home · Other · What to plant in the shade of trees. What vegetables, fruits or spices can be planted in shady places in the country. New from users

What to plant in the shade of trees. What vegetables, fruits or spices can be planted in shady places in the country. New from users

Every summer resident has asked this question at least once. Everyone knows that the majority cultivated plants prefer open sunny places. However, not everyone’s plots (due to size or location) allow for growing flowers and vegetable crops exclusively in the light. And what exactly to do with the shadow? Lawn?

And yet there are flowers and vegetables that can easily get by with just a small amount of light. We will definitely talk about shade-tolerant flowers in a separate article. Today we will discuss vegetables.

Things to consider:

1. Area of ​​residence.

The climate of your particular area can make quite serious adjustments when growing crops in the shade and in the light. There are wetter and drier areas, hotter and colder ones... For example, growing vegetables in a little shade somewhere in Astrakhan seems not only possible, but also the most favorable way to grow vegetables (except for the most sun-loving ones) in principle. But in Murmansk, on the contrary, summer is shorter, and sunny days there’s not enough, and then there are vegetables in the shade... it won’t work.

2. Amount of light.

Shadow is a relative concept. Of course, you shouldn’t plant vegetables in absolute shade (all day long). But this rarely happens. Usually the sun, at least sometimes for a little while, comes to visit even on the most shady gardens. The question is: exactly how many hours a day does it still happen on your site (or specifically in the place where planting is planned)?

This is what we will start from when choosing crops (see below).

3. Light quality.

Light may be diffuse. For example, if the shadow is created by tree crowns. In some arid areas, crops develop much better in such shade than in the sun. And growing light-loving vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, and pumpkin is even more preferable in slightly diffused light.

But there can also be complete shadow. This is bad. However, remember that most likely this will not last the whole day. This means that there are cultures for such places.

What vegetables will not grow in the shade?

Tomato, pepper, eggplant, corn, melon, watermelon, potatoes are light-loving crops. You shouldn’t even experiment with them (although we’ll still make a reservation regarding the area of ​​residence).

What vegetables will grow in the shade?

So, you can safely plant the listed crops if the sun on your site is at least:

— 5 hours a day:
Brussels sprouts Chinese cabbage Onion — 4 hours a day:
Rutabaga Asparagus

Rhubarb Dill Parsley Sorrel Horseradish — 3 hours a day:
Mustard greens You can learn about crop rotation of vegetable crops And about how to properly plan a tiny plot or yard - Increasingly, dacha plots are used not only for vegetable plantations, but also as a full-fledged vacation spot with comfortable country house. On the same 6-8 it is required to place not only the building, but also ancillary buildings - a bathhouse, a garage, as well as ornamental shrubs, flowers, fruit trees and several beds with herbs and vegetables. The question arises: is it right for those areas that are mostly in the shadows or where the light is scattered to be involved?

As a rule, fruit trees are planted along the perimeter along the fence, and fruit and ornamental shrubs are planted in rows in the center of the site, thereby delimiting it into functional areas. But flowers and vegetables can be grown on the remaining free “patch”, taking into account the fact that some of them prefer sunlight, and some plants are shade-loving and shade-tolerant.

It should be noted that reduced requirements for the amount of sunlight, as a rule, imply increased requirements for soil moisture and its composition. Therefore, when choosing vegetables for planting in the shade, be sure to provide them required composition soil and regular fertilizing with compost as the crop matures.

What vegetables to plant in shaded areas

Of course, any vegetable still needs sunlight, but even if it only hits the site for a while or penetrates through the foliage, for some types of vegetables this will be quite enough.

Almost all greens grow well in the shade: leaf salads, spinach, sorrel, horseradish, rhubarb, parsley, dill, cilantro, celery and mint. Onions grow well in the shade, including leeks and garlic. These plants need regular watering and sunlight for 4-5 hours a day.

Beans, upright beans and peas love shade. Feel great in shaded areas under fruit trees root vegetables - radishes, radishes, beets and carrots, as well as the entire cruciferous family: cabbage, Chinese, cauliflower. Give these vegetables regular weeding and plant them in rows in an east-west direction so that they receive maximum indirect sunlight even in the shade.

