home · Other · DIY chandelier decor: new ideas and materials (53 photos). DIY chandelier: manufacturing methods, examples, photos How to make a chandelier from cardboard with your own hands

DIY chandelier decor: new ideas and materials (53 photos). DIY chandelier: manufacturing methods, examples, photos How to make a chandelier from cardboard with your own hands

Lamps are not just a source artificial lighting in the interior, but also important element decor, without which the composition looks incomplete. You can create bright accents by making a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands, because it is not at all necessary to spend huge amounts of money on purchasing designer models. Read about the nuances of work in our article!

Where to begin?

When creating a lampshade with your own hands, keep in mind that using a regular incandescent lamp is not the best good idea. It's better to stop at energy saving light bulbs, which do not heat up so much and, accordingly, do not heat closely located parts, thereby ensuring safety. In addition, they are quite economical, which allows you to save money on electricity, and are also durable.

When choosing a material for a lampshade, focus on both aesthetic properties and specifications. Firstly, these must be environmentally friendly, preferably natural, bases that will not distribute unsafe substances with minimal heating.

Secondly, the lampshade should not collect a lot of dust: some surfaces, like fabric ones, are more prone to this than others. Choose an option that is easy to clean and can be easily wiped with a damp cloth. This does not apply to paper, but due to the cheapness and simplicity of the material, such a chandelier can always be replaced if necessary.

Thirdly, the chandelier should illuminate the room well without darkening it. However, for some interiors, dim lighting is more suitable: in a nursery, bedroom or living room for an intimate atmosphere. In such cases, you can show your imagination by making a lampshade that creates light patterns in the room. You, as the author, can implement any of your decisions - and this is probably the main advantage of homemade lampshades.

Selecting a lampshade to match the interior style

The chandelier can become bright accent in the interior or as an inconspicuous but important addition. With any choice, the lampshade should harmoniously match the style of the room.

Unfortunately, not every product can be created with your own hands. For example, classics are characterized by elegant crystal, glass or hardware, which you can’t make yourself. But there are other options.


A laconic and laconic composition of minimalism can easily be disrupted due to one extra detail, which will be especially noticeable in such an interior. Regardless of the type of room, simple geometric shapes, the absence of hanging elements, as well as a uniform color scheme that is included in the overall palette of the space will look appropriate here.

Metal frame structures that slightly darken the light, or paper shades without decorative details, are suitable.


This is where you can really go wild, in a loft interior, in which homemade products made from unusual materials will look organic. It's not scary if appearance chandeliers reveal their non-manufacturing origin, because many details of this style highlight their imperfection as their main advantage.

For lampshades, you can even use familiar objects: transparent cans, metal utensils, frames made of thread or wire. If the ceiling height allows, then excellent option there will be a long pendant chandelier with a minimalistic cap.

Scandinavian style

Despite its northern origin, this style of interior design looks very cozy and modern. Minimalist in nature Scandinavian style prefers natural materials, as well as light, mostly white, colors.

There are many options for chandelier design - the style does not greatly limit the shape. But not everything can be created independently. Ball-shaped, airy models made of thread or paper are suitable.


Coming to us from distant French villages, Provence prefers a simple, cozy aesthetic. natural materials, floral patterns, as well as light shades. This is approximately what a lampshade for a chandelier should be like.

Products made of fabric or lace with a round shape look appropriate. With a small level of skill, you can decorate a glass dome with decoupage, thereby saving money - after all, despite its simplicity, authentic Provence involves significant costs in the arrangement.

Paper lamps

Despite the fact that paper is not considered the most reliable basis for lampshades, but the ease of working with it and its noticeable low cost made this material very attractive among handicrafts. In addition, with its help you can update your interior at least every month, creating new crafts.

Origami lampshades

Who wasn’t interested in origami as a child, designing little animals or complex modular paper products? Now you can use your skills for more practical purposes. However, even people who have encountered this activity for the first time can also easily master it and make origami lampshades for a chandelier with their own hands.

These are laconic designs of different geometric shapes that will fit perfectly into modern interior. It is not recommended to use very strong paper, as it does not transmit light well.

Figured products

However, lovers of more varied decor can create lampshades of the most varied types from paper. different forms. For example, surround a lamp paper houses, butterflies or envelopes.

