home · Lighting · DIY wooden panels. A paper panel is an unexpected grace (56 photos). Now, for example, panels from

DIY wooden panels. A paper panel is an unexpected grace (56 photos). Now, for example, panels from

Original bright accents The interior may include paintings, photographs or panels of flowers on the walls. Decorating your own apartment is an opportunity to realize creative ideas and express yourself through unusual decor. You can create voluminous flower arrangements yourself or order such creative works from experienced master decorators.

You can add individuality to the interior of your home by placing exclusive floral panels on the stele using other materials - twigs, fruits or ribbons.

Such works will definitely attract the eye due to their special characteristics:

  • A bright composition on a plain background attracts attention;
  • Delicate flowers used in the work will add calmness to the interior;
  • Volumetric work looks unusual on a flat wall;
  • All compositions are made by hand and therefore unique.

By posting flower arrangement on the wall you don’t have to be afraid that it will highlight harmful substances and will be hazardous to health, because all materials used are environmentally friendly.

Depending on the type of room in which the panel will hang, it may contain artificial, fresh or dried flowers, fruits, pebbles, mother-of-pearl or other or artificial materials. Collected in one composition, they will create a certain image for the room.

You can get ideas for decorating panels and rooms in general in special stores, florist catalogs, handicraft magazines, attend a master class, or look at examples of the work of designers or amateurs.

How to make a floral panel with your own hands

To decorate the walls, you can order panels from experienced craftswomen, but it is better to make such a composition with your own hands, especially since it is not so difficult. Such a floral panel will not only be unique, but its performer will also feel proud when guests appreciate her work.

Before you start creating, you need to decide what flowers and other decorations will be used.

You can choose from the following colors:

  • Artificial ready-made;
  • Alive;
  • Dried flowers;
  • Tape;
  • Paper;
  • Knitted;
  • Made from natural materials.

You don’t have to limit yourself to the list above, because some craftsmen make flowers from any available materials: cotton pads, plastic forks, fabric, dough, plasticine and other things.

Particular attention should be paid to the background, since it is it that will unite the composition into a single whole. The background of the painting should not be bright or contrasting with the color of the wall on which the panel will hang, otherwise the painting will not be effective enough.

A panel of artificial flowers - simple and effective

Most simple option creating a floral panel will involve creating a composition of artificial flowers. Even a beginner can do such work; it is only important to decide on general idea compositions.

Tapestry panel in the interior – great option decorate a wall in your home. We will tell you about the history of the creation of tapestries and their use in interior decoration in the article: .

The panel may depict:

  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • A simple picture;
  • Flower bush;
  • A tropical forest.

When assembling a composition, you need to pay attention to the color of the elements used so that they match each other. All necessary materials you need to prepare it in advance, so to create a floral panel with your own hands you will definitely need artificial flowers, a base (burlap, paper, plywood, cardboard), glue (Moment or PVA), a frame and glass.

Whether to use glass or not depends on individual preferences. Decorative composition will be stored behind glass longer, but if you refuse it, you can place some elements outside the frame. Thus, the picture will turn out interesting and voluminous and will enliven the wall.

Original floral panel made of fresh flowers

Beautiful decorative panel can also be made from fresh flowers. In this case, the work will turn out to be more fragile and less durable, but very sensual and tender.

An original panel for a children's room can be made from wallpaper. We'll teach you in the next article: .

To create a panel of fresh flowers, you can use the following ideas:

  1. Attach a small vase with water to the base of the panel in the frame, in which you can place bouquets of your favorite fresh flowers;
  2. Glue fern leaves onto the base at different angles to create the feeling of an impenetrable jungle;
  3. Attach wildflowers to the background with tape, such work will quickly deteriorate, but the flowers can always be replaced with fresher ones, and every day the composition will have a different look, and from dry ones you can make a different picture;
  4. Install a special tray with soil in which the shoots of indoor flowers will grow in a certain way.

