home · Installation · How to plant a pomegranate from a seed. Indoor pomegranate: how to care. Houseplant pomegranate: cultivation, reproduction. How to grow homemade dwarf pomegranate from seed video

How to plant a pomegranate from a seed. Indoor pomegranate: how to care. Houseplant pomegranate: cultivation, reproduction. How to grow homemade dwarf pomegranate from seed video

ABOUT healing properties pomegranate fruits have been known to people since ancient times. For centuries, its grains and juice have been used as a tonic that improves blood quality. And in our time, doctors recommend using ruby ​​grains of the fetus to increase hemoglobin, as well as to give strength to people weakened after a serious illness.

This plant is known to grow and thrive in subtropical climates. However, many gardeners manage to grow it in middle lane Russia. And some plant lovers have learned to grow it at home from grains. At proper fit grows a small ornamental plant that blooms pretty orange flowers resembling bells. Well, in the fruiting season, small fruits grow on its branches.

The plant will decorate any home room, and besides decorative fruits, though small, but also quite edible. So now we will talk about how pomegranate grows, growing from seeds and caring for it at home, we will discuss it.

Growing a pomegranate from a seed

Now is the time to start planting seeds, as it is recommended to do this in November. It is best to use indoor pomegranate seeds for breeding, already adapted to home conditions. But if there are none, take the seeds from an ordinary fruit bought on the market. Only the pomegranate should be ripe, undamaged, rather large.

Before planting, put the seeds in a saucer of water. Stay there for a couple of days. Then fill Plastic container soft, light soil (peat with sand), pour water, and then plant seeds there to a depth of 1.5 cm. Then cover the container with polyethylene film or cover with glass. The main thing is to get a mini-greenhouse. Put your greenhouse in a place where it is very warm. Best Temperature for germination - from 25 to 30 degrees.

Seeds usually germinate in 2-4 weeks. But sometimes they sit in the ground for a very long time - up to six months. But they sprout anyway, so just wait, periodically moistening the soil. When the seedlings grow a little, they will give 2-3 leaves, they can be transplanted into pots. To do this, select the largest, strongest sprouts, plant them in separate, better ceramic pots. The diameter of the pots is approximately 8 cm.

For pots, when growing pomegranates at home, universal soil for indoor plants is perfect. Water transplanted young pomegranates periodically when the soil begins to dry out. If the room is very hot, water them more often, more abundantly.

Approximately 10 months later. after germination of pomegranate seeds, young plants will bloom. You need to understand that it is unlikely that you will grow a tall plant with large fruits. But with good, systematic care, at home, it is quite possible to grow a very beautiful exotic fruit-bearing bush, up to half a meter high.

home care

We have already discussed many important points that pomegranate needs, home care for this plant is also equally important to get a crop. And it's not even about watering and feeding, as it seems at first glance. very important and temperature regime during which the tree should not be in the usual room environment ...

Lighting, watering

Place your homemade pomegranate to the brightest place in the room so that it is well illuminated by the sun's rays. But the constant hit of direct rays on the leaves will be harmful to him, so make sure that the plant receives them moderately, preferably in a scattered form. When the warm summer season comes, be sure to take your pet outside, into the garden, or take it to the cottage. If there are none, put a pot of pomegranate on a balcony or loggia. Even just an open window will suit him perfectly. The main thing is to go to him Fresh air and sunlight. Do not forget to water it regularly, and spray the leaves.

A haircut

To keep your plant beautiful, give it regular haircuts. It is necessary to form the crown of a homemade pomegranate annually, from the end of February. Then in the spring the active growth of the bush will begin. Moreover, you can make the shape of the crown as you like. Be sure to cut off weak shoots, dried twigs, cut off the remaining leaves.

top dressing

Be sure to feed your pet. From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, feed him every 2 weeks. To do this, use a ready-made universal liquid fertilizer intended for indoor plants. But if you are going to eat the fruits of your homemade pomegranate, it is better not to use chemical dressings. After all, all nitrates from fertilizers will be deposited in the fruits. Keep this in mind.


young house plant a transplant is needed. It should be done annually, as the root system grows. Take a little pot bigger size, fill it with fresh soil. Do this for the first 4 years. Then the pomegranate bush can not be touched. It will do just fine in the same pot. Only add fresh soil annually.