The appearance of such a lampshade also depends on the surface - plain, patterned, newspaper, and so on. By combining these materials, completely different effects can be achieved.

Chinese lanterns

If you have paper lanterns at home, do not rush to use them as an independent lamp, because this is an excellent basis for other experiments.

It can be covered with anything you like, but to avoid a homemade look, we suggest decorating the ball with small paper flakes or long “feathers” that will gracefully hang down to the bottom.

Lampshades made of threads

Various threads and ropes are an excellent base for a lampshade, which is suitable for creating an intimate atmosphere due to the darkening effect.

Graceful cocoon

A round lampshade made from randomly twisted threads looks very simple and at the same time stylish. In order for such material to hold the desired shape, it is fixed with glue on a balloon, which is delicately removed after finishing the work.

Although the field for creativity here is small, you can always experiment with colors, weaving in several shades.

Knitted lampshade

This solution made from threads looks less chaotic. The main conditions for making it are the ability to knit or the presence of a grandmother who will kindly knit a napkin for you. The finished product must be placed on any base - metal carcass, transparent container, Chinese ball. Similarly with the first option, you can attach the lampshade to the balloon using glue.

Bottle lamps

Stylish chandeliers for rooms different types You can even create them from bottles. This includes both glass and plastic containers.

Glass bottles or jars

The principle of working with such a base is simple: choose the most beautiful one and hide the lamp in it. Elongated bottles or small jars can be used. It is necessary to make sure that the glass transmits the amount of light required for the room, and if there is not enough light, several sources can be used.

If the chandelier plays more of a decorative function, the bottle can be covered acrylic paint or painting.

Plastic lampshades

Plastic bottles should not be used untouched. But it’s quite possible to make cheap parts from them for a homemade lampshade.

Luxurious (as far as this word is generally applicable to plastic) look chandeliers from the bottom regular bottles, which are shaped like a flower. They are fastened together with wire for better fixation, creating a variety of compositions.

Another option is a 10-liter eggplant covered with plastic spoons, which are lined up in several rows, like scales. The design will transmit muted but uniform light, which will further decorate the product.

Lampshades made of metal elements

Enough unusual solutions Metal products are also offered for chandeliers. Fortunately, you don’t need to make them yourself, so you don’t need any special skills in working with metal. But a spectacular appearance is guaranteed in any case.

Kitchen appliances

Don't rush to throw away old spoons and forks - you will need them to create original design. By placing a dozen fixtures around the lamp, you will get an excellent shade for a kitchen chandelier that fits perfectly with the theme.

The same effect can be achieved by using, for example, a grater. In general, you can experiment with any devices, especially if your interior is decorated in a loft style. Just make sure that metal parts didn't get very hot.

Gear dome

If you want to add a little steampunk into your life, make a chandelier shade out of gears. You can get them by dismantling an old bicycle or buy them at a flea market. But the result is definitely worth the effort!

We looked at the features of making lampshades for chandeliers with our own hands and the most popular solutions from various materials. But, of course, there are many more interesting options - as evidenced by our selection of photographs. Enjoy watching!


Almost all owners of apartments and private houses periodically update the interior of their homes. This process occurs differently for everyone, but certain changes and adjustments made to the design of the premises are common. One of the first places in the interior is rightfully occupied by lighting devices, especially with original lampshades. For real exclusive solution can become a chandelier made of paper with your own hands. Made in the most various options, it will become a decoration of the interior, occupying a central place in it. To make a paper chandelier, any available materials are used, so the finished product is not only original, but also inexpensive.

How to make a paper chandelier with your own hands

Compared to mass-produced products, things self made have always been much more highly valued. This statement fully applies to homemade chandeliers, which become not only room decoration, but also an excellent souvenir to give to friends, family and acquaintances.

What is needed to make a lampshade with your own hands for a paper chandelier? First of all, you need to decide on the basic concept of the future lamp and choose the material for its manufacture. Depending on your own imagination, you can use wire, thread, lace, glass jars, balloons and many other suitable items.

