – all weak and diseased shoots are removed, thereby stimulating the growth of new shoots;
  2. Decorative - with the help of pruning, the euonymus is given the desired shape, and it is even possible to grow the euonymus in the form of a bonsai.

Diseases and pests

Most frequent illness euonymus - manifesting itself in the form brown spots or a gray velvety coating on the leaves of the plant. The main reason for the appearance of gray rot is excessive air humidity.

If the air is dry, it may appear.

Euonymus - beautiful and unpretentious home plant, which will surely decorate your home and give you many joyful moments.

Japanese euonymus is an evergreen subshrub with oval, jagged, shiny and tough leathery leaves. Various varieties Euonymus can have variegated colors. Most often white-green, white-blue or yellow-green. The plant is notable for the fact that it can be grown as a container crop or in open ground.

Japanese euonymus is not picky about where it is planted. Can grow in shade and in full sun. Most comfortable place- with lace shadow. When shaded, the leaves turn blue-green, with pure white or yellow edges/spots. In bright sun it is green with a pinkish tint.

In dry places without regular watering, the leaves may curl and dry out.
Planting Japanese euonymus in open ground possible from spring to autumn. The main thing is in cool weather and wet soil. The soil should be neutral or alkaline, nutritious, with the addition of sand.

Euonymus easily tolerates frost, but can get wet if overmoistened for a long time.

We make the distance between the bushes taking into account the size of the adult plant. It is advisable to plant in moist soil.

  • We make a hole 2 times larger than the root of the euonymus seedling.
  • We lay drainage at the bottom: broken brick, small crushed stone or expanded clay.
  • We add fertilizer: rotted humus or compost.
  • We plant shallowly. We compact the soil near the plant.
  • At first, water regularly.

Japanese euonymus. Outdoor care

  • Care consists of regular watering and timely feeding. Try not to overwater the plant; give the soil time to dry. In spring, feed with fertilizers high content nitrogen. In summer, potassium-magnesium mixtures. In the fall, you can add lime and ash when digging.
  • To form a dense compact bush, pinch the ends of the branches. Without this procedure dwarf forms Euonymus will grow in breadth, taking root with branches that come into contact with the ground. The bush will be looser.
  • For the winter, it is recommended to mulch the plants with peat, leaves or stale sawdust. Young euonymus (up to 2 years old) are covered. Adult plants do not need shelter for the winter.
  • Euonymus can be affected by mites and aphids. The leaves curl and may fall off. We treat the affected bushes with sulfur colloid or actellik.
  • Japanese euonymus can get sick powdery mildew and rust. Recommended preventative treatment fungicides during periods of prolonged rain with cold weather.

With proper care, euonymus gives good growth and the bush grows quickly. In this case, periods of growth alternate with periods of rest. The presence of several waves of euonymus growth per season indicates proper care behind the plant.

It is also necessary to remember that the Japanese euonymus is poisonous plant. It should not be eaten. Used in folk medicine. Not used in official medicine.

Japanese euonymus. Reproduction

Euonymus can be propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, root suckers and seeds.

  • It is better to harvest from a bush that is at least 5 years old:
  • in June-July we cut cuttings 6-8 cm long,
  • we treat the lower sections with heteroauxin or root and plant them in a greenhouse with soft fertile soil,
  • Sprinkle the soil with a 3-4 cm layer of sand on top,
  • after a month and a half, the cuttings should take root and can be planted on permanent place.

For propagation by root suckers, early spring is best, immediately after the snow melts:

  • cut root suckers with overgrown thick roots about 20-30 cm,
  • carefully transplant the offspring with a lump of earth to a permanent place or into a nursery/container for growth,
  • Long cuttings (more than 50 cm) are cut off.

Divide bushes with rhizomes better in spring. The transplanted bush is lightly pruned. Usually, when dividing a bush, there are no problems with survival.

To grow euonymus from seeds, you need:

  • carry out stratification at a temperature of 10-12 degrees, in the refrigerator for 3-4 months in coarse sand,
  • after the seed coat of most seeds bursts, they need to be cleaned and stratified at a temperature of 0-4 degrees for 2 months,
  • soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate,
  • prepare a soil mixture: 4 parts leaf soil, 2 parts humus, 1 part turf soil, 1 part coarse sand,
  • sow the prepared seeds in seedling boxes with soil to a depth of 2 cm,
  • They are planted in a permanent place only in the third year.

Japanese euonymus. Home care

  • Japanese euonymus can be grown at home in containers. Upright varieties make good bonsai. Dwarf bush evergreen forms also grow well at home.
  • For planting, be sure to place a drainage layer in the container. The soil mixture should consist of 3 parts turf soil, 2 parts peat (non-acidic) and part sand.
  • In spring and on hot days of summer, Japanese euonymus is watered more abundantly. In autumn and winter, water less frequently. It is better to use settled water at room temperature. On dry, hot days, you can spray the bushes with a spray bottle, adding air humidity.
  • In summer, it is advisable to take the euonymus outdoors: to a dacha or balcony.
  • Once a week after watering, apply a comprehensive fertilizer for decorative plants. deciduous plants. Euonymus is fertilized during the growth period: in spring to autumn, during the dormant period - stop.
  • It is advisable to replant a young plant annually. From the 4th year, transplantation is done every 2-4 years.

