home · electrical safety · Heuchera blood red variety. Heuchera: planting and care. Location and lighting for the plant

Heuchera blood red variety. Heuchera: planting and care. Location and lighting for the plant

Today, heuchera is at the peak of its fame and interest in it does not wane every year. This is well deserved - the number of varieties has exceeded a hundred and they are all different from each other. The color of the leaves surprises with the play of shades - scarlet, green-silver, wine, yellow-green. How can you not be tempted and start collecting your collection!

Popular types and varieties

Heuchera – herbaceous perennial up to 0.5 m high with a fleshy rhizome and serrated leaves. The leaves are collected in basal rosettes. The flowers are located on a long peduncle and form panicle inflorescences up to 20 cm high. They are colored red, pink, white, greenish-cream.

Heuchera is native to North America. There, in wooded areas, on river banks and in mountainous areas, about 70 species known today grow.

An unpretentious and frost-resistant species with dense green or spotted leaves and scarlet miniature flowers.

Heuchera varieties "Monet" forms a compact rosette of dense, jagged green leaves with a white pattern. The flowers are small pink, crimson or red, collected in a panicle up to 20 cm in length.

In heuchera varieties " Hercules» bright green leaves with white speckles. Bright red inflorescences stand out against their background. This variety blooms for almost 2 months.

Heuchera parviflora

The most spectacular and elegant heuchera. This is a plant for decorating the foreground in flower beds. It stands out for its bright maple-shaped leaves of red-brown color. Silvery spots may appear against the main background. Many small flowers located on a high peduncle are cream-colored.

Famous variety " Purple Castle"received its name for the rich dark burgundy shade of large glossy leaves.

She is loved for her beautiful and long-lasting flowering. There are many large, drooping flowers on tall and strong peduncles. They resemble in shape and are colored white, coral and pink. Small green or silver-green leaves form compact bushes.

Red inflorescences of the variety " Rocket"They delight with flowering from mid-summer to September. The leaves of the plant are bright green.

An unpretentious mountain species with green, heart-shaped leaves and silvery veins. Tall flower stalks grow up to 1 m. The flowers are small, white-green or coral in color.

« Greenfinch" - one of the cultivars of Heuchera cylindrical. It has wavy green leaves and burgundy veins. White-green flowers bloom in July-August.

It stands out for its large leaves, up to 20 cm, covered with hairs and pale pink or white inflorescences.

Will not get lost in the shady heuchera garden " Brownness" Large velvety leaves are collected in large rosettes. Their color has a complex green-brown-red tint.

This species is distinguished by excellent health - resistant to diseases and pests. Tolerates low winter climate temperatures well Middle zone. The foliage is shaped like leaves. The flowers of this species are large and white.

American hybrids

This is the most numerous and beautiful group. The leaves of these heucheras resemble luxurious ones. Depending on the variety, their color can be solid green or a complex combination of several shades. The combination of leaves, unusual in shape and color with delicate inflorescences, leaves no one indifferent.

Popular hybrid "Marmalade» will revive the flower garden corrugated leaves red-yellow-orange and white flowers.

Heuchera leaves look like flashes of bright crimson " Rachel." Her flowering is just as bright.

Heuchera wavy leaves "Cancan" compared to the full skirts of dancers. The leaves are red-brown above and crimson below. It blooms with small cream flowers in June-July.

Growing from seeds

Sowing is carried out in the spring - in March or April. The substrate must be light. Vermiculite or perlite are good soil looseners. Water will not stagnate if the soil contains 30% of these materials.

The boxes are filled with prepared soil and moistened with a spray bottle. Then the seeds are distributed over the surface, not planting deeply, but lightly pressing them into the soil. Seeds need light to germinate.

The boxes are covered plastic bag and place it in a well-lit place. The crops are ventilated and watered, preventing them from drying out. Seedlings appear gradually - within 2-3 weeks the maximum number of seedlings will germinate.

Plant them in separate pots or spacious drawers after 2–3 true leaves appear. Seedlings are planted in the ground, keeping an interval between bushes of at least 20 cm. Grown from seeds, plants bloom after 3 years.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

Heuchera grows well in fertile, loose soils with neutral acidity pH 5.5–6.5. Water should not stagnate in the soil, otherwise the rhizomes will quickly begin to rot. For outflow excess moisture Deep drainage is provided in the planting areas.

Sites for heuchera are chosen so that the plants are well lit in the first half of the day. In the sun the leaves become brighter. Some varieties prefer partial shade or shaded areas. Heuchera is often planted in the garden in tree trunk circles fruit trees and bushes.

Planting in open ground

Young seedlings in the climate of the Central zone are planted in open ground no earlier than the end of May. By this time, warm weather will have established and the risk of frost returning is minimal.

At the planting site, holes are prepared with a width and depth of 30 cm. For drainage, pieces of broken red brick or a layer of expanded clay are placed at the bottom of the holes. Garden soil is mixed with compost or humus, and ash is added. Dry shoots of seedlings are cut off and long roots are shortened. If there is damage on them, then these parts are also cut off. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

The bushes are planted in holes and watered. At first, monitor the soil moisture; it should not dry out, and shade the small rosettes from the hot sun. Within 1.5–2 months, young heuchera will form root system.



Both waterlogging and overdrying of the soil are harmful to heuchera. In hot weather, the bushes are watered abundantly 2-3 times a week. After watering, the plants are loosened superficially so as not to damage the small roots. Mulching with plant residues and peat retains moisture well.


Under natural conditions, heuchera can grow in poor soils. But in cultivation, in order for plants to show their decorative properties, they need additional nutrition.

