home · Lighting · How to decorate your room from paper. How to make a beautiful room. Make a cute thing out of an old bottle

How to decorate your room from paper. How to make a beautiful room. Make a cute thing out of an old bottle

Here are proven methods and modern ideas interior design, which will tell you how to make the room cozy and comfortable. We present to your attention a collection of photos of functional, family-friendly, beautiful and fashionable design projects and decorating tips that will help you add comfort and charm to your room with your own hands and without renovation.

How to make a room cozy with your own hands - photo

Elements that embody coziness and comfort help make the “right” interior warm and homely. You are familiar with them, but in order for these details to “work” for comfort and not create chaos in the house, they need to be used correctly.

Chaotically scattered anywhere, not coordinated in color with other interior elements, pillows will not decorate, but rather clutter your home. Beautiful, but too much firm pillows will make you and your guests have one desire - to remove them when you sit down to rest, therefore:

  • Choose soft ones volumetric pillows: down, padding polyester, holofiber. The most environmentally friendly options for fillers are bamboo fiber and buckwheat husks.
  • Pillows can be laid out not only on the sofa, but also on armchairs and on the floor.
  • The color of the pillows should be repeated in other things that are in the room (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, lamps, flower pots, etc.).

Depending on the season, pillows (or their covers) can be changed in autumn and winter, using knitted and woolen ones in warm, soothing shades, and in spring and summer – silk and cotton ones in rich, rich colors.

How to make a small room cozy and beautiful

Functional layout and comfortable accommodation furniture is necessary to create coziness, especially in small rooms. Modern modular shelving, horizontal and vertical shelves, sofas, chairs and coffee tables can visually enlarge small spaces.

Soft fabrics, soothing and elegant patterns, stylish fabrics and decoration accessories self made With embroidery or appliqués, crochets and knits bring a cozy feel to the design. Not large room and create a stylish yet relaxing and tranquil atmosphere.

A blanket as a decorative element is very “movable”: it can travel from room to room on your shoulders, “move” from a sofa to an armchair, from an armchair to a bed, and from there to the floor. But, no matter where the blanket is, it will add coziness to the room.

The most comfortable blankets are cashmere, wool with the addition of artificial fibers (in this case, the product does not itch), cotton, knitted (especially large knit), and also those in “Scottish check” colors.

If you do not use a blanket in this moment, do not put it away, but carefully fold it and throw it over the armrest of the sofa or the back of a chair: the mere presence of this element will warm the room.

Checkered and colorful blankets look good against the backdrop of furniture and other interior items of calm, solid colors.

How to make your dorm room more comfortable

If you're after the comfort of a dorm room, choose upholstered furniture with textile upholstery, and decorate the windows with fabric curtains.

Excellent creators of comfort - tablecloths, bedspreads, handmade textile elements. They will soften and “domesticate” even the most austere interior.

Curtains and other textile elements can either transform a room or ruin its appearance, so take the choice of colors and textures seriously.

Avoid excessive variegation: the checkered upholstery of the chair, the variegated bedspread on the sofa and the flowered curtains will “quarrel” with each other.

Bright and colorful elements look good against the background plain wallpaper and furniture (especially pastel shades).

Cover the table with two or three tablecloths different lengths, peeking out from under one another and the room in the “dorm” will become more comfortable.

How to make a children's room cozy

To make a child's room cozy, look for white, airy decor with bright details to add warmth and color.

Children's toys and accessories for interior decoration create a beautiful and cozy interior rooms for children.

Creamy white and light yellow shades natural wood and dark gray or brown colors very attractive and beautiful.

Decorative fabrics, wallpaper or vinyl wall decals, wall art ideas and furniture enhance the interior style and make the kids room design look pleasant, cozy and relaxing.

Convenient storage containers, baskets and shelves made from natural materials can help organize decor and keep your child's bedroom clean and tidy.

How to create a cozy interior of a large room

A wicker basket is a rather rough element, but it creates a special atmosphere in any room, be it a kitchen, hallway, nursery, bedroom, living room or bathroom. With the help of baskets, it is easy to give a city apartment the charm of a country house. In addition, this is additional space for storing all kinds of things.

Baskets can be either free-standing, independent interior items, or located on shelves, in niches of shelving, performing the function of drawers.

It’s good if “in support” of the baskets in the interior of a large room there are other wicker objects (vases, an armchair, etc.).

Place colorful balls of yarn in a wicker basket and you will get a beautiful and cozy element decor for the living room or bedroom.

