home · Appliances · How to properly grow pomegranate at home. Indoor pomegranate: how to care. Houseplant pomegranate: cultivation, propagation. Watering and spraying

How to properly grow pomegranate at home. Indoor pomegranate: how to care. Houseplant pomegranate: cultivation, propagation. Watering and spraying

Growing various exotic plants at home exciting activity. Indoor gardening fans love to experiment. Having seen images of a beautifully flowering pomegranate bush, there is a desire to plant pomegranate seeds and grow the plant on your own windowsill.

You can grow a tree from a seed


By following simple instructions and knowing how to grow such a plant correctly, you can get a beautiful bush with oval green leaves, beautiful red flowers and edible fruits. Correct agricultural technology will allow you to get a positive result in such an experiment. You need to approach all stages of growing pomegranate from seed responsibly.

To make a pomegranate bush appear on the windowsill, you need:

  • select seeds and prepare them for sowing;
  • prepare the soil;
  • sow seeds;
  • Carefully care for the bush.

Seed selection

High-quality seed material will be the key successful cultivation strong and healthy pomegranate bush. If you use seeds from store-bought pomegranates, you need to remember that this hybrid varieties and the bush that grows from seed will not produce fruit with the same qualities as the mother fruit. But this will not prevent you from growing a pomegranate from a seed, which will delight you with a lush crown and high decorative qualities.

Seeds for planting are taken from a healthy, ripe fruit without damage. Pomegranate seeds should be:

  • hard;
  • ivory;
  • no mold or damage.

These characteristics affect the germination and future health of plants.

Seeds should be selected from a healthy large fruit

Seed preparation

The selected pomegranate seeds must be prepared before sowing in the soil so that they germinate well. To do this, the seeds are washed in clean water so that there is no pulp left on them. Clean seeds are dried on a towel for 24 hours.

It is recommended to treat already dried seeds for stimulation with Epin or another phytostimulant; for this, prepare a solution in accordance with the instructions.

A piece of cotton cloth or gauze is moistened with the solution, and the seeds are wrapped in it. Leave to swell for at least 10 hours. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out or become moldy.

Soil preparation

For sowing pomegranate seeds A universal soil mixture is suitable. You can add river sand to it in a 3:1 ratio. Pomegranate plant, not demanding on the soil, which should be:

  • moderately nutritious;
  • loose;
  • with a pH level of 5.5-7.

The soil for sowing pomegranate must be disinfected, as when planting any other plant. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Spill the soil weak solution magnesium permanganate.
  2. Roast in the oven at 90°C for 30-45 minutes.
  3. Pour boiling water over the soil.

After such treatment, the chances of young plants becoming infected with diseases and pests are significantly reduced.

The soil for pomegranate should be loose

Sowing seeds

For sowing, choose a container, it can be a small flower pot, plastic containers, balcony box. Before using the container, wash it thoroughly and rinse it with boiling water. The containers are filled with prepared soil and watered clean water. When the water is absorbed, sow the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and cover with film. Place in a warm, well-lit place. Shoots appear on average after 14 days, but sometimes it may take longer.

A few days after the sprouts appear, they begin to open the film slightly for a while. After a week, the film is completely removed. Make sure that the soil does not dry out and slightly moisten it. Pomegranate seedlings do not tolerate excess moisture well. If a lot of plants have sprouted, then they are thinned out, removing weak and low-quality ones.


Sprouted pomegranate seeds are only half the success; in order for young seedlings to turn into a pomegranate tree or bush, you will need to carefully care for it.


After 2-3 months, the seedlings will grow up and need to be planted in separate pots. For the first transplant you need to select flower pots with a volume of 2-2.5 liters. There is no need to plant indoor pomegranate seeds immediately in large containers, this may slow down their growth. And with a large volume of soil, the plant will devote all its strength to developing the root system, and aboveground part will develop poorly.

Pots are filled to 2-3 cm with drainage, suitable for this:

  • expanded clay;
  • small pebbles;
  • broken brick;
  • fragments of ceramic pots.

This will ensure good drainage and prevent buildup. excess moisture at the bottom of the pot.

The soil for growing pomegranate from seeds is universal. Fill the pot, make a hole in the middle and lightly moisten it. The young plant with an earthen lump is carefully transplanted.

The day after transplanting, pomegranates are watered with Kornevin to stimulate rapid rooting.