With the onset of cold weather, pomegranates, like all other deciduous plants, will begin to shed their leaves. At this time, it becomes not very attractive, so some flower growers are afraid of this. But this is a completely normal, natural process. With the onset of leaf fall, you need to send the plant for wintering in a cold room. It is ideal to take it out to an uninsulated loggia.

During wintering, you do not need to water your pet often. Give him peace until spring. Add water little by little when the soil is completely dry, about once every 10 days. This applies to young plants. If the grenade is already more than 4 years old, water it once a month. Good luck, dear flower growers!

Home pomegranate or room pomegranate, or dwarf pomegranate is grown at home. This culture is a miniature and quite decorative tree reaching no more than 1 m in height. The attractiveness of the plant is given by large bright red flowers.

However, get good harvest it will not work with a dwarf pomegranate, since very few fruits are tied on it, but all of them are large in size (reach up to 5 cm in diameter), have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and are valued for their useful properties.

How to grow pomegranate at home

Since the tree is unpretentious and does not require careful maintenance, it is not difficult to grow a pomegranate at home.
When growing in a room, choose places well-lit by the sun. It is best to place the pot on a windowsill that faces south or southwest. However, direct sunlight will damage the leaves of the tree, so when the sun is strong, shading should be created. In summer, the bush is taken out into the garden and added dropwise. In winter, store in a cool room at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. In the shade, the plant slows down its growth and stops flowering.

How to plant a pomegranate at home

Pomegranate is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Before planting a pomegranate at home, cuttings are chosen. This is done in late autumn after the leaves fall or in winter. Before planting, prepare the soil, consisting of humus, garden soil and sawdust. Peat and sand are added to the soil in small quantities. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. The soil for planting pomegranate should be loose, permeable and retain moisture well.

The pot is filled with substrate. A drainage layer is preliminarily laid at the bottom. The stalk is placed in the soil and watered abundantly. The container with the seedling is covered with polyethylene. In the spring, small, few leaves appear on it. The stalk will take root completely by summer, when the plant forms root system. At the end of summer, the seedling can be transplanted into a larger pot.

Growing a pomegranate from a seed on a windowsill

Growing pomegranate from seed is also popular. Seeds for planting are obtained from the fruit. To do this, choose large, bright red, fully ripe pomegranates. Sow freshly harvested seeds immediately, as they lose their germination very quickly. Dried seeds may not sprout. Best time for sowing - winter. Several seeds are placed in a pot to a depth of 2 cm. When watering, pay attention to the soil. It should not be excessively dry or waterlogged. Seedlings appear in April-May. Weak and diseased shoots are removed. In summer, seedlings are taken out to the balcony or garden, where they stand until the first frost. In autumn, healthy, tall, well-developed seedlings are transplanted into separate pots. With the onset of cold weather, the plants are transferred to a cool place, where they will be at rest throughout the winter period.

Homemade pomegranate grown from seed begins to bear fruit later than grown from cuttings.

Pomegranate care at home

Caring for a pomegranate at home is quite simple. In summer, the tree is taken out into the fresh air, choosing a place protected from scorching sun rays. Watering is done as the earth dries up. Top dressing is applied 2 times a month. Liquid is applied to the soil complex fertilizers or spraying the bush. In August, the amount of watering and top dressing is reduced. In September, the bush is brought into the house.
In winter, home pomegranate care is not required. In December, after shedding its leaves, the tree begins to prepare for a dormant period, which lasts until the onset of spring. How the plant survives the dormant period depends on its flowering for next year.

Before removing the pomegranate winter storage dry with an earthen ball and remove the remaining leaves. A young tree does not have to be wintered in separate room if it is possible to create the necessary conditions on the windowsill or patio. The plant will easily endure this period at a temperature of 11-15 ° C and good lighting. At the end of winter, during bud break, the pomegranate is exposed to a warm place and abundant watering is provided. After a while, the plant becomes covered with dense, green foliage. Buds form at the ends of annual shoots.

Growing indoor pomegranate

When growing indoor pomegranate, periodic pruning is performed. The crown is formed in such a way that the plant takes the form of a tree or shrub. In the spring, stimulating branching is carried out, for this, young shoots are cut, leaving 2-5 pairs of leaves. Pruning is done on the outer kidney. When pruning to the inner bud, a shoot will form, thickening the bush.