IN southern regions Some varieties, usually sun-loving ones, grow well in partial shade: zucchini, cucumbers. Lack of sun can only slightly delay the ripening time, but will not affect their taste and size in any way.

We all know from school that plants require sufficient sunlight for normal growth and development. Without delving particularly deeply into the jungle of biology, we often mistakenly believe that trees, shrubs, vegetable and ornamental crops cannot grow, bloom, or bear fruit in the shade. Therefore, we simply impoverish both ourselves and the appearance of our estate by not planting anything in the shade of the house or fence. In the meantime, in any region, even with the harshest climate and short summers, you can select shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants that will decorate the facade of the house and the line of the continuous fence.

Most shade-loving plants are consistently decorative throughout the warm season. However, they do not differ in abundant or very lush flowering. All their beauty lies in the unusual color of the foliage and the shape of the bushes.

Shaded areas of the dacha or country house are very different from each other. Some of them are illuminated by the sun for only a few hours a day, and some receive only passing rays. And there are also those where the sun never looks at all. What to plant along the fence if your favorite plants simply don’t want to grow in the shade?

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving trees

Just not a large number of trees can be planted between the house and the fence, that is, where there is least sunlight. It is difficult to grow and develop well in such conditions. However, there are tree species that will brighten up a shaded corner on your property. A little patience to study this issue and you will know which trees to plant along the fence to improve the appearance of the entire estate.

Although most coniferous plants prefer sunny open spaces, among them there are specimens for planting in front of a house or fence, where there is little sun. The following shade-tolerant conifers are most often planted on the street side:

  • Pointed yew "Nana". This compact tree will thrive in areas that receive only a short amount of sun. Small sizes(height - up to 90 cm, crown diameter - from 0 to 90 cm) allow you to plant this variety of yew in front of the house from the street, as well as between the house and the fence. Yew Nana grows slowly, prefers moist, loose soil. It’s great if the snow cover in the region in winter is very high.

Pointed yew "Nana"
  • Siberian fir. Shade-tolerant plant feels great in the northern regions of our country, where it is widely used by landscape design specialists. Until the age of ten it grows slowly. The decorative value of this fir variety is especially evident in the spring, when young cones have a purple tint, and the male oval inflorescences are brownish-red or yellow with a red tinge. Siberian fir can grow well in sunny places. Therefore, it can be used to decorate a corner where the sun gives way to shadow during the day.
  • Viburnum common. This woody flowering plant does well in the shade. Low-growing trees reach a height of no more than 90 cm. Viburnum can be planted as a hedge in front of the house on the street side, replacing the usual fence.

Kalina common variety"Roseum"
  • Rowan. The trees, decorated with clusters of bright umbrellas with berries, are unpretentious to their growing conditions. With their help, they create beautiful contrasting compositions. Rowan can be safely planted in a corner where other plants do not take root well.

What shrubs to plant in the shade

Landscaping on the shady side personal plot can be carried out using fruit and flowering bushes. It is better to use species that are accustomed to the local climate for this purpose. The most popular shrub plants that grow well in shaded areas:

  • Hydrangea paniculata DVP Pinky. Flowering bushes can be planted in a corner where the sun's rays penetrate only in the afternoon. Flowers in the form of fluffy panicles grow very high. At the beginning of flowering panicles have White color, and as they ripen they gradually turn pink from the base until they completely turn bright pink. Single bushes will look great near the house. They can also be used to form a luxurious hedge.

Hydrangea paniculata DVP Pinky
  • Black and red elderberries have excellent decorative properties. They are unpretentious in care, practically do not get sick and tolerate not only the lack of bright light, but also harsh climatic conditions.

Red elderberry
  • Red and black currants. In the southern regions, these fruiting bushes will feel good only in the shade. Currants love moisture, so in strong sun they can simply die. In the middle zone, these shrubs are also best planted in shaded areas, but it is worth considering that the fruits will ripen later.

