home · Other · How to choose a motion sensor for lighting. Motion sensors for turning on lights: saving on technology. Operating principle and advantages

How to choose a motion sensor for lighting. Motion sensors for turning on lights: saving on technology. Operating principle and advantages

Many people who find themselves in an unfamiliar room spend a lot of time searching for the light switch, probing every section of the wall near front door. And you will be very lucky if the switch has a backlight, but not all manufacturers worry about this. In addition, the floors in the building are not always level, and this is already dangerous. More recently, to solve this problem, they simply left emergency lighting on, especially in crowded places: entrances, staircases and parking lots.

But progress does not stand still in the modern realities of constant energy savings It is advisable to use light control devices, which allow the light sources to be turned on only if it is really necessary. That is, at the moment when a person enters the illuminated area. For this purpose, special motion control devices were created to turn on the lighting.

Types of motion control sensors

By motion sensor, based on its name, is meant a device that detects the movement of any objects in the immediate action area. Thanks to the development and improvement of various technical devices, such devices turned out to be quite compact and inexpensive. Moreover, their use is advisable in buildings of a certain type.

  1. IN basements, garage boxes and storage rooms, where it is quite difficult to find and turn off by touch, and illumination from natural light sources does not penetrate there.
  2. In walk-through rooms where there is constant but short-term movement of people: staircase, entrance or corridor.
  3. In buildings where the lights must be turned on well in advance of the immediate arrival of people.
  4. To improve comfort, motion sensor to turn on the light used in bathrooms, and such a device may, in addition to the lighting device, include an exhaust system.
  5. This device has gained wide popularity in security systems.

Moreover, according to the principle of operation, all motion control devices are divided into certain groups.

Motion detection systems, depending on the method of receiving signals from objects, are also divided into several types.

  1. The active device itself emits and records the signal reflected from the object. Such devices structurally consist of a receiver and an emitter. But for this reason, the design of the device becomes significantly more complicated, and, accordingly, the price.
  2. A passive device registers the objects' own radiation. Structurally, such a device is much simpler and, naturally, cheaper. But passive devices have a high level false positives.

Ultrasonic motion sensor

Such devices received greatest application in parking and security systems for vehicles. Moreover, such devices have the following advantages:

  • a price that is affordable for people with average incomes;
  • device resistance to impact external factors environment;
  • receiving a reflected signal from any object.

Naturally, the use of such sensors is also possible to turn on lighting devices, but this is impractical due to a number of disadvantages of ultrasound:

  • ultrasonic frequency is clearly audible to pets;
  • limited range of the device;
  • The sensor is triggered by sudden movements, so slowly moving objects fall out of its field of action.

Microwave Motion Control Sensor

By analogy with an ultrasonic device, such a device is active. Simply put, it emits a wave that is received after reflection from an object. The only difference between such a device is the use of electromagnetic waves rather than sound waves.

Microwave motion control devices emit radio waves that are reflected from all objects in the area of ​​the device. If no moving objects are detected, the reflected signal will return without changing the frequency. When any movement occurs, a frequency shift occurs, which triggers the sensor.

Due to a number of advantages of microwave devices, they have become most widespread in security systems:

  • microwave sensor has small sizes, thanks to which it is practically invisible;
  • the device has a large range;
  • microwave motion recording device Can function even behind fences made of non-conductive material;
  • The device has great accuracy and detects even slight movement in the sensor’s coverage area.

Microwave motion sensors for light control are used extremely rarely due to a number of specific disadvantages:

  • microwave devices have enough at a high price compared to other analogues;
  • Due to the high sensitivity of the device, false alarms may occur.

Microwave rays with high density power has a very detrimental effect on human health. For this reason, it is not advisable for living organisms to remain near a long-range device for a long time.

Infrared motion sensor is the best choice for turning on the light

It's no secret that absolutely all objects emit infrared radiation, which is captured by a motion detection sensor through pyroelectric elements that respond to temperature changes.

If no changes occur in the coverage area of ​​the IR sensor, then the potential generated at the output of the device has constant value. When there is any movement of objects emitting IR rays, the value of the output potential changes, which leads to the operation of the sensor.