Growing a pomegranate at home is an easy task, thanks to which you can get beautiful plant, which is great for shaping bonsai in any style. By constantly pruning, pinching, bending young shoots with a wire, a grenade can be given desired shape.

Pests and diseases

When growing a pomegranate on a windowsill, one should not forget about the diseases and pests that affect this crop. Most often, the bush is damaged by aphids, spider mite, scale insect and whitefly. In the fight against aphids, pomegranate is sprayed with an infusion of tobacco with the addition of laundry soap. Against other pests, an infusion of onion and garlic is used, which is also sprayed on the plant.

Knowing how to grow pomegranate at home, you can get an attractive, unusual tree, pleasing to the eye with its beauty and decorating the room.

Below is a photo of a homemade pomegranate.

Pomegranate is one of the most unpretentious fruit trees, the main requirement of which is the presence of constant heat. Therefore, pomegranates are quite easy to grow at home as a ornamental plant With beautiful flowers. With proper care of the pomegranate tree and suitable conditions at home, you can get quite edible fruits grown by hand.

It must be borne in mind that almost all pomegranates sold in stores and markets are hybrids, i.e. varieties specially bred to produce fruits with high palatability and good fertility. This means that pomegranates grown from the seeds of purchased fruits will not retain the taste qualities of the berries of the parent tree. For such agricultural purposes, it is necessary to plant a pomegranate tree with cuttings. But when growing these plants in apartment conditions, as a rule, the goal is not to obtain a crop, and seed material from ripe eaten fruits is quite suitable for planting a decorative pomegranate.

How to plant a pomegranate seed.

Pomegranate seeds must be prepared before germination. To do this, you first need to get the grains from the fruit and free the seeds from the pulp and rinse in cold water. For a final cleansing, grind them in paper towel so that later there is no rot. Then dry the seeds during the day, thereby giving them a signal for future germination. By the way, the pomegranate peel contains toxic substances that allow it to be used for medicinal purposes.

To plant pomegranate seeds at home, you will need a loose substrate of peat, sand and earth with good drainage in a clay pot. Dig the dried seeds to a depth of one centimeter of moistened soil, keeping a distance between them, and water moderately. Place the seed pot in a warm place with direct sunlight, and cover with polyethylene to create moderate humidity. When the soil dries out, it needs to be slightly moistened.

Viable pomegranate seeds should germinate within two weeks, and germination is usually good. As the seedlings grow and strengthen, the polyethylene must be removed so as not to interfere with their development. Weak and damaged plants must be removed, leaving only a few sprouts, from which in the future it will be possible to choose a couple for growing a homemade pomegranate tree.

How to grow a pomegranate tree from cuttings.

The use of cuttings as planting material is the most common method of agricultural propagation of pomegranate trees. In this way, it is completely preserved genetic material plants, and with it fruit quality and disease resistance.

For the cutting in early spring you need to choose the middle of a two-year branch with three or four buds, about 15 cm long. It must be placed in water for two days, or treated with a solution that stimulates root growth. The cutting should then be placed in rooting soil similar to the seed germination substrate. After 3-4 weeks, when rooting in warm home conditions, the cutting should acquire a primary root system, and the buds should begin to develop into new branches.

The accepted pomegranate stalk should be carefully transplanted into a larger pot with sandy soil suitable for an adult plant. When the tree gets stronger and reaches a height of at least 50 cm, it can be planted in open ground, or leave at home, but transplant into big pot for permanent residence.

Later, upon reaching maximum dimensions pot, pomegranate can not be transplanted, it will be enough to replace twice a year upper layer soil and carry out top dressing during fruiting and active growth.

Conditions for growing pomegranate at home.

After two months, grown pomegranate trees can be planted in separate pots for further growth. Pomegranate trees are essentially branched shrubs that prefer an arid semi-desert climate. They are not afraid of drought, but require well-drained sandy soils, without stagnant water. A grenade at home must be provided with direct sunlight during most of the daylight hours.

During the hot season pomegranate needs moderate watering, about once a week after the topsoil has dried. In late autumn and winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced to a minimum, once or twice a month. During the period of active growth - in spring and summer, the plant can be fed once a month with complex fertilizer.