Baskets are made from both natural materials - rattan, wicker, bamboo, sea grass, and artificial ones, which naturally affects the cost.

In our age information technologies, the Internet and gadgets (including for reading), paper books still remain in demand. Reading people carefully wipe off the dust from the tattered spines of old copies bought by their grandmother; books are happy to replenish their home library. After all, books are not only a source of interesting and useful information, but also a wonderful piece of cozy interior!

Compare two shelves, one of which contains vases and figurines, and the other - books. Which one “breathes” life? Of course, the second one! You just want to come up, run your hands along the spines, choosing the reading you like, and then settle into your favorite chair with a book and a cup of aromatic tea... A classic picture of a cozy evening!

Do not try to place books strictly vertically, “by height”. It’s just a little clutter that creates coziness, so some books can be placed, some can be placed nearby.

An effective technique is to distribute books in groups by color: green covers on one shelf, red covers on another, etc.

Of course, books should not be just decorative elements - they should “live”, that is, be read. They will create a warm atmosphere in the house if the owners use them for their pleasure!

Arranging new house or when starting renovations in an already lived-in apartment, owners often make one mistake: they try to create the “right” perfect interior, similar to an exhibition design sample. But, striving for perfection, we lose the main thing - warmth and comfort, the feeling of “at home”. An interior with too much gloss is like a set for a photo shoot, but not a place for comfortable life and rest. Use these tips on how to make your room feel cozier and create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in your home.

Visitors to the Room Interiors website who live in dormitories are offered some do-it-yourself design options for consideration.

Dorm rooms are small in nature. Limited space makes it almost impossible to bring big ideas into life, so use small signature touches that will add personality to your home. Below we will present some of them.

Decorating with paintings and photographs

How to decorate walls with photographs in an unusual way? Take, for example, a cord used in jewelry and make the holder geometrically Not correct form. Use paper clips to hang photos.

If you want to create something a little unconventional, try submersible picture frames. Usually they make several such pictures. Separate the top half with masking tape, and dip the bottom half in paint of the desired color.

Or you can take twine, clothesline, or yarn to hang your favorite photos above the table. Use clothespins for fastening.

Instagram display. Create a grid using masking tape and attach photos. To do this use Double-sided tape or strips of masking tape. Glue them to the corners of each photo so they stick tightly to the wall.

Other wall decoration options

Instead of pictures or photographs, use a herbarium or drawing of plants. Make a frame for them and hang them on the wall. Take this idea as inspiration, changing the theme completely if you like.

Another simple idea is to use clipboard folders. This is a neat trick that comes in handy for attaching calendars, schedules and various things, including as a display for photos and images.

Make a typographic wall. You will need fabric, corn starch, water, masking tape and brushes. Choose a font you like, smooth out the fabric, cut out the letters.

Use masking tape to create a straight line on the wall. Apply cornstarch to the back of the first letter. Place the letter on the wall and press firmly. Repeat these steps with the remaining letters.

Hang the rug on the wall. It can look really good over a bed, extending behind an unsightly headboard. A rug will also make the room feel cozy and comfortable. This good way Add texture to your decor and give your bedroom a unique look.

Make giant confetti and colorful polka dots from colored paper, felt or cardboard. Use them to decorate one of your dorm room walls.

Don't be afraid to mix materials and colors, combine them the way you want, they look chic and cute. For use cases, take a look at weebirdy.

Room decor with flowers and plants

Get plenty of cardboard cones. Make a hole on the left and right side, thread a rubber band through them and hang the cone on the wall anywhere you want. This will make a great place for small flowers.

Make a beautiful airy terrarium with plants. You will need a container, which should be in the form glass ball, moss, gravel, pebbles and plants.

Decorate flower pots, make them more attractive. For decoration, take tape and acrylic paint. Choose bright and bold colors to make the containers stand out in the overall design.

Vases for flowers. Glass beer bottles or any jars that match the shape and color are suitable for them. When making, use a glass knife to make a clean cut, sand the edges to avoid cutting yourself.

Creating a Memo Board

A reminder will come in handy in your dorm room by posting exam schedules, assignments that need to be completed, etc.

This is actually a type of geometric art that includes memo boards. You will need Velcro for mini fasteners, brightly colored tape, small gold nails and a hammer.

Or set up a tape board for notes. You will need polystyrene foam, fabric ribbons, regular and double-sided tape, and Velcro dots on the back.

Cut the board to size and decide how you want the strips to be positioned. Wrap the ends around the back of the board and secure with tape. Add Velcro dots in the corners and hang a memo board.

