home · Other · Brick-like facing tiles for walls. Gypsum tiles for brick: specifics of installation and operation. Main manufacturers of brick tiles

Brick-like facing tiles for walls. Gypsum tiles for brick: specifics of installation and operation. Main manufacturers of brick tiles

Facing tiles for exterior use will ensure the attractiveness of the building and protect the walls from aggressive environmental conditions.

Differences from other types of facade tiles

Boards for decorating the façade of a house can be made not only in the version brickwork. There are other types facade slabs, but brickwork is universal: there are enough color options to realize any design idea.

If a brick is damaged, it can be replaced with a new one. In terms of performance characteristics, “brick” tiles are not inferior to natural bricks.

The range of color solutions for tiled brickwork is quite wide, which allows you to choose the material to suit the desired design.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of tiles for external use with imitation brick is the durability of the coating.

In addition, all types facing slabs for the facade have the following positive characteristics:

  • hydrophobicity;
  • resistance to external factors;
  • color stability;
  • sound absorption;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability.

Almost all types are frost-resistant. In addition, the material is resistant to abrasion and aggressive environments. The decorative effect of covering with brick tiles is fully ensured and the design of the building promises to be unique.

The disadvantages of facade tiles imitating brickwork are the weight of the structure of some types, as well as the price: compared to similar facade materials tiles are an expensive type of cladding. In addition, if dropped during installation or transportation, the tiles may crack or break.


Brick imitation facade tiles can be presented in two versions:

The thickness of the tiles differs depending on the material of manufacture.:

  • concrete - 24 cm;
  • clinker and ceramic - from 0.8 cm to 1.4 cm.

The length of the individual elements is 25 cm, like standard natural brick.

Width may vary:

  • 6.5 cm - single brick;
  • 7 cm - one and a half;
  • 12 cm - double.

Some manufacturers produce artificial bricks non-standard sizes, for example, 24 x 8.8 cm or 24 x 5.2 cm.

The weight of one brick varies from 360 g and above. Weight directly depends on the composition of the material.

Row panels can be 95 cm long and 65 cm wide.

Main manufacturers of brick tiles

Many competitive manufacturers present their products on construction markets around the world. These are companies from Austria, Belgium, Holland, german tiles widely used. Russian manufacturers They also produce high-quality facade materials.

Leading manufacturers of facing tiles for exterior use:

  • Feldhaus (Germany);
  • Roben (Germany);
  • Heylen Bricks Stroeher (Belgium);
  • King Klinker (Poland).

Well-known global manufacturers have their factories in Russia.

Surface preparation

Installation of tiles under brick can be carried out in two ways: using glue and by attaching them to the sheathing.

When using glue, the surface must be cleaned and the wall leveled using plaster. The plaster is applied in a thick layer, and then the reinforced mesh is embedded in it and leveled with a spatula m.


The wall underneath the tiles must be fairly level, without protrusions or slopes, so that the tiles adhere evenly and firmly.

The adhesive must be selected with high frost resistance so that the tiles do not fall off in winter.

If the installation is carried out on a sheathing, then there is no need to particularly level the wall, the main thing is that the surface of the sheathing is perfectly flat. The wall should be cleared of debris, uneven areas should be knocked down and covered with a primer solution for reliability..

Tile installation

The choice of installation option depends on the material: each type of plate requires fastening either with glue or with a frame.

under brick with glue is done as follows:

  • the adhesive composition is mixed well according to the instructions;
  • first apply glue to the corner and attach the corner elements;
  • it is necessary to apply glue to the wall and glue the brick, starting from the bottom row in the left corner;
  • To level the row, wedges or special crosses are used.

The thickness of the glue must be at least 0.5 cm. The seams between the elements are sealed with the same adhesive solution.

It takes at least a month for the glue to dry completely, so the time of work should be chosen accordingly.

Ideally, the installation of slabs with glue will be carried out during the warm period.

Installation on the lathing

The mounting frame must be made of a metal profile or wood. Installation of slabs on the frame is carried out using clamps, clips or self-tapping screws. Fastening can be of two options: hidden (performed using anchors) or visible (performed using special fasteners).

The slabs are fastened to the fastenings that are supplied with the material. It is important to maintain the horizontal and vertical position of the coating during installation.

You need to start attaching the slabs from the bottom corner (left). If this is a regular panel, then the tiles should be fastened together into locking elements with some force.

If the plate is attached to clamps, attention should be paid to the quality of the fastenings: they must be made of galvanized metal, their thickness must be at least 0.004 cm.

A diamond blade should be used to cut tiles. If the fastening elements are cut off, then the hanging parts should be secured with self-tapping screws in the sheathing, and it is advisable to seal the holes for the screws with sealant and crumbs of the material being laid.

For openings, special angles are used, provided complete with the main material..

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to install brick facade tiles:


Thus, brick-like tiles are a universal and win-win solution for decorating the façade of a house: they will provide the necessary decorative and reliable protection the entire building.

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There are many materials that can be used to decorate and update the interior. Gypsum brick tiles are one of the best options because they have excellent thermal insulation properties, resistance to changes in temperature and humidity, and most importantly, completely environmentally friendly. The article will discuss how best to lay this material and what you should pay special attention to during installation.

Advantages and disadvantagesgypsum brick-like tiles for interior decoration

Using brick-like gypsum tiles as a finishing material has a lot of positive properties, each of which is worthy of attention:

  • light weight of the material. Due to the fact that gypsum tiles are several times lighter than many other materials, the installation procedure is simplified and there is no need to strengthen the base, which is mandatory procedure in many other cases. It can also be noted that the load on the structure as a whole is reduced;

  • It is not difficult even for a beginner to carry out the installation on his own. There is also no need to purchase any special tool. Moreover, after reading the recommendations on how to do it yourself, it is quite possible to refuse to purchase ready-made material in favor of homemade one;
  • environmental friendliness. Considering that all the components and materials that make up the tile are natural, this material does not pose a threat to human health;
  • a wide range with the ability to choose a variety of colors, textures and imitations of other materials;
  • You can buy gypsum tiles at a very affordable price.

