home · On a note · How to plant pomegranate from seed. Indoor dwarf pomegranate - care at home. Growing pomegranate from seeds and cuttings. Video: how to properly transplant indoor pomegranate

How to plant pomegranate from seed. Indoor dwarf pomegranate - care at home. Growing pomegranate from seeds and cuttings. Video: how to properly transplant indoor pomegranate

Pomegranate is an excellent plant for home grown. At proper care it will please beautiful view and delicious fruits. In addition, this plant is unpretentious and is suitable even for novice gardeners. You will learn from this material how to grow pomegranate at home and how to care for it.

Choosing planting material

It is better to grow fruit from grains in late February or early March. Then the seedlings will appear within 2-3 weeks after sowing. At other times you will have to wait several months.

To grow pomegranate from seeds at home, it is important to choose viable material. Buy seeds only in specialized stores. And be sure to check the quality of the grains. They should be white or cream, firm to the touch and smooth surface. Soft and green seeds will not germinate, so avoid purchasing such planting material. Choose these varieties:

  • Uzbekistan. The variety at home reaches 2 meters in height and 1.5 in diameter. Therefore, the variety is suitable for owners of spacious apartments. The pomegranate has spherical, bright red fruits, weighing 120 g. They have a sweet and sour taste and burgundy color grains
  • Baby. The variety reaches 1.5 meters in height. It has yellow-brown fruits with a red blush. They ripen by mid-winter and reach 5-7 cm in diameter. The variety requires artificial pollination.
  • Carthage. The tree grows up to a meter in height. It has dark red or orange fruits that differ in taste from regular pomegranates. Most often, the variety is grown for decorative purposes.
  • Nana. A dwarf hybrid reaching 70 cm in height. It blooms already in the first year after planting with large orange-red buds. Sweet and sour fruits reach 7 cm in diameter.

Is it possible to grow pomegranate at home from fruit purchased in a store or market? Of course you can. But keep in mind that most of these fruits are hybrids. And trees grown from them do not retain the taste of the variety. For cultivation, choose ripe fruits with bright red skin without signs of rot and mechanical damage.

Seed preparation

Before growing pomegranate at home on the windowsill, it is important to properly prepare the seeds. Carefully clean them of pulp and rinse well. Please note that if even a little of the sweet shell remains on the grains, they will become moldy. Pour the peeled seeds with water with the addition of 2-3 drops of Epin or Zircon. The liquid should cover the seeds halfway.

Place the container in a cool place where there are no drafts and leave for 12 hours. Make sure that the moisture does not evaporate. If this happens, the grains will dry out, their shell will crack, and they will not germinate. Therefore, add water as needed.

How to grow pomegranate in a pot at home

Plant seeds in universal soil intended for flowering plants. If you want to make the substrate yourself, then mix in equal parts peat, fertile soil and sand. Before growing pomegranate in this soil at home, be sure to disinfect the mixture. To do this, bake it in the oven or hold it over steam. This way you will protect the seedlings from pathogenic bacteria living in the soil. How to plant seeds:

  1. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. For these purposes, use expanded clay, broken brick or pebbles.
  2. Fill the drainage with disinfected soil.
  3. Dry the grains paper napkin and deepen them into the substrate by 1-1.5 cm.
  4. Spray the planting with warm water from a spray bottle and cover the pot with polyethylene or glass.

Place the greenhouse in a warm, well-lit place. Maintain the room temperature within +25 °C. Ventilate the greenhouse regularly and do not allow the soil to dry out. To do this, spray the substrate from a spray bottle with settled warm water.

Seedling care

Seedlings when planted in winter time appear already in the second or third week. When this happens, start removing the cover. First, remove the glass for an hour, then two, and so on. When the sprouts become stronger and a pair of true leaves appear on them, plant the seedlings in separate containers, shortening the roots of the plants by a third. For planting, use the same soil mixture that you used to germinate the seeds. Be sure to provide good drainage.

When the seedlings form about three pairs of leaves, pinch off the tops. This stimulates branching of the tree. You need to pinch each of the shoots again when three pairs of leaves appear on the branches. Then the pomegranate will grow into a lush tree.


Pomegranate is an unpretentious plant. But in order to achieve rapid growth and fruiting from it, you will need to create comfortable conditions for the tree. To do this, do the following: agrotechnical measures:

  • regular watering;
  • maintaining optimal temperature, humidity and light;
  • frequent feeding;
  • transfer;
  • pruning and crown formation.

Read more about how to grow pomegranate at home and create comfortable conditions for it.


Pomegranate is a heat-loving plant. And for normal growth in the spring-summer period, it needs a temperature of +20...+22 °C. In hot weather, it is advisable to take the pot out onto the veranda or balcony. If this is not possible, spray the foliage more often to “cool” the crop. Otherwise, the tree will lose its leaves, and this will slow down its development.

During fruit ripening, which occurs in autumn, maintain the room temperature at +14...+16 °C. From November to March, it is advisable to give the tree a rest period. To do this, move the pot to a room with +10…+12 °C.


Homemade pomegranate is a very light-loving plant. And for development he needs good lighting. Therefore, place the pot near an east, south or west window. But do not forget to cover the crop from the midday rays of the sun.