Make the lighting

Create a USB-powered lamp using a glass, metal, or even 3D printed bottle.

Decorate it a little with artistic tape or acrylic paint. And, of course, you need a USB LED cord for touch lights. Decorate the bottle, leave it as a base, and then add a lampshade.

Add lamps with elastic bands to your interior. They are perfect not only for Christmas and New Year.

Use string lights to create a truly beautiful view. They will also serve as night lights. You won't have to worry about a desk lamp.

Make a small table lamp of a miniature camera tripod, a USB computer light, a USB extension cable and a mesh pencil holder.

You will receive a beautiful lamp that has an industrial style, but still evokes affection.

Design table accessories

Personalize your desk in the room. You can draw some accessories yourself using containers of various sizes. Will need paint to change them appearance, threads for decoration, scraps of fabric, leather, twine and other things.

Decorate the walls and floor with colorful ribbon

Most likely, you will not be allowed to repaint the walls in the room. But that doesn't mean you can't change the look of your walls or floors.

Use colorful tape to create temporary wallpaper. Create a variety of geometric patterns using bold colors.

Knit your own pompom rug

A pom pom rug will add a little color, texture, and wit to your room. It is relatively easy to build. You will need a lot of colorful yarn and patience.

Tie the pom-poms one after the other, leaving a long thread on each one to create an unusual rug by joining them together.

Design a jewelry holder

Use an old grater to store jewelry. It's designed for shredding, but will hold a bracelet or two. If you decorate it, it will take on a vintage or simply more interesting look.

Or build a stand for jewelry made of wood and decorative paper or gift bag. Small boxes on a large wooden frame will look good.

Old sewing spools and door handles Suitable for use as hangers for beads and bracelets.

Stand for jewelry made of bush. The whole project is extremely simple. Find a branch you like, peel it and paint it, making it colorful. Then attach the branch to the wall using a screw.

Comfortable chairs for you and your guests

Not enough chairs in narrow room dorms? Don't worry, make some nice stools using boxes, fabric and a pillow-top mattress.

You will also need some plywood. Take a glue gun to attach the fabric to the plywood - the chair cushion is ready! All that remains is to place it on top part box.

Wouldn't a hammock chair look great in your room? Cozy and comfortable, you'll never want to sit in any other chair again. Make your own hammock chair using oak dowels, woven polypropylene, canvas and stiff elastic.

Decorate the door

The dorm room door is a little inconspicuous, but you can transform it with some colored tape. You can use tape to give the drawing a geometrically correct shape and draw an inscription.

Build a bedside table

Attach wheels to the bedside table so that you can easily move it around the room. Cute and practical carts are sold at IKEA.

They are usually used in the kitchen, but will be useful here too, since now you will have a three-tier shelf for storing things.

Want to build a nightstand yourself? They will come to the rescue foam concrete blocks. It will be like playing with building blocks.

Concrete products will give you more options for storing a variety of things - small plant, books, glass of water, phone, etc.

Knit your own curtains or decorate them

If you want to create a space for quiet relaxation, weave a curtain. In the macrame technique, a rope and a wooden crossbar are usually used. This is a simple project, you just have to figure out how to place the curtain, what type of knot to use and choose a weaving pattern.

If something goes wrong, buy a ready-made curtain and decorate it. You will need fabric, glue, tape and scissors. Attach a thin ribbon, glue a wide one, and continue until you achieve the desired image.

Decorate your mirror frame

If you have a mirror, we'll show you how to transform it into a glamorous one. Let's take a simple design consisting of two

color geometric pattern. Apply tape to demarcate the areas, then paint the desired areas with gold.

Decorate the pillows

Do you look closely at your pillows? Do they look like they urgently need a makeover? If yes, then try to bring this idea to life.

Wash, dry and iron the pillows. Take some gold paint and a champagne cork and paint polka dots on your pillowcase. Leave to dry.

Add a shoe rack

In a tiny dorm room, space is always a problem. The door will be an excellent option for storing shoes, just hang an organizer on it.

Another interesting solution To keep your shoes in order, you just need to hang the moldings on the wall or in the closet. You can create a simple display that shows all of your shoes.

Canopy over the bed

Sure, canopy beds look really great, but what if you don't have room to move around the bed? You already have the item below for creating a canopy over your sleeping area.

Sew a hanging basket

Skip throwing your dirty clothes in an ugly trash bag and make a chic hanging basket instead. Take an embroidery hoop, fabric, twine or ribbon. The type of fabric you choose should reflect the style of the room.