The following transplants are carried out as the plant grows in the same way, gradually increasing the volume of the pot. By the age of 5 years, you need to plant a pomegranate in a tub or pot with a volume of 10-20 liters.

Bush formation

For pomegranate to grow from seeds beautiful bush or a miniature tree, it must be formed by pinching and trimming branches. The first pinching is done a couple of months after germination. Pinch the top of the seedling so that it forms side branches. As they grow, the next pinching is carried out to form branches of the next order. In this way, you can form a lush crown of a tree or a beautiful branched bush. Pruning of homemade pomegranate is carried out in the spring before flowering or at any time if there is a need for pruning long branches. In an adult bush, you can trim the branches growing inwards, this will improve its shape and the plant will look neat and well-groomed.

Pomegranate branches bend easily and, by fixing them, you can create a bonsai-style tree with an intricate crown shape. It will look especially impressive during the flowering and fruiting period.

Conditions and watering

Pomegranate- heat-loving plant. For it you need to choose a well-lit place. IN southern regions a grown pomegranate tree can be planted in open ground. In cooler zones, it is practiced to keep the plant in the garden or on the balcony in the summer.

This crop grows well even in drought conditions, but for full growth and development it requires regular moderate watering. In the hot season, water twice a week. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. IN winter period When the air temperature drops, the plant enters a dormant period and can last about two months. At this point, watering is reduced and watered no more than once a week.


For full growth, flowering and fruiting, pomegranate, like other fruit plants, requires regular feeding, especially if it grows in a limited amount of soil at home.

Feeding is carried out from the beginning of March until November every two weeks. For this use:

  • mineral complex fertilizers;
  • organic fertilizers.

You can use one type of fertilizer or alternate. For fertilizing, you can select the optimal fertilizer for this purpose in specialized gardening stores.

This can be a mineral soluble fertilizer for citrus fruits or fruit plants. It will be able to fully satisfy the pomegranate’s need for nutrients. For adherents of organic farming, fertilizers based on humates are suitable. They are absolutely environmentally friendly and very nutritious.

At home, pomegranate may partially or completely shed its leaves, this indicates the onset of a dormant period. During this period, it is important to remember that there is no need to apply fertilizers. If the pomegranate seed does not have a dormant period in winter, the bushes are fed once a month, reducing the dosage recommended in the instructions by half.

Fertilizer for fruit plants is excellent for pomegranate


It is not always possible to protect plants from pests. Grenades can hit:

  • spider mite;
  • scale insect;

These pests deplete the plant and prevent it from fully developing, so immediate treatment may be required. To get rid of pests, use tobacco dust and garlic infusion.

  1. Tobacco dust when aphids or spider mite sprinkle leaves and lightly sprinkle soil. You can prepare an infusion, for this 2 tbsp. l. powder is added to 1 liter of water, left for 24 hours and sprayed on the bush.
  2. To combat scale insects, an infusion of garlic peels is prepared. Take 2-3 tbsp. l. husks are poured into 250 ml hot water and insist for at least a day. Pomegranate is sprayed with the prepared infusion.

If these remedies fail to control the pests, you can treat the plants with Actellik or Intavir. After treatment with insecticides, the room must be ventilated. The best option will spray outdoors.

Intavir - insecticide for pest control

Flowering and fruiting

Growing a pomegranate from a seed, caring for it, everyone looks forward to the moment of flowering and fruiting. The first flowering is possible after 2-3 years. Pomegranate blooms for a long time, from late spring to mid-summer. The bright red flowers are bell-shaped with protruding stamens; they give the bush a special decorative appearance.

With the appearance of the first flowers, you can achieve the first fruiting; for this you need to carry out pollination. Use cotton swab, which transfers pollen from the stamens of one flower to the queen of another.

It is good to pollinate two bushes between each other, then the percentage of formed ovary increases. To improve the effect, you can spray it with Ovary.

After successful pollination, within a few days the bush will be decorated with small pomegranates, which will ripen in mid-November. Fruits grown at home will not be the same size as in southern gardens, but their value is great. Small grenades will be confirmation proper cultivation and care.


By following all the recommendations for growing and caring for pomegranate seeds, you can get a wonderful result. Such a plant will decorate the windowsill, delight you with incredibly beautiful flowering and surprise your friends with the fact that pomegranates bear fruit from the seed. Positive experience of growing such unusual plant on the windowsill - this is a direct path to new experiments in breeding various exotics at home.