Infrared sensors are most widely used as devices for automatically turning on light in various rooms, which is due to their advantage compared to other analogues:

  • infrared sensor is a passive device that doesn't emit anything, therefore does not harm humans or animals;
  • such devices have additional adjustments, both the angle of the coverage area and the response threshold;
  • such devices can be used both indoors and outdoors;
  • the price of IR sensors is affordable to a wide range of consumers.

But like others electrical devices IR sensors have a number of disadvantages:

  • due to thermal radiation from heating devices, false sensor alarms may occur;
  • the device can function normally only in a certain temperature range;
  • objects that have a coating that does not conduct infrared rays will not be detected by the sensor.

Infrared motion control devices for turning on lights are optimal choice to control lighting devices from the existing variety of similar devices.

Features of technical characteristics of devices

The motion control sensor is divided into two-pole and three-pole devices. At the same time, the first work only with incandescent lamp and have a sequential circuit for connecting light sources. In turn, the three-pole model is universal and can be used with any types of electric lamps.

All motion sensors can be distributed across the device’s coverage area. Simply put, the device will operate correctly at a certain distance from an advancing object. Depending on the design features of the device, the stable operation distance can vary from 2 to 15 meters.

Another important characteristic of such devices is the angle of detection of objects in horizontal plane. In most cases, this parameter depends on the sensor model and can vary from 60 to 360 degrees. In turn, vertically such a device operates in the range of 15-20 degrees.

A very important indicator of motion detection devices is the power of the load connected to the device. If the total power indicators exceed the permissible sensor indicators, then you will need to install an intermediate relay or distribute the load between two devices.

If you need to connect fluorescent or energy-saving lamps, then you need to take into account the reactive power indicators of such light sources. In most cases, reactive power should be 2 times less than active power than specified in the documentation for the sensor.

It is very important that the motion control sensor does not turn off at the same moment when the object leaves its coverage area. The wide range of light-off delays is primarily due to the fact that a person often needs to walk a distance in the light that is greater than the sensor's coverage area. Very often, such a delay is used in devices installed in entrances and staircases.

Regarding the parameters electrical supply device is a standard network alternating current. At the same time the sensor consumes only 1 W of power, which is very economical. A modern motion sensor for controlling the switching on of lights can assess the degree of illumination outdoors or indoors using sensor devices. This is necessary to prevent the sensor from triggering when it is light outside. By design features All motion sensors for turning on lighting devices are divided into the following types:

  • external - installation of which is carried out using special brackets with a wall corner or rotary structure;
  • built-in - installation of which takes place in special boxes for light switches or in the ceiling under the lighting device in a hole specially equipped for this purpose.

Often sensors are manufactured in such a way that they cannot be distinguished from a standard luminaire or are combined with a regular switch, which allows you to perform several functions at once - tracking the movement of objects and controlling the lighting in the room, which is very convenient.

According to the conditions in which the device will be used, all motion sensors can be divided into street sensors with an increased degree of protection and those used indoors. At the same time, if outdoor structure can be installed indoors, then the sensor intended for indoor use will not withstand the effects of natural factors and will simply fail.

Before installing such a tracking device you need to clearly divide the room into zones, where the sensors will be mounted. To do this, a radiation pattern of the device is drawn up, which allows for the lighting to be constantly on while a person moves around the room. When drawing up a plan for the placement of traffic control devices, it is important to adhere to certain rules.

  1. Traffic control systems should not be exposed to direct light from lighting fixtures.
  2. Within the device's coverage area The presence of glass partitions is unacceptable, since IR rays are reflected from it.
  3. There should be no bulky objects in the operating area of ​​the tracking device that would significantly impede visibility.
  4. The heating system or air conditioning also interferes with the operation of the motion sensor, as it reacts to warm air flows from any devices.
  5. In buildings with large area rationally install ceiling fixtures, which have a circular coverage area. In this case, the device itself must be placed exactly in the geometric center of the room.

Using motion sensors to control lighting makes it possible not only to save electricity, but also to improve the comfort of using lighting fixtures. Among the variety of devices for recording the movement of objects, only IR sensors are suitable for controlling illumination. Such devices can be used in any room or outdoors, and their installation is not particularly difficult and can be done with your own hands.

