home · Tool · Waterproof adhesive solution. What tile adhesive is best to use for the bathroom. What to consider when choosing tile adhesive

Waterproof adhesive solution. What tile adhesive is best to use for the bathroom. What to consider when choosing tile adhesive

Tile products are well suited for finishing the surfaces of a given room, since one of its key features is wet air and high temperature, and ceramic products are moisture resistant. But for the durability of the finish, you need to choose the right adhesive composition. In the old days, floor coverings and walls were tiled, set on a cement-sand mortar (sometimes with the addition of an adhesive agent), which cannot be called waterproof and has sufficient adhesive strength.

Nowadays there is no need to be so sophisticated and mix the solution yourself, since many ready-made adhesive mixtures are produced for various purposes. For property owners who want to conduct this type work, the question arises, what criteria are used to choose the best adhesive for tiles in the bathroom, is it necessary to purchase moisture-resistant tile adhesive, as well as how to glue the tiles and what adjustments are made by the need to paste over the areas around the bathroom and shower. Let's figure out how to choose a good glue for flooring ceramic tiles in the bathroom.

Laying tiles in the bathroom using adhesive

What should you consider when choosing a tile adhesive?

Tile adhesive for the bathroom: which is better? To understand this yourself, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of criteria:

  • Characteristics of the base on which the tiles will be mounted: if the walls are thin, increased demands will be placed on the strength of the adhesive;
  • Waterproof tile adhesive is preferable - even with careful application and long-term drying, waterproof adhesive ensures greater reliability of the structure during its operation;
  • Dimensions of tile elements: large elements must be placed on glue with high adhesion. The fact is that such slabs have a large mass and can fall off under its weight. They are also more likely to be damaged if dropped, so a reliable grip is especially important for them;
  • Dry products are more popular than diluted products, and there are reasons for this: the high price and capriciousness of the latter (they require impeccable smoothness of the walls);
  • For a beginner in construction work, it is better to buy a product that does not have high speed drying, since it will take a lot of time to lay out the elements and bring them into an even, neat position, and it is necessary that during this time the composition does not have time to set. You can, for example, purchase a dispersive paste product;
  • It will be good if different compounds are purchased for finishing the floor and walls (moisture resistance is especially important for the floor, and reliability of the connection is especially important for the walls);
  • For the sake of saving money, you should not buy an expired product or use one that was stored under poor storage conditions. Also, do not take samples with damaged packaging;
  • Two-component compositions require more mixing time, but are highly reliable.

Example of adhesive for laying tiles for wet areas Ceresit CM 74

Types of tile adhesive

There are several types of these compositions, differing in what materials are taken as the base.

Cement mixtures

They are obviously based on cement, and they have the lowest price among the compositions used for bathroom tiles. They are available in the form of dry powders, which must be mixed with water, and are well suited for laying slabs on concrete base. Cement products, despite their attractive cheapness, are characterized by a high drying speed, so it is better to buy them only if you already have experience in using quick-drying compounds.

Work with such a mixture (due to the same feature) should not be carried out during periods of high temperatures and dry air. Sometimes such products are saturated with plasticizer additives - this further promotes faster drying (such products are used for floor finishing).

How to lay ceramic tiles in the bathroom

Thick-layer and thin-layer products are available. The first should be purchased if there are defects or cracks on the surface of the base, the second - when laid on a perfectly smooth base.
Dispersion mixtures

They are not recommended for use on concrete. They are suitable for cladding over old tiles, painted walls, and plasterboard surfaces. The products consist of acrylic and resin compounds with binding additives. One of their features is high adhesion. The products are easy to use, they are easy to work with, and they take quite a long time to dry, so they are suitable for those who are inexperienced in styling. tile coverings of people.

This is how they glue tiles on the floor of a room

Elastic mixtures

Such samples can be selected for substrates that tend to absorb water very poorly. They are also suitable for heated floors: their elasticity ensures easy adaptation to temperature-induced expansion and contraction.

Epoxy mixtures

IN residential buildings such a product is rarely used: it is expensive, demanding in terms of working conditions and compliance with application technology. But its advantage is complete waterproofness. It is often used in saunas, swimming pools and other similar premises.

Working with ceramics on the walls of a room

How to choose adhesive for different types of tiles?

The purchased tile product also imposes certain limits on the preferred choice of mixture:

  • Compositions gray very common, suitable for simple ceramics, as well as for porcelain stoneware products. They look neutral and calm, but do not have a “polished” appearance;
  • For marble products and glass mosaics, a presentable white glue is needed. By the way, there is no connection between color and performance properties, the white product is neither superior nor inferior to gray, the only thing is that marble can absorb the product, which is why the color of the tile changes, and when choosing white it will be much less pronounced;
  • If mosaics are used, the glue must be fine-grained, because products of this type are mounted on very thin layer adhesive composition.

How to calculate glue consumption?

