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Houseplant euonymus. Indoor euonymus: planting and caring for a plant with a masculine character. Reproduction of indoor euonymus

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus) is a plant of the Euonymus family. Under natural conditions it grows in deciduous and mixed forests, in the subtropics or in temperate areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Japanese euonymus is not found in the Far North and the tropics. It is grown in the garden or park, as well as at home as an indoor or greenhouse flower.

General information

Japanese euonymus - deciduous, evergreen with beautiful bicolor leaves and small flowers that appear in midsummer. Euonymus flowers are unremarkable, but the fruits look like small, pink lanterns. Fruits with seeds ripen closer to autumn.

Japanese euonymus.

The leaves of the plant look more decorative than the flowers; they are dense, shiny, with teeth along the edges, and have an original variegated color - yellow-green, gray-green, dark or light and bright. Gardeners have developed several new varieties of euonymus, with different colors and leaf shapes.

Under natural conditions, euonymus can grow up to 7 meters in height, in garden culture- up to 2-3 meters, well, indoor euonymus does not exceed 60-70 cm in height.

Agricultural technology

Japanese euonymus does not require care, but if it does not like the growing conditions in your garden, it will grow only in early spring. The rest of the time there will be no growth of shoots.

As a rule, growth occurs over two periods in a season, and with good care in the garden, the Japanese euonymus grows by 15-20 cm over the course of a year. At the end of the euonymus growth period, cones with scales appear on the tops of the shoots - these are buds, from which at the beginning of the next period growth, new leaves will appear.

These features of the development of euonymus must be taken into account for proper care behind him, at the beginning of the period active growth they feed him nitrogen fertilizers, then complex, and during the formation of new buds - potassium-phosphorus.

During the dormant period, feeding is stopped, and watering is carried out only to prevent the soil from drying out. After an active growing season, the plant goes dormant and stops growing. This applies to both indoor euonymus and park varieties.

Caring for euonymus in the garden begins with its planting. To do this, prepare a soil mixture of leaf soil, turf, peat and sand, in which there should be two parts of turf, and one part of the remaining components. However, Japanese euonymus is not picky about soil; ordinary soil is suitable for growing it. garden soil with the addition of sand. If the soil is too acidic, lime is added to it.

In hot weather, watering the euonymus is combined with spraying with water from a hose, but this must be done before or after sunset to prevent sunburn on the leaves.


Japanese euonymus grown in the garden is propagated by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

The division of the bush is carried out in early spring before the beginning of the first period of active growth. 1-2 shoots are separated from the parent bush along with the roots and planted in a previously prepared place. When planting, the stems are cut to a height of 20-30 cm to reduce the load on the roots. New shoots will grow from this stem or from the roots.

To propagate euonymus by cuttings, they are cut from young shoots in June-July. The cuttings should be 6-7 cm long, with at least one internode; before planting, they are treated with a means for developing the root system.

The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of leaf and turf soil, humus and sand. The cutting takes root in 1.5-2 months, after which it is planted on permanent place, while the new plant is created the necessary conditions and provide attentive care.

Euonymus propagation by seeds collected last year occurs in the summer. Before planting, they are stratified at a temperature of 2-3 degrees for 4 months. As a result of stratification, their skin should burst, this will indicate that they can be sown. The seeds are finally peeled and soaked for 1-2 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Then they are sown in containers with moistened soil mixture and covered with a transparent cover. After the emergence of seedlings, the cover is discarded, hardening the plants at normal temperature and lighting. IN open ground young plants are planted only on next year, and before that they create desired temperature at home. Before planting in a permanent place in the garden, the plants are hardened off for 2-3 days, leaving them under open air.

Euonymus at your home

There are several varieties of Japanese euonymus that can be grown at home as an indoor flower:

  • Japanese euonymus, or pseudolaurel - very heat-loving plant, capable of dying at temperatures below +5 degrees, so it can only be grown at home or in offices. Its leaves can be variegated or single-colored, the flowers are white, blooming in late spring.
  • Euonymus microphyllus - this variety has variegated, yellow-green, raised leaves. The flowers are small, white, and appear in late spring. This variety is suitable for planting in the garden and for growing at home.
  • Dwarf euonymus has oblong bicolor leaves and red-brown flowers collected in umbels. This is a creeping type of euonymus that can be grown in hanging flowerpots as an hanging plant.

It is best to grow Japanese euonymus at home in a well-lit place in a room on the south side - it will feel equally good in direct sunlight and in diffused light.

With the onset of summer, the flower pot can be taken out to the balcony, veranda or yard. We must not forget that this is a houseplant, you cannot immediately place it under strong rays of the sun, getting used to them must occur gradually. Caring for euonymus at this time should consist of watering and spraying in the morning or evening.

