home · Networks · Zoning space in the studio. Zoning ideas for a one-room apartment for a family with a child. Photo gallery of interior design options

Zoning space in the studio. Zoning ideas for a one-room apartment for a family with a child. Photo gallery of interior design options

Ecology of life. A family living in a one-room apartment has very few options for remodeling the living space in a small room. But this is not a reason to be upset, there are many ways to effectively and functionally use square meters

A family living in a one-room apartment has very few options for remodeling the living space in a small space. But this is not a reason to be upset, there are many ways to effectively and functionally use the square meters of even a small apartment so that there is a corner for each family member. For such purposes, room zoning and zoning techniques are best suited. studio apartment in particular.

Rules for effective zoning of a one-room apartment

1. Use light colors.
Indeed, often the feeling of spaciousness does not depend at all on the volume of the room, but on well-chosen colors in the interior. Bright hues add airiness, volume and visually enlarge even the smallest apartments. Ceilings that are lighter than the walls, as well as flat ceiling lighting, will help create the illusion of spaciousness.

2. Podiums, arches, screens, racks, sliding partitions
An ideal solution for zoning a “one-room apartment”. All these options very successfully divide the apartment into zones, adding functionality to it, but at the same time do not reduce the space.

3. Mirrors
In the zoning of a one-room apartment, mirrors play an important role. Thanks to optical illusions mirroring, there is the possibility of visual expansion of space.

4. Furniture
Well-chosen furniture does an excellent job of dividing space. The basic rule when choosing furniture is its functionality, compactness and mobility (pull-out bed, hidden containers for things, folding sofas). In addition to the main task (storing things), furniture can also visually divide the area into zones.

5. Balconies and loggias
To expand the space, you can use balconies and loggias. After insulating and glazing these areas, the total area of ​​the apartment increases significantly.


In this case, the apartment must have at least four zones: “sleeping area”, “working area”, living room and kitchen. You can try using one of the most popular solutions today - a studio apartment. Row design techniques They allow you to visually “raise” the ceiling and “enlarge” the entire space.

Examples include the use of glossy canvas on the ceiling, wall decorations in vertical planes, illumination of lower corners, paintings and lamps of “elongated” shapes, contrasting colors. The main rule for this design is a minimum of partitions and a maximum of space. A studio apartment is ideal for young people, and a craving for everything new and non-standard will help arrange the living space as comfortably as possible.

Methods for zoning a studio apartment:

  • Accents with light. For example, the central part of the living room is brightly lit, while the bedroom and kitchen have sources of more diffused light.
  • Relief transitions. A traditional technique is to raise the sleeping area onto a podium (additionally, pull-out containers can be built in).
  • Zoning using various elements interior, structures - aquariums, columns, shelves, screens, bar counters. This method is often used when decorating bedrooms and kitchens.
  • Using different flooring materials. Materials of different colors and textures are used for different zones. You can also group pieces of furniture or decor within one area using floor carpets.
  • Transformable furniture helps optimize space in the apartment and change the functional load of interior elements depending on the time of day. Classic example: bed - sofa. In the morning it is a place for guests, and in the evening it is a bed for sleeping. There are also options such as a sofa bed or a wardrobe bed, which daytime They act as furniture in the living room, and in the evening they become an integral part of the bedroom.

A family with a small child faces an important task - to plan the apartment in such a way that the parents’ area and the child’s area are multifunctional and cozy. The warmest and brightest part is allocated for the children's area.
Moreover, as the child grows up, his personal zone will expand and change. While the baby is very small, he needs a crib and a changing table, but when he gets a little older, he also needs game Zone.

Methods for zoning a one-room apartment for a family with a child:

  • Screens or curtains around the crib will create a cozy place to sleep, where bright light will not penetrate.
  • Various coloring wallpapers or marker coating will help in zoning the children's space.
  • Another solution for such an apartment would be to install sliding doors in the kitchen so you can chat without waking the child.

The main task of the student is to study diligently, and the parents are to arrange a comfortable place for the child to study, sleep and relax.

Options for solving this problem in a one-room apartment:

  • Furniture transformer. For example, a cabinet-table will allow a student to place books and notebooks in the cabinet and at the same time be able to pull out or fold out the table while doing homework.
  • Podiums. The nursery is visually separated thanks to frame structure, which raises the floor. The lifting height can be any, from a few centimeters to half a meter. In the latter case, you can think about additional steps that will allow household members to move comfortably.
  • Children's Corner. It may consist of a bunk bed, a closet for storage and study space. And all this is one design, a small portable house for a child and very convenient solution problems of organizing the interior of a one-room apartment for a family with a child.