Pomegranate is not picky about soils, and when transplanting a pomegranate tree that has grown at home into a larger pot, you can use ordinary flower soil, with the addition of 1/3 of the sand and preserving the old earthy clod. Pomegranates tolerate high temperatures well in summer, severe frosts can kill the plant. A sunny window in the apartment or a heated balcony will be a good place to grow pomegranate at home.

If you live in the subtropics, on the Black Sea or Caspian coast, then the grown pomegranate tree can be safely planted in open ground. IN climate zone southern and central regions of Russia, grenades can be exhibited in warm time year on open air directly in pots, or temporarily planted in the ground for half a year, and hide the plant in heat for the winter.

The pomegranate tree tolerates pruning and pinching well, its branches can be bent, giving the desired shape to the house plant. On the 3rd-5th year of life with favorable conditions homemade pomegranate may start to bloom. Flowering continues from late spring to mid-summer. In this case, after some simple manipulations with cotton swab, you need to perform the function of insects and self-pollinate the plant, it is better if the pollen is from another pomegranate. With successful pollination, fruit sets should appear, which will reach maturity by the end of autumn. growing in natural open ground conditions.

in the shop and garden centers specially selected domestic pomegranate subspecies are sold. They have dwarf sizes, feel more comfortable in apartment conditions, bloom and bear fruit more actively. But it will probably be much more pleasant for every flower lover to grow a pomegranate on their own from a seed and get a small, but their own harvest of beautiful and healthy fruits from it. Try growing your homemade ornamental Pink Banana from seed and get it to bear fruit.

Tell your friends about it.

Room or dwarf pomegranate- this is the most unpretentious exotic plant, which is grown by amateur flower growers at home because of its beautiful long flowering, and some still like to enjoy its exotic fruits, so healthy and tasty.

Pomegranate or, in other words, Pomegranate (Punica) belongs to the Loosefly family (Lythraceae). Their genus includes only two species of low deciduous trees and shrubs. The Russian name, due to its granular structure of the fruit, the pomegranate received from Latin word granatus (granular). And the generic name punica comes from the name of the area where the thickets of these pomegranates were first discovered (punicus is translated from Latin as Punic or Carthaginian, now it is the region of modern Tunisia).

According to legend, the pomegranate came to us from Carthage under the name of the Punic apple. Zeus's wife, Hera, often held a pomegranate in her hands, considering it the key to their happy marriage. In Greece, the pomegranate was a symbol of fertility. In ancient Persia, the pomegranate personified passionate love. At all times and everywhere, people have valued decorative qualities and useful properties of this exotic fruit.

Varieties of pomegranate suitable for growing at home

Most suitable for growing in room conditions is a variety of common pomegranate - dwarf pomegranate (Punica nana). This flower, both in a pot and as seeds, is sold in flower shops under the general name "Dwarf pomegranate" (Punica granatum "NANA"). Seeds are available for sale. indoor pomegranates two varieties: "Carthage" and "Baby".

variety Carthage

indoor pomegranate varieties "Carthage dwarf" grows at home in the form of a tree up to 80 cm tall. The leaves are quite small, no more than 2 cm in length. If the flower is grown from seeds, then flowering and, moreover, fruiting, will come no earlier than in 6-8 years. Seed germination of this variety of indoor pomegranate is very low. It blooms from May to August with red flowers, up to 4 cm in diameter. The fruits are small, no more than 5 - 6 cm in diameter, slightly sour, but juicy and tasty.

Indoor pomegranate varieties "Baby" are usually grown from seeds in the form of a shrub. A low bush, from 30 to 50 cm, has 5 - 7 skeletal branches. Elongated leaves grow on twigs in groups evenly, throughout the pomegranate bush. This variety of pomegranate blooms in the third - fourth year of life.

Baby variety

Its flowers are large, up to 7 cm long, bright red. They are single or collected in 5-7 pieces per bundle. In the first year of a plant's life, all its flowers are empty flowers. The following year, miniature yellowish-brown fruits with a red blush, 5-7 cm in size, may be tied. Fruit ripening ends in mid-winter. Pomegranates of this species require artificial pollination. If more than 5 fruits are tied on a pomegranate, the extra pomegranates should be removed.

But the indoor pomegranate does not always bear fruit, it happens that it does not bloom at all for many years. In this case, we recommend grafting a branch from a fruiting specimen onto it.