Basically, the data and method of this calculation are indicated on product packaging and on the official website of the manufacturer. Websites often have calculators that allow you to make such calculations. One more is enough in a universal way is the multiplication of the average consumption of the product (it is usually indicated on websites and packaging) by the thickness of one cladding element, divided by two. In general, the mixture consumption is influenced by the following factors:

  • The density of the intended product, which depends on its composition;
  • The degree of absorption of tiles, which is determined by the material and production technique. The most glue-absorbing products are self made, the least - porcelain stoneware. Also, ordinary glazed products absorb quite little;
  • The degree of surface smoothness: the more ideal it is, the less glue is required;
  • Base composition: the more porous the material, the more you need to smear;
  • Temperature at which they are carried out renovation work: If it is above 25 degrees, the glue will dry faster and consumption will increase. It is also not worth carrying out work at temperatures below +5 degrees.

Fast-hardening version of adhesive for tiles

Step-by-step instructions for laying tiles

First you need to decide in what sequence and from which area to start laying out the product. This is especially true if you plan to lay not just single-color tiles, but a patterned fabric. If the work is being done on the floor and the tiles are of the same color, you can start laying from any area, but for walls it is better to start from the bottom. You also need to buy tools for working and mixing glue. As for choosing a spatula, it is better to purchase a product in the shape of the letter V - when using it, the least amount of glue is used, but such tools are not very common on sale.

Now you need to prepare the base. The amount of glue consumed greatly depends on its evenness and the presence of level differences, cracks and similar damage. In any case, the base must be freed from old decoration. If it is paint, it can be removed with a special compound purchased at a hardware store: apply it to the surface, wait a while and then scrape off the softened paint.

If there are pieces that threaten to fall off, they must be removed and the recesses filled with putty. After this mixture has dried, remove dust and dirt from the surface and treat it with a suitable primer composition and when it dries, mark the installation using a building level.

Glue is applied to small area surface of such an area that is enough to lay 4-6 finishing elements. There is no need to coat an area that is too large, especially if the builder has little experience (the glue will have time to dry, some tiles will not stick, or the layer will not have time to level them). Spread the glue in an even layer using a spatula.

It is not necessary to apply it to the back of the tiles, but if there are features of the tile and base that “eat up” a lot of glue, it is still worth doing. Seams of two to three millimeters are left between the rows (to ensure evenness, you can purchase plastic elements in the shape of crosses). The tile is pressed first with your hand, then with a hammer with a rubber knob for a tighter fastening. Excess glue must be removed immediately with a sponge before it hardens.

It is recommended to constantly check the evenness of the stacked elements with a level. When 3-4 rows are laid out, you need to take a break for an hour or two so that the glue sets well and so that the lower rows of tiles do not collapse under the pressure of the upper ones. This should be done every few rows. When all the tiles have been laid, the bathroom is left alone for a day or two so that the glue sets well.

The final stage is to treat the seams with grout. You need to select a composition in advance that is in harmony with the color of the tile. It is applied with a special narrow tool, and splashes that fall on the tiles are immediately removed with a damp cloth or sponge.

Choosing the right glue suited to the characteristics base and material is very important element facing works: durability and appearance finished coating.

The latest technologies can facilitate the work process and improve the final result as much as they can achieve the exact opposite.

This means that for the right choice, in particular, adhesive for laying tiles on the floor in the bathroom, before purchasing it, you need to at least know what kind of base you will have to work with and what tiles will be laid on it.

The glue is required to have high astringent and adhesive properties, have increased adhesion and harden not only very quickly, but exactly after the time that is enough for correct installation and alignment of each tile unit.

Which tile adhesive is best, and how to choose it for the bathroom?

Assuming that the floor tiles in the bathroom will definitely be located:

  • V indoors,
  • where there is high humidity,
  • most likely with a normal, but maybe increased, degree of load,

then the choice of glue will have to be based on the answers to three questions:

  1. What will the subfloor material be?
  2. What size tiles to install?
  3. What kind of floor will it be, regular or warm?

The variety of adhesive material composition is not so large and consists of 3 positions:

  1. Cement.

Cement based

The presence of cement in the glue suggests some of its versatility and economy. This glue is one of the most inexpensive, usually sold in the form of a dry mixture, where more than 90 percent is cement.

It is diluted in proportions of 3 to 1, where the second number is water, the first is the amount of the mixture. The glue quite successfully adheres tiles to concrete bases and cement coatings.

It can also be used to level less-than-ideal surfaces, the main condition being that the unevenness is not too deep.

Dispersion glue

Due to its increased adhesive properties, it is excellent for working with drywall, the surface of which will not be deeply absorbed, but for working with concrete floors, it is the worst option.

Dispersion glue is nothing more than a mixture of acrylic with astringent additives and artificial resins.

Available now in finished form in sealed plastic buckets or jars that:

  • slightly increases labor productivity, making it possible not to waste time preparing the adhesive mixture,
  • allows you to carry out work without excess dust,
  • there are some savings Supplies, since the consistency of the glue has already been determined by the manufacturer and is optimal for installation work.

Dispersion adhesive does not contain solvents and has a fairly long gluing interval, the latter being at least 40 minutes.

It is believed that such glue is ideal for working with complex surfaces, at least with it, as well as on a painted surface, cement floor, drywall. It can be used on a plywood base.

