home · Networks · 3 colors. Detailed information about color combinations with examples. Independence from device and lighting conditions

3 colors. Detailed information about color combinations with examples. Independence from device and lighting conditions

We all know the technique of memorizing the colors of the rainbow from school. Something similar to nursery rhyme sits deep in our memory: “ TO every O hunter and wants h nah, G de With goes f adhan." The first letter of each word means a color, and the order of the words is the sequence of these colors in the rainbow: To red, O range, and yellow, h green, G blue, With blue, f purple
Rainbows occur because sunlight is refracted and reflected by water droplets floating in the atmosphere. These droplets deflect and reflect light of different colors (wavelengths) differently: red less, violet more. As a result, white sunlight is decomposed into a spectrum, the colors of which smoothly transition into each other through many intermediate shades. Rainbows are the clearest example of what visible white light is made of.

However, from the point of view of the physics of light, no colors exist in nature, but there are certain wavelengths that an object reflects. This combination (superposition) of reflected waves hits the retina of the human eye and is perceived by it as the color of an object. For example, green color birch leaf means that its surface absorbs all wavelengths of the solar spectrum, except for the wavelength of the green part of the spectrum and the wavelengths of those colors that determine its hue. Or the brown color of a school board, our eye perceives as reflected wavelengths of blue, red and yellow wavelength ranges of varying intensities.

White color, which is a mixture of all colors sunlight, means that the surface of an object reflects almost all wavelengths, and black reflects almost nothing. Therefore, we cannot talk about “pure” white or “pure” black colors, since complete absorption of radiation or its complete reflection in nature is practically impossible.

But artists cannot paint with wavelengths. They use real paints, and even a fairly limited set (they won’t carry more than 10,000 tones and shades with them on an easel). Just like in a printing house, an endless amount of paints cannot be stored. The science of color mixing is one of the fundamental ones for those who work with images, including airbrushing. A huge number of tables and guides have been compiled for obtaining the desired colors and their shades. For example, these*:


The human eye is the most versatile “device” for mixing. Studies have shown that it is most sensitive to only three primary colors: blue, red-orange and green. Information received from excited cells of the eye is transmitted along nerve pathways to the cerebral cortex, where complex processing and correction of the received data occurs. As a result, a person perceives what he sees as a single color picture. It has been established that the eye perceives a huge number of intermediate shades of color and colors obtained from mixing light different lengths waves In total there are up to 15,000 color tones and shades.
If the retina loses the ability to distinguish any color, then the person also loses it. For example, there are people who are unable to distinguish green from red.

Based on this feature of human color perception, the RGB color model was created ( Red red, Green green, Blue blue) for printing full-color images, including photographs.

The color gray and its shades stand a little apart here. Gray color is obtained by combining three primary colors - red, green and blue - in equal concentrations. Depending on the brightness of these colors, the shade of gray varies from black (0% brightness) to white (100% brightness).

Thus, all colors found in nature can be created by mixing the three primary colors and changing their intensity.

*Tables are taken from the public domain on the Internet.

In most modern cables, the conductors have insulation of different colors. These colors have a certain meaning and are chosen for a reason. What's happened color coding wires and how to use it to determine where the zero and ground are, and where the phase is, and we will talk further.

In electrical engineering, it is customary to distinguish wires by color. This makes the work much easier and faster: you see a set of wires of different colors and, based on the color, you can guess which one is intended for what. But, if the wiring is not factory-made and you did not do it, before starting work you should definitely check whether the colors correspond to the intended purpose.

To do this, take a multimeter or tester, check the presence of voltage on each conductor, its magnitude and polarity (this is when checking the power supply network) or simply call where and where the wires come from and whether the color changes “along the way.” So knowing the color coding of wires is one of the essential skills of a home craftsman.

Ground wire color coding

According to the latest rules, wiring in a house or apartment must be grounded. Last years all household and construction equipment Available with a grounding wire. Moreover, the factory warranty is maintained only if the power supply is supplied with a working grounding.

To avoid confusion, it is customary to use a yellow-green color for the ground wire. The hard solid wire has a green base color with a yellow stripe, while the soft stranded wire has a base color yellow color with a green longitudinal stripe. Occasionally there may be specimens with horizontal stripes or just green, but this is not standard.

Ground wire color - single-core and stranded

Sometimes the cable only has bright green or yellow wire. In this case, they are used as “earthen”. On diagrams, “ground” is usually drawn green. On the equipment, the corresponding contacts are signed in Latin letters PE or in the Russian version they write “earth”. A graphic image is often added to the inscriptions (in the figure below).

In some cases, in the diagrams, the ground bus and the connection to it are indicated in green

Neutral color

Another conductor that is highlighted in a certain color is neutral or “zero”. The color blue is allocated for it (bright blue or dark blue, occasionally blue). On color diagrams, this circuit is also drawn in blue and signed with the Latin letter N. The contacts to which the neutral must be connected are also signed.