Due to these positive aspects, many home owners and designers believe that buying brick tiles for interior decoration– the best solution of all those proposed on modern market. Thus, you can diversify the interior without spending too much money and effort on remodeling.

Although it is worth paying attention to some disadvantages, which, although not significant, should still be considered in advance:

  • the material is not resistant to moisture, actively absorbing it upon contact. As a result, the products are highly susceptible to deformation. To avoid this, if used in rooms with high humidity, a layer of a special protective composition is applied to the surface;
  • gypsum tiles are a fragile material that is unstable to mechanical stress and requires careful handling;
  • Caring for such tiles can be difficult, especially if its surface is textured and capable of accumulating dust.

In order to minimize such negative phenomena that may be specific to this material, it is important to follow all recommendations during the installation process. You should also not use this material for cladding surfaces that are highly susceptible to contamination.

Gypsum brick tiles: various ways of laying material

Laying gypsum tiles under brick can be done in one of many ways. The most popular is full or partial wall cladding. In the second case, the material is combined with other finishing materials, for example, wallpaper, decorative plaster, tiles.

An excellent solution is to use decorative stone-like tiles for decoration. doorways or arches. Sometimes decorative brick-like tiles are used to decorate mirrors or niches. This solution not only makes the appearance more attractive, but also protects some surfaces from dirt and wear.

Helpful advice! Brick tiles are an excellent material for decorating a fireplace. It is not only resistant to elevated temperatures, but also fireproof.

In order to fix the elements on the surface, you can use one of two technologies: dry, which involves the use of fasteners (bolts and slats) or wet, which uses special adhesive for gypsum tiles.

How to prepare the surface forlaying gypsum tiles

Laying decorative gypsum for interior decoration requires preliminary work aimed at preparing the surface with which to work. The procedure must be carried out in stages with mandatory adherence to the order of the stages and all recommendations that are provided:

  • The first thing to do is level the surface. To eliminate defects, you can use putty, which can effectively eliminate even the smallest cracks;
  • then the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt with water and left until completely dry;

  • after this, you can move on to working with tiles, first of all, paying attention to the issue of sorting them and removing defective products whose shape does not meet the requirements.

Important! During the work, it is recommended to refuse to use elements that have any defect: chips, cracks, etc. Otherwise, this may negatively affect not only the appearance of the installation, but also its strength.

If only solid gypsum tiles are not enough to decorate the surface, you can cut out the missing elements yourself. To do this, you can use a hacksaw.

Among other tools that may be needed in the process of laying decorative tiles is a drill, which is necessary in order to make the holes necessary for laying communications. And also sandpaper, if you decide to resort to the wet installation method. It is used to increase the level of adhesion back side tiles

Secrets of laying tiles that imitate brick on various substrates

Decorative brick-like tiles for interior decoration can easily be laid on any substrate, including concrete, metal, brick, wood, etc. The main rules that must be followed are that the base is not subject to deformation and shrinkage, as well as preliminary work to level the base.

When working with a concrete surface, special attention should be paid to the issue of porosity. To solve the problem, use a special primer, which will slightly reduce the absorption rates. At the same time, for newly laid brick walls similar processing not required. As for the glue that can be used for this purpose, the one that is intended for laying tiles is quite suitable.

If you have to work with fairly old brickwork, then you need to clean it from efflorescence in advance by applying a primer to the surface. After this, the wall is plastered.

Often you have to work with less fundamental foundations, for example, plasterboard or plywood partitions. In this case, before buying gypsum tiles for brick, you need to make sure the strength of the structure and that it will withstand the load placed on it. It is also worth paying attention to the surface moisture level.

The base of the wall should be as dry as possible, and all elements should be firmly and securely fastened. In this case, a primer can be applied to the surface. When working with wooden base, glued on top of it, which is subsequently plastered.

Important! Before you begin laying gypsum tiles on the surface of a wall made of plywood or plasterboard, you need to make sure that it is not prone to deformation.

Features of installing gypsum tiles using the dry method

In order for the coating laid from gypsum tiles using the dry method to be reliable and attractive, it is necessary to take care in advance to comply with the rules of technology. First of all, you need to take care of the presence of special protrusions and grooves on the sides of each element. The installation procedure is represented by the following sequence of actions:

  1. From one of the corners of the room, a distance is measured equal to the width of the selected tile. It is fixed at this place wooden slats appropriate size.
  2. The tiles are laid in the opening that was formed as a result of fixing the vertical slats. This procedure must be carried out from top to bottom.
  3. In order to securely fasten the elements, I use screws and bolts.
  4. After this, a distance equal to the width of the tile is again measured from the first batten, after which the procedure is repeated until the entire surface is properly formed.

Features of installing gypsum tiles using the wet method

In order to lay gypsum tiles evenly and beautifully using the wet method, it is necessary to use a slightly different approach. First of all, you will need to mark the rows. If you plan to lay out various elements (for example, there will be a drawing on the wall), it is worth making the layout on the floor in advance.

Preparation adhesive solution also requires special attention, since in one approach it is worth kneading as much as you can produce in a short period of time. Otherwise it may get damaged.

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Unlike the previous method, wet styling should start from the bottom of the corner, gradually moving to the side and up. In this case, the layer of adhesive solution applied to the back side of each element should not be thicker than 2 mm.

Important!There are two options for wet installation: end-to-end and using jointing. In the first case, the elements are laid close to each other, and in the second, it will be necessary to leave a certain gap, preferably the same between all elements.

Some nuances and recommendations of specialists in laying gypsum tiles

During the work process, it is useful to know some subtleties that will allow you to obtain the highest quality and aesthetically attractive result. So, experts provide the following recommendations:

  • gypsum, despite its structural strength, is characterized by increased fragility. Therefore, when working with it, care must be taken to avoid waste of material;
  • if brick-like tiles are laid in the kitchen, then the width of the joints can be quite large - 8-10 mm. This will significantly reduce material consumption;
  • the use of tile scraps is permissible, however, this should be done, if possible, in the lower part of the wall or in those areas that will later be covered with furniture;
  • In the process of gluing the tile, it must be pressed into the surface with rotational movements so that all excess glue protrudes on the sides. In the future, they can be used to seal seams.