Fertilizing should be moderate; excessive use of fertilizers leads to the occurrence of diseases.

On soils rich in organic matter, the first year of heuchera can do without fertilizing. Subsequently, the plants are fed with mineral complexes. Concentration nutrients should be 2 times less than recommended in the instructions. During the summer, it is useful to dust young bushes with ash several times.


Heuchera needs to be rejuvenated every 3-4 years. With a longer period of cultivation, the plant looks less decorative, becomes smaller, overwinters worse and may die.

In spring, heuchera roots and young rosettes often protrude to the soil surface and become bare. Therefore, every year the bushes are hilled up or an additional layer of earth is added around them.


In young and immature plants, as well as in varieties valued for the beauty of their foliage, emerging flower stalks are cut off. This will save energy for the heucheras. They will direct them not to flowering and ripening seeds, but to increasing leaf mass. In varieties with beautiful flowers Trimming faded flower stalks stimulates the appearance of new ones.

During the summer, as young leaves grow, old foliage is gradually cut off. For winter, shoots and leaves of heuchera are not cut off.

Shelter for the winter

Some varieties, especially those with light leaves, and young heucheras need winter shelter. It will protect the bushes not only from frost, but also from spring burns. In the fall, the soil around the plant is covered with a layer of moss or mulch, and on top with spruce branches or lutrasil. The shelter should not be dense, otherwise the heucheras may dry out.

Plants that were planted in containers are brought indoors for the winter. A basement or a glazed and insulated terrace is suitable for this.


Heuchera reproduces by seeds and vegetatively - by cuttings and dividing the bush.

Heucheras are easy to propagate seeds, but it must be taken into account that varietal characteristics are not completely preserved with this method. Seeds are purchased at the store or collected from your own plants. They have a limited shelf life, maximum germination lasts for 6 months. The seeds are round, black, and resemble poppy seeds.

Dividing the bush The easiest and most reliable way to propagate Heuchera.

In May or early September, the bush is dug up, long roots and rotten areas are pruned. The heuchera is divided into several parts with a sharp knife. The cuttings are immediately planted, deepening them down to the growing young leaves. New plantings are watered and protected with lutrasil. After 2 weeks, the divisions will strengthen in their new place and shelter will no longer be needed.

By cuttings you can get a larger number of new plants from one bush.

Before or after flowering, shoots 5–8 cm long are cut from the bushes, the lower sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal or “Kornevin” and planted in a box filled with a damp and loose substrate or sand.

The top of the cuttings is covered with a plastic bag or glass jar. The rooting process will take 3–4 weeks.

As cuttings, you can take rosettes with pieces of the stem and part of the adventitious roots. The sections are treated with Kornevin and the rosettes are planted in a mini-greenhouse for 1–1.5 months. During this time, new roots will grow and the plants can be planted on permanent place.

Pests, diseases

The causes of heuchera diseases are increased acidity, excess organic matter in the soil and stagnation of water. This leads to the emergence root rot, powdery mildew, rust And leaf spot.

In case of rot, emergency measures are taken: watering is reduced, diseased parts are cut off from affected bushes, healthy tissues are treated with fungicides. To preserve the plant in case of severe damage, cut off healthy rosettes and root them.

Fungicides also help control powdery mildew. For rust and leaf spots, use Bordeaux mixture.

Heucheras love caterpillars, slugs And snails. They gnaw out strong and juicy leaves. If there are few pests, they can be collected manually and destroyed. In case of mass invasion, they are dealt with using insecticides.

The carved and wavy foliage of heuchera gives the garden a special airiness. All season long they decorate borders, rock gardens, mixborders, and coastal areas. Heucheras look harmonious in composition with shrubs, beauties, ferns, etc.

You will learn more about heuchera from the video.

The heuchera or heuchera plant (lat. Heuchera) belongs to the Saxifraga family. An evergreen herbaceous plant valued for its decorative round leaves. The flower has the ability to change color under the influence of natural conditions. Using an exotic plant, you can hide empty areas or decorate infertile areas. A perennial crop native to North America. There are more than 70 subspecies of heuchera. Widely used in medicine and landscape design.

Heuchera can become the main decoration of the garden.


Heuchera must be planted in accordance with varietal requirements. For crops with bright colors and variegated foliage, a brightly lit area is suitable. Representatives of the genus with dark green foliage require a semi-shaded area.

It is preferable to plant the plant in the western or eastern part of the yard. Direct sunlight is allowed only in the early morning.

Heuchera prefers brightly lit areas.

For indoor growing, you should choose eastern window sills.


During the warm season, the ideal temperature for heuchera should be in the range of +20 to +25 degrees. The flower can withstand air temperatures down to -40 degrees.

How to water heuchera

Heuchera is a moisture-loving plant. In hot summers you will need to regularly moisten the soil several times a day. It should be remembered that waterlogged soil causes rotting of the root system.

Heuchera should be watered as needed. Excessive moisture harms the root system.

Uniform watering and moisture retention can be achieved using a thin layer of mulch. It is enough to lay a five-centimeter layer of tree bark or leaf humus at the base of the heuchera.

Transplant procedure

Within five years, the plant can actively develop in one place. Then (regardless of the amount of fertilizing and the frequency of changing the top layer of soil) you will need to dig up the plant. During this time, the flower loses its decorative effect - the shoots stretch out, the bush loses its frost resistance. In winter, the defenseless plant will die. You can delay replanting using mulch. But this does not guarantee the preservation of culture.

Heuchera must be rejuvenated at least once every two years. The procedure can be performed after the threat of morning frost has subsided.

