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What was the name of the man who discovered cultivated plants? Miracles of selection: wild ancestors of cultivated plants. Cultivation of indoor plants

Basil is a plant that grows in warm tropical countries, so grow good bushes this spice in the open garden plot not so easy. It may lack warmth and light, and constant winds can make the plants weak. But there is an option on how to get healthy bushes with a lot of fragrant and juicy leaves - this is growing basil in a greenhouse. This is the best way to grow spices in our climate.

The principle of planting basil in a greenhouse is almost no different from gardening. The main thing here is to make sure that the greenhouse itself and the soil in it are suitable for cultivating this particular plant.

If planned early boarding, the greenhouse must be covered with dense material without the slightest cracks or holes. High-quality polycarbonate is suitable for this. Perfect option- glass greenhouse on a metal frame. This will ensure perfect protection even during frosts, and sharp changes Temperatures will not be scary for basil.

It is worth remembering what conditions basil likes. Growing in a greenhouse will allow you to create the maximum suitable conditions. Adding manure or compost to the soil will help maintain temperature and protect from frost. During decay it will warm the soil. Also great solution for growing basil, shelving will be installed, which will greatly simplify the care of the garden bed. It is advisable that the greenhouse have windows.

Sandstones to which organic matter is added are suitable for basil. The soil should be moderately loose and with an average level of acidity. Land preparation must be carried out in the fall, especially if.

How to properly grow basil in a greenhouse?

When basil first begins to grow, the growth rate is very slow, especially in winter, so do not give up and despair. Better support optimal conditions and wait for the bushes to get stronger and begin to acquire succulent basil leaves. Growing in a greenhouse in winter requires the following points:

  • temperature in the greenhouse - 25 degrees;
  • - every 7 days;
  • It is better to water with a drip system;
  • feeding greens - the first time after 14–15 days, the second time after 2–3 leaves appear on the bush.

After just a month and a half, you can decorate meat and fish dishes with your own grown basil.

Basil is a healthy seasoning that gives dishes a piquant taste and a pleasant aroma. With the onset of the summer season, I want to get an early harvest of this valuable and tasty spice. If you sow directly into the ground, you will have to wait a long time for the harvest, since basil is heat-loving, demanding of soil nutrition and the rules of agricultural technology. But if you grow it through seedlings, then achieving an early harvest of greenery will be quite easy.

Sowing basil for seedlings

The seedling method of planting basil is an opportunity to get early greens and collect full-fledged seed material for planting next season. Healthy and strong seedlings are the key to a good result, so when growing them, you need to pay attention to the timing of planting, as well as the conditions for growing them.

Step 1: determine planting dates

When determining the timing of sowing seeds, you need to focus on the possible timing of planting seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse. In temperate conditions climate zone This is approximately the first ten days of June. In regions with warmer climates, seedlings can be planted as early as mid-May. By this time the opportunity has passed return frosts, stable warm weather will set in, the soil will warm up sufficiently (up to +10–15 degrees), and the basil plantings will not be threatened by weather disasters.

Helpful information! IN southern regions Basil is most often planted with seeds directly into the ground, but in the north you can get a full harvest only by growing seedlings.

In order to accurately determine the timing of sowing, use the following scheme:

  1. Let’s take the estimated date of planting the seedlings to a permanent location as a starting point. Let's say that the possible date for your area is June 1st.
  2. From this date it takes 60 days - the required age of seedlings before planting. We get April 2.
  3. Let's subtract another 2 weeks. This is the maximum time required for seeds to germinate. The resulting date is March 19.
  4. If the seedlings are grown with picking, that is, with transplantation from a common container into individual ones, then it is necessary to subtract another 4–5 days (the time for the seedlings to adapt after picking). We get the seed sowing date - March 14.

When determining the timing of sowing, the selected variety must also be taken into account. Basil of mid-late and late dates ripening develops more slowly, so its seeds are planted several days earlier. The sowing time for early and mid-early varieties needs to be shifted in the other direction. These plants develop faster and can outgrow within the specified time. This is extremely undesirable, because overgrown seedlings will take a long time to take root.

Note! If you plan to grow basil in a greenhouse, then the timing of sowing seedlings is shifted by two weeks, that is, to the beginning of March.

Step 2: prepare the containers

Any container is suitable for sowing basil seeds. When choosing, you should decide in advance whether you will grow seedlings with or without picking seedlings. If you are planning a diving procedure, then for initial sowing you can choose boxes in which the seedlings will feel free, they will be easy to care for, they can be quickly moved to a new place or turned the other side to the light.

When selecting planting containers, keep in mind that their height must be at least 8 cm

When growing without picking, individual containers are preferred. In this case, sowing seeds can be done:

  • peat tablets, cassettes and pots;
  • paper honeycomb;
  • cassettes and trays made of PVC and polystyrene;
  • containers made from scrap materials, etc.

Photo gallery: individual planting containers for growing seedlings

Should not be used very fertile soil: it is useless for germinating seeds, and can even harm - slow down the emergence of seedlings and their growth, provoke diseases

Note! Can be used nutrient soil mixture, sold in specialized stores. To disinfect it, use a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

If necessary, the mixed and disinfected soil mixture is spilled with a nutrient composition. To do this, urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (0.5 teaspoon each) are added to the settled water. After the fertilizer has dissolved, moisten the prepared substrate with it. Such watering will make the soil more nutritious and provide the emerging seedlings with all the necessary elements.

Step 4: process the planting material

Basil seeds will only be active if there is heat and sunlight, because their natural habitat is the hot climate of India. Therefore, before planting, it is recommended to warm them up to a temperature of +40 degrees. This can be done at sunny windowsill or on radiators. After warming up, it is recommended to soak the seeds for a day in warm water (approximately +40 degrees), and then dry them slightly.

Helpful advice! For soaking, you can use solutions of growth stimulants Zircon, Albit, etc.

Be prepared for the basil seeds to become very slimy when soaked.