Height different varieties grenades is somewhat different, but they all have small size, no more than one meter. With regular restraining pruning and proper care, any plant can be reduced to 30 cm in height without losing its decorative effect and abundant fruiting. The leaves of the dwarf pomegranate are small, oval, glossy, up to 3 cm long. In spring, young leaves have a bronze color, in summer they turn green, and in autumn they turn yellow. The fruits, the so-called pomegranates, also do not exceed 3-7 cm in diameter. They are orange-yellow or more dark shades up to reddish and brown. Pomegranate is a spherical multi-seeded berry, divided inside into 6-12 chambers. Its pericarp is leathery, thick, usually red-brown in color. The seeds are placed in red-burgundy capsules filled with pomegranate juice. The beneficial properties of dwarf pomegranate fruits are the same as those of common pomegranate, but the taste is much worse.

Indoor pomegranates at home are cultivated more often in the form of a shrub with 5 - 7 strong stems, less often - in the form of a tree. They are grown for the long flowering of numerous bright colors, and try to remove the fruits almost completely. The pomegranates remaining on the plant (usually 2-3 pieces) ripen at room conditions in November-January. If you leave all the ovaries, fruiting can greatly deplete the plant's strength, and flowering will be less spectacular next year. When the plant grows up and gets stronger, after 3-4 years, you can leave all the ovaries on it in order to enjoy the exceptional spectacle of a profusely flowering and, at the same time, fruiting dwarf pomegranate at home.

The dwarf pomegranate was even awarded a diploma from the Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain for its decorative effect and other exceptional characteristics.

home care

Room pomegranate pretty unpretentious plant care is simple and hassle free. We will acquaint you with the conditions of his content in the home.


Fitolamp lighting

Good lighting is one of the main conditions great view indoor pomegranate, its development and constant flowering. In summer, it can be taken out to the balcony or planted in the garden. mature plant thrives outdoors in direct sunlight. But young seedlings should be accustomed to the street gradually, leaving no more than two to three hours in the sun a day, and at midday it is necessary to bring pots with plants into shaded places. This will avoid sunburn its young leaves. When placing pomegranate pots in a room, choose windowsills other than those facing north. At noon, it is necessary to protect plants from direct sunlight, especially young specimens, with blinds or curtains.

With a lack of lighting, as happens in early spring or with prolonged cloudy weather in summer, we recommend using additional lighting with phyto lamps or fluorescent lamps.

IN winter period natural light it happens even less, and a room pomegranate can partially shed its leaves. But if you pick up powerful enough phyto lamps and organize a light day for a flower no shorter than 12 hours, then it will delight you with its flowering and fruiting even at this time.

Ambient temperature

Pomegranate is a thermophilic plant. In the wild, it grows at quite high temperatures. But indoor specimens are quite satisfied with a moderate temperature in the range of 25 - 30 ° C. during the growing season. If the temperature in the room rises higher, then you should take the flower pot to a cooler place. In summer it is a balcony or a veranda in the garden. Spraying with cool water will help in the spring. in hot and stuffy room indoor pomegranate will begin to lose foliage and buds, slow down its growth. Ventilate the room, do not let the air stagnate.

The dwarf pomegranate also does not like low temperatures. At sub-zero temperatures, it dies. When the ambient temperature on the veranda or balcony is below 15 ° C, the flower pot should be brought into the room.


Water the flower should be moderate, and after the top layer of soil in the pot dries well. Water for irrigation use settled, soft, room temperature. If you sent a pomegranate to rest in the winter, water it at this time no more than once a month. But this remark is suitable for an adult plant (for 5-6 years). A young pomegranate will need to be watered once a week. You will begin to water the indoor pomegranate more often and more abundantly from February, when you return the flower to its former bright, warm place on the windowsill. The soil will need to be completely saturated with moisture in order to activate all the vital processes of the flower. Abundant watering of the flower is needed before flowering. But during the flowering of pomegranate, from May to September, watering the plant should be reduced.

In the wild, it blooms during the hottest and driest period of the year, and excessive moisture can provoke the pomegranate, and it will drop all the buds. But, and forget about watering the pomegranate on for a long time not worth it - prolonged drought will stress the root system, which can also lead to the complete loss of all buds and the loss of decorativeness of the flower.

