home · Installation · How to clean the kitchen floor. How to clean linoleum at home quickly and effectively. Ways to protect linoleum

How to clean the kitchen floor. How to clean linoleum at home quickly and effectively. Ways to protect linoleum

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Cleaning linoleum accessible ways or recipes that marketers won’t tell you about

Of course, modern flooring models have quite high protective characteristics, but they also lose their presentation over time. Cleaning linoleum at home is a problem that all owners of this coating regularly face. It's no secret that most stains and dirt can be cleaned, the main thing is to know how and with what. Storehouse folk wisdom is inexhaustible and today we will talk about affordable, everyday ways to clean linoleum with your own hands.

Traditional general cleaning products

The most effective and in an effective way For cleaning almost any type of surface in the home, use a vacuum cleaner with a steam generator and a special mop attachment. This unit easily removes not only house dust, but also most common contaminants, plus steam treatment is considered one of the most safe species disinfection.

Everything about this car is good, but the price is far from affordable, so people use conventional means much more often.

Nowadays, store shelves are filled with a variety of cleaning compounds. I will not advertise for any popular brands, I will only say that when choosing a cleaning product, it is advisable to take specialized formulations designed specifically for cleaning and caring for linoleum.

Dry cleaning of linoleum is a delicate matter; after exposure to an aggressive liquid, it is easy to get stains that are difficult to wash out. And in the worst case, there is a possibility of irreversibly damaging the coating.

For frequent wet cleaning the most affordable option is ordinary warm water with a small addition of liquid soap. And specifically liquid soap, the fact is that many recommend dissolving laundry soap shavings or adding washing powder for hand washing.

But even if the soap and powder completely dissolve, after the floor dries, you will get a light whitish coating that will have to be washed off. Essentially this is double work.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the inventory. A time-tested soft cloth, of course a universal method, but very labor-intensive. It is much easier to use a microfiber or foam sponge.

A telescopic mop with a spin mechanism is not expensive, and working with it is one and a half times faster and easier. Devices such as metal or hard synthetic dish sponges are not suitable here. Household linoleum has a protective film that is too thin and can be easily damaged.

It is highly not recommended to subject new, freshly linoleum to any wet cleaning for a month.
The material must “rest” or, as professionals say, find its place.
He already looks good, at this time a vacuum cleaner or a broom is enough for him.

Traditional methods

Both folk and industrial linoleum care products can be divided into two areas. These are formulations for regular use and “emergency”, aggressive chemicals designed to clean stubborn stains.

First aid for linoleum

  • A real “headache” for almost all owners are dark streaks from shoes in the area of ​​the front door. Wash them off traditional means very problematic, so many owners have come to terms with this trouble as a natural disaster. However, the instructions here are not complicated. If it is rubber, and it has not yet been completely eaten in, then the stain can be removed with a regular office eraser in a couple of minutes. And after that, you need to go through with soapy water;

  • Refined gasoline, kerosene, or, at worst, turpentine can be considered universal home remedies. They can quickly remove coffee stains, rust, iodine, felt-tip pens, and even such nuisances as bitumen or traces of other petroleum products similar to bitumen. Only here you need to act without fanaticism. The stain is wiped with a soft swab dipped in gasoline, and then immediately washed with warm soapy water.
    Gasoline, kerosene and turpentine themselves are quite aggressive liquids and if you overdo it, you can etch the design. And then nothing but replacing the linoleum will help;
  • Rust stains, mold and green streaks from grass respond well to a weak chlorine solution; in other words, they can be removed with bleach (white). Only bleach is several orders of magnitude more aggressive than gasoline and the solution must be really weak. The maximum that can be allowed is to pour 1 part of white into 10 parts of water;
  • Iodine is easily removed by less radical means. To do this, before cleaning, you need to moisten the stain and place a damp cloth with regular potato starch on it.
    Even potato peelings can cope with small iodine stains, although the concentration of starch in them is an order of magnitude lower. You need to hold it for 15 – 20 minutes, repeat the procedure if necessary;

  • Fresh marks from a ballpoint pen and other ink stains should be immediately covered with salt and moistened with vinegar.. After a few minutes, the stain goes away. Sulfur also removes ink well. The mark from the ballpoint pen should be rubbed with a wet match head. And don’t forget to wash everything with water afterwards;
  • Another scourge in families with small children is chewing gum.. Don’t even think about trying to wash off the crushed gum with warm water, much less hot water, it will be even worse. Before cleaning linoleum, chewing gum must be frozen. Place pieces of ice on it or just a piece of frozen meat from the freezer. After 15 minutes, the gum can be easily scraped off with a knife or metal spatula;
  • Do not rush to immediately grab gasoline and other aggressive things, wine stains and other traces of biological dyes, first you should try to remove them using safe methods. Hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar or regular lemon juice are perfect here.

Sometimes there are recommendations to clean off the ink stain with fine emery or pumice.
Then lubricate this place with drying oil or mastic.
You, of course, clean off the stain, but no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to restore the scratched linoleum.
A worn bald spot will be visible from a distance and it is not known what is worse in this case.
Personally, I don’t recommend doing this, but you decide for yourself.

How to clean the green stuff

The question of how to clean linoleum from brilliant green deserves special attention, because these spots are noticeable like no other.

There are several options here:

  • To remove a fresh stain, you will need acetic acid with potassium permanganate and acetic acid with hydrogen peroxide. First, apply acetic acid to the stain. light solution potassium permanganate. Almost immediately, the green will turn pink, then gradually change color to brown.
    Now the first composition is washed off with warm water and a second solution with hydrogen peroxide is applied. This solution will discolor the stain and it will disappear fairly quickly;
  • A fresh stain is washed off with a solution of purified acetone. In the handbag of almost every woman there is a nail polish remover, this is just a solution of purified acetone;
  • Approximately the same as acetone, camphor alcohol or ten percent ammonia solution copes with brilliant green;

Continuous care

It is easier to prevent almost any problem than to heroically fight it later, and the question of how to clean linoleum is no exception. There is no need to spend too much money for such processing. IN folk recipes, there are several effective recommendations in this regard.

You can ensure a reliable dirt and water-repellent film on linoleum by rubbing it linseed oil. In principle, any refined oil is suitable here; flaxseed oil is simply odorless and, due to its consistency, is best suited for such purposes.

Some people prefer to rub with drying oil. There is no big mistake here, but personally I don’t like this method. modern drying oil raises serious doubts, and you and your loved ones still have to walk barefoot on this floor.

There is another unique recipe in my grandmother’s collection of tips. The floor is washed with an aqueous solution cow's milk in a 1:1 ratio. Thin film natural animal fats will make your linoleum shine.

But simply spreading oil or washing the floor with milk is not enough. The coating needs to be made to shine. Any similar processing is done in two stages. After the initial application, linoleum should be left alone for 8 - 10 hours.

If you want your linoleum to shine like new after each wet cleaning, you need to add a little table vinegar to warm water.
In addition, vinegar will protect the floor from soap stains.

A few words about prevention

Before you clean or simply wash linoleum, remember that this coating does not tolerate hot water. The water should be warm, but under no circumstances hot. When heated, linoleum becomes soft and dirt penetrates deep, as a result, it is much harder to wash such a stain.

Most linoleum models are made with a glossy finish. Gloss is a thin protective film that is easy to scratch. Therefore, you should forget about any abrasive compounds, even simple baking soda can erase the gloss.

Although the linoleum coating is durable and fairly stable, it cannot be washed with alkali or any concentrated acids. Of course, it won’t eat holes, but appearance can be irrevocably damaged.

Separately, it is worth mentioning heavy furniture. In old cabinets, the legs are thin, and the modern household linoleum coating is soft and quite easily squeezed through.

To reduce such troubles, people put furniture on pads. So, you don’t need to use thick rubber for this. It will eat into the linoleum and you won’t be able to remove these stains with anything.

If traditional methods you are not trusted and prefer to use special chemistry, there is no need to mix different formulations with each other. At best, you will ruin the product, and at worst, the coating itself.

The faster you try to clean the stain, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome; ideally, this should be done right away.
It has been noticed that 90% of even the heaviest stains are quite easily removed without delay.


Cleaning linoleum with your own hands is not a particularly difficult task, the main thing here is not to waste time. The photos and videos in this article contain additional material on this topic. If you still have questions, write them in the comments, I will try to help.

June 1, 2016

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To maintain linoleum in its original form, you should follow some rules when cleaning it. It must be remembered that this material does not tolerate high temperatures and is not very resistant to mechanical stress. To wash linoleum, do not use abrasive cleaning compounds, as they can leave scratches on the surface, and undiluted chlorine-containing products, which can damage upper layer coating or discolor it.