When working with fresh flowers, we must not forget about water and special care, because they can easily be damaged and thereby spoiled general form compositions. Pictures of fresh flowers look beautiful, complemented by other decorative elements - beads, sparkles, butterflies. You can create entire paintings from flowers or limit yourself to compact bouquets.

We do it ourselves: a panel of flowers (video)

Do flower panel It’s not that difficult, you just need to be patient, prepare the necessary materials and use your imagination. In addition, the elements used can be easily found, for example, dry roses from a donated bouquet or unnecessary shoots indoor plants, make flowers from old magazines or use other craft materials.

Examples of panels made from dried flowers with your own hands (photos in interiors)

Any environment tends to become boring and the first thought is to start renovations to satisfy aesthetic needs. However, this will result in high costs.

To update your interior, you don't have to do a huge renovation. Any room can be effectively decorated with a masterpiece design art self-made

You can get by with little expense, you just need to introduce a few new elements into the interior. One option to freshen up a room is to place a wall panel.

Things created with your own hands are valued much higher and look very organic in the interior of any style. A decorative panel on the wall with your own hands is an opportunity to create comfort and harmonize the design of a room that combines several interior solutions.

The first step in creating a panel is to decide on the design of the future decoration

The optimal place to place the panel is a free wall, where the only decoration will be

The use of wall panels is relevant:

  • when connecting different styles interior;
  • when focusing on certain design elements;
  • will help divide the room into zones;
  • if necessary, hide imperfections on the wall surface;
  • to bring variety and comfort to your home.

With the help of panels you can highlight the sleeping area, the main thing is to choose good combination colors

Panel for different designs must be selected very carefully and taken into account color scheme. If the interior of the room has dark-colored walls, then the panel should be light, but not stand out from the overall composition. Modern directions they accept the creation of panels with views of megalopolises; classicism involves the use of mosaics or drawings with natural motifs.

For spacious room use panels big size, even reaching the ceiling

It’s easy to create a decorative panel for the interior with your own hands, and if you have no previous experience in handicrafts, there is always a way out. Can be purchased ready-made mosaics, which are simply laid out like a puzzle and attached to a surface, or use a photo collage of family photos.

Types of decorative panels

There are many types of wall panels and among them:

Decorative stone panel looks monumental and very durable

Decorative panel made of decorative plaster

DIY panels for the interior from decorative plaster gives the room an extraordinary look and is a three-dimensional image. If you position the light correctly, you can achieve the effect of increasing the space and make you want to touch the wall.

A three-dimensional panel made of decorative plaster looks impressive and creates visual space

Large selection of decorative finishing materials allows you to create unique effects:

  • imitated marble and other stone;
  • silk or velvet;
  • aged walls;
  • cracked soil;
  • tree.

Pictures made from three-dimensional plaster can be created on a surface made of any material: stone, brick, wood or metal

Before starting work, walls or other surfaces must be primed. At the next stage, a sketch of the future panel in the interior is drawn and the plaster begins to be applied in layers. After drying, each layer must be sanded for better adhesion to each other. The work is quite painstaking, but worth the time spent. The result is a strong, beautiful, relief image. And to increase wear resistance, the finished jewelry can be varnished.

A syringe is used to create a bas-relief

Decorative wood panel

At all times, a tree was considered excellent material, which can look harmonious in any interior. Wall decoration made with carvings looks expensive and can inspire new life V old interior. You can burn a picture on wood or use nails and threads different color create a work of art.

Such a panel will require extraordinary abilities, but it looks gorgeous

A wooden panel made from branch cuts will decorate even the simplest interior, and it’s not difficult to make.

When choosing a material, you should buy expensive types of wood, since the product must serve long years.

Decorative panel made of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are a fairly durable material that can be easily used in the interior of a kitchen or bathroom. But their use is not limited to these rooms, as it will look appropriate in the living room and hallway.

The panel may consist of several ceramic tiles or fill out most walls

A ceramic wall panel can be placed either on the entire wall or in certain areas. And also, it is possible to purchase an image that does not have clearly defined boundaries. This allows you to create perspective in your design.