Today, the issues of using energy-saving technologies for one’s own needs are becoming increasingly relevant. To significantly reduce energy costs, people use special devices, called motion sensors for lighting. How to make the right choice? And what is the purpose and operating principle of these products? Let's look at this in more detail.

For those who want to use resources efficiently, motion sensors are practically necessary attributes of everyday life, because their use saves about 50-80% of energy consumption.

Motion sensors are appropriate everywhere, in corridors, in storerooms, and on stairs - wherever people are for a short time, or, for example, if your hands are busy. When an object enters the coverage area, the light turns on automatic mode, if there is no movement for a specified time, the light turns off. It is also additionally possible to set a short signal mode, which is used to turn on an acoustic device that controls the door (doorbell, bell). Such a simple solution will save energy, increase comfort and ensure the safety of your home.

Motion sensor for street lighting

Since the benefits are obvious, many people are eager to purchase motion sensors for lighting, but they just don’t know what parameters to use when choosing. Here's something to think about:

  • where exactly the device will be used - it could be a street, an open shed, closed room: choice by mounting method, degree of protection, built-in or mounted;
  • power of switched equipment. This parameter implies an image of the sensor installation - for one lamp daylight, for thermos, refrigeration room. There are models with different power - 200V and higher, depending on these indicators the installation conditions change, dimensions;
  • configuration of the trigger zone - at this stage it is important to take into account the fact that the motion sensor only controls (the main emphasis!) visible area. The radius of action is reduced even by light structures, for example, cornices, sconces, pendant lamps;

Important: you need to remember - glass is an obstacle to the passage of infrared rays, and accordingly, the controlled area is reduced.

  • possibility of precise adjustment of the on/off response time. This function most relevant for large premises, where several sensors are installed over a large area, but they do not completely cover it. It turns out that in such conditions a person’s actions are very important - he must have time to reach the next sensor or have time to complete certain work after returning to the coverage area;
  • sensor perception angle – products are produced with a viewing angle of 180-360 degrees. For example, sensors with a sensing angle of 180 degrees are in most cases intended for input-output response and are mounted on a wall. If installation is carried out on the ceiling, this means that the device has full angle review;
  • the formula for the ratio of active and passive zones is a parameter relevant for offices and recreation rooms. Registration of people present is faster if the zone rotation is higher.

Important: some models are adjusted to human breathing.

Operating principle, functionality

Motion sensors for lighting are a popular, convenient product that solves various problems. This device operates using infrared radiation: a programmed signal reaches the captured matrix.

Often sensors work in conjunction with electrical appliances, and they can also be the main ones in the alarm system and video surveillance. That is, motion sensors are used to harmlessly turn on the light in the passage area, to ensure the safety of housing.

Motion sensor for lighting - convenient and functional

The sensor automatically detects the presence of movement, closes the circuit and turns on the light. The basic principle of operation is continuous monitoring in the observation area: when a moving object appears, the thermal field changes, it is higher than the ambient temperature.

Using a special lens called a Frankel lens, a signal is sent to the photocell, which causes the circuit to close. In the control zone, the sensor is triggered even by minor movements, for example, if a sitting person sways.

Important: motion sensors are configured in a unique way - they do not react to pets, but they sense objects perfectly large sizes: car, person.

Purchasing such a device will not put a big dent in the budget, and its use will bring tangible convenience: a person enters a room, the sensor turns on the light, exits and the light turns off automatically (after a specified time). At the same time, there is no need to look for the switch and remember if I forgot to turn off the light, for example, in the pantry.

Possibility and customization tools

Motion sensors are configured using potentiometers, there are three of them:

  • time interval—specify the period during which the sensor will operate. The values ​​are set in intervals from 5 seconds to 10 minutes (depending on the model). This is the simplest of all settings - you need to estimate how often a person appears in the detection zone and set the delay time for turning off the lighting a little more than this value (1-2 minutes). This is done to avoid constant on/off switching;
  • sensitivity - the higher it is, the better device reacts to movements. If there are a lot of triggers, it is advisable to reduce the sensitivity; the same applies to spontaneous activations. Basically, this parameter is configured in 3 times. It is also necessary to reconfigure the sensitivity depending on the time of year, for example, in the summer the sensor works normally, but in winter it malfunctions. This is explained by a reaction to warm air rising from the heating device;
  • illumination level – for proper operation device during daylight hours. When motion occurs, the sensor determines the level of illumination; if it is below the threshold, the device operates; if it is higher, it does not operate. Yes, this is quite logical, why turn on electric lighting in the room during the day?

