home · Installation · How does a garden vacuum cleaner work? Choosing a garden vacuum cleaner-leaf blower. How to choose a garden vacuum cleaner

How does a garden vacuum cleaner work? Choosing a garden vacuum cleaner-leaf blower. How to choose a garden vacuum cleaner

A rake cannot always help quickly and easily remove leaves that have accumulated on garden territory. If the area of ​​the site is large enough and there are many hard-to-reach places, then this task becomes even more complicated. But this problem will still have to be solved. After all, if you leave garbage in its place, it will become an excellent refuge for pest larvae and bacteria, which will cause a lot of trouble for the gardener in spring and summer. Therefore, if you purchase garden vacuum cleaner, then you can avoid all these troubles. Next, the most popular models and their capabilities will be considered.

What is a garden vacuum cleaner/leaf blower?

If you look into the annex where summer residents store garden tools, then you can often find a device such as a blower there. It is no coincidence that she stands there, because This universal unit greatly simplifies the work related to garbage collection. Today, many models are offered that can be used at any time of the year, effectively coping not only with foliage and branches, but also with snow. However, you need to understand that a garden vacuum cleaner and a leaf blower are not the same thing.

  • The first can only work in two modes: for suction and grinding of garbage, which subsequently ends up in the garbage disposal.
  • As for the blower, during operation This device provides a powerful, adjustable air flow, thanks to which it is possible without special effort collect garbage in one place.

Considering the possibilities that each of the presented options has, it is best for a summer resident to purchase an electric vacuum cleaner-leaf blower. After all, this is a more functional device that significantly simplifies work on the site.

DIY garden vacuum cleaners

Having realized how useful this thing is, many will most likely decide to go to the store to purchase this tool. In principle, such a decision would be correct, but in some cases it is preferable to make a home-made tool, which can cope with its tasks much more effectively than a unit purchased in a store. And considering that to make an electric garden vacuum cleaner with your own hands materials and tools needed, which can be found in almost every household, this option becomes more attractive because it allows you to save on a garden vacuum cleaner.

  • If you have had an engine and compressor from an old vacuum cleaner lying around for a long time, then you can find them useful application, if you make a garden vacuum cleaner out of them.
  • In addition to the above components, you will need a pipe so that you can collect leaves with a larger diameter, thereby making it easier for garbage to flow into the garbage disposal.
  • When creating a homemade electric vacuum cleaner, you can add a full-fledged container to it, and not the usual dust bag that is equipped with store-bought models. In front of him You can install a chopper, which can be made from knives. However, this is not necessary, but if you want to make the vacuum cleaner more functional, you can implement this idea.

The process of making an electric or gasoline garden vacuum cleaner with your own hands is not difficult. The technology for its creation does not require making any changes to the components or performing assembly work. It makes sense to take such a step only if you have a standard vacuum cleaner that is sitting idle. If you decide to make such a unit, do not forget about the engine mode during operation. Household vacuum cleaners use power units that cannot operate for a long time without interruption.

Features of choice and types

Quite often, when a summer resident realizes the need for an electric garden vacuum cleaner on his site, he has doubts about what type of power supply to choose. IN last years More and more gardeners and gardeners are choosing battery-powered units. Such models have only one drawback- heavy weight due to the battery used in them.

You also need to take into account that these vacuum cleaners are noticeably more expensive compared to similar devices. An important point is that such a device can operate for no more than 6 hours. This is how much battery charge will last, after which you will have to recharge. Due to the fact that there is no much noise during operation, using such a vacuum cleaner is quite convenient.

Gasoline vacuum cleaners will be of interest primarily to owners large plots. But, having great power, such devices make a lot of noise, and besides, they need constant maintenance. Those summer residents who own a small plot of land are recommended to choose an electric or gasoline garden vacuum cleaner-leafer. Operating this unit is quite simple, but you must immediately prepare for the fact that you will need to carry a wire with you all the time. To ensure that the purchased device does not disappoint you, choose it taking into account the area that you plan to process.

Also, when choosing a garden vacuum cleaner, you need to pay attention to such characteristics as dimensions.

Manual model

On sale you can find miniature-sized devices, which are usually blowers. They are designed for manual use and are effective for small-volume work. Due to the light weight of a gasoline vacuum cleaner the operator does not have to exert much force to collect garbage. However, if you need to keep a large area clean, then this device will not cope with this task.

Backpack model

To process medium and large areas without much effort, it is recommended to choose backpack models. One of their features is that the engine and compressor are carried on the back, thereby reducing the load on the operator. Important Features A battery-type garden vacuum cleaner has high power and several operating modes. Thus, it is a symbiosis of wheeled and manual units, which makes it popular among many gardeners.

Wheel model

These models are chosen for collecting waste in conditions industrial enterprises. Usually the design of such units contains a gasoline engine, placed on a wheelbase. Moreover, only its front axle is rotary. Due to the high cost and difficulty of maintenance, a wheeled gasoline garden vacuum cleaner is not a suitable option for summer residents.

The products manufactured under this brand are known to many consumers. The main reasons for the popularity of this technique are the high level of performance and reasonable price. Model RBL30MVA is a prominent representative products produced by this manufacturer, which embodies all the company’s achievements.