When the first leaves appear on the plant, you should dig up the bushes. Then it is necessary to trim off the damaged areas and divide the overgrown specimens into several parts.

Need for pruning

The plant should be inspected in the spring.

In early spring, it is necessary to trim dry and damaged parts of the heuchera.

Dried stems and leaves must be carefully removed. Damaged areas must be cut off using sterile scissors at the very base of the crop.

After the procedure, you should throw away last year's layer of mulch. You can add cut leaves and stems of heuchera to the new protective layer. Only if there are no signs of pest damage or infection.

Culture on site

Thoroughly strengthened seedlings can be planted in open soil. Young plants will begin active development only in the next growing season.

It is advisable to choose a brightly lit area for new heucheras. The plant can grow in any soil. It is preferable to provide well-drained and loose soil. The appearance of waterlogging will destroy the flower.

IN open ground You don’t have to feed the plant. It is sufficient to use mineral compounds as growth stimulants. The dosage provided in the instructions must be divided into two feedings.

The active development of heuchera (heuchera) causes rapid growth of bushes. To preserve the flower, you will need to periodically add moist soil at the base of the stem.

In the fall, before cold weather sets in, you will need to cover the plant with protective stretch material. You can use oak or conifer bark. Removing leaves before the dormant period can harm the flower.

Heuchera planted in the garden does not require additional feeding.

The nuances of breeding heuhera on the site can be learned from the video:

Features of growing in a container


For breeding in room conditions you will need to choose the most fertile soil. You can purchase a ready-made mixture for indoor crops or prepare the mixture yourself at home.

The key to successful cultivation is neutral soil acidity. A pH value above or below the 5 to 6 range will often cause retarded development. Using crushed charcoal or chalk, you can raise the pH level.

Soil drainage must be provided.

When choosing a container for heuhera, you need to pay attention to a sufficient number of drainage holes.

Stagnation of water contributes to damage to the root system. Clay fragments, expanded clay, pebbles or foam can be used as drainage.

Top dressing

Heuchera planted in a container needs periodic feeding. It is not recommended to use products with a high nitrogen content. Mineral components must be added in the spring before flowering.

In summer, after the inflorescences have withered, you can use fertilizers to indoor plants. If the plant has lost its decorative appearance or has stopped growing, it will need to continue feeding no more than twice a month.

The potted crop can be fertilized as needed once every two weeks.


Heuchera has shallow roots. Therefore, you should choose a shallow, wide container for planting. To retain moisture, it is necessary to mulch the soil in the container. It is not recommended to cover the base of the plant or the stems with a protective layer. Poor air circulation will harm the flower.

Typical pests and diseases

At proper care the crop is not attacked by pests or affected by diseases.

High soil moisture levels are the main source of root rot. You can try to save the plant. To do this, it is necessary to cut off healthy sections of the stems for rooting. Then replace the top layer of waterlogged soil and remove the affected areas of the crop.

Powdery mildew, caused by microscopic fungi, can harm heuchera. At the emergence stage white plaque the crop should be thoroughly treated with fungicide or sulfur.

The appearance of swollen areas on the shoots or at the base indicates infection of the bush by growth. The plant should be dug up and destroyed immediately. The dangerous virus is carried by cicadas.

Wilting stems indicate the appearance of weevils. Heuchera should be cleaned mechanically - manually collecting all pests. After getting rid of insects, you can treat the shoots with a systemic insecticide.

Heuchera leaves must be removed at an early stage of infection.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to avoid planting crops next to plants prone to nematode damage.

Heuchera flowering

Indoor heuchera usually blooms at the end of March. It is advisable to keep the flowerpot on sunny windowsill. Paniculate inflorescences come in various colors - milky, pink, scarlet and pastel. Depending on the variety, the flowering period can last until the end of the summer months.

At favorable conditions The amazing flowering of heuchera can last for several months.

After flowering, you can collect planting material from the formed fruit - the seed capsule.

Flower growers prone to allergic reactions should pay attention to heuchera. The plant belongs to the category of safe crops that can be grown without fear on the plot, terrace and in the bedroom.

Reproduction technology

There are several ways to propagate a bush.

Heuchera from seeds

The most common and accessible method of reproduction.

High-quality planting material can be obtained by self-harvesting.

Growing from seeds will provide high-quality seedlings. However, there is no guarantee of maintaining varietal advantages. Hybrid heuchers are especially susceptible to change.

For cultivation, you can buy processed planting material at a garden office. You can collect seeds from the opened seed pod. It should be noted that germination lasts no more than six months. Therefore, preparing seeds yourself guarantees the quality of the material. To store seeds, you need to prepare a dry, sealed container.

Sowing is preferably carried out in mid-March. For planting, you should prepare a loose, fertile substrate. You will first need to heat treat the soil for 30 minutes.

Disinfected soil can be poured into seedling containers and watered evenly. For good air circulation, it is necessary to loosen the soil with a small shovel. It is advisable to use as a protective top layer thin layer(no more than 4 mm) fine-grained sand.

The seeds should be scattered evenly over the soil and gently pressed into the ground. Containers must be moved to a semi-shaded area. It is necessary to regularly maintain soil moisture. The ambient temperature should be in the range from + 22 degrees to + 24 degrees.

Favorable conditions will help the first shoots appear within three weeks. Stronger seedlings can be planted in a separate container.

To replant into open soil, it is necessary to leave the plant indoors for a few more weeks until a strong root system is formed.

The first shoots of heuchera will appear no earlier than in 3 weeks.

Dividing the bush

Heuchera varieties Leuchtkafer, White Cloud and Sioux Falls need to be replanted periodically. Growing in one place causes accelerated elongation of shoots and falling leaves. The heuchera leaves bare stems. The plant completely loses its decorative effect.