Amateur flower growers have long learned to grow at home many exotic plants that grow in nature only in certain areas. climatic zones. You can often find pineapple, lemon, figs and even peaches on windowsills. was no exception.

This is a dwarf variety bred through selection. Something worthwhile can bring a holiday atmosphere into your home just by appearance. After all, in a plant such as a pomegranate, flowers of purple hues adorn the crown for a very long time, and even when fruits begin to set and ripen in their place, the beauty of the tree will not fade.

Pomegranate - a favorite of gardeners

But it is popular not only because of its exoticism and almost year-round flowering, which adds zest to any interior, but also because of the very tasty fruits and the invaluable health benefits that both the bark and leaves provide.

Crown formation rules

The tree, grown at home, lends itself very well to molding, therefore it gives very large scope for realizing the fantasies of all lovers of the art of bonsai. To do this, homemade pomegranate needs to be trimmed from the very first year of life.

Regular “haircut” will make it possible to form a fairly lush crown, which has a large number of skeletal branches. This should be done in early February, then in early spring Young shoots will appear that will bloom and bear fruit. When forming, it should be taken into account that weak shoots must be completely removed, and the rest must be shortened by half.

Nuances of caring for dwarf pomegranate

A pomegranate grown in this way will produce flowers within 2-3 years of life, but you should still pay attention to caring for the plant. Although it is quite simple, it has its own subtleties:

  • The pot for the pomegranate tree should be narrow. This promotes more abundant fruiting.
  • Since in nature it grows on rocky slopes, even at home it is completely undemanding to soil fertility. Enough in equal parts mix leaf humus, river sand, peat and turf soil.
  • This plant needs abundant watering, but it should be taken into account that pomegranate does not tolerate waterlogged soils. Therefore, you need to water the plant well only when upper layer The earth has dried out enough. And in spring and summer, combine it with liquid feeding.
  • Only a young tree needs annual replanting, while an adult tree will need to be replanted only once every four years.
  • Since pomegranate is a deciduous crop, after the leaves fall off, it should be moved to a cool room for the entire dormant period. The latter can serve as a loggia, veranda or cellar.

For such a completely undemanding plant as pomegranate, care involves “walking”. With the onset of constant warmth, you can take it out into the garden or place it on the balcony.

What diseases can this tree have?

Although the dwarf pomegranate is unpretentious, growing it at home can contribute to the development of some diseases. The most common is the appearance of spider mites. You can get rid of it by periodically spraying the plant with an oil emulsion or garlic tincture. But when carrying out this procedure, you should carefully cover the ground with a film to avoid getting the product on it. The temperature of the solutions should be no higher than 30 degrees.

Severe yellowing and falling of leaves may also begin before the growing season is over. Most often, this disease is caused by whiteflies that feed on plant sap. When fighting it, only the Derris product can help, the treatment of which must be carried out several times.

Abundant flowering is the key to good fruiting

Properly grown pomegranate flowers at home have 2 types - male, which are the majority, and female, often collected in inflorescences. They are slightly different in shape, which makes the plant even more exotic, because at this time the entire tree is simply strewn with bright purple flowers with a large number of stamens. It is easy to care for and does not require additional pollination.

For those who want to have large quantity fruits, you need to know a little subtlety used in the growing process. It lies in the fact that the plant needs cool water, and during flowering the room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. To prevent the pomegranate from fattening up, growing a large amount of tops, and producing many male flowers, you need to take a pot that is narrow and small in size.

Many gardeners use another trick - reduce watering. But you should be careful with this and not overdo it. It is better to have not such a large number of ovaries than to allow the plant to die from thirst.

The unique properties of indoor pomegranate

It is not for nothing that many gardeners strive to grow pomegranates at home. This plant is not only very beautiful and decorative, but also has medicinal properties. In ancient times, it was considered a medicine that could cure 100 diseases. It helps with many ailments.

Fruit membranes are used to lower blood pressure and also as a sedative. It is also used as an excellent remedy for anemia, and is also recommended for people living in areas with high background radiation. For any inflammatory or cold diseases, pomegranate will help relieve painful sensations and quickly bring down the temperature.

IN folk cosmetology A paste made from mashed leaves has found widespread use. It helps get rid of pigmentation, reduces oily skin and strengthens hair. And in cooking they use not only the juice and grains of this plant, but also flowers.

Secrets of cultivation

When a pomegranate produces flowers in large quantities, but the formation of fruits is minimal, it is worth paying attention to the container in which it grows. You need, as already mentioned, narrow and small in size. Also, during the wintering period it is necessary to move the tree to a fairly cool room. Its branches, which are quite thin, may break under the weight of ripening fruits. To avoid this, you need to use supports.