Neutral color - blue or light blue

In cables with flexible stranded wires, as a rule, is used more light shades, and single-core rigid conductors have a sheath of darker, richer tones.

Coloring phase

With phase conductors it is somewhat more complicated. They are painted in different colors. Already used ones - green, yellow and blue - are excluded, and all others can be present. When working with these wires, you need to be especially careful and attentive, because they are the ones where voltage is present.

Color marking of wires: what color is the phase - possible options

So, the most common color markings for phase wires are red, white and black. There may also be brown, turquoise orange, pink, purple, gray.

On diagrams and terminals, phase wires are signed with the Latin letter L; in multiphase networks, the phase number is next to it (L1, L2, L3). On cables with several phases, they have different colors. This makes wiring easier.

How to determine if the wires are connected correctly

When trying to install an additional outlet, connect a chandelier, household appliances, you need to know which wire is phase, which is neutral, and which is ground. If the connection is incorrect, the equipment will fail, and careless touching of live wires can end sadly.

You need to make sure that the colors of the wires - ground, phase, zero - match their wiring

The easiest way to navigate is by color coding of the wires. But things are not always simple. Firstly, in old houses the wiring is usually monochromatic - two or three white or black wires stick out. In this case, you need to understand it specifically, and then hang tags or leave colored marks. Secondly, even if the conductors in the cable are painted in different colors, and you can visually find the neutral and ground, you need to check the correctness of your assumptions. It happens that during installation the colors are mixed up. Therefore, first we double-check the correctness of the assumptions, then we begin work.

To check you will need special tools or measuring instruments:

  • indicator screwdriver;
  • multimeter or tester.

You can find the phase wire using indicator screwdriver, to determine zero and neutral you will need a tester or multimeter.

Checking with indicator

Indicator screwdrivers come in several types. There are models on which the LED lights up when a metal part touches live parts. In other models, checking requires an additional button press. In any case, when voltage is present, the LED lights up.

Using an indicator screwdriver you can find the phases. Metal part touch the exposed conductor (press the button if necessary) and see if the LED lights up. Lit - this is a phase. Does not light - neutral or ground.

We work carefully, with one hand. Second to the walls or metal objects(pipes, for example) we don’t touch. If the wires in the cable you are testing are long and flexible, you can hold the insulation with your other hand (stay away from bare ends).

Checking with a multimeter or tester

We set the scale on the device, which is slightly higher than the expected voltage in the network, and connect the probes. If we call the household single-phase network 220V, set the switch to the 250V position. Touch the bare part with one probe phase wire, the second - to the supposed neutral ( of blue color). If at the same time the arrow on the device deviates (remember its position) or a number close to 220 V lights up on the indicator. We perform the same operation with the second conductor - which is identified by its color as “ground”. If everything is correct, the readings of the device should be lower - less than those that were before.

If there is no color marking of the wires, you will have to go through all the pairs, determining the purpose of the conductors according to the indications. We use the same rule: when testing a phase-ground pair, the readings are lower than when testing a phase-zero pair.

A correctly selected color scheme of decor and finishing can transform any room, visually increasing its area and height, giving lightness and airiness to the atmosphere. Favorite colors incorrectly combined with each other can irritate, depress and spoil your mood. To make the environment pleasing and create a positive mood, you should take advice from professionals on the harmonious selection and combination of colors.

To find out what rules should be followed when choosing a color scheme, we asked the advice of practicing designer Maria Borovskaya.

For an everyday wardrobe, items of the most pleasant colors and shades are usually chosen. Such clothes and accessories lift your spirits, give you self-confidence, and create a positive attitude. Therefore, the most common colors in the wardrobe should be used to create room decoration.

2. Law of three colors

There is a great variety of colors and shades. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to give preference to a particular color, because you like everyone. However, you should decide on the most attractive three and combine them in different decorative elements.

3. Color formula 60/30/10

To interior design the premises were complete and elegant, it is recommended to follow the color ratio formula 60/30/10:

  • 60% should be given to the dominant color, which will set the tone of the room. Usually the walls and ceiling are decorated in this color.
  • 30% is the additional color in which the furniture is painted.
  • 10% is allocated to different shades, which create color accents using small items decor and accessories.

4. Different shades of the same color will add special chic and elegance to the decor

Using only three colors when decorating a room can make it look rather faded and faceless. Combining lighter and darker shades of primary colors will give the room individuality and emphasize the refined taste of the owners.

5. A must-have combination of warm and cool colors

To create a cozy room you need to complement rich, bright, warm light colors cold shades.