1 General cleaning rules

Before you start washing the linoleum, clean it of dust using a vacuum cleaner or broom. After that, a soap solution is prepared: not added to a bucket of warm water. a large number of liquid soap or special liquid for washing linoleum. Wipe the floor with a rag soaked in soapy water, and then rinse off the remaining product with clean water. It is not recommended to leave soap stains on the coating - they can destroy the top layer of the material.

To add shine to the linoleum after washing, you can rub it with a sponge or rag soaked in milk, linseed oil or drying oil, and then wipe the remaining liquid dry. In places where the coating is subject to intense load (kitchen, corridor, hallway, organizations with high traffic), it can be treated with a special polymer composition which forms a protective layer on the material.

If after cleaning there are stains or stubborn dirt left on the surface, you can use special chemical compounds or folk remedies for cleaning.

In order not to spoil the linoleum, trying to clean it of various contaminants, you cannot use:

  • alkaline solutions - they make the coating brittle;
  • chlorine bleaches - such compounds wash out the paint from it;
  • dry cleaning powders, abrasives - they leave microcracks in the material, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

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2 Fighting stubborn dirt

If washing with a soap solution does not bring the desired result, then use other, more effective means. There are special liquids designed for cleaning linoleum, however effective formulations can also be prepared at home.

For stubborn dirt use:

  1. 1. Alcohol solution. Add 1 part vodka or alcohol to a bucket with 5 parts water. Dissolve a handful of laundry soap shavings in the liquid. Soak a rag in this water, wring it out, and treat the contaminated surface with circular movements. This tool helps to get rid of grease stains in the kitchen.
  2. 2. Kerosene or gasoline. You can try to wipe off stubborn stains with these products. However, you should act carefully so as not to damage the surface of the linoleum. Soak a cotton pad with the liquid and use gentle movements without pressure to treat the stains. After washing these areas with a soapy sponge and a damp cloth.
  3. 3. Sauerkraut. Effective folk remedy against strong pollution - juice sauerkraut. It is poured in a small amount onto the problem area, left for a few minutes and treated with a sponge. Then wipe with a damp cloth.
  4. 4. Drying oil. Washing dirty linoleum drying oil, you can not only get rid of old stains, but also to give the coating a shine. The liquid also prevents cracks from appearing on the material, so it is recommended to use it once every few months for preventative cleaning. A little drying oil is poured onto a clean rag, and the contaminated places are wiped with it. Afterwards, take a piece of flannel and polish the treated areas.
  5. 5. Mastic. For a new coating, use a colorless liquid; it is better to clean the old one with a dark liquid. In addition to removing old dirt, mastic makes various defects in the material less noticeable and protects it from dust, dirt, water and mechanical damage. Use the product according to the instructions on the package.
  6. 6. Melamine sponge. Get rid of stubborn stains without using household chemicals A melamine sponge will help. The stain is not wetted big amount water and rub gently with a sponge. You need to wear gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands, and after cleaning, wipe the floor well to remove sponge particles.
  7. 7. Floor cleaning products “Mr. Proper”, “Mr. Muscle” and others. The liquid is added to a bucket of warm water according to the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Soak a rag in the solution, wring it out to remove excess water, and wipe the contaminated areas. Wash off with clean water.
  8. 8. Compositions for cleaning tiles. Light linoleum can be washed with a detergent tiled surfaces. It helps get rid of dirt and grease. Directions for use are indicated on the packaging.

Rough linoleum can be cleaned of old dirt using a slab cleaner (for example, Adriel). It is diluted in warm water before use.

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3 Washing after repair

Clean linoleum from construction dust, white plaque and other contaminants left after repair, you can do this:

  1. 1. First, the floor is cleaned of large debris, after which it is vacuumed or swept.
  2. 2. Drops of putty are removed using a plastic spatula.
  3. 3. Stains from oil paint and traces of adhesive tape are rubbed off with vegetable oil. A small amount of liquid is poured onto the contamination and left for a short time. Then treated with a sponge. Oily traces are washed off with warm water with the addition of dishwashing liquid. Traces of water-based paint are wiped off with a damp cloth.
  4. 4. Leftovers polyurethane foam removed in two stages. First, cut off the main part with a sharp knife. Then a wet rag is applied to the remaining foam. After an hour, when the mass swells, it can be easily scraped off with a non-sharp object. IN difficult cases when this method does not help, use Dimexide or special remedy for removing foam, which can be found at a hardware store.
  5. 5. Use warm water to clean the floor from whitewashing. Wipe the surfaces several times, constantly rinsing the cloth. For greater effectiveness, add a little potassium permanganate or vinegar to the water.
  6. 6. Wipe the linoleum dry with a clean cloth.

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4 Removing stains of various origins

The sooner you start removing the stain, the easier it will be to get rid of it. Old contaminants penetrate deep into the material, and it is not always possible to completely cope with them.

Before trying to wash linoleum using any method, the cleaning composition should be applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating and wait. If no negative changes follow, you can treat the stain.

Type of pollution


Mode of application

Grease remover

If a drop of grease gets on the linoleum, wipe it off immediately with a napkin.

The old stain is treated with dishwashing gel or other products designed for cleaning surfaces from grease (for example, “Sanita Anti-grease”). A small amount of liquid is poured onto the stain and scrubbed with a sponge in a circular motion. Then wash off the foam with a damp cloth

The berries are crushed with a blender and distributed over the surface of the stain. Rubbing with a sponge. Afterwards, collect the pulp and wipe with a damp cloth.

Complex stains are removed with an alcohol solution. A rag or cotton pad or tinder is soaked in it. Residues are removed with a damp sponge


You should wash linoleum with turpentine only if other means have failed. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the coating. Use it in the same way as alcohol

Zelenka (fresh)

Soap, washing powder

Prepare a soap solution, soak a sponge in it, and rub gently. Afterwards rinse with water

Zelenka (old stain)

Vinegar and potassium permanganate

Cleaning linoleum from old traces of brilliant green takes place in several stages:

1. A small amount of potassium permanganate is stirred in a 9 percent solution (the liquid should be light pink).

2. Soak a piece of clean cloth in the solution and place it on the stain. After a few minutes, traces of brilliant green will change color - turn pink, and then acquire a brown tint.

3. After removing the fabric, treat the contamination with a damp sponge. If the stain does not disappear completely, hydrogen peroxide is poured onto it. After a few minutes it should become discolored.

4. Remains of cleaning solutions are removed with a damp cloth.

Zelenka (old stain)

Ammonia or medical alcohol, nail polish remover

Apply to a cotton pad and treat the stained area, then be sure to rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Shoe stripes

Rub off shoe marks with gentle movements using an eraser

Iodine (fresh stains)

Sprinkle starch generously on the contaminated area and leave for 5 minutes. Collect with a napkin and, if the traces have not completely disappeared, pour in a little hydrogen peroxide

Iodine (old stains)

Soda and vinegar

Sprinkle the powder on the dirty area and pour in a small amount of vinegar. It is recommended to do this in the evening. The next morning, remove the residue with a rag.

Iodine (old stains)


Cut raw potatoes in half and, placing the tuber with the cut site on the stain, wipe off the stain.

Drinks (tea, coffee)

Gasoline, kerosene

Moisten a piece of clean cloth with any of the liquids and wipe the stain. Wash off with soap solution

Felt pen

Turpentine, gasoline

Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and remove any patterns or stripes from the coating. Then wipe the surface with a soapy sponge and a clean damp cloth.

Traces of wax are first scraped off with a non-sharp object and then wiped with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline. Remains of dirt are removed with a soap solution

Chewing gum

Ice Cube

Apply ice to the stain and wait until it hardens. Then carefully scrape off the gum with a non-sharp object.

Rust, mold

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the problem area and rubbed with a sponge. Wash off with clean water


It is useless to wash the marks left by ink; they can only be carefully treated with sandpaper. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the coating too much. Then wipe with a soft cloth moistened with linseed oil. Do not wash off

Another way that will take more time is to use matches. The sulfur head is moistened with water and applied to the contamination. Start rubbing the stain until it disappears completely

Old linoleum with a lot of stains can be washed with water with the addition of ammonia(10 liters will require 2 tablespoons).

Getting rid of stains on linoleum is difficult, but possible. When cleaning, do not rub the coating too hard to avoid damaging it, and after treatment, be sure to wash off any remaining product with a clean, damp cloth.

Given that proper care linoleum can serve the owner for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to use products that can create a protective layer. In addition, you need to know how to properly remove dirt from such a coating.

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1 How to care for linoleum?