And if the leaves are covered with brown spots and begin to fall off, it means that the soil of the tree is dry. Accordingly, the watering regime should be changed. But during the period when the fruits ripen, watering should be moderate to prevent cracking of the peel. The crown should be formed only before the beginning of the growing season, so as not to interfere with flowering.

In the case when the plant is grown not from cuttings, but from seeds, only grains with pulp should be taken. Dried seeds lose their ability to germinate well. Many experienced gardeners who have been growing dwarf pomegranates for a long time recommend soaking the grains overnight in a solution of stimulants or warm milk before planting. This exotic plant can only bring joy to your home, so don’t be afraid of those small difficulties that may arise.

pomegranate tree- a symbol of fertility and male power, but they love it not only for its symbolism. The fruits of the tree contain vitamins and essential amino acids; it is used to produce medicines and make tinctures. In addition, the ripe fruit is very tasty, aromatic and sweet.

At home, you can grow both an ordinary pomegranate tree, which can be transplanted into the garden, and a dwarf one with decorative fruits. In any case, the plant will bring gastronomic or aesthetic benefits, because in addition to the unforgettable taste of the berries, the tree has a spectacular appearance.

Features of growing pomegranate

Pomegranate is a heat-loving plant; it prefers moisture, peaty soil and good drainage. Growing a tree is not difficult if you follow the recommendations experienced gardeners. But you will have to be patient, because all shrubs and trees take a long time to grow and require careful care during their tender years. Special attention will be required for a tree planted in open ground. Before planting, you need to consider a winter insulation system. To do this, gardeners create trenches in which they plant trees. In their opinion, this is the easiest way to cover the plant and not damage its branches. The disadvantage of this method is that during heavy rainfall, the water in the recess will stagnate, and in the spring it may rise. groundwater, which will not add health to the tree.

  • A young pomegranate needs light. It is better to avoid the scorching sun, but you can indulge in rich sunbathing on the north window every day.
  • The growing temperature must be at least seventeen degrees. It is believed that pomegranate tolerates frost well, but may not produce fruit as a result of exposure to extreme temperatures.
  • In its homeland, the tree tolerates drought well, but when grown artificially, its immunity is weaker, which means it is better to avoid water starvation.
  • Drainage when growing in a pot must be good, otherwise there is a risk of root rot.
  • When planting in open ground, gardeners advise mulching the soil and applying mineral fertilizers.

Pomegranate can withstand frosts down to eighteen degrees. If the temperature drops below that, the tree will die. To prevent this outcome, you can grow the plant in a large tub and move it to a relatively warm place for the winter. But this method is more suitable for small shrub varieties. Achieve fruiting from pomegranate planted in open land, sometimes it is possible only by the fourth year. Gardeners note that even without fruits, growing a plant is worth it, because its flowers evoke the admiration of everyone around.

How to plant a pomegranate from a seed

Planting a tree from a seed is a very bold decision, because you have to take care of the fragile sprout for several years before it can begin to live in open ground. But for garden lovers this will not be a problem. Watching the growth of a mighty tree from seed to first fruit is very interesting: it can be turned into family entertainment. But before you plant a seed in the ground, you will have to take several important steps.

  1. Select seeds for planting. There are two options: buy a ripe pomegranate and plant its seeds, or buy special seeds. To realize the first, you need to find a truly ripe fruit. It should have a rich color and its seeds should not be green. Before planting, remove the pulp from the seeds. You can find seeds ready for planting at the market. It will be easier to grow them, since they are definitely taken out of a ripe pomegranate. It is important to remember that store-bought fruits are obtained from hybrids, which means that the plant that grows from them will not be able to produce the same fruits as the mother tree. Therefore, it is better to grow a certain type of pomegranate from a seed or buy cuttings.
  2. Find suitable land. Pomegranate is considered unpretentious to the soil, but the strength of its immunity depends precisely on the nutritional value of the substrate, so it is worth taking care of the soil at least at the germination stage. To plant seeds, you can purchase peat soil and fine drainage in the store. Some plant lovers claim that lemon soil, which can be bought in flower departments, is suitable for pomegranate.
  3. Select a container for planting. The first pot should have a small diameter and sufficient depth. The material of manufacture is not important, the main thing is that there are holes at the bottom for moisture to escape. Subsequent pots should be selected based on the size of the seedling.
  4. Planting a seed. The seeds of this plant have a high germination rate, but to be on the safe side, it is recommended to prepare 5-6 seeds for planting. Before placing them in the ground, place them in a shallow container and soak them in room temperature water. Instead of water, you can use epin or zircon. Leave planting material in this form for 12 hours. After this, they can be sown in the ground. The recommended sowing depth is from 0.5 millimeters to 1 centimeter. Cover the pot with film until the sprouts sprout. The first shoots will appear in a couple of weeks. If the sprouts are in no hurry to appear, do not be upset; some seeds germinate only after a month.