That is, water the indoor pomegranate regularly and when the topsoil is completely dry - and everything will be fine.

If fruits ripen on a pomegranate tree, it should be watered with caution in the fall, as abundant watering can lead to cracking of the fruits.

Air humidity

Humidity should be moderate. If the humidity is too low, we recommend spraying the flower and the surrounding air with cool water. Will increase the humidity by installing next to a wide-capacity pot with cool water and wet cleaning premises. Wipe the leaves from dust with a damp clean cloth.

High humidity in the room is also useless; frequent ventilation will help reduce it. But drafts are not allowed.

The soil

Everyone knows that the pomegranate in the wild grows on poor soils in arid regions of the Earth. But, to grow a beautiful decorative indoor specimen, you will have to choose a more nutritious soil mixture. It should be loose, moisture and breathable, with a neutral pH = 7. Suitable purchased soil for roses and begonias. At the bottom of the pot there should be a good drainage layer of expanded clay or large river pebbles.

top dressing

Dwarf pomegranate is grateful for regular feeding. From February to summer, he needs nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. At this time, the buds are being laid, the pomegranate is preparing for abundant flowering. Top dressing is carried out once every two weeks, not more often. Closer to autumn top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers replaced with potassium.

It must be remembered that fertilizers can only be applied in wet soil, for example, the day after the next watering. Preferably in the morning or evening, so that the root system does not get burned. IN cloudy weather you can feed the plant during the day.

If indoor pomegranate is grown for the sake of fruits, then it should be fertilized with extreme caution. Better to feed him mineral fertilizers, but organic, so that excess nitrates do not accumulate in the fruits. If you already feed it with purchased fertilizers, choose fertilizers for fruit and berry crops and follow the recommendations on the package. In addition, if the pomegranate is overfed with nitrogen supplements, it will not bloom and there will be no fruit.


Pruning indoor dwarf pomegranate has a beneficial effect on its decorative appearance, ability to bloom and bear fruit. A pomegranate bush or tree grows very quickly. During the season, it, without pruning, will more than double in volume. At the same time, its numerous thin crooked shoots will form the crown in a chaotic way. To make the pomegranate look not only neat and compact, but also healthy, it should be well cut.

The pruning procedure is carried out several times a year. The first time - at the beginning of the growing season. After hibernation, if your pomegranate rested in a dark, cool place, you move it to a bright, warm place and cut off all the dry branches, as well as some of the small and unnecessary shoots. To encourage branching, trim the young shoot above the outward-facing bud, leaving no more than 5 internodes. Strongly cut the plant is not worth it, it can weaken. Leave no more than 6 skeletal branches that are stronger.

It is important to know that buds form only on well-developed annual shoots. Try not to break them when cutting!

You can grow a pomegranate in the form of a bush with 3 - 5 skeletal branches. But, if you cut off the entire root growth, you get a pomegranate tree, with a low stem and four to five skeletal branches. Over time, four to five branches of the second order are laid on each skeletal branch, and after that branches of the third order are formed on them. Excess shoots are cut out, like old branches, on which there will no longer be a crop. Pomegranate sets fruit only on the shoots of the current year.

In summer, during the active growing season of indoor pomegranates, it is also possible to prune extra branches - stretched out or growing inside the crown. Don't worry - pomegranate tolerates such pruning well.

After flowering, if there are no fruits on the branches, the pomegranate is cut again, for the third time. Remove thin weak branches, thin out the inner space of the crown.

Transplantation of indoor pomegranate. Suitable pot

Young specimens of dwarf pomegranates, it is advisable not to transplant the first two to three years into other containers. When the pomegranates grow and get stronger, and their root system fills the entire space of the pot, transplant your flower into new pot, slightly larger. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the roots of a pomegranate grow more in breadth than in depth. Therefore, the pot requires a wide, but not very deep. Pomegranate at room conditions likes to grow in a cramped pot. Transplantation is carried out by transshipment.