Important!The setting speed of the adhesive composition used for gypsum tiles is 30 minutes. It is extremely important to have time to smooth out all the seams and remove excess mortar during this time.

The final finishing of gypsum tiles involves polishing the worn joints. It should be taken into account that the joints will definitely need additional correction, since they tend to change color during the drying process. To give the coating the desired appearance, the space between the tiles is covered with a layer of water-based paint and then varnish.

Is it worth buying gypsum tiles for brick: cost of material

If you want to buy gypsum bricks intended for finishing and surface cladding, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the prices offered by various popular manufacturers.

For example, the price of brick tiles for exterior finishing will be an order of magnitude higher, taking into account the fact that the composition contains many elements designed to improve the characteristics of the material and make it more stable.

Prices for stone-look gypsum tiles for interior decoration start at 260 rubles per 0.5 m2 and may increase depending on the complexity of the texture and the manufacturer. Although its price rarely exceeds 750 rubles. At this price you can find gypsum tiles of almost any complexity and color.

How to make tiles with your own handsfrom gypsum: manufacturing technology

As you can guess from the name, one of the main components of such tiles is gypsum. It is recommended to use material marked as GF 10, since its characteristics fully meet all requirements. This brand of gypsum is quite durable, has a long service life and can withstand loads well.

If for some reason it was not possible to purchase this particular material, you can additionally compact any other material by adding special strengtheners to it, designed to improve the properties of the material. But even in this case, it is worth considering that such facing tiles look like bricks, for exterior finishing not used.

So, let’s try to figure out how to make plaster at home that is suitable for covering surfaces and at the same time quite resistant to external influences. The following materials can be used for this purpose:

  • gypsum;
  • plasticine;
  • paraffin (you can use regular candles);
  • cardboard box;
  • silicone sealant.

Of course, the easiest way is to use a ready-made silicone mold for tiles, which will significantly simplify the manufacturing procedure and reduce the time spent on it. But in general, you can make a mold for gypsum tiles yourself, using sculptural plasticine.

In order to make a mold, sculptural plasticine is rolled out in an even layer, the thickness of which should be about 20 mm. Then, using the most ordinary brick, impressions are made inside, which will serve as molds for casting.

Also to create a form for decorative stone You can use paraffin with your own hands. It must be melted and poured into a box of the appropriate size that the brick can fit into. After the paraffin has completely hardened, it can be removed and used as a mold. The same method is also suitable when working with silicone sealant.

How long it will take to make gypsum stone tiles directly depends on how many molds will be prepared. It's better if there are quite a lot of them. Then it will take fewer approaches to cast required amount elements.

The manufacturing process itself gypsum brick for interior decoration looks like this:

  • gypsum must be poured into a container and water added to obtain a solution with a creamy consistency;
  • the molds into which the gypsum solution will be poured for hardening must be pre-lubricated with fat or oil so that the elements can be easily removed in the future;
  • After pouring the mixture into the mold, shake it gently so that the solution is distributed evenly.

Important! If you notice the presence of water that separates from the plaster after the solution has been mixed, then you need to pour it out and prepare a new one again, following all the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer.

Gypsum tiles are an excellent facing material that can significantly transform the interior of a room. With its help, you can decorate niches, ledges, flights of stairs in an original way, as well as zone the space. The main thing is to choose the right location to avoid contact with moisture and increased mechanical stress. In this case, decorative brick-like tiles will decorate your interior for many years.

Brick-like facade tiles are a type of facade tile. Brick-like facade tiles are distinguished by a variety of colors and surface types. It is important to note that the front surface of the facade tiles is absolutely similar to the front bricks of the same series and has similar technical characteristics. Brick-like facade tiles include several types of outwardly similar products that differ in manufacturing method, raw materials, technical parameters and subdivided into the following main types of facade tiles for brick - ceramic facade clinker tiles for brick; Concrete facade hyper-pressed brick-like tiles (facade tiles " torn stone"); hand-molded ceramic facade tiles imitating bricks (antique facade tiles).

In its appearance and technical characteristics, brick-like facade tiles are almost completely identical to facade facing bricks. The only significant difference between facing brick tiles and facade facing bricks is the size of the product and its weight, for standard facing bricks the width of the product is approximately 115-120 mm, for brick tiles the width is usually from 9 to 14 mm, the difference in these parameters certainly affects the weight of the product. Parameters such as height and length are almost identical for facing bricks and brick-like façade tiles. Using brick-like façade tiles, as well as facing bricks, you can decorate the façade of a house according to the “Bavarian masonry” principle. Finishing according to the “Bavarian masonry” type involves the simultaneous use of finishing materials of brown and red colors in an arbitrary geometric pattern. The type of masonry “Bavarian masonry” is currently very popular in Russia and Europe.

Clinker facade tiles for brick look

Facade clinker tiles brick-like is a type of brick-like facade facing tiles used for finishing the facades of houses, buildings and structures, which has the highest strength, frost resistance, rich color that does not change over time, and the ability to not absorb and repel moisture. The water absorption coefficient of facade clinker tiles for brick is less than 6%.
Clinker tiles for bricks have the same dimensions as facing , but differs from clinker bricks in its thickness; as a rule, the thickness of clinker tiles for bricks is 9-14 mm.
Brick-like facade clinker tiles are used for cladding the facades of buildings and finishing the interior walls of the premises, to give the interior an original appearance.
We especially need to highlight brick-like clinker tiles from Germany, which are widely represented on the Russian market. from Germany is distinguished by the highest quality products and a variety of colors. Sales volumes of facade clinker tiles for brick Feldhaus Klinker are steadily increasing every year in Russia. The German concern produces not only clinker tiles, but also facing and paving . Among the types of clinker presented in Russia from Europe, Feldhaus clinker is one of the bright leaders in sales of clinker - facade clinker tiles for bricks, paving clinker bricks and facing clinker bricks.