As a rule, a standard one-room apartment has two separate rooms - a kitchen and a bedroom. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is also necessary to distribute the functions of a living room and a workplace between these rooms. In this case, it is advisable to divide additional functions equally between rooms so as not to overload one of them.

There are several options for the functional distribution of zones in such an apartment:

Bedroom-living room (for example, you can put a sofa bed) and kitchen-office ( dinner table fulfills the role of a workplace).

Bedroom- workplace(sort of "small home office" style) and a kitchen-living room (if the kitchen is large enough, it can fit a sofa next to the dining table). published

Very often the owners small apartments facing the problem of lack of rooms. What to do if one room is used for different purposes, it combines a living room, bedroom, study and children's room? How to make a room functional without sacrificing comfort?

There is only one answer - to use a design trick that is popular today and zone the room. Competent organization The space of a room, even the smallest one, will allow you to get full-fledged areas for a comfortable pastime for all family members and guests. In this article we will talk about how to zone a one-room apartment, combining in it an intimate area for sleeping and a place for receiving guests.

Thanks to the designers and their creative ideas, today the dream of many owners of one-room apartments about a comfortable bedroom-living room has become a reality. Having been puzzled by arranging such a room in your home, you first need to decide on the location of the zones, and only then begin to divide the room into two separate parts.

The bedroom area should not be a walk-through area, since it is intended for relaxation, which will not be complete if sleeping area not isolated.

The living area is not a place of solitude, but an area for family relaxation. Therefore, greater democracy is allowed in its design. The living room may be spacious or not, but it is imperative that there is enough light in it, both natural, coming through the window from the sleeping area, and artificial.

Methods for zoning space

Let us note that there are many methods of zoning, but they are all conditionally divided into two large groups: reversible and irreversible.

In the first case, we are talking about methods of dividing a room into zones in which you can do without serious repair work. Zoning can be done using:

  • furniture;
  • various screens;
  • curtains and curtains.

Irreversible zoning methods include:

  • construction of plasterboard partitions;
  • installation of compartment partitions or sliding doors;
  • installation of a podium in one of the zones (usually in the bedroom);
  • visual division of space using different ways finishing and lighting.


You can zone a room into a bedroom and a living room using plasterboard partitions. This solution is ideal for those who want to give the sleeping area special privacy. Nothing will hide the bedroom from prying eyes better than a blank partition. However, such a design will visually reduce the room. There are two ways to avoid such trouble: either organize proper lighting, or carefully select the color of walls and furniture.

It is better to abandon solid partitions in favor of those with glass inserts, hollow niches or places for lighting. Such designs will not only be more practical, but will also serve a decorative function.

Sliding doors

The problem of dividing a room into zones can be solved by installing sliding doors. If necessary, they can be closed for privacy and relaxation. By opening the doors, you can start daylight to the living area. As a rule, sliding structures are made of translucent glass, so they do not visually hide the space of the room, but give it spaciousness and lightness. Some models of sliding doors feature artistic engraving and stained glass; they add even more originality and sophistication to the already original transparent partition. If, as a result of dividing the room, it turns out that the bedroom area occupies a larger area than the living room area, then you can compensate for the lack of space by installing mirrors on sliding doors.

Installing decorative portable screens is a budget-friendly way to enclose a bedroom space, which was used by ancient predecessors modern designers. The main advantage of the screen is mobility. It perfectly solves the problem of zoning a room, especially if its owners are not averse to experimenting with the layout and various spatial combinations. Moving the screen allows you to radically change the appearance of the room without violating the integrity of the zones. Modern screens are universal; they are suitable for classic, European, Japanese and Chinese interiors. The variety of materials and shapes will not leave anyone indifferent. Screens can be large and small, transparent and solid, combined, decorated with metal inserts, glass discs and various ornaments.


Curtains allow you to quickly delimit space in a room and get by at the same time. minimal costs. To many, this method of zoning will seem banal, but it finds its admirers. With the right selection of curtains you can achieve a cute and cozy interior, make the room cozy, give it charm and sophistication. In the photo, the rooms separated by curtains look very stylish. However, you should choose curtains that complement the textiles on the window.


You can use any furniture, be it a cabinet or a console, for practical zoning of the room. It will become as functional as possible if you use double-sided racks equipped with shelves. The main rule is not to clutter the space with massive cabinets. It is optimal to use low and narrow racks with shelves and niches. All kinds of little things, vases, books and interior accessories will find a home in them. Designs equipped with lighting look especially attractive. Zoning a room with furniture allows you to clearly define zones and organize the decor.