2-component epoxy adhesive is divided into three subgroups:

  1. fluid,
  2. paste with ultrafine filler,
  3. pasta with mineral filler.

He is considered the best remedy when you need tile adhesive on wood, plywood, concrete, iron or any other surface.

Thanks enough liquid composition, the glue is able to penetrate into small cracks, which greatly increases the adhesion of materials. Release form: ready-made mixtures.

Adhesive for tiles of different sizes

If you choose an adhesive mass based on the size of the tile, then the larger it is, the higher the binding properties of the glue that will stick it.

It is best to have quartz sand granules of a fixed size in the glue. It would also be nice if the mixtures were enhanced with liquid latex components. All this increases adhesion.

Any large-format tile laid on the floor must be glued with a compound that has a high degree of elasticity. Plasticizers and elastanes in the adhesive will help firmly fix the tiles in the pool, and also as the top covering of a heated floor system.

For an adhesive that must glue medium-sized tiles, all these qualities are, in fact, not important, although elasticity in any case should be inherent in the adhesive for working with flooring. Basically, the glue is still selected according to the quality of the tile and the base on which it will be laid.

Material of manufacture

Considering the surface on which, say, ceramic tiles will be laid, it is worth choosing an adhesive. It is important that it has high adhesive ability.

For ceramic floor tiles, its elasticity is also extremely important, since the mass, even in a frozen form, must withstand the deformations that occur during operation of the tile.

The higher the elasticity combined with a high adhesive index, the less likely the ceramic is to crack even after years of use.

For example:

  • dry cement-based mixture dries quickly, so without certain qualifications you should not work with it, especially in the heat,
  • cement adhesive with a plasticizer increases the drying time of the adhesive mixture, makes it elastic and more adhesive,
  • one-component glue, possibly dispersion, sold in the form of a paste, does not dry for a long time even on outdoors, has the right consistency and can be used even by a person without tile laying experience,
  • two-component glue (epoxy or any other polyurethane) will have to be made independently. But at the same time, it is perfect for ceramic floor tiles specifically for the bathroom, since it was created specifically for gluing tiles in the bathroom.

For porcelain tiles

The glue must be reinforced.

Considering that ceramic granite tiles have low water absorption, have a low adhesive density and are considered quite capricious even among professionals, you should not use both one-component and two-component compounds, as well as ordinary cement adhesive without additives.

The ideal glue is one containing sand, cement and synthetic additives in strictly defined proportions. For the consumer, these same proportions are not as important as the presence of an inscription on the packaging, by which one can understand that this particular adhesive is intended for porcelain tiles.

The composition of the correct adhesive will ensure increased adhesion and, accordingly, a certain adhesion of porcelain stoneware and the floor surface.

In order for the tile to hold perfectly and withstand all mechanical and even thermal loads, you need to lay the adhesive solution in a layer equal to the thickness of the tile.

Mosaic tile adhesive

The mosaic will look great and last a long time when the glue is applied to both the sheet and the floor.

To glue it you need a special white glue. It will allow you to glue smalt, ceramic and glass mosaics.

And then it can be used as a .

The best option will become a latex-based glue.

Composition and properties of glue

Manufacturers divide adhesives for floor tiles not only by elasticity, composition and ability to withstand mechanical loads. There are 5 more principles of gradation.

Adhesive marked quick-drying

Assumes complete drying and possibility normal use floor tiles within 3 – 5 hours after laying them. It can be used for porcelain stoneware, as well as stone tiles, creating excellent adhesion to mineral, preferably non-deformable surfaces.

The use of quick-drying tile adhesive in the bathroom is also justified by the fact that it does not allow water to pass through; you can work with such material at low temperatures, that is, even in winter in an unheated room.

It is produced exclusively in dry mixtures, which must be diluted in certain proportions before use. Among the most common: IVSIL EXPRESS+, Knauf Schnellkleber, OSNOVIT SCORPLIX T-15.

Heat resistant

Must withstand temperatures up to + 100 degrees and above.

Gluing them to tile the floor in the bathroom is just throwing money away, unless there is a steam room in this room.

Most often, heat-resistant, or heat-resistant, tile adhesive is used for lining stoves and fireplaces.

They cannot be used to glue anything other than ceramic refractory tiles, as well as artificial stone, it is not suitable for those floors that are insulated, including concrete.

But it glues tiles perfectly to aerated concrete and brick. Sold in dry mixtures, packaged from 5 to 25 kilograms.

Brands available to consumers: “FEROZIT-108”, “IVSIL TERMIX”, “Terracotta reinforced, highly adhesive, heat-resistant”.


Sold in dry mixtures and designed for use with ceramic tiles. However, despite the fact that manufacturers position such glue as frost-resistant, it may well be used for interior work in a heated room with high humidity.

At room temperature, after dilution with water, you can work with it for no more than 2.5 hours. Designed for laying tiles on types of concrete and cement screeds.

Popular brands of frost-resistant tile adhesive include: Knauf HP Start, Kreisel MULTI 102, CERESIT BAUTECHNIK.

