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Facade slabs Facade systems: types and features Fasst type

Facade slab type Fasst -practical solution For facade design for all types construction work: during the construction of buildings, their reconstruction or for decorative finishing. These systems are equipped with a ventilation gap that allows you to effectively remove moisture from load-bearing wall and insulation.

Fiber cement facade slabs

High-quality fiber cement boards, on which the Fasst façade systems are based, do not require special care. They do not retain dust and dirt, and thanks to this, deposits and smudges do not appear on them. Most importantly, this material does not lose its attractiveness over time. If you still need to clean them, the recipe is very simple: it is recommended to rinse them with water in which any detergent has been previously diluted.

Fasst slabs are manufactured in two versions:

  • based on an artificial stone material obtained by hardening a mixture consisting of cement, asbestos and water. Asbestos reinforces cement stone, providing high tensile and bending strength of products.
  • based on fiber cement panels.

Fiber cement panels have a number of valuable technical properties: they have high mechanical bending strength, small volume weight, low thermal conductivity and water permeability. They also show resistance to leaching by mineralized waters.

Application of Fasst facade slabs

System curtain facades with an air gap Fasst is used in external enclosing structures of residential and public buildings made of concrete, brick, stone and wood. Serves as a reliable tool for increasing the thermal protection of these structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”.

Facade panel Fasst is used in construction, reconstruction, and also in decorative finishing.

Construction: The cladding properties of the facade make it possible to design enclosing structures of much smaller thickness. Installation outer wall will not need plastering and painting of enclosing structures.

Reconstructions: Insulation of buildings subject to repair is carried out. High quality material increases the service life of these buildings.

Decorative finishing: diversity color palette and the texture of the facade sheets gives original look both the whole architectural ensemble and its individual parts.

Facade selection

As practice shows, the process of selecting a facade is divided into two stages.

  • Choice of façade system. When choosing a facade system, consider the following criteria: fire protection with flammability class NG; thermal protection (insulation thickness up to 250mm); heat resistance; soundproofing; anti-corrosion; speed and ease of installation all year round; durability (over 30 years); absence preparatory work; comfortable conditions accommodation; suitability for repair; aesthetics color solutions in architecture; flexible system discounts
  • Selecting a supplier. When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the following criteria: manager qualifications; possibility of carrying out designer's supervision; willingness to meet delivery deadlines and split the delivery of the system into separate batches; the supplier’s experience in using façade systems in Russia and neighboring countries; range of included free services; fast reaction to any customer requirements; guarantee period and maintenance after its expiration; availability of accompanying documents from the testing center of Gosstandart of Russia.

You were not mistaken in choosing our company's products - facade slabs ah like Fasst. The facade panels of the Monolit company fully comply with all of the above criteria. By choosing the Fasst facade slab, you get A complex approach to your façade.

You are required to: place an application, agree on prices and terms, accept the finished object. All the rest of the work will be carried out with pleasure by the specialists of the Monolit company.

Functional curtain facades Fasst

To protect the façade of the building from external harmful factors, as well as to give it a unique appearance, use facade slabs Fasst. These systems are highly durable, have excellent soundproofing and thermal insulation, and also provide high-quality ventilation walls due to the provided air gap. In Russia façade panels Fast food can be purchased profitably and quickly at the Center " Facade systems».

Today on construction markets are in high demand universal materials, which have a wide range of applications. Facade slabs Fasst are one of them. They are used in the construction of new real estate, and in the reconstruction of buildings, and in the decorative finishing of residential or industrial buildings. They have a number of advantages, which makes Fasst systems in demand on the Russian market.

Advantages of the material

Firstly, Fasst facade slabs, made from cement, asbestos and water, are highly durable, reliable, and resistant to strong winds, temperature changes, high humidity and frost material. Fasst slabs can be used in different climatic conditions, ensuring a long service life for buildings designed with their help.

Being environmentally friendly pure material, Fasst panels do not create favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, provide good thermal insulation and soundproofing.

Secondly, having smooth surface, facades finished with Fasst slabs retain their neat original appearance for a long time.

Thirdly, Fasst slabs, due to their special design and the presence of an air gap between the slabs, do not interfere with the free ventilation of insulation and walls, do not create vents, and do not collect condensation from temperature changes. Therefore, Fasst panels create a favorable indoor microclimate.