Make a charging base

Needed for stand wooden box, a piece of chipboard, a knife, paints and wood glue. Leave an overhang to allow placement of the chipboard sheet.

Then drill a hole in the back of the box, make holes for the cable, and finally paint the box the color you want.

Increase storage space in your first aid kit

Everyone has the opportunity to create additional space. Add a hanging shelf to inside medical cabinet doors, and you will have a place to store a toothbrush, nail polish, etc.

Decorate open shelves

Use colorful tape to trim the edges of open shelves. They will look much nicer and it's an inexpensive project. In addition, the repair will be reduced to a simple replacement of the ribbons.

Make shelves hanging from ropes

Add something unusual to the interior. For example, make hanging shelves using thick rope, clamps, paint and two rectangular pieces of plywood.

Take a piece of wood and clamp it with two sheets of plywood. Drill in four places at equal distances. Cut the ropes required size, fasten the shelves, hang them from the ceiling.

Create Interesting Bookends

They will be able to store at least several books from the collection. In order for the books to stand straight, you need to make stops. You will need half a log, a brush, different colored paints, a sanding block, a saw and some varnish.

Choose multifunctional furniture

It is important to have such furniture to combine many functions in a limited space. For example, this cabinet can be used as a bookcase or for storing gadgets, and also as a bench.

And the one in the photo has wheels, so it will be easy to move around the room.

DIY bed headboard

For this you will need old wooden pallets. Turn them over and nail them to the bed. If you want to keep the worn look, just leave it as is; if the headboard doesn't seem to fit in with the design, use paint.

Coasters made of plates

To make these cute little coasters you will need the following materials: clay plates, colorful paints, a blank board.

First, the most dark color. Then gradually add white paint so that in the end all shades of the same color are obtained. Apply two coats of the special coating to the center of each saucer and you can write and draw on them.

Homemade mug

A wonderful mug will be made from a glass with a lid and a straw. All you need is a wide-mouth jar with a tight-fitting lid. Drill a hole in the center for the straw. And everything is ready.

Label the cables

This is a great idea for keeping your room clean and tidy without cords or cables. Simple idea is to use a bushing from toilet paper to twist the wires and put them in the box. This way they don't get tangled and it makes it easier for you to find the wiring you need.

Or hang tags on the resulting reels. It will be immediately clear which can be disabled and which cannot. Write the letters with a black marker; it will not fade for a long time.

Designer thread

Designs using colorful threads are quite popular these days. The whole idea is to create any design you want. The nails are driven into the board or wall. The whole thing is then wrapped in colored thread to achieve the desired look.


How long does it take you to find your keys? To speed up the process, make a key holder from an old photo frame, painting it and stuffing small hooks. Install on the wall next to the door.

Change the look of folding chairs

Folding chairs are always a must have in dorm rooms and small spaces. But they are not very attractive.

Give them new life. Paint the fabric and base of the chair using a gun. Attach the changed material to the chair using staples. Assemble the chair and you're done!



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The laconicism and simplicity of the interior sometimes seem too cold; the hand itself reaches out to add a little color and decor. Buying ready-made interior decorations is a completely logical and simplest solution. However, your home can become unique in terms of decoration and it is quite possible to achieve this uniqueness without shopping in a store. If you decide to decorate your room and don’t yet have any ideas on how to do it, then let’s borrow one of those that we will consider below.

How to beautifully decorate your room?

Who said, that original decor Is it sure to be very expensive? Sometimes one of the most inexpensive materials The result is stylish designer items. Currently, the eco trend has become incredibly popular. Great! This means that it is quite possible to use this topic in your ideas. Flowers are the simplest solution for decoration. The cheapest plastic pot It will look very stylish if you wrap it, turn by turn, with twine or a decorative cord and place it on glue. A textile flowerpot made of burlap or thick linen (we just put a flowerpot and wrap it in fabric, like a bag) paired with decorative rope It will also look great.

The easiest way to decorate, as you can use it to create whatever you want for the room with your own hands. Interesting pillowcases on sofa cushions, and wall-mounted ones made of fabric stretched over a frame. Just look at the rugs woven from old bright T-shirts. Some even manage to decorate the ceiling using textiles.

When you want something light and airy, paper comes to the rescue. This is the second universal material for a flight of fancy. Huge flowers or balls made of corrugated paper, they can replace an ordinary curtain on the window. From them it is easy to create paintings with your own hands with color transitions and decorate them with appliqués, as in expensive room design projects.