Acid-resistant glue

As a rule, the glue is a two-component mineral-inorganic silicate glue. It is used for acid-resistant tiles, which are intended for rooms where there may be temperature changes, as well as external chemical irritants.

Its main advantage over other adhesives is that it is capable of properly gluing tiles to a wet surface.

Acid-resistant tile adhesive hardens quickly, is odorless, and most manufacturers claim that it is absolutely harmless, so it can be used in any room.

At least the following manufacturers promise that their products have all the listed properties: BOTAMENT® TK 150, Glue 88-NP, Himflex.

Waterproof glue

The most common among adhesive mixtures for tiles on bathroom floors. This glue is usually made on a cement-sand base, but with special additives that allow it to:

  • repel moisture
  • be harmless to people
  • resistant to chlorine,
  • have high adhesive properties that are not lost over time.

Brands of companies that claim to sell high-quality waterproof glue: WIN POOL TM-16, Ceresit CM 17 glue, CM 14 “Express” adhesive mixture.

In addition to traditional gradation, tile adhesive can be improved through various additives, such as:

  • liquid is used when the tiles will be laid on a heated screed or on any other deformed surface,
  • latex polymer will increase adhesion, increase bending strength, provide water resistance,
  • A strengthening additive will increase the strength of any glue, thereby improving its technical characteristics.

Brands of adhesives

Among the 4 most popular brands of glue, you can certainly choose the one that will be most necessary according to its technical characteristics.

Name compound application peculiarities price
Unis Plus 2000 cement, sand, chemical additives for ceramic and tile floors mosaic tiles in bathrooms, for gluing tiles onto old tiles elasticity, frost resistance, 20 minutes for gluing and adjustment allow installation from top to bottom without fear of slipping 280 rubles for 25 kilograms
Eunice Plus Moisture Resistant cement-sand mixture with elastic additives for gluing various tiles in wet rooms on a cement base and brick moisture resistance, elasticity, frost resistance make it possible to work with complex surfaces 270 rubles for a 25 kilogram package
Eunice Granite Cement, sand, additives For installation of porcelain stoneware and granite slabs on the floor, as well as for wall cladding moisture resistance, weather resistance, high elasticity make it possible to work with large slabs 270 rubles for 25 kilograms

The line of the German company Knauf, so popular and deservedly so, offers high-tech adhesive mixtures for laying floor tiles.

At the same time, the company hints that all related work should be carried out exclusively with the help of its products. As for glue, Knauf limited itself to two positions for tiles:

Name compound application peculiarities price
KNAUF Vliesenkleber dry mixture based on cement filler with mineral additives used for flooring, when tiling with ceramic tiles and slabs Temperature resistance of the adhesive from – 20 to + 80, one day after gluing, the tiles can be walked on, suitable for working with large-format tiles on concrete, plasterboard, aerated concrete, self-leveling floors 200 rubles for 25 kilograms
Knauf Flexkleber cement-based adhesive with elastic filler suitable for installing tiles on floors as an insulating and waterproof adhesive that can withstand high mechanical loads heat resistance, frost resistance, water resistance make it possible to use the adhesive in indoor and outdoor areas with high humidity and temperature 220 rubles for 25 kilograms

French Saint-Gobain is one of the leaders in the production of mixtures and adhesives for construction. Trademark Weber is represented in various construction industries, including its own adhesive line.

Name compound application peculiarities price
weber.vetonit profi plus moisture resistant cement adhesive for installation of ceramic tiles, marble, granite outdoors indoors, including on the floor has high adhesion, hardens without shrinkage, is suitable for heated floors, withstands 75 frost resistance cycles 348 rubles for 25 kilograms
Weber Vetonit easy fix cement, polymer fillers, chemical additives used for cladding and laying on floors, as well as plasterboard, medium-sized tiles and mosaics inside and outside buildings glue should be applied to the tile area no more than 80%; work should be carried out on a surface whose temperature is from +5 degrees 235 rubles for 25 kilograms
Weber.vetonitoptima cement, functioning fillers, modifying additives used for mosaics and ceramic tiles during interior and exterior work cover back side tiles should be no more than 60% full, after which it must be pressed into the surface with force 280 rubles for 25 kilograms

The Italian manufacturer LITOKOL SpA has its representative offices throughout the post-Soviet space. The company promises that everything Newest technologies, which are used in its production, constantly improve products.

Name compound application peculiarities price
LITOKOL X11 cement, adhesive enhancing additives for ceramic tiles when installed on walls and floors, even for rooms with high humidity Laying tiles on the floor, facing tiles or mosaics 385 rubles for 25 kilograms
LITOACRIL PLUS dispersive, moisture-resistant, ready-to-use adhesive for ceramic tiles installation of medium-sized tiles and mosaics can be used for gluing new tiles like old ones, dries quickly 400 rubles for 5 kilograms
LITOELASTIC reactive two-component epoxy-polyurethane adhesive, ready for use suitable for working with porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles, marble, mosaic Can glue tiles to cement, concrete, plywood, metal, wooden base, as well as to warm floor and even to asphalt 480 rubles for 5 kilograms

From good glue Almost half of the success of all installation work with tiles depends.