  1. 1. After laying, it is advisable to lubricate the coating with polish. This will create an additional protective layer, which will increase the durability of the material.
  2. 2. Several times a year it is recommended to treat linoleum with linseed oil or drying oil. This will protect the floor from cracking.
  3. 3. You can put a rug on the floor, which will prevent debris and dust from accumulating.
  4. 4. If there is furniture on the surface, then it is necessary to use special pads for its legs.
  5. 5. Any contamination that appears should be removed immediately. Stubborn dirt is much more difficult to remove.

Save the flooring perfect condition Regular cleaning will help. It is advisable to wash linoleum every day, but at least once a week. When performing daily cleaning, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. First, be sure to sweep or vacuum the surface. Since abrasive particles remaining on the floor, when wet, can seriously damage the coating.
  2. 2. For daily washing of linoleum, you should use warm soapy water or a special cleaner. To make it shine, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the water.
  3. 3. It is necessary to wring out the cloth thoroughly, as excess moisture can damage the coating.

For everyday cleaning, you should not use products with a high content of alkalis and abrasive particles. Aggressive substances can make the coating brittle.

Easy home cleaning with a Karcher steam mop

2 Cleaning methods

In household chemical stores you can find special products for cleaning linoleum. However, pollution can be dealt with at home using improvised means.

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3 Eraser

Often on floor covering black streaks left by shoes appear.

A regular eraser will help remove them. They need to rub the contaminated area. When the streaks disappear, you should wash the linoleum with soapy water.

This method will be effective if the shoe marks are not too old. Therefore, cleaning must be done regularly.

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4 Vodka

To remove grease stains from linoleum in the kitchen, you can use soap and dishwashing detergent. To do this you will need:

  • in 1 liter of water, dilute 1 glass of vodka and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe dirty floor coverings;
  • Rinse the floor with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

This recipe is more suitable for light linoleum.

5 Vinegar

If marks from a pen appear on the linoleum, they should be sprinkled with table salt and moistened with vinegar. After 5 minutes, the contamination should disappear.

You can also remove ink with sulfur. To do this, the marks must be cleaned with a match head moistened with water.

6 Tile cleaning liquid

The tile cleaner is also suitable for cleaning linoleum.

Cleaning steps:

  • apply the product to contaminated areas;
  • wipe the coating with a soft cloth;
  • Wash the floor with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

This product can be used to clean linoleum light shades.

7 Gasoline, kerosene, turpentine

You can get rid of old contaminants using purified gasoline, kerosene or even turpentine. These substances act effectively, but quite aggressively. Therefore, they should be used carefully, protecting your hands with rubber gloves.

These products will also help if you need to wash the linoleum after repairs. Solvents do an excellent job of removing traces of glue, paint, whitewash or primer.


  • moisten a cotton pad with the chosen product;
  • wipe away stubborn stains;
  • Immediately wash the surface with warm soapy water.

Solvents can ruin linoleum and discolor the design. Therefore, it is advisable to test their effect on residual material or on an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating.

8 Bleach

Bleach will help remove stubborn dirt from linoleum. You can use a special product designed for cleaning linoleum or take regular Whiteness. But chlorine can harm the material, so the solution must be very weak.


  • mix Whiteness with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the prepared solution;
  • treat contaminated areas;
  • Wash the floor with clean water and wipe the coating dry.

Bleach can remove rust, mold, grass, paint and felt-tip pen stains from linoleum.

9 Mastic

At a hardware store you can purchase mastic that can cope with various contaminants. The surface must be treated with this product carefully so as not to damage the material.

The use of mastic increases the resistance of the floor covering to mechanical damage, the negative effects of water and ultraviolet radiation, and also gives a glossy shine.

It is advisable to clean new linoleum using colorless mastic. And the old one - with a dark-colored product, which will hide small cracks and other damage.

10 Drying oil

Linoleum should be treated with drying oil several times a year. This product removes even stubborn dirt well. In addition, it restores the original color of the material and creates a protective film that prevents mechanical damage.

Apply drying oil to a soft cloth and polish the floor covering with it.

11 How to remove brilliant green and iodine?

Sometimes iodine accidentally gets onto the surface. You can remove such stains from linoleum using potato starch.

Algorithm of actions:

  • moisten the contaminated area;
  • sprinkle starch onto a damp cloth;
  • put it on the stain and leave for 10 minutes;
  • after the specified time has elapsed, check whether the contamination has been removed;
  • If the iodine has disappeared, the floor should be washed with warm soapy water.

You can also get rid of iodine stains using regular potato peelings. The concentration of starch in them is less, so the cleaning is placed on the contaminated area for 20 minutes.

Green stains are especially noticeable on linoleum. It will not work to remove them with conventional linoleum cleaners, as they have water base. To remove brilliant green, you need to use alcohol-based products.

Procedure steps:

  • blot the spilled brilliant green with a dry rag, moving from the edges to the center of the stain;
  • mix potassium permanganate and acetic acid in a ratio of 1:5;
  • apply the resulting solution to the contamination;
  • the green stuff should turn pink and then brown;
  • after this, the mixture is washed off with warm water;
  • Next, you need to pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain.

As a result, the green stain will become discolored.

Instead of the listed products, you can use nail polish remover, camphor alcohol or ammonia diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Old stains can be removed with baking soda. To do this you need:

  1. 1. Wet a cloth with water.
  2. 2. Sprinkle a little baking soda on it and apply it to the contaminated area for 1 minute. The exposure time can be increased to 20 minutes if the stain does not disappear.
  3. 3. When the brilliant green has completely come off, you need to wash the floor with clean water and apply to the surface protective agent.

Getting rid of old dirt on linoleum is not easy. This material is susceptible to damage from the use of aggressive agents and high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the floor covering regularly.

Linoleum is a very practical and easy-to-maintain coating. That is why it has become so popular and is often installed in apartments and offices. This material is recommended for use where floors are heavily soiled, as it is the easiest to remove all stains from. But not everyone knows how to wash linoleum correctly. Unknowingly, irreparable harm can be caused to this coating. Especially when it comes to novice owners. Let's figure out how to clean it properly.

How to clean linoleum

Linoleum care

Linoleum differs from other types of flooring in that it has a lot of advantages: low price, practicality, durability, a large number of color variations, durability. Thanks to this, it is used not only in apartments, but also in offices, shopping centers and even in some industrial premises.

Polishing linoleum

But even with such a large number of advantages, linoleum cannot be called an ideal coating. He is afraid of excessive heat, and also, due to his chemical composition, sometimes reacts sharply to the effects of aggressive chemical substances(for example, solvents). Some types of linoleum do not have a top protective layer (as a rule, these are coatings household type) and because of this, they can quickly wipe off.

Natural linoleum under a tree

Advice! If you purchased budget linoleum that does not have a protective layer, then it is recommended to periodically treat it with a special polish, which will create a layer of protection on its surface from external influences.

To give linoleum shine, there are special polishes

When improper care Due to the material, linoleum can quickly lose its appearance and require replacement. Consider the basic rules for caring for him:

  • In the first days after laying the coating, it is recommended to clean it only using the dry method;
  • It is recommended to put special pads on furniture legs or place a backing underneath them, which will avoid the appearance of dents on the linoleum;

Furniture leg pads

  • Some types of linoleum fade quite quickly in direct sunlight. Therefore, you need to take care of some shading of the coating;
  • You cannot drag heavy things along linoleum - marks will remain on it, and you can tear the coating;
  • linoleum can be burned, so hot objects should not fall on it;
  • linoleum cannot be laid on unglazed balconies and loggias, as it reacts too sharply to temperature changes.

Damaged linoleum

Important! The durability and long service life of linoleum depend not only on proper care for it, but also on what class and quality the material was used for laying in a particular room. The higher the class and the thicker the coating, the more long time it will serve without any complaints.

Floor and linoleum cleaner

As for cleaning the premises where the floors are covered with linoleum, it is also important to follow a number of rules in order to avoid damage to the coating. The following tips should be followed:

  • before washing linoleum, it is important to clean it of small debris and sand with a vacuum cleaner or a broom - then small particles will not act as an abrasive under a rag and will not spoil the surface of the material;
  • after wet cleaning, the coating is wiped dry to avoid streaks;
  • some aggressive chemicals cannot be used to wash linoleum;
  • cleanly washed linoleum in a place where there is a lot of foot traffic is best coated with a protective emulsion;
  • Water does not harm the material, except when it is hot. Only warm water is used to wash linoleum floors;

Washing water should not be hot

  • the coating cleaner, if it is concentrated or powdered, must be well dissolved in water;
  • It is important to wash off some compounds (for example, those made from soap) from the coating with clean water;
  • It is better to remove stains caused by substances on the floor immediately before they become embedded in the coating;
  • Do not use abrasives or rough materials to clean complex stains.

Dry cleaning of linoleum

Advice! To make linoleum shine, after cleaning it can be rubbed with a cloth soaked in milk. After that, the surface is wiped with a dry woolen rag.

How to wash linoleum from dirt is absolutely impossible?

It has already been said above that a number of compositions and solutions cannot be used to clean linoleum. They can cause irreparable damage to the coating. When washing linoleum, you should avoid:

  • mixtures prepared on the basis of alkalis, soda– they make the coating brittle. They can be used extremely rarely, in small areas and only in case of special contamination that other means simply cannot cope with;
  • solvents and bleaches– they not only destroy the structure of the coating, but also destroy its brightness;
  • abrasive brushes– they are dangerous because under their influence a certain number of microcracks can form in the coating;
  • chlorine-containing compounds– spoil the appearance of the material.

Cleaning agent Valo Clean

Advice! You can try out an unfamiliar linoleum cleaner in an inconspicuous corner of the room. If there is no negative reaction of the coating to exposure, then all floors can be washed with the product.

How to clean dirty linoleum?

Linoleum cleaner can be purchased at the store, or you can cook it yourself or carefully look at what is on the shelves at home - maybe among the products already purchased there is something that can be used to clean this type of coating? The simplest option is a regular soap solution. It is enough to dissolve a little grated soap in a bucket of water - and it’s gentle, but effective remedy to remove dirt from PVC material ready. And if you add a little more vodka to the solution at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of water, then the linoleum will shine. In this case, washing is carried out in a circular motion.

Soap solution

Regular dishwashing detergent can easily remove grease deposits on the coating. First the fat is erased paper napkin or soft cloth, and then washed with a few drops of the composition.

Sometimes the linoleum is so dirty that simple remedies cannot cope with the stains formed on it. In this case, it is recommended to use kerosene or gasoline. But you need to act carefully, because these are not the most best compositions for cleaning linoleum. It is important to thoroughly rinse off the remaining cleaning compounds from the surface of the linoleum.

Ordinary drying oil copes well with stubborn dirt. It also allows you to improve the appearance of the coating, restore it to its former brightness, and prevent the risk of cracks. Drying oil is easy to work with - it wipes the entire surface of the linoleum, and then sands it with dry soft fabric. The frequency of repetition of the procedure is once every six months.

A special mastic, which should be used strictly according to the instructions, will also help restore the coating to its former chic. For a freshly laid coating, light mastic is used, and for an old one, dark mastic is used. The product is able to hide some defects in linoleum, and also protects it from a number of external influences.

There are other compounds that can be found on store shelves and used to clean and renew linoleum. The main thing is to use them strictly according to the instructions and not exceed the dosage.

Cleaning dirty linoleum

How to get rid of stains

Often the linoleum itself is quite clean, but stains from various pollutants form on it. In this case, you should not fill the entire floor with a cleaning compound - it is enough to remove only the stain itself. Let's see which products are suitable for this or that type of pollution.

How to remove stains from linoleum

Table. Fighting stains on linoleum.

These are the most difficult spots to combat. If brilliant green has just spilled, then you need to pick it up with a sponge without rubbing it, and then try to wipe it off with a regular soap solution. If this measure does not help, then a fresh stain (as well as an old one) is removed with an alcohol-containing solution, nail polish remover, ammonia solution or ammonia.
The usual one works well with iodine. baking soda, which is poured onto a moistened rag and placed on the stain. Sometimes rubbing the stained area with half a potato helps remove iodine.
Ink is absorbed into linoleum quite quickly, so it needs to be removed as quickly as possible. It is easier and faster to destroy them with sandpaper (fine-grained) or a hard sponge. But you shouldn’t rub linoleum excessively, as the abrasive will scratch the surface. After removing the stain, the linoleum in this place is wiped with linseed oil.
The ingrained fat is removed with turpentine. And fresh stains are first wiped with a napkin, and then cleaned with dishwashing detergent or soapy water.


In this case, the coating will be saved by bleach diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10, or fresh lemon juice.

Coffee Tea

The best option is to use kerosene or gasoline. They moisten a piece of rag, which is then used to wipe the stain.
First you need to remove the bulk of the wax with a spatula, and then wipe off the remaining residue with gasoline. After treatment, the floors are washed with water.

Sole stripes

The best option is a stationery eraser.
A piece of gum is first frozen with ice and then scraped off with a spatula or knife.

Felt pen

As in the case of tea and coffee stains, kerosene, gasoline, and turpentine will be the best helpers.

Green stains on linoleum

If on linoleum big number old stains, then washing the floors with soapy water with a couple of spoons of ammonia added to it (per bucket of water) will help to overcome them.

mold on linoleum

Cleaning linoleum after repair

The largest amount of dirt on the floor always forms after cosmetic renovations are carried out in the room. To avoid tedious cleaning, it is recommended to cover the floors with film or at least newspaper before painting and other work. But many neglect this measure, believing that linoleum can be washed well anyway.

Initially, all large debris is collected, the floors are swept with a brush or vacuumed. The dried putty is scraped off with a spatula, the whitewash is simply washed off with water. In this case, the floor surface will have to be washed several times, periodically changing the water, otherwise stains will appear on the floor.

Removing dried putty

Heavily ingrained stains from building materials can be removed using white spirit. After all debris and all stains have been removed, the surface of the linoleum can be washed with water with the addition of vinegar or potassium permanganate in a small amount.

Polyurethane foam is the most difficult to remove, but it can be dealt with. To begin with, the bulk of it is removed using a sharp knife. Next, place a wet rag on the stain and leave it there for a while. The foam should be soaked and easy to remove. If this does not help, then you will have to purchase a foam remover in the store or the drug Dimexide, sold through the pharmacy chain.

Mounting foam on linoleum


Paint stains will help dissolve the sunflower oil. After that, the floors are washed with soapy water. If the paint has eaten into the coating, then the easiest way is to put a patch in this place by cutting out the stained area.

Ways to protect linoleum

It is possible to cover the surface of linoleum with metallic varnishes

It is better to place special pads under narrow furniture legs. They will significantly reduce the load and reduce the level of mechanical impact on linoleum

Before entering a house or apartment with linoleum, you should put a grate or a hard mat. This will protect the flooring from sand, dust and dirt

How to restore shine to linoleum?

Of course, over time, even well-cared for linoleum ceases to shine. Because of this, the floors no longer look beautiful; their appearance leaves much to be desired. However, the material can be restored to its former chic by using several means:

  • wiping the surface with a 1:1 solution of milk and water;
  • use of polishes, mastics;
  • wiping the floor with potato broth;
  • rubbing with drying oil or linseed oil.

Linoleum can be restored to its former shine

Wet cleaning procedure

Dry cleaning of linoleum is the usual removal of debris with a broom or vacuum cleaner. However, it will not remove stuck debris, old stains and dirt. Therefore, wet cleaning of the coating is very important and should be carried out regularly.

Step 1. The first step is to dry clean the surface. To carry it out, use a vacuum cleaner or a brush with a dustpan. All the garbage that can be collected is collected - sand, wool, small pebbles. The doormat is shaken out, debris collecting under and around it. The corners and joints between the floor and the wall along the baseboards are well swept.

Dry cleaning

Step 2. When dry cleaning is completed, the floors are wiped with a damp cloth soaked in water or a detergent prepared in accordance with the instructions. For daily cleaning Cleaning compounds do not need to be used - it is enough to use them once a week so that the floors are not exposed to excessive chemical exposure. The floors are washed in a circular motion, starting from the wall farthest from the exit. It is important not to leave unwashed areas.

Wet cleaning

Step 3. Joints, cracks, gaps, if any, on the floor surface are cleaned of debris using a soft brush.

Soft brush

Step 4. If the floors have been washed using cleaning products, then they must be rinsed with clean water. Or rather, they are wiped with a cloth soaked in clean warm or cold water.

Repeated wet cleaning

Step 5. The final stage is polishing the floor and drying it with a clean, dry and soft cloth. This will avoid the appearance of streaks.

The floor is wiped with a soft dry cloth

Step 6. If necessary, a caring or protective agent - polish or mastic - is applied to the surface of the linoleum floor.

Cleaning is complete

Video - How to clean linoleum

Using all the above tips, you can quickly and easily put your linoleum flooring in order. Fortunately, the material is truly unpretentious and can easily return to its former beautiful appearance if it is cleaned correctly.

Linoleum is one of the affordable and practical floor coverings. It is used in residential and non-residential premises- from the kitchen to the nursery. In general, caring for the material is not difficult, but washing linoleum after repair work or from stains of various origins it is more difficult. The choice of means and methods must be approached responsibly, since some of them can severely damage the coating.

How to clean linoleum after repair work?

Sometimes there is no need to change the floor covering, but housewives may find it difficult to remove traces of repairs. To simplify the task, before starting work, the floor can be covered with film and secured with tape to the baseboard. They should be removed only after all dusty work has been completed, otherwise a large amount of dirt will stick to the glue, which will be difficult to remove.