Caring for pomegranate seeds

While the pomegranate is small, the gardener’s task is to provide it with care and form the tree into the correct shape. To do this, you need to adhere to proven rules.

  • As soon as real leaves appear, the seedling needs to be picked. This will help form a strong tree and prevent it from stretching out too much. Picking is the plucking of the final part of the tap root.
  • After the seedling is decorated with three pairs of leaves, you can pinch it. This stimulates it to grow another crown and grow not as a twig, but as a bush.
  • To stimulate the first flowering in early age, you will have to provide the tree good lighting. You can determine whether a seedling has enough light by looking at it. The sun-happy plant has red bark, a dense crown and dark color leaves. Thin green branches and light leaves will indicate solar starvation.
  • Watering should be done regularly, without waiting for the soil to dry out. To avoid flooding the seedling, check the moisture by lifting the pot. If it is heavy, then the earthen lump is still wet. If the pot becomes light, it’s time to water the plant. Regular spraying won't hurt, but don't do it in bright, direct sunlight.
  • Every autumn the pomegranate sheds its leaves. To give the plant a rest, place it in a room where the temperature is about ten degrees. Wintering will end with the onset of the first warmth, and the plant will grow leaves and branches again.

Does pomegranate bear fruit from the seed?

A pomegranate grown from a seed bears fruit. It doesn't matter what type of tree you have if you create something for it good conditions, it will bloom and bear fruit. The quality of the fruit will depend on what the tree is grown from. If store-bought seeds are used, the gardener will most likely receive small sour fruits. Propagation by cuttings can produce sweet variety pomegranates. It is worth mentioning separately dwarf tree: It also bears miniature berries and you can eat them. During one flowering, the dwarf pomegranate will produce up to ten miniature berries.

The problem with pomegranate is the ripening of the fruit. At home they are harvested in October, sometimes later. In Russia, snow often falls by this time and the crop may freeze. Therefore, conditions will have to be created for a tree planted outside. If this is not possible, you can only rely on the mercy of the weather. Dwarf pomegranate will be able to ripen with sufficient lighting.

Growing plants is not easy: each seedling requires attention and care. To make your task easier, you can study the recommendations of experienced gardeners who have proven their effectiveness in their own experience. certain methods care

  • Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in water; seeds that are not moistened will crack and will not sprout.
  • The seeds removed from the fruit must be ripe. They must be cleared of pulp before soaking.
  • Place the pot with the seedling on the north window, but do not block it from the light. Pomegranate does not like burning direct sun, but needs good lighting.
  • Feed the plant mineral fertilizers, this will help him get stronger.
  • You can take grown seedlings outside directly in tubs, but the temperature outside must be at least seventeen degrees.
  • If there is not enough light in your house, supplement the plant with phytolamps. Lack of light can cause leaves to drop and discoloration.
  • Do not forget about evenly moistening the soil, but the water should not be allowed to stagnate.
  • All plants are prone to disease, so you need to be careful when choosing tools for caring for plants and not place newly purchased plants next to old-timers until the end of the quarantine of thirty days.

To avoid mistakes in care, gardeners recommend reading specialized forums where you can find an answer to any question and get help in case of tree disease.

Many southern plants that produce tasty fruits can be successfully grown indoors. These include those cultivated in subtropical and tropical areas. The dwarf tree will serve as a decoration for the house during flowering and will give unusually healthy fruits.

Growing fruit plants of southern origin requires special preparation. For many years, flower growers have been distributing Dwarf and Common Pomegranate different varieties. Domestic specimens take root well, delighting with fragrant delicate flowers and small fruits. Growing a plant will require patience and knowledge in this difficult process.

can be taken from purchased fresh fruit, which should be free of mold, rot, and no stains on the skin. The seeds removed from the fruit are thoroughly washed under warm running water, removing the pulp. To plant, you need to have hard, cream-colored seeds. They are immersed in a Zircon solution for twelve hours.