  • If the floor is concrete or cement strainer, and the tiles are ceramic or mosaic, then you can buy regular cement glue. To improve the work process, you can also use glue with additives. Knauf Flexkleber or Unis Plus Moisture Resistant are quite suitable.
  • If the base for the tiles is brick or old tiles, you will need to purchase “LITOACRIL PLUS” or “Unis Plus 2000” tile adhesive
  • When the tiles become the top part of the “warm floor” system, you will need to buy “LITOELASTIC” or “Weber.vetonit profi plus”
  • When laying large slabs, as well as porcelain tiles, you should opt for Unis Granite glue

The main thing when purchasing glue is to know exactly what surface the tiles will be laid on and what its composition is.

Theoretically, any type of adhesive can be used to install floor tiles. But given the high technology modern processes When producing building materials, it is still worth choosing the adhesive that is intended specifically for each individual surface and tile.

In this case, it is advisable to strictly follow the instructions for making an adhesive solution from dry mixtures. Following these simple principles will allow you to get a good result that will last for a long time.

Tile adhesive - dry mixture, ready to use; proportions and material consumption are calculated for each bag. It is used to work with ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone.

Technical characteristics and types

Previously, instead of ready-made mixtures, the solution was made manually: from sand, cement and water. Modern Knauf company, Volma, Osnovit and others add plasticizers to their mixtures - this reduces the fluidity of the solution.

When purchasing, pay attention to the strength of adhesion to the base, the amount of water, operating temperature, layer thickness - all characteristics and warnings can be found on the bag of glue.

Ready tile mixtures There are several types.

  • Frost-resistant and water-resistant withstand sudden changes in temperature and humidity.
  • For outdoor useuniversal look glue, it is also used for interior decoration.
  • Fast-curing glue will reduce work time if you urgently need to complete the finishing touches.
  • Reinforced- suitable for shopping centers and stores, does not collapse under heavy and long loads.
  • Wall withstands heavy porcelain tiles and slabs large sizes.
  • Thick layer smoothes out sharp changes if the surface is uneven.

How to choose tile adhesive

All types of adhesives last longer and reduce defects if used as intended - the solution will not crack, the tiles will not fall off, harmful substances won't stand out.

Choose an adhesive based on external factors:

  1. Indoor climate— determine humidity and temperature.
  2. What will be at the base: cement screed, drywall, wood, plastic, metal.
  3. Sudden changes in substrate temperature- what kind of floors will be in the room: regular or warm.
  4. What size and type will the tiles be?: porcelain stoneware, natural stone, tile; small or large size.
  5. : whether there will be high or low traffic.

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Long gone are the days when tiles on the walls and floors in the plumbing room were laid using homemade cement mortars. Now everyone always uses tile adhesive for the bathroom. This composition allows you to properly fix the tile to the surface and hold it securely throughout its entire service life.

In this material, I decided to tell you which adhesive for bathroom tiles to choose when tiling walls and floors with your own hands.

Features of using the adhesive composition in the bathroom

For installation of ceramic tiles on vertical and horizontal surfaces, ready-made adhesive solutions are usually used, which have the following qualities:

  • high astringent properties;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • increased adhesion to various surfaces;
  • optimal hardening time (this period should be such that it is enough for the correct placement and alignment of the decorative material).

But a bathroom is a room with a specific microclimate, so the adhesive for tiles in the bathroom must have specific properties. I have outlined the most important of them in the table below:

Characteristic Description
Temperature resistance The air in the bathroom during bathing procedures often warms up to high temperature, after which it cools down. Accordingly, the adhesive on which the tiles are glued must withstand these fluctuations and have a minimum coefficient of thermal expansion.
Moisture resistance The content of water vapor in the air in the bathroom is also higher than in other rooms of the apartment or house. Frozen building mixture, holding the tile, must retain its performance properties even in direct contact with water (if liquid leaks through the seams).
High strength The adhesive composition (especially for floor tiles) must withstand significant operating loads. Firstly, heavy materials are often installed on bathroom tiles. household appliances and plumbing fixtures, secondly, this room is one of the most visited in the home.
Environmental friendliness The adhesive will be used indoors (sometimes not very high-quality ventilation). Therefore, the material must be as safe as possible for humans and have zero emissions of chemical compounds harmful to health.

These are the most important characteristics. But choosing which one better glue for bathroom tiles, I advise you to take into account other points:

  • what material is the surface that will be tiled from;
  • what size tiles will be used for the job;
  • whether a floor heating system will be used (water or electric).

Well, now in more detail about the currently existing varieties of adhesive compositions for tiles.

Types of glue

All existing tile adhesives can be classified according to several criteria, as indicated in the diagram below.

And now I will tell you how to choose glue for the job. Of course, this is not a comprehensive guide, but you will definitely get the information you need.

By adhesive material

Let's start by describing adhesives by the type of adhesive material used.


Cement-based adhesive is one of the most popular materials for tiling walls in the bathroom. It is usually sold in the form of a dry powder, consisting of 90% cement binder, mixed with fillers, plasticizers, modifiers and other substances that improve its performance characteristics.