Is it possible to grow pomegranate at home on the north side of the room? Such placement of the crop is only possible if you provide the tree with additional lighting with a phytolamp. Daylight hours for a plant should last at least 12 hours.


Regular and abundant irrigation is the basic rule of how to grow pomegranate at home. In spring and summer, water the plant 4-5 times a week so that the soil is barely moist. But make sure that the water does not stagnate in the substrate. When the tree blooms, reduce irrigation, but do not allow the soil to dry out. After the buds come off, moisten the substrate well. Then next year the tree will produce more flowers. In winter, keep watering to a minimum and moisten the soil no more than once a month.

For watering, use only filtered water that has been standing for at least a day. The temperature of the liquid should be 1-2° higher than that of the air in the room.

Pomegranate loves high humidity. Therefore, from spring to autumn, regularly spray the leaves of the crop. In hot weather, carry out this procedure 1-2 times a day. In winter, especially if you keep the tree in a cool room, stop spraying.

Top dressing

An important rule on how to grow pomegranate at home is regular application of fertilizers. From early spring to autumn, feed the tree once every 2 weeks. For this purpose, use complex preparations intended for indoor plants. If you grow a crop to get fruits, then instead of mineral fertilizers, apply organic ones - a solution of chicken manure or manure liquid. But remember that if you overfeed the tree with nitrogen, you will not get buds and, accordingly, fruits.


The pomegranate tree grows better in cramped containers, because the larger the pot, the more fruitless bell-shaped buds the crop produces. But the plant needs to be replanted. Carry out the first event using the transshipment method a year after planting. Then replant the pomegranate when its roots completely fill the pot. It's better to do this in the spring. Choose a container with a diameter 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Do not replant mature trees, but replace them annually upper layer substrate.


In order for the pomegranate to bear fruit better, do not forget to trim the crown. Carry out the procedure in February, when the tree begins to form buds. Form the plant as a bush with 3-4 skeletal branches, or in the form of a tree with a low trunk, on which there are 4-5 skeletal shoots. In the future, leave 4-5 second-order shoots on each of them. Cut out excess branches, choosing weak shoots and those that grow deep into the crown. Remember that pomegranate bears fruit only on shoots current year. Therefore, remove old shoots. And also do not forget to cut out the root shoots.

How to grow pomegranate from cuttings at home

Start this activity in the summer, when this year’s non-lignified shoots appear on the tree. For cuttings, choose growths 10 cm long. You can also use root shoots for propagation. So, how to grow a pomegranate from a twig at home:

  1. Place the cuttings with the lower cut in a solution of a root formation stimulator, for example, “Kornevina”. Keep the branches in the liquid for 6 hours.
  2. Before planting, rinse the shoots under running water and bury them 2-3 cm in a container filled with a mixture of peat and sand.
  3. Moisten the soil and cover the plants with polyethylene or cut plastic bottles.
  4. Place the greenhouse in a bright, warm place.

Moisten the soil regularly, preventing it from drying out. When the cuttings take root, after 6-10 weeks, plant them in separate containers filled with soil for citrus crops and always with drainage. Or use a mixture of humus, leaf, turf soil and sand.

Growing problems

Pomegranate is an unpretentious plant, but if not properly cared for, the tree becomes capricious. Often inexperienced gardeners encounter the following problems:

  • The leaves are turning yellow. A similar phenomenon occurs if the crop is hot. Move the tree to a cool area or increase foliar spraying with cool water.
  • The leaves turn yellow and dark spots appear on them. This is how the plant reacts to lack of moisture. To correct the situation, increase watering.
  • Pomegranate leaves are falling. If this happens in the fall, then don't worry. This is how the plant prepares for winter. If leaf fall begins in spring or summer, then most likely the tree is suffering from heat and insufficient watering.
  • The leaves of the crop dry out. This phenomenon leads to insufficient humidity in room. But the leaves also dry out due to a violation of the watering regime, which led to rotting of the roots. Sniff the soil; if it smells moldy, immediately replant the crop in new soil. Be sure to inspect the roots of the tree and remove rotten shoots. Treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal.
  • The bark cracks, and wounds with spongy swellings appear on the shoots. Cancer of the branches leads to this. At the first sign of illness, clean out the damage to healthy tissue and treat the wounds copper sulfate, and then garden varnish.

Pests often appear on neglected plants: spider mites, scale insects, whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs. To get rid of insects, treat the tree three times with insecticides such as "Aktara" or "Aktellika" with an interval of 5-6 days.

Now you know how to grow pomegranates at home and how to care for the plant. Follow these rules and provide the culture with comfortable conditions, and it will reward you with rapid growth and tasty fruits.

Exotic momordica

Some stores offer seeds of the Indian pomegranate momordica. This plant is an annual vine. And it is connected with ordinary pomegranate only by the name and the presence of red sweet seeds. Otherwise, these cultures are strikingly different. Therefore, if you are offered such a variety, passing it off as a tree, refuse to purchase. If you want to add a new one to your collection exotic fruit, then feel free to purchase seeds. After all, getting fruit from them is not so difficult.