The mosaic panel is made from small ceramic parts and requires perseverance

The advantages of this material include:

  • durability;
  • image quality;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • wide range of pictures.

Panel using decoupage technique

Decorating a wall with a panel made using the decoupage technique is easy to do with your own hands. To make it, you will need to buy a base (plywood), which must be sanded, primed, painted in the desired color and glued on a decoupage card or napkin. Finished work varnished for ease of further use.

Elegant decorative panels using the decoupage technique can be made together with children

Such decorative element will be appropriate in any interior, since you can choose any image that will complement the design.

Wine cork panel

To create it, you will need the wine corks themselves and a frame where they will be placed. To increase the quantity, they can be cut in half. They can be attached either to a hot gun or to Dragon glue.

The corks are cut with a sharp cutter and laid out in the required order.

As a frame, it is better to choose materials of natural origin like wood. This way, it will not distract attention from the composition.

This painting fits perfectly into the interior of a living room or kitchen.

In the interior of the kitchen, such a panel will look appropriate and stylish.

Decorative panel in the interior

In addition to thinking over the material for decorating the wall, you need to decide on the correct size. For large rooms You can use images that occupy most of the wall, but for small ones it is better to get by with less bulky compositions. Even with the help small panel You can place accents and emphasize the individuality of the design.

Panel from leftover wallpaper - cheap option decorating your room

For this panel you needed a large stack of old newspapers, glue, paints and a clock mechanism

An exception may be a decorative panel in the interior, on which the motif has a horizontal or vertical arrangement. Such decorations can occupy the entire wall of a small room, playing the role of visual expansion space or increasing ceiling heights.

They sawed, planed, knocked down and covered with stain - what could be simpler?

Kitchen wall panel

A decorative panel for the kitchen should be made from durable materials, since this room is saturated with cooking odors and surfaces are susceptible to soot formation. Usually the decor is placed near dining area or on the apron, in the center of the work area.

For panels above the stove, use ceramic tiles

The most suitable material is a tile. But near the table, away from the stove, you can use any type of wall decor.

Bathroom panel

Because of high humidity, a decorative panel for a bathroom interior is possible only from tiles or mosaics. But that doesn't reduce the options.

Ceramic panel with the apartment owner’s favorite flowers

A beautiful landscape or other image placed on the wall behind the bathroom will create the impression of presence. Paintings with sea beaches, mermaids, yachts, etc. are common.

Beautiful panel for the bedroom

It is recommended to place a decorative panel in the bedroom near the head of the bed.

Above the head of the bed - perfect place for panels in the bedroom

When choosing a picture, you must understand that the room is intended for relaxation, so it is not recommended to use bright colors and dynamic images. Also, the decoration can be hung on any free wall, but it is advisable that it be located opposite the door.

Panel for a children's room

Towards creation simple decoration You can attract your child to the wall in the nursery. This will not only contribute to its development, but will also help you navigate the chosen pattern.

This panel is made of colored paper and pasted directly onto the wallpaper, and a polystyrene ceiling plinth was used for the frame.

For panels, you can use fabrics, embroidery or elementary mosaics depicting your favorite cartoon character. In this room you can experiment with color, but do not forget that this is not only game Zone, but also a children's bedroom.

Panel in the living room interior

As in any other room, the panel should be in harmony with overall design and match the dimensions of the room. Natural images of forests with paths going into the distance are often used to decorate walls. This allows you to create perspective and expand the boundaries of space. A well-chosen image will turn your apartment into a cozy nest.

The basis of the panel with parrots is a sheet of plywood on which fabric is stretched and the whole thing is inserted into a frame.

Decorative panel from family photographs

Video on how to make a decorative panel from plaster

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating panels on the wall

Empty walls in an apartment make the atmosphere uncomfortable and unwelcoming. But everything changes if they are decorated with paintings or a decorative element such as a panel. It's easy to make from scrap materials. This does not require the talent of an artist or carpenter: all the figures can be made using a stencil.