  • The soil for pomegranate seeds is prepared from a mixture of turf, leaf soil, humus, river sand, taken in equal quantities. Ready-made soil can be purchased at the store; the one recommended for roses is suitable. The soil must be steamed in the oven or poured with boiling water a week before planting to kill pathogenic bacteria and fungi. After this the earth should be saturated healthy air within five to six days.
  • The container is also disinfected using a low concentration potassium permanganate solution.
  • Pomegranate seeds are planted in a nutrient mixture of soil to a depth of at least one centimeter, covering the containers with film. Greenhouse effect will allow them to germinate quickly, and a room temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius will speed up the process.

    If pomegranate seeds fall into the ground in early November or March, then green shoots will appear in a week or two. The rest of the time, planting seeds will bring results only after two months, and sometimes they germinate after six months. The time spent preparing pomegranate seeds for sowing will not be wasted - the seedlings will quickly begin to grow in size.

    At the end of November or March, containers with green pomegranate seedlings are placed in a bright room, and when three leaves appear on them, they begin to be planted permanent place in an individual pot. It may not be too deep, since the root system of the pomegranate tree is close to the surface of the earth.

    Good drainage in containers is necessary - pour a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone on the bottom.

    The soil prepared for planting should consist of forty percent turf soil, 30% leaf soil, and the rest sand and peat. In order for the tree to grow lush, it is necessary to pinch the top above the third leaf during planting.

    Good quality is important for pomegranate seedlings. Seedlings planted in autumn will require additional lighting, otherwise they may be thin and elongated. Spring time planting seeds allows the young plant to get stronger, it can be placed on warm summer days Fresh air. In a year, the pomegranate will begin to bloom. This is a sign that the planting deadlines and rules have been met.

    Pomegranate is also propagated by cuttings, which are prepared either in February or July. This method is always successful if you follow some rules:

    • Cuttings are harvested from growth current year, their length must be at least ten centimeters. Material cut from root shoots is also suitable for planting.
    • Before planting, the branches are soaked for six hours in a solution of a growth stimulator, then washed under running water.
    • The prepared material is planted in coarse river sand to a depth of 2-3 centimeters, sprinkled with nutritious soil on top.
    • The container for the pomegranate should not be too large. and fruiting occurs better when the roots are closely intertwined in the pot.
    • Cover the top of the container with pomegranate with a jar, placing it in warm room with good lighting.
    • Watering is carried out regularly, making sure to ventilate the seedlings.
    • After a month, when the cuttings take root, it is necessary to add nutrient soil to the container.

    When propagated by cuttings, the maternal properties of the pomegranate are completely preserved, and in the second year it can already bloom.

    The pomegranate tree takes root well at home, without requiring special care:

    • The main requirement is good illumination of the place where the tree grows. This can be the window sill of the south, west, or east side of the house. IN winter time, cloudy weather lamps will need to be turned on daylighting, installation of powerful phytolamps.
    • The temperature in the room where the plant is located should always be high, not lower than 20 degrees. But excessive heat and stuffiness will lead to loss of leaves. On summer days, placing the pomegranate on the balcony or outside will help it get enough light and warmth. Then it is better to shade it from the bright sun.
    • The pomegranate tree needs sufficient air humidity. When the air is dry, the bushes are sprayed with cool water.
    • The drying of the top layer of soil in the pot is a signal for the plant. It is necessary to water frequently during and after the pomegranate blooms. In winter, when the flower is resting, you can reduce the number of waterings, but not until the soil dries out too much. The appearance of fruit requires caution in watering. Excessive moisture will cause pomegranate fruits to crack.
    • It is also necessary to feed the pomegranate; it is enough to do this twice a month. Before budding, nitrogen is needed in fertilizers. During the flowering period - phosphorus, and in the fall - fertilizing with potassium. Fertilizer is applied after watering, when the soil is sufficiently moistened.

    Its unpretentiousness allows it to be grown even by gardeners who do not like unnecessary troubles with indoor plants.

    It is advisable to replant a young pomegranate tree annually, selecting a container slightly larger in diameter by 3-4 centimeters than the previous one. When the plant is three years old, the procedure is performed once every three years. The most favorable time for transplantation is spring.

    The work of replanting and pruning will allow the pomegranate to bloom and bear fruit wildly.