Heuchera bush rejuvenation procedure.

To restore the culture, you will need to periodically trim the bush as necessary and plant it in a prepared hole in another area.

The rejuvenation procedure includes:

  1. After the inflorescences wither, it is necessary to remove the leafless section of the stem (peduncle) and bare areas of the shoots. To save the plant, you can replant it before bud production begins.
  2. The affected areas of the cuts must be disinfected. Ideal crushed charcoal. To stimulate root formation, phytohormones should be used.
  3. You need to remove excess leaves. Cuttings should be planted in prepared mini-greenhouses. It is necessary to carefully place the planting material in the center of the container. Clean river sand is suitable as a substrate.
  4. A small recess should be left near the base of the shoot for applying fertilizer.
  5. After rooting, you can move the seedlings to open soil. It is necessary to take into account the timing of planting. If propagation was carried out in the fall, the heuhera can only be moved outside in the spring.
  6. After planting on the site for several weeks, you will need to thoroughly moisten the soil and protect the crop from direct sun rays.
  7. After successful acclimatization, you can remove the shelter.
  8. Untimely planting can destroy the flower. If bare shoots remain on the heuchera in winter, the plant will not withstand severe frost.

Heuhera cuttings

For propagation, you must choose a healthy flowering plant. There is no need to dig up the bush. At the base of the flower you need to find branches with buds. Then you should cut off the shoots and move them to a shaded place.

Before planting, growth stimulation will be required. Cuttings need to be treated with preparations with a high potassium content. The buds on the planted cuttings should remain above the soil surface.

Under favorable conditions, rooting will occur in a month. Before planting in open ground, it is necessary to allow the cuttings to get stronger. After 60 days, you can move the heuchera to the flower garden.

Why doesn't heuchera bloom?

Fertilizer with high level nitrogen content stimulates the development of decorative leaves. Heuchera may stop producing new buds.

There are several reasons that stop the formation of inflorescences. The crop may stop flowering after cold winter. Excessive consumption of nitrogen components has a beneficial effect on leaf development. In this case, inflorescences may not be produced.

Planting material

Heuchera seeds “Purple Castle” are sold at a price of 19 rubles. Be sure to pay attention to the harvest date. A seedling with OCS (open root system) can be purchased at a price of 350 rubles.

A heuchera seedling with a closed root system can radically change its color in open ground.

The average price for heuchera in a container is about 450 rubles.

Heuchera is decorative from early spring to autumn. It blooms for a long time, 2-3 months, from June to August. The variety is winter-hardy and unpretentious, withstands frosts up to 40 degrees. Recommended for cultivation in the southern, central black earth, and central zones of the Russian Federation. Blood red heuchera bushes grow quite quickly and require replanting and dividing the bushes every 5 years.

Planting red heuchera

Heuchera planting material can be purchased at nurseries and flower shops. You can also get a piece of heuchera from neighbors who planted it earlier and it’s time to plant the bush.

Let's start planting the plant:

  • Choose a semi-shaded place.
  • We dig a hole about 30 by 30 centimeters.
  • Add mineral fertilizer, ash or compost (a little).
  • We fill it with earth mixed with river sand or fine expanded clay.
  • Water the planted plant.

Growing red heuchera

  • For successful cultivation, we select a place protected from direct sunlight during hot hours, lacy partial shade. In a dark place it loses its attractive bright color.
  • Heuchera red can grow on any soil, except soil with a pronounced acidic reaction. Lime and dolomite flour can be used for deoxidation. Or green manure is pre-sown to neutralize the soil. For example, phacelia. But loose, neutral, fertilized soil is preferable.
  • Withstands short-term drought. With stagnant water, it can get wet and rot, so drainage is necessary on dense soil.
  • Heuchera is quite easy to care for. Although it would be useful to loosen the soil. This procedure can be replaced by mulching with non-acidic peat or tree bark/chips.
  • Heuchera can only occasionally be fed with complex mineral fertilizers. The dose of fertilizer is approximately 2 times less than what other plants require. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  • Heuchera blood red does not require shelter for the winter. For better wintering, we leave the leaves, they will protect the growth buds from freezing. If expected very coldy, it is better to cover the plant with spruce branches or dry leaves.
  • In the spring, when stable positive temperatures set in, dry leaves are cut off. This procedure, in addition to its decorative function, also stimulates active growth young leaves.
  • Rosettes of blood-red heuchera grow quite quickly and expose the middle. The bush becomes loose and partially loses its decorative effect. Therefore, heuchera is replanted by dividing the bushes every 3-5 years. The stem that is bare is cut back to young tissue.

Reproduction of red heuchera

Heuchera red can be propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.
For propagation by seeds we use only fresh material. Since the seedlings will be tiny and will not be able to compete with weeds for a place in the sun, it is better to sow the seedlings in a greenhouse or windowsill.

Growing red heuchera from seeds

  • Pour a layer of drainage into a small container, then loose soil mixed with vermiculite or expanded clay.
  • We sow the seeds on top of moist soil. We do not sprinkle it with soil, as they need light to germinate.
  • We are patient and wait for the seeds to germinate 2-4 weeks after sowing.
  • We dive into separate pots/cups after 2-3 true leaves appear.
  • It is important not to overwater young plants.

This method makes it possible to propagate heuchera as much as possible, but not all seedlings will have varietal characteristics. When sowing seeds, the plant blooms only in the third year.