Important! High-quality, heated and moisture-saturated seeds will sprout approximately 7–10 days after sowing.

Step 5: planting correctly

Sowing basil is absolutely simple. This procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Place on the bottom of the planting container drainage layer from expanded clay or pebbles. Its thickness should be 2–3 cm.
  2. The planting container is filled with the prepared substrate so that at least 1 cm remains to the edges of the planting container.

    When filling the container, keep in mind that the moistened soil will settle slightly

  3. The soil is slightly compacted and moistened.
  4. Warmed up, saturated with moisture and slightly dried seeds are evenly laid out on the surface of the soil.

    To prevent seedlings from competing for a place in the sun, it is better to immediately lay out the seeds at a distance of 2–3 cm from each other

  5. They are sprinkled with a layer of soil mixture of about 0.5 cm on top. When planting several varieties, labels with names are installed so that you can then navigate through the varieties you like.

    Fill the cassettes with the remaining soil so that the basil seeds are at a depth of 0.5–1 cm

  6. The ground is carefully sprayed (preferably with a spray bottle) so that the seeds are not washed to the surface. Do not use a strong stream of water. It is fraught with the fact that the seeds along with the water can go deeper. Because of this, they will take a long time to germinate or will not sprout at all.

    The best way to moisten the soil is by spraying with a spray bottle.

  7. The containers are covered with film or glass and placed in a well-lit and warm place.

    As soon as planting has been done, the container is covered with glass or polyethylene film to create a greenhouse effect.

Video: basil seedlings in a snail

Seedling care

The optimal temperature for keeping boxes with planted seeds will be +20–25 degrees. After emergence of seedlings, the covering material is removed and the containers are placed in a room with a temperature of +16–20 degrees. In such conditions, the seedlings will not stretch.

After removing the film, basil needs to be provided with regular and timely care.

It is necessary to provide the seedlings with sufficient light. Poor lighting will lead to weakening and stretching of crops. Therefore, place containers with seedlings in well-lit places, protected from bright sunlight.

Note! Direct sunlight on young leaves can cause burns.


The top layer of soil in the planting container should not dry out. Without moisture, small plants will begin to wither and stop growing. Overmoistening of the soil also harms hatching seeds. It can cause the roots to die off, rot, and develop a disease such as black leg.

Important! If, when examining the seedlings, you notice that a dark constriction has appeared in the lower part of the stem, and the root collar has darkened, these are signs of the black leg disease. It is urgent to treat the seedlings with a solution of copper sulfate: 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate per 2 liters of warm water.

Basil seedlings love to be watered with settled, warm (at least +22 degrees) water. Watering directly from the tap can cause the roots to die. Water the seedlings with caution; you should try to moisten the soil rather than water the leaves. If moisture gets on the green parts of the plant, it can lead to the spread of fungal diseases.

Basil seedlings should be watered carefully, making sure they do not fall

Helpful information! There is a misconception that before transporting seedlings to the planting site, they must be well watered. This is incorrect, because succulent stems and leaves are more fragile, they are more likely to break than slightly wilted.

Picking seedlings is an optional process. If the seeds were sown in individual containers, or the sowing was carried out in a sufficiently large tray and the seedlings were not thickened, then it is quite possible to do without picking. It is enough to further thin out the seedlings and add soil to the container to strengthen the plant stems.

If necessary, picking is carried out in the phase of two true leaves. The composition of the soil mixture can be the same as when sowing basil seeds. Picking is carried out as follows:

  1. Individual containers are filled nutritious soil, compact it slightly.
  2. A small depression is made in the center.
  3. The seedlings are watered so that they can be easily removed from the substrate and the seedlings can be easily separated from each other.

    Basil seedlings are ready for picking at the stage of 2–3 true leaves

  4. Each seedling is lowered into a prepared hole. The planting depth should be the same as that of the seedlings.

    Basil seedlings do not form adventitious roots on the stem, so it is better to pick them without deepening them

  5. The sprouts are sprinkled with earth.

    Each basil seedling is planted in a separate container.

  6. Water carefully, preventing the seedlings from falling.

    Immediately after picking, the plants are carefully watered

7–10 days after picking, the seedlings can be fed with urea (1 teaspoon) and superphosphate (0.5 teaspoon) dissolved in water (1 liter). It is recommended to periodically pollinate the soil in containers with wood ash. It will not only provide the seedlings with additional nutrition, but will also be an excellent prevention of fungal diseases.

Video: how to pick basil seedlings

When growing basil seedlings, they try to create for it comfortable conditions. If there is a sudden change in the artificially created environment - for example, when transplanting into open ground - the plant will experience stress and may take a long time to recover and get sick. It is recommended to gradually accustom and prepare seedlings for a new mode of existence. For this purpose it is hardened. Hardening begins approximately 2 weeks before planting the plant in a permanent place. It is taken out into the fresh air or into a film greenhouse. The main condition: the temperature of the seedlings during hardening should not be lower than +5 degrees.

Important! Optimal mode hardening is to create daytime temperatures within +15–17 degrees, night temperatures – +12–15. During hardening, limit watering of seedlings.

First, the plants are taken out into the fresh air for no more than 2–3 hours, when the air temperature rises to the level required for basil

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

Basil seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground at the age of 50–60 days. By this time, it should have at least 5 true leaves, be healthy and strong. When determining the timing of transplantation, you should focus on weather conditions: the danger of night frosts must pass, and the soil must warm up to a temperature of at least +10 degrees. For planting, choose a sunny place, protected from the north wind, carefully loosen the area and fill it well with organic matter (1 bucket of rotted manure per square meter). The transplant is carried out as follows:

Note! If the transplant is carried out in compliance with the specified rules, then in just a few days the basil seedlings will come into force and the bush will begin to actively grow.