Red currant berries
  • Raspberries on a dark patch of garden will produce many large and fragrant berries. It can be placed between the house and the fence. And the place will not remain empty, and will be used practically.
  • Irga in nature grows under the forest canopy, so this shrub will feel great in the shady area of ​​the garden. And a seemingly useless place in the garden will turn into a productive berry conveyor belt.


The space in front of the house is often not used in any way due to the fact that most The sun doesn't reach there during the day. However, there are a number of vegetable crops that are worth growing in the front garden or near the fence on the street side. Help to implement the project:

  • Perennial onion varieties. Very practical option, because in addition to lush greenery, it has decorative properties. For example, chives have huge lilac caps that attract bees.
  • Beet. Tolerates shade quite well. The root vegetables will be small but sweet. But not everyone likes coarse, large beets.
  • Rhubarb. If you water it regularly, there will always be luxurious bushes of this plant along the fence.
  • Cheremsha. In early spring, people rush into the forest to collect young and very healthy wild garlic. If it grows well under trees, then it is quite possible to grow it on your site, where light-loving plants do not want to grow.
  • Borago. Borage grows best where there is little direct sunlight. You don’t need special care for her, she’s not afraid spring frosts, and is practically not susceptible to diseases and insect attacks. By planting it in front of your house, you can provide yourself with the necessary vitamins.

Borage borage
  • Greens and spices. Any greens you like will produce good harvest in the shadow. It is important to provide it with moisture and reserves can be made even for the winter.
  • Horseradish. Spicy foliage is actively used by housewives for winter preparations. And it grows equally well both in the sun and in shady areas.

Perennials for the shade garden

It is among perennial plants most of all those who prefer areas protected from sunlight. Thanks to this diversity, you can create flower beds, flower beds, mixborders and place them in the shade, either from the street or from the side patio. Experienced gardeners especially love these plants:

  • Hosta grows best away from the sun. And with good soil moisture, its foliage will be simply magnificent, which, depending on the variety, can be monochromatic or variegated. The choice is great. Hostas combine well with other perennials and annuals.

Hosta in the flowerbed
  • Lily of the valley is a classic plant for shaded areas of the garden. Flowers in the shape of bells will especially please in early spring when they are especially decorative.

Silver lily of the valley
  • Astilbe japonica "Bonn" prefers moist soils. Flowers of bright carmine color are shaped like curls. Astilbe needs shade in the afternoon.

Astilbe Japanese variety"bonn"
  • Meadowsweet will fill the most seemingly lifeless areas with the aromas of summer. Flowers of the “Nana” variety delight the eye with deep pink tint. Meadowsweet prefers moist, well-drained soil.

  • Brunnera tolerates any degree of shade very well. It is worth considering that it grows very quickly. Therefore, it is better to plant it in places that require urgent and abundant landscaping.

Brunera sibirica
  • Ferns. You simply cannot do without this plant in a shady garden. It goes well with other types of plants. Prefers moist soil.

Popular biennials for shaded areas

If you don’t plan to admire the same picture all the time, but also don’t want to replant plants often, you can stick to biennial plants, which grow quite well without an abundance of sunlight.

Pansies are best suited for this purpose. U different varieties The flowers of this plant have bright, rich shades. If you sow several varieties at once, you can achieve their flowering throughout the warm season.

Pansy (violet tricolor)

An entire carpet can be created from delicate forget-me-nots. They disperse on their own and grow well without sunlight. And the flowers of a blue hue are pleasantly pleasing to the eye.

Beautiful carpet of forget-me-nots

Foxglove thrives in the shade of a fence, house or trees. But it will delight you with its decorative effect only if agrotechnical rules are observed.

Foxglove (digitalis)

What annuals to plant in the shade

Among annual plants There are not many representatives who can tolerate the lack of sunlight. For this purpose you can use:

  • Balsam. It will grow well in partial shade. In the complete absence of sun, flowers will not please you.