When combining a bedroom and a living room in one room, it is important to choose the right furniture: it should not be bulky, too bulky or large. It is desirable that each element of the decor is thought out, and not just present. You can listen to the advice of professionals, or you can give free rein to your imagination, then your bedroom-living room will become not only functional and cozy, but also exclusive.



In this video you will find some more ideas for zoning a room.

When the living space where a family has to struggle to accommodate leaves much to be desired, this is reflected in everything. After all, it is completely natural to have separate areas for resting and sleeping, eating and preparing food, as well as for work and creativity.

But what about those who were able to acquire only a one-room apartment? Eat great option- zone the available space! It is worth noting right away that this will require a lot of creative effort and imagination from you.

Why is zoning necessary for a one-room apartment?

The method of creating separate zones is used to expand the space of a one-room apartment. It allows you to transform it not only in terms of aesthetics, but also make it more functional.

To do this, you must try to adhere to the basic zoning rules:

  • if the room rectangular shape, then it cannot be divided lengthwise. This will lead to the formation of narrow pencil cases;
  • for rooms with low ceiling heights, solid partitions running from floor to ceiling cannot be used;
  • how smaller area apartment, the fewer decorative elements there should be. It is better to give preference to a laconic design;
  • use of minimum quantity architectural elements, when zoning preference is given modern techniques decor.

Basic principles

As you know, a blank wall reduces usable area, our task is the opposite. It is necessary to make the most of every centimeter of the apartment. Divide it into zones in such a way as not to turn it into casemates. To do this, just use a few simple techniques, which will be discussed below.

Zoning ideas for a one-room apartment

Zoning ideas can be varied.

The sleeping area can be highlighted with a tall cabinet. If we are talking about zoning the kitchen and living room, then an elegant bar counter will help here.

Using different levels

This option is perfect for apartments with high ceilings, where you can delimit the space using podiums. As a rule, a bed or sofa is installed on such elevations, thus highlighting an area for sleeping and relaxing.

Zoning styles for a one-room apartment are presented in this video:

On a small pedestal you can make a workplace, as well as a flower corner. In addition, the space under the podium can be used as additional system storage

Using Light

Local lighting is best suited for light zoning when used wall sconces, pendant lamps with directional light, floor lamps.

See here how to create a functional and convenient.

With their help, you can literally turn off a certain zone. The second way is to use LED backlight With different colors glow. Such color contrasts highlight individual parts of the space.

Loggias and balconies

If a one-room apartment has loggias or balconies, then they can also be used to organize a certain area.

It could be:

  • storage place;
  • place of recreation or sport;
  • workspace with desk;
  • place for children's games;
  • increasing the working area of ​​the kitchen, if there is an exit from its side or an extension of the living room.

All of these methods of transforming your home are designed to create the greatest comfort for you and your loved ones.

Zoning methods

If we consider a standard one-room apartment, then, as a rule, there are already two separate rooms- bedroom and kitchen.

Here you can see how to decorate and transform.

The whole difficulty lies in the distribution between them additional functions workplace and living room. At the same time, you must try not to overload one of them.

Here are several zoning options for such an apartment:

  • Bedroom-living room. You can add a sofa bed, which will become the main accent of this space.
  • Kitchen-office. A comfortable dining table will perfectly take on two functions at once - eating and a workplace.
  • Kitchen-living room. If the kitchen is quite spacious, then it is quite possible to place small sofa and a dining table.

Apartment zoning options for one or two people

If this is the apartment of a bachelor or a single girl, then two zones will be enough here: “sleep and relaxation area”, “kitchen and dining area”. It’s another matter when two people already live in the apartment. In such a situation, in addition to the above zones, you will also need additional spaces: living area and workplace.

As mentioned earlier, this zoning is suitable for a studio apartment. The same rules that we described above apply here. It's a completely different matter when it comes to a family with children.

Zoning a room for a family with a child

Before married couple With a small child, there is a very difficult task - to plan the apartment so that the child’s area and the parents’ area are not only cozy, but also multifunctional. Naturally, the brightest and warmest part of the apartment should be allocated for the child.

It is worth remembering that as the child grows, his space will change and expand. While the baby is still small, a changing table and a crib are enough for him, but soon his corner will need to be supplemented with a play area.

Curtains or screens. Such elements can be placed around the crib, which will create a cozy corner for the baby to sleep.

A high podium can always be equipped with steps that will allow the child to move comfortably.

Children's Corner. It may include a closet for things and have a place to study, as well as bunk bed. All this is a single design, a small mobile home for a child and an excellent solution for zoning your one-room apartment.

Bottom line

Zoning your one-room apartment is a task within the capabilities of everyone. Moreover, the imagination of the designers who came up with dozens of options does not stand still. Our task is to determine personal preferences and evaluate the opportunities provided by the living space.