Video: transplanting basil seedlings into a garden bed

Features of planting basil seedlings in a greenhouse

In protected soil, comfortable conditions for planting basil occur several weeks earlier than in open soil. The rules for transplanting basil into a greenhouse do not differ from planting it in open ground. The main feature is that in unprotected soil, plants are most often planted in a row or in a separate ridge. In greenhouses and greenhouses, basil is used as a compacting plant between tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. For better growth and bushiness, it is recommended to pinch the top of the seedling. Provided the soil has good nutritional value and regular and abundant watering, the harvest will be early and of high quality.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, northwestern and northern regions, it is cultivation in a greenhouse that will provide an early and abundant harvest of greenery

Compatibility of basil with other plants

Basil is a companion plant, that is, one of those herbs that secrete specific substances that have a beneficial effect on other crops: enhancing their growth, air disinfectants, repelling pests. Therefore, basil bushes are often used in joint plantings. Basil goes well with the following plants:

  • tomatoes;

    Basil improves the taste of tomatoes and also repels many pests from tomatoes, including the tomato hornworm.

  • beans. Basil protects legume plantings from damage by bean weevil;
  • pepper and eggplant;

    Experienced gardeners claim that when planting basil + pepper, plants help each other

  • fruit trees. Phytoncides secreted by the plant limit the spread of pests and diseases;
  • in the aisles of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables;

The only plants whose proximity to basil is not recommended are rue, as well as cucumbers, which do not like combined planting with any aromatic herbs. Basil itself grows well after the crops under which it was introduced big number organics: legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, onions, cabbage and carrots, as well as green manure. Given the rules of crop rotation, you cannot plant basil in one place for several years in a row. Return culture to old place possible no earlier than 4–5 years.

Considering the huge number of advantages of basil, its benefits, including for garden crops, you should always have this plant in open ground beds and in greenhouses. All you have to do is choose your favorite variety - and you can start planting it.

ABOUT beneficial properties People have known about basil and its ability to give food a unique taste for a long time. This spice is especially popular in the East. The population of Europe learned about basil thanks to the campaigns of Alexander the Great, but for some time they treated the unfamiliar plant with distrust. Hundreds of years have passed, and now in almost every private house or country house there is sure to be a small flower bed with herbs, among which basil takes pride of place.

Description of basil

Cooking can be approached in different ways. Some people cook in a hurry, just to drown out the feeling of hunger, some people make an effort to do this, but in the absence of imagination, the dishes turn out to be ordinary and bland. And someone, after work, turns into a good fairy or sorceress in the kitchen, who can create a real miracle from a minimal food set. But dexterous hands alone will not be enough to prepare a masterpiece. Every fairy has Magic wand, and a real housewife always has a magic ingredient in her kitchen - spicy herbs. The palm among aromatic herbs belongs, of course, to basil.

Basil is perhaps the most popular herb in cooking.

From ancient Greek, basil is translated as “king, royal, royal.” Its synonyms are: fragrant cornflowers, red cornflowers, darlings. In Azerbaijan, basil is called reagan, in Uzbekistan - raikhon, in Armenia it is known as rean. Such a variety of names indicates only one thing: basil is an incredibly popular herb in many countries around the world.

The birthplace of this magic plant presumably Africa. Basil is found wild in India, China and Iran. Currently, this aromatic herb is successfully grown almost all over the world.

Basil is found in many countries of the world, but Africa is considered to be its homeland.

Sweet basil, or common basil, is an annual herbaceous plant, having a straight tetrahedral and well-leafed stem. Height is from 50 to 70 cm. The bush looks lush due to the strong branching of the stem. The leaves are oblong-ovate, located on short petioles. The surface of the plate varies depending on the species - some are almost smooth, others have a bubbly leaf surface. The colors of basil can be very diverse - soft green, deep purple or with a hint of red. The edges of the leaf blade are dotted with sparse teeth.

The stem, leaves and bracts of many types of basil are covered with sparse hairs, causing the plant to appear rough when touched with your hand.

Flowers mostly white or pale pink, sometimes purple. The inflorescences look like brushes. The corolla is bilabial in structure, which classifies basil to the family of Lamiaceae, or Lamiaceae. Flowers appear in the axils of the upper leaves.

Blooming basil is an excellent honey plant.

Blooming basil is an excellent honey plant

Application and contraindications

Basil gained great popularity and fame precisely as a spice used in cooking. Leaves and stems are used both fresh and dried. They need to be collected before flowering begins. Basil has a unique aroma and taste that cannot be confused with anything else. It is the variety of aromas that determines which dish is suitable for one or another type of basil. Plants that smell like caramel, lemon, cinnamon or vanilla are most often used to make desserts. The clove smell is good for meat dishes, the anise smell is good for fish. Spicy greens are an integral part of refreshing vegetable and fruit salads, pates, marinades, sauces, soups, winter preparations, and tea drinks.

Basil adds a unique taste and aroma to homemade preparations.

To ensure that basil retains its unique aroma, add it at the end of cooking. But keep it in moderation!

But the use of basil is not limited to cooking. It turns out that the plant is very beneficial for health and, having appeared in Russia in the 18th century, was initially used exclusively as medicine. The antiseptic and antibacterial effect of basil has long been noted. But it also has the following effects on the body:

  • diaphoretic,
  • antipyretic,
  • astringent,
  • strengthens the nerves
  • antispasmodic.

Basil is equally good both fresh and dried.

But due to the high content of essential oils, there are also contraindications. Basil is not suitable for people with coronary heart disease, those who have had a stroke and those suffering from epilepsy. It is also necessary to limit its consumption in the following cases:

  • diabetes,
  • hypertension,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • individual intolerance,
  • age up to 7 years,
  • pregnancy.

For a long time, basil has been known both as a medicinal and as a cosmetic product.

This plant is also widely used in cosmetology. Basil perfectly rejuvenates, regenerates and tones the skin. Activates hair follicles, causing hair to grow faster and become shiny. Excellent for problematic skin as it is an antibacterial agent.