6. Color wheel - guarantee of color compatibility

If you are not sure that the colors you choose yourself will perfectly harmonize and combine with each other, it is better not to take risks and turn to the color wheel system. Using this system, you can clearly identify colors that harmonize with each other, complement each other, and incompatible combinations.

7. Different colors can visually change the size of a room.

When choosing a color scheme for your interior, you should take into account that different colors have different visual weight. An interior designed in light or muted colors with medium-sized decorative elements and a simple pattern in the decoration allows you to visually increase the space of the room, giving it lightness and airiness.

Bright colors, massive decorative elements, large complex designs visually make the room smaller, depriving it of light and space. Therefore, such furnishings are permissible only in spacious rooms.

8. Materials and accessories have their own color

Some materials and accessories have their own specific color, shade, gloss, which cannot be changed. This feature should be taken into account when making the final selection of small, sometimes insignificant decorative elements. Incorrectly selected handles on furniture, a picture frame or the material of a candlestick can disrupt the harmony of the overall decor.

9. The right combination of dark and light shades

The most harmonious combination Nature created dark and light colors long ago, the dark color of the earth and vegetation is below, and the light sky and luminous sun are above. This option is ideal for interior decoration, when the floor and floor coverings perform in more dark colors, and the walls and ceiling are much lighter.

10. Create your own color palette

Sometimes it is very difficult to describe the desired color to others in words or imagine your favorite shade in combination with other colors. Before you start decorating the interior of the room, you should create your own palette of the most attractive colors. Having selected the colors and shades that are most pleasing to the eye, create a catalog that you can carry with you when choosing pieces of furniture, decoration and fittings.

The main thing to remember is that the right combination colors will allow you to create an individual, elegant interior.

Table (palette) of colors html gives you the opportunity to independently choose the tone you need. The color value is displayed in three formats: Hex, RGB and HSV.

  • Hex consists of three two-character values ​​in the hexadecimal number system. For example: #ff00b3, where the first pair of numbers is red, the second is green, and the third is blue.
  • RGB (RedGreenBlue) has the form "200,100,255", indicating the amount of the corresponding tone (red, green, blue) in the resulting color.
  • HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value - tone, saturation, value) - a color model in which the coordinates are:
    • Hue - color tone, can vary from 0° to 360°.
    • Saturation - saturation, varies from 0-100 or 0-1. The higher this parameter, the “purer” the color, which is why this parameter is sometimes called color purity. And the closer this parameter is to zero, the closer color to neutral gray.
    • Value (color value) - sets the brightness, the value can also vary between 0-100 or 0-1.

Enter color code: GO

List of colors with names

The table lists the names of the colors on English language(which can be used as values) supported by all browsers, and their hexadecimal values. All colors listed are “safe”, meaning they will appear the same in all browsers.

Color name HEX Color
Dark Blue#00008B
Medium Blue#0000CD
Midnight Blue#191970
Royal Blue#4169E1
Slate Gray#708090
Sky Blue#87CEEB
Dark Khaki#BDB76B
Blanched Almond#FFEBCD

I recently resumed my drawing and painting lessons, and I want to tell you about color combinations. In any situation when it comes to color, there are successful and bad combinations shades. Whether it's a manicure or clothes, a drawn card or even a home renovation, it's always important to choose a beautiful and interesting color combination.

With regard to clothing, this is even more important, if you can paint your house and your favorite bedroom in any shades you like, and invite only loved ones there, then clothing is the most important social tool that allows us to form the first opinion about each other, and therefore we cannot allow your clothes said the wrong thing about you. How to choose good shades and find interesting pairings? What are the rules about this? How to choose any tones with shine?

A little theory

The easiest way to choose the right shade is to use a color wheel. It is divided into 12 sectors and represents the primary colors. Also, each sector is graduated from light (in the center) to dark (along the edge). What can we deduce from this circle?
  1. White harmonizes with absolutely any tone and makes it brighter.
  2. Black will help dilute any ensemble and at the same time give it depth.
  3. Complementary and similar color neighborhoods are visible.
  4. You can derive triads, tetrads and squares.
What is a complementary pair? These are colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. In order not to miss, it is best to choose shades that are equal in lightness and saturation - equidistant sectors from the center.

This is a good combination, and most often many clothing lines use it - they produce the same models in complementary shades, and then if you buy a purple blouse, you can always choose a pistachio skirt to go with it (and vice versa).

Similar pairs- those that stand next to each other on the color wheel. Such pairs are often found in architectural compositions. Surely you have seen when a house is painted light lemon, and architectural elements- slopes and cornices, balustrades and architraves are green. This solution is also found very often in accessories - for example, it is much easier to find yellow shoes with orange trim than yellow ones with blue or purple.

Triads, tetrads and squares are patterns that are drawn according to a special shape on the color wheel. For a triad it is a triangle, for a tetrad it is a rectangle, and a square speaks for itself.