It is best to do this in early spring. In a new pot, 2-3 cm wider than the old one, lay a layer of drainage from expanded clay or clean pebbles, some fresh soil (buy ready-made soil with a neutral pH 7 in the store, for example, soil for growing roses or begonias). Remove your flower from the old pot along with a clod of root earth. Pomegranate roots grow superficially, excess, depleted earth will remain in the old pot, it must be thrown out. Place the pomegranate in the middle of the new pot. Free space fill with soil, while gently shaking the flower container to fill all the voids inside it. For the next three years, every spring, transplant your pomegranate into a new container with a slightly larger diameter. At the age of 6 years, indoor dwarf pomegranates are considered adult plants. Now they are rarely transplanted, if necessary, and in pots of the same size. Or they don’t transplant at all, but only replace the top layer of the substrate in the old pot with a new one. Usually, a 5 liter pot is enough for an adult plant. Too large a pot for a pomegranate is not good - it will bloom more abundantly if the root system is in flower pot it will be tight.


Indoor pomegranates propagate with the help of seeds, seeds and layering.

Propagation with seeds

Only species forms of pomegranate are suitable for propagation by seeds, because the seeds of varieties do not retain the characteristic properties of the mother plant. This method is mainly used to develop new selections. Seeds can be collected from a flowering pomegranate at home or bought in special stores. Before planting, they are soaked for a day in a solution of some kind of growth stimulator (for example, in Kornevin). Then they are dried and sown in containers with suitable loose soil under the lid. Put the greenhouse in a bright warm place. Make sure that the soil in the container does not dry out, spray it in time with warm, settled water using a spray gun. Ventilate. Wait 2 - 3 weeks for germination. Seedlings dive into separate cups when the first three true leaves appear. It should be remembered that pomegranates grown from seeds will begin to bloom and bear fruit only after 5 to 8 years.

Reproduction with bones

Seed planting

If you want to grow a pomegranate from the seeds of your home-ripened fruit, there is no problem. To do this, take the seeds from the largest, well-ripened fruits. Such bones are creamy in color, they are firm to the touch. Greenish and soft seeds are not suitable for sprouting! Carefully prepare the bones for planting. Remove all the pulp from them, rinse them well in cool water, possibly with potassium permanganate, then dry them properly. This will prevent the seeds from rotting during storage and germination. Dry pomegranate seeds remain viable for up to six months.

In the spring, preferably in April, plant the seeds in loose nutrient soil to a depth of 0.5 - 1 cm. In a pot with drainage under the film. Can be soaked before planting planting material in a small amount of water with the addition of 2-3 drops of Zircon or Epin to it for 12 hours. This stimulates the germination process. The solution should not completely cover the bones, in addition to moisture, they need oxygen.

Choose a well-lit, warm place for the pot. The seed germination temperature is 25-27°C. Keep track of soil moisture. As the top layer dries, the planting should be moistened with warm, settled water using a spray bottle so as not to inadvertently wash out the soil. Seedlings appear quickly enough in spring, and seeds planted at other times of the year can sit in a pot for several months.

Plant the strongest specimens in the phase of two or three true leaves in separate small pots, up to 6 cm in diameter. Shoots, 10 cm long and having formed three pairs of leaves, are pinched for better tillering of the flower. Place pots of young pomegranates on the warmest, lightest window sill. They need daily sunbathing, and at least two hours a day. Still protect from the midday sun with blinds. Ventilate the room - grenades love fresh air.

If pomegranate sprouts appeared in winter time, they will have to be illuminated with a phyto lamp.

You need to know that a pomegranate grown from the seed of an ordinary large fruit bought on the market will bloom only after 7 to 8 years. And the plant turns out to be large - it is unlikely that it will fit into the dimensions of your house. In room culture, it makes sense to grow only compact decorative dwarf-sized pomegranates.

Reproduction by cuttings

Indoor pomegranate cuttings

We recommend this particular method of pomegranate propagation due to high level survival rate of cuttings and full preservation by them the genetic characteristics of the mother plant. If you are going to root cuttings from your pomegranate in the summer, choose for this well-ripened semi-lignified shoots about 10 - 15 cm long, so that they have at least 4 - 5 buds. In winter, usually in February, lignified pomegranate shoots of the same length are used for rooting. But their rooting takes much longer and with heavy losses. In any case, treat the prepared cuttings with root growth stimulants (Kornevin, for example), remove a pair of lower buds from them and then place them in a container with nutritious loose soil at an angle, to a depth of 3 cm, cover it with a film or jar. Daily airing, spraying, if necessary, watering is necessary. The rooting process is rather slow, and some cuttings may die. Therefore, we recommend that you cut them immediately with a margin, 4-5 pieces. Rooted cuttings after two to three months can be transplanted into pots prepared for constant growth. The next year, a young seedling will delight you with its flowering, and fruiting will be in a couple of years.

Indoor pomegranate can still be propagated by vaccination. A varietal cutting is grafted onto a pomegranate rootstock grown from seed. It is taken from a healthy adult plant that consistently bears fruit. Get vaccinated different ways, depending on the thickness of the rootstock and cuttings, there are a great many of them.

The simplest for beginner flower growers are vaccinations by simple copulation, behind the bark, in a split, in the butt and in a side cut. You should choose your own type of vaccination and try to implement it. You can use the services of a specialist. If the varietal cutting takes root, the pomegranate will bloom in three to four years.

Winter hibernation indoor pomegranate

Does indoor pomegranate need hibernation?

If you are unable to provide your pet with constant good lighting, it makes sense to talk about the winter rest period of the pomegranate. Usually, it happens from November to February. At this time, it is necessary to place the flower in a cool room, water less, do not feed, wait for spring. Lowering the temperature in a city apartment is problematic. You can put a flower pot close to window glass, separating it with polyethylene from the rest of the room. Or you can take out the pomegranate for this time in a heated basement.

But, we argue that in the winter, with normal room temperature, good lighting up to 12 hours. per day (with the help of a powerful phyto lamp), pomegranate will feel cheerful and comfortable. The formation of numerous flower buds will not stop at this time.

Indoor pomegranate diseases

If your pomegranate grows in unfavorable conditions for it - high humidity, mustiness of the room, low temperature, he might get sick. More often than other diseases, powdery mildew is found on the pomegranate.

With frequent abundant watering, the leaves of the pomegranate may turn yellow. Perhaps the roots of the plant could not withstand excess moisture, they began to rot. Take the flower out of the pot, remove the rotten parts of the root system, wash the healthy roots in potassium permanganate, dry them, sprinkle the cuts activated carbon, and plant the pomegranate in a new nutritious loose soil. The pot must contain good drainage layer. Water sparingly. In order for the root system to take root and cope with the loads, trim the crown of your diseased plant by one third.

If the pomegranate began to fall leaves, the reasons may be different. If this occurs at the end of the growing season, then this is normal. The pomegranate is preparing for winter dormancy. If the leaves fall during active cycle plants - perhaps you water your flower a little or feed poorly. Analyze your plant care actions - perhaps the room is too hot, even stuffy - the pomegranate loves fresh air, frequent spraying, nutritious soil, a cramped pot with a good drainage layer.

Pests of indoor pomegranates

Indoor or dwarf pomegranate is a very interesting exotic plant. If you follow the simple rules of cultivation and care at home, the pomegranate will delight you all year round with its bright green glossy leaves, large purple flowers and miniature fabulous fruits. Caring for a pomegranate will not take you much time and effort, but you will get full pleasure. Try experimenting with it appearance. You can give the pomegranate any shape - he is very grateful for pruning and pinching his shoots. You can even master the art of bonsai using the example of a pomegranate. But it has been noticed that it is better to grow a spectacular decorative dwarf pomegranate, constantly blooming and hung with fruits, for caring and good-natured people who are interested in taking care of their pet, enjoying every flower and tiny fruit.

Pomegranate has long been known for its useful properties. Such a tree and it will delight with its flowers for a long time. As for the fruits, there are very few of them.

On one miniature tree grows from two to three pomegranates. We will tell you how to properly grow a pomegranate from a seed below.

Ripe pomegranate

As a material for sowing, ordinary store-bought fruits are suitable. Pomegranates must be ripe and fresh. Of all the grains, only the largest specimens without damage are selected.

Preparation of seeds before sowing consists of the following steps:

Each selected bone must be freed from the pulp.

Seeds should be washed under running water. It is best to do this in a strainer, as they are small.

In order for the grains to be cleaned more thoroughly, it is necessary to rub them in a cloth napkin after they have already been washed. This must be done so that fruit rot does not appear on them in the future.

Peeled seeds should be left to dry at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

Thus, with just a minimum of time and effort, you can grow a miniature pomegranate tree with several fruits from a small seed. Although it usually produces few fruits, only two or three per bush. This plant is able to revive the interior of any home.

Attention, super FLY!