Moreover, making a wall panel with your own hands is a great activity for the whole family, in which both adults and children can take part. A joint activity will unite family members, and the masterpiece created will fill the house with peace, love and harmony.

Salt dough is an excellent material for modeling. The process of creating a masterpiece perfectly develops fine motor skills, which is useful for children in speech production.

Why not plasticine panels? After all, it also warms up well, develops motor skills, and there is a wide choice color palette. The fact is that plasticine always remains soft, it cannot be dried, and sooner or later the panel may be damaged. But this is not a problem for dried dough: it is hard and durable. And if you varnish it, it will last for centuries.

To prepare salt dough you will need:
  1. Fine salt – 1 tbsp;
  2. Flour – 2 tbsp;
  3. Unrefined vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l. (instead, it is better to take the same amount of dry wallpaper glue or hand and face cream);
  4. Water – about 125 ml.

Properly prepared dough should not stick to your hands, should knead well and be quite dense and elastic. If it is too viscous, add flour; if it sticks to your hands, add oil.

You can make the dough aromatic by adding spices: red and black pepper, turmeric, nutmeg, cinnamon and others. You can make the dough colored using food coloring.

How to make a salt dough panel:
  • From ready dough sculpt a picture or make separate figures for it, which will later need to be assembled.

What the picture will be like, what details it should consist of, depends only on your imagination. Here is another example of a DIY panel made from dough.

  • When the modeling is completed, the dough panel is placed in the oven to dry for an hour.
  • The temperature inside the oven should be no higher than 80 degrees.

In order for the salt dough panel to be durable, it must be coated with a layer of varnish.

Fabric panel

You can decorate a wall using different materials. One of the most popular is fabric. For the panel, you can use any fabric that is available in your home:

  • sackcloth;
  • knitwear;
  • canvas;
  • calico;
  • felt;
  • atlas;
  • silk;
  • chintz.

Fabric panels can be created in a variety of ways. It is impossible to describe them all at once, but we will give examples of some of the ideas for crafts.

Square panel made of multi-colored patches

To work you will need:

  1. Panel base (cardboard);
  2. Multi-colored scraps of fabric;
  3. Threads;
  4. Sewing machine (you can do it by hand, but it takes a long time).
How to make a panel from scraps:
  • First, mark the base for the panel on cardboard. To do this, redraw the drawing with a pencil in the same way as in the photo below. It is important not to confuse the numbering. Each number indicates when and where to sew the next patch.

  • When the base is prepared, you can begin to lay out the pieces of fabric. They need to be bent in half and sewn to the base so that the cut part remains out of sight, and the folded part displays an even and clear fold line. To better understand how to make a panel with your own hands using this method, look at the photo below.

Felt for creativity

Children are very pleased with funny cartoon panels made of felt with images of little animals. This is the easiest way to create original decoration for the wall, since you only need:

  1. Original picture (you can print any picture from the Internet);
  2. Cardboard;
  3. Pencil;
  4. Scissors;
  5. Felt;
  6. Glue;
  7. Basis for panels (cardboard, fabric and other materials).

How to make a felt panel:
  • Using a picture, you can easily use a pencil, cardboard and scissors to cut out stencils for animal figures.
  • Patterns are drawn on felt fabric using a stencil.
  • Then they cut out the figures and glue them to the base so that the desired picture is obtained.

Look what a fun panel you can make from felt.

Burlap panel

The burlap itself looks very unusual. Therefore, the simplest panel made from this material is a piece of canvas stretched in a frame. But a prerequisite is that the frame must be decorated, otherwise this burlap panel will not produce an effect. Decor can also be made from burlap: cut out ribbons, flowers and other decorations.

Burlap can also be used as a base for panels, as in the photo above. You can use it to make flowers, as in the second photo:

They, in turn, become decorative elements for another panel, as in the photo below:

Paper panel

Paper is one of the simplest and available materials. You can make a lot out of it beautiful elements home decor. Not only an adult, but also a child can cope with this. Read below to learn how to decorate a wall with your own hands using colored paper.