The main element of the design of a garden vacuum cleaner is a powerful gasoline engine, thanks to which the device perfectly sucks up debris, and there is a blowing mode. After being sucked in, the leaves are sent to the shredder, after which they enter a four-liter waste container. The petrol vacuum cleaner has an adjustable front handle that can be adjusted by the operator as desired.

Weighing 7.5 kg, the device is equipped with a 30 cc petrol power unit. cm. Such characteristics allow you to create an air flow at a speed of 65.3 m/s. Like The device does an excellent job of collecting garbage. from a medium-sized plot. High-quality durable materials are used for the manufacture of components, thanks to which the gasoline unit can be used even in conditions of precipitation and heavy load.

Garden vacuum cleaner Worx WG501E

This model will be of interest primarily to owners of a summer cottage small sizes. The vacuum cleaner-blower in question is distinguished by its light weight, which is 5.5 kg and has a power of 3 kW. The main operating unit is the electric motor. With these characteristics, the model perfectly collects waste from a medium-sized area. And, although it is not large in size, its functionality is more than decent. In addition to shredding and collecting waste, this unit is capable of cleaning itself.

In many ways, these qualities became the main reason for the popularity of this model among summer residents. An electric vacuum cleaner blower can be used to remove debris from hard-to-reach places, which is made possible by using a special attachment. The only downside that needs to be highlighted is that it will not be very convenient to use due to its heavy weight, which will be felt primarily by women and teenagers. This model is offered at a very affordable price - 8,000 rubles, which is adequate considering the characteristics that this unit has.

Consumer Opinion

Before making a decision in favor of a particular model of garden vacuum cleaner or blower, you need to study reviews from experienced gardeners and summer residents. This way you can make sure whether you are making the right choice. In addition, using such a free source of information, you can get useful recommendations on the use of such a device.

For most gardeners important parameter is ergonomics and ease of use. At the same time, most agree that cheap equipment from China is not good decision. If we talk about the experience of using domestically produced units, it can be noted that the level of performance of these vacuum cleaners and blowers is at a fairly high level, while they look preferable compared to their European counterparts due to their lower price.

Considering that there are many models of garden equipment on sale now, it is difficult to say which model is the best. There are many parameters that are key when choosing a vacuum cleaner: performance, ergonomics, ease of use. Therefore, to choose the best option, you need to proceed from your own needs.

Is power important?

Quite often, consumers, when choosing this or that equipment, pay attention to power. However, such an approach is fundamentally wrong. After all, even with a sufficiently large power, the blower may not cope with the tasks assigned to it. This can happen due to the fact that the vacuum cleaner is not able to provide the required speed. air flow. Thus, in order to make the right choice, you need to know which parameters should be taken into account first.


Cleaning a summer cottage is quite a troublesome task, especially if its area is quite large. Naturally, you can’t manage this with a rake alone. You need special equipment that will help you quickly and effortlessly clean up your garden.

A petrol garden vacuum cleaner/leaf blower is in this regard the best option, considering that he cannot only collect leaves and grass remains, but also mow it. However, in order for the selected unit to be effective in operation, it is necessary when considering various models don't pay attention to power, but on the strength and volume of air flow. It depends on them how efficiently and quickly the vacuum cleaner will cope with its task.

“Golden autumn”, “charm of the eyes” - all kinds of epithets and metaphors poets use to describe this time of year. Well, autumn is truly a wonderful time of year, which we associate with amazing beautiful scenery, the central part of which invariably becomes leaves - yellow, golden, crimson-red.

Only for owners of private houses and all those who are forced to monitor cleanliness adjacent areas and parks, autumn is perhaps the hottest season. And it’s hot not at all because of the weather, but because all the fallen leaves need to be removed, no matter how beautiful they are. However, the most popular cleaning devices - rakes and brooms - are quite ineffective. When cleaning with their help, a person is subjected to very serious physical stress, especially when it comes to large areas - large summer cottages, alleys.

Today, garden vacuum cleaners, which will be discussed in this article, help cope with the problem of removing leaves and other debris.

Purpose of a garden vacuum cleaner

What is a garden vacuum cleaner? Let's start with the fact that it is also commonly called a blower, although this is not entirely correct. You will understand why later when you read about the operating modes of this garden device. The main purpose of such a vacuum cleaner, like a regular household one, is cleaning. Only the gardener cleans not inside houses or apartments, but outside them. At the same time, it copes with its task quickly and very effectively, unlike the notorious rakes, brooms and brooms. In addition to cleaning, these vacuum cleaners are capable of performing another type of work: crushing garbage, thanks to which the latter takes five to ten times less space than before grinding. This is very convenient, considering that dry leaves are quite light in themselves, but voluminous.

It would be wrong to say that a garden vacuum cleaner can only be useful for one or two months a year. No, in fact, it can be used throughout the year. For example, in the spring it can be used for spraying garden plots, in the summer it will be useful in the process of cleaning freshly cut grass, and in the winter it will become an assistant in clearing paths that are moderately covered with snow. In general, this device is really useful and necessary on the farm.

Design and principle of operation of a garden vacuum cleaner

The main element of a garden vacuum cleaner, located inside its body, is the motor. It allows the blades to rotate, which creates a powerful air flow. Air can move in one of two opposite directions, selected by a special switch.