Advantages of motion sensors

  • compactness - installed unnoticed, absolutely without damage to the interior;
  • the savings are obvious, because the light turns on only when necessary;
  • convenience for owners of private houses - sensors are installed on the porch, on stairs, in basements and storage rooms: moving around the house becomes very practical;
  • a kind of alarm system against thieves - if intruders break into the home, the light turns on, announcing that strangers are in the house.

Classification, scope of use

Actually, motion sensors were originally intended to work in the system burglar alarm: transmitted an alarm signal to the control panel. Manufacturers have gone further by developing models that include floodlights, street lighting, sirens, and power equipment.

The use of motion sensors in the yard will ensure safe movement at night

Motion sensors are divided into ceiling and wall. The principle of their operation is the same, they are simply selected individually, depending on the installation location. Also at the present time in landscape design street lighting poles with sensors play a significant role.

People understand that they need to strive for savings Money Therefore, motion sensors are widely used for street lighting. They must meet the requirements and perform a number of functions:

  • security lighting of areas (cottage, garden);
  • aesthetic lighting of houses, parks;
  • lighting the movement of people walking along the street.

Motion sensors that are installed on supports differ from home models - they are characterized by a large coverage angle. Range – 12 meters.

Street lighting is economical and practical solution: the sensor transmits a signal to the lighting system only when a person approaches

Infrared motion sensors are either active or passive. The first option is used to protect the perimeter of a house and fences, and the second is used in alarm systems to protect wide sectors, for example, approaching a door, guarding a gate.

Installation of motion sensors

The technical side of installing motion sensors is not too complicated. But if you don’t have confidence in your abilities, it’s better to entrust this process to a professional. The cable of this device is connected to the general wiring of the house through junction box. Plus, sensors are additionally installed that react to changes in light intensity; they are also called twilight switches. This is necessary so that the sensor functions only in the dark.

There are a huge variety of motion sensors, each of them performs a specific task: to illuminate the pool, to start the fountain pump. When installing the sensor, you should take into account the size of the room, the location of windows and doors, since these indicators affect the correct operation of the device.

Important: the motion sensor circuit for lighting is similar to the operating principle of a conventional switch. In both cases it closes or opens electrical circuit, into which the lamp is connected in series.

If it is necessary that, despite the lack of movement in the room, the lamp constantly works, a switch is added to the circuit, which is connected in parallel with the motion sensor. In this case, the switch duplicates the operation of the sensor, which means that the light can be operated forcibly.

Connecting motion sensors

It is also possible that, due to the characteristics of the room, one sensor does not cover the entire area, then a connection diagram for two motion sensors and a lamp is used. When one sensor is triggered, the circuit is closed and voltage is applied to the contacts.

The rated power of the motion sensors under consideration is 500-700 W, this limits their use for heavy loads.

Important: in some cases you need to connect several powerful electric lamps at once (yard lighting), then it is best to use a magnetic starter.

Motion sensors for lighting today find extremely wide application. These can be hotels, office and administrative buildings, educational institutions, Sport halls, parking lots, retail establishments.

The feasibility of using motion sensors is confirmed by arguments of energy saving, as well as convenience and practicality. Their payback periods depend on the total power of the connected lamps. But one thing is for sure, for low quality sensors that break immediately after installation, they will constantly be pushed aside. That is, it is better to overpay and get an excellent device than to buy a low-quality product.

Initially, motion tracking systems were intended to protect territories and important objects. Motion sensors are now widely used to turn on lights. This electronic device allows you to save up to 85 percent of electricity. Let's consider the basic principles of operation of the device, its types and installation procedure.

The sensor will not only help turn on the lights, but also warn about unwanted guests

The tracking device monitors the area covered by the viewing sector. The territory is limited not only by the angle of action of the device, but also by the range of the sensor.

Note! For efficient work the sensor is located in a place that provides maximum visibility.

How the sensor works

The device records the level of infrared radiation. If an object with the temperature of a living creature appears in its field of responsibility, the device receives several impulses that affect the circuit and turn on the lighting. As soon as the pulses stop coming, the circuit breaks and the power goes out.