Panel of round paper structures

This panel can be made in less than an hour, but it will decorate the wall for a very long time. You can take good pictures against the background of this panel. It is suitable for active and cheerful people. For it you will need the following materials and tools:

  • scotch;
  • paper clips;
  • colored paper;
  • stapler;
  • pins.
How to make a paper panel:

The finished product is very bright and beautiful.

Panel from photographs

The word “photography” is immediately associated with the image of a person or an entire group of friends. Usually photographs are framed not for beauty, but for memory. But all this can be combined using a panel of photographs.

And here you don’t necessarily need your photographs - they can also be artistic. You will especially like this idea if you are an amateur photographer. Look what original panel it turns out.

A simple panel made of colored paper

This panel can be made with your own hands in 20 minutes, but it looks so original that you can’t take your eyes off it. The only difficulty that will arise is finding paper in 30 different colors.

How to make a panel from colored paper:

The final stage of making the panel is shown in the photo below:

Bead panel

Wall panels made of beads are usually very difficult to make. This will require patience, time and desire to do a real masterpiece. Panels can be created from beads in several ways:

  1. By forming a picture using beads and glue;
  2. By bead embroidery on fabric;
  3. By weaving.

For each case you will need special scheme. You can come up with it yourself. But for this you need to have a good imagination, especially when it comes to weaving. But you can use a ready-made master class; there are many of them on the Internet. Let's consider one of the ideas for a beaded panel.

Bead panel “Strawberries”

In order to make a panel like the one in the photo, you will need the following materials:

  • white beads with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • green beads (2 or more shades) with a diameter of 2.3 mm;
  • red beads with diameters of 2.1 mm;
  • beads yellow color diameters 5 mm;
  • special wire for beading.
How to make a panel of beads “Strawberries”:

Look below what elegant panels can be made using ordinary beads.

A panel made from newspaper tubes. Everyone has the material for it. Prepare:

  • Magazines or newspapers;
  • If you want to change the color of the paper, you will need paint or food coloring;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Glue.

Follow the instructions:

  1. Cut newspapers into individual sheets;
  2. Roll the sheets into tubes, fixing them with glue;
  3. Paint the tubes any color you wish;
  4. Twist the resulting tubes in a circle, alternating tubes of different colors;
  5. Make a lot of these circles different sizes;
  6. Sew the resulting circles together using strong twine;
  7. Next, we decorate the walls with our own hands using a ready-made panel.

Using these instructions you can create many different panels. They look very unusual, and you would never guess that this is an ordinary newspaper!

Amazing paintings can be created using ordinary nails and threads. However, they are not the only ones required for the panel. Check if you have everything:

  • The board is the basis for the panel;
  • Small cloves (a lot);
  • Multi-colored threads;
  • Hammer;
  • Scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • Stencil of the drawing (you can print any one from the Internet).

How to make a panel from threads and nails:
  1. First you need to cut out a stencil that is placed on the board. To keep the drawing motionless, it is fixed with adhesive tape.
  2. Then start driving carnations along the contours of the parts of the design so that, if you remove the stencil, it is clear what is drawn there. This is necessary so as not to get confused later in selecting individual fragments of the pattern to cover it with thread of the same color.
  3. The stencil can be removed when the last nail is driven in. Then start working with yarn. To do this, its end is secured to one of the small nails and wound around a certain area: for example, on a flower petal. There is no particular order here. The main thing is that as a result the thread is wound evenly everywhere.
  4. “Paint” each fragment of the picture with threads in a similar way.

Almost every home has a box or jar where buttons have been stored for years. In the end, there were so many of them that there was nowhere to put them. Buttons of different colors, large and small, with holes or with bows - all this can be an excellent material for a panel that will decorate a boring wall.

For a button panel you will need the following materials:

  • base (cardboard, fabric stretched over a frame, board);
  • buttons of different colors and sizes;
  • glue;
  • fantasy or drawing to summarize it on a basis;
  • pencil;
  • copy paper.

