home · Installation · Natural wood furniture: how to choose the right one. Why wooden furniture is the best choice for your home How to choose solid wood furniture

Natural wood furniture: how to choose the right one. Why wooden furniture is the best choice for your home How to choose solid wood furniture

All parents dream of giving their children the best. Namely, children's furniture made from solid wood is reliable, safe and creates comfort in the baby's room. A wide range of children's sets allows you to choose products in a classic style or a playful version. The strength of wood ensures long service life of furniture despite all children's pranks.

Furniture made from natural wood has many advantages compared to models made from chipboard and MDF:

  • increased wear resistance - products are difficult to break by blows, swinging or jumping;
  • No toxic substances are used in production. When heated, wood does not emit harmful fumes;
  • high aesthetic appeal - many wood processing techniques allow you to create beautiful furnishings in different styles. They have a unique natural pattern and fit harmoniously into any interior;
  • wood is safe for health, it breathes and helps create a favorable microclimate;
  • long service life - if you follow the recommendations for care and use of tables, beds, cabinets made of wood, they will last a very long time;
  • the wood has a uniform, dense structure, due to which all fastening recesses retain their original shape for many years. Tables and chairs will not sway, wobble or creak.

Damaged children's furniture from natural wood easy to update and restore. It can be sanded and covered with stain and a layer of varnish.

The disadvantages of interior items made of wood include:

  • the need to treat the surface with special protective agents;
  • availability of operating requirements: installation away from heating devices and direct sunlight;
  • Furniture for children's rooms made from solid wood has a high cost.

Primary requirements

It is necessary to choose furniture for children taking into account the height and age of the child. For correct formation For posture, it is important that the height of the backrest and seat of the chair correspond to the proportions of the baby. The shelves of the closet should be located at such a height that the child can reach the necessary thing himself. Transformative is considered universal wooden furniture, which can change size as the baby grows: extendable beds, chairs, tables with adjustable legs.

To ensure safety of use, wooden products must be untreated or treated with varnishes and paints for water based. To study the characteristics of the product in the store, you can read the quality certificate. Do not forget that the child already has his own preferences and desires. Be sure to consult with him before purchasing how comfortable and pleasant a particular model is for him. Then your child will be happy to fall asleep and study.


Manufacturers try to satisfy all consumer needs as much as possible and produce products in different styles:

  • Provence - characteristic features is the use natural colors in decor: milk, lavender, pistachio. Beds, chests of drawers, and cabinets are decorated with paintings with floral motifs. Provence style sets create a cozy and calm atmosphere;
  • classic solid wood furniture is intended for schoolchildren and teenagers. The products are decorated with carvings and have a uniform color light colors. In this style, models are produced without tinting, only coated with colorless varnish;
  • play interior items in the form of slide cabinets, attic beds, stylized car beds. Finished products are painted in all sorts of colors, decorated with paintings, appliqués, and rope ladders.

Based on functionality, children's furniture made from solid pine, beech and other wood can be divided into 2 groups:

  • case is distinguished by its versatility and durability. The components of the set can be changed in accordance with the needs of the child: replace the cabinet with a coffee table, or replace the crib with a teenage model. Chest of drawers, wardrobe, desk remain unchanged. Textile accessories, decorative lighting, and fresh flowers help to update the interior of a room;
  • modular includes tables, chairs, home desks, wardrobes, beds. The elements of the sets are combined like construction kit parts, and it is possible to assemble an individual interior from them. Many sections and compartments in the cabinets allow you to rationally organize the storage system. The modules can be changed to suit the baby's needs.

According to their intended purpose, wood products are divided into the following groups:

  • for rest and sleep: cribs, loft beds;
  • for eating: table and chair;
  • for classes: desk, desk, chair;
  • organizing storage of things: cabinets, cabinets, chests of drawers.

The minimum set for a children's room includes: a sofa or a transformable bed, a writing table, and a chair.

Table and chair


What types of wood are better?

In the production of furniture made from solid birch, pine, and other species, wood panels are used. They are either solid or spliced. The quality of the panels directly depends on the raw materials: the number of knots, the frequency of rings, the presence of inclusions in the array. With a large number of knots, the strength of the panels decreases.

Spliced ​​panels are obtained by fixing individual wooden blocks with glue, then they are covered with veneer. The strength of such shields is very high, they are suitable for creating any elements furniture sets. Finished products are resistant to temperature changes and do not deform.

The cost of finished products depends not only on the quality of furniture panels, but also on the type of wood used. More than 40 rocks are used for industrial purposes, which are divided into soft and hard. To the group soft materials include: poplar, pine, cedar, spruce. The hard group includes: boxwood, yew, white acacia. Soft rocks are suitable for surfaces with minimal load, hard ones for frames and foundations.

The most popular types used are:

  • solid birch has a high decorative effect. In knot-free raw materials, homogeneous fibers look very attractive. Birch has high strength and resistance to damage. The rigidity characteristics are similar to oak wood, but birch has a shorter service life. Odorless wood light color, is the most hypoallergenic material. It is used in the production of cradles;
  • Pine wood is actively used in the manufacture of chests of drawers, small cabinets, chair bases and sofas. The material has a heterogeneous texture with knots, a yellowish color that darkens during use. Pine has high impact resistance, a subtle pine scent, and does not crack. The service life of pine products is at least 15 years;
  • It is possible to make curved pieces of furniture from solid beech; the wood is flexible and durable. It has a uniform texture. Beech is an alternative to oak, but is cheaper. The wood is light in color and turns pinkish-brown over time. The material is resistant to moisture, often used without a color coating for the production of classic and retro furniture;
  • Oak wood is valuable and is used in the production of expensive furniture. The natural color of the material has a rich range: from yellowish to light brown. IN natural color rarely used, covered with colored stains. Wood has high strength, the service life of products is more than 30 years.

Veneer and curved products are made from solid ash. Sometimes linden, cherry, ash and maple wood is used as raw material.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing products

Children are very active, they run even in the room small size. Therefore, products for children should be safe: have rounded corners, strong fastenings, non-slip legs. Surface quality wood smooth to the touch, no chips or cracks.

Furniture is selected according to individual characteristics, taking into account the style of the room. IN small room There is no need to install a large set; basic items are enough. The parameters of the bed must correspond to the height and age of the child. Beds with restraints are suitable for children; teenagers will be delighted with a loft bed.

When choosing a table, a child should give preference to models with an inclined tabletop rectangular shape. Its height should be at the level of the elbow joint of a standing child. Chairs are chosen that are stable, with high back and special foot support. A chair that is too heavy is difficult to move; it can fall out of your hands and injure your legs. Light weight chairs have poor stability and often tip over.

Children's furniture made of wood should be purchased after inspection, testing, operation and study technical characteristics, certificates.

If you care about your child’s health, then choose natural wood furniture for your children’s room. Such products are environmentally friendly, practical and aesthetic. If a child scratches a wooden surface while playing, it is enough to sand it and cover it with a fresh layer of varnish. With wooden furniture, your baby's room will become the most comfortable.

In an age when furniture is made from durable synthetic materials, products made from natural wood are becoming more and more interesting. Until the mid-20th century, all furniture was made from wood, as this was the only option available at that time. Nowadays, furniture made from natural wood is not about tradition or the desire to show that you are not like everyone else, but about environmental, aesthetic and economic considerations.

Clean and harmless

Anyone who has experienced all the “benefits” of Chinese furniture (oh that lingering smell of plastic and glue!) understands that products made from synthetic materials are by no means as harmless as manufacturers present them to us.

By the way, not all wooden furniture is equally useful. If the product is made of laminated veneer lumber, veneer or plywood, then harmful formaldehyde compounds may be used as a binder. They are safe exactly until the moment when the furniture starts to heat up, for example, from a nearby radiator or kitchen stove. The formaldehyde released has a negative effect on genetics, reproductive function, Airways, eyes, skin and central nervous system. Thus, if you really have to choose between furniture made from synthetic materials and supposedly environmentally friendly clean products made of laminated wood using glue that contains formaldehyde - it is better to choose the first option.

But not all glue is equally harmful. Classic PVA will not cause any negative consequences for good health. Thus, when choosing furniture made from glued wood, find out what the product is held together with. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the composition of the glue in the instructions.

Furniture made from natural wood is fastened with steel bolts, self-tapping screws or PVA glue. All these fastening methods are used in different furniture depending on the expected load.

Remember that not all types of wood are equally suitable for making furniture. Find out what type of wood the product is made from. Pine, alder and birch are suitable for making simple furniture, although in our country almost all products are traditionally made from these types of wood: from beds to cabinets.

Oak, beech and cherry are used to make durable and reliable furniture. An oak bed can last hundreds of years if you properly care for this furniture.


Although modern furniture manufactured with such high quality that you can only distinguish synthetic materials from natural ones by touch; wooden products traditionally stand out for their aesthetics. The appearance of most of the furniture imitates natural wood. Why imitation when you can choose the original, given that furniture made from natural wood is often not much more expensive than its counterparts made from chipboard and fiberboard with laminating film or veneer.

In addition, different types of wood have different structures from each other, which allows you to create unique style for furniture. Products made from mahogany or Canadian maple especially stand out among other furniture. The most famous and most beautiful tables, for example, those that stand in the White House or in Buckingham Palace are made of noble wood.

Reasonable contribution

Of course, furniture made from natural wood will cost more than products made from chipboard, MDF or fiberboard. But here we can cite as an example the famous English proverb: We are not rich enough to buy cheap things. Furniture made of natural wood, with proper care and maintaining the balance of humidity and temperature in the room, can last more than a hundred years. Some specimens on public display in the same Buckingham Palace are more than 200 years old.

In addition to durability, wooden furniture is reliable. So, for example, a table made of chipboard, MDF or fiberboard will begin to dry out over time, losing its appearance. A product made of natural wood is not subject to this effect, and even if it gets wet frequently, this material will not lose its external characteristics, especially if the wood is varnished.

Remember that products made from natural wood, like any other, should not be in an environment with high humidity and frequent temperature changes. You should not choose too expensive wooden furniture, since it most often differs from budget furniture only in the quality of details, design or other minor additions that will not play any role in the durability of the product. And yet, if you have the opportunity, then instead of pine furniture, choose a product made of larch or oak.

And now we will tell you where you can order furniture made from natural wood.

Progress Moscow

Progress Moscow is a warehouse store and showroom of the Progress factory in Moscow. The assortment includes bedrooms, living rooms, hallways and office furniture. All products are available in regular and modular versions.

All furniture presented in Progress Moscow is made of solid wood valuable species tree. The company's main focus is furniture made from solid natural Caucasian oak, which can last for several decades with proper care. There is also furniture made of beech and ash. At high quality furniture price remains low, which will please any person who wants to purchase a durable product without overpaying.

The furniture style is restrained, suitable for both an adult family man and a young guy who likes the good old classics. By the way, the company’s website is adapted to mobile devices, so you can from your phone or tablet.


The MasterOfWood workshop from St. Petersburg produces furniture according to individual wishes. They create not only furniture, but also doors, windows, toys, elements wooden interiors, picture frames, shutters, shelves, unusual profile moldings, railings, stands, address signs and other products. To make furniture, the workshop uses pine, birch, larch, oak, beech and ash. Products are processed natural coatings, which do not clog the pores of wood, do not disrupt natural gas exchange and, most importantly, they are safe for health.

In addition, you can order wood interior trim to create an atmosphere village house in an apartment in the middle of the metropolis. Such an improvement will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also benefits for your health. You will get better sleep, stay alert and in a good mood.

For many centuries, wood has been one of the main materials for making furniture. And now, despite technological progress and many various materials, wood is no less popular. This is due, first of all, to the fact that centuries of experience in processing a wide variety of rocks allows us to use the most optimal methods of manufacturing, processing and use in production. In this process, the characteristics of wood must be taken into account, since there are some species that cannot be used in certain conditions due to their physical characteristics, and there are also those that have contraindications for use in the home due to their energy characteristics. Therefore, the wood species is selected depending on the type of furniture.

Choosing a wood species

When choosing wood, one of the main criteria is appearance and texture wood material. Purely visual qualities can be left to the discretion of the client - everyone has their own tastes and preferences. However, wood also has certain mechanical characteristics- hardness, wear resistance, strength and tendency to deform - and these features must be learned in advance. In addition, some tree species may have energy that is unsuitable for the home, which is also important to consider.

Depending on the level of density, all tree species are divided into three types:

  • soft: this includes spruce, fir, poplar, willow, chestnut, cedar, pine, aspen, alder and linden;
  • hard: here there are such species as beech, elm, rowan, larch, ash, apple tree and some others;
  • very hard: yew, hornbeam, pistachio tree, white acacia and others.

Let's look at some of the most commonly used breeds in more detail and find out what features they have.

Beech. It is one of the most popular types of wood and is often used as a cheaper alternative to oak. It is a hard and durable wood, which is also flexible. Its color can range from pinkish-yellow to reddish-brown. This material is mainly used as an array for manufacturing various types furniture, and especially bent furniture. Less often it is used as veneer. The main advantages of beech are ease of use (processing, sanding, tinting) and a beautiful natural shine.

Oak. In terms of density, it belongs to hard rocks, which are characterized by quite high strength. Its natural color ranges from yellowish-white to yellowish-brown with a greenish or grayish tint. However, in in kind This wood is used quite rarely; most often, it is pre-stained. The scope of its application is quite diverse: it is used both in the form of solid wood or veneer, and for carving, and bog oak dark color is generally indispensable in wood inlay. Oak owes such a variety of uses a large number benefits. Among other things, it is worth noting that it has an attractive appearance, adheres well and is highly resistant to rotting.

It is also worth noting that this material is very powerful, which can charge you with energy for a long time. Therefore, experts believe that oak is more suitable for strong, decisive men, courageous and courageous.

Ash. In terms of density, ash is somewhat harder than oak. Its natural color is soft golden. As a rule, it is used as veneer, as well as for the manufacture of bent and carved furniture. Thanks to the natural plasticity and flexibility of the material, very beautiful pieces of furniture are made from it. If ash is used in combination with strict forms of furniture, it will give it even more sophistication and sophistication.

Pine. Unlike previous species, pine is a type of soft wood that can be easily scratched. Most often used for the manufacture of cabinet furniture and frames for upholstered furniture. The main advantages of this material are increased resistance to decay, resistance to sudden changes temperatures and humidity, as well as excellent workability with dyes and varnishes (however, before this, the wood must be deresined). In addition, pine is one of the most affordable materials.

Basic methods of processing natural wood

When preference has already been given to one or another breed, you can begin to choose a processing method. This will not be difficult to do, since there are few basic ways:

  1. Staining. This method is used most often. There are two types of staining: superficial and deep. The latter is called mordant. Staining (both methods) involves processing the product special solution using a special brush. The surface of the wood must be pre-prepared and well protected. After the stain has been applied, the product must be wiped with a dry cloth, and when it is completely dry, you can sand it again with fine sandpaper. This method allows you to improve not only the external characteristics of the wood, but also its quality characteristics, that is, to make the furniture more durable and resistant to various external influences.
  2. Dyeing. As a rule, most furniture manufacturers prefer to preserve the natural color of wood in their products. However, sometimes it is necessary to enhance the expressiveness of the wood texture - it is in such cases that this method is used. In another way it is also called toning. For this purpose, special compounds are used that can preserve and even improve the natural texture pattern. In addition, this method allows you to enhance the natural color of the wood or give it a completely different shade. There are superficial, deep and continuous dyeing. Depending on the intensity, it can also be weak or intense. It is worth noting that different tree species react to painting in their own way, which also needs to be taken into account when processing. Therefore, to obtain the desired color, experts recommend first trying to paint a small piece of the selected wood.
  3. Varnish coating. This process carried out using a cotton swab wrapped in gauze or linen into which varnish is poured. The movement of the swab should be carried out along the grain of the wood so as to overlap the edges of previously applied strokes. When the first coat is applied, it must be allowed to dry, after which it must be sanded. Next, you can apply a new layer of varnish using a new swab. Final drying should be carried out with windows and doors closed to prevent drafts and dust.
  4. Resining. This method will help prevent wood rotting. It involves immersing dry wood in dissolved resin. If the wood is not completely dry, it must first be treated with copper sulfate.
  5. Coating. In order to protect the wood from fire, it is coated with liquid glass. A layer of it is applied to the wood and left for a while so that the glass penetrates the pores, dries and hardens. After this, you can apply the next layers in the same way - 2-3 layers will be enough.

These are the main methods that are used to make wood even more attractive, strong, durable and resistant to damage. various factors external environment.

Benefits of natural wood

Wood has long been used to make furniture and this is not at all surprising. After all, it has many positive properties, namely:

  1. Practicality. Despite the durability of furniture, for example, made from chipboard or chipboard, furniture made from natural wood (and especially hardwood) can last much longer and more reliably.
  2. Aesthetic appeal. Thanks to the pleasant natural colors of wood, as well as the ability to give it the desired shade using appropriate processing, furniture made from this material will ideally fit into any interior of any style.
  3. Ecological cleanliness. There is no need to explain anything here: everyone already knows that furniture made from natural wood is the safest and cannot in any way harm human health.
  4. Positive energy. Since each tree has its own energy, it is not surprising that wood furniture can have a positive effect on human well-being.

Disadvantages of natural wood

Despite the rather significant advantages of natural wood, this material also has its disadvantages.

One of the main disadvantages of wood, which, oddly enough, is due precisely to its positive properties, is high price material.

Another drawback is increased requirements for humidity levels. For wooden furniture, it is necessary that the humidity in the room be at the level of 40–60%. This is necessary to ensure that wooden furniture does not dry out or deteriorate.

And the last disadvantage of natural wood is that a certain temperature must be maintained in the room where such furniture is located. Since wood does not tolerate sudden changes very well temperature conditions And low temperatures, for such furniture the room temperature must be at least 15 °C.

Thus, we examined the main features of natural wood and individual tree species. Obviously, this material is simply ideal for home improvement - this was proven by our ancestors. Therefore, if your financial situation allows it, then you should think about purchasing furniture made of wood. By paying once, you can enjoy beautiful, reliable and functional wardrobe, table or any other piece of furniture made from this material.

Wooden furniture adds a noble, eco-friendly and cozy touch to the general interior. When choosing a type of wood for the production of furniture, experts take into account a wide range of factors: shade, texture, pattern and mechanical qualities of the raw materials.

Choosing wood for furniture

Focusing on aesthetics solid wood, they often forget that it is very hard, porous and moisture resistant. As a result, many problems may arise when using the furniture.

If you decide to make some furniture yourself, you should know that hard and dense types of timber are characterized by excellent performance, but they are very difficult to process. Having opted for a durable “exotic” House master It is unlikely to be able to cope with high-quality cutting or grinding. This will require special equipment. However, choosing inexpensive and easy-to-process timber will not bring anything good. From such raw materials, “one-day furniture” is obtained, which after a few years takes on a shabby appearance. If you do not have special equipment, then you will most likely be able to create high-quality furniture for your dacha, but for regular use it is better to give preference to pieces of furniture made by professionals. Special equipment allows you to smooth corners, make an even cut, chamfer and carry out high-quality finishing surfaces. It is these processes that transform good quality wooden product into an elite piece of furniture.

Timber products are:

  • soft: pine, alder, birch
  • medium: oak, beech, cherry
  • hard: merbau, maple, most of exotic

In addition to strength, it is worth paying attention to moisture resistance, because hardwood It will not necessarily be moisture resistant. For example, rather hard beech behaves very capriciously in conditions of high humidity, while moisture-resistant teak, on the contrary, is quite soft. An interesting option can be called thermowood, which recently appeared on the market, which is made by processing timber very high temperature from 200 to 300 degrees. After this, the timber becomes very hard and at the same time moisture resistant.

Types of wood for furniture

Performance properties are of course important, but don’t forget about design. Any master, first of all, must decide finishing view furniture. For this purpose, you need to familiarize yourself with samples of timber and study the structure. If the craftsman is interested in the texture of the future product, it is worth choosing oak, ash, walnut or brushed pine. Furniture items made from these timbers do not require additional descriptions. It is immediately clear that this is natural wood. If necessary smooth surface, for example, for a table, pay attention to birch, linden, maple, cherry, beech.

Naturally, furniture made from hard varieties is strong and durable, but furniture is also made from softer varieties. Each type of timber is characterized by its own unique and inimitable qualities. Let's consider the types of wood from which furniture is most often made in our country.

Walnut timber belongs to the hard variety. This raw material comes in a variety of shades. There are over a dozen types of walnut wood, but the most valuable is black walnut, which is used only for decorating and finishing luxury items. Walnut is hard and heavy, but it is interesting to work with because it is easy to process. Carving using this raw material is very popular because it almost never chips.

Birch is generally the most accessible raw material for us, because birch groves are very common and logging is carried out throughout the country. Note that its mechanical characteristics are similar to beech. Birch timber glues well, is pickled with dyes and polished, which is very important for choosing a color. With the help of stains, birch is beautifully painted. Veneer is often made from birch. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the rapid damage by microorganisms. The structure of Karelian birch is interesting - sometimes it looks like marble, or has unique patterns.

Oak furniture wood is characterized by hardness, strength and long service life. The shade ranges from light yellow to yellowish brown. Sometimes there may be a green or gray tint. It is easy to paint, dry, varnish. It is not subject to destruction and warping, and is difficult to prick. Oak raw materials are bent, glued, sanded and drilled quite simply. Oak carving is difficult, but the result exceeds all expectations. Oak is resistant to microorganisms and can be called one of the most popular materials.

Beech timber is also durable and hard. At the same time, they are quite plastic from pink-yellow to reddish-brown. Most often it is used as solid wood, less often as veneer. Bent furniture made from beech wood is very popular. Beech is easy to process; it can be painted, bleached, sanded, and tinted. The cost of such furniture is slightly lower than oak furniture.

The unusually hard larch timber is very beneficial for human health because it contains biologically active compounds, including bioflavonoids, which eliminate free radicals. Such products release phytoncides, which prevent colds and viral diseases. The color range includes approximately 12 shades, and is often used not only for the production of furniture, but also as a finishing material.

Pine timber is soft and light color. Pine furniture is easy to scratch. However, it is in demand in the production of cabinet furniture. Timber products are resistant to microorganisms, moisture, and temperature changes. This furniture has a pleasant, unobtrusive pine aroma.

Linden raw materials - white, it is durable and plastic; very often carved objects are made from such raw materials. It is difficult to paint due to poor permeability. However, after staining it easily acquires shades of valuable varieties. Linden is susceptible to infection by various pests, so it must be treated with protective compounds.

Cherry is used to produce luxury furniture. After some time, such furniture becomes darker and looks great together with carvings and glass. It is easy to process - it is easy to bend, plan, and varnish.

Maple furniture pieces are rare. Maple timber is distinguished by its density, heavy weight, and strength. This wood is used as veneer in the processing of expensive types of furniture. The greatest beauty is canadian maple. Its veneer has an unusual and memorable texture.

Cedar wood furniture is not often found in the home itself, but it is often present in buildings with high humidity, for example, in saunas. Cedar raw material has a low density, is characterized by increased resistance to moisture and is practically not affected by microorganisms.

Wood furniture production

What kind of wood is best to buy furniture from is up to the buyer to decide. But to commit right choice, it is necessary to study the properties of the main types of timber at least in general outline. It would be wrong to ask the question: which best wood for furniture? Each type of timber is good for certain products and conditions.

In the process of producing wooden furniture, craftsmen use ready-made furniture panels or edged solid boards. After cutting and drying, the forestry sells the boards construction companies. Today the cost of one m3 of edged pine boards is 6500-7500 rubles. Production of furniture from solid massif wood is quite expensive. This process requires very high quality materials. The raw materials used must necessarily correspond to the length and width used. Such timber should not have defects, because they reduce the service life of furniture items.

Furniture is mass-produced from glued furniture board. Its advantages include:

  • this is an economical material
  • after gluing, the shield has increased strength
  • glued raw materials almost do not change their size when temperature and humidity conditions fluctuate
  • This material has less internal stress
  • the shield is less susceptible to warping
  • glued panels can be made of absolutely any size.

Experts pay a lot of attention to the paint and varnish coating, which will protect the wood from external factors. In addition, coatings increase the level of moisture resistance, thereby increasing the service life of the products.

The trend towards using only environmentally friendly materials has been observed for many years. However, changes have been noted in the popularity of the materials themselves. For example, designers are increasingly replacing solid wood with regular plywood. Masters make everything from this material: furniture, Finishing work, plumbing and even building facades. Budget material, which had not previously enjoyed high popularity, suddenly became very in demand.

March 07

Solid wood is environmentally friendly pure material, which is very often used for making furniture. This furniture is 100% made of high quality wood. Many people would like to have such excellent and beautiful furniture at home, but not everyone knows how to choose it. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to choose solid wood furniture.

Due to the reduction in cost of production technologies for various building materials solid wood is used less and less for furniture making. If we take into account the fact that such furniture is not affordable for every person, naturally, manufacturers focus on consumers who will purchase products from cheaper materials. But you can still see solid wood furniture in stores. Such furniture looks great and constantly attracts the attention of all buyers.

But not all buyers know what lies behind furniture production. Very often we don’t even imagine how this or that type of wood and the quality of the wood affects the price of furniture. It is worth dwelling on these points in more detail.

Solid wood furniture is always made from wooden panels. So, there are solid and spliced ​​shields. There are also shields with and without knots. The quality of wood can only be determined at the production stage. The quality of wood is affected by the presence of knots, the density of annual rings and the presence of interlayers in the solid wood. It should be noted that the presence of knots reduces the quality of the wood. But let's get back to the shields. With solid shields everything is clear - they are pieces of wood. Spliced ​​shields obtained by gluing thin plates together. As a result, we get a durable shield from which any product can be made. It should be noted that products made from spliced ​​panels are practically not deformed. Naturally, furniture made from spliced ​​panels costs an order of magnitude higher.

So, we figured out which solid wood make furniture. But not only this or that type of panel affects the price of furniture, but also the type of wood. When choosing a wood species, you should consider a lot of nuances.

First, pay attention to the softness of the wood. On this moment More than 40 tree species are used in production, including hard and soft wood. Soft woods include pine, willow, cherry, alder, spruce, cedar, juniper, poplar, chestnut, aspen, fir. This wood is suitable for making furniture that will not bear heavy loads.

The following tree species have hard wood: maple, elm, oak, birch, beech, rowan, ash, apple, Walnut, plane tree, elm. There are also trees with very hard wood: boxwood, dogwood, yew, pistachio tree, white acacia. Children's furniture, cabinets, and beds are made from such types of wood.

Each type of wood has its own characteristics in the manufacture of furniture and its use. So, solid pine furniture- these are small cabinets that you will rarely use. Frames for upholstered furniture are also made from solid pine. Pine has low impact resistance, so it is used mainly for making furniture accessories.

Solid beech is excellent for making light furniture . This type of wood is distinguished not only by its hardness, but also by its flexibility, which is why bent furniture is made from beech. Beech is also used to make antique furniture. By the way, beech is great alternative oak

Solid oak is distinguished by its durability. Oak furniture is not only very durable, but also expensive, since the wood of this tree is very valuable. Also note that oak wood comes in a wide range of different shades, from yellowish white to tan. But oak is rarely found in its natural color. Usually this wood is stained.

Solid ash is slightly harder than oak. But in addition, ash has greater flexibility and elasticity than oak. Therefore, carved and bent furniture is made from ash. This wood is also used for the production of veneer. Ash wood has various golden shades.

Another material that is most often used to make furniture is solid birch. This wood has good impact resistance and strength. In terms of hardness, birch is similar to oak, but not as durable. The beauty of smooth wood fibers can only be compared with oak or beech, but only if there are no knots in it.