Paper is especially popular the best way suitable for design. Lamps and chandeliers made of paper look light and airy. They soften and smooth everything sharp corners, create muted diffused light, an unusual, romantic and mysterious atmosphere. Paper lamps can be made in any style most suitable for a particular room.

DIY paper chandelier: step-by-step instructions

Currently, when decorating premises, it is becoming increasingly popular East style. Similar trends have not bypassed chandeliers made with one’s own hands. Their original design adds vibrant colors, brightness, and festive feelings to the interior. Examples are most often used to obtain similar results. Chinese chandeliers and lamps recreated using paper and other scrap materials.

First of all, you need to think through the construction and design of the paper chandelier, and only after that should you select all the components and components. To make a chandelier, you can use plain or rice paper. It is recommended to choose translucent, white or colored sheets. To give the future product maximum resemblance to the Chinese original, you should still take rice paper for work.

It is best to purchase a new cartridge. Old cartridges can be used after careful inspection, if there are no visible defects or damage. Light bulbs used in paper chandeliers, should not heat up. Therefore, most the best option will be . Additionally required wooden planks for the frame, ruler and pencil, stationery knife, awl and thread.

The assembly procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  • A diagram according to which the marking will be made is drawn up in advance. To mark, you must use the reverse side of the paper.
  • Then the paper is carefully folded along the marked lines. This important stage the entire operation, on which the appearance of the future chandelier depends.
  • Next, the socket and light bulb are assembled into a single whole.
  • At the next stage, the frame is assembled in accordance with the dimensions of the paper lampshade.
  • The last action There will be fastening of paper elements to the frame. The paper can be glued or simply inserted into wooden frames. In the future, this will make it much easier to replace light bulbs and avoid damage to the lampshade.

The main difficulty lies in the correct assembly of the frame, which is the basis of the entire chandelier. If all actions are performed correctly, the result will be smooth and beautiful product. All that remains is to apply the painting to your taste, and the chandelier is ready for use.

Lampshade for chandelier made of paper tubes

One of the original and unusual options for paper chandeliers is the lampshade, for the manufacture of which they use paper straws. This design, except ceiling lamps, fits perfectly table lamps, floor lamps And wall sconce, thanks to the soft, dim light.

As the main elements of this building paper tubes are used. To make them, you can take newspaper or colored paper. The most important thing is that the resulting lampshade fits organically into the interior. Required amount tubes are made in accordance with the size of the lamp, but not less than 100 units. They are fastened with PVA glue, as a result of which the required form, which can be square, round, oval or arbitrary. Most often, you get a DIY paper ball chandelier that fits into the interiors of most rooms.

Laying out the tubes begins with the first row, and then all other elements are built on it. It is necessary to pay attention to the correct construction of the walls. At first, they should gradually expand towards the center, that is, the diameter of the entire structure increases, and after passing through the middle of the lampshade, it also gradually decreases. After drying, the finished lampshade can be painted in the desired color by applying paint from a spray can. As a result, the product is solid and smooth, without any defects.

Chandelier with butterflies

There are other options for making similar lampshades. For example, quite original solution There will be butterflies applied to a paper chandelier with your own hands.

The finished product is most often used. In addition to traditional materials, you will additionally need thick cardboard, used for the base of the lampshade. Silhouettes of butterflies are pre-cut out on this cardboard according to a template. When the lights are turned on, they cast beautiful original shadows on the walls.

There are many other options homemade chandeliers, made not only from paper. They can be made from any inexpensive materials, most suitable for your interior.

Master Class

A chandelier in any room is no longer exclusively a lighting device. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the piece of furniture that is the main decoration in any room.

Of course, a DIY chandelier will be a particularly valuable thing. This will not only highlight the special taste of the home owners, but also their creative mind.

Despite the fact that if you decide to make a lampshade with your own hands for a chandelier, you will need to spend quite a lot of effort, because the process requires special concentration - surely the work time cannot be considered wasted, since the work will bring incredible pleasure and will even leave a pleasant aftertaste, and in the future you will definitely want to repeat this kind of work again.

If you are thinking about how to make a chandelier, then you have probably already seen that today you can use the most various materials and sometimes completely unusual. For example, very often the lampshade for a chandelier is made of wood or glass.