As for the temperature, it should be no lower than +5-10 degrees in winter, and no higher than +25-30 degrees in summer. In winter, the euonymus enters a dormant period, and if you keep it in a warm, heated room, it will begin to shed its leaves.

Caring for indoor euonymus consists of watering and fertilizing, which the plant especially needs during the period of active growth. The buds, from which inconspicuous flowers will eventually develop, can be removed immediately so that the plant does not waste nutrients on them.

To plant euonymus at home, use a mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil, with the addition of river sand. Another option for soil mixture is turf soil with peat and sand.

Favorable conditions and good care contribute to the good development of indoor euonymus, so it needs to be replanted every year at a young age, and every 3-4 years at an “old” age.

Japanese euonymus, growing at home, is fed every 20-30 days in spring and summer with minerals and organic fertilizers. In winter, during the dormant period, fertilizing and frequent watering are not needed.

Japanese euonymus needs to be pruned regularly to form a beautiful crown. During pruning, weak, small shoots are removed, as well as shoots growing inside the crown. For intensive tillering, young shoots are pinched.

This plant is ideally suited for the formation of bonsai; its lush branches can be easily given any shape, cut into a cone, a ball, or an animal figure.

Caring for indoor euonymus includes measures to protect against diseases and pests. At home, the plant becomes sick with gray rot, in which a gray coating appears on the leaves and brown spots. As for insect pests, scale insects and spider mite. Both problems can be solved by spraying chemicals, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

Indoor euonymus is propagated in the same way as garden plant– seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Euonymus(Euonumus) or Pseudolaurus belongs to the genus Celastraceae.

Grows in the form of evergreen or deciduous shrubs, hanging plants or small trees, mainly in temperate climatic zones Asia, including China and the Himalayas.

More often Euonymus is grown in the open air in parks and gardens as beautiful, unpretentious and shade-tolerant shrubs.

At home Mainly two compact species are cultivated: Japanese euonymus and rooting euonymus.

Leaves indoor varieties Euonymus are green or variegated with spots of yellow or cream. It is in the beauty of the crown and leaves that the entire attractiveness of this plant lies.

If produced correctly pruning, forming a beautiful lush crown, this plant can become a magnificent, elegant decoration for any home. Euonymus flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in axillary inflorescences.

And here fruit, ripening by autumn, and covered with red, pinkish-brown or orange color, look very decorative. True, at home, euonymus almost never blooms.

Types of euonymus

or Euonymus japonica - a flower intended for indoor growing.Spreading evergreen shrub, has beautiful variegated leaves, ovoid in shape, with light spots.

Pale green inflorescences appear in June and in autumn appearance The plant is revitalized by ripening pods of orange seeds. This species has gained great popularity among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and undemandingness to strict adherence to temperature conditions.

Euonymus Fortune or Euonymus fortunei - one of the most winter-hardy species, a creeping shrub with long branches, reaching 3 m at outdoors, and more than 1 m at home. Looks beautiful on a support. There are many decorative forms This variety has variegated white-green leaves.

IN last years Euonymus fortunena is widely used for landscaping balconies. In summer it is grown outdoors in the garden, and with the onset of cold weather it is transferred to glazed balconies, where the temperature can drop below 0°C.

For such a winter needs to be insulated plant roots: place foam under the bottom of the pot, mulch the substrate with peat or sawdust, tie the container with batting or burlap.


Euonymus direct sunlight in small quantities is not scary, but for a permanent location it is still better to choose places with diffused light.

Ideal conditions Maintenance for these plants: cool temperature and plenty of light. If there is a lack of lighting, the leaves may turn yellow, and if the air temperature is high, they may dry out.

Optimal temperature regime — not higher than +25°С in summer and +6+7°С in winter (exception – Japanese euonymus, which can withstand up to +18°C).

This is precisely the difficulty of keeping these plants at home - the need for a full wintering, otherwise the leaves fall off and the bush dies.


During the growing season In spring and summer, euonymuses need regular dosed watering as the top layer of soil dries, and in winter and autumn, watering should be reduced by at least half. Plants Those in winter quarters are watered very carefully, rarely, without over-moistening the soil. Use only settled water.

Humidity air is not very important for this representative of the subtropics, and yet regular spraying will benefit him. Use only boiled water for this, otherwise salts will get on the leaves and they will quickly begin to become dirty. It is advisable to spray only adult large plants, and “bathe” small and young ones in the shower.