Types and varieties

Nowadays, more than 150 varieties of fragrant plants have been classified. But the basis for breeding work was the types of basil with green and purple leaves. A large variety of varieties allows you to add different shades of taste to ready-made dishes and experiment with familiar products. Of course, every housewife chooses a spice based on her preferences. Therefore, you should know that each type and variety of basil has its own unique taste and aromatic characteristics.

  1. Sandwich sheet. It smells like cloves. Used as a flavoring additive for culinary dishes in fresh and dried form. Used for conservation. Suitability for consumption occurs on the 47–51st day from the appearance of the first shoots. The plant is tall, upright, heavily leafy. Leaf blade of succulent Green colour, quite large, ovoid in shape. It has a serrated edge and a smooth surface. The flowers are white. Plant weight 170–210 g.

    Sandwich leaf basil has a wonderful clove aroma.

  2. Anise aroma. The name speaks about its spicy aroma. Used to add flavor to various prepared dishes and sauces. Good both fresh and dried. It grows as a semi-spreading bush up to 60 cm high. It is well leafed. The leaf blade is slightly bubbly and green. Plant weight 185–250 g.

    Basil of the Anise aroma variety is used as a flavored additive to dishes

  3. Lemon miracle. It can enrich a dish with lemon-mint notes, so it is often used in home cooking and in canning as a flavoring additive. Plant medium height, intermediate. The foliage is average. Elliptical shape green leaf has medium sizes. The surface of the plate is slightly bubbly, the edges are finely toothed. The flowers are pink. Plant weight is 300–320 g. The period from full germination to the beginning of economic suitability is 45–53 days.

    Basil of the Lemon Miracle variety adds freshness to dishes thanks to its lemon-mint aroma.

  4. Vanilla aroma. The vanilla-smelling herb is used as an aromatic additive in home cooking. Suitable for canned products. The leaves of the plant can be eaten on the 50–60th day after full germination. The bush is low-growing, upright, of medium density. The leaves are ovate-shaped and have a finely toothed edge. The surface of the plate is slightly bubbly and concave. There is practically no gloss. Blooms purple.

    Basil variety Aroma goes well with desserts

  5. Russian hero. Has a spicy clove-pepper aroma. Used as a flavoring additive in the process of canning and cooking. Used fresh and dried. Ready for consumption 48–50 days after germination. The bush is erect and tall. The leaf is large, ovate, green in color. The surface of the plate is medium bubbly. During the flowering period, it produces white inflorescences. Plant weight 170–210 g.

    Basil of the Russian Bogatyr variety is successfully used in fresh and dried form.

  6. Purple glitter. The aroma is camphor-clove. Good in fresh and dried form for home cooking and for canning as a flavoring additive. The medium-sized bush grows straight and has strong foliage. The leaf is ovoid, dark purple, medium size. The surface of the plate is smooth, the edge is finely toothed. The flowers are pink. Suitable for food 30–35 days after germination. The plant is quite weighty, its weight reaches 470 g.

    Basil of the Violet Glitter variety is good fresh or dried.

  7. Malachite. It has a pleasant caramel-mint smell. Used in home cooking and canning. The bush is tall. Upright, slightly loose. The foliage is average. The dark green leaf is medium in size and elliptical in shape. The surface of the plate is slightly bubbly, the edge is finely toothed. Flower color is pink. Ready for use on the 40–53rd day after germination. Plant weight 300–320 g.

    Malachite basil has a pronounced caramel-mint aroma

  8. Favorite. Pleasant taste and aroma of caramel. Refers to mid-season varieties, economic suitability occurs 50–55 days from the beginning of germination. The weight of one plant is 400–450 g. It is used as a flavoring and spicy-flavoring additive in canning and cooking. When fresh, it is good as salad greens. The vertically growing tall bush has medium foliage. The leaves are light green, elliptical. The flowers are pink.

    Basil variety Lyubimchik is especially good in salads

  9. Raspberry nutmeg. It has a bright nutmeg taste and aroma. It can add spicy notes and enhance the aroma of prepared dishes and sauces. Used fresh or dried. Medium-sized, intermediate and loose bush. The medium-sized leaf has an anthocyanin color. The flowers are dark purple. Can be used for its intended purpose 45–48 days after complete germination. The bush weighs on average 180–200 g.

    Basil Raspberry nutmeg adds a spicy note to prepared dishes

Reproduction methods

Regardless of whether you grow basil in open ground, in a greenhouse or on a windowsill at home, there are only 2 ways to propagate this plant.

  1. Seminal. This method is simple, although it requires a little preparation of the seeds. They are soaked in a solution of a stimulant, for example, Epin, for 8 or 10 hours. Then dry it by spreading it on a cloth. Dry seeds are sown in open ground, covered with plastic film. With timely watering, the first shoots will appear in 1.5–2 weeks.
  2. Cuttings. If you already have an adult basil bush, then you can use the fastest and in a convenient way. To do this, cut off several shoots or the top of the plant and place the cuttings in a container with water. The roots will appear very quickly - in 1, maximum 2 weeks.

Caring for basil in open ground

Basil seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the second half of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed and the daytime temperature remains consistently above 20 o C. But in each region this period must be selected individually - in cooler areas, planting begins in early June. In the southern regions, you can not only plant seedlings, but also sow seeds directly into open ground.

For open ground, it is preferable to plant basil seedlings

Good predecessors for basil are legumes, pumpkin and nightshade crops.

Growing conditions

Basil is thermophilic, so for it successful cultivation you need to choose the most illuminated area, protected from strong wind and draft.

Experienced gardeners often plant a spicy plant under young trees. They are not yet capable of providing much shade and do not interfere with the basil’s enjoyment of the sun’s rays. In turn, the strong-smelling bush drives away harmful insects from the seedlings. This is such natural mutual assistance.

Basil loves light soil rich in humus, the main advantage of which is good water permeability. The site should be prepared a month before planting. It is cleared of remnants of vegetation, stones and dug up with organic matter - humus, compost or peat. On light loams it will be enough to add 2 kg of organic matter per 1 m2. The planting itself is best done on a cloudy day or in the evening.

Basil grows well in open ground conditions

Watering frequency

The delicate aromatic plant is very moisture-loving. Sufficient watering helps basil actively grow new leaves. But watering should be done only after the soil has dried. Excess moisture, as well as its lack, negatively affects the development of the plant. Therefore, natural precipitation or elevated air temperatures significantly adjust the frequency of watering in one direction or another.

Don't water basil cold water. Before moistening, you need to let the liquid sit for at least 24 hours in a large container. During this time, the water will have time to warm up properly.

So that the liquid can heat up sufficiently, place the container for settling the water in an open sunny place.

Basil responds well to drip irrigation

Top dressing

To stimulate leaf growth, you should feed basil at least once a month. Fertilizers can be organic or mineral. But it is preferable to carry out mixed feeding.

Table: types of fertilizers for basil

If nutrients were added to the soil before planting, then the first fertilizing is carried out 10–12 days after planting.

In order for the vitamin leaf mass of basil to increase, fertilizing is needed

Trimming and shaping

A special feature of basil is its excellent branching ability. To achieve maximum splendor of the bush, you need to remove the emerging flower stalks from adult plants in a timely manner. Young basil is pinched at 5–6 leaves. This procedure activates the growth of side shoots, and the spicy bush grows in breadth, rather than stretching out in height.

By periodically pruning fresh herbs, you can help your basil maintain its luscious foliage throughout the season. If you do not remove the inflorescences, the leaves begin to taste bitter, and the lower ones quickly turn yellow and dry out.

Pinching basil stimulates the growth of side shoots

Growing basil in a greenhouse

The greenhouse reliably protects plants from frost. Microclimate without sharp temperature fluctuations in different time days and with a constant level of humidity allows you to get greens much earlier than in open ground.

Features of cultivation

Growing basil in greenhouse conditions is quite simple and profitable. Indoor spaces have many advantages, including:

  • getting early greens,
  • reliable protection from bad weather,
  • minimal damage from pests and diseases.

A greenhouse makes it possible to grow a vitamin product not only during the season, but all year round. True, for this you need to have a heated room to maintain the air temperature at 22–28 o C. To prevent plants from suffering from lack of lighting, preference should be given to durable and transparent materials, for example, glass or polycarbonate, and it is necessary to have additional lighting inside. Another requirement for greenhouses is the presence of vents for ventilation.

Greenhouse conditions provide excellent opportunities for growing basil all year round.

Methods for growing basil in a greenhouse

In a greenhouse, basil can be grown quite successfully by seed or seedlings. In one case or another, planting is carried out earlier than in open ground. Seeds are sown in early March or April. During this period, the spring sun has time to warm up the greenhouse. Seedlings in the southern regions can be planted in mid or late March. In places with cooler climates, this work may need to wait a little longer.

Planting by seeds

The seeds are planted in well-moistened soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm. The crops are covered with plastic film. The first shoots usually appear after 10 days. When all the seeds sprout together, be sure to thin out. The distance between bushes in a row should be 20–25 cm, depending on the growth performance of the planted variety. You need to leave at least 30 cm between rows.

Video: how to plant basil seeds

Planting seedlings

Seedlings are grown in special containers. The seeds are deepened half a centimeter into the moistened soil, the distance between them is 3 cm. In order for the seedlings to germinate successfully, the container is covered with glass or plastic film. Such a shelter will help maintain a temperature of 25 o C inside. If the seedlings are weak, then after the appearance of the first true leaf they need to be fed with a nutrient solution. To do this, mix phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers in a ratio of 5:3:2 with 10 liters of water. Picking is carried out when 2 leaves appear on the seedlings. Seedlings are transplanted into the ground when the plants have at least 4–5 leaves.

Soil requirements

As a rule, for spring planting The greenhouse begins to be prepared in the fall. They remove a layer of earth up to 25 cm thick and fill the vacant areas with a mixture of garden soil with humus or peat, with the addition of sand to make it loose. You can go the other way - simply dig up the soil, after first scattering fertilizer evenly over the surface. For each m2 it is necessary to add from 3 to 5 kg of organic matter, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt.

If for some reason you were unable to prepare the land in the fall, do so no later than 2 weeks before starting work.


The watering schedule when growing basil in a greenhouse does not undergo drastic changes due to stable indoor conditions. Water more often and more generously in the first month after planting. Then reduce the frequency of moisturizing so that excess moisture does not lead to illness. Water mature plant, When upper layer the soil will dry out moderately.

As a rule, in a greenhouse it is enough to water basil once a week. But if the microclimate conditions inside change, the humidification schedule will also change.

Watering should be done with warm water. For the procedure you will need a watering can with a nozzle in the form of a wide spray. Drip irrigation has also proven itself to be excellent.

To maintain normal humidity inside, it is necessary to carry out periodic ventilation. Accumulating condensation on the glass must be removed. When ventilating, the timing of which depends on the weather conditions, try to avoid drafts.

Basil is demanding of moisture, but in the greenhouse you need to strictly control the humidity level

Feeding and pruning

These procedures are carried out in the same way as when growing basil in open ground.

Video: growing basil in a greenhouse

Growing at home

If you love basil and want to have this fragrant herb on your table every day, try growing it at home. This activity is fun and easy. But there is one little secret. As potted plant Low-growing varieties of basil have proven themselves to be excellent. The list is long, but we will still offer some of them:

  • Dwarf,
  • Basilisk,
  • Troll,
  • Marquis,
  • Philosopher,
  • Compatto.

Growing basil as a houseplant was a popular activity in ancient Rome. They believed that the fragrant herb brought love, happiness and good luck. By the way, in the Mediterranean countries they still believe in this. Therefore, almost every balcony there is decorated with this spicy plant.

At home, basil is grown using the same methods - seeds and seedlings. But first you need to choose the right soil mixture - it should be light and permeable. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot, since stagnation of water in the roots will lead to the death of the plant. And of course, observe the thermal regime. Basil grows well in a warm, sunny window, away from drafts.

Basil was popular as a houseplant in ancient Rome.

Compatibility of basil with other plants

As is known, in cramped conditions For small gardens, many summer residents resort to a trick - compatible or compacted plantings. The same method is often used in greenhouses. To ensure that plants do not oppress each other, but rather help them develop, you need to choose the right neighbors. Basil in this regard - convenient plant. It grows well surrounded by many vegetable crops.

  • For legumes, basil is not only a wonderful neighbor, but also a protector. Its bright aroma repels bean weevil.
  • It improves the taste of leaf and head lettuce and tomatoes.
  • Goes well with kohlrabi, peppers, corn, zucchini, and asparagus.

But there are vegetables and strong-smelling plants with which basil does not have a good relationship. They oppress each other, so it is not recommended to plant basil next to the following crops:

  • cucumbers,
  • cabbage,
  • radish,
  • marigolds,
  • marjoram,
  • rosemary.

Basil is a wonderful neighbor for many vegetable crops


Despite its apparent tenderness and fragility, basil is quite disease-resistant. But the occurrence of diseases is possible with a combination of unfavorable factors, namely:

  • high humidity,
  • decrease or increase in temperature,
  • thickening of plantings,
  • incorrect watering mode.

The most dangerous fungal diseases for basil are:


If the disease has just manifested itself, spraying with an infusion of onion peels will help cope with the spread of the fungus: 1 part of the crushed peel is poured with 4 parts of boiling water. Infuse for a day in a warm place and strain. Can be used copper sulfate- 1 tsp. for 2 liters of water.

If the fungus has spread to most of the plants, you cannot do without the use of fungicides. Chemicals are used for processing, for example:

  • Topaz,
  • Fundazol,
  • Fitosporin.

Each package contains instructions and must be strictly followed.

Treatment of plants against diseases should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening


As is known, prevention is the best way in the fight against any disease. In order to avoid resorting to chemistry once again, you will have to carry out a number of measures.

  • Do not allow plantings to thicken.
  • Once every 5–7 days, dust the ground with the ash of deciduous trees.
  • Weed and loosen the soil in beds with basil and between rows more often.
  • Regulate watering. In some cases, it is better not to top up than to overfill.
  • Be sure to ventilate greenhouses and get rid of condensation.
  • Remove the diseased plant along with a lump of earth, and water the hole with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Try not to grow basil in one place for more than two years in a row.

When planting basil, do not forget that thickened plantings can lead to disease.


Basil is also resistant to pests. The strong aroma can scare off most of them. As a rule, mass destruction of plantings by harmful insects is not observed. But young and weakened plants can suffer from aphids or meadow (field) bugs. Sucking pests feed on the cell sap of plants, which leads to a slowdown in their growth and then to drying out of the leaves.

Following the preventative measures described above will help prevent uninvited guests. Well, if they appear, they will help you cope at an early stage folk remedies. Herbal decoctions will repel pests:

  • tansy,
  • wormwood,
  • hot pepper,
  • Luke,
  • dandelion,
  • garlic

Treatment is carried out several times at intervals of a week. An ash solution works great - pour 300 g of ash with boiling water, simmer over low heat for half an hour, cool and strain. Dilute the resulting volume with water to 10 liters.

If without chemicals can no longer be done, then use Karbofos, Actellik or Akarin.

The meadow bug is not afraid of strong aromas, so it can visit the basil bed

Problems encountered during cultivation

Although basil is not a fussy plant, sometimes problems can arise when growing it. Most often this can happen at home or when grown in a greenhouse.

Table: problems encountered and their elimination

Problem Cause Elimination
Basil stretches upward
  • Lack of light.
  • The formation of the bush has not been carried out.
  • If basil is grown at home, it should be placed on the brightest windowsill.
  • Be sure to pinch or trim. Thanks to these procedures, branching will increase.
Leaves are dryingThe plant suffers from high temperature air and low humidity.
  • If it is too hot in the greenhouse or on the windowsill, ventilate, but avoid drafts.
  • Move the pot with the plant to a cooler place.
  • Don't forget to water your basil on time.
The leaves are curling
  • Basil suffers from drafts.
  • The soil is too dense.
  • Overflow and low air temperature.
  • Remove the plant from drafts.
  • Replace the soil with light and loose soil.
  • During the cold season, do not overwater basil.
  • Allow the top layer of soil to dry.
appear on the leaves
light, parchment-like spots
Perhaps it's a sunburn.
  • In open ground, try to water the basil in the evening or at the root so that water does not get on the leaves.
  • If basil is growing on a windowsill, shade it slightly from the midday sun in the summer.
Doesn't grow well
  • The plant lacks nutrition.
  • Low air temperature.
  • Don't forget to fertilize your basil. It is best to alternate organic matter with mineral fertilizers.
  • Maintain the right microclimate. Basil grows well only at a temperature of 23–28 o C.
Basil bloomsThis is a natural process.
  • If you want to collect the seeds, leave the inflorescences.
  • If you grow basil for food, the flowers should be picked off.

To prevent basil leaves from becoming bitter, the inflorescences need to be cut off.

Secrets of cultivation

If this is your first time deciding to grow this useful plant in the garden, first carefully study all the secrets for its successful cultivation:

  • For basil, choose the sunniest places. It would be nice if the bed is protected from the north by dense plantings of other plants.
  • In the southern regions, sow seeds or plant seedlings only in well-warmed soil. If you live in a cold climate, you need to grow basil either in greenhouses or in a room on a windowsill.
  • Break out or cut off any inflorescences that form in a timely manner. This stimulates branching and growth of delicate vitamin greens.
  • Basil loves a clean bed, so weeding and loosening should be done at least 7 times during the growing season.
  • If you plant basil with peppers or tomatoes, you will make caring for your herbs much easier. While caring for the vegetables, you also pay attention to the basil.

Harvesting and storing basil

To use basil as a flavorful addition to dishes, you can pick the leaves or top part shoots when the plant has reached 15 cm in height. Do this carefully so as not to accidentally pull out the entire bush.