In addition to the engine, there is a bag for collecting garbage (garbage container), rotating knives for shredding it, and a pipe is attached directly to the body, through which garbage is drawn in or a stream of air is blown out.

Below we will look at the main criteria for choosing a garden vacuum cleaner and at the same time find out how different models of this useful device may differ from each other.

Operating modes

Many models of garden vacuum cleaners can operate in two modes to choose from: like a regular vacuum cleaner (to suck in debris) and like a blower (to blow out air). With the first mode of operation everything is clear, but as for the second, by blowing a stream of air from a special pipe you can very quickly (although not ideally) clear the area of ​​leaves, collecting them in one or several piles. Then, by hand, such heaps can be packed into bags. Thus, the blower mode of a garden vacuum cleaner can replace a regular broom in work, but you won’t have to wave your arms and spend a lot of time cleaning. All that is needed to switch from one operating mode to another is to switch the button and change the nozzle.

Energy source used

Modern garden vacuum cleaners support operation from a gasoline engine, from electrical network and from batteries. Typically, the energy source largely determines the power, functionality and maximum speed air flow movement.

Models with gasoline engines are traditionally considered the most powerful. It is among them that there are units that have complex cutting elements capable of grinding not only fragile leaves, but also plastic bottles, aluminum cans, cardboard and other types of far from soft garbage. Most gasoline models provide the ability to adjust the speed of air flow, which is very convenient for its universal use. True, most often such devices are in service with representatives of utility services, and in everyday life electric and battery models are more popular. The disadvantages of garden vacuum cleaners with gasoline engines include their noisy operation and harmful combustion products emitted during operation. Additionally, some models can be equipped with an anti-vibration system, which can significantly reduce the noise from the operation of such an engine.

Electric models of garden vacuum cleaners are completely free of these two drawbacks - they do not make noise, do not vibrate, and do not emit any harmful substances during operation. Such vacuum cleaners are perfect for owners of private households or small summer cottages. Their choice is also supported by safety and environmental friendliness. However, this is not without its drawbacks: these include the not very high power of the unit, as well as the limited radius of their use - after all, they are tied to electrical outlet. True, the problem can be partly solved by using a network extender, but this is far from the best option.

Battery models are the most autonomous of all three presented. However, you have to pay for autonomy with the same power - they have the smallest, plus the use of batteries significantly limits the continuous operating time of such vacuum cleaners.

Transportation methods

According to the method of transportation, all garden vacuum cleaners can be divided into three categories: manual, backpack and self-propelled (they are also called wheeled).

Manual models are the most compact and lightweight. They will become excellent choice for regular use in a small area. They usually have an easy-to-carry handle and/or a one-shoulder strap and contain an electric motor or batteries inside. At the same time, hand-held garden vacuum cleaners are quite simple to use and maintain.

Working with a handheld garden vacuum cleaner

Backpack models are more convenient to carry. They meet like household appliances, and among professionals. They are attached to the back in the same way as a regular school backpack, which makes them very convenient to transport. The weight of the body of such a vacuum cleaner, evenly distributed on the back, will be a more acceptable option than a manual model, which can only create a load on one hand at a time. Typically, backpack models have a gasoline engine inside in order to ensure that they can process fairly large areas.

Backpack garden vacuum cleaner at work

Self-propelled models are a relatively rare occurrence. Usually these are high-power gasoline units, which are adapted for long-term work over a large area. They are also very often used for commercial purposes. As their name suggests, these garden vacuum cleaners have their own wheels, making them easy to move. Such models use the widest nozzles from very durable materials, which can get not only leaves, but also tree branches, plastic container and other fairly large debris. All this is sent to a large garbage container with a volume of up to several hundred liters. Since we are talking about really bulky units, to simplify cleaning in hard-to-reach places, they are equipped with nozzles on a corrugated hose - so that they can reach places where the machine itself would be unable to squeeze through.

Wheeled garden vacuum cleaner at work

And a few more general recommendations by choice of garden vacuum cleaners. If you plan to regularly perform large volumes of work with their help or make money from it, gas-powered models - wheeled or backpack-mounted - will come in handy. Also in this situation, we can recommend devices with large waste containers capable of crushing fallen leaves and other debris at the entrance. If you need this unit for occasional cleaning of a small area adjacent to the house, it is better to pay attention to electric or fully autonomous manual models.

Remember that when working with garden vacuum cleaners, it is recommended, if possible, to close your eyes to prevent fine dust from getting into them, to use gloves, and also headphones if you have a very noisy gasoline model without an anti-vibration system.

Prices and manufacturers

Today, the companies MTD, AL-KO, Bosch, Hitachi, Sadko, and others are engaged in the production of garden vacuum cleaners. For example, the Sadko BE-2000 model with a power consumption of 2 kW operates from the network and provides a blowing speed of up to 72 m/s. This device is primarily designed to work as a blower. He does not have his own trash bag. This model weighs only 2.5 kg and costs about $50.

Model Sadko BE-2000

For $150 you can purchase the AL-KO Blower Vac 2400 E Speed ​​Control garden vacuum cleaner. It can be used for suction, grinding and blowing. The power is 2.4 kW, the air flow speed is up to 52 m/s. The set includes a 40 liter bag. This model weighs 5.4 kg and is positioned as a manual unit, but there is a roller on the body that can be used as a stop on any surface.