Pruning and shaping the plant

During the growing season, the pseudolaurel needs to be done pruning, freeing the bush from weak or thickening shoots. In order for the plant to branch well, it needs to pinch off its shoots in the spring.

If desired, from any variety of euonymus you can grow shrubs with several trunks or get a small standard tree by removing all the lower branches.

You can give the euonymus a lush crown any form: sphere, cone, ellipse. It all depends on your imagination. Proper pruning promotes the awakening of dormant buds and the formation of new young shoots.

Transplantation and propagation

For transplantation, this is best suited priming:

  • 2 parts of turf;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part sand.

Transplanted young euonymus plants annually, adults - once every two years.

Multiply pseudolaurus is possible different ways: division, seeds, cuttings.

If you decide to propagate the plant seeds, you need to first stratify them for 3-4 months in calcined sand or in semi-decomposed moistened sphagnum at a temperature of +2+3°C, until the skin of most seeds bursts.

Then clean carefully them from the seedlings and soak them for 24 hours in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds sown in the following soil mixture:

  • humus - 2 parts;
  • turf – 1 part;
  • leaf soil– part 4;
  • sand - 1 part.

Young green cuttings For propagation, cut in June-July. Each seedling should be from 4 to 6 cm in size and have one internode. Pour leaf soil into the tray, and on top - a layer of turf, humus and sand (in layers).

Cuttings take root within 1.5-2 months. After planting, care for young euonymus is maintained the same as for adult plants.

We have collected information about why plants need them. important information for you.

Lemon is a whimsical plant. But using the rules, you can grow it in room conditions.

Caring for areca at home will give you pleasure. Take note.

Possible difficulties

If the rules for caring for indoor euonymus are violated, the plant may display the following symptoms.

  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight Euonymus leaves fade, the edges curl and the ends dry out.
  • When the bush is waterlogged drops leaves and stops growing.
  • At insufficient humidity and elevated temperature in winter period the plant can also drop the leaves.
  • Beware attacks and Fungal infection- the main disease of euonymus.

Looking at this beautiful plant, it's hard to believe that its seeds are poisonous. But this is true. They say, euonymus raised by myself evil witch, to punish people, but then she softened and decided to make this plant medicinal. And she herself turned into a robin - a bird to which the euonymus does not harm.

In every place where a robin drops a tiny seed into the ground, a beautiful new euonymus bush will soon grow.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch a video about euonymus.

If you are looking for a lush and flowering plant, then the euonymus is unlikely to “catch your eye,” but for connoisseurs of evergreens it is exactly what you need. Its flowers are small and inconspicuous, but it can still be an excellent addition to your garden or apartment “greenhouse”. Just last option I would like to discuss it in more detail. You will learn how to care for euonymus, how to plant and propagate it correctly by reading this article to the end.

Types of indoor euonymus

Most species of this plant (and there are about 140 of them) are intended for growing in open ground, and only two of them are suitable for indoor cultivation. Of course, now we mean Japanese euonymus And euonymus rooting, which are most often found in our homes.

First option It is distinguished by dark green leathery leaves of a narrow elliptical shape with finely toothed edges. Their length varies from 3 to 8 cm, and the flowers correspond to 1 cm (in each inflorescence from 10 to 30 pieces). The color of the flowers is yellow-green, and the fruits are orange or pink boxes.

Euonymus rooting(another name is Fortune's euonymus) is a shrub reaching a height of 30-60 cm, with branches growing up to three meters in length. Branches can take root at nodes. The leaves are leathery, small, dark green in color and ovoid in shape. Their size ranges from 2 to 6 cm.

Did you know? Almost all types of euonymus are very poisonous, but the warty euonymus and European euonymus are of greatest practical importance, since their bark and stems contain gutta-percha.

Rules for caring for euonymus indoors

The same plant growing in different conditions, requires different attention. Therefore, indoor care for euonymus differs from care for garden flowers.

Lighting and temperature conditions

When it comes to lighting, this plant is quite unpretentious and grows well in both light and partial shade, although the first option is more preferable. Often indoor euonymus requires good lighting throughout the year, which is why not all species can thrive on the north side of an apartment or house.

Direct sunlight benefits the euonymus, but it is better that they fall on the leaves of the plant only in the morning or evening time. However, species with variegated leaves growing on the north side, on the contrary, may lose their natural color, which is extremely undesirable from an aesthetic point of view.

IN winter time you don't have to hide the euonymus from sunlight, because direct sunlight does not have the same effect on it as in summer.

Another important aspect of plant care is the room temperature. IN summer time create suitable temperature conditions somewhat simpler (the temperature should not rise above +24-25°C), while in winter temperature indicators reduced to 8-10 °C. Wintering at higher temperatures threatens the euonymus with loss of leaves.