Facade brick-like clinker tiles have the following technical characteristics:




Size, mm



Water burnishing

Frost resistance

Purpose of clinker tiles




300 cycles

Facade cladding




300 cycles

Facade cladding




300 cycles

Facade cladding

Facade clinker tiles imitating bricks are also used for cladding facades. thermal panels, in which the insulation is polystyrene foam, and the facing material is brick-like façade tiles. Facade thermal panels with brick-like clinker tiles allow you to quickly cladding and at the same time insulate the facades of houses. Facade thermal panels can be bought wholesale and retail in finished form with brick-like facade tiles already glued to the insulation, or separately - a thermal panel, brick-like facade clinker tiles and glue, in this case the facade clinker tiles are glued independently. The kits include dowels for fastening to the wall and special grout for the seams between brick-like clinker tiles. In Russia, facade panels are most often found on sale the following types: facade panels "Europe", facade panels REHAUS with facade clinker ABC brick tiles and KamphaTherm façade panels with Feldhaus Klinker brick-look clinker tiles. Without preparatory work thermal panels with guides are attached with universal dowels directly to external wall. In this case, labor-intensive work on the construction of the foundation is eliminated and, as a rule, there is no need to lengthen the roof overhangs above the gable and eaves overhangs.
Cladding and insulation of the facade with an insulation system using KamphaTherm panels with clinker facing brick-like facade tiles Feldhaus Klinker, Europe and Rehaus panels with brick-like clinker tiles ABC from Germany and others facade panels, provides excellent protection of house facades from moisture penetration, maintains density during heavy rains, but allows the diffusion of vapor from the room to the outside, i.e. is vapor permeable. This helps to avoid damage due to sweating and keeps clinker tiles for bricks and other expensive items unchanged. Construction Materials over a long period of time. Repair of the facade will be needed only after tens of years!!!

Hand-molded brick-like facade tiles

Hand-molded facade tiles imitating bricks (antique facade tiles) are a type of facade clinker tiles imitating bricks. Currently, to obtain a brick facade from hand-molded bricks, it is not at all necessary to use a solid ceramic facade cladding hand molded brick- this is not always advisable for economic and design reasons. Therefore, more and more often, to imitate a facade made of facade decorative facing clinker bricks, Customers use the material - decorative facade facing clinker tiles to resemble bricks and hand-molded clinker tiles from Germany. An excellent alternative to hand-molded full-size facing bricks is facade tiles for hand-molded bricks, for example, made either by extrusion or by mechanical separation (by chipping or sawing off) the decorative facade part of the brick. With the first production option - extrusion, hand-molded facade brick tiles have a thickness of no more than 12-14 mm, while with mechanical separation of facade tiles, their thickness is 22-25 mm. Hand-molded facade decorative tiles to resemble bricks are produced by cutting the front part from hand-molded bricks.
In this case, brick tiles and hand-molded bricks have the same surface and do not differ from real hand-molded bricks.
Also, the corners of the tiles are cut from solid hand-molded bricks, this allows you to produce a house facade, the appearance of which is in no way different from a full-size brick facade, lined with hand-molded bricks.

Hyper-pressed brick-like facade tiles

Thanks to the wide color scheme and the texture of the front surface of the facade, which is also called facade concrete tiles, makes any structure unique.
In the production of facing concrete hyperpressed tiles, only environmentally friendly materials are used. clean materials: cement, crushed limestone, dolomite, pigments approved for use in the production of building materials and quite resistant to harmful influences environment. Facing hyper-pressed brick-like tiles are distinguished by the exact shape of the product and the unusual texture of the front surface - facade hyper-pressed tiles “like torn stone”.
A large combination of colors of facing brick-like facade tiles using the hyper-pressing method, its durability and water-repellency and low weight, make it possible to use hyper-pressed brick-like concrete tiles for cladding facades, external and internal walls of buildings, cladding fences and other small architectural forms.
Thanks to the perfect hyper-pressing system, brick-like facing tiles, as well as facing hyperpressed brick, stands out for its good quality and stable characteristics, such as frost resistance (F-75), strength (M-300), moisture absorption (no more than 6.3% - the likelihood of efflorescence formation is reduced). It is important to note that, if necessary, you can improve all quality indicators and make concrete facade hyperpressed tiles to look like brick in any color.
Semi-dry hyper-pressing of facade tiles is based on the process of “cold welding”, which occurs when finely ground limestone or dolomite rock is pressed under high pressure. The addition of water and cement as a binding material allows the required pressing pressure and grinding depth to be brought to technically and economically acceptable limits. Facade facing hyper-pressed brick tiles are produced by cutting off the front part from the facing hyper-pressed brick or, if appropriate equipment is available, by separate hyper-pressing of facade tile blanks. Hyper-pressed brick-like facing facade tiles are perfectly used when laying external and internal walls of a house and serve to protect the facade from atmospheric exposure and to give the house aesthetic appeal. Houses lined with façade hyper-pressed tiles imitating brick are distinguished by their appearance and infinity of architectural and aesthetic solutions. Yellow Red, Brown color in combination with the front surface of hyper-pressed tiles, “torn stone” (similar to crushed brick) gives each home its own uniqueness.
A wide range of colors and the technology of mechanical chipping on facade hyper-pressed tiles (decoration like “torn stone”) is a real find for any designer and architect. In Europe, hyperpressing technology has been successfully used for more than ten years, thanks to the beauty and durability of the products.
The use of mechanical chipping technology on brick-like façade tiles allows us to obtain a unique texture for each brick. The high strength, frost resistance, erosion resistance and durability of hyper-pressed facing brick tiles make it possible to decorate building facades in various climatic zones.

A brick wall in or office building enjoys some popularity. It can be formed in any room, regardless of what material was used in the construction of the walls. Brick-like tiles for interior decoration will allow you to do this. The price, properties and scope of application of such material largely depend on the characteristics of the raw materials used in the production process. We invite you to familiarize yourself with existing species tiles that imitate brick to make it easier to make a choice when purchasing.

Read in the article

Distinctive features and scope of application of various types of brick tiles for interior decoration

Thanks to the wide selection, you can choose the right finishing material for any interior. Using tiles under or for interior decoration, you can achieve a unique result, which will largely depend on the characteristics of the material used for cladding.