However, if you want something even more incredible, then you can also use cardboard, wooden skewers, and even wine bottles. The choice here depends solely on the ideas that the creator has, as well as on various kinds of wishes of the apartment owners.

In addition, a chandelier from scrap materials must also be created taking into account the overall interior of the room.

Chandelier made from plastic spoons

Disposable spoons, which most people are used to using exclusively for picnics, can actually also be one of the simplest and yet easily accessible materials for creating an interesting chandelier option for any room.

If you look at a photo of a chandelier of this type, you will be struck first of all by the variety color range, and in the future it will be easy to understand that the material will last for a long time.

Moreover, in order to create such interesting subject interior, you will need a minimum of financial and material investments.

What materials will be needed?

  • Any empty bottle made of plastic. The only condition– its volume cannot be less than five liters.
  • Any plastic spoons. Their number depends solely on the chosen size of the future chandelier.
  • Glue that allows you to glue plastic together.
  • A socket from an old, no longer working chandelier.

The process of creating an original chandelier

Prepare a plastic bottle. First of all, you need to get rid of the label and bottom, and also dry it properly.

Remove the spoons from the plastic and use a knife to remove any handles that are not needed. The only thing you need to do is leave a couple of centimeters above the so-called “scoop” level.

Glue the blanks to the base of the prepared bottle. On the “tail” that remains, you need to apply as much glue as possible and then press it to the surface.

It is very important to continue to cover the entire bottle in this way directly in a circle until the entire prepared perimeter is “occupied” with plastic spoons.

It is best to arrange them in a classic checkerboard pattern and move them slightly together.

This way it will be possible to reduce the number of “free spots” to a minimum.

  • The shade is removed from the old prepared chandelier and placed in a dried bottle.
  • If desired, decorative ones can often be done in a similar way.

That's all. All that remains is to install the chandelier in the chosen location, and also check its operation by connecting it to the power supply.

Another interesting chandelier option is a chandelier with decorative butterflies. It is worth noting that when going to almost any master class on making a chandelier, designers always offer to learn how to create it, which is not surprising, because it can fit perfectly into almost any interior of the room.


Besides that this option it looks truly luxurious and expensive, even a child can make it with the help of an adult, so its popularity is easily explained.

DIY chandelier photo


A chandelier in a room is not only lighting device. Without exaggeration, we can say that it is the main decoration of the room. Handmade items are considered especially valuable. This allows us to highlight the special taste of the owners of the home, as well as their extraordinary and creative mind. Undoubtedly, this type The work is quite complex and requires increased concentration. But at the same time, when creating decorations for your home, you can find many interesting and extraordinary solutions in it!

This article presents some ideas for decorating a chandelier with your own hands, as well as instructions for them. Everything is written so simply and clearly that anyone can do it at home.

In order to make a chandelier, sometimes they use the most unusual materials. For example, everyone is already familiar with glass or wood, plastic, and so on. But sometimes, when you want something completely “unusual,” wooden skewers and glass bottles wine bottles, and cans, and all kinds of tree branches, and cardboard, and even straw. You need to choose depending on the idea of ​​the creator and the wishes of the apartment owners. It is also necessary to take into account general interior premises where the finished product is supposed to be placed.

Interesting idea for a chandelier made from plastic spoons

Plastic spoons for disposable meals are one of the simplest and most easily available materials for creating a chandelier for a room. Their advantages are low price, a variety of colors, and such material will last for quite a long time. To create such an extraordinary chandelier, you will need a minimum of investments, both physical and material.


  • empty bottle drinking water, volume 5 liters;
  • plastic spoons (their number depends on the size of the bottle);
  • glue for plastic;
  • old chandelier(or rather, a cartridge from it);
  • sharpened knife.

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare a plastic bottle for subsequent steps. Remove the label in advance, cut off the bottom, dry well.
  2. Then you need to remove the plastic spoons from the packaging and carefully cut off the unnecessary handles with a knife, leaving about 2-3 centimeters above the level of the “scoop”.
  3. You need to glue the scoop blanks to the base of the bottle. Apply to the remaining “tail” a large number of glue and press it to the surface (with the convex side of the spoon facing out). It is necessary to cover the entire bottle in a circle until the entire perimeter is occupied by plastic “spoons”. It is advisable to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern and slightly move them together. This will leave fewer “free spots”.
  4. You need to remove the cartridge from the old unnecessary chandelier, and then place it in an already glued and dried bottle and fix it to the frame.
  5. A decorative bowl can also be made from plastic spoons: “scoops” are glued around the neck of the eggplant.
  6. Install and connect the chandelier, check its operation.