How to grow Indian pomegranate momordica at home? Sow seeds in containers filled with loose, fertile soil with a neutral reaction. Peat humus tablets are suitable. Start the event in late March - early April. Soak the seeds in honey solution (1 teaspoon per glass). Wrap them in a napkin and place them in a warm place on damp sawdust. Hold planting material in this state for 10-12 days, remembering to regularly wet the fabric.

Bury the prepared seeds with an edge of 1-1.5 cm. Moisten and lightly compact the soil. Then place the planting in a warm, draft-free place. Water the soil regularly, preventing it from drying out. At the end of May, transplant the seedlings into separate pots, keeping the earthen ball. In the future, provide your momordica with regular watering and periodic feeding, and it will bear tasty and healthy fruits.

Over the past few decades, pomegranate fruits have become firmly entrenched in the diet of lovers of healthy and wholesome food. Children adore pomegranate for its unique sweet and sour taste; adults find it a source of vitamins and an elixir of youth, thanks to the presence of antioxidants in its composition. Despite the popularity of this fruit, few people can boast that they know how and where pomegranate grows.

What does it look like mysterious plant? Is it herbaceous or woody? Creeping or standing straight? Perhaps the exception is those people who live in warm regions or can travel a lot, exploring the nature of distant countries. Test growers can also boast that not only do they know what a pomegranate tree looks like, but that it grows right in their own home! How did they manage to do this and how to grow it with their own hands? Many questions arise, to which we have tried to give as many comprehensive answers as possible. In the meantime, let's begin our story about this amazing overseas fruit.

A little history

The subtropical regions of Asia and Europe are considered the birthplace of this fruit. The pomegranate tree (Punica) is represented by small shrubs and medium-sized trees from the family Lythraceae. According to history, pomegranates were introduced into culture in Ancient Babylon, and this was 5000 years ago. Later (around 800 BC), the Moors transported the tree to the shores of Spain for further sale and breeding. Henry VIII, the crowned lady of the 15th century, loved the pomegranate so much that one day he set out to please his beloved Britain with this plant. In the 16th century, the pomegranate first set foot on the lands of America along with the conquistador fleet. As for Russia, the first mention of pomegranate dates back to the inventory of plants in the Tsaritsyn greenhouses back in 1814.

Many peoples introduced the pomegranate into a mythology full of religious imagery, in which the tree symbolized a rich harvest, the ability to regenerate, hope and life itself. Pomegranate flowers are very unusual in appearance; thanks to the special shape of the sepals, they resemble a small “crown”. Of course, it is unnecessary to be tormented by guesswork, but who knows, perhaps the shape of the crown of the crowned persons was dictated precisely appearance pomegranate flowers?

In modern Greece, they continue to follow old traditions during the wedding ceremony, when flowers and pomegranate fruits are thrown at the feet of the newlyweds. Also, the bride can instead wedding bouquet throw ripe and juicy fruit grenade.
Russians call this plant "pomegranate", based on Latin word“granatus” (grainy), which fully characterizes the structure of the pomegranate fruit.

Types of pomegranate

Perhaps the most common type is the common pomegranate (Punica granatum), which grows in the Himalayas, Transcaucasia, Dagestan, Iran, Kopetdag, Darvaz and Asia Minor. The leaves are leathery, collected in bunches up to 8 cm long. The flowers are bisexual, up to 5 cm in diameter, can be arranged either one or several. The method of pollination is cross. During the flowering period, it is pleasantly pleasing to the eye and stomach, after the harvest begins.

Homemade pomegranate is great for growing as an ornamental potted plant. Thanks to its compact size, it does not take up much space, but is not inferior in beauty to its tall brother. Thanks to the work of breeders homemade pomegranate formed separate species Dwarf pomegranate (Punica nana L). In addition to its compact size (about 60-100 cm), this pomegranate has another distinguishing feature- the ability to bloom from a fairly young age. The ends of young branches often end in single or paired flowers (less often 2-3). In general, this species is unpretentious and suitable for beginner gardeners.

Socotra pomegranate (Punica protopunica) is one of the attractions and at the same time endemic, i.e. found in the wild only on the island of Socotra. However, in nature it can be found less and less often. Pomegranate grows high on rocky plateaus, often surrounded by dense thickets of codiaum. The pomegranate flower, unlike other species, is pink and small. The fruit is miniature and sour because it contains very little sugar.

Applications of pomegranate

Such a serious disease as anemia as aid It is customary to treat by including pomegranate fruits in the daily diet. According to doctors, not only the pulp, but almost all its parts can treat many health problems. It is used to prepare food products, juices, tannins for the leather industry and natural dye for fabrics.

In addition, pomegranate is grown as a fruit or ornamental plant both in the garden and at home. Pomegranates with beautiful double blooms are especially popular. In warm countries, pomegranate is planted to decorate park areas and gardens, often as a living decorative hedge.

In countries and regions with a cool climate, for example, in the Moscow region, northern Russia, etc. Pomegranate is also loved, but a slightly different approach is used to grow it. He is raised on outdoors in a pot, removing the plant for the winter in a warm room. Often as indoor plant can be found dwarf garnet in regular potted form or as a bonsai.