At this time, you can take the plant to a heated balcony, although temperatures should not be too low. Wintering young euonymus (up to 3 years) in a garden involves covering the plants with spruce branches or dry leaves, and to prevent freezing of the roots of adult plants, in their trunk circle add sawdust or leaves.

Did you know? Several legends are associated with the euonymus. The first says that the witch raised poisonous shrub out of resentment towards people, but later regretted her actions and made the plant a medicine. After that, she herself turned into a small gray bird - a robin (the poison of the berries does not affect them). If you believe the second legend, then the euonymus appeared due to the anger of the goddess Flora, who lost two jewelry - a brooch and an earring. She didn’t look for them, but simply turned them into euonymus bushes: the flowers looked more like brooches, and the berries looked more like earrings.

Requirements for soil composition and fertilization

It's no secret that indoor euonymus differs from garden option in terms of planting and care, but as for the soil, both types have similar preferences. For the full growth and development of this plant, a mixture of sand and ordinary flower earth in a ratio of 1:3. IN ideal, the pH level should not be higher or lower than 6, and the acidity should remain neutral.

Important! Too much clay soils, into which it is necessary to add sand - do not the best option for indoor euonymus.

However, if you want the plant to please you with its healthy appearance after planting the euonymus, beautiful foliage and abundant fruiting, then, in addition to correct composition soil, he needs and proper fertilizer, which is applied to the soil several times a year.

It is especially important to fertilize euonymus in the spring, when flower buds are actively forming. In this case excellent option top dressing is manure, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. As alternative option You can use bird droppings, but the concentration of the infusion will have to be halved.

For a houseplant, complex mineral fertilizers which are sold in finished form. They are applied approximately once a month, and if the soil in the pot is different increased acidity, then it can be sprinkled with lime. In winter, the plant is not fertilized, since it is dormant and does not need regular feeding.

Watering regularity and air humidity

Probably one of the most important aspects caring for a particular plant is the correct watering. In the case of indoor euonymus, this procedure is performed using settled water with a minimum amount of salts dissolved in it. In the spring-summer period, watering should be quite abundant, but Do not allow moisture to stagnate at the root system.

In autumn and winter, euonymus is not so moisture-loving, and the amount of watering can be reduced. Plants that are located on an insulated balcony at a temperature of 5 to 10°C can be practically not watered. Although they do not part with their leaves, they are in a state of complete dormancy.

In addition to watering, the level of humidity in the room also plays a significant role. Some gardeners argue that this indicator is not particularly important, and only spraying is useful. However, if the air in the room is very dry and the temperature is high enough, this may cause the leaves of the euonymus to fall off.

It is the leathery leaves that are responsible for the evaporation of a small amount of moisture by the plant, thanks to which it tolerates dry air well. closed premises. To remove dust from the euonymus, experts advise giving it a shower from time to time.

Pruning and crown formation

Not only garden species, but Japanese indoor plants also need periodic pruning of shoots. Therefore, in order for the euonymus to be branched, it must be pruned every spring, throughout the growing season. The stems of the plant are relatively soft and pliable, thanks to which they can be given any shape (for example, formed into a bonsai).

Cleaning pruning can be carried out throughout the year (as the euonymus shoots dry out). Weak branches that take away strength from the plant must also be removed.

Important! At the beginning of spring, young shoots can be pinched, which will only enhance branching and contribute to the formation of a dense crown.

You can grow the plant to your liking, giving it almost any shape. The most common version of indoor euonymus is a bush one, when many branches extend from the root (the more there are, the thicker and more beautiful the crown is).

You can also grow the plant as a standard tree: the trunk is bare below, and at the top it is supplemented with a thick crown, which is obtained as a result of correct and timely pruning and regular pinching, awakening dormant buds. If you try, you can even grow a bonsai from euonymus.

Toxicity of euonymus

For experienced flower growers It is no secret that euonymus is poisonous, which means that certain precautions should be taken when growing it. In fact, only the fruits are dangerous, and even then only for children and animals, since an adult would need to eat quite a lot of berries for serious poisoning.

Shrub transplantation

Young plants (up to 3-4 years old) need to be replanted every year, but for an adult euonymus it is enough to change the place of growth once every two to three years (if there is no expressed need, then even less often).

The transplantation procedure is carried out in the following sequence: a layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of a new pot prepared in advance (it should not be much larger than the previous one), after which the soil itself is filled. It is best to replant into a mixture of turf and leaf soil mixed with coarse sand and humus (in a ratio of 1:2:1:1).