Note! Possible option decorative painting or painting spoons in absolutely any color. Thus, your product will look even more beautiful and more original!

Chandelier made of plastic bottles in the form of leaves

One more an unusual option The interior will feature a chandelier in the shape of leaves. It is created from simple plastic bottles, the variety of colors of which allows you to work in the most unusual colors and embody the most daring ideas.

Process of creation:

  1. Cut plastic bottles into blanks shaped like future leaves.
  2. For each workpiece, the sheet shape is finally fixed.
  3. Using a soldering iron with a thick tip and a one-sided bevel, you need to slightly fuse the sections of each leaf in order to give the future product the greatest effect.
  4. In the same way, using a soldering iron, you need to give the workpieces a sheet structure. You need to act extremely carefully and accurately, because you can easily make a hole in the plastic. Such a leaf with outlined veins and slightly fused edges will look complete.
  5. Using a hot needle, you need to melt several holes at the “leg” of each leaf in order to attach them.
  6. Using thin wire, form branches and screw them to a steel wire frame.

Also great idea There will be the production of a new chandelier in the form of a lampshade for a floor lamp or a lamp for a table. Thus, it will be a great addition to the previous product!

Chandelier with paper butterflies

The most common product option is a chandelier with butterflies. And this is not without reason. Let's start with the fact that this option looks luxurious and expensive, and secondly, its production does not require any special physical costs. Thus, even a child can participate in creating a chandelier.

Process of creation:

  1. It is based on either an old chandelier or a similar frame. If you don’t have one, then you can take the simplest wooden or metal rim. If such material is not available, then, as an option, you can take thick wire and make about 2-3 skeins, so that a circle is formed.
  2. Cut out butterflies from paper according to the template. You need to take the butterfly template and adjust it to the desired size. The option also looks very unusual when butterflies of several sizes are located on the chandelier (again, depending on desire). Transfer the outlines onto paper and carefully cut out, preferably with a sharpened stationery knife, or small, non-rounded scissors. For the templates themselves, it is better to use a material that is dense, does not become very dirty and does not attract dust. For example, velvet paper is very poorly suited for the product, because in the future you will need to vacuum the chandelier quite often.
  3. Take a nylon thread or transparent fishing line and attach the butterflies to it. There are two types of fastening: either piercing the bodies of the butterflies, or gluing them with silicone glue.
  4. Next, we attach the threads with butterflies to the base of the frame and decorate it.
  5. You can also try interesting option, if you make a wire ball! As a basis, you should take a pendant from a chandelier and place several butterfly templates on it using a glue gun.

Fabric chandelier

This chandelier is also based on a frame. As in the previous version, either old metal frames or thick wire are suitable for its manufacture.

After you have pre-prepared the base, start cutting out the fabric from which the lampshade will be made in the future. How long the finished product will be depends on your desire, but it is worth considering that the width of the fabric must be the same as the diameter of the frame! Once you finish the pattern, you need to do a fitting.

Another nuance is that the top of the fabric will need to be sewn directly on the frame, which means that it (the frame) must be solid. Otherwise, if it is possible to thread it directly into the fabric, then you should first bend the upper edge of the pattern and stitch it, and then iron it. Then we sew a seam on the side of the product.

To prevent the lampshade from losing its shape, you should pay due attention to the material. If the fabric is too light, “airy,” then the bottom of the product should be weighted. You can use cardboard or fishing line for this.

Carefully sewn fringe, lace or braid will look just as beautiful. But do not “overload” the product! The process of creating a fabric chandelier is similar to making a lace chandelier. So you can safely experiment with the materials that are placed on the frame.