  • At home, Japanese euonymus may need additional lighting.
  • It's pretty unpretentious plant. Japanese euonymus easily tolerates pruning or spring pinching of shoots. This stimulates the growth of new shoots and allows the formation of a denser crown. Regularly prune damaged leaves and shoots. You can rejuvenate the bush by pruning old shoots.
  • The plant needs a period of rest. In winter, the euonymus is transferred to a room with a temperature of approximately 10-15 degrees.
  • The main pests in the home are spider mite and thrips. Fitoverm (actofite) or actellik is used for control.

Japanese euonymus in landscape design

  • Japanese euonymus is great for a hedge or border. A mix of euonymus can become a separate bright composition.
  • Green varieties are used in the landscape as a background for compositions or flowering plants. It can be cut alive garden figurines(topiar).
  • In the southern regions it can take on liana-like forms.
  • Euonymus fortunea is a creeping evergreen subshrub. They look great on alpine roller coaster and near brick/stone walls. Fortune's euonymus can rise, leaning against a wall or tree trunk, creating unique decorative compositions.

Japanese euonymus. Photo. Varieties

In the wild, Japanese euonymus grows in China and Japan as a bush or tree and can reach 5-7 m.

Pseudolaurus (Euonymus japonica)

A bright evergreen bush, capable of reaching 1.5 m in height. The shoots are greenish-brown. It blooms in June, when small yellow-green inflorescences can be seen. Decorative bright seed pods; at home, fruits are rarely set. Tolerates shading and air pollution. Does not tolerate cold. May die when the temperature drops below 5 degrees.

Microphyllus (Euonymus japonicus Microphyllus)

The more common name is Japanese small-leaved euonymus. A variegated bush up to 50 cm high, no more than 15 cm wide. Features: yellow-green color, branches with small leaves directed vertically upward. Blooms in late spring with white flowers. Afterwards it forms motley decorative fruits. Can be used as an hanging plant.

Dwarf (Euonymus nana)

Creeping evergreen bush up to a meter high, with easily rooted shoots. In the wild, it is found in mountainous regions from China to Europe. Leathery, bright green leaves with a bluish tint underneath. The flowers are small, red-brown in color.

The fruits and seeds are decorative, although they bloom in middle lane rarely.

Currently, nurseries include standard forms Euonymus.

Fortune (Euonymus fortunei)

A close relative of the Japanese euonymus. Homeland - China. Creeping shrub up to 40 cm high. It blooms extremely rarely in the center of Russia. Winter-hardy, looks great on alpine slides. In winter, the leaves (white edge) turn pink.

Some common varieties:

  • Fortune's euonymus Emerald Gaiety - distinguished by leaves with a white border along the edge of the leaf, in the fall it turns pink-red tones.
  • Euonymus Fortune Canadale Gold - leaves are bright green with a yellow edge.
  • Fortune's euonymus Emerald'n Gold - spring growth yellow color, gradually a bright yellow stripe appears along the edge of the leaf, and by autumn it becomes pink.
  • Euonymus Fortune Blondy - leaves with a white-yellow stripe in the middle of the leaf. By autumn the stripe becomes reddish.

  • Euonymus Fortune Sunspot - with a green stripe in the middle of the yellow leaf.
  • Euonymus Fortune Harlequin (Harlequin) - with large white spots on the leaves.
  • Fortune's euonymus Dart's Blanket (Darts Blanket) - becomes bronze in color by autumn.
  • Euonymus Fortune Coloratus (Coloratus) - bright green leaves turn purple in autumn.

Euonymus is part of the Euonymus family and is represented by evergreen shrub. As a rule, it is grown outdoors. For growing euonymus at home, the rooting species and the Japanese variety are excellent. The plant has incredibly attractive fruits from a group of small capsules. The plant is considered unpretentious, therefore caring for euonymus is quite simple, and a novice grower can handle the process of growing it.

Houseplant euonymus - care at home


The presented plant is shade-tolerant, but despite this, it is best to place it in a place with good lighting while protecting it from direct sunlight. Leaves may begin to turn yellow if there is insufficient light.


Choose a well-ventilated area for growing. Optimal temperature regime should vary within 25 degrees. If the temperature exceeds normal, plant development can slow down significantly. During the wintering period, the plant requires a regime within 6-8 degrees above zero. An interesting fact is that euonymus is considered a frost-resistant plant and can survive even 20 degree frost. If the temperature in the room in winter exceeds 12 degrees, the plant may shed its leaves.


This process should be abundant with the arrival of spring and summer, but as the top layer of soil dries out. In cool months, watering changes to moderate. It is strictly forbidden to over-moisten the soil. Settled water is excellent for watering.