Below is a sample motion sensor circuit for lighting.

Advantages and disadvantages of using sensors

Thanks to an indoor or outdoor light sensor to turn on the light, there is no need to frantically search in pitch darkness or for keys in a bag.

Types of motion tracking devices

Motion sensors can be divided into two categories:

  • installation location: external and internal devices;
  • alarm type: ultrasonic, infrared, microwave, combined.

External sensors monitor a given perimeter and are intended mainly for large adjoining spaces and outbuildings. Their response radius reaches five hundred meters.

Related article:

Installing this device will allow you to automate lighting depending on the time of day. How does such a device work and how does it work? More details in a special publication.
Helpful information! Thanks to street motion sensors, no special alarms are required to protect the perimeter. They will work as soon as an outsider approaches the protected area. An attacker will not risk intruding into the illuminated area.

Indoor sensors are designed to work indoors. They are not resistant to sudden changes in temperature and active exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Ultrasound devices

The operating principle of such a product is based on the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the surfaces of objects. This one is not difficult process, named after the Austrian physicist Doppler, makes it easy to calculate moving objects by changing the pulse frequency. Such a sensor uses a device that generates ultrasound, inaudible to the human ear.

If there is any movement within the range of the device, ultrasonic waves change their frequency, which is recorded by the sensor.

Helpful information! In addition to lighting systems, such devices are widely used in automatic devices"parking sensors".

Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic motion sensors for turning on lights.

Infrared devices

Their work is based on measuring the ambient temperature. When high-temperature objects enter the sensor's operating range, it reacts by turning on the light.

Infrared radiation from the human body, through a set of lenses and special mirrors, affects the sensor that activates the lighting system.

Helpful information! The sensitivity of the device depends on the number of lenses; there are up to thirty pairs of them in one device.

Advantages and disadvantages of such devices.

Allows precise adjustment of detection angle and rangeFalse alarm due to radiation from heating devices or, for example, an electric kettle
Triggers only on temperature objects, so can be used outdoorsMalfunctions when exposed to adverse weather conditions
Completely safe for humans and petsSmall adjustment range
Transmits objects coated with materials that do not transmit IR radiation

Microwave sensors

Microwave devices act like radars. The device sends a signal and receives its reflection.

A microwave device emits a high frequency wave. The slightest deviation in the returned signal causes chain reaction turning on the light.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave sensors.

Combined instruments

Combined motion sensors for turning on lights combine two or three types of sensors at once. Tracking is carried out in parallel and very accurately detects an object in the coverage area. There are no other disadvantages to such devices other than their cost. The most common sensors on sale are those that combine infrared and ultrasonic devices.

Manufacturers and prices

In motion devices, the price is directly related to the quality and performance of the device. The more expensive the device, the larger the area it can cover. Among the popular brands it is worth noting devices from the following companies:

  • Camelion;
  • Theben;
  • Ultralight.

The cost of sensors starts from 400 rubles and reaches several thousand. The most rated among budget models according to Yandex.market.

ImageModelViewing angle, degreesRange, metersAverage price, rubles
Camelion LX-39/Wh180 12 558
Rev 3180 12 590
Feron SEN30 (hand motion sensor)30 5-8 759
PIR16A180 12 505
IEK LDD12-029-600-001120 9 508
Elektrostandard SNS M 02180-360 6 512
TDM SQ0324-0014120 12 519

Pro Tips: How to Connect a Motion Sensor for Lighting

You can install and configure the product yourself. When purchasing, you need to check the availability of instructional material and follow its advice.

Note! The tracking device must be mounted in a place where it cannot be triggered by extraneous signals.

  • It is important to know that the sensitive device does not like to be moved frequently, so you need to carefully consider its location.
  • In the room, in parallel with the sensor, you need to install a regular switch so that, if necessary, you can turn off the lighting manually.
  • In order to prevent accidental damage to the device, it can be recessed into the wall by cutting a corresponding hole in the drywall.

  • It is important to ensure that the tracking device is not exposed to sunlight, as it will disrupt the operation of the sensor.

Motion sensors for turning on lights: installation diagrams

The device can be installed in several ways:

Checking, setting and adjusting

To check the correct connection, a temporary circuit is used; you need to connect it following the instructions in technical passport products. If the device does not work, it means that errors were made during installation.

