home · Measurements · How to replant a large blue spruce. Spruce-How to transplant a spruce from the forest. Health is in the needles

How to replant a large blue spruce. Spruce-How to transplant a spruce from the forest. Health is in the needles

Are the pride of anyone personal plot, especially their beauty stands out clearly against the background winter snow. Almost every gardener would like to have a green beauty on his territory that would delight others with a neat decorative look. How to plant a spruce on the site so that it takes root successfully and delights everyone with its beauty for a long time? There are a few worth knowing important rules planting and growing that require a special approach; In any case, caring for Christmas trees, which can even be called elite, is always interesting and brings a lot of joy.

Proper seedling preparation

Spruce, the care of which has a number of specific features, has a tap root that grows deeper during 10-15 years of life. Over time, it dies, causing increased growth of lateral roots in width. Based on this principle, in order not to damage its root system when digging up a tree, you should choose for planting young plant small in size, which is easier to dig and easier to transport. How to plant a spruce on the site? What subtleties do you need to know in caring for a coniferous tree?

It is worth remembering that a coniferous tree is dug up with a solid lump of earth, which can be wrapped in burlap. By the way, maintaining a clod of earth on the roots of a plant is important factor its future development, because symbiont fungi live on the roots, facilitating the optimal absorption of beneficial microelements from the soil by the tree. The roots of the spruce must be active, that is, have white tips. Bare ones can be compared to an open wound: the longer they remain open, the less chance the plant has of survival.

Subtleties of spruce planting

The price of which is considerable (from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the age of the tree), and is sold in nurseries; When purchasing it, you should take into account the above tips, then the guarantee of tree survival will be quite high. You can, of course, try to grow coniferous beauty from seeds yourself, but this is such a difficult and painstaking process, stretching over more than one year, that it will be easier to take advantage of the fruits of someone else’s labor and buy a ready-made seedling.

Planting spruce on garden plot It is recommended to produce in late April - early May (the period when the buds are still dormant, the earth is warm, but not too hot); This is exactly the moment when the tree will receive the least stress, which is replanting for it.

Preparing the planting hole

How to plant a spruce on the site? The hole for planting should be prepared in advance, at least a couple of weeks in advance. For a large specimen, its diameter is usually 1 meter and its depth is 60-70 cm. Optimal for planting will be soil from the site planned for this purpose, mixed in half with soil from the place where the Christmas tree grew before transplanting. The hole should be filled with a mixture of humus and compost, it is also recommended to add pine needles here, and put drainage at the bottom (15-centimeter layer of broken bricks). Some gardeners, with the best of intentions, add mineral fertilizers, but it is better to use them in the spring, when it really becomes clear that the spruce has matured and become stronger.

If you plan to plant several trees, then the distance between them should not be less than 2-2.5 meters.

Landing process: description

A consistent description of how to plant a spruce on a site, correctly and in accordance with all its features:

Watering rules

Spruce on summer cottage It should be watered very well: the first time when planting, then regularly 1-2 times a week. Watering is carried out at the root until the soil stops absorbing moisture. After each moistening, it is recommended to loosen or mulch the soil. Do not use sprinklers; their action can provoke the shedding of needles even in an adult, long-rooted plant. In the winter-spring period, watering is not necessary for the planted spruce; natural precipitation is sufficient for its growth. The first sign of a living seedling is the appearance of new growth. Eg, annual growth blue spruce is 10-30 cm.

The best survival rate of the plant will be determined by its shading in the summer, which can be organized using the most basic gauze canopy.

It is not recommended to plant Christmas trees near other plants, because the roots gradually growing to the sides will begin to take moisture from other representatives of the flora. It is also not recommended to plant spruce near the house, because it is characterized by poor resistance to winds and at one unfavorable moment it can simply fall on the house.

Pruning and shaping the tree crown

Blue spruce, the price of which is relatively high in nurseries, requires quality care behind the crown. In spring and autumn, the tree needs to be rid of diseased, dry and broken branches. When growing spruce for decorative purposes, you can start shaping its crown by cutting branches by 10-15 cm. The first trimming is done in the year the tree is planted, subsequent ones - with a break of 2-3 years.

Spruce trees planted along roads or at the border of a site look very beautiful and neat. By closing the house from prying eyes, they enliven the area with their pine needles. Many people try to grow spruce at home in a pot, but this is wrong: the plant requires natural conditions with winter frosts and warm sun. The survival rate of spruce during planting is relatively low, but when positive result conifer tree will deliver to both its owners and their guests.

Spruces enliven a garden or estate all year round thanks to the non-falling needles. Prices for these plants in nurseries and garden centers consistently high. Wild spruce trees that grow in the forest will help decorate the area. In this article you can learn how to properly transplant a spruce tree from the forest to your site.

Before running into the forest with a shovel, a gardener needs to acquire a little knowledge about the characteristics of wild spruce trees:

Slow growth in the first five years of life. In the forest, plants grow from seeds sown with big trees. The age of a spruce tree with a height of 50 cm is 3-4 years.

In a couple of years, such a small Christmas tree will begin to rapidly increase its green mass and will surpass mature spruce, which is still recovering from the stress caused by the change in environment.

Annual growth after 5 years of life at good care is 50 cm.

You should not plant large trees for other reasons:

  • Difficulty with transportation
  • Survival rate within a year
  • Labor intensity when digging

Height in adulthood is up to 50 meters. This fact must be taken into account when planning plantings. It will be excruciatingly painful in a few years to cut down a beauty that is too close to the wires or is disturbing a neighbor.

Time flies quickly and those 10-15 years that seemed like an endless future have already arrived, and the tree has grown as nature should have it.

Aggressiveness of the plant. This feature of wild spruce is not self-seeding and filling the territory. Nature and harsh conditions have made spruce trees hardy plants.

The acidity of the soil around the spruce increases due to large quantity pine needles that fall around the tree every year. With such conditions, coupled with the shade that the spruce provides, few plants survive.

Lifespan up to one hundred years or more. This feature of spruce trees requires careful planning of the planting site.

Familiarization with the characteristics of the plant will help the gardener correctly use spruce trees to decorate the site.

Role in the garden

Spruce is used in the garden:

As a tapeworm. It can be planted in the far corner of the garden and placed next to a bench to enjoy the pine aroma.

The Christmas tree also looks beautiful on the lawn.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

Probably every gardener would like to plant something original on their plot. Moreover, plant it not for a season, but so that the new green pet settles into its place and pleases the eye for many years. This also applies to all kinds of spruce. This coniferous beauty can not often be found on plots - people do not dare to plant it due to small plot, where it will look strange, perhaps due to superstition. However, those who have already done this assure that the spruce planting was the right decision. For those who have doubts or are seriously considering acquiring a thorny and fragrant tree on their acres, we will tell you a way to securely plant them.

Simplicity and beauty (video)

In fact, planting a Christmas tree on your property is hardly more difficult than any other tree. It is only important to follow the rules and do everything with love, then the result will come. Not only will the spruce grow into a real beauty with proper care, but also with its aroma it will cleanse the air of toxins and microbes, making your stay at your dacha even more pleasant. This will especially please those who love to walk through forests, but do not have the opportunity to get out there often.

Christmas tree under the snow in winter. So what do you think? At least for this alone it is worth planting this green joy on the site

For this method we need a two-year-old Christmas tree seedling, organic fertilizers, dry as mulch, sand as drainage material, stake and rope. There is no point in mentioning a shovel and a watering can - this should be the default.

Landing method

So let's get started:

  1. First you need to find a two-year-old Christmas tree seedling. The easiest way is where the business is on a grand scale and the reputation is impeccable. Typically, large nurseries with many years of experience are a reliable place to buy. If you do not want to spend money on a seedling, but among your friends or acquaintances there are gardeners or foresters, ask them for help - they will tell you where it is best to look for and dig up the tree of interest. And the forester will also dig it up himself, following all the rules.

Fortunately, the spruce is quite unpretentious plant, and in our latitudes you can grow both regular spruce and Canadian, blue and others.

  1. When purchasing or digging up a seedling, it must have a clod of earth. A plant with a root system in a container is just what you need. If the roots are freed from the soil, check them - white tips indicate that everything is in order with the plant.
  2. End of April – beginning of May – best time spruce for planting. At this time, its buds are still in a dormant state, and the tree will tolerate the transplantation process much easier. Spruce trees are also often planted in late August - early September, when their roots are actively growing.

There is an opinion that blue spruce It is better to plant in winter for the best adaptation of its root system to a new place, however, the time given in this article is suitable for transplanting any type of spruce, be it blue, Canadian or some other.

  1. The hole for planting the seedling needs to be prepared another two weeks. For a two-year-old seedling, it is usually a meter deep and 60-70 cm in diameter. A mixture of compost and humus along with bone meal and pine needles should be poured into the hole. Mineral fertilizers many gardeners recommend applying in the spring, when the tree is already well rooted.
  2. Place the seedling on top of the fertile soil poured into the hole. The root ball should fit freely in the hole. It is recommended to carefully straighten the roots before filling the soil. Before backfilling, the tree is raised a little and the hole begins to be filled with earth. It is important to compact the soil well so that when it settles and compacts, the seedling does not settle with it. The root collar of the seedling should always be located at ground level.
  3. After the Christmas tree is planted, it is recommended to dig a peg next to it and tie the plant to it. You need to create an earthen ridge around the seedling and fill the internal space with sawdust. The tree needs to be watered well - this is done not only to quench the thirst of the plant, but also to get rid of air cavities in the ground after planting.

Although a planted Christmas tree requires a lot of moisture, you should not overdo it - if the soil is clayey, it should be mixed with sand or simply drained from sand so that water does not stagnate in the roots.

How to water and care

If in the first weeks after planting the spruce needs abundant watering, then in winter the situation is different - Mother Nature will do everything for you. In summer, the Christmas tree needs to be watered like any other plant, especially in hot, dry weather.

The height of the tree can be limited according to your wishes. This is done due to the impact on its top. The upper shoots are twisted as they emerge, and the entire supply of nutrients is distributed throughout the remaining crown. This way the Christmas tree will be slender and fluffy and will stop shedding needles from the lower branches.

Just like other conifers, spruce can be pruned at your discretion if you want to achieve an unusual shape

Subtleties of transplantation

If you want to shade some part of the site, you are unlikely to find anything better than spruce

There are some interesting points, which should be taken into account when planting a Christmas tree on your site:

If the spruce is small and decorative, it can be planted not far from the house. But if we are talking about common spruce, then you need to remember about its superficial root system, which will take moisture from other plants. It is better to plant such a tree outside the site. However, if you want to see the Christmas tree closer to the house, you will have to trim its roots every year;

If you want to increase the chance of a tree surviving, then when digging it up in the forest, orient yourself to the cardinal points and plant the spruce on your site in accordance with them.

One way to get a Christmas tree on your site is to dig it up in the forest, the main thing is to do it carefully

Landing place

Before choosing a planting site, discuss this issue with your neighbors. The spruce will grow over time and should be kept safe distance from the neighbor's house and not cause any inconvenience to anyone.

Try to place the spruce away from the house, unless of course it is low-growing variety, performing decorative tasks on the site. An ordinary Christmas tree is a solid tree; it grows in its place for up to 250-300 years and can grow up to 20 meters in height. Considering that this tree is one of the windfall trees, largely due to its shallow root system, the planting site should be chosen no closer than twenty meters from the house.

The coniferous beauty loves illuminated places, so open space, fully illuminated by the sun, it will show itself in all its glory. However, this can play a cruel joke on other plants that may fall into its shadow. Therefore, when choosing a location, pay close attention to such little things as the direction of the sun and the location of the tree relative to other fruit and vegetable crops.

Canadian spruce

Your actions and efforts will determine how quickly and well the seedling will take root Location on. But quality is also important planting material, and climatic conditions and how fertile the soil is (it should be slightly acidic or have a neutral reaction) at the planting site. If all conditions are met, a new green resident will appear on your site, who will delight you with its pine needles and pleasant forest aroma for many years.

Very soon the smell of tangerines will appear in all houses, and bright lights will light up on the streets. The country is preparing for its most beloved holiday. And his most favorite attribute, of course, Christmas tree. The former popularity of artificial beauties is now on the decline. It’s much better to feel the real aroma of pine needles at home. It will be even more interesting to grow the tree yourself, and then transplant it into a pot and put it at home for the holiday. It's complicated? Not at all! Spruce is an unpretentious plant. It does not require special care. And we will tell you in detail about how to transplant a Christmas tree into a pot yourself.

If you live in a private house, most likely you have a small land plot with plantings. Is it possible to grow spruce on it yourself? It is possible, but the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • the tree has a very developed root system. Soon after planting, its roots may grow throughout the entire territory of the site, which will have a detrimental effect on other green spaces;
  • If you want the spruce to still grow on the site, you can mechanically slightly reduce its growth level. To do this, you need to make a concrete fence around the tree and dig it into the ground. Thus, the active activity of the root system will be blocked;
  • The rapid growth of the green beauty can also be reduced by periodically pruning its branches and crown.

If you decide to transplant the tree to a new location, you must follow the recommendations presented below.

Choosing the right time of year for transplantation

When can you “move” your Christmas tree? It is not recommended to postpone this grandiose event for the tree until the New Year. In this case, there is a great risk that our beauty will simply freeze and will not be able to adapt to new conditions.

What time of year is most suitable for changing the “place of residence” of spruce? An important factor influencing the success of replanting is the condition of the soil. The soil should be sufficiently warm and moist. That's why optimal options are autumn and spring periods. It is best if the work is carried out during the rainy season.

Is it possible to “move” a Christmas tree in the summer heat? Experts do not prohibit work at this time of year. But it is worth observing the following nuances:

  • It is not recommended to dig up a spruce during periods of extreme heat;
  • the optimal period of time is after lunch, towards evening;
  • when digging up a forest beauty, you should also dig out a significant lump of earth. This is done in order not to disrupt the integrity of the root system of our tree;
  • To make rooting in a new place easier, you can purchase a special solution of Kornevin liquid. With him, the process of adaptation to the new “home” will be painless.

What trees can be replanted?

If you decide to change your green beauty’s place of residence, first make sure whether she can be disturbed. Not all trees tolerate the replanting process well. Therefore, before you start work, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements:

  • if you want the Christmas tree to survive after “moving”, do not start it until it reaches half a meter in height. Such conifers have a fairly high chance of taking root;
  • It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the spruce root system. Its location is horizontal. If the roots were mechanically damaged during housekeeping work on the site, there is a high probability that the Christmas tree will not be able to adapt to new conditions.

Small tricks of experts

How to replant a Christmas tree without harming it? To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the following recommendations from knowledgeable people.

  • Root system care. The main thing in the transplantation process is to achieve an almost ideal and undamaged state of the roots. This is quite difficult to do, because... they grow horizontally. To minimize the risk of damage, experts advise following the digging rules:
  • We note the side of growth. When carrying out work, it is very important to observe the following factor: you can replant the Christmas tree on the same side (shady, sunny) on which it grew before. To determine this, you need to know which side of the trunk the south side is on. After identification, a small notch must be made on the trunk. At a new location, landing should be carried out strictly in the marked direction. That is, if our green beauty previously grew in the shade, we should transplant the tree to the shady side.

Soil requirements

In addition to correctly performing the actions of transporting and digging up the Christmas tree, you should also pay attention to the composition and quality of the soil. Only with comprehensive compliance with all measures can a guaranteed positive result be achieved.

Step-by-step instructions for “moving”

So, how do you replant the green beauty yourself? For this it is worth considering step by step process all work:

  1. preparatory work. Calculation of the radius of the root system. Trimming the branches and top of the Christmas tree;
  2. soil preparation;
  3. preparation of materials and tools necessary for work;
  4. the process of digging up a Christmas tree and freeing the root system;
  5. the tree and roots are carefully wrapped in a fabric bag;
  6. carefully secure the bag to the trunk so that it does not fall off;
  7. prepare a hole for planting. If planting is done on a garden plot, the depth of the hole should be at least half a meter;
  8. set the location of the south side. Our Christmas tree should be planted on the south side;
  9. Carefully lower the spruce into the hole. Fabric bag there is no need to remove it, just slightly loosen the tied ends. This way the small roots will not be damaged;
  10. place the fluffy beauty vertically and carefully sprinkle with prepared soil;
  11. Gradually fill the hole with soil, carefully compacting and watering it.

The move of our Christmas tree is complete. Now all that remains is to wait until she finally takes root in her new place and begins to delight you with her appearance.

What's next?

Don’t think that after the tree “moves” to a new place, the work is completed. Now comes the difficult and also very important part - getting used to and adapting. To make them easier, you need daily care for the forest beauty. What needs to be done for this?

  • Use fertilizers.
  • Provide abundant watering.
  • Remove weeds from the site in a timely manner.
  • Monitor the condition of the soil.
  • To ensure painless adaptation of the root system, water the soil special solution"Kornevin".
  • After planting, use Aquadon solution for additional watering.
  • Monitor the condition of the tree. If the slightest signs of wilting appear, try to add nutrients to the soil and replace the soil with a more familiar one.

Replanting spruce is enough difficult task. However, if you follow all the recommendations and rules, it will be completely painless.

Coniferous trees are one of the most popular plants for beautifying gardens and adjacent areas, because they look luxurious at any time of the year and have a very presentable appearance. Very often, gardeners wonder whether it is possible to plant a spruce brought from the forest on their site. In fact, if you correctly approach its extraction from the ground along with the earthen clod, and then correctly transport it to the planting site, then the success of survival will be quite high.

The most suitable time to transplant a forest beauty is early spring or autumn. During these periods, all plants are still in a state of vegetative dormancy, and therefore more easily tolerate adaptation and acclimatization in a new growing location. Carrying out additional procedures to prepare the spruce for planting will be an excellent contribution to the development of the tree and its speedy rooting.

Popular types of spruce trees for growing in the garden

The most common species used for landscaping city parks and public gardens, ornamental gardening on individual plots and in landscape design is the common spruce. This coniferous plant It is characterized by high frost and drought resistance, can easily tolerate shade and is not demanding on the composition of the soil.

However, you need to understand that uniform illumination of the tree from all sides will allow you to grow a spruce with a full crown, while when a certain part of the crop is shaded, the branches are deformed - they stretch towards the sun.

Out of variety decorative varieties and species, many prefer the Blue Conic - this is a miniature form of the Canadian Christmas tree. Its needles have a bluish tint; the height of the tree varies from one to three meters. Natural habitat is the mountains of Canada. This is the variety I loved landscape designers for its compactness and ability to join the majority floral compositions, such as alpine coaster and group plantings of conifers. The crown of an adult plant takes the shape of a cone, generously decorated with elongated cones.

Despite the high popularity of growing evergreen beauties in dachas and courtyards, to this day, indigenous residents of villages and many private sectors are confident that planting a spruce near their home is Bad sign. Some say that the tree will lead to loneliness, others think that it brings quick death.

Since all signs, as a rule, come from the distant past, cultural experts find the reason for such a negative attitude towards Christmas trees is the fact that in Rus' houses were often built from wood, and a lonely spruce planted near a building attracted lightning and could well have caused the building to catch fire or a fire in the entire village.

Selecting and arranging a site for planting forest spruce

The common spruce, which can easily be found in the forest and transferred to your site, has quite impressive dimensions - its height reaches 10 meters, the crown grows up to 5 meters in diameter. Based on this, you should carefully consider the choice of landing site.

The best option would be an open, well-lit area, away from fruit trees and shrubs, which obviously will not like the proximity of a forest tree - spruce seriously depletes the soil in the process of its development, and crumbling needles acidify the soil. Considering the growth of the plant, it is important to pay attention to ensure that no electrical wires or cables pass over the intended planting site. It is advisable to maintain a distance of at least 15 meters from the house and other buildings.

As for the soil, gardeners who have experience in transplanting spruce from a forest zone to a cultivated area recommend filling landing pit take several buckets of earth from the area where the tree will be dug up. It can be further fertilized wood ash and well-rotted compost.

At the site chosen for planting, you need to dig a planting hole in advance, with a depth and width of 25–30 centimeters greater than the size of the expected earthen lump that envelops the spruce rhizome. The first 2-3 cm layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom - expanded clay or broken brick. It should be covered with fertile soil, fertilized with ash and humus - this layer should be about 5 cm thick.

The hole prepared in this way should be infused for at least 10 days so that the soil has time to become saturated nutrients and microelements fertilizers and settle.

Rules for removing a tree from the ground - preparation and guidance

  1. 1. The best period for replanting spruce is early spring or early autumn. You need to choose a seedling that does not exceed 1 meter in height - taller plants have a more developed root system, and digging them up without serious damage to the rhizome is very problematic.
  2. 2. The Christmas tree must be healthy in appearance - without mechanical breakages of the branches, with evenly colored needles and no signs of fungus on the trunk.

Step by step guide to extraction spruce tree from the ground:

  1. 1. The spruce on which the gardener has chosen must be carefully dug around the perimeter of the crown; root shoots extending beyond the boundaries of the earthen ball will have to be cut off with a sharply sharpened knife. work surface shovels.
  2. 2. Gradually shaking the tree from side to side, you need to pry the rhizome with a pitchfork and lift it up, placing the spruce on a pre-layed sheet of plywood. If the transportation distance is short, it will be convenient to use a garden cart.
  3. 3. The earthen lump removed from the growing site must be carefully wrapped in cotton cloth and tied with a rope so that it does not scatter along the road.

When removing a Christmas tree from the ground, it is important to somehow mark the southern side of its trunk in order to later plant it in a new place in the same direction - this will significantly speed up the plant’s adaptation and increase its chances of survival.

Procedure - how to transplant a spruce tree?

When planting spruce, the cloth with which the earthen ball was wrapped can not be removed, but simply untied so that it covers the bottom of the hole and additionally retains moisture at the roots. Leave the fabric at the landing site only if it has been used natural material, capable of quickly decomposing and turning into humus.

The young tree is installed so that the designated south side of the trunk is directed south. Left empty after placing the seedling on the bottom, the volume of the planting hole is filled with previously prepared soil taken from the forest. Around the plant, slightly in diameter larger size crowns, a circle is created, which is abundantly watered room temperature. After the soil has settled a little, the missing amount of soil must be added, and the tree trunk area should be mulched with sawdust or dry leaves.

Growing seedlings from forest Christmas tree seeds

Propagating Christmas trees by seeds is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process. It is necessary to prepare seeds from ripened but not yet opened cones of a healthy adult tree. To do this, the cones need to be thoroughly dried, and after they open, collect the fresh seeds that spill out of them.

Preparation of planting material necessarily includes seed stratification, that is, cold treatment. The best option will place them in a container with dry river sand and put them in the refrigerator for a month. You can add a little peat.

After 4 weeks, place the container in a warm, well-lit place in the apartment and water it abundantly before the first shoots sprout. The most successful time for germination is February - March - the period of increasing daylight hours after the winter season.

As soon as the sprouts sprout, watering must be done more carefully so as not to break them with a stream of water and not to flood the roots. When the plants reach a height of 5-7 centimeters, they are carefully, together with a small lump of earth, transplanted into flower pots. At home, Christmas trees will grow for about a year, and only next spring they can be safely planted in the ground under a film to protect them from burns.

Principles of quality care - watering and fertilizing regime

Caring for a newly planted plant is the key to its successful rooting in a new place. The condition of the tree, especially in the first year after planting, must be carefully monitored, not forgetting to loosen and water on time. trunk circle. Mature tree prefers good lighting, but immediately after transplantation the Christmas tree needs shading using an awning or a created canopy.

You can plant ordinary spruce trees as single landings, and in a group, the main thing is to maintain a distance of 3 meters between the trees, because root system is located close to the soil surface and as it grows it can occupy a large area around the crop. Over time, plants planted nearby may collide with their roots, which will negatively affect their health. For the same reason, they are not planted near houses and buildings, so that the foundation does not subsequently become an obstacle to development.

In the first years after planting for the winter, it is recommended to mulch the tree trunk circle with sawdust or peat, and cover it with spruce branches on top. It is not necessary to insulate adult spruce trees; it is a fairly frost-resistant crop that tolerates cold well if there is at least a small layer of snow during the winter season.

It is worth watering a mature spruce only in the dry summer season; you can check the soil moisture like this: squeeze a handful of soil in your fist, and if the lump sticks together, then the soil is sufficiently moist, if it crumbles, watering is necessary. Ordinary spruce trees do not need fertilizing; pruning is needed more to preserve their decorative appearance. appearance– in spring and September, damaged and dried branches are cut from the crown.