The most important, in my opinion, advantages of cement adhesive are:

  • versatility of use - you can use it to lay almost anything existing varieties ceramic tiles on a pre-prepared base;
  • low price – this option is cheaper than the alternative options I described below.

Before preparation, the glue must be mixed with water using a low-speed drill with a mixer attached to it. Usually you need 3 parts water and 1 part dry powder, but manufacturers indicate the exact amount of components on the packaging.

Cement tile adhesive is excellent for laying tiles on subfloors with minor defects. However, if the wall or floor has a strong horizontal or vertical difference, additional leveling will be required using screed or plaster.


The main feature of dispersion adhesive is its very high adhesion to smooth surfaces . With its help, I usually lay tiles on the following bases:

  • surfaces painted with paint (not peeling);
  • drywall;
  • wood.

Limitation – concrete walls, to which dispersion adhesive does not adhere well.

The adhesive composition in question consists of acrylic diluted with binders and synthetic resins. It usually comes in jars or buckets of varying sizes and is ready to use without any additional effort on your part.

The advantages of dispersion adhesive are obvious:

  • time for carrying out is reduced finishing works, since there is no need to be distracted by preparing the solution yourself;
  • during work, the amount of dust in the room decreases (dry cement powder generates a lot of dust before it is moistened);
  • The glue is already supplied in the desired consistency, so you do not need to check whether the mixture is fluid and flexible enough. This is important for beginning craftsmen who cannot choose the appropriate proportions of powder and water themselves.

The polymerization time of the finished adhesive composition is about 40 minutes, which is quite enough for gluing and leveling the cladding.

However, ready-made adhesive for bathroom tiles has a big drawback. Opened packaging must be used within a strictly designated period of time, after which the material becomes unusable.

That is, an open jar cannot be left the next day. And if you use cement glue, you can prepare a small amount of solution that you can use until the end of the working day.


An epoxy resin based adhesive, usually consisting of two components - a base and an activator. The solution becomes suitable for use after mixing the components with each other.

Epoxy tile adhesive is usually used for gluing ceramics to the following types of substrates:

  • wood, including plywood, OSB boards, and so on;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • metal and others like that.

Due to its rather liquid consistency, the adhesive is based on epoxy resin fills even the smallest cracks and defects, ensuring the most reliable fixation of the material on the surface to be finished.

Two-component epoxy adhesives are divided into three different groups:

  • fluid;
  • pasty with finely dispersed filler;
  • pasty with mineral filler.

Features of use

  1. When choosing an adhesive with a mineral filler, choose those compositions that use quartz sand with the same fraction size.
  2. For work, it is better to use mixtures with liquid latex additives. They significantly increase the adhesion of the composition and ensure tight retention of the cladding throughout the entire life of the material.
  3. For floor coverings, it is necessary to use mixtures with high elasticity. Especially if a floor heating system is provided. Elastic adhesive will prevent the tile from peeling off or cracking when minor changes dimensions of the base (as a result of shrinkage or thermal expansion).

  1. When working in summer time and at high air temperatures it is necessary to use cement adhesive with plasticizers, which increase the time of its dehydration and, accordingly, setting.
  2. If you do not have much experience in laying glue, purchase dispersion glue. It does not need to be cooked and has an extended setting time. That is, you have enough time to high-quality styling and leveling the tiles on the surface.
  3. Two-component adhesive is difficult to prepare and use, so it is better not to buy it if you do not have at least minimal experience in laying tiles.

By type of tile

There are several specific types of tiles, for the installation of which special types of adhesive compositions are suitable. I want to talk about them in this section.

Porcelain tiles

This type of material is rarely used for work in bathrooms. The bottom line is that ceramic granite tiles have a low coefficient of water absorption and, as a result, low adhesion density to the mounting mortar.

It is best to use cement-containing glue with certain synthetic modifiers for this purpose. To ensure the reliability of laying tiles, the composition of the components and their quantity are important. The main thing is that on the packaging with the material there is a separate mention that the adhesive you have chosen is suitable for working with porcelain stoneware.

The amount of glue used is also very important. To securely hold porcelain tiles in place, it is necessary that the layer of mortar under the tiles be equal to its thickness.


For gluing small ceramic tiles, not only the composition, but also the color of the adhesive is important, since it will be clearly visible in the spaces between the parts.

The same material is also used for jointing seams.

Special adhesives

By using special additives Manufacturers impart various specific properties to adhesive compositions. They will be discussed in this section.

Quick drying

The use of such adhesive for work in the bathroom presupposes the possibility of normal operation of the coating (in most cases, floor) after 4-5 hours after completion of installation.

The quick-drying adhesive is suitable for gluing classic tiles, porcelain tiles and even natural stone. It has good adhesion to surfaces, but requires preparation of the wall or floor for application. In particular, I recommend leveling the surfaces using screed, plaster or.

Another important property quick-drying glue – hydrophobicity. Therefore, it is often used for work in sanitary facilities. It retains its properties even at fairly low temperatures, so you can lay the tiles in the winter at the dacha, when the house is not heated.


These adhesive compositions specially designed for use in the bathroom and other rooms with high air humidity. Waterproof adhesive is made from cement with mineral filler (sand), as well as special additives.

Thanks to the latter, the glue acquires specific properties:

  • repels moisture;
  • tolerates exposure to chlorine-containing detergents;
  • has high adhesive properties that are maintained throughout the entire service life.

Waterproof tile adhesive can be modified with additives that give it additional properties:

  • liquid plasticizer for heated floors - used when tiles are used to cover a screed with a heating system or another surface that can change dimensions during operation;
  • latex polymer – greatly increases the adhesion of the adhesive, as well as its bending strength, and provides additional water resistance;
  • strengthening additive - increases the strength of the adhesive composition and the reliability of fixing the tiles to the surface being finished.

There are several other compositions designed to work in very specific conditions, but they have little relevance to the bathroom, so I’ll just list them, without description:

  • heat resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • acid-resistant.

Manufacturers and brands

To make the choice easier, I’ll tell you about several manufacturers tile adhesives and their range of products


One of popular manufacturers tile adhesives company is Unis. This manufacturer offers the following types of adhesive compositions:

  1. Suitable for laying all types of ceramic tiles weighing up to 40 kg/m2. Suitable for finishing damp rooms, including those that are not heated and freeze in the cold season (for example, a bathroom in a country house). Not used for finishing heated floors. Using this glue you can glue porcelain tiles up to 30 cm in size.

  1. An adhesive composition used for laying classic and mosaic tiles, as well as porcelain tiles with a water absorption coefficient of at least 0.5% and a size of up to 60 cm. Withstands tiles weighing up to 80 kg per square meter. Suitable for cladding rooms with increased level humidity without underfloor heating systems.

  1. High-strength tile adhesive used for laying all types of tiles, natural stone and porcelain stoneware weighing up to 100 kg per square meter. Can be used for finishing heated floors, laying tiles using the top-down method and gluing tiles to old decorative coating(tiles). The material is completely safe and approved for use in children's and medical institutions.

  1. A specialized adhesive composition suitable for cladding walls and floors in rooms with high humidity, including freezing ones. The main area of ​​application is decorating surfaces that are in constant direct contact with water (swimming pools, etc.). Withstands cladding weighing up to 60 kg per square meter.

  1. High-strength tile adhesive, which is used for gluing heavy large-format slabs of porcelain stoneware, marble, natural stone and so on. Excellent withstands significant loads during operation. Can be used for tiling heated floors and gluing tiles to old tiles.

  1. Belfix. White adhesive used for installation of decorative tiles, mosaics, glass tiles and blocks, slabs of natural stone and so on. Withstands tile weight of 80 kg per square meter. Can be used for cladding complex surfaces, including old cladding. Excellent as a grout when creating artistic coatings (panels, etc.).

  1. Can be used for cladding walls and ceilings, as well as laying tiles on ceilings and inclined surfaces. Withstands material weight up to 50 kg per square meter. Has increased laying time and viability of the solution. Suitable for installing tiles using the top-down method and covering heated floors.

  1. Eunice FIX. Adhesive for laying tiles in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity levels. Can be used for installing cladding on walls and floors without heating. Withstands material weight up to 30 kg per square meter. Can be used for laying porous blocks indoors and enclosing walls made of aerated concrete.

This manufacturer also produces primers, grouts and other materials necessary for the job.


No less popular in our country is Knauf products. Here I can highlight the following compositions:

  1. Knauf Fliesen. Used for tiling walls with tiles measuring no more than 30 by 30 cm and surface water absorption of at least 3%. can be used for floor covering (without heating) with porcelain stoneware. I recommend using this adhesive for laying tiles on flat, non-deforming substrates (concrete, screed, plaster, plasterboard sheets).
  2. Knauf Fliesen Max. Tile adhesive based on a cement binder, used for gluing ceramic tiles weighing up to 60 kg per square meter. Not suitable for underfloor heating.
  3. Knauf Fliesen Plus. Reinforced adhesive cement composition. Can be used for gluing tiles, natural and artificial stone up to 40 cm in size and weighing up to 60 kg. I recommend using this adhesive for heated floors in areas with high humidity.
  4. Knauf Schnell. Glue in the form of a dry powder, which has a reduced hardening time. Can be used for covering heated floors, as well as surfaces in rooms with high humidity.
  5. Knauf Marble. Adhesive composition based on white cement. Used for wall cladding with marble, granite, glass mosaic, transparent tiles and other decorative materials weighing up to 60 kg per square meter. The glue tolerates significant temperature fluctuations and can be used for arranging indoor swimming pools and other similar hydraulic structures.
  6. Knauf Flex. Adhesive with increased elasticity, used for gluing any decorative materials(tiles, porcelain tiles, natural stone) without restrictions on weight and size. Excellent for arranging floors that will be subject to increased load during operation. Can be used for gluing tiles to deformable substrates (for example, cement-bonded particle boards).


Based on the information above, you can independently choose which adhesive composition to use for tiling surfaces in the bathroom. By the way, its use is not necessary in all cases. There are self-adhesive tiles that are mounted on walls without mortar. You can learn about it from the video in this article.