Complex devices can be tested as follows:

  • assemble a temporary connection diagram;
  • set the light control to maximum;
  • set the timer to minimum.

If led indicator lights up when the object moves, the device is working. Instead of an indicator, a relay can be installed that will start clicking when motion is detected.

After installing the sensor, it must be adjusted. The timer operation time can be set from a few seconds to a quarter of an hour. Adjusting the sensitivity of the sensor is a complex process, the main task of which is to prevent the device from triggering the appearance of pets.

How to connect a motion sensor (video)


Home touch sensors will allow you to significantly save on lighting. The device will turn on the light in the hallway, kitchen, bathroom, on the threshold of the house when a person appears and turn it off if there is no movement.

The cost of the simplest sensors starts from 400 rubles. You can install such sensors yourself. It is better to entrust the installation of more complex and expensive devices to professionals.

The first motion sensors were developed as security device, which made it possible to detect an unwanted visitor. A little later they began to be used for “peaceful” purposes. It turned out that it is very convenient to let automation take care of comfort.

It's impossible to imagine smart House without such equipment. For example, a person entering an unlit room does not have to look for a switch, since the lighting device is activated when doorway person.

Used by those who are used to trusting technology and want to shift the care of lighting to electronics the right place V right time. Where can you install a sensor that will allow you not to step into the darkness or make out an unexpected guest? A list of locations for installing motion sensors to turn on the lighting is proposed:

  • entrance door to the entrance
  • staircase to basement
  • the basement itself
  • walk-through corridors or flights of stairs located inside the house and without natural lighting in daytime
  • stairs and passages that are sufficiently illuminated during the day, but require safe passage at night
  • bathroom

In relation to the bathroom, the motion sensor is more likely to be turned off than on, since many people simply forget to turn off the light in the toilet or bathroom.

If necessary, the motion sensor can be configured to turn on instead of the light or along with it one or more other household devices, for example, TV or air conditioner.

The best option in most indoor spaces is to duplicate it with a regular switch. Such a diagram, as well as the installation diagram, is given in the passport or installation instructions for the purchased motion sensor to turn on the light. Be sure to read the instructions! Of course, follow her instructions.

A motion sensor for lighting is far from a superfluous device in order to save money!

Equipping your home and approaches to it with motion sensors allows you not only to feel like the ruler of the Universe, but also to significantly reduce the size of your electricity bills. Savings occur due to the fact that only those lighting fixtures that are necessary will be turned on.

The savings are easy to calculate. Even, constantly burning in the corridor due to the fact that it does not penetrate natural light, consumes at least 100-150 W per day. How much per month? And how many and what power of such lamps are there throughout the house?

Everyone can identify sources of excess energy consumption, their total power and estimate how long it will take for the money spent on installing sensors to pay off. Moreover, the average family is usually satisfied with relatively inexpensive passive sensors, operating in the zone of infrared radiation, that is, thermal.

There are also more advanced ones - ultrasonic and microwave. The basis of operation of all sensors is fundamentally the same, the difference is in the wavelength to which the device is tuned. Each type can be considered separately.

Operating principles of various types of sensors

It is impossible to create a motion sensor with fixed parameters that would work normally in any conditions. In certain installation locations, the sensitivity of the sensor should be very fine, in others it should be coarse.

Operating principle of infrared or passive sensors

In a rough approximation, this type of sensor can be associated with the operation of a directional thermometer, since its operation depends on the appearance of a heat source in its visibility zone. For it to work flawlessly, it is necessary pre-setting, which is provided functionality device. For example, an infrared sensor is configured to detect the appearance of an adult, and a child enters the room.

The body temperature of both may be the same, but the amount of heat emitted by the body and captured by the sensor is not the same. If you adjust the sensor to the minimum, it will begin to respond to the appearance of a dog or cat, which absolutely does not require lighting. Most of the models produced infrared sensors require manual, in fact, configuration.

How does an ultrasonic motion detector work?