Wall tiles under a brick can be hard and. The first is characterized by stability of shape and is often quite fragile. The second is produced in the form of thin flexible plates (wallpaper) measuring 0.5 by 2.5 meters, which imitate quite well. One roll weighs on average about 4 kg.

The size of rigid products may vary depending on the composition of the raw materials used for production. The thickness, as a rule, varies in the range of 8-14 mm when it comes to clinker tiles. The dimensions of one element depend on what kind of brick it imitates. Manufacturers offer products in sizes:

  • 250x65 mm allowing to simulate the laying of a single brick;
  • 250x88 mm, corresponding to one and a half bricks;
  • 250x138 mm, having the parameters of a double brick.

In the collections of many manufacturers you can find material with imitation masonry, made from products of non-standard or unusual sizes. With its help you can add exclusivity to any room.

Advice! When calculating the required amount of material taking into account its dimensions, it is necessary to take into account the gap between the elements, depending on the characteristics of the surface covering: the formation of a continuous coating or the use of a grout mixture.

The scope of application of the material imitating brickwork is quite extensive. You can use brick tiles or any other room that differs increased level. The exception is material made from gypsum.

Features of flexible brick-like tiles for interior decoration

The main advantage of flexible brick tiles is the ability to use this facing material for finishing walls of any configuration. To make it, a composition consisting of sand, polymers and dye is used. With its help, you can level out any unevenness on the surface and veneer corners.

Most often, this material is used for finishing arches, shop windows, ledges, niches, corners, and flights of stairs. The material is in demand when decorating a fountain, as well as any other. Flexible tiles can be used when performing finishing work not only inside, but also outside the building.

In addition to this, for flexible tiles The following advantages are typical:

  • Resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • The ability to maintain its presentable appearance under the direct influence of steam;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Resistance to impact;
  • Durability;
  • Ability to withstand exposure to significant temperatures;
  • Simplicity and ease of implementation installation work. If desired, you can do the installation yourself. Installation is carried out without the use of special expensive tools;
  • Availability. You can always pick up suitable option by cost and appearance;
  • Elasticity. The material can be used to decorate surfaces of any configuration.

The availability of a huge range of colors allows you to choose the right option for a specific surface. By combining materials with different textures, you can achieve a unique result.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • Demanding requirements for the cleaning products used. It will be necessary to abandon the use of caustic and aggressive substances during the cleaning process and to prevent their accidental contact with the formed surface during operation;
  • Difficulty in removing stubborn stains;
  • The high cost of material produced under well-known trademarks. As a result, no matter how good the flexible brick tiles are, not everyone can buy them if they are produced under a popular brand;
  • There is a high probability that the same material from different batches will differ in color.

Attention! When purchasing flexible tiles, you should carefully inspect the material and check the accompanying information. There is a risk of purchasing counterfeit products famous manufacturers, characterized by low quality workmanship.

Rigid brick tiles for interior decoration: types and distinctive features

Various raw materials can be used to make brick wall tiles. This largely determines the appearance of the formed surface and service life. Rigid tiles can be gypsum, clinker or ceramic. Her distinctive feature is the stability of shape and size, maintained during the application process. It is worth familiarizing yourself with each type separately to decide which material is best suited for specific operating conditions.

Features of brick-like gypsum tiles for interior decoration

The popularity of gypsum tiles is constantly increasing. Special technology manufacturing, which involves the application of a special coloring composition, allows the finished products to become almost indistinguishable from real bricks. Thanks to the introduction of various dyes into the raw materials, manufacturers offer tiles in various colors. You can choose the right shade for anyone.

The material is widely used in the decoration of residential premises. Often, gypsum tiles are laid under brick in public buildings. It is used to cover the walls of shopping and exhibition halls, entertainment centers, cafes, restaurants and numerous offices.

Light weight material avoids excessive load on bearing structures. The finished surface not only has a presentable appearance, but also has good characteristics.

In order for the coating to be formed to last as long as possible while maintaining its presentable appearance, you should learn in advance how to lay gypsum tiles under a brick. There are a number of features and secrets that allow you to achieve high results:

  • The elements should be fixed to the base using a special adhesive for gypsum brick tiles;
  • Before gluing the decorative material, the base should be carefully prepared: leveled and primed. The layer increases the adhesion of the tiles.

Attention! Gypsum tiles place increased demands on the quality of the base.

Before giving preference to gypsum tiles, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its disadvantages, which limit the possible scope of use. Material:

  • It is afraid of significant temperature fluctuations, and therefore you should refuse the purchase if you are finishing a room that is practically not used in winter;
  • It has a lot of weight, placing certain demands on the base. Before you begin finishing, you should make sure that the wall can withstand such a load;
  • Has a high level of water absorption. For a bathtub or shower it is better to purchase clinker or ceramic;
  • It is fragile, and therefore extreme care should be taken during installation;
  • It must be additionally protected by applying a varnish coating.

Clinker tiles for brick: features and advantages

The red-brown material will become perfect choice upon registration or . Wide choose shades will allow you to choose the best option, achieving the creation of a warm and cozy atmosphere inside not only residential, but also public building.

The advantages of the material include:

  • Light weight, which significantly reduces the load on supporting structures;
  • Attractive appearance, allowing you to achieve a unique result without major financial investments;
  • Durability. Thanks to unique composition the formed coating withstands temperature fluctuations and retains its properties in conditions of high humidity;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Abrasion resistance, which makes it possible to finish surfaces subject to mechanical stress during operation.

For brick-like facade tiles highest value has a low level of water absorption, frost resistance and resistance to negative natural factors. The formed coating is capable long time maintain your presentable appearance. The material is often used in the design of buildings.

By using clinker cladding You can achieve a good simulating effect on any surface. Columns, stairs, arches, and doorways are most often finished with such materials, allowing them to fit harmoniously into the created interior. Antique tiles can be used for cladding in a room decorated in. The special loose structure of each element will add aristocracy and charm to the surface being formed.

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What is it, sizes, types, material features, average prices, photo examples of use for decoration various rooms, useful tips and recommendations from professionals - in our review.