    IN new pot pour drainage, sand, then soil that allows moisture and air to pass through well, adding it to the middle of the container. Then the carefully dug up bush is transferred to a new pot, adding soil. After transplantation, watering the plant is required.

    Pruning the crown of the tree has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of pomegranate. It begins during the period of bud formation - February. First remove dry branches without shoots and foliage. By removing part of the young branch above the outer bud, the grower stimulates the development of a lush crown. You should also not get carried away with pruning, as this will weaken the tree. Four to six skeletal branches should remain. Excess shoots can be removed in the summer, during the growing season. Pruning will help a large number of buds appear on developed annual shoots.

    Because of improper care the plant often suffers. Its leaves may turn yellow. This means that the air temperature is too high and there is not enough moisture in the soil. Falling leaves can also be a sign of insufficient watering. But this is a natural process after the growing season.

    The tree dries out when mold covers the top layer of soil in the container. In this case, the plant is urgently replanted, changing the soil to a new one. In this case, it is better to rinse the roots, removing the affected parts.

    All pests can be effectively controlled using chemicals type Aktellik, Aktara. It is not difficult to grow, but it requires constant attention.

    More information can be found in the video:

    Growing homemade pomegranate is the dream of many gardeners and flower growers. not only brings tasty and healthy fruits, it also performs a decorative function. Growing exotic crops at home is becoming increasingly fashionable. If you follow the basic rules of care, you can get a fruit-bearing tree that will live and bear fruit for decades.

    considered a subtropical plant. Under natural conditions, it can be found in warm countries. It grows well in India, the Caucasus, and China. Garnet loves light and warmth.

    Pomegranate trees are grown to produce fruits. It is of medium height, single-stemmed, with heavy, large fruits. The tree is not grown at home, so the pomegranate is turned into a bush by pinching and pruning. Pomegranate bushes are more decorative and easy to care for, and do not take up much space. Growing a pomegranate from a seed at home does not require much labor or skill, but the pomegranate must be kept in certain conditions in order for it to bear fruit.

    Features of the structure of indoor pomegranate:

    • Home decorative garnet, grown as a bush, reaches a height of no more than 1 meter.
    • Its fruits will not be too large, no more than 5 cm in diameter, but they are still edible and healthy.
    • The flowers of the pomegranate bush are also decorative, large and red.

    If you grow pomegranate at home, it is better not to expect a big harvest. At home, pomegranate does not bear fruit often. You can grow a single-barreled pomegranate in open ground, which will make it easier to care for. A healthy plant has dark green, smooth, even leaves.

    Pomegranate is accustomed to dry conditions, so it root system very well developed.

    It allows him to extract moisture from the very depths. Homemade pomegranate It also has a fairly powerful development, for this reason it has to be replanted often, all the time increasing the volume of the pot. All varieties of pomegranate have spines that are easy to break off. Young shoots have a reddish trunk color, which then turns gray and green as they grow.

    The pomegranate fruit is familiar to everyone. This is a red berry with a dense skin, inside of which there are juicy seeds separated by a thin white film. The weight of one such fruit can reach 500 g, but decorative varieties they are small. Pomegranate does not like cold, so the main task when growing it is to protect it from frost. When growing indoor pomegranate, this will not be difficult.

    Planting rules: seed preparation, soil containers

    Growing pomegranate at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The most popular way to propagate pomegranate is through seeds. To grow healthy plant, you need to carefully prepare the soil for planting and not neglect the basic rules for planting pomegranate seeds:

    • Only ripe red and burgundy fruits are selected for seeds. You need to carefully inspect them for damage, mold, and rotten spots.
    • The smoothest and largest seeds need to be freed from pulp and washed thoroughly. If any pulp remains on the seeds, they may become moldy and become unsuitable for planting.
    • In order for the seeds to hatch well, they need to be soaked in an epin solution. The solution is poured into a saucer so that the seeds are half in the water and left for 12 hours. It is very important that the seeds are not completely covered with water; oxygen is very important during hatching.
    • Pomegranate seeds are not stored for a long time; they need to be processed and planted almost immediately.
    • The same soil is suitable for planting pomegranates as for citrus fruits. It can be purchased at a gardening store.
    • The soil is moistened before planting. The seeds do not need to be deeply buried in the soil, no more than 1 cm.
    • You can prepare the substrate for planting yourself. To do this, mix peat, sand and soil. This mixture must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or heated well in the oven.
    • It is advisable to choose a clay pot rather than a plastic one for planting pomegranates. You need to ensure good drainage.