  • Fragrant tobacco is a luxurious plant that best reveals all its decorative properties in diffused light. It can be placed between young trees.
  • Begonia everblooming looks beautiful in shaded flower beds and in single plantings.

On a note

Before choosing plants for the shady area of ​​the garden, the corner of the house or the line along a blind fence, you need to assess the degree of illumination of the area using the following indicators:

  1. Penumbra - a place where the sun's rays fall in the morning or evening and illuminate the area for only 4 - 6 hours
  2. Shade – areas illuminated from 1 to 4 hours, or receiving diffuse sunlight
  3. Deep shadow is a place where sunlight penetrates for only 1 hour, or does not reach it at all.

Having decided on the level of illumination of the area, you can begin to study plants that prefer to grow in the shade, or simply tolerate it well. In other words, the choice must be made between shade-loving and shade-tolerant representatives of the flora. A little patience, and even the most abandoned areas of the garden and a piece of the street in front of the house will become a real paradise!

Each of us knows from school that all plants really need sunlight for full growth and development. Without it, the process of photosynthesis, and therefore plant life, is impossible. Therefore on summer cottages and gardens, many try to choose the brightest and well-lit places for plants. That's what they recommend experienced gardeners and gardeners.

But what to do with such areas that are in the shade of trees or behind a fence? Everyone has a piece of land where almost no sunlight reaches. And our summer residents usually try to use the land as much as possible. And many of them are sure that it is useless to plant anything in the shade; nothing will grow anyway.

It turns out that some vegetable crops and shrubs do quite well in the shade. And even with a lack of sunlight they can produce excellent harvests.

It is imperative to take into account climatic conditions. After all, a plant in the shade in hot regions will grow much better than in the shade in cool areas. In the south you can grow pumpkin and melon crops in such areas, but in the north you can only grow various greens. Let's look at the options for plants that can be grown in partial shade in middle lane.

Vegetables growing in the shade


Rhubarb is a versatile plant that can be used to make soups, salads, jams and various desserts. It is also used for canning. Rhubarb bushes grow well in partial shade and partial shade. It is important not to forget about regular watering. Propagated by seeds and root shoots. With the seed propagation method, rhubarb will gain the required strength for a couple of years. And when planting part of the rhizome, the plant will take root quite quickly and produce juicy fruits.


Numerous types of salads (lettuce, spinach, sorrel, mustard, arugula), growing in the shade, for a long time remain tender, do not become bitter, and the leaves do not become rough. Such a planting location can only affect the size of the leaves; otherwise, the salad remains of high quality and healthy.


Wild garlic grows in nature in dense shade, under large tree crowns, and deep in the forest. For her, the shadow is her favorite and favorable place. Wild garlic leaves are considered medicinal, they contain a large amount of vitamins and useful substances. In small quantities, wild garlic leaves are added to salads. To taste, the plant combines onion and garlic.

Borago - borage

Borago is unusual plant, the leaves of which have taste and smell fresh cucumber. They can be added to spring salads. The plant is rich in vitamins and requires almost no care. It grows easily in the shade, is frost-resistant and is not afraid of pests.


Garlic grown in the shade of trees or between tall bushes will grow slightly smaller than usual, but taste qualities it won't have any effect. The garlic greens will be softer and more tender. It can be added to salads as a spicy addition.

Greens and herbs

Spices and various herbs are those plants that are not afraid of twilight. Parsley and mint, celery and thyme, lemon balm and cilantro and many other plants will not lose their bright aroma and lush green color from growing in the shade. The only exception is basil. Such conditions are absolutely not suitable for him.

If the bed with greenery is located under the crowns fruit trees, then do not forget to cover it with film when spraying trees with toxic drugs.


Beets are a very healthy and irreplaceable vegetable. Some housewives prefer its small root vegetables. They cook faster and have a more delicate taste. Growing beets in the shade is just right for such housewives. She won't grow up big size, but will retain the usual taste. Parsnips and root parsley will also do well in areas with minimal sunlight.