Let's try to decorate a children's room with our own hands

In the nursery you can give full rein to your imagination. Absolutely everything comes into play. For example, many toddlers are happy to bring from kindergarten their applications or drawings and proudly present them to their parents. So why not decorate their children's room with large handmade frames and hang their creations in the garden? They are assembled from ordinary polyurethane cornices for the ceiling, painted in bright colors. There is no time for cornices, you can just make a whole pendant from your child’s drawings. In short, you will combine business with pleasure.

If we decorate a girl’s room with our own hands, then we remember the love of young ladies for ruffles and everything pink. Once again, fabric and a sewing machine will come to your aid. A voluminous beautiful bedspread made of ruffles will definitely delight your child. Panels or rugs made from pompoms work great. They are essentially just small strips of fabric tied into a very large bundle.

Decorating a boy’s room with your own hands in just a couple of days is even easier if you have interior paint. It is enough to put drawings with his favorite characters on the wall, just interesting ornaments. Making stencils with your own hands is quite simple, even from thick cardboard they turn out great.

If we decorate a teenager’s room with our own hands, then we remember the passions and idols of our child. A child at that age is unlikely to appreciate pictures, but large photo wallpaper with an image of a city at night or a shot from a concert of your favorite musician - absolutely. If you wish, you can always make a whole composition from shelves. The most ordinary chipboard boxes, painted in a contrasting color, can radically change the appearance of a room.

For most people, the bedroom is more than just a place to sleep. Redecorating your bedroom can help create a relaxing atmosphere that reflects your personality and even improves your... night sleep. By adding home furnishings or homemade elements, you can completely transform your room to suit your needs. You can add feng shui elements to transform your room into a temple.


Part 1

Planning and reorganization

    Make a 2D plan of your room and the furniture in it. Use a tape measure to measure the dimensions of the room (length and width). On a piece of drawing paper, draw your room to a scale where three squares of the drawing grid equal 10 or 30 centimeters.

    • Map out the placement and dimensions of windows, doors, cabinets, fireplace, etc. on your floor plan.
    • Draw the furniture to scale on a separate sheet of paper. Measure the length and width of large pieces of furniture (e.g. bed, chest of drawers, sofa).
    • Cut them out and overlay them on the room plan to see what kind of space you'll be working with.
    • Carry this furniture plan with you when visiting stores or sales so you know if you have enough space for a particular item.
  1. Make a list of design ideas. In search engines like Google or Bing, type “easy bedroom decor” or “inexpensive DIY bedroom decor.”

  2. Clean your room. Create more space, reorganize it by getting rid of unnecessary or outdated things.

    • Clean out and organize your closet, under-bed alcoves, and other storage areas in the room.
    • Donate to charity any furniture, clothing, or electronics that are in good condition. Exists good rule– you need to donate or throw away something you haven’t worn or used in a year.
  3. Rearrange or add furniture. Create more space in your room by moving the bed to another wall, or placing comfortable armchair by the window to have a secluded and cozy reading corner.

    Maximize the storage space in your bedroom. Create extra space by installing shelves in your closet, or purchase a set of plastic and decorative storage baskets.

    Rearrange your bedroom according to Feng Shui principles. Your bed should be located at some distance from the floor, and if possible, away from a place that receives a large amount of light during the daylight hours

    Create a more relaxing atmosphere. Replace bright lamps with a bluish light with soft white LEDs. Blue light stimulates brain activity and may interfere with sleep.

    • Search your home LED bulbs soft white glow and replace them with those in your bedroom. Most interior lamps come with 40-watt and 60-watt bulbs, but check for yourself before swapping them.
    • Add bright and warm colors as accessories (lamps, vases, pillows, etc.), but do not make them the dominant colors in the bedroom.

Part 2

Decorate with upcycled and repurposed items
  1. Look for free stuff. Find a flea market in your area or ask family and friends about home decor items they no longer need.

    Go to garage sales. Check your local newspapers for information about garage sales in your area.

    Find out about old catalogs at a wallpaper store. Use them to decorate old lamps, vases or old furniture.

    • You can also use wallpaper to cover the bottoms of shelves or drawer bases.
  2. Swap furniture and art pieces for a fun result. For example, move bookshelf from the living room to your bedroom.

    • Look for design inspiration in your own home. Use pictures decorative pillows, clothing items or floor mat as the basis for a new design or color palette in your room.
    • Ask your housemates for permission before moving anything large.

Part 3

Making your own bedroom accessories
  1. Create your own throw pillows. They make a big statement and can add color. Unfortunately, pillows are usually expensive in stores. While having sewing skills or access to sewing machine useful, but not necessary.

    Make your own curtains. Wrap the fabric around the curtain rod from top to bottom and then slide it along the curtain rod.

    Make your own ikebana. Explore garage sales, flea markets and second-hand stores to find silk flowers or cut and dry real ones.

    Make a jewelry tree for your dresser. Arrange several dry branches in a vase. Fill the vase with pebbles for stability. Decorate the tree by hanging earrings, necklaces and bracelets from the branches.

    Experiment with DIY craft ideas. Make a decorative rug or placemat for your dresser.

  • Play your favorite music to create your own atmosphere in the room. Music can change her completely, even without cosmetic repairs.
  • Planning is the most important first step for any redecoration or DIY project.
  • Select a topic or color scheme and stick to it. This will help you stay within your budget by preventing you from buying the wrong items.
  • Spray paint furniture that doesn't match the style of your room.
  • Turn a wall into a chalk board, or choose one wall as an art canvas and draw whatever you want on it.
  • Minimize damage to walls by hanging pictures or posters with blue sticky tack or reusable adhesive hooks. You can also buy an inexpensive painting or mirror set from a hardware store.
  • Turn a double bed into a sofa by moving it up against the wall and placing pillows along the back.
  • Keep your room feeling fresh by changing your sheets and pillowcases at least once a week.


  • Always let someone else use the hammer and nails if you don't already have experience. Stubbed fingers and broken walls will add little comfort to your room.
  • Be careful when moving furniture. Seek help if you feel it is necessary. Broken toes and a sprained back are not funny at all.
  • Refrain from using power tools unless you have proper training or advice from someone who already has experience. Always wear a mask when cleaning old paint and furniture.

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Have you just moved into a new home and want to do without renovations? Or have you already made renovations, but the interior doesn’t seem cozy enough to you? Try decorating it. Properly placed accents can not only enliven the interior, but also add “warmth” to your home.

And we have prepared a review interesting ways interior updates that will help decorate the room and will not damage your family budget.

How to decorate a room: pillows

In order to bring the necessary freshness to the interior, you can use. The shape and color depend on the style of your interior and the desired effect. Classic and simple styles involve the use of round, square or rectangular shape. You can choose bright colors that attract attention, or you can choose to support one of the colors or patterns already present in the interior.

Sofa cushions look great unconventional shape: triangular, cubic, in the form of animal figures or even puzzles. IN Lately Pillows made in the shape of letters are very popular. You can use not only different colors, patterns and shapes, but also different materials. IN different interiors Pillows made of cotton, linen or tapestry and velvet look different.

Experiment, but don't forget to persevere. Then sofa cushions will be an excellent decoration for your home.

How to decorate a room: flowers

Every housewife knows that fresh flowers are not only a source of oxygen, but also wonderful decoration apartments. Flowers enliven the interior and make it more “natural”. But this technique must be used very carefully. Your home shouldn't look like a greenhouse. Stop at 5-6 plants (if they small size, then you can increase the number to 8-9).

The green color of fresh flowers always pleases the eye. Try to choose the right not only the flowers themselves, but also the pots for them. If your “pets” are located in one place, then the flower pots should create a single ensemble.

Do not forget that flowers require care and attention. various conditions. Light-loving plants, for example, will take root best on or located on the sunny side.

If you don’t like flowers or don’t know how to care for them, you can have unpretentious plants, for example, cacti. If you forget to water them, nothing bad will happen.

Advice: do not use artificial flowers. They are considered a sign of bad taste. If you want to decorate your home with flowers, but cannot get fresh flowers, then try dried plants. Similar bouquets are sold in decor stores, but you can easily cope with this work yourself. You just need to dry the plants and collect them beautiful bouquet. Dried flowers do not require any care and will delight your eyes for many years.

How to decorate a room: lighting

Light in the room plays a decisive role. Try changing the lighting in the room, you may achieve incredible results. Replace the old one, add wall or ceiling lamps. A large number of light is a technique often used by designers.

Depending on the function of the room, select lamps: suitable for a study cold light, which helps you concentrate, and for the bedroom choose lamps with soft warm light or lamps with shades that diffuse light.

How to decorate a room: curtains

If you want to quickly change the appearance of a room, change the curtains. You can use different colors, materials and even methods of attaching curtains (within the chosen interior style). You'll be surprised how much new curtains will change the look of your room.