From cement, whitewash and putty

After renovation, white marks from construction materials often remain on the floor. You can solve the problem as follows:

  1. First, sweep the floor to remove any abrasive particles that could damage the finish.
  2. Carefully scrape off the frozen putty with a spatula.
  3. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt and a little grated laundry soap to warm water. Wash the linoleum with the prepared solution.
  4. Change the water and add a little potassium permanganate to it to get a light pink solution. Wipe again.
  5. Wipe the flooring dry.
  6. To make linoleum shine, rub it with a woolen cloth dipped in linseed oil or drying oil.

It is better to wipe the primer immediately with a damp cloth, otherwise you may need to use special products. For example, you can remove traces of primer with a solvent, but first check its safety on the remaining material or in an invisible place.

From paint

You can remove paint from linoleum if it is not ingrained with vegetable oil. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Add a few drops of vegetable oil to the paint.
  2. Wait a couple of minutes for it to soften.
  3. Then wipe with a cloth or the hard part of a washcloth.
  4. Wash the floor with warm soapy water.

Dried paint is more difficult to remove. White spirit can cope with it, but it must be used carefully, as it can damage the coating. Soak a cotton pad in the solvent and wipe the stain. When finished, oil the floor.

From polyurethane foam

Due to its excellent adhesion to any surface, polyurethane foam is difficult to remove. It is advisable to remove traces immediately, before the material has time to harden. If the moment is missed, carefully cut with a sharp knife top part material. Then use a special solution for removing polyurethane foam. You can find it in a hardware store or market. Use the product strictly according to the instructions, do not increase the holding time.

Note! Do not scrape off foam with hard brushes or sharp objects. It is not recommended to use acetone or other aggressive substances for removal.

How to clean dirty linoleum?

To make dirty linoleum shine clean again, you can wash it with special detergents. If you are not a supporter of chemicals, add soap shavings to warm water when washing floors, but it is better not to use powder. Its abrasive particles may leave scratches. In the kitchen, greasy stains can be washed off with dishwashing detergent. First, wipe off dirt with a damp cloth, then drip detergent and wash again with a cloth. Folk remedies will also help restore the attractiveness of the floor covering.

Interesting video about removing stains at home:


Use alcohol like this:

  1. Dissolve a few drops of dishwashing detergent in a liter of warm water. You can replace it with shavings of laundry soap.
  2. Add a glass of vodka.
  3. Soak a soft cloth in the prepared solution and wipe the linoleum with it, paying attention to dirty places.
  4. Afterwards, wash the floor with clean water.

Using this method, the linoleum in the kitchen is well washed from traces of grease. Vodka washes away dirt well even from surfaces with relief.


You can get rid of stubborn dirt with a weak solution of kerosene. Add just a couple of spoons of this substance to a bucket of water. Rinse the floor covering with the prepared solution. Eliminate bad smell You can use clean water to which you should add a little vinegar.

To restore the attractiveness of the old linoleum, it can be washed with a solution of milk and water (1: 1 proportions) or cleaned with special mastics that are sold in stores.

Note! When cleaning, do not use abrasives. Refuse to use whiteness, turpentine, solvents and other aggressive substances unless absolutely necessary.

How to remove stains?

Stains of various origins may appear on linoleum. To combat them, choose a suitable folk remedy.

Deep cleaning - video:


Black shoe streaks often appear at the front door. You can remove them with a regular office eraser. You just need to rub the problem area with an eraser.

pen ink

The paste from the pen should be rubbed gently with fine-grained paper. The main thing is not to overdo it so that there are no traces of scratches. Then, rub the area with linseed oil. Using the same principle, you can scrub the handle with a pumice stone.


You can remove a rust stain with lemon juice. The best alternative is bleach. It is allowed to use a very weak solution (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Felt pen or marker

If children live in the house, marker marks on the floor are not uncommon. On light-colored surfaces they are especially noticeable. To remove them, soak a small piece of cloth or cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide and rub it over the problem area. This method can even remove permanent markers.

Vodka is also used to remove felt-tip pens. Dilute it in warm water with a small amount of detergent added.

Paint for shoes

Fresh traces of shoe paint can be easily removed with a solution of detergent or soap. If the substance has become embedded in the coating, wipe the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Instead of an antiseptic, use gasoline or kerosene, but with caution. First, check their interaction with linoleum in an invisible place.

Printer ink

If ink from a cartridge spills on the floor, carefully wipe it with solvent, and then immediately rinse with warm soapy water. To restore shine, rub the floor with oil.

Zelenka and iodine

If iodine or brilliant green gets on the floor covering, you can solve the problem in several ways:

  1. Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Place it on the stain and leave it for a while. Carefully remove the baking soda and rinse with clean water.
  2. Dilute potassium permanganate in acetic acid. You should get a bright pink solution. Soak a rag in it and apply it to the stain. Leave for a few minutes. Remove any residue with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Saturate a rag with nail polish remover. Place it on the spilled iodine or brilliant green and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the cloth and wash the floor.

7 ways to remove brilliant green stains - video:

Note! To remove pink spots from Fukortsin, just sprinkle them with tooth powder. It can also be used to remove green paint stains.

Try to remove any stains that appear immediately. Substances that have penetrated into the material are more difficult to remove. Choose the safest methods for removing stains and dirt so that linoleum serves you for a long time and does not lose its attractive appearance.

How to clean dirt from linoleum? - This question interests many modern housewives, because the best-selling and sought-after floor covering in hardware stores on this moment is precisely linoleum. Variety of textures and colors, excellent characteristics wear resistance and inexpensive cost make it possible to pick up goods even for the most fastidious buyer. But despite a number of positive qualities, linoleum coating, like any other, is subject to pollution. In the kitchen and in other rooms, stains can form that are very difficult to get rid of. This greatly affects the appearance of the floor and the quality of the coating as a whole.

In most cases, residential linoleum is made from materials of medium quality. Of course, you can use flooring that is more resistant to mechanical damage, but its price will be many times higher, and this is not always advisable.

In order for linoleum to serve for a very long time and look like new, it is necessary to properly and timely clean it from dirt. To do this, we recommend following a few simple tips for caring for linoleum:

  1. If you have just made repairs and laid new linoleum, do not rush to wash it with water. At first, carry out only dry cleaning with a broom or vacuum cleaner.
  2. In the hallway and other rooms, cover the floor with a rug. It will collect all small contaminants (sand, dirt, water from shoes).
  3. Place rubber pads under heavy furniture or purchase special furniture attachments. With their help, the coating is prevented from pushing through the load.
  4. When exposed to sunlight, linoleum flooring may lose its color. Therefore, you should take care of the curtains on the windows to reduce direct rays hitting the floor.
  5. Do not drag heavy objects across linoleum floors. This can scratch or tear it. Subsequently, the material will have to be completely replaced.
  6. If you are going to wash the linoleum, first sweep away the debris with a broom.
  7. The ingress of embers from matches, smoldering cigarettes, shoe polish or abrasives leads to the appearance of defects that will irrevocably damage the bedding.
  8. The longer dirt remains on the surface, the more difficult it is to remove.
  9. Carry out wet cleaning with a soft cloth using warm water.

Important! Do not use hot water for cleaning the floor so as not to damage the protective layer of linoleum.

  1. Make sure that floor care products are completely dissolved in water.
  2. Wash off products containing soap thoroughly with water.
  3. Do not use powder cleaners to clean the floor - they will leave scratches on the floor.
  4. Do not use the flooring in open areas: on a balcony or terrace. Weather conditions negatively affect the material.
  5. Treat the canvas with emulsion or special polymer spraying. This creates a protective layer on the linoleum. Such treatment will be especially relevant in places with the highest traffic.
  6. To ensure that linoleum has an attractive shine, wipe it with drying oil or linseed oil once a month.

How to wash linoleum from dirt is absolutely impossible?

Among all flooring materials, linoleum can be called waterproof. Therefore, if you often carry out wet cleaning, do not worry. This will not affect the quality of the floor covering in any way. But you shouldn’t be too zealous - water can cause dirt to stick to the linoleum.

There are also some contraindications for caring for linoleum, which must be adhered to in order to avoid unpleasant situations. So, what products should be avoided if you need to wash linoleum from dirt:

  • Solutions containing alkali and soda. Such products cause the fabric to become brittle.
  • Chemical cleaners, solvents and bleaches have a destructive effect on the structure and affect the color fastness of linoleum.
  • Abrasive components leave microcracks. Subsequently, dirt gets into them, which complicates the cleaning process.
  • To disinfect the premises, do not use bleach or other similar substances.

How to clean dirty linoleum?

There are many means for cleaning such material. Let's first consider effective methods of washing with industrial substances.

Drying oil

To clean linoleum from stubborn dirt, use drying oil. Using this product, you can not only rid the surface of dirt, but also restore the color of the canvas and prevent the appearance of cracks. To get a good result, you need to perform simple manipulations:

  1. Wipe the linen with drying oil.
  2. Using a clean silk cloth, polish the item.
  3. Repeat the procedure once every few months.


You can purchase this product at a construction supermarket. Affordable price Such a product makes it increasingly popular for linoleum care.

Important! The mastic should be used very carefully, strictly observing the proportions specified in the instructions.

If you plan to use mastic for a new floor covering, it is better to purchase a colorless one. For old linoleum, use a dark one. It will help hide defects that have already appeared on the floor.

Important! When treated with mastic, a protective film is formed on the surface, which has a number of positive properties:

  • Linoleum is less susceptible to wear and loss of color and shine.
  • Protects against mechanical damage.

This way, dust and debris will stick less and it will be easier for youwash the linoleum from dirt.

Household bleach

A huge number of household bleaches are presented on the shelves of household chemicals stores. For example: “Mister Proper” and “Mr. Muscle”. A variety of constituent components in the composition of the products allow you to choose a detergent, taking into account the characteristics of the floor covering. detailed instructions on the package will tell you at what concentration the solution should be used for your surface.

Important! Before use, be sure to read the instructions. Follow safety precautions when working.

Mode of application:

  1. Dilute the purchased product in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the linoleum.
  3. If necessary, rinse with clean water.

Important! After cleaning the floor, be sure to ventilate the room.

How to clean linoleum from dirt at home?

In addition to popular industrial linoleum care products, you can also use substances that are not directly intended for these purposes. They will definitely be found in every housewife’s home and will not require you to spend additional money.

Soap solution and vodka

Don’t know how to remove grease from linoleum in the kitchen? The most severe and persistent stains on the kitchen floor can be easily removed by preparing a mixture of soap and vodka. This product is perfect for light-colored linoleum, because on such a coating traces of grease are very noticeable and leave yellow stains.

Mode of application:

  1. Add 200 g of vodka and one teaspoon of dishwashing detergent to one liter of water.
  2. Using a soft cloth, apply the resulting solution to problem areas in a circular motion.
  3. Finally, rinse off the product with clean water and wipe the floor dry.


How to clean linoleum from grease if you accidentally spilled a small amount of oil on the floor while cooking? The greasy product should be removed immediately, as the floor becomes slippery when oily products come into contact with it, which is unsafe for your health.

To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. First, use a clean, dry cloth to remove any grease from the surface.
  2. Add a few drops of detergent to clean warm water.
  3. Use a circular motion to remove any remaining grease from the decking.

Important! The floor should be washed in small areas so that the soap solution does not damage the protective layer on the surface of the linoleum coating.

  1. Wipe the floor with a dry, clean cloth.

Important! If fat has become embedded in the material, first treat it with turpentine.

Tile surface cleaner

Tile cleaner will perfectly clean dirty linoleum from greasy stains on a light surface:

  1. Prepare the product according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Wipe away any dirt on the surface of the material.
  3. Upon completion of cleaning, rinse the treated areas with plenty of water and wipe dry.

Gasoline or kerosene

Such products should be used on the surface of a linoleum covering with extreme caution, since these substances do not have a very favorable effect on its structure.

Option #1

How to clean linoleum from coffee stains and food dyes so that not a trace remains of them? In this case, gasoline or kerosene will help you. These substances are also indispensable for removing gouache and marker marks. They are used this way:

  1. Dampen a rag with your chosen product.
  2. Apply it to the surface of the stain.

Important! Before use, be sure to try the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor.

  1. Wash off the remains of gasoline or kerosene with clean water.

Important! If after treatment the surface has lost its shine, use lemon juice to restore it. Rub the tarnished area with a slice of lemon or freshly squeezed juice.

Option No. 2

Gasoline will also help to quickly and completely remove drops of wax or shoe polish from the surface of linoleum:

  1. To remove wax, use a spatula to carefully pick up a piece of the stuck substance.
  2. Wet a rag with gasoline and wipe the stain.
  3. Rinse off any remaining residue with water.


Mold stains in corners and rust marks from leaking pipes can be easily eliminated with clothes bleach:

  1. Mix water with bleach in a ratio of 10:1, respectively.
  2. Soak a clean rag in the resulting solution and wipe off the dirt.

Important! Use the bleaching agent with extreme caution so as not to completely ruin the surface of the material.

How to wash linoleum from dirt after repair?

After repairs, construction dirt and dust settles on all surfaces. In order not to complicate the cleaning process and so that the question of how to clean linoleum does not take you by surprise, the following information will be very helpful:

  1. Cover the floor before starting the repair protective film. If not available, use newspapers.
  2. If debris does get under the protective flooring, wet cleaning should be carried out.

  1. Collect all construction garbage from the coating.
  2. Gently scrape off the putty that has already stuck to the floor with a spatula.
  3. Wash linoleum with warm water.

Important! Change the water as often as possible to avoid whitewash stains.

  1. For heavily ingrained stains, you can use white spirit, using it strictly according to the instructions.
  2. At the end of cleaning, add a small amount of vinegar or potassium permanganate to the water and wipe the floor clean with a clean rag.

How to remove polyurethane foam from the surface?

When dry, polyurethane foam not only perfectly fills wall cracks, but also leaves stubborn stains on the floor covering. To get rid of traces of polyurethane foam on linoleum, you will need to do the following:

  1. Using a sharp knife, carefully scrape off the top layer of foam.
  2. Soak a clean rag in water and place it on the foam stain.
  3. Leave it for a while so that the foam gets wet.
  4. If such actions do not produce a positive result, you should purchase a foam cleaning product at a hardware store.
  5. Wash off any remaining product with a damp cloth.

How to remove traces of brilliant green and iodine from linoleum?

Probably every housewife has faced the question: how to clean linoleum from very stubborn stains? Iodine and brilliant green are found in every home, and drops of brilliant green on the floor are a very common occurrence, especially if you have small children whose scratches are often treated. You can still try to help the floor covering. Contamination should be removed immediately so that the brilliant green does not have time to soak into the flooring. Tools that are easy to find at home will help you with this.

First aid for removing brilliant green:

  1. Use a porous sponge to soak up any spilled solution.
  2. Wipe off any remaining residue with a dry cloth.

Important! Never rub brilliant green or iodine with a rag.

  1. You can try to remove a fresh stain with a soap solution containing washing powder.
  2. Stubborn stains are removed with alcohol-containing products.

Baking soda

You can get rid of spilled iodine using baking soda:

  1. Pour baking soda onto a clean, damp cloth.
  2. Place the resulting lotion on the stain.
  3. If the stain does not completely disappear, repeat the procedure again.

Nail polish remover or ammonia

To remove brilliant green, you can try using nail polish remover:

  1. Apply a small amount of liquid to a cotton swab and wipe the stain with it.
  2. An ammonia solution can be used as an alternative to liquid.
  3. After using the products, thoroughly wash the floor with clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can find hydrogen peroxide in every home medicine cabinet and try to save the coating with this drug:

  1. Apply peroxide to a cotton swab and treat the problem area.
  2. Rinse off any remaining peroxide with clean water.

Important! Before using peroxide, test its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the material.

Camphor alcohol

Camphor alcohol is often used to remove green spots. You can buy it at a pharmacy or look for it in your home arsenal. Application is very simple:

  1. Apply to cotton wool and wipe the green blot.
  2. Rinse off any remaining residue with plenty of water.

How to remove ink from linoleum?

Another liquid that can cause problems when removing it is ink. Cleaning up such stains cannot be put off for a long time. If the ink is absorbed into the material, it will be much more difficult to remove.


  1. Take a pumice stone or fine sandpaper and gently scrub the stained area.

Important! When removing a stain, do not rub hard on the surface so as not to damage the protective layer.

  1. After cleaning, treat the floor with linseed oil.
  2. Polish the damaged and already cleaned area with a silk cloth.

How to restore shine to linoleum?

During operation, uncarpeted linoleum in a room or hallway may lose its original shine. The renovation immediately loses its novelty, and the floor begins to look dull. To restore the sparkling surface of the flooring, you should use simple recipes.

Method number 1:

  1. Mix milk and water in equal proportions.
  2. Wipe the floor with the resulting mixture.
  3. Rub the coating with a special polish.

Method No. 2

To give linoleum shine, you can use grandma’s method:

  1. Boil the potatoes until tender and wait until they cool.
  2. Wipe the floor with the resulting broth.
  3. To keep your flooring clean, you don't have to use complex components or spend a lot of time removing them. Sometimes simple ways cleaners deal with the problem faster and more efficiently. The longevity of your linoleum directly depends on how you care for it. The means and methods described in this article will definitely help maintain the beautiful appearance of your floor for many more years.