Beans and bush beans

Among beans and legumes, you can find varieties that prefer to grow in the shade, although many of their counterparts need constant sunlight. The tops of these plants are excellent organic fertilizer, which can enrich and improve the soil. Therefore, these crops are often planted in the shade of apple trees, and after harvesting the tops are left in tree trunk circles trees.


Horseradish is shade-loving plant. It is so unpretentious that it can grow in the most remote and darkened area. The place where horseradish is planted will not affect the yield of its leaves, which are indispensable for pickling vegetables.

Many berry bushes tolerate shade very well. Honeysuckle, viburnum, chokeberry, even in the shade, give a generous harvest. They can be planted in the darkest area, but there will be a huge amount of berries.

Rose hip

TO shade-loving shrubs Rosehip also applies. First, its fragrant flowers will attract a huge number of bees and bumblebees to the pollinating site and fill the air with a fragrant aroma. And when autumn comes, supplement your supplies with fiery red berries. Rose hips are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.


A dark and poorly lit area along a high hedge or strong fence is perfect place for planting raspberry bushes. Being in the shade, they will not lose their moisture and juiciness and will grow large.


Red and black currants usually grow well in well-moistened and even marshy soils. sunlight and the southern climate is not suitable for these shrubs. But the combination of a southern climate and a shady area is perfect option. Lack of sunshine and wet soil- This good conditions for a bountiful berry harvest.

Shadow areas for these berry bushes in the middle zone will only affect the timing of ripening. Lack of heat and light will push the harvest to a slightly later date.

Don't be afraid to experiment with growing crops in shaded areas. Perhaps not everything will work out on the first try - this is not a reason to give up. Be persistent and patient and you will definitely receive positive result. Use every piece of land on your site to its greatest benefit.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably well lying on the ground, but this experience should not be repeated in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, garter. My neighbors use all sorts of stakes, tie-downs, loops, ready-made plant supports and mesh fencing. Each method of fixing a plant in vertical position has its merits and " side effects" I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises and what comes out of it.

Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and vectors infectious diseases, dangerous for both people and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant insects. In this article we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly repellents and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of products to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and at no extra cost.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub produces luxuriously fragrant flowers from June to September. Florists readily use large inflorescences for wedding decorations and bouquets. To admire the beauty flowering bush hydrangeas in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. We will explain why this happens in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects appearance and plant yield, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberry, as we used to call it, is one of the early aromatic berries that summer generously gifts us with. How happy we are about this harvest! In order for the “berry boom” to repeat every year, we need to take care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in the spring and berries in the summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory appetizer for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds They have been pickling since time immemorial, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming. According to my recipe, you can simply prepare pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and by the evening the spicy appetizer will be ready. Watermelon marinated with spices and chili can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of safety - when chilled, this snack is simply licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest one - the blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Blushing stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although a very large, but also strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick chickpea soup with vegetables and egg is a simple recipe for a hearty first course, inspired by oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and other countries South-East Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your taste. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in clarified butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but it tastes similar.

Plum - well, who isn’t familiar with it?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, it’s surprising excellent harvests, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge selection of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, in some places it feels better, in others it feels worse, but almost no summer resident gives up the pleasure of growing it on his plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle zone, but also in the Urals and Siberia.

Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, they suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period suffer from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from the snow. In this article we will tell you about a unique preparation for protecting plants from sunburn and drought - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Every vegetable has its time,” and every plant has its optimal time for landing. Anyone who has dealt with planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in the spring the plants have not yet begun to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop such that planting has to be carried out in the midst of summer.

Chili con carne translated from Spanish- chili with meat. This is a Texas and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and shredded beef. In addition to the main products there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, scalding, very filling and amazingly tasty! You can make a big pot, put it in containers and freeze - you'll have a delicious dinner for a whole week.

Cucumber is one of my favorites garden crops our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is little secret, which will significantly increase their productivity. We are talking about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell you in the article. An important point agricultural technology of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants There are many beautiful flowering species. They are in the summer when they get the most bright lighting and optimal daylight hours, they can outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops also look like living bouquets.