The operating principle of an ultrasonic sensor is “active”, as opposed to passive infrared. It uses the recording of a reflected high-frequency signal from objects in the viewing area. The movement of one of them or the appearance of a new one disrupts the “memorized” picture, and the sensor is triggered. The work takes place in the mode of constant scanning of a given area. An ultrasonic sensor is an active device; it constantly, at specified intervals, sends a signal and analyzes the reflected one. Accordingly, the cost of this device is several times higher than infrared. Despite its reliability, such a sensor is rarely used in connection with switching on lighting devices; it is more often used for security purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave sensors

Microwave sensors are the most versatile due to the fact that they constantly scan the entire area assigned to their control, which allows you to completely trust the technology: the sensor will not ignore any movement and will turn on a signal or another device. Because of high cost devices, the use of microwave sensors in everyday life is not yet very common.

Selecting a sensor and location for its installation

After determining the places that it is desirable to equip with motion sensors to turn on the lights, you can proceed to selecting the sensors themselves. Please note that the design options may be designed for installation indoors or outdoors. outdoors. Sensors intended for outdoor operation can withstand significant climatic loads (humidity, ambient temperature), but internal, indoor sensors will not be able to operate normally outdoors.

Before placing a motion sensor in a room, you need to determine what action should cause the light to turn on. For example, the opening of a door or the appearance of a person in the viewing area of ​​the device requires installation different types sensors Infrared for simply opening the door will not work until a person crosses the threshold, by definition: it reacts to the heat emitted by a body or object. Automatic switching on of the light when simply opening the door can be achieved by ultrasonic or microwave sensor movements.

The sensors differ in design and viewing angle. For example, ceiling motion sensors for turning on lights can cover up to 360 degrees of space, wall-mounted ones from 90 to 240 degrees.

The sensor is installed in place in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with it. While voltage is being connected to the sensor, the network must be de-energized. It is wiser to entrust the installation of the sensor and, if necessary, the backup switch to a professional electrician.

What do you need to know about the setup?

After connecting, adjustments are made by trial and error. The sequence of this process is also given in the instructions for the device.

In most motion sensors, two parameters can be adjusted to turn on the light: the response time and the dependence of the response on the level of general illumination. Lighting adjustment is necessary when installing in rooms where natural light penetrates during the day. In other cases, you can set the minimum.

Based on the response time, the sensor is adjusted so that the duration of illumination is sufficient for a specific action. Most manufactured devices allow you to set this time ranging from a few seconds to 10 minutes.

Immediately equipping the entire house with “smart” assistants, one of which are motion sensors, is problematic and expensive. But equipping the most problematic corner with such a sensor and forgetting about the inconvenience forever is simple, quick and inexpensive. After it, very soon sensors will appear in other rooms, and, possibly, in the yard! You easily get used to the comfort.

Video about connecting motion sensors

Better to see once than hear a hundred times! Therefore, look at the overview of the most common types of equipment and connection methods.

When we turn on the lighting, we habitually use mechanical devices switching, and in own home able to find them in pitch darkness using muscle memory skills. However, personal involvement in lighting control has a number of disadvantages. For example, you can simply forget to turn it off, and some of the rooms are corridors, flights of stairs– and does not require permanent illumination at all. Automatic systems Switching lamps on and off not only reduces energy costs, but also makes your home more comfortable and safe. In order for them to work, they are equipped with sensitive elements, which are traditionally called motion sensors, although this does not quite correctly reflect the essence of their functioning. In this article we will tell you how to choose a motion sensor for the home and for the street, based on the physical principles of their operation.

Motion sensors for turning on lamps or other systems - security alarm sirens, door openers and other devices, respond to distortion of one or more physical fields:

  • magnetic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • acoustic;
  • thermal;
  • light

These fields can be natural, then sensors that respond to changes in them are called passive. Or artificially created, in which case they are called active.

According to the method of reaction of the sensitive element, they are divided into two types:

  1. Measuring, when the control signal appears as a result of a qualitative change - amplitude, wavelength - field.
  2. Switching, responsive to the presence or absence of influence.

Passive recorders

Natural fields are magnetic, thermal, light and acoustic. A magnetic motion sensor for turning on the lights on the street will “notice” a car approaching the gate. And in some cases, such an element of automation can be very useful.

However, in practice, most passive sensitive elements react to the person himself, which does not have magnetic properties, but does emit heat. Such sensors are called PIR (passive infrared). They can respond to changes of tenths of a degree.