We must not forget that the soil for euonymus should be light and rich in micronutrients. If you decide to transplant the plant into open ground, then it is best to transplant in the spring.

Reproduction of euonymus at home

Most often, propagation of euonymus occurs vegetative way(green cuttings or dividing the bush), however, in the case of indoor plants Seed propagation is also common.

Dividing the bush

In most cases, the bush is propagated by dividing dwarf varieties Euonymus. This is facilitated by the shallowness and horizontal position of the root system, which produces new growth every year. All that is required of you is to carefully separate the young shoots (along with part of the rhizome) from the mother bush, and then cut them to 2/3 of the length and plant them in another pot. This procedure is absolutely painless for euonymus.


When cutting euonymus, you need to choose cuttings no more than 6-10 long with one internode. After this, the cut should be dipped in a special phytohormonal powder and the cuttings should be placed in a peat-sand mixture. After watering the shoots and covering them with film, you just have to wait 2-2.5 months, and as soon as they take root, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

The genus Euonymus includes about 200 species of evergreen and deciduous shrubs or small trees and belongs to the Euonymus family (Celastraceae). In nature, it is most common in southwestern China and is found in the tropics, subtropics and temperate regions of all continents.

Euonymuses are mainly grown in open ground in gardens and parks; they are unpretentious and shade-tolerant shrubs. At home, the easiest to care for and compact species are most often found: Japanese euonymus and fortune euonymus (rooting).

The leaves of indoor euonymus can be green and variegated with spots of yellow or milky. It is in the beauty of the leaves and crown that the value of this plant lies. Euonymus tolerates pruning well, so a properly formed crown, densely covered with leaves, will make it a decoration for any home.

Euonymus flowers are small and inconspicuous, collected in axillary inflorescences. The fruits look decorative. They ripen in the fall and are covered with fleshy shoots that are red, orange, or pinkish-brown. At home, euonymus almost never blooms.

Types of euonymus

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus Japonica) - most often grown at home. There are many varieties with beautiful variegated ovate leathery leaves, with light spots or edged with a yellow stripe. Can grow in partial shade.

This species best tolerates warm conditions in winter, so it is used in indoor culture. But it is best to grow euonymus in a cool room. When the heated room is too dry and hot, it may drop its leaves.

Euonymus Fortune(Euonymus fortunei) is usually grown in open ground, it is the most frost-resistant of the evergreen euonymuses. The shape is a creeping shrub with long, up to three meters, branches. Looks very good climbing up the support. There are many decorative forms with variegated white-green leaves. The leaves change color with the onset of cold weather. Branches at nodes take root.

IN Lately Fortune's euonymus is popular for winter landscaping on balconies. Often this species is grown in a container in the garden, and with the onset of cold weather it is transferred to a glazed balcony, where the temperature does not drop below -5 degrees throughout the winter. For such wintering, it is necessary to insulate the roots: place polystyrene foam, mulch from high peat or sawdust under the pot, tie the pot with burlap or batting.

A green balcony looks very attractive in winter, and when the time comes holiday decoration balcony, then New Year's decor, candles and balloons (where you can buy balloons) go well with the leathery foliage of euonymus.

Lighting. Indoor euonymus prefers bright but diffused light. Can be exposed to sun for several hours, but can also grow in partial shade. East windows are best suited. Variegated forms turn green when there is a lack of light. In winter, the euonymus is placed on a sunny south window in a cool room (veranda or glassed-in balcony).

Temperature. Euonymus prefers moderate maintenance: in summer 18-20°C, in winter not higher than 12°C, for winter optimal temperature 6-8°C.

Watering. In summer, watering is plentiful; in winter, euonymus almost does not grow; watering is reduced, just enough to keep the substrate slightly moist.

Air humidity. It is not significant, spraying is useful. Dry air combined with high temperature in the room can lead to leaf loss.

Feeding. From spring to autumn, fertilize once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers; in winter, do not feed during the dormant period.

Trimming. To form a beautiful crown you need regular pruning of shoots. In the spring, pinching of young shoots is required, and weak shoots are trimmed as necessary.

Transfer. Indoor euonymus is replanted in the spring, young plants annually, adults as needed every 2-3 years.

The soil. The mixture is made from turf, leaf, humus soil and sand (2:1:1:1) or from turf soil, peat and sand (3:0.5:1).

Reproduction. Euonymus is not difficult to propagate: by seeds, green cuttings, dividing the bush, root suckers in the spring and during the summer. Since euonymus does not bloom at home, cuttings are usually used for propagation. They are cut 4-5 cm long in June-July from young green shoots. Root in a mixture of sand and leaf soil. Rooting occurs after 1.5-2 months.