The decisive factor when choosing Fasst facade slabs is their low cost. It is especially profitable to buy them from our specialized company.

At the Monolit center you can order high-quality and reliable Fasst slabs different colors By favorable prices. Each site visitor can leave a request by writing us a letter. We will ensure fast order fulfillment and favorable rates for the delivery of Fasst curtain wall facades throughout the Russian Federation.

"Fast" are high-strength facade systems that can be used for cladding a wide variety of buildings. At the core facing material lies asbestos cement board, which with front side covered with high quality stone chips. The slabs are installed with a ventilation gap, which allows for the removal of moisture from the insulation.

What are the advantages of such plates?

"Fast" - facade systems, the price of which remains affordable, and performance characteristics turn out to be very profitable. And they can be installed on any building; the slabs are characterized by high strength and durability. They are easy to install, and in addition, dust and dirt will not accumulate on them over time. To update the appearance of the slabs, it is enough to rinse them with water; they are characterized by frost resistance and do not crack over time.

Lasting upper layer allows them to successfully withstand mechanical loads; additional advantages are non-flammability and low thermal conductivity. These are one of the most convenient and effective facade systems.

What does the use of Fasst façade systems provide?

  • Significant improvement in both the aesthetic appearance of the facade and its protection from external influences.
  • Installation can be carried out in all directions (horizontal, vertical, cross).
  • Service life 50 years or more.
  • Possibility to choose from conventional materials and polymer-coated ones ( metal panels, linear, façade cassettes, corrugated sheets, porcelain stoneware), which significantly expands the possibilities for realizing architectural plans.
  • The use of Fast panels allows you to save on heating in winter and air conditioning in summer, since the insulation used creates the effect of a thermos around the house.
  • Environmentally friendly coating, confirmed by all necessary quality certificates.

The Fasst ventilated facade system is one of the most effective solutions, designed for production facade works: the Fasst ventilated facade system has various areas applications, used for decorative finishing in the construction of new and reconstruction of old buildings and structures. The high functionality of such a design as the Fasst system of suspended ventilated facades is directly related to the installation features: like other ventilated building facades, the Fasst system is equipped with a technological gap necessary for air ventilation. This design feature The Fasst system allows you to eliminate moisture of various origins, prevent the appearance of mold, etc.

The basis of such a façade system as Fasst is asbestos-cement slabs. By the way, choice base material in this case, it largely depends on its excellent performance characteristics: the asbestos-cement slab is not demanding during operation, does not require regular care. Moreover, the asbestos-cement board is practically not contaminated - the Fasst base has dust-repellent properties.

It is also noteworthy that even with long-term use, the asbestos-cement slab does not lose decorative qualities: If necessary, the stove can always be restored to its original state using a solution of water and detergent.

Asbestos cement board: technology features

Manufacturing of such finishing materials like an asbestos cement board - complex technological process: Asbestos cement board is made from a stone material created by hardening a solution of water, asbestos and cement. The high strength of products such as asbestos-cement board is ensured by reinforcing cement stone with asbestos.

Asbestos-cement board is a popular material in construction: asbestos-cement board is actively used in thermal insulation of buildings and structures. The choice of slabs of this type is determined, first of all, by technical characteristics material: asbestos-cement board is highly flexible, has optimal weight parameters, can conserve heat and not allow moisture to pass through, and is resistant to the effects of mineralized water.

Fasst ventilated facade system: possibilities

The Fasst system of suspended ventilated facades is designed to optimize the thermophysical characteristics of concrete, brick, stone and wooden walls buildings and structures. The use of such a design as the Fasst system of ventilated facades makes it possible to bring the walls of buildings and structures into compliance with SNiP standards (<Тепловая защита зданий>dated 02.23.03).

Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish three possible areas of application of such a design as the Fasst ventilated facade system:

1. The Fasst system of suspended ventilated facades is actively used in the construction of new buildings and structures. The inclusion of such a design as the Fasst ventilated facade system in project documentation significantly reduces the cost of construction work: the Fasst system of ventilated facades allows you to design building walls of less thickness, completely eliminating external plastering and painting work.

2. The Fasst system of ventilated facades has also proven itself in reconstruction work. Thus, the Fasst system of suspended ventilated facades allows you to effectively insulate old buildings and structures in accordance with current standards, and, consequently, increase their service life.

3. The Fasst ventilated facade system is often used as decorative design: the Fasst system of suspended ventilated facades allows you to implement almost any architectural experiments. The decorative functionality of the Fasst system is easily explained by the presence of a wide range of colors of finishing materials.

Ventilated facade system: the problem of choice

As the experience of suppliers of materials for facade finishing shows, the result specific solution The customer directly depends on 2 procedural stages: selection of facade system and search optimal conditions supplies.

1. Selection of facade system

What to look for when choosing a facade system? Suppliers of structures such as ventilated facade systems recommend paying attention to the following technical specifications:

The system of ventilated facades must provide fire protection for the building.

Ventilated facades of buildings and structures must have excellent thermal protection characteristics.

Optimal system curtain ventilated facades must be protected from corrosion.

Ventilated building facades must provide high level soundproofing.

Installation of ventilated facades should be carried out without any preparatory work

The operational service life of the system is at least 30 years

The system of ventilated facades must be resistant to temperature changes and changes in temperature conditions.

Ventilated building facades must provide comfortable conditions for all residents and visitors of the building.

The ventilated façade system must be suitable for service repair and service.

The design of ventilated facades must be ideal from an aesthetic point of view.

2. Search for the optimal supplier

It is recommended to select a supplier of such a design as a ventilated facade system taking into account the following criteria:

The manager offering to place an order must be highly qualified and easily understand issues such as ventilated facades, the installation of ventilated facades, the installation of ventilated facades, etc.

The supplier must have the ability to conduct field supervision.

The optimal supplier is always ready to comply with contractual obligations and have the opportunity to partially supply materials and system components.

It is necessary to place an order for the supply and installation of ventilated facades only if the supplier has specific experience in using facade systems in the Russian Federation or CIS countries.

The supplier of such a design as a ventilated facade system must provide discounts, bonuses and a number of free services (design and calculation of ventilated facades, assistance in choosing a color scheme, etc.)

The supplier must always comply with the rule<Клиент всегда прав>and be able to promptly and adequately respond to any changes in contractual obligations on the part of the Customer.

An organization engaged in the supply of such structures as a system of ventilated facades, which carries out the installation and installation of ventilated facades, must provide the Customer with comprehensive warranty and post-warranty service.

Ventilated building facades offered by the supplier must have certificates from the State Standard of the Russian Federation, confirming the quality, reliability and operational capabilities of the structure.

The Fasst ventilated facade system is the optimal combination of all the criteria according to which a façade system is selected: by ordering Fasst, you are purchasing a solution that is optimal in price and technically reliable. How to order Fasst? It is enough to send a request for the supply of the system in any way convenient for you, negotiate prices, terms and other delivery conditions with the manager, and sign an acceptance certificate for the finished object. All other issues - design and calculation of ventilated facades, installation of ventilation facades, etc. - Only specialists will decide!

Facade slabs FASST STONE

Fasst slabs - important element such a design as the Fasst ventilated facade system: Fasst STONE facade slabs are cladding sheets, outer part which are covered with natural stone chips. The range of suppliers of materials such as Fasst boards includes sheets made in various color scheme. The base of the Fasst slab is a cement-fiber sheet reinforced with chrysolite asbestos fibers. According to the results obtained during various studies and tests of elements of such structures as ventilated building facades, the base base of the Fasst slab is made of components that are completely safe for health and the environment.

As a rule, Fasst panels are supplied in standard sizes (1570x1200x8 mm), but in some cases it is possible to supply Fasst boards with custom dimensions (2400x1200x8 mm or 3000x1200x8 mm).

The production technology of finishing materials such as Fasst slabs has its own specifics. In particular, immediately before treating the surface of the Fasst slab with stone chips, the sheet undergoes drying and degreasing procedures. Inner side Fasst panels are treated with an acrylic primer, which effectively prevents the penetration of moisture into the structure of the material. By the way, the latest technological procedure for processing Fasst boards can significantly improve the performance characteristics of the sheet and extend the service life of the material.

Natural stone chips are applied to the surface of the Fasst slab using epoxy resins with various component additives, which allow the Fasst panels to be used in various climatic conditions. Like the entire ventilated facade system, Fasst slabs have a service life of more than 30 years.

Facade slabs FASST COLOR

Facade slabs Fasst Color are smoothly colored cladding sheets intended for exterior finishing such structures as ventilated facades of buildings and structures. Standard sizes Fasst slabs Color - 1570x1200x8 mm.

It is worth noting that Fasst Color slabs are a high-quality finishing material: Fasst Color slabs are produced taking into account the most effective technologies and using modern components. In particular, the production of ventilated facades, including the production of Fasst slabs, requires strict adherence to the sequence of all technological methods when processing the surface of structural elements. Yes, within production process Fasst Color slabs are treated with a special acrylic primer and paints and varnishes.

It is noteworthy that before painting the sheets are dried and subjected to double-sided sealer treatment: this technology allows you to effectively improve the performance characteristics of Fasst panels and extend the service life of the structural elements of the facade system. The last stage of the technology for the production of finishing materials such as Fasst slabs is the treatment of the front surface of the sheet with acrylic paint intended for painting facades. It is important that the choice of paint largely determines the possibility of using such a structure as a system of ventilated facades in harsh climatic conditions. The color of the Fasst slab is determined by the Customer: gamma acrylic paints has virtually no restrictions. The estimated service life of the Fasst Color facade slab is about 12-15 years.

Textured coating FAST FACTURE

Fasst is a series of finishing materials intended for façade finishing works. The range of suppliers includes not only panel and tile materials necessary for cladding ventilated facades, but also for decorative finishing of building walls. The latter includes the Fasst Faktura textured coating, which allows you to effectively treat almost any wall surface. Functional feature Fasst textured coating - the ability to carry out work online: Fasst textured coating is produced in the form of a special mixture, which only needs to be diluted with water. To process the wall surface of a building using Fasst coating, you need a brush and various additional tools.

The Fasst textured coating is undoubtedly comfortable and quick way wall treatments: Fasst coatings are supplied in almost finished form. The texture of the Fasst coating depends solely on the filler: the most common filler materials are materials such as marble chips, sand, granite, lime. The composition of the ready-made Fasst mixture includes polymer components that give the treated surface high performance characteristics. It is noteworthy that polymer coating Fasst can be easily applied to a material such as asbestos-cement board. Dimensions of the Fasst panel - 1570x1200x8 mm. The color of the façade sheet is determined by the Customer. The approximate service life of the Fasst slab is more than 30 years.

"SLIC" is a fine-grained texture that creates the appearance of a homogeneous surface.

“BARK” is a fine-grained texture with the addition of a larger fraction, due to which a peculiar pattern is obtained, reminiscent of the chaotic movement of a worm, or oak bark.

Facade slabs of the Fasst type are a practical solution for facade design for all types of construction work: during the construction of buildings, their reconstruction or for decorative finishing. These systems are equipped with a ventilation gap that allows you to effectively remove moisture from the load-bearing wall and insulation.

Fiber cement facade slabs

High-quality fiber cement boards, on which the Fasst façade systems are based, do not require special care. They do not retain dust and dirt, and thanks to this, deposits and smudges do not appear on them. Most importantly, this material does not lose its attractiveness over time. If you still need to clean them, the recipe is very simple: it is recommended to rinse them with water in which any detergent has been previously diluted.

Fasst slabs are manufactured in two versions:

  • based on an artificial stone material obtained by hardening a mixture consisting of cement, asbestos and water. Asbestos reinforces cement stone, providing high tensile and bending strength of products.
  • based on fiber cement panels.

Fiber cement panels have a number of valuable technical properties: they have high mechanical bending strength, low volumetric weight, low thermal conductivity and water permeability. They also show resistance to leaching by mineralized waters.

Application of Fasst facade slabs

The Fasst system of curtain air-gap facades is used in the external enclosing structures of residential and public buildings made of concrete, brick, stone and wood. Serves as a reliable tool for increasing the thermal protection of these structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 “Thermal protection of buildings”.

Facade panel Fasst is used in construction, reconstruction, and also in decorative finishing.

Construction: The cladding properties of the facade make it possible to design enclosing structures of much smaller thickness. Installation of the external wall will not require plastering and painting of the enclosing structures.

Reconstructions: Insulation of buildings subject to repair is carried out. High-quality material increases the service life of these buildings.

Decorative finishing: the variety of color palette and texture of facade sheets gives an original look to both the whole architectural ensemble and its individual parts.

Facade selection

As practice shows, the process of selecting a facade is divided into two stages.

  • Choice of façade system. When choosing a façade system, consider the following criteria: fire protection with flammability class NG; thermal protection (insulation thickness up to 250mm); heat resistance; soundproofing; anti-corrosion; speed and possibility of installation all year round; durability (over 30 years); lack of preparatory work; comfortable living conditions; suitability for repair; aesthetics of color solutions in architecture; flexible system of discounts.
  • Selecting a supplier. When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the following criteria: manager qualifications; possibility of carrying out designer's supervision; willingness to meet delivery deadlines and split the delivery of the system into separate batches; the supplier’s experience in using façade systems in Russia and neighboring countries; range of included free services; quick response to any customer requirements; warranty period and maintenance after its expiration; availability of accompanying documents from the testing center of Gosstandart of Russia.

You were not mistaken in choosing the products of our company - Fasst type facade slabs. The facade panels of the Monolit company fully comply with all of the above criteria. By choosing Fasst facade slabs, you get an integrated approach to your facade.

You are required to: place an application, agree on prices and terms, accept the finished object. All the rest of the work will be carried out with pleasure by the specialists of the Monolit company.

Functional curtain facades Fasst

To protect the façade of a building from external harmful factors, as well as to give it a unique appearance, use Fasst façade slabs. These systems are characterized by high strength, excellent soundproofing and thermal insulation, and also provide high-quality ventilation of the walls due to the provided air gap. In Russia, Fasst facade panels can be purchased profitably and quickly at the Facade Systems Center.

Today, universal materials with a wide range of applications are in high demand in construction markets. Facade slabs Fasst are one of them. They are used in the construction of new real estate, and in the reconstruction of buildings, and in the decorative finishing of residential or industrial buildings. They have a number of advantages, which makes Fasst systems in demand on the Russian market.

Advantages of the material

Firstly, Fasst facade slabs, made from cement, asbestos and water, are a high-strength, reliable material that is resistant to strong winds, temperature changes, high humidity and frost. Fasst slabs can be used in different climatic conditions, ensuring a long service life for buildings decorated with them.

Being an environmentally friendly material, Fasst panels do not create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria and provide good thermal insulation and soundproofing.

Secondly, having a smooth surface, facades finished with Fasst slabs retain their neat original appearance for a long time.

Thirdly, Fasst slabs, due to their special design and the presence of an air gap between the slabs, do not interfere with the free ventilation of insulation and walls, do not create vents, and do not collect condensation from temperature changes. Therefore, Fasst panels create a favorable indoor microclimate.

The decisive factor when choosing Fasst facade slabs is their low cost. It is especially profitable to buy them from our specialized company.

At the Monolit center you can order high-quality and reliable Fasst slabs in different colors at competitive prices. Each site visitor can leave a request by writing us a letter. We will ensure fast order fulfillment and favorable rates for the delivery of Fasst curtain wall facades throughout the Russian Federation.

The production of Fasst systems is carried out by the Fasst-Ural plant. Rocwool (Venti-Butts) is used as insulation, but other insulation materials (rigid and semi-rigid) can also be used. The thickness of the insulated layer is determined using a table grid depending on the brand of insulation, the thickness and material of the external walls, as well as climate zone in which the building is located.

Sub-cladding construction. The "Fast" system is a metal or wood frame, fixed with anchors on the outside of buildings, with embedded insulation (or without it) and hanging slabs“Fast” with guides (horizontal and vertical), reinforced with acid-resistant screws. Between the slab and the outside of the building (without insulation) or the outside of insulation (if it is used), a ventilation gap of 22 mm is made for free air circulation.

The Fasst facing board (Table 5) consists of a base - a highly pressed asbestos-cement sheet or fiber cement board; made of epoxy compound; from natural stone chips - jasper, serpentine, marble, granite, ophiocalcite, quartz, Italian minerals "Rosso-Verona", "Botticino", "Gialo-Mori", "Gialo-Siena", stone chips from South Africa (blue).

Table 5

Basis for facing slabs"Fast-M" is a fiber cement board (cement with the addition of mineral reinforcing fibers), which does not contain harmful substances; The basis of the Fasst-A facing slabs is asbestos-cement slab. Epoxy resin binds crushed to the base stone material. Sizes of stone chips: 1-3; 3-5; 2-5 mm.

Based on materials from the reference book “Facades. Materials and Technologies"
Publishing house "Stroyinform"