Watch the video on how to zone a one-room apartment:

IN modern world apartments with combined interior space are not new. Naturally, firstly, it’s convenient, and secondly, it’s stylish. To create a design for a small studio apartment so that it will take your guests’ breath away - this is our main task for today. Let's plunge into the whirlpool of creative design solutions together!

Design of a small studio apartment of 18 sq. m.

Take a close look at these images:

Can you believe that this apartment is only 18 square meters? Same thing. How did designers achieve the effect of spaciousness in a seemingly cramped room?

Let's figure it out.

  • Light

In this case, the design of a rectangular small apartment seems very harmonious due to the abundant daylighting. However, if your small size is in the shadow side, this does not mean that such an effect cannot be achieved artificially. How exactly? Let's find out further.

  • Color palette

The walls are made in an immaculate snow-white tone. This color literally absorbs the light and makes the apartment visually more spacious. Plus, it's light plain walls they remove the emphasis from the corners, and this is very appropriate here.

  • Contrasts

The furniture, unlike the walls, is made in dark chocolate shades. The use of contrast will brighten up any cramped room. Try it too.

  • Straight lines

A perfectionist's paradise, there's no other way to put it. No clutter small parts and chaos! Clear geometric lines And sharp corners visually transform a mini-apartment into a very cozy home.

  • Glossy surfaces

Pay attention to the ceiling. There is no pretentious stucco molding or bulky chandeliers. Tension only glossy ceiling with laconic “eye” light bulbs. That's the whole secret of endlessly high ceilings.

Design of a small studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

And this apartment is simply a masterpiece of ergonomics! Look how correctly the designers solved the problem of small footage. IN 20 square meters they managed to fit a hallway, kitchen, bathroom, living room and even a separate bedroom! How did they do it? See for yourself.

  • Second floor

If your apartment has enough high ceilings make it two levels! This is an extremely fashionable trend in recent seasons. Nowadays there is absolutely no need to pay so much attention to bulky four-poster beds. A laconic loggia with a mattress, a night light and shelves for storing things is the key to success!

  • Mirror partition

You can't live in an apartment without a mirror. What if it doesn’t just hang on the wall, but serves front door in the bathroom?

A sliding mirror structure from floor to ceiling can replace bulky partitions and visually expand the space of a small room. How do you like this idea?

  • Functional niches

Correctly using the recesses in the wall is an important matter. We set up a niche for a small kitchen and now it’s as if you’re in a separate room. Wonderful, isn't it?

Design of a small studio apartment of 25 sq. m.

Another option narrow apartment, which at first looked like a corridor, and only with the help of wise design techniques turned into a beautiful home.

  • Mirror cabinet at the entrance

Very good decision for narrow, cramped hallways. About magic mirror surfaces you have already heard a lot, and, as you can see, this technique is rightfully considered very effective.

  • Minimalism in decor

The designers tried not to overload the space with unnecessary elements. The color palette of white, nice orange and basic light wood do the trick.

  • Hidden backlight

Pay attention to the ceiling in the seating area. Under the canopy plasterboard construction Local lighting lamps are installed. This technique visually expands the walls and gives the apartment a cozy atmosphere.

  • Tinted partition

A wonderful zoning technique. Frosted glass does not take up much space and at the same time separates the living room and kitchen areas.

Design of a small studio apartment of 30 sq. m.

And this cute apartment amazes with its unusual furnishings! Just look, the kitchen surface faces the passage, and in the niche behind it there is a podium with a separate bedroom! Unusual, isn't it?

And a couple more delights of this design:

  • Living room-office-dining room

In the sixteen-meter space of the living room, the designer managed to combine many different functional zones. Here you have both a desktop and lunch place and a cozy sofa for relaxing.

  • Lighting

Please note that the apartment itself is not bright enough. However, the designers placed pendant rotating lights around the entire perimeter of the apartment. This will help illuminate dark corners and visually increase the footage.

  • Ergonomic kitchen

Although the secluded kitchenette is a walk-through kitchen, two small surfaces are turned towards each other so that the design seems absolutely harmonious and comfortable.

That is, in one big room Can be a sleeping place, a study and a children's corner.

Zoning is not only a fashionable, but also a practical technique. If you are not the happy owner of an apartment with an enviable number of squares, then division is the only way out. But even if you are not deprived of space, this method can give you a very original and stylish look.

It is worth noting that zoning small apartment involves the use of effects that make the room visually several times larger. That is why it is worth remembering and following these interior design rules:

  • Regardless of the number of zones in the room, be sure to only use light shades finishing. This will help you create pleasant conditions for living, make the room visually a little larger and brighter. You can make several accent, bright “spots” in the interior;
  • Mirrors. Several mirrors in one room also have a positive effect on the visual perception of the room. You can choose floor or wall mounting options;
  • Furniture must be functional, durable and practical. Choose modern models, they will help make the room comfortable and cozy.

Don't plan and implement a large number of main zones in space, this will allow you to avoid the most common mistake - a pile-up of various, often incompatible pieces of furniture and decor with each other. It is important that all the main elements do not contradict each other.

For example, it is worth dividing the room into a playroom and work area, think over a recreation area and, of course, a place for receiving and treating guests. At the same time, try to make sure that the playing area is clearly visible, but that children do not interfere with adults’ communication during the game.

18 ways to zoning an apartment

When zoning the largest room in the apartment, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fact that the room is intended not only for receiving guests, but also for the whole family to get together in the evenings and weekends and spend time comfortably.
Therefore, first of all, a attractive design it no longer plays such a big role.

Options for dividing a room into zones

By dividing the room, you can get an advantage from a practical and aesthetic side, and even if the space small size, then this technique will allow you to advantageously emphasize every meter in the room.

Different partitions

Install for other rooms, both transparent and with a matte effect. “False walls” will also help improve the room.
This method was borrowed by designers from the style attic spaces, and fits perfectly into the space creative people, such as writers, artists, etc. you can think of colored screens made of glass or plastic, and with contact with them sun rays the space will be incredibly transformed.

Using an arch

You can divide the room into zones, and this is perhaps the most classic way. The openings can be either straight or curved, but it is important that the arch matches the style of both zones.

Multi-level ceilings

And not only using different levels, but also a color palette. Smooth transition from dining area into the recreation area, and it will feel as if you were in another room. And the angularity can be smoothed out if you make a bulge in the shape of a circle or oval on the ceiling.

Using decorative designs

But this method requires a fairly spacious room. Plus, a fireplace or an aquarium, various lighting or glass inserts can be integrated into plasterboard structures. This option is perfect for a large family.

Using the podium

If there is no extra space for another spacious closet, it will successfully fulfill this function, and besides, it can be used to hide the sleeping area from prying eyes. The main thing is to correctly calculate the height of the pedestal.

Using curtains

An excellent option for a combined living room, they are easy to clean, comfortable and, if necessary, can easily be hidden or extended. They can also be used to protect guests from prying eyes. And the method can be considered not only the simplest, but also the cheapest.

Different wallpapers in the room

The method is convenient because it visually divides large room to different zones, and does not require installation additional structures. There are two ways - the first is where Bottom part wallpaper darker than the top one. And the second - where they are used to highlight a certain section of the wall.

Flooring and carpets

Another way to divide space into zones, here you can play with color palette, various materials, texture, especially if you use contrasting colors and rather sharp transitions.
But it is necessary to maintain a balance and take into account natural and artificial lighting.

Furniture and shelving

For example, divide a living room, a simple sofa, placing it in the center of the room, or a narrow and flat aquarium located on a cabinet or podium made of plasterboard.

Built-in wardrobes and shelves

Quite often they are used for zoning rooms, and shelves, for example, like and, can be thought out on both sides for both rooms.

Zoning techniques for a small apartment

Living-dining room

Correctly, in one room it is more rational to have a bar counter or an island, this way you can separate upholstered furniture for a break from the eating area. And on the bar counter you can store a lot of small things in order to quickly and without fuss set the table.

Living room with office

For a living room in one space, it is recommended to use wooden or plasterboard partitions with glass or plastic inserts.
The design can additionally include shelves for storing documents and office equipment. From the living room side, paintings or photo frames can be hung on the structure.

For children's

For zoning the space into a relaxation area and a play area, it is recommended to use a closet with shelves on one side for storing toys, and with doors in the “bedroom” for storing clothes. Since children are active and mobile, it is important that the structure is reliable and stable, it should be firmly fixed.
Open shelves can be covered from dust with light tulle with a child's pattern.

Living room and corridor

It is best to use an arch, or use a false division of space; these techniques will further visually expand the space.

Which zoning option to choose depends on the room itself, its size, as well as the preferences of the owners. And, of course, first you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and try to visualize as much as possible what you want to see after the transformation.


Thanks to zoning the space in the interior, you can make the dream of all owners of small spaces come true. That is, even from a one-room or two-room apartment make a cozy, convenient, comfortable and beautiful home. Your perfect home, in which, thanks to the zoning of rooms, it is pleasant to live and create, in which it is easy and simple to prepare food, to retire for important work, relax with friends and family.