You can leave your opinion about the information presented in the material in the comments.

August 15, 2016

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You bought a brand new tile and are excitedly rushing home in anticipation of receiving Beautiful design bathroom? What about glue, what about tile adhesive?

Remember a cautionary tale about a thread and a bead? Likewise, the glue discreetly performs its function, ensuring the reliability and durability of the finish. Today I want to tell you about the intricacies of selecting and applying various adhesive compositions and, of course, I will not leave you without rating the most popular brands.


The classification is based on the composition - the ingredients that are included in the recipe.

In the photo - Glims adhesive compositions

  1. The most common group is cement compositions, which among professionals bear the proud name “cement colloidal mastic.” They received their popular love due to their low cost.
    Already from the name it becomes clear that you will have to deal with a mixture of cement, sand and a small amount polymer additives, increasing the adhesion and plasticity of the mass. Most often it is sold in the form of dry mixtures, which require prior dilution with water.

Cement mastic is actively used for laying tiles indoors.

You can even improve the characteristics of cement compositions with your own hands, for example, by adding latex additives. The latter increase the elasticity of the mass, expand the deformation range of the layer and impart moisture resistance.

  1. One step higher in the price range are dispersive adhesive mixtures. They are most often used for finishing wooden, plasterboard or metal surfaces.

It is used to lay tiles on a vertical slippery surface without additional priming and sanding, as well as on gypsum fiber and plywood sheets that are prone to bending.

This glue is sold in finished form, carefully packaged in a simple bucket.

The high price is offset by modest consumption (almost 2 times lower compared to cement mass).

  1. Epoxy adhesives are multicomponent mixtures into which a catalyst is added before application. The material requires scrupulousness and virtuosity in preparation and use.

Technical documentation and standards

Thin-layer mortars for laying tiles must comply with a number of specific technical requirements specified in the PN-EN 12004 standard (or ISO 13007 part 1).


  • C – cement;
  • D – dispersive;
  • R – based on reaction resins.

The classification of cement compositions is based on peeling and bending strength. The test is carried out on samples that are stored in four different conditions. Getting into category C1 or C2 provides an indicator of ≥0.5 N/mm² and 1.0 N/mm², respectively.

Peel strength is important in dispersion and reactive adhesives. The dispersion category is designated D1 if the initial and final adhesion indicators do not exceed 0.5 N/mm². D2 obtains a composition with a peel strength of 0.5 N/mm² when stored in water.

Additional properties are indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet:

  • T – reduced slip;
  • F – fast binding (applicable to cement mixtures);
  • E – increased open drying time (applicable to cement and dispersion adhesives D2).

Elasticity degree cement mortar assessed by the PN-EN 12002 standard, for bending – S1 or S2. Category S1 requires bending values ​​of at least 2.5 mm, S2 - more than 5 mm (such adhesive is called elastic with high deformation strength).

Selection criteria and flow calculation

The type of glue depends on several factors, including:

  • type, thickness and size of tiles;
  • features of the base;
  • selected installation technology;
  • terms of Use.

Type of tiles

The porosity of the tile determines the adhesive consumption. The higher the hygroscopicity, the more glue will be required for installation. Almost all tile manufacturers take this fact into account when producing adhesive mixtures, however, there is also a ready-made universal adhesive that is suitable for laying both wall and floor coverings.

Tile size and thickness

The greater the weight of the tile, the higher the glue consumption and the more durable it should be. Let's look at an example with calculation cement composition: tiles measuring 10x10 cm require a layer of adhesive mortar of 2 mm; 200×300 mm – 2-3 mm; 300×300, 450×450 and 500×500 mm – from 4 to 4.5 mm.

You can reduce consumption by using a properly selected spatula; information and recommendations for selection are contained in the instructions for the glue.

For large tiles I recommend choosing glue from the Mapei, Litokol, Sopro, Lugato, Kerakoll, Ceresit or Knauf catalogs.

Laying and foundation technology

Before you start gluing tiles, critically assess the condition of the base. If the height difference does not exceed 3 mm, you can use the thin-layer laying method.

If you have to work with uneven surface, choose leveling glue that you can safely apply in a layer of up to 3 cm.

  • Polimin P9/12/14/16/22;
  • Ceresit 11/12/17;
  • Siltek T80/81.

Adhesive for bathroom tiles with a steam room (fireplace or stove)

  • Siltek T84;
  • Polimin P11.

Finishing heated floors in the bathroom

  • Polimin P24/25;
  • Siltek T84;
  • Ceresit 17.

Gluing light and marble tiles

  • Siltek T82;
  • Ceresit 115;
  • Polimin P23.

Finishing the bathroom with stone (natural, artificial)

  • Master Stonefix;
  • Polimin P14/22;
  • Ceresit 117;
  • Siltek T81.

Summing up

Now you know which adhesive for bathroom tiles is better, what is the difference between mixtures different composition and how to calculate consumption. If you have any questions or lingering doubts about the right choice, ask our experts in the comments and be sure to watch the video in this article.