The most original thing that comes to mind is the “Money Tree” panel. Of course, it is better to make it from the coins themselves, but since coins are not green, they can be successfully replaced with buttons. But no one forbids combining coins with buttons in one panel. It is believed that Money Tree brings money to the house. Make such a panel for your home so that there will always be prosperity in it. For this:

  1. Apply a pattern on the base in the form of a thick trunk and a lush crown;
  2. Prepare green and brown buttons of different sizes and shades of color;
  3. Apply glue to the base in in the right places and glue the buttons one by one. They start gluing from the trunk, since it should look under the crown of the tree. Glue buttons in the shape of leaves, going onto the trunk, so that you can see how the green foliage “hangs down”.

In fact, the buttons do not have to be green, since it may be autumn. Then the leaf buttons can be yellow, red, brown. Here it is appropriate to arrange buttons together with yellow coins. And you can make a background from silver coins: as if frost fell on an autumn morning and the ground froze.

Beautiful panels of buttons - ideas in the video:

If you have purchased an apartment or a house, or simply want to decorate the apartment after renovation, then the question inevitably arises: What to hang on the wall? Here you will find the answer!

Really, panel on the wall will perfectly decorate your living room, bedroom or kitchen. Here you will find a variety of wall panels made in the form of polyptychs (diptychs, triptychs, etc.). All you have to do is choose the plot of the panel. Our wall panels are made to specific orders and are produced using large-format canvas printing. Every part panel on the wall is pulled onto the subframe.

This picture shows an example of a five-part wall panel (item P-779). Abstract plot. It is very suitable, for example, for decorating a living room, but can also be used in other rooms. To secure each part of the panel to the wall, we provide free special hooks that are easily attached to the wall and, when removed, leave almost no marks on the wall. Convenient and very practical!

How to choose a wall panel

The choice of wall panels depends entirely on the style and interior of the room, as well as on your taste. Presented on our website widest choice panel plots - from abstraction to children's pictures. Using the catalog on the left side of the page, you can select the desired topic and the plot that suits you for the panel. However, if you still haven’t found what you need, we will select and offer you several scenes for wall panels that meet your expectations.

Here is another example of a four-piece panel. For example, in the bedroom or hallway. Calm story in calm colors. By the way, when completing an order, we can make any color adjustments to the painting. To the point of turning it into a black and white image!

Order a wall panel and enjoy the magnificent scenes!

Making a wall panel with your own hands is a great opportunity not only to make a beautiful, original decoration for your apartment, but also to add an element of homely warmth and individuality to the decor. This decorative element is also used by designers to mask defects and uneven surfaces, protect the coating from dirt, and also to visually increase space. In order to make a panel from scrap materials with your own hands, you can use fabrics, leather, paper, photographs, threads, beads, bottle caps, mosaics, glass fragments, cereals, shells, stones and much more. In this article we will look at some original ideas production of similar decor with the provision of their photos. Get inspired with us and feel free to take on the decor of your home.

DIY shell panel

When relaxing on the seashore, children love to collect various shells scattered on the coast. But when they come home, they often simply don’t know what to do with them and how to use them. Placed in small bags, shells and beautiful stones only replenish the contents of cabinets and shelves, where they remain for many years. But they can be an excellent material for creating panels on the wall with your own hands. A wide variety of their shapes and colors will help you create excellent compositions that will decorate any room, especially if the interior is decorated in a marine style.

Preparing to create a wall panel with your own hands from shells

A panel of shells will require the following details: shells, a frame (you can use a photo frame, board or plywood), glue, acrylic paints (stain, nail polish). You will also need background material - fabric, burlap, mesh or sand. Depending on the sketch, there may also be additional elements- beads, buttons, stones, rhinestones, etc.

First of all, the shells must be processed - washed, dried and sorted by type and size. In order to give them brightness, while maintaining the same color, they can be covered with stain or clear nail polish. Some DIY panel designs will require different colors. In this case, the shells can be painted acrylic paints, or use a solution of potassium permanganate as such. The frame can also be treated, for example, painted blue or white.