Air humidity

Euonymus is completely unpretentious to the level of air humidity, but if you provide it with spraying a couple of times every 7 days, it will be able to reciprocate your feelings.

Top dressing

From the beginning of spring until the beginning of autumn, monthly, you need to feed the plant with special mineral fertilizers.


Neutral or slightly alkaline soil is excellent for this process.


As the plant develops, take care to periodically trim weak shoots. Thanks to this process, it is possible to give the plant the desired appearance. During this procedure, be especially careful, because euonymus is a poisonous houseplant.


Young specimens of the plant are replanted every spring, adult specimens are replanted every 3-4 annual cycle.


Reproduction of euonymus can be carried out by cuttings, using seeds or layering. In the case of growing euonymus at home, cuttings are preferable. In this case, the development process will be as fast as possible.

Plants of the genus Euonymus belong to the Euonymus family and are represented by shrubby forms or small trees. They can be either deciduous or evergreen.
Euonymus leaves are small, oval. The color of the leaf blade can be bright green or variegated. The flowers are small and dim, from pale green to yellowish. The fruits are capsules covered with a leathery shell. When ripe, the shell acquires a bright color from pink to deep crimson.


When growing euonymus indoors, you should create for it comfortable conditions lighting. The plant is not whimsical to the amount of light, but its preference is not partial shade, but bright light. This is especially true for variegated forms, which, with a lack of light, lose their decorative foliage.
The ideal placement is east and west. In this case, there is no need to protect from direct sunlight. With a southern location in the middle of the day, it is better to shade the flower.
No less important are the correct temperature conditions. The plant doesn't like it very much high temperatures. It does not tolerate heat above twenty-five degrees. In summer, the optimal temperature is about twenty degrees. IN winter time Euonymus requires coolness, i.e. The temperature should be maintained at about ten degrees Celsius. At the same time, you need to make sure that it does not fall below five degrees.


To water the euonymus, use soft water. It must first be defended. In spring and summer, it is necessary to water actively, but without stagnating water. These plants are sensitive to waterlogging.
In winter and autumn, watering is reduced. As temperatures drop, evaporation decreases and plants require much less moisture.
If the euonymus overwinters in an insulated balcony where the temperature is kept between five and ten degrees, then it does not need to be watered. The plant does not shed leaves, but at these temperatures it is dormant.
Air humidity is not the most important characteristic when growing euonymus. If the temperature is not maintained very high, then periodically spraying the leaves with a spray bottle is sufficient. Humidity needs to be increased only in hot weather, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves.


Indoor versions of euonymus are planted in a mixture of three parts of ordinary flower soil and one part of sand. The soil reaction should be neutral. Excessively clayey substrates that are too dense should be avoided.
In addition to properly selected soil, euonymus needs to be fertilized. Fertilizer is performed in warm time repeatedly. It is very important to fertilize the plant in the spring, when flower buds are forming. For indoor euonymus use complex mineral fertilizers. You can also use natural ones: infusion of manure or bird droppings. To prepare the first, take one part of manure to ten parts of water, and for the second, one part of manure to twenty parts of water.
It is enough to fertilize once a month throughout the growing season.

Plant pruning

Homemade euonymus needs to be pruned so that they branch better and the crown is neat and beautiful. It is better to do this in the spring. However, throughout the year you can perform cleansing pruning, when weak and drying branches are removed.
In spring, young shoots can be pinched. This will enhance branching and make the crown lush.
With the help of pruning and pinching, you can form a crown of almost any shape. As a result, the plant will be very decorative.


Euonymus can be propagated by seeds, as well as by dividing the bush, cuttings and root layering.
Seeds are germinated in damp sand or peat, in containers under film, so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly. They do this when room temperature. The seeds are sprinkled with soil on top, in a layer of two centimeters. Sprouts appear after three weeks.

A plant no younger than five years old is suitable for cuttings. Cuttings of at least six centimeters long are cut from it. Each cutting must have an internode. For rooting, place in fertile, moist soil. The cuttings take about a month and a half to take root.
Root suckers rarely appear in houseplants. Much more often, dividing an overgrown bush during transplantation is used.


There are many types of euonymus. Let's look at the most common ones.
Euonymus warty is a shrub about one and a half meters tall, its shoots have numerous thickenings similar to warts. The shrub is slow-growing, unpretentious and frost-resistant.
European euonymus is a deciduous plant. It can be a shrub up to three meters high or a tree reaching eight meters. The specific form depends on the plant variety and its growing conditions. Frost resistance is not high, but can withstand short-term temperature drops of minus fifteen degrees.
Fortune's euonymus is a creeping shrub reaching a height of no more than half a meter. His homeland is China. The plant is decorative, has beautiful leaves. Fortune's euonymus is unpretentious, frost-resistant, but light-loving.
Japanese euonymus is a close relative of the previous species, but grows in Japan. In garden conditions it can reach seven meters. The leaves are large and dense, with a light-colored border.
Euonymus is grown as a garden ornamental plants. Of the named species for room conditions Only Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonica) is suitable. Besides him as indoor flower rooting euonymus is also grown.