Care and cultivation of pomegranate

Growing temperature

During the period of active growth, pomegranate is kept at a temperature of +20°C - +25°C. With the arrival of autumn and shorter daylight hours, the temperature gradually decreases. Like all deciduous plants, pomegranate prefers cool temperatures and infrequent watering during the winter months. Its crown can fall off almost completely. Optimal temperature keeping in winter +5°C - +10°C. When temperatures rise significantly, frequent spraying of plants is recommended. The cool content of pomegranate in winter guarantees active flowering and fruiting during the growing season.


Garnet will become great solution for those whose windows face south. Indeed, with such a hot arrangement of windows, it is very difficult to choose plants that will like direct sunlight. However, the pomegranate will be happy with such lighting. All you need to do is just cover the plant on especially hot days so that the midday heat does not damage the young leaves.

It will be useful to take indoor pomegranate out into the garden or onto the balcony for fresh air and beneficial hardening of the plant itself. In September, pomegranate is usually brought indoors again. In order for the plant to get used to the open sun outside, it is advisable to gradually increase its exposure to sunlight to prevent sunburn. This is especially true for purchased adult pomegranates, which are accustomed to favorable artificial conditions.
In winter, the pomegranate is kept in a well-lit place; if necessary, additional lighting is installed.


During the period of active growth, pomegranate is watered abundantly and as needed, as soon as the top layer of soil dries. Use settled, soft water. It is recommended to water a fruit-bearing tree every day, but without fanaticism, avoiding flooding and rotting of the earth clod. At the end of summer, watering is sharply reduced and fertilizing is stopped, as the plant is already beginning to prepare for winter sleep. During the winter, pomegranate is watered rarely, making sure that the earthen ball does not dry out completely.


Pomegranate is a drought-resistant plant, so it does not need high humidity air.


At home, pomegranate can not only bloom, but also produce tasty fruits. small size. Since pomegranates are cross-pollinated, there are both male and female plants on the same plant. female flowers. It's quite easy to distinguish them: male flowers have a short pistil and do not set fruit; females, on the contrary, have a long pistil, which forms the rudiment of the fruit after pollination. In order for pollination to occur, only a few male flowers are enough; the rest can be torn off so that the plant does not waste its energy on them. U decorative varieties there may be no fruits, since they were created specifically to delight people with their abundant and long flowering.


Pomegranate loves nutritious feeding with liquid fertilizers at the beginning of the growing season. In the spring and first half of summer, fertilizing with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers is suitable, allowing you to actively increase the green mass of the plant. Growing pomegranate at the end of summer is characterized by fertilizing with fertilizers high content potassium Perfect fit complex fertilizers For flower crops, in which everything nutrients balanced in the most optimal way.


Pomegranate transplantation is carried out in early spring, after the plant begins to wake up from winter sleep. It is recommended to replant young plants every year, adults much less often. Because pomegranate blooms better in cramped pots, you should not constantly increase the volume of the pot in the hope of good fruiting. You can use the old container, just adding a little new nutrient soil, instead of removing the old one in places.


Pomegranate shoots are annually pruned at the top, near the roots, because the young shoots grow too abundantly, turning the tree into an unsightly lump of intertwined branches. There should be no more than 4-5 trunks in one pot, since too much thickening will lead to very small fruits.


Pomegranate can be propagated in three ways: cuttings, grafting and planting seeds. Propagation by seeds is carried out by sowing seedlings in a highly nutritious soil mixture. The temperature should be above +20°C. After the first true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate small pots. The first flowering will occur no earlier than in 5-7 years.

Cuttings can be carried out both in winter and summer. To do this, take cuttings no more than 10 cm long and plant them in special mini-greenhouses. Next, the grown and well-rooted plants are transplanted into separate containers. Flowering is observed after 2-3 years.

Growing a pomegranate at home is quite simple, even if you do not use purchased seeds or an imported adult plant, but a seed from a recently eaten fruit. Pomegranate is unpretentious and colorful during the growing season. And the delight of tasting fruits grown with one’s own hands will become a pleasant memory for many years, and also the envy of people who admire your magnificent plant!

How to grow pomegranate at home video

The word “pomegranate” translated from Latin means “grainy”. Pomegranate fruits were called “grain apples” in ancient times, and later “seed apples”. Pomegranate grows mainly in subtropical climates, preferring heat, humidity and plenty of sun. In nature, the tree can reach a height of 6 meters. At home, pomegranate is a small decorative bush up to 1 meter high with fruits up to 6 centimeters in diameter.

What kind of pomegranate can you grow at home?

Pomegranate is an exotic plant, and many do not know that it can also be grown at home from a seed, like lemon and other citrus fruits. This is quite easy to do, since pomegranate does not require special soil or care. The plant is unpretentious and grows well. The best place to place it at home - a sunny window or a heated balcony.

You may not be able to get good-tasting berries from purchased fruits, since almost all commercially available pomegranates are hybrids. But it’s worth growing such an exotic, if only for the sake of the magnificent flowering, when the entire tree is literally dressed in purple inflorescences or individual flowers. The pomegranate tree blooms all summer.

The pomegranate tree can bloom all summer

Most often, dwarf pomegranate is grown at home, flowering of which begins in the first year after sowing. It is recommended to pick off the first flowers so that the plant gets stronger. On next year fruit will set. But a dwarf seed pomegranate may not bloom for several years. In this case, it should be vaccinated.

The pomegranate tree is resistant to dry air and compact, its height does not exceed 1 meter. This pomegranate is often grown as ornamental plant. It blooms beautifully and for a long time, giving you the opportunity to practice creating a bonsai.

You can create a decorative bonsai from dwarf pomegranate

The following varieties are grown indoors:

  • Baby;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • Carthage;
  • Shah-nar;
  • Ruby.

Collecting and preparing seeds for planting

Favorable times for sowing pomegranate seeds, according to gardeners, are November and February. Seeds sown at this time can sprout within a week; at other times, sprouting can take several months.

It is better to plant closer to spring, the seedlings are stronger, and you don’t have to struggle with additional lighting all winter.

Seeds for sowing are taken from a large, mature fruit without signs of rot or damage. Ripe seeds are hard and smooth, the seeds are white or cream in color. If the color is green and the seeds are soft to the touch, then they are not suitable for planting.

Select hard and smooth seeds for planting.

When purchasing ready-made seeds, be sure to check the expiration date, seed weight, company logo, and variety. All this should be indicated on the packaging. It is better to make a purchase in a specialized store, rather than in a market from strangers.

Preparing seeds for planting:

Landing instructions

To sow pomegranate seeds at home, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the soil. It can be anything, the main condition is looseness, moisture and air permeability, preferably slightly acidic or neutral (pH from 6.0 to 7.0). But this does not mean that pomegranate cannot take root on other soils, in natural conditions it grows on both clay and sand. From ready-made soils the best choice- for roses or begonias. Recommended mixture in equal parts:
  2. Prepare a container for sowing. It could be Plastic container, wooden flower box or flower pot. The container for sowing is chosen to be shallow, since the root system of the pomegranate grows in breadth. The size of the container depends on the number of seeds that need to be sown, taking into account a certain distance between them (about 2 cm).
  3. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom. As drainage you can use:
  4. Fill the container with soil and water clean water above.
  5. Spread the seeds evenly over the surface and bury them carefully into the ground by 1–1.5 cm. The soil on top should be loose; there is no need to compact it.

    The soil should be loose

  6. Cover the container with a lid or film to create Greenhouse effect, put in a warm, bright place.

Video: preparing and sowing pomegranate seeds

Seedling care

The first shoots appear in about 1–2 weeks. As they grow, the film must be periodically opened, gradually increasing the opening time, and when leaves appear, removed completely. The seedlings need to be moistened regularly, preventing the soil from drying out.

After the leaves appear, the film is removed

In winter, when the days are short, lamps are used daylight for additional lighting, increasing the duration of daylight up to 12 hours.

Video: sowing seeds and forming pomegranate

Transplanting a seedling into a larger pot

Seedlings need to be planted in separate pots after two or three true leaves appear. Select the strongest and healthy plants. The pot for the first planting should not be large; a diameter of 7–10 cm is sufficient.

Transplantation of pomegranate plants is not tolerated very well; they are usually transferred along with a lump of earth.

Transplantation of seedlings is carried out in the following order:

In the first three years, the plants are replanted every year, gradually increasing the size of the pot. Transplantation is carried out in the spring when the buds are swollen. Trees older than three years are replanted every three years or as needed. Enough for an adult houseplant five liter pot . Too much big pot may cause flowering to stop.

It should be taken into account that pomegranate grows and blooms better in a slightly cramped pot.

Video: how to properly transplant indoor pomegranate

How to graft pomegranate

A pomegranate grown from a seed rarely retains its mother's properties. And if this is the seed of an ordinary pomegranate bought in a store or market, then it will begin to bloom and bear fruit only after 7–8 years.

To obtain a varietal plant, a varietal cutting is grafted onto it. The vaccination is done in the spring, during the awakening of the kidneys. The scion cutting must have a diameter equal to the diameter of the rootstock.

There are more than 150 types of vaccinations. You can choose any one depending on the thickness of the rootstock (seedling) and scion (cutting). Let's consider a popular option for thin rootstocks - simple copulation.

Thin rootstocks are young trees that need to be turned into varietal trees. The essence of copulation is very simple: oblique cuts of the same size are made on the rootstock and scion and pressed tightly against each other for fusion.

The rootstock and scion must match in diameter

Sequence of operations:

In our climate, pomegranate cannot be grown in the garden, but enthusiastic people successfully grow it at home. Growing a pomegranate from a seed on a windowsill at home is quite realistic, easy and very interesting.

Today, home pomegranate is not the most popular type of plant, but still some would like to have their own pomegranate tree at home. In this case, it can be grown from a seed. Many experts say that this method is perfect for home use.

A pomegranate tree can be grown at home from an ordinary seed.

You can choose any pomegranate from seeds (the type that you want to grow). How to grow indoor pomegranate by seed?

Features of the plant

Today, many experienced gardeners are interested in various exotic plants, which can be bred at home without any hassle. But they often don’t know how to grow them correctly. The list of such plants includes:

  • tangerines;
  • lemons;
  • bananas;
  • grenades.

Seedlings or ready-made lemon or tangerine trees can be found in almost any large store, so purchasing them is not so difficult. But grenades are much less common, and buying them is quite problematic.

If you have the desire, you can achieve the goal. You can get pomegranate seeds and grow pomegranate from the seed. This method will allow you to get a small beautiful tree, the first flowers, and then fruits.

The whole tree will not be covered with fruits, but such a small minus can quickly be eclipsed beautiful flowers, which will saturate the room with a subtle aroma every day. Caring for an already mature pomegranate is not difficult. But everything will depend on cultivation and planting.

Pomegranate has beautiful flowers with a delicate aroma

Landing rules

Beginning gardeners do not know how to germinate pomegranates at home. First you need to understand what type of pomegranate sprout you want.

Those fruits that you buy in a store or market will not be able to take on all the qualities of their parents, but growing a pomegranate from a seed is a a good option. The scheme of such reproduction is described below.

  1. Choose the most beautiful and largest pomegranate. There should be no traces of rot, disease, mold, dents or black spots on it. This is important because old and bad fruit will not produce seedlings, or they will be too weak to grow.
  2. Break the pomegranate in half and select the seeds to plant. The germination rate is high, so 5-6 grains will be enough for you.
  3. Before planting a pomegranate in the ground, the seeds must be cleared of pulp. Then rinse them thoroughly under running water. The grains should take on an ivory color.
  4. Do not use seeds that are soft or weak in feel, Green colour. Experts advise leaving the seeds that you have chosen for planting in solutions of Zircon and Epin for twelve hours; they stimulate the germination of seedlings well. For one teaspoon of water there are approximately two drops of this mixture.
  5. While the grains are preparing, prepare the soil for planting. You can use regular universal flower primer. If it is possible to make the soil ourselves, then it should consist of fertile soil, peat and sand.

Preparing seedlings

For planting grains, it is best to choose only a warm time, so that the pot can be immediately placed on the windowsill under the sun's rays.

Plant the sprouts in a container that is already filled with soil. Maximum depth landing is 1-2 cm.

After you place the seedlings in the ground, cover them with soil and spray with warm water to make the soil moist, and then cover with film to ensure that the fruits are constantly in a moist environment - this is very important in the first few weeks.

This way you will set up a greenhouse for future plants, and the seedlings will quickly germinate. The ideal temperature for this stage is no less than 24-31°C.

Those seedlings that you plant in November and at the very beginning of spring will germinate in about a couple of weeks. In another season you will have to wait several months.

Features of cultivation

In summer, it is necessary to ensure suitable temperature conditions - not lower than 18 °C and not higher than 25 °C. But in winter period It is best to keep the flower in a colder space and maintain the temperature no higher than 15 °C.

In the spring, after frost, the seedling will need to be placed on a balcony or windowsill so that it can come to its senses. Do not forget that the top layer of soil should not dry out. During hot periods, the tree must be constantly watered, but do not overwater the tree! This will lead to root rot and plant death.

The pomegranate tree needs to be watered only from above, since its root system is superficial. It is important to fertilize it on time. It is better to do this from spring until autumn. For this purpose, you can use the most common fertilizers that you use to feed indoor plants. The frequency of the process is every 2 weeks.

Important: if you are going to eat the future harvest, then you need to reduce, or better yet completely eliminate, nitrate fertilizers.

Do not use nitrate fertilizers if you plan to eat the future harvest.

When the tree begins to shed its leaves, it will mean that it is entering a dormant period. Don't worry, this is a normal process that is difficult to prevent. Some measures can be taken: during the cold season, keep the tree in a room with a warm climate. But do not forget that any interference in the natural life cycle of a living organism will not lead to good results. Such wintering can cause a slowdown in tree growth.

In February, the buds begin to bloom. Don't miss this period. The tree needs to be moistened more often and try to place it in the most illuminated place. Pay attention to the shoots: if they are dry, they need to be trimmed. Just a little more time will pass, and the tree will grow thick green foliage.

You need to replant the plant into a pot that will be about 2 cm larger in diameter. Do this every year. If the tree is already more than 3 years old, then it needs to be replanted less often: only when the roots fill the entire pot. When choosing a container, remember that pomegranate loves tight spaces.

Caring for the first shoots

The first thing you need to know is what living conditions pomegranate trees like at home. As soon as the first signs of seedling growth appear, move the pot to a sunny place, then the shoots will begin to germinate much faster and better.

It is important to ensure that the soil in the pot remains moist. As soon as you see that the top layer of soil is drying out a little, you can safely water it immediately. Do this with a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the soil with water. Don't forget to clean up excess water from the pallet.

Pomegranate can be replanted while growing. Those seedlings that have already produced several leaves must be transplanted into a separate pot. From them it will be possible to grow pomegranate trees. Such seedlings must be placed in prepared soil, which will consist of leaf humus and turf. There you need to put more sand and peat.

Provide plants that were planted in the fall with additional light. This is necessary for normal plant growth.

To ensure that your plant is not only lush, beautiful and healthy, but also begins to bear fruit, you need to put in a lot of effort. Take care of your tree by following simple rules, and your efforts will pay off.

Pomegranate means “grainy” in Latin. It has been known in its wild state since the time of Carthage. In cultural gardening, two autonomous species are grown - Common and Socotrans, although there are many wild pomegranates. Traditionally, pomegranate groves are part of the Mediterranean landscape. In our latitudes, grow this exotic tree in country garden unreal. But if you really want to get pomegranate from a seed, growing it at home will be a good solution. Moreover, this is not at all difficult, and there is a special third type of indoor plant - the Dwarf Pomegranate.

This deciduous subtropical plant rarely reaches a height of two meters in cultivation. In the wild it can grow up to six meters. In indoor cultivation, its height is unlikely to exceed 80-100 cm, but its low growth will not affect the fruiting of the tree.

By the way. Dwarf pomegranate is popular, along with lemons, oranges, other citrus fruits, home cultivation of pineapple and coffee trees.

The fruit of the plant is a berry, which consists of 6-12 sections, arranged in two rows and filled with more than a thousand seeds. It is from these seeds that pomegranate is grown.

By the way. Pomegranate begins to bear fruit in the garden at three years old, and with careful care can continue to bear fruit for up to forty years. Dwarf pomegranate is capable of bearing fruit in the second year, but this will last for a maximum of seven years. And there is a high probability that the fruits will not appear at all.

However, growing any indoor exotic plant, which is impossible due to inconsistency climatic conditions, to have in the garden at a dacha near Moscow is an exciting activity.


Pomegranate seeds are on sale today; they can be purchased, packaged in a beautiful bag with a bright, realistic picture, on the Internet or when visiting a store. But it is better to take fresh seeds of another indoor pomegranate for sowing.

Important! Fruits that are sold on the market can have excellent taste. But, unfortunately, they are all hybrids, which means that plants grown from their seeds will not retain their maternal qualities. Most likely, they will not bear fruit at all, although their decorative value will remain high.

The process of planting pomegranates step by step

Removing the seeds is easy. They need to be cleared of pulp and examined carefully. Only hard grains of a light cream color are suitable for sowing; if they are green and soft, they should not be planted.

The prepared seeds are left in water for 12 hours, adding a few drops of the Epin biostimulator. It is necessary that there is a little water - it should not cover all the seeds, since they will need oxygen.

The substrate is being prepared. It becomes loose, soft and fertile. Although the plant is unpretentious to soil structure and composition under normal conditions, it will need additional nutrition in the house. You can buy universal seedling soil in the store, or you can make it up from peat, sand and leaf turf. All ingredients in equal quantities.

The growing container may be small. When the seedling develops and outgrows the pot (this will happen in a year or two), it will need to be transplanted into a larger container. You can read about how to make containers for seedlings yourself in

After soaking in the solution, the seeds are well dried and buried in a moistened substrate. Planting depth is about 1.5 cm.

Advice. It is immediately recommended to sow several grains in one pot. After the seedlings appear, it will be clear which of them are strong and have a high growth potential, and which are better to be removed immediately so that they do not consume nutrients from the soil. If all seedlings good quality, they can later simply be planted in individual pots.

The crops are thoroughly watered and covered with glass. The pot is placed on the windowsill, where the sun remains for the maximum number of hours.

By the way. If planting was carried out at the very beginning of spring, and there is enough light, the seedlings may hatch in two to three weeks. When sowing at other times, it may take months for the seeds to germinate.

Seedling care

Indoor pomegranate needs special comfort and the creation of the best conditions. Caring for seedlings begins as soon as they emerge from the soil.

Table 1. Stages of caring for pomegranate seedlings.


You will need a room with a stable temperature of about +25ºC. Saplings need fresh air, but ventilation should be carried out carefully so that the plants do not fall into the draft zone.

Humidity is maintained at a fairly high level– about 80%. To achieve this indicator, you can place near heating devices wide containers of water, use a humidifier and regularly spray pomegranate leaves from a spray bottle. The water for spraying should be warm.

This plant is very light-loving. Pots with seedlings must be sent to the most sunny windowsill. Pomegranates need direct sunlight for at least two hours every day.

If the seeds are sown in winter, the lighting will in any case be insufficient. Additional lighting will be required for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening until daylight hours increase.

Pomegranate does not need a large amount of moisture in the soil. It is enough to water it twice a week with a small amount of warm water, which has been left in the room for at least two days.

The pot with the seedling must have drainage holes, and at the bottom - drainage layer expanded clay so that the roots can breathe. After each watering, for better aeration of the soil, it is necessary to loosen its top layer.

The procedure for removing the top is mandatory. The first time pinching is carried out when three pairs of leaves have formed on the seedling. It will not allow the tree to stretch out too much and will give the opportunity to develop two tops. In the future, they will form a nice lush crown. The branches will be thicker, the fruits will not break off.

Some time later it is necessary to cut off the tops again. And do this for six months after every three pairs of leaves on each shoot.