Model AL-KO Blower Vac 2400 E Speed ​​Control

The MTD MT 32 BPB model ($500) has a gasoline engine (four-stroke, 1 hp, volume 25.4 l) and a backpack design. This unit weighs just over 8 kg, but thanks to the convenient mounting on the back and the presence of a hip belt, it can easily handle large areas - parks, stadiums. It does a good job of sucking up leaves, freshly cut grass, branches, and can also work as a blower.

Model MTD MT 32 BPB

And finally, the Billy Goat LB351 garden vacuum cleaner ($1000) is a typical wheeled model with a powerful gasoline engine (4.5 hp). It has a 105 liter dustbin with special dust protection and weighs 28 kg.

Model Billy Goat LB351

Traditional cleaning methods are becoming a thing of the past, giving way to mechanical equipment.

In essence, this unit is not much different from the standard one. household vacuum cleaner, which is found in almost every family. It contains an engine and a compressor, as well as a special pipe for air supply. By creating a vacuum, leaves and other small debris are drawn inside into a special collection container. In addition, most models have a chopper, which further simplifies the whole process.

The device is designed in such a way as to prevent clogging of the waste container

From time to time you may come across a type of equipment such as a blower among the products. It has a fundamental difference from the hero of our article - instead of suction, this device emits a stream of air outward. Thanks to this, you can collect each leaf in one large pile and easily move everything unnecessary from the territory.

But keep in mind that such cleaning of leaves with air has one drawback - collection in containers, or the bags will have to be installed manually. Otherwise, you will have to carry both a vacuum cleaner and a blower around the site.


Among the wide range you can find hybrid models that combine air supply and air suction modes. This type of product is the most preferable to choose, but keep in mind that the price will often be steep.

Classification of equipment according to the energy resource used

Have you already realized that you need just such a tool? Unfortunately, you won’t be able to choose the right model right away. It is necessary to study at least a little the basic points - theory and reviews. And we’ll start with an analysis of the main types of garden vacuum cleaners. And they are divided primarily according to the energy source used for work.

Your freedom of movement throughout the cleaned area depends on the choice of energy resource.

Petrol garden vacuum cleaner for collecting leaves - not environmentally friendly, but powerful!

This modification runs on gasoline or diesel fuel, which provides the highest levels of power and efficiency. That is why owners of large garden plots and large homesteads prefer to buy a gasoline leaf blower or vacuum cleaner for cleaning leaves rather than other options. Unfortunately, you have to pay a very significant price for the “diabolical” performance. Moreover, both financially (in addition to purchasing the unit, you need to periodically purchase fuel) and in terms of health (about the dangers of emissions carbon monoxide and other “chemistry” in the combustion process of gasoline is known to everyone).

Some types of gasoline-powered equipment resemble a lawn mower, both in appearance and in power.

Electric garden vacuum cleaner for collecting leaves and debris - a lightweight option

Unlike its “big brother”, such a tool is more affordable in terms of cost, convenient to transport and easy to operate. And all because simple and affordable electricity is used as an energy source. Those with irritable neighbors will definitely appreciate the lower noise level. But do not forget - this modification only works effectively in a small area due to limited power. Also an unpleasant factor will be the limited length of the cord for connecting an outdoor electric leaf vacuum cleaner.

Electrical modifications are " watchdogs» with limited work area

Cordless vacuum cleaner for the garden and vegetable garden - for those who appreciate autonomy

If your dacha is located far from home, you do not like to carry heavy equipment for a long time or do not like to be dependent on the availability of electricity - purchase a battery model. It combines the transportability of gasoline tools and the environmental friendliness of electric garden vacuum cleaners and leaf blowers. However, this solution also has a “dark side” - the least power among all available options. Take this factor into account so as not to make a mistake with your purchase.

Thanks to its lightness, you can take this miracle technology with you anywhere in the garden or yard!


When purchasing equipment, pay attention to the battery capacity. The higher this value is, the longer you can clean without the need to recharge.

Periodic replacement of the battery is the key to long and reliable service of the device.

Separation according to the design features of the garden leaf vacuum cleaner

Continuing to make your difficult choice, you may encounter another important division into types - by design. At first glance, it is not so important, but it has many subtleties depending on the amount of work.

The axiom is simple: different types tool - different areas of the cleaned area

Handheld vacuum cleaner for leaves and debris – when compactness is paramount

The most compact products from the entire model range produced today. Especially for ease of transportation, manufacturers provide such units with belts or additional “loops” on the body. As you already understand, the manual version will be inferior to all other products in terms of the volume of collected garbage and productivity.

This option is convenient for people who like to combine cleaning with a walk in the garden.

A backpack-shaped vacuum cleaner is a “classic of the genre”

Most often you can see people working with this modification. Yes, it is more bulky and energy-consuming. But the best vacuum cleaner for a medium or large dacha you can’t find one for collecting leaves. Your arms or back will not get tired, you will be able to collect several times more foliage at a time, and good performance battery solutions can be considered an ideal example.

Do you think this is a ghost hunter? No, just the happy owner of a backpack assistant in cleaning the garden!

A model on wheels is not a Trojan Horse!

Owners of private property rarely choose wheeled vacuum cleaners. Their price is noticeably higher than other options, and their output is too high for domestic needs. But the owners of organizations for cleaning the territories of large enterprises and serious gardening farms have long chosen this technique. However, if you want to make cleaning your additional income or have a plot of several hectares, other modifications are unlikely to provide good returns compared to wheeled tools.

This “beast” machine will cope with any task with an A plus

How to assemble your own electric leaf blower

Unfortunately, not each of us has sufficient financial resources to purchase any device we like. Do such people really have to constantly work with traditional hand tools, wasting time and effort on “Sisyphean labor”? Whatever the case! Cunning inventors have come up with a convenient way out of the situation, allowing them to create a “budget” model for almost “pennies.”

Various available parts are used. Even PC components!

Editorial website invites its readers to watch a video about creating a garden vacuum cleaner-leafer with your own hands in a few minutes. Very interesting and informative!

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of garden vacuum cleaners - which is better to choose

Having studied the theoretical information, let's concentrate everything we have learned in the form of a table. This will allow us to create a more complete and reliable picture, as well as correctly compare needs with opportunities.

For small house such a powerful vacuum cleaner would be an irrational purchase

Type of equipment Advantages Negative traits Where is it better to use
Gasoline garden vacuum cleaners and leaf blowers Great power, good transportability. Negative impact on the environment, high prices for equipment and fuel. Medium and large gardens, vegetable gardens, home areas.
Electric leaf vacuums Environmental friendliness, low cost, light weight of equipment. “Modest” efficiency values, dependent on the presence of electricity at home. Small and medium-sized plots of various nature.
Battery-powered units for cleaning leaves and debris Autonomy, compactness, ergonomics. Low power, the need to periodically recharge the power source. Small areas.

Which is better to buy a garden vacuum cleaner for collecting leaves and debris in 2019

Finding yourself in a store or in the vastness of online resource catalogs, your eyes literally run wild. The number of available offers in various price segments is growing year after year, and the design and capabilities of devices are improving. However, the risk of purchasing a low-quality device is also increased. To reduce the likelihood of such a development of events, we suggest paying attention to several interesting models, selected by the editors of the site especially for our readers.

  • Among the electric garden vacuum cleaners for cleaning leaves (corded and battery-powered):
Model Construction type Operating modes Appearance Website editor's rating, point
Garden vacuum cleaner-leafer Stanley STPT600 Manual Blowing/suction 3 500
Portable unit - Ryobi RBV3000CSV leaf blower Backpack Blowing 9 490
Vacuum cleaner-blower KRÜGER VBK-3000 Manual Blow/suction + mulching 5 100 9,5/10
Leaf vacuum cleaner with shredder Bosch ALS 25 Manual 6 000

Among the electric models, special mention can be madevacuum cleaner-blower(Germany) 3000 W.

The device is as comfortable as possible to use – it comes with a shoulder strap, which redistributes the load from the hands and allows you to work with the blower for a long time. The Kruger garden vacuum cleaner has a mulching function. The device operates in two modes – blowing and suction. The spacious 45 liter grass catcher holds a large number of garbage. The operator will not have to constantly be distracted by cleaning the bag - simply replace it with another grass catcher, additionally supplied with the device.

  • Among gasoline garden tools for collecting leaves and debris:
Model Construction type Operating modes Average price (as of April 2018), rub. Appearance Website editor's rating, point
Vacuum cleaner for cottage and garden Champion GBV326S Manual Blowing/suction + grinding 7 600
Garden blower Ryobi RBL26BP Backpack Blowing 9 700
Professional grade equipment Cub Cadet CSV 050 Wheeled Suction + grinding 56 800

All owners of private housing construction in the fall begin to worry about thoroughly cleaning areas of fallen leaves and dry branches; the process is done manually and requires a lot of time and effort. Manufacturers different countries We have long launched the production of equipment specially designed for these needs, so today choosing a garden vacuum cleaner or blower is not a problem for users.

All collected garbage is burned, which does not contribute to the improvement of the environment, but if you use this technique, you can process leaves and dry branches into small garbage that can be used in the form of natural fertilizers. Gardeners and gardeners who are interested in the latest developments to make their work easier can find out all the necessary information by carefully reading this article.

Such modern technology necessary primarily in order to facilitate the cleaning of the garden plot from natural debris in the form of dry leaves, cut branches, etc. Retail offers a wide range of electric vacuum cleaners that can operate from a home network or a built-in high-power battery.

Manufacturers produce high-quality equipment For effective cleaning garden and vegetable garden, for example:

  1. Hand-held or in the form of a backpack on the back, the blower is designed to blow dry leaves and pruned branches from bushes for subsequent collection in heaps or removal by suction into pre-prepared containers. The engines of such products run on gasoline from the electrical network; their power varies, with at least three adjustment modes. Each consumer can choose the option that suits him personally.
  2. Vacuum cleaners for the garden are universal equipment capable of operating in two or three modes: suction and grinding, blowing air with high speed, i.e. like a blower. They have special bags on board for collection, and wheeled version It is possible to immediately move the waste to a separate trailer. Then everything collected is disposed of or used for subsequent fertilizer.
  3. Sweepers are a very powerful type garden equipment, its cost-effective use is the vast areas of recreation parks, city squares and state gardens. Large brushes are used as working tools: rotary, side or combinations thereof. All garbage is collected in special containers or polyethylene bags.