By the time flowering begins, which is approximately the end of July or beginning of August, the leaves have already accumulated a sufficient amount of essential oils. It is during this period that it is necessary to collect leaf mass for harvesting for future use. You can preserve vitamin greens in various ways:

  • to freeze,
  • pickle,
  • preserve.

Frozen basil does not lose its beneficial qualities

But the most common way to store vitamin herbs is drying. Preparing basil this way is very simple:

  1. Pick or cut off the plant's shoots.
  2. Collect 5-6 branches in small bunches.
  3. Hang upside down in a well-ventilated, dark area.
  4. After a few weeks, the leaves will naturally lose moisture.
  5. Store the finished product in a glass jar with a tight lid.

You can also dry basil in the microwave, electric dryer and oven.

Like any aromatic herb, basil is easily dried in natural conditions.

Basil can be grown in greenhouses and heated greenhouses. Thus, basil, when grown in a greenhouse in winter, can be combined with other crops: leafy and lettuce, dill, parsley, green onions. These crops have similar requirements for soil composition, watering and temperature conditions.

How to MAKE MONEY by growing SPICY herbs. Full discussion of the topic. // Oleg Karp


Fdssdfdfs Gfssdgf writes: Thank you - good video. Questions - in the text it says that pots with a diameter of 20 cm are taken as the basis, but in the video the pot is also 20 cm? visually it seems that it is more noticeable. But we didn’t try, we didn’t think medicinal herbs to grow it this way, will it be profitable?

conter7up writes: you also need to add soil to the expenses, i.e. add soil.

Ludmila Pecherska writes: Great!!! What a great guy you are! Such an open and friendly person! Health to you!!!

Albina Flora writes: Oleg, you are a wealth of knowledge) Thanks a lot for the idea. I'll definitely use it.

Small home greenhouses adjacent to the building are also suitable. In such structures, one wall is made blank, which increases the temperature inside the structure and allows you to save on heating costs. Find out how to organize photosynthesis in a greenhouse on our website.

Basil (Galileo)


Yaroslav Bukharov writes: Vegetarian sausages >>>

Yaroslav Bukharov writes: Vegetarian sausages >>>

You can grow basil in a greenhouse using two methods – seeds and seedlings. Planting in a seedling box or rack in the south is done as early as March, and in cool regions a month later. Growing basil with seeds usually begins at the end of April or beginning of May, when the greenhouse or greenhouse is quite warm.

Plants are planted in well-moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm. The seeds are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, the row spacing is 30-35 cm. In the southern regions, plants develop more strongly, so the distance there is increased by another 10 cm. Then the planting is mulched and covered with a double layer polyethylene film before emergence. They usually appear after 10-12 days (at a temperature of 20-25 degrees). Then the basil is cared for as usual - it is thinned out, watered, fed, and the greenhouse is ventilated as needed.

How to quickly grow basil? Basil cuttings #urozhainye_gryadki


Valentina Tsyganova

Wallman Wallman

Valentina Tsyganova writes: I cut it, put it in a glass of water, it gave a root and I planted it in a pot

Wallman Wallman writes: Is it possible to dig it out of the bed with roots and soil and plant it in a pot?

The grass is very sensitive to cold, so it should be sown no earlier than 2 weeks after frost. It is better to wait until it is more than +5C at night, then the herbaceous plant will develop very rapidly and within a few weeks will delight you with the first harvest of leaves. If the soil is clay, then it is best to plant basil. seedling method– growing from seeds will not give the expected result, because the plant will be extremely weak. The seeds appear from the ground after 7-10 days (if you previously soaked them in a growth stimulant, then seedlings can be obtained after 4-5 days) and for the next 2 weeks they need to be watered abundantly and a little fertilizer mixed in.

Some gardeners use agrofibre in their beds to get faster germination and effective fight with weeds in the early stages. But the labor costs will be very large, because the planting density is high and it is necessary to spend more than one hour to high-quality styling matter in the garden. Basically, this technology is effective in the presence of drip irrigation, because moisture does not fall on the leaves and feeds only the root system. This way, many diseases that can attack your crop are prevented.

Basil seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May, and the seedlings should have more than 5 leaves. Before planting, the seedlings begin to be hardened off about a week before they are taken out of the greenhouse. open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

If the soil is dense, it needs to be loosened after each watering to avoid stagnation of water. When there is excess moisture in the soil, basil is affected by rot. This disease can also appear if cool, damp weather sets in. If foci of disease are detected, damaged leaves are removed from the plant, after which they are treated with a fungicide, for example, foundationazole. 1-2 such treatments will stop the spread of the disease. In case of severe damage, the entire plant is dug up and destroyed.

Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter has become a good business for many gardeners. This is not a particularly expensive and at the same time profitable business. From a financial point of view, basil, the cultivation of which is a fairly simple process, is very profitable in relation to other crops grown for greens. Basil is an unpretentious crop that can be grown quite successfully in a stationary greenhouse. To grow it in Suitable for greenhouse turfy soil with a light structure.

When seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or on a saucer, important factor is constant monitoring of the condition of the soil. The soil should not dry out, but the water should not be allowed to stagnate; excessively abundant and frequent watering is also harmful, since emerging seedlings may develop diseases, such as blackleg. Due to the disease, the sprouts die.

How to grow basil from bushes and when to plant it? Planting of bushes on the site is carried out in the first ten days of July. If plants are planted earlier, this is fraught with their death, since basil does not tolerate low temperatures. Basil seedlings, like seeds, are planted in a nutritious soil mixture.

To pick basil, you can use a mixture of the same composition as for sowing. Just add to it 2 tablespoons of ash and 1 tablespoon (without a slide) of complete mineral fertilizer per 5 liters of earthen mixture. Mix well so that the fertilizer is evenly distributed in the soil.

Further care consists of regular watering with warm water. If the weather does not allow you to plant basil at the time you have calculated, then after 2-3 weeks, feed the seedlings and pinch the shoots above 6-8 leaves. 2 weeks before planting, begin hardening off the seedlings in the fresh air. The hardening temperature of basil should not be lower than +5...+10°C.

greenhouse. basil - 2

And on your personal plot you can get the harvest of others spice crops, for example, basil. Although this plant loves warm weather and is mainly grown in Transcaucasia and Asian countries, you can get a normal basil harvest in the central zone of our country.

Undemanding basil, grown in open ground or greenhouses. It can be grown in a garden bed in any region using seedlings.

Choosing a place for basil

Basil came to us from the southern latitudes, and a well-lit bed is chosen for it. The plant does not tolerate drafts or cold winds, for this reason it is advisable to plant this crop under the protection of bushes, fences or near buildings.

Basil requires nutritious, light and loose soil; basil grows well in beds where tomatoes or cucumbers were previously planted. Before planting basil seedlings in open ground, the area must be fertilized with manure. It also grows well after legumes, since they supply the soil with nitrogen with the help of nodule bacteria.

The site for planting basil is prepared in the fall, it is dug up on the bayonet of a shovel and fed with the following fertilizers:

Good compost or humus - add 3.5-5 kg ​​per 1 m2, depending on the nutritional value of the soil;
Granulated superphosphate – 22 g;
Potassium sulfate – 12 g.

If the area where basil will grow is in a lowland, then it would be a good idea to plant seedlings on raised beds, fencing them with boards. In damp, poorly aerated soil, spices will not develop well.

Growing seedlings

Basil – spicy annual plant, forming a branched and beautiful bush that can grow up to 20-60 cm, depending on the variety grown. In addition, the color of the leaves depends on the variety - from bright green to dark green, they will even turn out green-violet. U different varieties basil, the leaves also differ in shape - they can be even and flat, with a carved edge, they can even grow corrugated leaves. There are leaf blades of different sizes and widths, but any variety has their divine aroma.
Basil blooms in last decade July - first ten days of August. By this time, a lot of essential oil accumulates in it, and the plants begin to emit a pleasant aroma. At this time you need to collect spicy herbs.

Although basil is mainly loved for its fragrant foliage, its white microscopic flowers attract many pollinating insects to your garden.

From the outside, at this time, it seems that the basil sprigs begin to move. In mid-September, the fruits also ripen - black-purple nuts.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To do this, use a wide box and a nutritious soil mixture; it can be bought in a special store.

In the room where the box is located, the air temperature is maintained at 25-27 degrees; in such conditions, the first shoots can be noticed after 10 days.

When the seedlings sprout, they need to be provided with suitable conditions. Sowing is done to a depth of 10 mm, seeds are placed frequently after the emergence of seedlings, strong plants are planted in separate cups, and weak ones are discarded.

You can grow basil seedlings in an apartment, and after the weather warms up, gradually take the seedlings out onto the balcony (harden off), first for 2 hours, then gradually increase the hardening time.

Once every 15 days, seedlings need to be fed with fertilizers that contain the main nutrients - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (in a ratio of 2: 3: 5).

A week before transplanting seedlings into open ground, you need to water less frequently, and the time for hardening should be increased even more so that the seedlings get used to the new conditions.

Seedlings do not require special care– you just need to monitor the soil moisture; the soil in the pots should not be overdried. You also shouldn’t water it too often; because of this, a black leg may appear on the seedlings, which can destroy it.

In the southern regions, you can sow basil directly into the garden bed. This is done in early June, watering the furrows in advance. After sowing, the bed is covered with film and kept there until the seedlings sprout.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out in early June, after the return frosts have passed. For those who live in the middle zone or in the north, spicy greens need to be grown through seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

The seedlings are planted on the bed in pre-made holes, with row spacing of 30 cm, a distance of 25 cm is maintained in the row. The holes are dug so that an earthen clump of seedlings can be placed in them, most often 9 cm is enough. Right before transplanting the seedlings, 1 liter of water is poured into the holes . Seedlings are removed from the pots along with the soil. After this, it is advisable to make a temporary greenhouse, covering the plantings with polyethylene. This is important in case of possible night cold snaps; after the seedlings take root and the shoots begin to grow, the shelter is completely removed.

Caring for Basil

Caring for this crop is complicated by the fact that it requires a lot of heat.

When it gets cold (especially with light frosts), it is advisable to cover the beds with film at night and remove them in time in the morning.

For people who only need a few fragrant sprigs for the table, there is no need to try too hard; growing a small amount of basil is not difficult.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the plants moderately; do not flood the beds. Warm water is used, previously settled in a barrel, the bushes are watered from a watering can, the best time for watering is when the heat of the day subsides, after 17.00 hours. Once every 2 weeks you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

The first feeding of basil is carried out from June 10 to 20, another one 3-4 weeks after the first. For feeding use mineral or organic fertilizers, in proportions intended for green vegetables or herbs. This crop blooms in early August, during which time the branches become slightly tart and fragrant.

Collection of greens

Basil, if necessary, can be harvested 2 times per season. The first time the greens are cut is in early July, before flowering. To do this, carefully cut off the upper shoots; you cannot cut at the root, otherwise the plant will die; you need to leave a few leaves at the beginning of the branch. Basil is harvested again in August, by which time new branches should appear on the bushes. If you need some greenery for the table, you can trim a few branches at any time. In order for the bush to live longer, in the first ten days of September, 2-3 bushes are transplanted into large flower pots. This way the basil can live a long time and supply you with fresh herbs almost all winter.

Basil is prepared by pickling it or drying the herbs.

To get dry basil, scatter the cut sprigs in a thin layer on baking sheets and cover them with a clean cloth.

After this, the baking sheets are transferred to a well-ventilated, dry place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. For example, a barn or attic would be suitable.

It is not difficult to determine whether the greens have dried enough. Its leaves should be easily crushed and its stems should break.

Dry herbs are stored in porcelain or glass hermetically sealed jars. This way the basil will not spoil for more than 3 years.