When the first true leaves have formed and the seedling has taken shape, you can replant it, or plant it out if several seedlings of equal quality have grown in one container.

When transplanting, the root is shortened by a third. The root cut is sprinkled with crushed coal.

Each pot must have drainage and fresh nutrient soil. After transplantation, the seedlings are not exposed to direct sun for a week.

Organomineral complexes are suitable. It is also good to fertilize seedlings with mullein infusion or droppings, or any organic matter. But it is worth remembering that excess nitrogen will result in rapid formation of leaf mass to the detriment of fruit formation. Therefore, you need to observe moderation in everything.

Caring for an adult tree

It may take a pomegranate about eight months from germination to become fully formed. indoor tree. After this, it can already be treated as an adult plant.

  1. Move it to a room with a temperature of +20ºC, that is, the tree can live in any room at normal room temperature.
  2. It is advisable to maintain the intensity of lighting and the number of direct sun rays, at least until the plant blooms.
  3. Pomegranate still needs regular ventilation.
  4. Watering can be reduced to once a week.
  5. To see pomegranate bloom, it will need feeding.
  6. In winter, the pomegranate should shed its leaves and have a dormant period.

Winter peace

Flowering of the tree can occur nine months after germination. It begins and continues in the summer. Flowers are produced in two varieties. The one that looks like a pitcher is bisexual and bears fruit. Having the appearance of a bell - sterile.

After flowering, if fruits have set, they will ripen during the fall. Then the tree will definitely shed its leaves, signaling that it is time for it to plunge into peace.

Advice. You should not stimulate pomegranate growth in winter. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for him to rest. Otherwise, the plant will quickly become depleted and eventually die.

To give the pomegranate a rest, in winter it should be moved to a room where the temperature does not rise above +12ºC. Watering is reduced to twice a month. All feeding is stopped. The tree should be at rest for two months.

The pomegranate will indicate that the dormant period is over by the appearance of new leaves. After this, it needs to be returned to its original room, watered intensively and fed with organic matter.

Features of watering

When watering, it is necessary that water is delivered only to the root. It is better to use a small watering can with a narrow nose.

Important! Watering decreases during the flowering period of the pomegranate, increases when the fruits begin to form and ripen, and decreases during dormancy.

The water is always two degrees warmer than the air in the room. You need to defend it for at least a day.

If the room is dry, the humidity is raised by spraying the leaves without cold water, preferably boiled.

Rules for applying fertilizers

An adult tree older than one year is fertilized every two weeks with a complex organomineral composition. The exception is the dormant period, during which no fertilizing is applied.

If the pomegranate is not grown in quality decorative tree, and for fruits that will be eaten, mineral fertilizers it is fed only until the flowering period. As soon as the tree blooms, feeding begins with slurry or chicken droppings diluted in water.

By the way. Manure and droppings are not best fertilizers for plants that are grown in an apartment, their smell may not be liked by other residents. For feeding, you can take the pomegranate out to the balcony once every two weeks for several days, especially in the summer.

Features of transplantation

A year must pass from the time of the first transplant of the seedling to the second. The following must be taken into account - the larger the pomegranate pot, the more barren flowers will form on it. The container should be chosen to be tight. It is time to replant after the first year, when the tree root has entwined the entire earthen ball, filling the pot.

By the way. With each subsequent transplant, the container increases in diameter, first by two and then by three centimeters.

After four years, the tree is no longer replanted, but every year about five centimeters of the top layer of substrate in the pot is removed and replaced with a new one.


This plant bears fruit on young shoots of the current year. Pruning is an important part of pomegranate care. Its crown must constantly be shaped so that it grows in the form of a lush bush or tree with three to five skeletal branches.

On each first branch, branches of the second order are laid - up to five pieces. The third order of branching is formed on them, where the formation of fruits occurs.

Advice. Be sure to cut out the shoots at the root if they appear in the pot. Also remove all fatty branches and shoots with an internal direction of growth.

After three years, you can begin to cut off old branches that are no longer involved in fruiting.

Improvement of pomegranate

This tree has a lot of pests in apartment conditions. Of the diseases, the most serious are cancer of the root and branches.

Table 2. Methods for exterminating pests.

Pest typeMethods of destruction
AphidTreatment with tobacco infusion. 40 g of tobacco powder is poured into a liter of eighty-degree water. After two days of infusion, dilute it in half with water and dissolve four grams of grated laundry soap in the infusion. Processing method: spraying. Quantity – three times with an interval of two days.
Scale insect, whiteflyThis group of pests can be destroyed all at once by treating the plant with an infusion of garlic or onion peel. Take 20 g of it and immerse it in a liter of water. The husks are infused for five days, filtered, and daily spraying begins until the pests completely disappear.
codling mothThere is no safe and non-toxic way to get rid of codling moths. For prevention, you need to carefully collect all fallen leaves and pomegranate fruits from the surface of the soil of the pot. If the fruit is affected by the pest on the tree, it must be removed and discarded.
MealybugYou won't be able to get rid of this pest either. in a safe way. If it is detected, you will have to spray the tree with Aktara, Confidor and analogues three times every five days.
Spider miteIt is destroyed by the drugs “Actellik” and “Fitoverm”.