We have listed the main types of equipment for collecting leaves and dry plant debris, but if you use a walk-behind tractor or a miniature tractor for agricultural work, you can turn them into a machine that can solve all the listed tasks under the control of one operator.

Types, principle of operation, equipment

All manufactured vacuum cleaners for garden cleaning are divided mainly according to the method of their transportation:

  1. Manual technique. It is distinguished by its great compactness and low weight - 3-7 kg, the design is very durable, all parts are simply dismantled and assembled. The handle with the start button is rubberized, shoulder straps create comfortable use the device even with one hand. Ideal for processing small areas, there is only one drawback: you often need to empty the receiver of accumulated debris.
  2. Backpack products are equipped with fairly wide straps and a belt for fixation; for example, a vacuum cleaner with a gasoline engine allows you to move away from the house at considerable distances, since its freedom of movement is not limited by the power cable. The electric counterpart, powered by a battery, is also free to move. All models are multifunctional, they can even remove liquid from paths after rain, as well as snow from steps or open terrace. Cons: the gasoline version has quite a loud noise during operation, like the hum of a motorcycle. The kit includes one air duct fitting.
  3. Wheeled vehicles are used in large areas; here there are the following subtypes: manual, self-propelled vehicles and transportable by walk-behind tractor option. All of them are distinguished by high productivity, large volumes of the storage bag, and must be present powerful engine chopper, all have excellent maneuverability. That is why experts do not recommend purchasing such equipment for a small plot of land - their lot is large areas, spacious gardens.

Standard equipment of the unit:

  • frame;
  • engine - electric or gasoline;
  • impeller;
  • filter elements;
  • garbage storage;
  • suction or blowout pipe.

For individual models, the kit may have some differences.

The principle of operation of the products is to launch an impeller, which ensures the suction of small debris and fallen leaves from the ground surface using a nozzle. All this is collected in a bag, the volume of which can be more than 100 liters. When changing the nozzle, air is blown to remove debris from the bushes and form small piles of it. This technique helps clean the area much faster than the manual method.


Each model has its own personality functionality, but all equipment is equipped with the following basic modes:

  1. Suction and subsequent movement into a special container at high speed.
  2. A shredding organ that turns branches into fine debris, with a shredding ratio ranging from 5:1 to 16:1.
  3. With air blowing function - to create great strength air flow that moves debris in the right direction and cleans the bases of small and large shrubs. It resembles an air broom.

In the second option, highly crushed leaves and branches are called mulch - it experienced gardeners They fertilize the ground under trees and fruit bushes, and also add them to flower beds and beds with flowers.

Modern garden technology has standard vacuum cleaners three modes: vacuum cleaner, shredder and air blower, but some

Model options have a narrow specialization, so read the operating instructions carefully. Diesel and gasoline models are more independent than electric models connected to the network, but you can purchase a garden vacuum cleaner with a 60V battery - such a product is more economical, works quietly and does not pollute the environment with harmful exhaust gases.

Electric or petrol garden vacuum cleaner

To find out which equipment will be better for helping in cleaning a personal plot, let’s compare these two products.


Experts say that this is the most common type of vacuum cleaner for the garden; they are based on manual versions with a two-stroke electric motor. Among them there are models with a bag increased to 45 liters and a special power regulator with three stages - such units are produced for cleaning large areas. Their power cable has a long length, high-quality protection against moisture penetration and accidental mechanical damage.

They perform at least two standard functions:

  • blowing debris out of hard-to-reach places;
  • collecting leaves and small debris in bags.

Each model is equipped with comfortable belts or straps for carrying, and the control handle with a start button is rubberized for high-quality holding.

Main parameters:

  1. Engine power - 1.5-3.0 kW.
  2. Productivity - up to 800 cubic meters. m/h.
  3. The air flow speed at the outlet is 160-300 km/h.
  4. Mulching ratio - up to 16:1.
  5. Volume capacity - 30-45 l.


  • light weight;
  • no environmental pollution;
  • low vibration or its complete absence;
  • safety of use:
  • sound impact;
  • attractive price.


  • cord length;
  • use in small areas.

Attention! The bulk of electric models are vacuum cleaners and blowers.


They are distinguished by high power, high productivity, in a time battery life They process very large areas and can withstand many hours of workload every day, which is why they are used for cleaning parks and city squares, and on large construction sites. Structurally they have some differences from electric blowers.


  • engine (two- or four-stroke);
  • starting system - manual or electronic;
  • fuel tank.

The battery life directly depends on the volume of the fuel tank.

They may look like:

  • manual;
  • knapsack;
  • wheeled.

Most of the models are a backpack version with comfortable, wide straps that evenly distribute the load on the operator’s shoulders. Main functions: blowing, suction and grinding, the less, the more goes into the bag.