Look at different color circles to understand the principle, and you will never make a mistake in choosing good shade.


Neutral colors are called black, white and gray - they go with almost everything and look good together. However, it should also be taken into account that a person dressed in black or gray from head to toe is bad manners; monochrome outfits have long become a sign of bad taste. In the summer, it is appropriate to be dressed in white from head to toe, but here accessories can help maintain brightness - a bag, shoes, bright decorations and details.

Any combination gray must be well balanced. As a rule, fabrics or accessories of a pure gray shade are rarely found on sale; most often the color has a cold or warm undertone. Accordingly, when choosing color combinations with gray, you need to look at:

  • to the warmth of gray;
  • on the warmth of the selected color;
  • on the lightness of two shades and their compatibility.

Warmth of Gray

Gray can be warm or cool.

Warm shades It is better to combine with warm colors - yellow, orange, red, pink, crimson.

Cool gray looks perfect if you add blue, lilac, green or blue to it.

Warmth of the chosen color

Even yellow can be cold. It is best to choose those paints whose temperature corresponds to the main temperature of the color. Warm yellow and cool blue look good with cool gray.


This is the position that the chosen color would occupy on a stretch from darkest to lightest. It is best if the gray does not compete with his partner. Can't choose? Choose the most bright shades or pastel shades, but it’s better to refrain from dark ones.


Warm colors on the color wheel range from yellow to violet. This is a pleasant range that lifts the mood and gives a feeling of warmth and light. However, choosing color pairs here is not so easy. Naturally, when I talk about the proximity of red or yellow, these are those combinations where the color I indicated is the main one (that is, it predominates visually).

The best combination of red is with white, blue and black. These are pure shades that were worn by kings and queens; this range (without black) is represented on the Russian tricolor and the flags of other states. Use pure shades, and then you can definitely be confident in your choice.

The combination is interesting burgundy color with shades of blue and gray. In general, any berry tones will suit burgundy. But it is better to choose green tones with a cool undertone.

Great combination Brown with beige - you get a pleasant chocolate combination. Shades of cocoa and coffee, tea and milk, pastries and Ivory- many color combinations with brown evoke thoughts of desserts.

Naturally, warm colors go well together - brown and light orange look great together, and the combination of red, orange and yellow was once ultra-fashionable.

Want to add some flair to the combination? Try complex tones. Combine brown with plum, beige and blackberry, warm inky and cool turquoise. Yes, don't forget about the brown and mint color combination. The combination of mint and chocolate evokes thoughts of entertainment, pleasure and relaxation.

Do you like extravagance? Add some accessories in a deep shade - for example, cobalt blue will set off orange or pink well, and turquoise looks good on shades of yellow and green.


Cool colors are those from green to purple. These are shades of grass and water, cool and refreshing, they bring peace and tranquility. If you want to use cool shades in the interior, then it is best to give preference to bright, clean colors, the compatibility of which is very high with other colors.

Best combination for the home - dark blue with white and red. Moreover, red should be a highlight, there should not be a lot of it, but it’s better not to skimp on blue.

My favorite shade is turquoise, also called turquoise and Tiffany's favorite shade. Turquoise color goes well with a variety of shades. You can choose warm pink and rich orange, which can beautifully set off the turquoise color. An interesting combination of turquoise shade is obtained with coral - the reddish-red palette emphasizes the turquoise color well.

It is also worth trying a combination of blue with cold yellow and light green tones, and blue will help to set off green tones. In general, the combination of green with yellow and blue is classic for spring and spring holidays, so try to find your own solutions in this color scheme(and don't forget to look at color circle).

Try to pay more attention to the combination of green with other colors - this year Panton announced Greenery shade 2017, so it would be a sin not to acquire a couple of green wardrobe items and buy some emerald jewelry for home. By the way, you can choose beautiful color combinations with green online - color palette will be compiled automatically.

Do you want to compose interesting combinations purple? Try light cool colors - lilac, pink, green. Don't like deep purple? Try lilac and lavender, and don't forget lilac.

Different ideas

Can't figure out the combinations of yellow with other colors? Check out original and classic schemes of matching shades.

Cool combination of yellow and lilac with purple, combination Pink colour with yellow - this combination of lilac and yellow with purple will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

Looking for beautiful schemes based on brown color with others? Save these diagrams for yourself - if the table is always at hand, then you can match all the tones to brown.

Remember that the combination orange color with black - sultry and hot!

And here are schemes for combining pink with other shades and red with other colors.

Do you want to create a palette in cold colors? Then the combinations lilac color with cool tones - blue, emerald, blue and gray are at your service.

Now you know about color combinations almost as many as professional artists, which means that you will definitely be able to choose any color combinations - whether for the perfect wardrobe or for a wonderful renovation!