Dividing overgrown bushes of red heuchera

  • It is better to divide the bushes in May or August-September. In May, small divisions take root better. To do this, dig up an overgrown heuchera bush. Dividing is done with a sharp knife or pruning shears. Each division should have a formed rosette of leaves and healthy roots.
  • Trim damaged roots, dry leaves and flower stalks. Some green leaves are removed to reduce the area of ​​evaporation. It is recommended to sprinkle the root cut with crushed coal.
  • Delenki of the bush are planted for rooting in open ground or pots. It is advisable to add expanded vermiculite and ash to the soil (to neutralize the soil).
  • When planting, make sure that the growth bud is above the ground.
  • You can use rootin, heteroauxin or other root formation stimulants.
  • After a month and a half, the plant will grow roots and will be ready to be planted in a permanent place. Be sure to water and shade young plants.

Propagation of red heuchera by cuttings

In order not to disturb the planted plant, you can take cuttings from it without digging it up.

  • Carefully cut off the rosette without the root.
  • Trim off some of the leaves to reduce evaporation.
  • Treat the cut with root.
  • Be sure to make mini-greenhouses over the planted cuttings. For example, from agrofibre stretched over arcs or from ordinary plastic bottles.

In about a month, new “tops” and roots will grow on the cuttings. The plant is ready to be transplanted to a permanent location or container.

Decorative properties of red heuchera, combinations

Blood red fire queen heuchera flowers are suitable for cutting and are an exquisite addition to a bouquet. They can also be dried to formulate dry compositions.

  • In flower beds, red heucheras go well with red-leaved heucheras.
  • In addition, they look great in microborders with other plants.
  • Combines with hostas, hellebores, cupenas, ferns, astilbes.
  • They are excellent companions for roses and bulbous flowers, including early bloomers.
  • They look great on rock gardens with conifers, barberries, and bells.
  • Decorating ponds with heucheras is very stylish.
  • Looks great in container compositions and single container plantings.

You can experiment and create your own combinations of heuchera with other plants.

Heuchera blood-red is an unpretentious, ornamental plant that will become a source of your inspiration and new ideas for creating beautiful decorative compositions

The flower belongs to the colorful perennial plants of the famous herbal family “Saxifrage”. The flower was first noticed on the rocky mountain slopes of the North American prairies. Heuchera received its exclusive name in memory of the German scientist I. G. von Heucher. He was a famous doctor, biologist and, of course, a fan of green plants.

The unusual flower looks from the side like a half-meter rounded bush. Its main feature is its luxurious leaves. Many people believe that this plant is a real gourmet. In one season, it can change the color of the leaves several times. Not a single garden flower has as many leaf color options as Heuchera.

Its dense original bush consists of many leathery leaves with jagged edges. Each of them is held on a long stalk and has a special texture:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • corrugated;
  • curly character.

Their colors are especially impressive:

In addition, leaves are:

  • patterned;
  • with veins;
  • in small dots;
  • with shapeless spots.

Heuchera blooms in early summer with small, cute buds, which are collected in original panicles. They are shaped like bells, so when you look at them, it seems like they are about to ring. Exclusive photos of heuchera varieties during flowering and lush decoration help to appreciate the unusual garden princess. The colors and shades of the buds are clearly visible on them:

Only with the arrival of autumn, fruits in the form of a box form in place of the buds. By the time it is fully ripe, it stores more than 20 thousand seeds, the size of a poppy seed.

Thanks to its wide variety and detailed description heuchera, it is quite often used to decorate the garden area. And designers create unique landscape masterpieces from colorful flowers.

Color harmony in landscape design

If heuchera was once in the role of Cinderella in the flowerbed, today it is leading the list of candidates for decorating the flower area. The varieties bred by breeders never cease to amaze lovers of gardening creativity. Therefore, the magnificent plant, heuchera, has taken its place of honor in landscape design.

It can be seen in various green compositions:

The bright leaves of heuchera serve as an indispensable accent to the green garden throughout the season. They are used for a harmonious transition from plant to plant. Thus, the emptiness of the site is completely filled during the flower off-season.

Heuchera does not require special care. Does well in the sun and shady places. Frost-resistant. Easily propagated. Not sick.

In the photo shown, the heuchera looks wonderful in the company of its relatives. The variety of shades of its leaves allows you to create a motley multi-colored corner on the site.

Many gardeners have noted that working with heuchera is a pleasure. It combines harmoniously with any plants on summer cottage and always looks royal.

Surrounded by charming heuchera varieties

Many people believe that the only queen of the garden is the rose. And indeed, she is beyond competition. But thanks to the hard work of breeders, heuchera can be put in the place of a pretty princess. After all, the abundance of various colors and shapes of flower foliage and original paniculate buds has no analogues among plants. Looking at the photos below with the names of types and varieties of heuchera, let's try to plunge into the charming world of flowers.

Unsurpassed blood-red heuchera

This type of flower is considered the ancestor of most varieties of this cute plant. Heuchera blood-red is a very hardy mountain species. Because of the cute small buds, the flower is called a coral bell. The leaf blades are mostly green. Some specimens are distinguished by subtle marbling in a light green tone. The foliage is very dense to the touch, compared to other types of heuchera. Their shape is round, the edges are jagged, which looks quite stylish compared to other plants. Surprisingly, some varieties of blood-red heuchera have white or cream spots on the leaves.

Small buds are originally collected into a slender panicle. They are often colored red, coral or pink. Cute bells attract not only insects, but also connoisseurs of natural beauty.

Historical facts show that some Native American tribes used the blood-red heuchera flowers to treat various ailments. If you grow such a beauty in your dacha, you can “recover” only from her presence.

“Delicious” Heuchera Marmalade

When you hear the word marmalade, a pleasant taste appears in your mouth. And when you see flowers that look like candy, you get sweet pleasure. Heuchera Marmalade is considered one of the most common varieties of this class of plants.

Its dense leaves of carved texture amaze with their variety of shades:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • bright red;
  • with red reverse:
  • with purple back side leaf.

They are collected in a lush basal rosette, which looks gorgeous on flower bed. The plant develops very quickly and is not afraid of winter cold. Used in various garden landscape designs.

Purple Heuchera Forever Purple

Extraordinarily beautiful purple bushes, about 55 cm wide and up to 30 cm high, fit harmoniously into any front garden. Heuchera Forever Purple amazes its fans with its delicate frame of leaves. Their rich purple color remains unchanged throughout the growing season.

The buds in the form of small bells are located on low peduncles. They are collected in paniculate inflorescences and painted in a light purple hue. Against the background of lush foliage, the flowers are barely noticeable, but this gives the plant an unsurpassed charm.

Fire Heuchera Cajun Fire

Try to imagine a burning fire among lush flowering plants. Someone will say: “This is impossible.” In fact, Cajun Fire heuchera is such a “fire”. The main feature of the species is the change in color of large matte leaves. In early spring they are a deep red color. In summer it is almost black in color, with a barely noticeable hint of red. When autumn comes, the leaves turn burgundy. Truly a “glamorous chameleon”.

Heuchera reaches a height of about 25 cm. It grows quite quickly. Well tolerated winter frosts. It blooms with white buds during the first two summer months. They modestly rise above the bush, which attracts the gaze of people passing by.

Tender Heuchera Cherry Cola

A small, cute bush with rounded, wavy foliage is an indispensable decoration for a summer cottage. Interestingly, as the leaves age, they change color. From orange or reddish, matte leaf blades become yellowish with a green tint.
Flower stalks of Heuchera Cherry Cola are colored Brown color, which is almost invisible behind the coral or red buds.

Since the flower grows very slowly, and its maximum height is about 20 cm, it is advisable to think about this before starting to form a garden bed.

Silver Heuchera Glitter

Most often, the plant grows up to 25 cm in height and is distinguished by unusual silver leaves. Black veins are visible on each of them. The back side of the heuchera Glitter leaf plate is painted in a lavender hue. Interestingly, in the spring the plant blooms pink leaves, which over time “dress” in silver. The buds are usually large in size. In appearance they resemble. They bloom in June and bloom magnificently until the beginning of September.

“Sweet” Heuchera Caramel

When you see a plant in the garden with golden-orange leaves that resemble sweet caramel, you involuntarily want to taste them. In fact, before us is a sophisticated Heuchera Caramel, which you can admire endlessly. Its large leaves, barely emerging in the spring, are colored red. Over time, they become yellow or amber in color. The scarlet tint remains only on the back side. During lush flowering flower stalks with cream buds in the form of small bells appear on the bushes.

Majestic Heuchera Purple Castle

Under such a chic name the totality of all varieties of Heuchera parviflora is classified. They are distinguished by the abundant presence of branched rhizomes, which contributes to rapid reproduction. As a result, the plant is used to decorate borders along garden paths. It is also considered an indispensable attribute in creating rock gardens.

Heuchera has large burgundy-purple leaf blades. Original color makes the plant indispensable for garden bed throughout the summer. Interestingly, in ancient times, purple dye was considered one of the most expensive goods of traveling merchants. Planting Heuchera Purple Castle on a summer cottage, you can quite feel like the owner of a valuable “pearl”.

Another purple beauty - Heuchera Melting Fire

When the plant is just blooming in early spring, its leaves are purple-reddish in color. But over time they become darker, acquiring a special richness. The back side of the leaf plate of the flower has a red tint. When exposed to sunlight, an unusual shine appears. A truly amazing sight.

Heuchera Melting Fire forms a compact bush of rosette leaves with a wavy structure. Openwork small buds bloom on erect peduncles, reminiscent of miniature bells. During lush flowering, they are painted dazzling white.

For lovers of flowers with variegated colors, Heuchera Zipper is suitable. It differs in the following shades:

  • orange;
  • amber;
  • golden.

It is especially striking that the flower changes color over time. In spring the leaves are orange, in summer they are golden. Their back side is painted purple, which gives the plant some intricate charm. Heuchera blooms in July with white or creamy small bells.

Spotted Heuchera Midnight Rose

In 2008 at the exhibition garden plants In England, Heuchera Midnight Rose was recognized as one of the best varieties of greenery. It is distinguished by the incredibly rich color of the heart-shaped foliage of a miniature bush. Most often it is a dark burgundy shade with specks scattered on it. Pink colour. The plant grows about 25 cm and blooms in early June with small bells.

The name of this variety, Heuchera Midnight Rose, recalls the constant queen of the garden. It is this plant that can rightfully be attributed to the royal nobility in the world of flowers.

Heuchera Palace Purple

This variety has been used in gardening since 1980. It was developed by combining several types of flower, one of which is a small-flowered plant variety. Despite its hybrid origin, Heuchera Palace Purple is a garden perennial. It amazes with the beauty of its cherry leaves, which cover the soil with an incredibly lush carpet. The shape of the leaf plate resembles ivy or Norway maple. It is decorated with purple on top and beetroot on the back. If there is prolonged heat in the summer, the leaves burn out, acquiring a bronze color.

The bell-shaped buds are collected in paniculate inflorescences, which are located on erect peduncles. Most often they are beige colour and look original against the background of cherry foliage.

Heuchera Hybrid

Thanks to the unsurpassed talent of breeders, hybrid Heuchera appeared. One of the popular varieties of this class of plants is American heuchera. It was obtained by crossing three starting materials: small-flowered, American and hairy heuchera.

The plant may have leaf blades with blunt or sharp tips. And the frame is almost always wavy. They are colored purple, violet and brown. During flowering, graceful bells appear on the hybrid heuchera bushes.

Heuchera Comet

The unusual name of the plant hints at its “unearthly” origin. Heuchera Comet is distinguished by jagged leaves with a delicate edge. They emerge compactly from the main rhizome and form a beautiful rosette. From its center rises a slender peduncle about 40 cm high, decorated with small red buds. Bright bells gently sway even with a light breeze, which attracts new fans. Truly a wonderful flower!

Wonderful heuchera in the garden - video

Heuchera flowers are quite popular among gardeners and are widely used in landscape design. This herbaceous perennial came to us from the countries of North America, and it was named in honor of the German botanist Johann Heinrich von Heicher. This crop is in demand by gardeners, first of all, for its decorative functions. The leaves of the plant have the property of changing their color several times during the growing season, which makes it possible to use heuchera in a wide variety of flower arrangements.

Heuchera: varieties and photos

Among the cultivated species of heuchera, there is a huge variety of varieties. Below we will look at the options most often grown in the gardens of our country:

  1. American heuchera reaches a height of about 15-20 cm, has round leaves, the edges of the leaves are slightly jagged. The foliage below is colored purple, and beautiful contrasting veins appear on the upper green side. Heuchera flowers are discreet, the peduncle grows up to 60 cm in height and is covered with small panicle-shaped inflorescences. Almost all varieties of American Heuchera change leaf color depending on the season. The plant has its brightest shade in the autumn and spring months.

  2. Heuchera pilosa has large fleecy leaves, the diameter of which can reach 20 cm. The petioles and peduncles of the crop are also covered with villi. The color of plants may vary depending on the specific variety.

  3. The leaves of Heuchera parviflora are shaped like maple leaves. Their lacy edges are most pronounced in summer, and by winter the blades on the foliage practically disappear. The most popular variety of this crop is considered to be Heuchera purpurea, which has a beautiful, rich shade of leaves. There are species whose foliage has silvery inclusions. The stems of the plant are covered with small light beige flowers.

  4. Heuchera cylindrical produces long peduncles reaching a height of 60 to 90 cm. The flowers of the plant are greenish-white, inconspicuous. The rosette of leaves is small, compact, the foliage has rounded teeth, and is colored green with bright veins. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves and flowers may vary.

  5. Heuchera red is one of the most spectacular plant species. The culture has fairly dense leaves of rich pink, crimson or red shades. The foliage has jagged edges and may change color throughout the growing season.

  6. Heuchera hybrid is similar to the previous crop variety, but differs in larger leaves and flowers, as well as in the height of the peduncle. Hybrid heuchera blooms profusely and for quite a long time, about 2 months. The inflorescences are colored white, red or pink shades. The foliage looks very impressive thanks to the beautiful bright veins that contrast in color with the leaf blade.

  7. Heuchera gooseberry leaf has small leaves, reaching a diameter of 7 cm and having 3 or 5 lobes. The height of the bush is about 15 cm, the peduncle grows up to 60-65 cm. The flowers are large, painted white, reaching 5 mm in diameter.

Subtleties of growing heuchera

Before growing heuchera, you should know some features of this plant:

  1. If you are not going to propagate the decorative foliage crop with seeds, but are fighting to preserve the picturesque appearance of heuchera, then it is better to remove the peduncle at its first appearance. The inflorescences of these species are not very beautiful, but their stems grow much higher than the rosette of leaves and spoil the appearance of the flowerbed.
  2. As for decorative flowering varieties, their flower stalks can be cut off after the buds have withered.
  3. In adult bushes, the lower leaves may crumble over time, and therefore the heuchera loses its decorative effect. IN such a case you need to dig up the plant before it starts to bloom, and then transplant it into another hole. We will discuss this method of transplantation below.
  4. Heucheras change their appearance throughout the entire period of development. The foliage of the youngest seedlings is very delicate, translucent, and has a bright shade. Over time, the leaves become denser and acquire a darker and richer color.
  5. In a flower arrangement, this crop can be planted next to astilbe, primrose, daylily, bergenia or ornamental cereals.

Heuchera - planting and care

Time and place for planting crops

The ideal time for planting this plant in the ground is considered to be the first half of spring - March and April. The culture thrives in shaded areas, so it is best to place the flowerbed on the east or west side of the house, under a spreading tree or in another similar place. In case your personal plot If there is no sufficiently shaded area, you can plant the heuchera in the sun and provide it with regular, abundant watering. It is worth noting that decorative deciduous varieties under bright sunlight acquire a more attractive shade of leaves. And for heuchera with pink and red foliage, it is recommended to select a well-lit sunny area.

Features of the soil for the plant

One of the main conditions for growing heuchera is properly selected soil. This culture will take root well in fertile, light soil with neutral acidity. The ideal pH level for heuchera is 5-6 units. You can increase the alkalinity of the soil by adding chalk or wood ash immediately before planting. Ash will also be a good fertilizer for your flowers.

Among other things, for growing heuchera it is important to ensure good soil drainage. Water should not stagnate at the roots, as excess moisture will cause rot and the plant will die. Making drainage is quite simple: before planting heuchera, pour a small amount of expanded clay or brick fragments into the dug hole. In wet weather or with excessive watering, the drainage layer will absorb excess liquid, and during periods of drought, the plant’s roots will be able to take moisture from the drainage.

If you purchased heuchera seedlings in early spring, when it is too early to plant them in open ground, transplant the crop into suitable containers and leave them in a room or greenhouse for a while. When the threat is over spring frosts, the heuchera can be moved to a permanent place in open soil. If you bought a plant in a pot, when replanting, carefully clean the roots from the substrate and trim their ends. If you see that the heuchera has a large number of leaves, but its root system is poorly developed, then remove some of the largest foliage. In this case, the plant will take root well in the new place, and its roots will become stronger. During planting, immerse the roots in the hole so that there is no empty air space between them, and the core of the rosette is not covered with soil.

Heuchera care

Proper care of this crop involves timely watering with a sufficient amount of liquid. Although heuchera does not like excess moisture, it also does not grow very well in dry soil. Poor watering has a particularly negative effect on the plant during the flowering period. Make sure that the soil around the bushes is moderately moist. When watering, try to ensure that the water saturates the soil to a sufficient depth. Irrigation is best done twice a day, morning and evening. To keep moisture in the ground long enough and the roots not to dry out, mulch the soil around the bushes every fall with leaves, straw or peat.

It is not necessary to feed the heuchera with fertilizers if it grows in optimal light and receives enough moisture. If you decide to add some nutrients to the soil, do so in moderation. Heucheras can be fed twice a season: before flowering and after the inflorescences fall off. As fertilizers, it is better to use complex compounds with a low nitrogen content.

Heuchera pests include snails and slugs. These creatures attack the foliage and spoil the young shoots of the crop. Leaves that have been visited by slugs become covered with powdery mildew and rot, and then wither and fall off. Adversely affects plant health excess moisture. If water stagnates in the soil, the roots rot and the plant dies. In such a case, you can dig up a diseased bush, cut off healthy branches from it and transplant them as cuttings into a greenhouse.

To prevent the heuchera from freezing in winter, it is covered with spruce branches or rotted leaves. You can add an additional layer of snow on top or cover the bushes with lutrasil. With the arrival of spring, do not rush to remove the covering material, wait until the soil has completely thawed. When it gets warm enough outside, unwrap the heuchera and remove the old leaves. Pour some warm water with mineral fertilizers diluted in it under the roots.

Heuchera propagation methods

Growing heuchera from seeds

The simplest and the easy way propagation of this crop is sowing seeds. When growing heuchera in this way, you get young bushes with remarkable appearance. But it should be noted that hybrid varieties As a rule, with such propagation they can lose their varietal characteristics.

You can purchase crop seeds at a specialty store or from another gardener, but more reliable and cheap way- This means storing seed yourself. Just keep in mind that the seeds retain good germination for about 6 months; after six months, some of the grains may simply not germinate. The seed should be stored in a tightly closed, airtight container.

Seeds are planted in early spring, during the month of March. To sow, you need to select fertile soil, disinfect it, then pour it into suitable containers, moisten and loosen it. You can also pour a small, 3-4 mm thick layer of fine sand on top of the soil. After planting the seeds in the ground, place the containers in a shaded area and keep the soil moist. The ambient temperature should be kept at 22-24°C. Under such conditions, heuchera shoots will appear approximately 3 weeks after sowing the grains. Slightly grown sprouts should be planted in separate containers and left in the greenhouse until the root system becomes strong enough to transplant flowers into open ground.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Some heuchera varieties require periodic replanting, because over time their stems stretch, the lower leaves fall off, and the trunk becomes bare. To give back to the plants decorative look, every 2-3 years they need to be trimmed and planted in a new hole. This anti-aging pruning occurs as follows:

  1. After the plant has flowered, you need to cut off the flower stalks and remove the bare parts of the stems. You can start replanting before flowering begins.
  2. Then you should sprinkle the cut areas with wood ash and special compounds that stimulate root formation.
  3. The number of leaves needs to be reduced, and the prepared cuttings can be planted in a greenhouse. When digging them into the ground, try to place the center of the rosette above the surface of the ground. Sand is best for soil.
  4. Don't forget to leave a small hole near the stem into which you will apply fertilizer.
  5. The seedlings are transferred to open ground when they take root in the greenhouse. But when transplanting to a flowerbed, it is also important to take into account the calendar planting dates. If, for example, plants send out roots in the fall, then it is better to postpone replanting them in open ground until spring.
  6. In the first weeks after planting the plants in the flowerbed, provide the heucheras good watering and do not forget to provide the seedlings with shelter from direct sunlight. When the crop takes root on the site, the shelter can be removed.

If the bushes are not replanted in time, they may die in the winter months, since the bare stems do not tolerate frost well.

Heuchera propagation by cuttings

When propagating by cuttings, you can take the plant fragment you need from a flowering bush. There is no need to dig up the entire heuchera. At the bottom of the plant, find branches with buds, trim the shoots and transfer them to a greenhouse or well-shaded area. Treat the branches with potassium-containing preparations and plant them in the ground so that the buds are above the surface of the ground. After about 4-5 weeks, the cuttings should take root. After another 1-2 months, the plant can be transferred to an open flowerbed.

If the cuttings do not take root in the fall, leave them until next spring, covering them with spruce branches or other material to protect them from the winter cold.

Using heuchera in landscape design

This culture is valuable because it can preserve decorative properties enough for a long time. After the leaves grow and before the onset of autumn frosts, heucheras will look great. This plant is used in a variety of flower arrangements in flower beds, rosettes and borders. Heucheras can decorate the banks of ponds, rockeries or alpine coaster. Due to its ability to maintain the same shape for a long time, heuchera is often used to create designs with clear boundaries or strict geometric shapes. This culture goes well with astilbe, hosta, primrose, brunera, and ornamental cereals.