Technical specifications:

  1. To clean a summer cottage, a motor power of 500 W is sufficient.
  2. Productivity - 500-1000 cubic meters. m/h, above are considered professional products.
  3. Fuel tank volume - 0.5-3.0 l.
  4. The rotation speed of the chopper knives is up to 3600 rpm.
  5. The width of the nozzle is up to 60 cm.
  • high performance;
  • autonomy;
  • work remotely from the power grid;
  • high grinding speed.
  • increased noise level;
  • harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Conclusion: electric ones are more convenient, they are quieter, save the environment, but are tied to the source electrical energy. Gasoline products have high productivity and blowing speed, but they are quite noisy and poison the atmosphere with exhaust gases. Therefore, which one is better is up to you to decide.

Criterias of choice

Before you go shopping for a garden vacuum cleaner, you need to determine the region of its use: country cottage area, country cottage with a large garden and garden area, where there is a swimming pool, a large lawn and trees have been preserved from the surrounding forest. Indeed, in addition to small natural debris, modern models remove snow and puddles after rain from paths and other open areas near the house.

Therefore, you need to take measurements:

  • the area surrounding the house;
  • the amount of possible contamination and frequency of cleaning;
  • the main type of garbage is grass, branches, fallen leaves, garbage of non-vegetable origin (plastic cups and dishes after a mass picnic with friends);
  • possible movements around the site and their distance (to determine the maximum length of the cable and carriers).

Vacuum cleaners are divided into already known species, but it is useful to know their individual advantages:

  1. Advantages of handmade products:
    • light weight;
    • high mobility;
    • intuitive controls;
    • cleaning problem areas (under low-growing branches);
    • comfort of work - shoulder straps, handle with rubberized handle;
    • attractive price.


    • small volume trash bag.
  2. Backpack models are considered an improved option and belong to the middle class of harvesting equipment. Most models have gasoline engines.

    Positive traits:

    • wide shoulder straps that evenly distribute the load on the shoulders and back;
    • easy transportation of the product to the place of work;
    • mobility and autonomy of operation, since there is no power cable connection;
    • larger compared to manual option power resource.

    Negative consequences:

  3. sound impact;
  4. refueling.
  5. Wheeled models are used on large personal plots. They are divided according to the type of movement: manual, transportation using a walk-behind tractor, and self-propelled. By type of engine used: electric models, battery-powered and gasoline. According to the direction of air flow: vacuum cleaners, blowers and a combined or universal version with a switch for suction and blowing.

    General benefits:

    • high performance;
    • clean any areas, no matter how far they are from the house;
    • Excellent cleaning quality due to high engine power.
    • big sizes;
    • You need a special storage room or a place in the garage.
  6. Mounted models are used only in professional purposes eg farmers, utility companies. The equipment in this case is more extensive:
    • injection and exhaust pipes;
    • separate motor for the chopper;
    • filter elements, waste collection bags;
    • additional impeller.

    The package can be expanded with additional functions.

Minor parameters

When choosing garden vacuum cleaners of great importance Dont Have:

  • color design and external shape of the model;
  • cord winding system and packaging;
  • container in which the product is packaged.

Remember that the purchase of expensive equipment is necessary only for those users who try to maintain their site in perfect condition, but protect their health without wasting it on tedious manual work.

Rating of the best models

In this review, we determine the best garden vacuum cleaner or leaf blower based on user reviews.

  • Product type: petrol
  • Functions: suction and grinding
  • Volume: engine - 205 cc. cm, tank - 3.0 l, garbage bin - 106 l
  • Engine: B&S OHV PB, 800 series
  • Power: 3.7 kW
  • Chopper: rated power - 6.5 l/s, blade rotation speed - 3,600 rpm, working width - 60 cm
  • Wheels: front/rear size - 254/100 mm, type - pneumatic tires
  • Packaging dimensions: 690x1200x1020 mm
  • Weight: 69 kg
  • Manufacturer: American design, made in Germany
  • self-propelled
  • transmission chain drive
  • maximum diameter of chopped branches - 5 cm
  • reliable rotor with threshing type knives
  • the intake is adjustable in height

  • not found

  • Item Type: Backpack Blower
  • Functions: leaf blower
  • Capacity: 917 cu.m. m/h
  • Motor: DigiPro brushless motor
  • Power: 60W
  • Autonomous operation - 60 minutes
  • Maximum speed of blown air: 225 km/h
  • Battery: 60V, battery 2918307
  • Weight: 5.6 kg
  • Warranty: 24 months
  • Manufacturer: GREENWORKS company, USA
  • comfortable backpack
  • straps are adjustable to suit the user
  • convenient control
  • correct distribution of the load on the back
  • not found

Each summer resident faces on his site with big amount garbage. There is especially a lot of it in the fall, when it’s time for leaves to fall, and also in the spring, when it is necessary to remove the garbage that has accumulated over several months.

The most acute problem with cleaning arises among those who have a large number of fruit trees and berry growers. Enjoy ripe and juicy fruits good, but removing leaves from them in the autumn and spring months brings little pleasure to anyone. IN Lately modern equipment appears in specialized stores that helps summer residents in gardening work. Among such equipment there are also blowers. What pleases summer residents most is cleaning leaves with a leaf blower.


A leaf blower is a tool that performs the same function as a regular rake, broom or broom. Using air, she blows out the leaves and ultimately clears the plantations of fallen leaves and even small twigs. Some modifications of such tools also have the function of sucking debris into special bags.

What types of blowers are there based on the operating principle of the engine?

Currently, the manufacturer produces two types of blowers: with an electric motor and with a gasoline motor.

In terms of environmental safety, of course, an electric blower is best suited. Unlike gasoline, it does not emit into the atmosphere harmful substances, which are formed during fuel combustion. This device works in two modes - blowing and garden vacuum cleaner. Using the latter mode, you can easily clear the area of ​​the site from small debris, and the blowing mode will help get rid of foliage. This blower also has a shredder, which in turn helps clear the garden of larger branches. However, an electric garden blower also has a very obvious drawback - it is tied to a power source and cannot work without electricity, which makes its use in large gardens problematic. In addition, this invention is not recommended for use when high humidity air.

Better electric leaf blower

The petrol garden vacuum cleaner has gained much more popularity than its electric competitor. This is explained by the fact that its operation does not require electricity, and therefore it can be used even in the farthest corners of the garden and in industrial gardens, which sometimes spread over several tens or even hundreds of hectares. For work gasoline blower A small amount of gasoline is required.

Important! This blower is also relatively lightweight - average weight of such instruments is about three to four kilograms. That is why even several hours of working with it will not cause severe fatigue. Gardeners also appreciate the speed of such garden vacuum cleaners. On average it is 53-55 meters per second.

Blower operating modes

A standard leaf blower can operate in three modes: direct blower, garden vacuum and shredder.

The blower mode is so that the tool can collect fallen leaves and other small debris on the site into one pile. During operation of the tool, a large air flow occurs, which collects all unnecessary debris in one place. At the same time, the summer resident can control the air masses himself and thus concentrate the garbage in the place it needs. Most often, this mode is used in autumn for fallen leaves.

The second operating mode of such a tool is the garden vacuum cleaner mode.

The second operating mode of such a tool is the garden vacuum cleaner mode. This function is also available on all types of blowers. Its operation process is similar to that of a regular home vacuum cleaner. During operation, debris is swallowed and flows through a plastic pipe into a special garbage bag.

In some series there is a third mode - chopper. The principle of operation is similar to the second mode, however, before the garbage gets into the bag, it is finely chopped using special knives. As a result, shredded garden residues can be used as mulch for various plants. However, not all blowers have this mode. To find out for sure, you should consult with a store employee.

Electric garden blower: main classification of units

Before purchasing such a unit, you should pay attention to the features of using such a tool:

  • For small areas, a handheld blower is best. It is good because it has excellent maneuverability and is easy to work in gardens and alleys. This unit is small in size. Compactness prevents a person from getting too tired while working. In addition, the device is equipped with a comfortable handle and belt.
  • A gasoline backpack blower will be good in areas remote from residential buildings and structures. It runs on gasoline and is therefore not tied to power supply. This unit is quite heavy. However, even a weak woman can wear and use it. This is explained by the fact that the garden vacuum cleaner has a special belt system. It is this that relieves a person from fatigue, as it evenly distributes the weight of the equipment. As a result, the gardener will not get tired even if he works for several hours.
  • For industrial gardens, powerful ones are best suited cordless vacuum cleaners. They usually have wheels, which allow such units to be rolled around plantations. These fans have four wheels and one handle. Plus, they have wide nozzles that can clean out as much debris as possible. The blower-vacuum cleaner also has a shredder function; it processes even large branches well. At the same time, domestic developers have also thought out large containers for collecting garden waste, and also introduced sprayers.

Garden vacuum cleaner-leaf blower: how to choose the right one

To choose garden blower should be approached responsibly. Close attention needs to be paid to some parameters and aspects. Here are the main ones:

  • Plot size. The most important aspect that you need to focus on when choosing a vacuum cleaner for the garden. For small areas (up to two hectares), manual units are well suited. However, if the garden area is more than two hundred acres, then it is recommended to purchase a gasoline vacuum cleaner. If the area of ​​the industrial garden is five or even ten hectares, then it is better to purchase a garden vacuum cleaner on wheels for your farm.
  • The amount of work and complexity is the second aspect that you need to pay attention to when choosing this type of equipment. It is necessary to analyze what you need to do with this blower (collect garbage in one pile, in a bag, or even shred it).
  • Mobility. If the technology is difficult to use, it will not bring any benefit.
  • Parameters - weight and transportation.

Experts also advise paying attention to the manufacturer of the blower. Today, equipment is produced by many companies and factories. Rating best brands looks like that:

  • Hitachi,
  • Husqvarna,
  • Stihl,
  • Bosch.

Don't forget to read the instructions before using it. After purchase you need to make a deal with the seller service maintenance and blower maintenance. This is required because DIY repairs will cost much more. And it won’t be possible to repair it everywhere. For example, not all teams even in large cities carry out repairs of vortex blowers.

DIY blower

You can save money and make a hand blower. If it is made correctly, then in operation it will be little inferior to purchased ones. To assemble it, you need to take an unnecessary compressor from a vacuum cleaner, a plastic pipe, a bag, a motor and filters for blowers. You will also need a handle. By putting all these parts together, you get an excellent device that has the same functions as a garden vacuum cleaner from the store.

In order for the tool to still be of high quality and work for a long time, and also not to have to repair the blower soon, you should not rush to assemble it. Otherwise, the unit will quickly fail and all the work will have to be redone. But there is always the option of buying equipment in a store, the main thing is to decide on the model.