Features and advantages of brick-like ceramic tiles

To make brick-like ceramic tiles for interior decoration, fusible clay is used, to which special dyes, carbonates and quartz sand are added. Thanks to this, manufacturers can offer the material in a wide range of colors: from standard white to golden or deep black.

Surface texture may vary. Depending on the desired effect, preference can be given to smooth or rough material, matte or glossy. Some products have an interesting “antique effect”. An imitation of cracks and chips is created on their surface.

Attention! Brick-like tiles are characterized by a high similarity to ceramic brick.

The material is different:

  • Lightness. The low weight of each element reduces the requirements for supporting structures;
  • Durability;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Durability;
  • Security. Due to the composition and special production technology, the formed coating is not capable of providing negative impact on the environment;
  • Low level of water absorption.

The lined surface, exposed for a long time to direct sunlight, does not lose its presentable appearance, resisting the effects of an aggressive environment. With the help of ceramic tiles you can beautifully decorate places where finishing with ordinary brick is impossible or impractical. The material is in demand when decorating doorways or columns. The formed surface can harmoniously fit into the interior, or.

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In this material we will look at design options for the kitchen, bedroom, hallway, living room, step by step process DIY brick wall, tips and recommendations from designers.

Scope and features of brick-like facade tiles

High performance characteristics and the ability to resist negative factors allow the use of brick-like facing tiles for exterior decoration. The material can be used in new buildings and old structures. With its help, you can create a ventilated cladding that does not interfere with air circulation. This important condition to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

Brick tiles for exterior decoration are made from various raw materials. Manufacturers offer products of various sizes, textures, colors and shapes. The choice can be made in favor of tiles:

  • Ceramic. The most popular material that allows you to create a surface with different textures. Can be matte or glossy. Places increased demands on the quality of base leveling;
  • Clinker. Can be used for external wall cladding in all regions without exception. It is characterized by ease of installation work. In appearance, the material is close to natural brick, but has a smaller thickness. Has a high cost;
  • From . The material is strong, durable and frost-resistant. It has a lot of weight and significant cost;
  • Concrete. Suitable option for warm regions: cracking is possible with significant temperature fluctuations. Obtained by pressing concrete mixture. Can be matte or glossy;
  • Plaster. Sometimes used when decorating a base. Due to its low performance characteristics, this material is practically not used when performing finishing work.

When choosing facing tiles for a brick facade, you should decide in advance on the technology for performing the work. Manufacturers offer material in the form of single elements and simulating several laid rows.

Interesting ideas for using decorative brick-like tiles for interior decoration

To implement a design project, various types of finishing materials are often used. Brick-like facing tiles are suitable for large quantity stylistic trends, including its branches. The choice can be made not only in favor of wall decoration, but also the formation of a “torn” corner, the design of a door, window opening, or.

Special attention should be given to the color of the material used. If the choice is made in favor of the English style or classic country, the preferred option would be a material with a natural red-brown tint. For or you should choose gray or white.

Antique brick tiles are often used when decorating interiors in retro or vintage style. With its help, they perform fragmentary finishing or focus attention on individual walls. This material has an imitation of chips and characteristic “whitewash” stains.

Kitchen decoration: possible solutions

The kitchen is finished using various facing materials. Particular attention is paid to the apron and area, where the walls are traditionally exposed to the greatest impact. This is why brick-look tiles are most often purchased. Due to the fact that the material can withstand the impact high temperatures and high humidity, there is no fear that its appearance will deteriorate over time.

In the interior modern bedroom White material would be appropriate. In this case, special attention should be paid to the colors of the floor and decorative elements. They should not only fit harmoniously into the interior, but also emphasize its uniqueness.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other design options, among which you may find a suitable idea for subsequent implementation.

Decorating the living room: ideas for later implementation

Decorating a living room can be a difficult task. Here they welcome guests and spend a lot of time with the whole family. We invite you to look at a selection of photos of brick-like tiles in the interior of the living room, among which you will definitely find an idea for subsequent implementation.

White walls, complemented by a dark floor, can become stylish solution for the hall of a private house or standard apartment

The color of the cladding can be any. The main thing to remember is that dark colors can visually reduce the available space.

It is not necessary to use tiles of the same color. Two-color solutions will allow you to achieve the desired result in zoning the space.

Decorating the corridor and hallway: choosing an idea for inspiration

Tiles for decorating a corridor or are used quite often. The choice is made in favor of materials of different colors depending on the width of the room and the personal preferences of the owners. If the area is relatively small, it is better to avoid dark colors.

If white seems too soiled, you should pay attention to more dark shades. On such a wall, dirt will not be so noticeable. with mirrored doors will allow you to achieve the desired expansion of space.

Not necessary finishing tiles purchase under brick for all walls. With its help, you can beautifully decorate a certain area.

Brief technology of laying tiles: main steps

Having decided to purchase brick-like facing tiles for interior decoration, you should familiarize yourself with the technology for performing installation work. As a rule, installation does not cause any particular difficulties, and therefore the entire volume can be completed on our own.

Laying tiles under brick work surface kitchen walls are performed in the following sequence:

Photo Description of work

The wall is being marked.

It is attached, which will act as a lower support.

The adhesive composition is being prepared.

Using a notched trowel, apply the adhesive composition to the surface to be treated.

The first row of tiles is being laid with mandatory adjustments spatial position each element.

Special “crosses” are installed, with the help of which it will be possible to ensure the same gap between the rows of tiles.

The second row is being laid.

After the adhesive solution has completely dried, the crosses and excess composition are removed.

Brick tiles for interior decoration: price of the most popular models from various collections

If you are interested in brick-like tiles, you can buy the material in various colors and sizes. Many manufacturers offer collections from which you can choose the most suitable option for your home or office. Price decorative brick for interior decoration primarily depends on its type and manufacturer. Similar material produced by different manufacturers may differ significantly in cost.

Where to buy gypsum tiles for brick?

Brick-like gypsum tiles can be purchased in specialized construction stores and specialized online stores. Here, as a rule, a fairly wide range is presented, and therefore you will definitely be able to choose the material of the desired color and size. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the average prices of gypsum tiles for brick:

Photo Name Size, mm

Brick Amran200x50x12660


Ellinbrick A320-70190 x47x7450

Monte Chiaro A465-10190 x95x10550

Choosing clinker tiles for bricks: price and popular models

Before you buy clinker tiles for brick, you should get acquainted with its cost. Prices vary widely. The cost largely depends on the manufacturer's trademark. Products manufactured under well-known brands have an increased cost. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the average prices for the most popular tiles:

Photo Name Size, mm Average cost, rub./square



ABC ATLANTIS GLATT242x50x102 100

Average price of brick-like tiles for exterior decoration

TO facing material For the finishing of external walls, increased requirements for resistance to external influences are imposed. The price of brick-look facade tiles depends primarily on the manufacturer and collection. If you decide to buy brick-like façade tiles, we suggest you get acquainted with the average prices for the material intended for cladding the external walls of a building:

Rate this article
Photo Name Size, mm Average cost, rub./square

Luxembourg Ideal Stone240×701090

Camrok DK000490×401200

Feldhaus Klinker240×711330

Proper application helps to achieve the desired aesthetic characteristics without excessive costs. This article discusses in detail brick-like tiles for interior decoration: the price of different modifications, effective ways styling This information can be used to perform work on your own, as well as to control the actions of hired performers.

Basic definitions and characteristics of different types of brick-like tiles for interior decoration

The use of these materials is often associated with medieval, gloomy or austere interiors. In reality, the potential possibilities for using stone-look tiles for interior decoration are much wider. Examples for different rooms are discussed in detail in the relevant sections of the article. But we can immediately note the advantages of the artificial origin of these products.

Practical owners will enjoy structural coloring and the creation of smooth decorative layers factory methods. This implies the absence additional work, durability of finish, ease of maintenance.

The following features and advantageous indicators must be taken into account when choosing clinker tiles for bricks for finishing work:

  • high strength, hygroscopicity;
  • resistance to changes in temperature, humidity, and other external influences;
  • impeccable appearance;
  • preservation of original consumer parameters over a long service life (more than 50 years even in modern multilayer modifications).

For your information! Elimination of artisanal techniques improves product quality. When choosing factory-made brick tiles, the buyer has the right to count on the accuracy of shapes and sizes, consistency of colors, and uniformity of parameters of serial products in product lots.

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In this review, we will look at how such tiles can be used in interior design, which manufacturer’s products to choose, features of laying beautiful cladding, and useful recommendations.

Where and how to use brick-like ceramic tiles and other materials

The use of brick for interior decoration is associated with the features noted in the previous section of the article. Products in this category are created, like clinker, from clay. The main difference in this option is the creation of a special surface layer. It not only differs in appearance, but also provides additional protection. It is worth noting that contaminants do not attach firmly to glossy surfaces. They are not difficult to clean using inexpensive detergents.

To get additional features at your disposal, you should carefully study the new products. Even ceramic products This category is not created only from clay. Through a special selection of components, the technical and aesthetic characteristics required by future users are created. With the addition of polymer binders, brick-like tiles are produced for interior decoration from marble and. They use other combinations of different materials, and use different types of processing of the original components.

How brick-like façade tiles are used in practice

This article focuses on interior decoration. However, increased resistance to external influences makes it necessary to separately study the use of brick-like facing tiles. Products made from baked clay are especially attractive. The expediency of such a decision is explained by several arguments.

If followed by painting, partial repairs will be required in a few years. This type of outer layer is too thin. They are damaged by solar radiation, temperature and humidity changes. The base made of a mixture of sand and cement is destroyed by cracks. Significant disadvantages can be identified by exploring other options:

  • Wooden products rot and significantly change shape and size during use.
  • Metal profiled sheets look appropriate in warehouses and production facilities.
  • Natural stone is too expensive.
  • Gypsum and flexible tiles it is necessary to additionally protect from moisture and other external influences.
  • Building a decorative brick wall will require a lot of time and money. Such a structure weighs a lot, and to maintain its integrity it is necessary to accurately calculate the interface with the main architectural elements building.

A comparative analysis allows us to clarify the advantages of facing tiles for ceramic brick facades:

  • such products are inexpensive;
  • their dimensions remain unchanged throughout their service life;
  • they are not subject to the above mentioned atmospheric and biological influences;
  • does not cause difficulties;
  • light weight and the ability to choose installation technology simplify the implementation of the project;
  • installation and repair work can be done independently using simple and understandable techniques.

Combined brick-like tiles for exterior decoration have additional advantages. The combination of ceramic and porous polymer provides strength and excellent insulating properties. This does not absorb water like typical fiber mats. Once installed, operating costs will be reduced. It will be easier to maintain comfortable conditions in the rooms. The value of the property will increase, and external walls will receive reliable protection.

Useful information about the use of decorative brick tiles for interior decoration

Choose Consumables for future work it is necessary after preliminary approval of the list of individual requirements. Failure to do this will significantly increase your search time in the vast assortment of offers on the modern market.

First, aesthetic characteristics are determined. We must remember not only about matching the basic color scheme. For example, using antique brick tiles will look out of place in an ultra-modern, “sterile” space. Although it should be noted fashion trend eclecticism. Sometimes, instead of a harmonious mixture of styles, a clearly alien element is used, which draws attention to certain parts of the room.

A wide variety of experiments can be performed quickly and without unnecessary costs using graphic editors.

At the next stage, it is clarified how the facing brick tiles correspond to the operating mode. The complex evaluates external influences along with those that arise during the cleaning process. Some expensive and durable products are much more practical compared to cheap coatings that have to be restored frequently.

Next, you should clarify the installation technology in order to draw the correct conclusion about the method of performing work operations. If it is difficult to make repairs yourself, you will have to use the services of specialized specialists. The final decision is made taking into account all significant factors.