Linoleum is an aesthetic and affordable flooring option for any kitchen. It is able to withstand a lot of external factors: moisture, sun rays, chemicals, mechanical influences. But in parallel with a whole set of advantages, the material also has objective disadvantages - it gets dirty and quickly acquires stains, as a result of which it loses its original luster. In this regard, a difficult question inevitably arises: how to clean the linoleum in the kitchen and return it to its previous appearance? Next, we understand in detail the intricacies of caring for the coating.

Illiterate maintenance of the floor covering is fraught not only with the loss of its aesthetic appearance, but also with deformation. In order to avoid these troubles, you need to know how and with what to wash linoleum in the kitchen - here are the basic subtleties, the observance of which will allow you to avoid mistakes in caring for the finish.

Linoleum is stylish and practical option kitchen floor finishing

The main nuances of wet cleaning

Let us immediately note that it is recommended to carry out the first wet cleaning no earlier than two weeks after laying the linoleum - until then it is better to limit yourself to light cleaning with a dry vacuum cleaner. When the specified period has been met, you can begin to wash the floors with water with the addition of neutral cleaning products. In this case, the latter must be completely dissolved in the liquid.

The most budgetary, but at the same time effective version of a cleaning agent for linoleum is soap crumbs. The coating maintenance scheme is simple: the first step is to wipe the surface with a soft woolen cloth moderately moistened with warm soapy water; the second stage is to thoroughly rinse the soap with cold water and dry the floor with a microfiber or similar cloth. It is highly undesirable to use brushes and hard sponges in work - they can scratch the floor.

Soap crumbs are the cheapest and most common floor cleaner.

Important! It is advisable to wash the coating in parts so that the solution does not remain on the linoleum for a long time - the soap dries quickly and can damage the outer layer of the finish.

An alternative to soap, but just as accessible remedy for washing linoleum - dishwashing liquid. The scheme of its application is similar, as in the previous case, with alternating washing with warm and cold water. Another option for finishing maintenance is products designed specifically for linoleum maintenance. It is important that they do not contain chlorine, abrasive particles and acetone. Use ready-made cleaning compositions must be done strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

A soft cloth and soap solution are a standard set for wet cleaning

Special products for linoleum

If the task is not only to wash the flooring, but also to improve its aesthetic and operational qualities, use special tools - drying oil or mastic. The first will give the linoleum a pronounced shine and protect it from the appearance of small cracks. Using drying oil is very simple: wipe the surface with a working compound, and then polish it with a silk rag. The procedure should be repeated at least once a quarter.

If the question is relevant for you, how to wash linoleum so as not to be sticky, pay attention to the second special tool - mastic. It will also add shine to the coating, but additionally make it more practical and well-groomed. The most important condition to obtain the desired result, strictly adhere to the dosage of the product, which is indicated on the package.

Complex floor maintenance cases

The above suggested cleaning methods are only suitable for standard regular maintenance of the coating, but there are a number of specific cases when it is necessary to resort to more serious measures. Eliminating stubborn dirt, caring for embossed finishes, cleaning the floor after repair - how and with what to wash linoleum in these difficult situations?

Removing stains

Pledge successful fight with stains - use the right means. They should be selected depending on the scale and nature of pollution:

  • Coffee and food coloring. The most effective remedy is turpentine: apply a few drops of the substance to a soft cloth and gently wipe the contaminated area.

Important! If your kitchen has artificial linoleum, you need to be careful with turpentine - apply no more than two or three drops of the composition to a rag so as not to damage the top layer of the material.

  • Ink and markers. Gasoline and kerosene work best to remove stains. As a working tool, you can use fine-grained sandpaper or a melamine sponge. After removing the contamination, the treated area must be polished with a silk rag lightly moistened in natural linseed oil to restore the coating to its former shine.

Kerosene is an effective remedy against ink stains

  • Wax. You can remove frozen wax drops with a flat, non-sharp knife or spatula. The remaining stains should first be wiped with gasoline, and then rinsed with cold water.
  • Rust. To get rid of rust stains, wipe the floor with a soft cloth soaked in weak solution Bleach: 1 part cleaning solution to 10 parts warm water. For reliability, the finish can be additionally treated with lemon juice.
  • Iodine. A proven remedy is soda. First, pour the mixture onto a damp rag and apply it to the stain for a few minutes, and then wipe the contaminated area with the same rag. If the stain does not disappear, repeat the procedure.
  • Zelenka. Camphor alcohol will help get rid of still fresh stains: apply two or three drops to a soft cloth and carefully wipe the contaminated surface.

Zelenka can be quickly washed with camphor alcohol

  • Burn and fat. Deep kitchen stains, which cannot be removed with ordinary soap or powder, need to be cleaned in several stages: the first - using turpentine or gasoline, the second - using a solution of lemon juice and washing powder.
  • Shoe stripes. Black marks from shoes can be removed with an eraser: rub the dirt with an eraser, and then wash the floor with soapy water.

Caring for embossed linoleum

The ribbed finish looks very impressive, but beautiful view you have to pay with your time and effort, since the maintenance of a non-standard floor is fraught with some troubles: firstly, the relief coating, due to its texture, quickly collects dust and dirt, and secondly, it will not be possible to clean it well by simply wiping it with a rag. This raises a logical question: how to wash linoleum with an unusual ribbed surface?

Embossed linoleum requires a special approach to maintenance

The main working tool in the fight against pollution is a brush with soft bristles. Prepare a soap solution in the proportion of 100 g of rubbed soap per 10 liters of warm water, and then, wetting the brush in the resulting composition, start cleaning the coating in sequence. However, do not scrub the floors so that the brush does not damage the finish. Another gentle option for embossed linoleum is washing vacuum cleaner with special rotary nozzles.

Note! To protect the embossed finish from frequent, exhausting cleaning with brushes or a vacuum cleaner, you can carry out preventive maintenance every two days: wipe the surface with a soft ribbed sponge.

Cleaning linoleum after repair

The first thing you need to do when starting a repair is to protect kitchen linoleum plastic film or thick paper. But do not think that this is guaranteed to protect the finish from all negative external factors. Practice proves that contamination on the floor covering cannot be avoided. How then to deal with the consequences of repairs?

If paint gets on the floor, it must be removed while it is still fresh before it dries. Water-based composition You can wipe it with a regular damp cloth, but with an oil one it will be more difficult: first, the stain should be removed with a dry cloth, then blotted with sunflower oil and washed with soapy water. If the paint has already dried, only a solvent will help. But it is important that it does not contain acetone.

Another common question is how to clean linoleum in the kitchen from polyurethane foam? There are several effective options:

  1. cut off the foam with a knife, and the remainder building material place a generously dampened rag - when the moisture softens the foam, remove it with a spatula and wipe the contaminated area with a dry rag;
  2. spot-apply a special foam cleaner onto the coating;
  3. cut off the foam with a knife and treat the area with the remaining material with a solvent without acetone.

Important! After removing the mounting foam, the linoleum should be rubbed with flax oil.

If after repair work there are light stains and white deposits left on the coating, you can wash them with regular warm water. The main thing is to change the water two or three times to ensure that you get rid of construction dust. In those difficult cases where stains remain, go over them with a rag soaked in a weak solution of vinegar or potassium permanganate.

The usual wet cleaning will help get rid of dust after repairs.

Updating linoleum in the kitchen

If cleaning the flooring does not give the desired result and the finish still looks pale and not very attractive, you can resort to a more radical step - updating the outer layer of the floor. For this purpose, you can find a lot of wax-based mastics in construction stores.

Wax mastic is a popular means for quickly updating linoleum

To avoid mistakes in this matter, let's look at how to update linoleum at home:

  1. Wash the floor well – there should be no stains or dust on it. You can use special compounds to remove dirt and old polish.
  2. Wipe the surface dry with a dry cloth - this will avoid streaks.
  3. Prepare the wax mastic and sequentially apply the working material to the finishing surface: pour the composition over an area of ​​2 m and carefully spread it over the floor with a roller or a special mop. It is recommended to apply the mastic using movements perpendicular to the window to make possible polishing holes less noticeable. To make the work easier, you can use a special polishing machine.
  4. 10 hours after applying the mastic, when it is completely dry, go over the surface with a dry vacuum cleaner. Never wipe the floor with a wet cloth.

A vacuum cleaner is a gentle device for caring for a renewed floor.

Video: caring for linoleum at home

How to clean linoleum with improvised means

How to quickly update your floor with your own hands

As you can see, there are many effective ways to care for linoleum. Here are tried-and-true options for both standard washing and cleaning specific stains - thanks to them, you can not only extra hassle keep the coating clean, but also, if necessary, update the finish, thereby extending its service life.

To maintain linoleum in its original form, you should follow some rules when cleaning it. It must be remembered that this material does not tolerate high temperatures well and is not very resistant to mechanical stress. To wash linoleum, do not use abrasive cleaning compounds, as they can leave scratches on the surface, and undiluted chlorine-containing products, which can damage the top layer of the coating or discolor it.

General cleaning rules

Before you start washing the linoleum, clean it of dust using a vacuum cleaner or broom. Afterwards, prepare a soap solution: add a small amount of liquid soap or a special liquid for washing linoleum to a bucket of warm water. Wipe the floor with a rag soaked in soapy water, and then rinse off the remaining product with clean water. It is not recommended to leave soap stains on the coating - they can destroy the top layer of the material.

To add shine to the linoleum after washing, you can rub it with a sponge or rag soaked in milk, linseed oil or drying oil, and then wipe the remaining liquid dry. In places where the coating is subject to intense load (kitchen, corridor, hallway, organizations with high traffic), it can be treated with a special polymer composition, which forms a protective layer on the material.

If after cleaning there are stains or stubborn dirt left on the surface, you can use special chemical compounds or folk remedies for cleaning.

In order not to spoil the linoleum, trying to clean it of various contaminants, you cannot use:

  • alkaline solutions - they make the coating brittle;
  • chlorine bleaches - such compounds wash out the paint from it;
  • dry cleaning powders, abrasives - they leave microcracks in the material, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

Fighting stubborn dirt

If washing with a soap solution does not bring the desired result, then use other, more effective means. There are special liquids designed for cleaning linoleum, but effective compositions can be prepared at home.

For stubborn dirt use:

  1. 1. Alcohol solution. Add 1 part vodka or alcohol to a bucket with 5 parts water. Dissolve a handful of laundry soap shavings in the liquid. Soak a rag in this water, wring it out, and treat the contaminated surface with circular movements. This tool helps to get rid of grease stains in the kitchen.
  2. 2. Kerosene or gasoline. You can try to wipe off stubborn stains with these products. However, you should act carefully so as not to damage the surface of the linoleum. Soak a cotton pad with the liquid and use gentle movements without pressure to treat the stains. After washing these areas with a soapy sponge and a damp cloth.
  3. 3. Sauerkraut. An effective folk remedy against severe pollution is sauerkraut juice. It is poured in a small amount onto the problem area, left for a few minutes and treated with a sponge. Then wipe with a damp cloth.
  4. 4. Drying oil. By washing dirty linoleum with drying oil, you can not only get rid of old stains, but also give the coating shine. The liquid also prevents cracks from appearing on the material, so it is recommended to use it once every few months for preventative cleaning. A little drying oil is poured onto a clean rag, and the contaminated places are wiped with it. Afterwards, take a piece of flannel and polish the treated areas.
  5. 5. Mastic. For a new coating, use a colorless liquid; it is better to clean the old one with a dark liquid. In addition to removing old dirt, mastic makes various defects in the material less noticeable and protects it from dust, dirt, water and mechanical damage. Use the product according to the instructions on the package.
  6. 6. Melamine sponge. A melamine sponge will help you get rid of stubborn stains without using household chemicals. The stain is moistened with a small amount of water and gently rubbed with a sponge. You need to wear gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands, and after cleaning, wipe the floor well to remove sponge particles.
  7. 7. Floor cleaning products "Mr. Proper", "Mr. Muscle" and others. The liquid is added to a bucket of warm water according to the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Soak a rag in the solution, wring it out to remove excess water, and wipe the contaminated areas. Wash off with clean water.
  8. 8. Compositions for cleaning tiles. Light linoleum can be washed with a tile surface cleaner. It helps get rid of dirt and grease. Directions for use are indicated on the packaging.

Rough linoleum can be cleaned of old dirt using a slab cleaner (for example, Adriel). It is diluted in warm water before use.

Washing after repair

You can clean linoleum from construction dust, white deposits and other contaminants remaining after repairs as follows:

  1. 1. First, the floor is cleaned of large debris, after which it is vacuumed or swept.
  2. 2. Drops of putty are removed using a plastic spatula.
  3. 3. Oil paint stains and tape marks are wiped off with vegetable oil. A small amount of liquid is poured onto the contamination and left for a short time. Then treated with a sponge. Oily traces are washed off with warm water with the addition of dishwashing liquid. Traces of water-based paint are wiped off with a damp cloth.
  4. 4. Remains of polyurethane foam are removed in two stages. First, cut off the main part with a sharp knife. Then a wet rag is applied to the remaining foam. After an hour, when the mass swells, it can be easily scraped off with a non-sharp object. In difficult cases, when this method does not help, use Dimexide or a special foam remover, which can be found in a building supplies store.
  5. 5. Use warm water to clean the floor from whitewashing. Wipe the surfaces several times, constantly rinsing the cloth. For greater effectiveness, add a little potassium permanganate or vinegar to the water.
  6. 6. Wipe the linoleum dry with a clean cloth.

Removing stains of various origins

The sooner you start removing the stain, the easier it will be to get rid of it. Old contaminants penetrate deep into the material, and it is not always possible to completely cope with them.

Before trying to wash linoleum using any method, the cleaning composition should be applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating and wait. If no negative changes follow, you can treat the stain.

Type of pollution


Mode of application

Grease remover

If a drop of grease gets on the linoleum, wipe it off immediately with a napkin.

The old stain is treated with dishwashing gel or other products designed for cleaning surfaces from grease (for example, Sanita Anti-Great). A small amount of liquid is poured onto the stain and scrubbed with a sponge in a circular motion. Then wash off the foam with a damp cloth

The berries are crushed with a blender and distributed over the surface of the stain. Rubbing with a sponge. Afterwards, collect the pulp and wipe with a damp cloth.

Complex stains are removed with an alcohol solution. A rag or cotton pad or tinder is soaked in it. Residues are removed with a damp sponge


You should wash linoleum with turpentine only if other means have failed. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the coating. Use it in the same way as alcohol

Zelenka (fresh)

Soap, washing powder

Prepare a soap solution, soak a sponge in it, and rub gently. Afterwards rinse with water

Zelenka (old stain)

Vinegar and potassium permanganate

Cleaning linoleum from old traces of brilliant green takes place in several stages:

1. A small amount of potassium permanganate is stirred in a 9 percent solution (the liquid should be light pink).

2. Soak a piece of clean cloth in the solution and place it on the stain. After a few minutes, traces of brilliant green will change color - turn pink, and then acquire a brown tint.

3. After removing the fabric, treat the contamination with a damp sponge. If the stain does not disappear completely, hydrogen peroxide is poured onto it. After a few minutes it should become discolored.

4. Remains of cleaning solutions are removed with a damp cloth.

Zelenka (old stain)

Ammonia or medical alcohol, nail polish remover

Apply to a cotton pad and treat the stained area, then be sure to rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Shoe stripes

Rub off shoe marks with gentle movements using an eraser

Iodine (fresh stains)

Sprinkle starch generously on the contaminated area and leave for 5 minutes. Collect with a napkin and, if the traces have not completely disappeared, pour in a little hydrogen peroxide

Iodine (old stains)

Soda and vinegar

Sprinkle the powder on the dirty area and pour in a small amount of vinegar. It is recommended to do this in the evening. The next morning, remove the residue with a rag.

Iodine (old stains)


Cut raw potatoes in half and, placing the tuber with the cut site on the stain, wipe off the stain.

Drinks (tea, coffee)

Gasoline, kerosene

Moisten a piece of clean cloth with any of the liquids and wipe the stain. Wash off with soap solution

Felt pen

Turpentine, gasoline

Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and remove any patterns or stripes from the coating. Then wipe the surface with a soapy sponge and a clean damp cloth.

Traces of wax are first scraped off with a non-sharp object and then wiped with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline. Remains of dirt are removed with a soap solution

Chewing gum

Ice Cube

Apply ice to the stain and wait until it hardens. Then carefully scrape off the gum with a non-sharp object.

Rust, mold

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the problem area and rubbed with a sponge. Wash off with clean water


It is useless to wash the marks left by ink; they can only be carefully treated with sandpaper. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the coating too much. Then wipe with a soft cloth moistened with linseed oil. Do not wash off

Another way that will take more time is to use matches. The sulfur head is moistened with water and applied to the contamination. Start rubbing the stain until it disappears completely

Old linoleum with a lot of stains can be washed with water and ammonia (2 tablespoons are required for 10 liters).

Getting rid of stains on linoleum is difficult, but possible. When cleaning, do not rub the coating too hard to avoid damaging it, and after treatment, be sure to wash off any remaining product with a clean, damp cloth.