Various types of shells can be randomly arranged on a plane, which will look quite attractive, as shown in the photo. Or you can create various panel designs with your own hands, for example, a seascape, a ship, a doll, flowers, etc. In this case, you will need to make a preliminary sketch, onto which you will then apply the prepared material.

Do-it-yourself shell wall panel for beginners: photos and basic manufacturing processes

Let's start with the most simple models that even a child can do. For example, a chaotic drawing. To do this, you must first apply background fabric or sand to the base using glue and assemble the frame. The background can be painted in any suitable color before gluing the materials. Some paintings suggest monotony. In this case, the entire finished composition is painted. Now we begin to glue a variety of shells. Additionally, you can decorate empty spaces with beads, threads and other available materials.

The panel of shells in the form of a seascape looks quite beautiful (and we can see it in the photo). It’s not difficult to create such a picture, and it for a long time will remind you of a good holiday by the sea.

Sophisticated options for do-it-yourself wall panels made from shells

Panels, like art paintings, can have a variety of subjects. For example, a panel of shells can depict a lush bouquet, which, as can be seen in the photo, will look very realistic and voluminous. To do this, it is better to give the shells different shades using paints. Initially, shells of suitable size are selected, from which the buds are formed, and then the centers. You can use thick thread or rows of beads as stems.

Sea pebbles can transform such a picture in the most successful way. In the photo we see how elegant the panel made of shells and stones looks.
If you want to depict any animal in a picture or create a portrait, you need to take care of a sufficient number of shells of the same size. Below are examples of such work.

DIY wall panel made from coffee beans

A panel made of coffee beans will perfectly decorate the kitchen interior, adding an appropriate decorative element. Such paintings can be decorated for other rooms by choosing the appropriate design. These can be images of various cute animals for a children's room, beautiful hearts for bedrooms, etc. In order to make a panel from coffee beans with your own hands, you will naturally need the coffee beans themselves, glue (PVA, "Moment" or, most conveniently, glue -gun), a base in the form of plywood, a board or a photo frame, as well as additional elements: fabric for the background, felt rope, burlap, scissors and a pencil for creating a sketch.

Some craftsmen manage to create entire portraits and paintings from coffee beans, but such work requires some skills, so you should start with simpler pictures.

DIY panel made from buttons

Many housewives probably have entire boxes with various buttons left over from worn items. They can lie there for years without finding a use, like unnecessary trash, which is a pity to throw away. But with a little imagination and creativity, you can make the most beautiful things out of them. wall panel with your own hands. For example, using the least popular green and brown buttons of various shades, you can create a wonderful “money” tree, as shown in the photo. At the same time, from available materials, only a board, glue and a pencil are needed to sketch the sketch. All this is available in any household, so decorating such a panel with your own hands will not entail material costs.

DIY wall panel made of wood

One of modern trends interior design is the use of eco-materials, in particular wood. In such conditions the best option You can decorate an empty wall with a do-it-yourself decorative panel made of wood. Let's look at how to make a panel with your own hands using tree branches.

All you need is: a sheet thick cardboard or chipboard, glue (it is better to use hot melt glue, which hardens very quickly), a hacksaw, varnish and brushes and, of course, branches of different tree species that differ in thickness. To decorate the frame you can use wooden slats or baguette.

The dimensions of the canvas depend only on personal preference. Before making a panel, you need to think about what shape it will have, dimensions and possible shades.

Initially, the frame is made. Here you will need additional tool— a miter box that allows you to cut workpieces at an angle of 45 degrees. The finished frame is attached to the base using small nails or a stapler. Then we cut nickels from the branches, and the thickness can be different.

Ready-made blanks are laid out on the canvas in a chaotic order, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest, which will fill the resulting voids. When everything is ready and the canvas is completely filled, we proceed to gluing all the fragments. After this, you need to wait for the glue to dry and apply a layer of varnish. It will serve as an additional decoration, making the picture glossy and, moreover, creating protective layer from moisture and harmful insects. At this point, making panels with your own hands can be considered complete. The only thing left to do is install it.