Kitchen interior design and practicality of modern materials

When renovating a property as a whole, they start with designing the most. Taking into account technical characteristics The benefits of using brick-look tiles for the kitchen are clear. A variety of work operations are carried out here regularly. They are accompanied by a rapid change in temperature and an increase in humidity levels. Particular attention during the study finishing materials They also pay attention to the place where they eat. Surfaces that are resistant to fats and aggressive chemical compounds and not too careful handling are suitable here.

What are tiles useful for in the bedroom?

We need to create favorable conditions for a relaxing holiday.

This material does not deteriorate the composition of the atmosphere in the room. Even when the wall is directly exposed to sunlight, the coating retains the freshness of the paint over a long period of use.

Spectacular living room decoration

Bright hues visually increase the volume. This technique is successfully used to design relatively small rooms with small window openings.

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Many, hearing an unfamiliar word, will ask - ? In this article we will answer this question and tell you in what situations this style is preferable to any other, and how to use it correctly to decorate various rooms.

Reliable and beautiful bathroom design

Just like in the kitchen, you need to pay extra attention to practicality. Easy to clean surfaces are suitable. When decorating small rooms, preference is given to light colors.

How to make high-quality finishing of the entrance lobby and corridors

Photo Sequence of actions with explanations

Factory-made gypsum tiles were purchased for this project. Laying is done in advance. The main difference between the products of this manufacturer is the special shape of the ends.

She simplifies quality creation butt joints with other elements of decorative finishing.

An original, varied coating is created from tiles of different appearance. The master draws attention to the simplicity of the installation itself and the certain difficulty of accurately filling the seams.

Despite the factory production method, the specialist recommends checking the edges and processing them, if necessary, using suitable tool. To provide variety in finished surface, take a separate box, put brick tiles from several packages into it.

Acrylic putty is used to fix products on the wall. They improve fastening by adding PVA glue to such bases.

The markings are applied in such a way that the entire tile is under the ceiling. You can leave a gap at the bottom, which is subsequently covered with a plinth. There you can insert tiles cut to size. This will not be difficult to do, since gypsum products can be processed without any extra effort.

The horizontalness of each row is controlled by the building level. Lines are drawn on the wall. They are used for styling facing tiles under brick for interior decoration.

They are installed at the extreme points of one row. The markings are made along a stretched thread.

The tiles are laid with vertical joints staggered, like regular brick.

The adhesive composition is applied to the flat side of the tile.

Using a toothed strip (side with recesses 4-6 mm), create indentations and remove excess mixture.

A small amount of putty is applied to each corner.

In this state, the brick-like tiles are pressed against the wall, continuing the corresponding row.

To accurately adjust the dimensions, special plastic inserts are used. The following elements are installed in the same way.

To complete a row, you need to cut a piece from a solid tile.

To work with this material, you can use a hand saw with a metal blade.

Place the product in place.

Laying tiles under other types of bricks is carried out according to the appropriate instructions. Official recommendations from manufacturers should be studied before using adhesives and other building solutions.

Suitable brick tiles for interior decoration: price and other data for accurate selection

For a long time, the production of products in this category was concentrated in European countries. Products are well known to specialists STROHER, Exagres, FeldhausKlinker, other famous brands. But the market situation is changing quite quickly at present.

Not only affordable analogues from China are presented. If you need brick-like tiles, you can buy high-quality products from domestic manufacturers. It should be noted the proximity of raw materials, the current state of exchange rates, and the commissioning of new factories. These factors explain the potential benefits for local buyers.

But when choosing decorative bricks for interior decoration, the price should be considered simultaneously with appearance, technical parameters. The study of the proposals presented below must be supplemented with a comprehensive analysis.

Where and how can you inexpensively buy gypsum tiles for bricks?

Photo Brand/Name price, rub. per sq. m.

Monte Alba/ EllinbrickA323-40190х47х(6-7)420-480

Monte Alba/Ellinbrick A323-50190х47х(6-7)420-480

Monte Alba/ Monte Chiaro A465-10190х95х(9-10)540-580



LOFTStyle/White G650-780

For your information! When choosing gypsum tiles for brick, the price is compared taking into account the area of ​​the seams and the number of products in one package. The table shows data converted to the same area. Retailers offer different packaging, so appropriate verification is required.

Prices of clinker tiles for bricks of different brands

Photo Brand/Name Dimensions of one tile (length x width x thickness), mm price, rub. per sq. m.

The Ideal Stone/Gulliver250x78x16980-1120

Ideal Stone/Petra210x65x231170-1360

Brickhoff/ DKK300 Almeria WDF23230x65x203010-3450

DeKeramik/ Carnelian240x71x81380-1460

Kamrock/ Bordeaux240x71x101060-1210

Brickhoff/ Santorini215x65x232650-2980

For your information! When choosing clinker tiles for bricks, check the water absorption characteristics, the possibility of additional painting, the working temperature Range. Greater variety is offered when using hand molding techniques.

Purchasing brick-like tiles for exterior finishing: prices and market overview

Photo Brand/Name Dimensions of one tile, length x width x thickness, mm price, rub. per sq. m. Notes

Ideal Stone/Palermo245x85x101110-1290 30 year color fastness guarantee.

Brickhoff/ Cagliari215x65x232800-3100 Unglazed, hand molded, water absorption - no more than 15%.

Regent/ KING KLINKER750x660x402300-2800 Panel with polyurethane foam insulation.

Regent/FALCON1125x534x601190-1350 You cannot buy brick-like façade tiles from this brand. Possible production according to individual order in 2-3 weeks.

For your information! When choosing brick façade tiles, the price, as in the previous groups, must be considered taking into account significant parameters. In this case, resistance to frost and high humidity is of particular importance. You should find out what installation methods the manufacturer offers.

Conclusion with additional useful information

After a detailed review of the offers of modern manufacturers, it is not too difficult to draw the correct conclusion about the consumer characteristics of thematic products. However, in any case, it will be useful to clarify your personal needs along with a check architectural features specific property. You should pay attention to the versatility of some types of tiles. Such products have increased resistance to external influences, so they are successfully used for interior and exterior finishing work.

If you have any additional questions, use the comments to this article. Here you can get valuable professional advice completely free of charge. In practice, it will be useful to exchange opinions on the quality of individual products and acceptable installation methods.