Lamp made of threads and a balloon


  • dense threads, such as wool, cotton, or jute rope - at least 1 meter;
  • cartridge;
  • petrolatum;
  • PVA glue;
  • a brush for applying glue and Vaseline (it is advisable that the brush does not fade);
  • 1 or 2 pieces balloons(the first in order to work with it, and the second in order to check the finished product, if desired);

Process of creation:

  1. Inflate the balloon to a certain size and secure it. Remember that the finished work will exactly follow the outline of the ball! Using a marker, draw a couple of circles at the top and bottom in order to determine the boundaries of thread winding.
  2. Using a brush, coat the entire perimeter of the ball with Vaseline.
  3. Pour PVA into a plastic container and thoroughly process the threads with it (It is not advisable to apply glue to the entire length of the threads at once! Process them as you wind them around the ball!).
  4. Taking into account the boundaries that you drew with a marker, wind the threads around the ball. Do not forget that the future appearance of the product depends on the density with which you wind it.
  5. After wrapping, you need to leave the product for a day until it is completely dry; After complete drying, you need to burst the ball and remove it through the holes.
  6. Cut a spot in the top and insert the cartridge.
  7. To be completely sure that the product is strong, you can insert a balloon into it and inflate it. In a similar way, you can check the flexibility and reliability of the lampshade.

Alternatively, you can paint the structure with a spray can or acrylic paint and attach all sorts of things to it. decorative ornaments, such as butterflies, artificial flowers or beads. Also, a great idea would be to arrange several balls in the form of a bunch of grapes and fasten them together.

Wine bottle chandelier

This version of the chandelier is a little more complex than the previous ones. Making a chandelier this way is quite difficult; the manufacturing process will require care and attention. However, you will like the result!


Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare the bottle itself for further manipulations with it. The first step is to draw a straight line around the perimeter at the level you need. This is required in order to cut off the bottom of the bottle using a glass cutter;
  2. To avoid cutting yourself on the glass, you need to sand the sharp edges with sandpaper;
  3. Pull the wire through the neck of the bottle and then connect the socket;
  4. Attach the bottle to the frame.

You can also decorate the bottle with all sorts of decorative items, or leave it in its original form. In any case, it will look original and impressive.

The number of products on the frame depends on your desire. You can either leave one bottle or secure four or more bottles at once.

Laserdisc chandelier idea

This idea is great for those who have a large amount left in the house. laser discs, but you can’t bring yourself to throw them away. It’s worth noting right away that manufacturing options and the result can be very different. It all depends on your imagination and creativity!


Process of creation:

  1. Make a hole in a thicker board and install a starter with a switch in it.
  2. Then connect it all to the lamp.
  3. String disks onto the lamp.
  4. Place the stands around the discs and secure the top.

The finished product will delight its owners for a long time, and it does not require special care. It is not advisable to place this type of chandelier in a child’s room so that the child cannot harm himself (only if the chandelier hangs out of reach).

Shabby chic chandelier

For creating effective lighting in the room, you can also make a chandelier from fabric or beads. The result will be a kind of candelabra or lampshade in the “shabby chic” style.


  • a ready-made metal or wooden frame (or it can be made from an old hoop, garden basket, thick wire);
  • socket and lamp;
  • chains and threads for decoration;
  • all kinds of beads and seed beads.

Working on such a lampshade is not difficult, but it is a very painstaking task. Such chandeliers usually consist of two or three levels of rings, which are located on top of each other. It all depends on the size of the chosen bases. If you take rings of the same diameter, the finished product will be made in the “modern” style.

One of important points is that before you start decorating the chandelier you need to paint and wrap the frames with decorative materials!

The approximate consumption of beads is:

  • For the lower part of the lampshade - 16 mm beads, about 15-17 pieces per thread;
  • For the upper part of the lampshade - 12 mm beads, about 35 pieces per thread.

Naturally, when stringing beads on a thread, you can increase or decrease their number or the degree of thread tension. But it is still advisable to stock up on materials in excess of the norm.

The essence of the work is to hang threads with beads in a “waterfall” or “cascade” so that they flow downward along the structure.

In order to create the effect of “muting” the light, you can sheathe the frame with thick fabric.

A DIY chandelier will definitely add a fresh touch, originality and beauty to your interior. You will immediately notice how the room will sparkle with new colors, and your guests will sincerely admire your creativity, hard work and original taste!

90 photos of DIY chandelier ideas