    To make the seeds hatch faster, after planting, place the pot in a warm and bright place. It is best to place it on a windowsill on the south side. You can cover the pot with plastic, but do not forget to periodically open and ventilate it.

    The germination rate of pomegranate seeds is very high when proper preparation. However, the seeds do not always germinate immediately. Some will hatch a week after planting, while others may suddenly appear six months later, when they have already been forgotten.

    Pomegranate is not the easiest plant to care for. It does not require constant and complex care, but it is still necessary to observe the basic conditions for its cultivation. Only in this case will the pomegranate be beautiful, healthy and fruitful.

    Caring for pomegranate at home:

    • After the first shoots appear, the seedlings begin to grow quickly. As soon as the first 2 leaves appear on the sprouts, they are placed into a deeper container so that the seedlings stretch upward less and produce more foliage.
    • As soon as the third pair of leaves appears on the seedlings, pinch out the fourth. After this, the plant has 2 tops, and instead of a tree it grows decorative bush. This is the best option for growing at home.
    • In order for the pomegranate to bloom in the year of planting (the first flowering begins after 10 months), it needs enough light. Pomegranate will not bloom in the shade. However, direct Sun rays are also undesirable; in midday sun it is better to cover the plant.
    • Pomegranate does not need frequent use. In dry conditions and low air humidity, watering it once a week is sufficient. Once the top layer of soil in the pot becomes dry, you can water it.
    • The pomegranate makes it clear that there is not enough light for it. The plant begins to stretch in height, the leaves become sparse. Given enough light, the foliage is quite dense and the leaves are large.
    • If you can’t increase the illumination at home, you can arrange a short “hibernation” for the plant. Place it in the cold (up to 10 degrees).
    • Pomegranate does not need frequent feeding. When replanting annually, you can add horn shavings.
    • Pomegranate is a deciduous plant, which means it needs periods of rest. In autumn, the pot with the plant should be moved to a cooler place (below 20 degrees).
    • In order for the pomegranate to bloom and grow well, it needs to be regularly pruned and pinched. In this case, it will bear fruit every third or fifth year of life.

    Transplantation: terms and rules

    It may be necessary if the pomegranate has grown greatly and needs a larger pot, or when transplanting into open ground. It is necessary to follow the rules of replanting so as not to injure the plant. It is not advisable to touch the pomegranate for the first 3 years. During this time, it will not yet grow so much that there is a need for a transplant. A young plant is more difficult to tolerate transplantation. If a bush appears new shoots or shoots that need to be replanted, this can be done annually, in the spring.

    When replanting a pomegranate, you need to change the soil in the pot. Over the course of a year, they become depleted and their nutritional properties are lost, so it is advisable to replace them with fresh ones. If the pot is large enough and the plant is not crowded, you can replant it every 3 years or even less often. If the pots are small, replanting will have to be done annually.

    It is better to replant in the spring after winter holiday plants.

    It is best to replant pomegranate before it begins to bloom and bear fruit. When replanting the plant, you can use ordinary garden soil or purchased soil. In the first case, the soil must be disinfected so that fungal spores and larvae of harmful insects do not remain in it. If the pomegranate is not dwarf, then it will need to be transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. In this case, when planting, the hole is made large enough for fruit bushes. Soil mixed with manure is poured into the hole.

    When transplanting pomegranate into the ground, you need to carefully choose the location. Pomegranate tolerates any soil well, except swampy ones, as it is accustomed to an arid climate. After transplant young plant you need to water once every 7-10 days and periodically spray the foliage. Spraying is necessary not only to remove dust and dirt from the plant, but also to moisten its ground part. Instead of annual replanting, you can simply change the top layer of soil and regularly apply organic fertilizers to the plant.

    Garnet doesn't get sick often. This is a fairly resilient plant. More often you can find diseased pomegranate in open ground, since insects have greater access to the plant. However, indoor pomegranate can also hurt.

    Branch cancer. This disease often affects pomegranate after severe frosts or if there is existing damage to the branches. The branches of the plant begin to dry out, the bark on them cracks, and the leaves fall off. The only way to save the plant is timely removal of the affected branches and good care.

    Often, pomegranate diseases occur due to improper care. It is necessary to regularly inspect the plants, wipe the leaves, monitor the humidity of the room, and avoid overmoistening the soil so that the roots do not rot.

    More information can be found in the video: