home · electrical safety · Features of growing peony, specialist advises, photos, videos. How to grow gorgeous peonies on your site? How to grow beautiful peonies in the country

Features of growing peony, specialist advises, photos, videos. How to grow gorgeous peonies on your site? How to grow beautiful peonies in the country

You will need

  • - Rotted organic matter;
  • - leaf soil;
  • - mineral fertilizers;
  • - wood ash;
  • - organic fertilizers;
  • - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • - compost;
  • - knife.


Peony is a light-loving crop, so you need to choose the right place for planting. The area must be sufficiently illuminated; strong shading can lead to the formation of low-quality flowers, suppression of the plant, or no flowering at all. Light partial shade at midday will not harm peonies. Try not to plant flowers near large trees or walls of buildings.

The soil mixture for planting must be neutral. Peonies can grow in absolutely any soil, but they will develop differently. Cultivated moisture-intensive loams have the best composition. The distance between bushes should be at least one meter, since further growth of plants must be taken into account. The width and depth of the planting hole is 60-90 centimeters (no less). Peony rhizomes grow within the treated soil layers. If the planting hole is small, the roots will grow only in top layer soil, poorly providing the bush with nutrients and moisture.

Fill the prepared hole with fertile soil mixture, which should consist of rotted organic matter and leaf soil, mixed in equal proportions with the addition of mineral fertilizers or wood ash. Fill two-thirds of the planting hole with this mixture, cover the top layer with clean soil without fertilizers.

When placing peony rhizomes on the mound of the planting hole, make sure that the root collar is located at the level of the edges of the hole. After watering and settling the soil, sprinkle the root collar with loose soil a few centimeters. If this is not done, the roots may gradually become bare, begin to freeze, and flowering will be weak. Planting deeper may result in no flowering.

The main care for peonies consists of periodic weeding, watering and loosening the soil. Water the bushes generously with settled water throughout the growing season. But keep in mind that peonies do not tolerate wet, damp places with stagnant water, where the roots of flowers rot, leading to the death of peonies. In dry weather, make sure that the water soaks the soil to the depth of the roots. An adult bush requires about two buckets of water. Avoid getting the leaves wet to prevent fungal diseases.

In the first half of the summer, feed the plant with solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them. This will contribute to the excellent development of the ground part of the peonies and the root system. After flowering ends, apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to set buds and restore strength.

In the fall, when the leaves fall to the ground, they need to be carefully cut down to soil level. After the onset of cold weather, mulch the planting site with compost; do not get carried away with peat, as it strongly oxidizes the soil. In the spring, the mulch is removed and, if necessary, a layer of fertile soil is added.

Peony propagates by dividing the bush; this should be done in August or September. By this time, buds are formed for the development of future shoots. Carefully remove the peony rhizomes from the ground, rinse with water and divide, each part should have 3-5 buds. Trim excessively long roots with a sharp and sterilized knife to a length of 10-12 centimeters. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal.

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22.10.2014 | 1173

Peony - wonderful flower family Peony. What are the main points to consider when caring for this plant so that it long years made me happy beautiful flowers and healthy appearance?

There are approximately 5 thousand varieties of peonies of different colors in the world. It is advisable to plant peonies in a sunny place, as they love warmth and a lot of light. If the area is shady, the likelihood of seeing huge shaggy balls of wonderful flowers is sharply reduced. Peony tolerates winter cold well middle zone, it is durable, it can not be transplanted to another place for about 10 years. Although, based on my own experience, I note: if the plant is not replanted for a long time, the flowers gradually become smaller.

How to propagate peonies?

There are several ways to propagate peonies. Amateur flower growers often choose vegetative, since plants grown from seeds produce flowers only in 6-7 years, or even later. Breeding work is very long and painstaking, so it is mainly used by breeders to develop new varieties.

The most common method of propagating peonies is considered bush division for several divisions. The bush is divided when the plant reaches 5-7 years of age. Best timing landings – from mid-August to mid-September.

The overgrown bush needs to be dug up, washed and placed in the shade for several hours. After this procedure, the roots wither a little, lose their fragility and break less when dividing. There should be at least 3-5 buds and several adventitious roots left on the division. After preparing for transplantation, the divisions are dipped for some time in a solution of potassium permanganate (3-4 g per 10 liters of water) to protect against root rot.

Features of planting peonies

In order for peonies to quickly form an above-ground mass and bloom, it is necessary to properly prepare soil. If the soil is heavy, then peat and sand are added to the hole for planting.

The underground part of the bush has an overgrown root system, so landing pit should be large: 60 cm deep and up to 70 cm wide. The bushes should be no closer than 70-100 cm from each other. This distance will allow unhindered processing of the bush and ensure good air gap, thereby preventing the occurrence of fungal diseases.

After landing peonies, plant roots are pressed tightly with your hands, avoiding voids. The soil should be in good contact with the roots. It is not advisable to compact the soil around the bush with your feet, because the roots are very fragile and can be easily damaged. You can simply compact the soil after compressing the roots. watering. Each bush should receive about 5 liters of water; after settling, add garden soil to the required level.

Be careful! If, when planting, the renewal buds are deeper than 5 cm, the bushes will not produce desired flowering. If planted shallowly, peonies will get sick due to lack of moisture.

Proper care

Peony loves good things feeding. This can be magnesium, boron, manganese, zinc and other trace elements. It needs clean, loosened soil, so it needs regular weeding. If you prepare the soil correctly, the bushes can survive without root feeding for up to 2 years. All you need is frequent loosening of the soil and watering. Soil is necessary loosen both after heavy rains and after watering.

Buds, in the first 2 years you need cut off so that plants use nutrients for the development of the root system. Closer to the third year of life, the bushes grow strongly and can be allowed to bloom. At this time, plants need mineral supplement, which is carried out in full mineral fertilizer. From now on, they increase and irrigation norm: 3-4 buckets of water per bush once every 2 weeks. Do not forget that the soil should be loosened after each watering.

It is impossible to use sprinklers when watering, as they may develop fungal diseases. When flowers appear, the method of watering with sprinklers is generally unacceptable; the flowers immediately become wet, their heads droop, and spots appear on the petals.

The Greeks added peony root to various potions; they believed that by doing so they could protect themselves and their home from evil spirits. Peony tincture was used to treat epilepsy, insomnia, and was given for calming nervous system. And from the roots of the flowers, they made beads and wore them around the neck as an amulet, personifying wealth and good luck.

Peonies growing and care in the garden

Peony (lat. Paeonia) - representative herbaceous perennials family Peony. The culture is decorative, used to decorate the garden. Growing peonies in the country and in the garden is popular, since caring for them is not difficult, and some varieties of shrubs can delight you for up to 50 years.

Peony propagation

The culture is propagated by dividing the bush, both green and root cuttings, layering, and even seeds.

Propagation by seeds

This method is more often used by breeders, since plants obtained from seeds do not have the varietal characteristics of their parents. Seed collection begins in August and ends in mid-September.

They are immediately sown in the ground, buried 5 cm. Thus, the seeds go through 2 stages of stratification:

  • warm - when the daytime temperature rises to 30 degrees Celsius and at night drops to 15;
  • cold - for 2 months the seeds are exposed to a cold temperature of 5-10 degrees Celsius.

This technology guarantees a high probability of germination, but some seeds will germinate only in 2 years.

The purchased planting material has a dried out hard shell, which greatly complicates germination. Before sowing, it is necessary to soak the seeds in warm water for 2 days, then sow in September-August using the above technology.

Peonies - propagation by root cuttings with bud

The preparation of root cuttings begins after flowering is completed - at the end of June:

  • choose a young shoot with adventitious roots and a replacement bud;
  • cuttings are cut off sharp knife, and shorten the top, leaving a few leaves;
  • the root is placed in a growth stimulator for 12-14 hours;
  • The cuttings are planted in a shaded place, deepening by 10 cm.

Around September it will take root, and before wintering it will need to be cut off, and the rhizome with a replacement bud will need to be covered for wintering. Propagation of peonies by cuttings is a long process; the first flowering will occur only in the 5th year.

It is necessary to prepare a large number of cuttings, since not all will take root. Cutting is carried out a week before flowering:

  • choose bushes 5-7 years old;
  • selected internal shoots (inside the bush) are cut at the root;
  • then they are cut by cuttings so that each segment has 2 internodes (one cut is made under the leaf itself, and the second is 2-3 cm above the top leaf);
  • the cuttings are soaked in a root stimulator solution for 8 hours;
  • planted in the shade of trees: a bed filled with compost is sprinkled with a layer of sand, the cuttings are deepened 3 cm at an angle, at a distance of 0.15 m from each other;
  • the planting is covered with a portable greenhouse;
  • plants need high humidity, therefore, abundant spraying is carried out 2-3 times a day;
  • after 3 weeks, the greenhouse begins to be ventilated, increasing the time every day;
  • In late autumn, rooted cuttings are cut off and the rhizomes are covered for the winter.

Reproduction of peonies by vertical layering

Early April base 5 summer bush dig up, exposing the vegetative buds. The bush is covered with a box 0.5 by 0.5 m without a bottom, and covered with fertile soil to a height of 0.2-0.3 m. The soil in the box should always be moist. The buds developing on the shoots must be pinched, then the plant devotes energy to the development of the root system.

At the end of summer, the shoots can be cut off, and the resulting roots with new vegetative buds can be separated and planted on permanent place.

Mandatory transplantation and propagation of peonies by dividing the bush

Propagation by division is suitable for bushes that have reached 5-7 years of age. The procedure is carried out from August 15 to September 15. For this:

  • the bushes are dug up, washed with water, and left in the shade for a while (dried roots become elastic and do not break);
  • all shoots are cut 10-15 cm from the root;
  • the rhizome is divided into parts so that each of them contains 3 or more renewal buds;
  • the divisions are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours;
  • diseased and growing roots are removed, and the sections are treated with an ointment made from ash and clay;
  • Then the cuttings are planted in new places; they will have time to take root before frost.

It is necessary to divide and replant peonies, which are grown and cared for in the garden according to all the rules, every 5-7 years. This promotes plant rejuvenation.

The root collar of adult bushes (over 10 years old) ages and becomes hollow, and ants, worms and slugs settle in it. And over time, vegetative buds are laid deeper and deeper, which negatively affects flowering.

Reproduction of peonies by dividing a bush video

Preparing the site and planting peonies

Peonies are unpretentious to the soil, most suitable option- clean loamy soil. Close layer groundwater undesirable, in such cases an artificial mound with good drainage will be needed for cultivation. The location should be sunny or slightly shaded. The closest neighbors should be a few meters away from the planting.

A week before planting, pits for peonies should be prepared; cultivation from ready-made seedlings is carried out only in the fall - in September. Required size recesses: 60x60x60 cm, and the distance between them: 1 m. The bottom layer is filled with drainage from broken bricks (0.2 m). The next layer consists of compost and mineral fertilizers.

A week later, when the soil has settled, the seedlings are placed in planting holes and sprinkled with garden soil. Vegetative buds should be no deeper than 5 cm from the surface. Deeply planted bushes do not bloom.

Caring for peonies in the garden

From early spring, it is necessary to water the peony frequently; growing and caring for it requires the presence of moisture, but not an excess. For watering, use 2-3 buckets of water per adult bush. Loosening and weeding are required.

Fertilizing peonies

Feeding peonies is carried out in 3 stages:

  • as soon as the snow melts: 10 g of nitrogen and potassium are scattered around the bush and watered;
  • during the budding period: 10 g of nitrogen, 12 g of potassium, 15 g of phosphorus (added in a similar way);
  • 2 weeks after flowering: 12 g of potassium, 20 g of phosphorus for 1 bush.

Diseases and pests of peonies

In early spring peony bushes can be damaged by diseases such as gray rot (lat. Botrytis cinerea) and powdery mildew (lat. Oidium). For both prevention and treatment, it is enough to treat the plants with a soap solution or copper sulfate.

Common peony pests include the bronze beetle (lat. Cetoniinae), root-knot nematode (lat. Meloidogyne) and turf ant (lat. Tetramorium caespitum). Insects feed on the roots, leaves and flowers of plants. To combat them, insecticides should be used: Kinmiks, Aktara.

Pruning peonies after flowering and preparing for winter

Peonies finish flowering in June. Faded shoots are cut off and another feeding is carried out. Further care for the flower garden is regular watering.

Peony pruning

Pruning is carried out in late autumn, before frost. All stems must be removed. They should not be cut too low, leaving several leaves on the shoots - the formation and development of replacement buds depends on this. Fresh flowers should be cut in a similar way - not too low.

Preparing a peony for wintering

After autumn pruning, the bushes must be covered for the winter with a layer of peat mulch, especially young plants and plants transplanted this year. Mature bushes are not afraid of frost and easily endure winter.

Bottom line

A perennial like peony is easy to care for. The most important procedure when growing is regular replanting, which can be conveniently combined with division for propagation. Long awaited beautiful bloom and the longevity of the shrub fully justifies the time spent growing peonies.

Knowing the peculiarities of growing peonies, knowing how to choose the right planting material, determine a place for planting, prepare the soil and feed young peonies, the gardener will be able to create a colorful, fragrant flowerbed. It will be possible to preserve its flowering and health if quality care for planted plants.

Peonies are very finicky flowers. They can be grown successfully only with strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology based on biological features this plant. And one of the most important roles in the set of these rules is assigned to the choice of location for the flowerbed. Their lifespan largely depends on where to plant peonies on the site. In addition, if you plant flowers in an uncomfortable place for them, you will not be able to achieve the appearance of beautiful inflorescences.

Features of growing peony

Peonies are not just perennials cultivated plants. They are real long-livers among garden flowers. No transfers to favorable conditions a peony bush is quite capable of living up to 60 years (and sometimes more), blooming every year and pleasing to the eye delicate flowers. But for this he needs appropriate conditions. When planning to plant peonies, you should keep the following points in mind:

  1. High soil moisture is unacceptable. Even briefly flooded with water, for example, during spring floods or autumn rains, peony roots quickly rot and the plant dies.
  2. Peony loves the sun. So much so that even a few hours of daily exposure to shade for several weeks will undermine the health of the plant.
  3. Peonies cannot be fertilized with peat. It is not even recommended to make a winter shelter out of it. And all because peat strongly oxidizes the soil, which peonies do not like. By the way, it is for this reason that you should periodically check the acidity of the soil where you planted peonies in order to promptly identify deviations from optimal performance. If the acidity level is below six, the bed should be limed.
  4. The root system of peonies develops only in loose soil, so before planting these plants need to properly prepare the flower bed.

Now let's look at these questions in more detail.

Before you even think about breeding peonies, make sure that there is a suitable site for them on your site. Making a flower bed wherever you have to is not best strategy when working with this type.

The primary requirement for a site is abundance sunlight. Peonies can still tolerate light partial shade, but if the flowerbed falls for more than an hour every day thick shadow from an apple tree or the wall of a house, flowering will become inferior and the plants will become stunted.

Also, the flowerbed must be properly ventilated so that fungal diseases do not appear in stagnant air. In view of this, a flower bed with peonies cannot be planted surrounded by high walls preventing natural air circulation. However, the flowerbed should not be allowed to be exposed frequent exposure strong winds. Therefore, peonies also do not feel very good in an open field.

Finally, peonies are not recommended to be planted close to buildings, as in summer the walls will reflect solar heat and literally incinerate the flowerbed. The close proximity of peonies to trees and shrubs is also not desirable, since competitors can leave the flowers without moisture and nutrients in the ground.

Thus, it is better to plant peonies in a clearing in the center of the garden, where they will not be disturbed by trees or buildings and where there will be protection from draft winds.

Peonies are not so capricious in matters of soil composition and, in principle, can grow normally in most garden soils. However, cultivated loamy soil is best suited for these flowers - moisture-absorbing, but well-drained. Peonies require properly moistened soil, but in no case damp or waterlogged, as this will cause them to rot. root system. In general, the underground environment should be slightly alkaline (pH between 5.8 and 7, optimally 6.5).

Since the roots of peonies grow only in soft soil, in order for the root system of plants to reach normal sizes, the soil where you decide to plant tree peony, needs to be processed maximum depth. Otherwise, when dense layers of soil are reached, the roots will begin to grow to the sides. And if, as a result of this, the root system is formed in the upper, quickly drying layer of soil, the plants will grow poorly, and you can completely forget about normal flowering. On poor soils deep processing It is also needed, if only because the ground will have to be thoroughly fertilized before planting peonies.

How to prepare the soil for peonies?

Preparation of the flower bed should be completed at least 2 weeks (preferably 4) before planting the plants themselves. Then the treated soil will have time to settle a little and compact to an optimal state. For peonies, you need to prepare large planting holes with a width and depth of at least 50 cm. The bottom of the hole should also be loosened, after which it can be filled.

The mixture of earth and humus is poured until the hole is about 2/3 full. To improve the characteristics of the nutritional mixture, you can also add half a kilo of bone meal and 200-300 g of superphosphates to it. The remaining third of the hole is filled with ordinary soil without fertilizers.

If the dacha is located in a lowland, the only place in the garden where you can plant peonies is on a hill. If there is none, it is better to create specially raised flower beds or beds. This way you can provide quick care excess moisture from under the plants and prevent rotting of their root system. If the soil is still too wet, landing pits drainage can be arranged. For this purpose, the holes are deepened another 15-20 cm and into this extra space fill with gravel, broken brick, or coarse sand.

By the way, if you intend to set up a small nursery with peonies on your site for large-scale propagation, then instead of individual holes you can use the trench planting method. The trenches are made the same width and depth as the pits, and then filled with a similar nutrient mixture.

Feeding young peonies

There is a fairly common misconception that peonies do not need to be fed in the first couple of years after planting, since they supposedly have enough nutrients poured into the hole before planting. Experienced gardeners know that this conclusion has nothing to do with reality.

Since the roots of seedlings are partially cut off before planting, in the first years of life the new plant’s root system is still very weak and simply does not reach the nutritional reserves in the lower part of the hole. And while the roots grow to the hidden fertilizers, they need to get food somewhere, which is not enough in the upper layer of the flowerbed. So you have to think not only about where to plant peonies in the country, but also about how to fertilize them.

It is recommended to feed with mullein solution. In this case, fertilizer is applied into small holes around the bush. Thanks to these feedings, the root system will develop faster, which in turn will contribute to the normal formation of the above-ground part of the plant - stems, leaves and buds. Instead of mullein, you can also use complex mineral fertilizer, dissolved in water.

The optimal time for applying liquid fertilizers is the period between the appearance of the first shoots and up to July.

How to choose planting material?

When planning a flower garden, many do not experienced gardeners They only think about how and where to plant a peony and ava, but often do not think about what planting material to use. Many even strive to have big mature plant so that it begins to bloom in the first summer after planting.

In fact, this approach is fundamentally wrong, because nice peony can only come from young plant. But the big old bushes, although they look impressive, hardly deserve attention. If you buy old bush, it may bloom in the first year, but it is very likely that this will also be its last year life. Since peonies do not take root very well in a new place, it is possible that after such stress the plant will quickly wither.

When it comes to peonies, the best planting material, which can take root and will delight you for many years, are one- or two-year-old plants grown in a nursery. IN as a last resort You can use seedlings obtained by dividing large bushes. The main thing is that such a “division” has at least 2-3 buds and a viable piece of rhizome.

Plant care

The so-called planting depth is of great importance for the well-being of peonies. It is very important to constantly monitor how far the rhizome is approaching the surface of the earth. The distance from the upper root bud to the soil surface should be within 3-4 cm in heavy soil and 5-7 cm in light soil.

You need to monitor this because the root system of peonies tends to grow not only in depth and breadth, but also upward. The situation is aggravated by weeding and loosening the beds, as a result of which the soil is constantly raked out from under the plant. In just a couple of years, without proper control, the upper buds of the rhizome will end up outside.

The buds that emerge from the ground will begin to suffer from frost in winter and heat in summer, and the plant as a whole will begin to weaken and bloom worse. However, if you plant peonies too deeply, the bushes will look quite healthy in appearance, but they will not bloom either.

To avoid these problems, peonies require constant care, including the following procedures:

  • obligatory nagging until necessary indicators depth (how this is done can be seen in the photo);
  • loosening the soil in the bed/flower bed where peonies are planted;
  • if there is a shortage of natural moisture in the area, the plants need watering (and to the entire depth of the roots);
  • regular weeding and removal of weeds that suck moisture and fertilizers intended for peonies from the soil;
  • watering twice a year with a solution of phosphorus and potassium;
  • timely removal of faded buds (fallen petals are a life-giving environment for the development of fungal diseases);
  • preventive spraying of peonies with copper chloride to combat gray rot;
  • for the winter, cutting off the above-ground part of the plant to the ground (but only after the first frost, when the stems fall down on their own).

Perennial peonies are widely used for decoration. summer cottage. These shrubs are very unpretentious, very durable and can grow in one place for about 20 years without replanting. In this article you will learn how to grow peonies in the garden yourself and how to provide them with appropriate care after planting.

Peonies in the garden

Peonies in Russian gardens are most often placed on parterres, because these plants need space. This culture has beautiful view from the very first days warm spring and until late autumn.

Unlike pruned roses, peonies in the spring delight the eye even with the first red stems emerging from the ground - strong, filled with vital juices.

Before you know it, the first stems are sprouting lacy foliage. And what lovely flowers this plant has: although they may not please the eyes for long, the lush buds can fill the garden with the aroma of happiness.

After the plant has flowered, the luxurious bushes perfectly retain their original shape, and with the onset of autumn they turn into delightful burgundy and bronze tones, decorating the garden plot with their colors until the first frost.

The power and shape of the bushes seems to tell us that this crop is best planted at a distance of 2.5 m from each other. If you plan to sow annual flowers in front of the plants, then the bushes can be planted a little closer friend to each other, but so that when they grow they do not touch each other.

The most common technique for gardeners is to plant peonies one at a time or in groups of 3 plants in the corners of the ground floor.

Do not plant peonies in the distance, because, like roses, they should grow in plain sight so that guests of your garden can admire their beauty from a close distance.

Most often, one variety is used for front flower beds, because a mixture is inappropriate here. Although, for planting in the corners of the stalls, you can create identical groups, for example, from one white and two pink varieties. The main thing when creating groups is to choose varieties that are contrasting in color, the price of which depends on many factors.

Wide ridges, where bushes can be planted at a distance of 2 or 1.5 m from each other, are excellent as other types of flower beds for planting plants. There is no need to completely plant large flower beds with this crop, because all the charm and uniqueness of the plant disappears without a trace.

When choosing varieties, it is better to give preference to park varieties, which have significant differences from cut varieties. These are bushes of small height with strong stems that do not require support, and the flowers on them have a very bright and attractive color.

When choosing, you should not pay much attention to the size, shape and fullness of flowers; you need to look at resistance to adverse weather conditions, duration and abundance of flowering.

Planting peonies

Peonies are one of the most stunning flowers with a unique aroma and extraordinary beauty. Possible without special effort create magnificent compositions in the garden with your own hands from different varieties. Let's figure out how to properly plant peonies so that the bush takes root well and produces gorgeous buds every year.

Agricultural technology plants

When you choose a place to plant young peonies, do not forget that these plants love light. Of course, the crop tolerates light partial shade, but shading for more than 2 hours can result in flowers either not appearing at all or turning out ugly with weak buds.

In some places plants cannot be planted:

  1. Near houses, flowers will be exposed to overheating and dryness from the walls, suffer from drops from the roof and from snow debris.
  2. Around shrubs and trees, the crop will suffer from shade and lack of nutrition from the soil.

Peonies can grow on almost any species garden soil, but on certain soil their development is different:

  • on sandy soil the plant has big amount foliage and stems, but the sprouts are thin and the leaves with flowers are small;
  • on clay soil the flowers are very large, the stems are powerful, the leaves are large, but the bush itself is low and develops slowly.

For this plant, it is most favorable to grow in cultivated, loamy, well-drained and sufficiently wet soils. The crop is very demanding of moisture throughout the growing season, but it does not like swampy and very damp soils.

Soil preparation and planting peonies

To prepare the soil for young shrubs and plant them correctly, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Make planting holes at least 70-75 cm wide and deep. Loosen the bottom and fill the hole 2/3 with a mixture that will nourish the plants. To prepare such a healthy cocktail, take 20-22 kg of any organic fertilizer, 0.4 kg of bone meal and superphosphate, 180-200 g of potassium sulfate and a little lime for acidic soil.
  2. Fill the remaining part of the hole with fertile soil from the top layer of soil, plants will need to be planted in this layer.
  3. On very wet soils, drainage must be done.. To do this, the bottom of the hole must be deepened by 20 cm and pebbles, gravel or broken bricks must be poured.
  4. Place the plants in the top fertile layer of soil without a fertilizer mixture. Place the young peony so that there is about 5-6 cm of soil above its upper bud.

It is necessary to find a middle ground when planting bushes, because deep placement of buds can cause a lack of flowering, and too shallow planting will lead to plants being squeezed out of the ground.

  1. Keep your roots loose, do not bend or press them.
  2. After planting, water the bushes and add soil to prevent open buds. If there is no rain during the planting period, water the crop every 3 days for a month.

Preparing plants for planting

The most reliable and common way to propagate peonies is by dividing the bush. It is best to carry out this operation from August to September, but experienced gardeners prefer to divide shrubs in the fall. This particular period was chosen, because the renewal buds are already fully formed, but the appearance of suction roots has not yet begun.

Step-by-step instructions will help you carry out the division operation:

  1. Carefully dig up the bush after trimming the stems.
  2. Wash it off the ground with a gentle stream of water.
  3. Carefully divide the bush into parts, which should have 3-4 buds and the same number of roots; they should be shortened to 10 cm.

To make dividing the bush easier, wait until the roots have wilted slightly.
To do this, leave the newly dug plant in the air for 2-3 hours.

  1. Divide the bush with a wooden blade. To do this, hammer it into the center of the bush and it will fall apart.
  2. Trim the roots with a sharp knife, which you sterilize over a fire. Clean out the rot from the root to healthy material and sprinkle everything with crushed charcoal.

Peony plant care

For proper care It is necessary to water it, feed it, loosen the soil near the plant and remove weeds. Young plantings need to be fertilized from the first year. Fertilizing promotes the favorable development of the plant.

It happens that the crop does not produce buds and instead of luxurious flowers, only green bushes grow in the flower beds.

Let's find out the reasons for the lack of flowers:

  1. An unsuitable site for planting - too shady or poorly moistened, the presence of buildings, bushes or trees nearby, stagnation of water in the soil, poor drainage.
  2. The buds are damaged by late frosts in the spring.
  3. Incorrect division.
  4. Recent replanting and planting of very finely divided plants with insufficient buds and roots.
  5. The bushes have become old, weak and need replanting.
  6. Insufficient amount of potassium in the soil.
  7. Very deep landing.
  8. High acidity of the soil.
  9. Weakness of bushes with excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers.


Now you know everything you need to grow peonies on garden plot. Follow all the rules of care, and this crop will delight you with its magnificent appearance and lovely aroma. Let the video in this article become a little gardening encyclopedia for you.

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