Acoustic sensors respond to sounds of a certain frequency. For example, you can set them to clap your hands or whistle.

Passive sensors always operate according to the measuring principle. Their advantage is that they do not have any influence on a person. Minus - in high level false positives.

Active registrars

Their operating principle is based on the emission of high frequency waves. That's why they are called microwave. In fact, they are motion sensors, since the field they generate is distorted when physical bodies move in space. According to the frequency range, they are divided into two types:

  • Ultrasonic (from 22 kHz).
  • Microwave (from hundreds of kHz to units of GHz).

They register either an increase in frequency (Doppler effect) or a change in the pulse travel time. The higher the frequency, the greater the likelihood of detecting a slow-moving object. A special case is oscillatory circuits with an open capacitive circuit, which respond to changes in quantity and are called volume sensors.

The signal receiver and transmitter can be combined in one housing or located at different points. In the first case, it has a wide viewing angle, in the second the device is made narrowly focused.

The advantage of such sensitive elements is that they actually detect movement. Minus – harmful effects on humans and animals, the dependence of signal propagation on many external factors, they can be sources of radio interference. Models with a narrow directionality have a lower level of false alarms, but their installation is more difficult.

Photoelectric recorders

Use highly targeted light, laser or infrared radiation. They always operate on the switching principle and consist of a radiation source and its receiver. They are the simplest in design and do not affect humans or animals. negative impact. They have a low false positive rate. However, their use makes sense only in limited spaces - corridors, doorways.

Selecting a motion sensor

When choosing a sensitive control element, you should be guided by three criteria:

  1. Device type.
  2. Actuator power.
  3. Method of installation and placement.

Home or outside?

Which one is better to put at home? Surely the one that will harm you, your household, and your pets less is passive: PIR, acoustic or photoelectric.

It is better to install active sensitive elements in non-residential premises or in those where you don’t spend a lot of time (apparently, a garage won’t do either). The best thing, of course, is outside.

It is worth considering the type of radiation. After all, ultrasonic devices may not notice slow-moving objects or those that move smoothly.

A motion sensor for turning on street lights should be chosen that has a degree of protection - IP - more than 50, preferably 65. Then you can be sure that it will not fail after the first rain.

What will we include?

The sensor generates a control signal that activates the automation actuator. Typically this is an electromagnetic relay. Its power contacts must have an electrical strength corresponding to the power consumption of the controlled device.

For example, when you turn on LED lamps or LED strip A power of 20–30 W is sufficient. And if these are street halogen lamps, then the power consumption will range from units to tens of kilowatts. A current of 10-40 amperes will flow through the contacts of the executive relay, so their physical thickness should be several times greater than that of household appliance. Otherwise they will melt.

The maximum power consumption is indicated in the product data sheet.

How are we going to install it?

This is influenced by two factors:

  1. Viewing angle.
  2. Range.

Usually this data is indicated in the technical data sheet. Theoretically, they can be determined in practice, although this is quite difficult and requires skills in handling measuring instruments.

The wider the viewing angle, the greater the likelihood of false alarms. However, it is possible to cover a large part of the room. Sensors with a hemispherical radiation pattern are best installed on the ceiling. The narrower it is, the greater accuracy is required during installation so that the location where the object is likely to appear falls within the sensor’s field of action. To avoid the appearance of shadow “dead” zones, it is better to draw a large-scale plan of the site or room.

Narrow-directional photoelectric sensors are always placed across a corridor, doorway or garden path. So that the beam line is parallel to the floor or ground. Then it will be difficult to pass by him. It is better to choose the height at the level of a person’s chest, and for a home let it be a child, and for an office or production premises- adult.

The range of action of a sensitive device is actually a very contradictory value. In the sense that it is not always worth striving for its maximum increase. Firstly, because it increases the false positive threshold. For example, if a sensor is installed at the gate that “sees” 20 meters away, then it will also react to neighbors. Secondly, this affects the radiation power of active devices and the viewing angle of passive devices. And the dependence of these parameters is logarithmic, exponential.


The inclusion of automatic elements in the control circuit of lighting systems increases the comfort of their use and reduces energy costs. But only if the project for placing motion sensors is drawn up correctly and their installation is carried out in a qualified manner. Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur.