home · Appliances · Heating industrial premises - choosing a rational solution. All about heating systems for industrial premises Installation of a heating system

Heating industrial premises - choosing a rational solution. All about heating systems for industrial premises Installation of a heating system

Expert opinion

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Production facilities differ significantly from residential apartments their sizes and volumes. This is the fundamental difference between industrial ventilation systems and domestic systems. Options for heating spacious non-residential buildings exclude the use of convection methods, which are quite effective for heating housing.

The large size of production workshops, the complexity of the configuration, the presence of many devices, units or machines that allocate space thermal energy, will disrupt the convection process. It is based on the natural process of rising warm layers of air; the circulation of such flows does not tolerate even small interventions. Any draft, hot air from an electric motor or machine, will direct the flow in the other direction. In industrial workshops, warehouses there are large technological openings that can stop the heating systems from working low power and sustainability.

In addition, convection methods do not provide uniform heating of the air, which is important for production premises. Large areas require the same air temperature in all points of the room, otherwise there will be difficulties for the work of people and the flow of production processes. Therefore, for industrial premises specific heating methods are required, capable of providing the correct microclimate, appropriate.

Industrial heating systems

Among the most preferred heating methods industrial premises includes:

  • infrared

In addition, there are two options for the type of area coverage:
  • centralized

  • zonal

Centralized systems

Centralized systems are created to ensure maximum uniform heating of all areas of the workshop. This can be important when there are no specific workplaces or the need for constant movement of people throughout the entire workshop area.

Zone systems

Zonal heating systems create areas with a comfortable microclimate in workplaces without completely covering the workshop area. This option makes it possible to save money by not wasting resources and thermal energy on ballast heating of unused or unvisited areas of the workshop. At the same time, the technological process must not be disrupted; the air temperature must meet the technological requirements.

Electric heating

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! It should immediately be noted that heating with electricity as the main method of heating practically not used due to its high cost.

Electrical heat guns or air heaters are used as temporary or local heat sources. For example, to carry out repair work in an unheated room, a heat gun is installed, allowing the repair team to work in comfortable conditions that allow required quality work. Electric heaters as temporary heat sources are the most popular, as they do not require coolant. They only need to be connected to the network, after which they immediately begin to generate thermal energy on their own. Wherein, The serviced areas are quite small.

Air heating

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Air heating industrial buildings- the most attractive type of heating.

It allows you to heat large rooms, regardless of their configuration. Distribution air flow occurs in a controlled manner, the temperature and air composition are flexibly regulated. The operating principle is heating supply air using gas burners, electric or water heaters. Hot air using a fan and an air duct system, it is transported to production premises and released at the most convenient points, ensuring maximum uniformity of heating. Air heating systems have high maintainability, they are safe and allow you to fully ensure the microclimate in production premises.

Infrared heating

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Infrared heating - one of the newest, which appeared relatively recently, heating methods production premises. Its essence is to use infrared rays to heat all surfaces located in the path of the rays.

Typically the panels are located under the ceiling, radiating from top to bottom. This heats up the floor, various objects, and to some extent the walls.

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! This is the peculiarity of the method - It is not the air that is heated, but the objects located in the room.

For more efficient distribution of IR rays, the panels are equipped with reflectors that direct the flow of rays into the right side. The method of heating with infrared rays is effective and economical, but is dependent on the availability of electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electric heating

Heating systems used to heat private homes or industrial buildings have their strengths and weaknesses. So, advantages of electric heating methods are:

  • absence of intermediate materials (coolant). Electrical appliances themselves generate thermal energy

  • high maintainability devices. All elements can be quickly replaced in case of failure without any specific repair work

  • an electrically heated system can be very Flexibly and precisely adjustable. At the same time, no complex complexes are required; control is carried out using standard blocks

Disadvantage Electric heating systems are expensive. At the same time, the devices themselves are quite expensive, and the electricity they consume creates significant costs. This is the main reason for the rare use of electrical appliances as the main heating system.

Infrared heating

Infrared systems have advantages:

  • efficiency, efficiency

  • oxygen is not burned, air humidity that is comfortable for humans is maintained

  • installation such a system is enough simple and accessible for self-execution

  • system No worries about voltage surges, which allows you to maintain the indoor microclimate even when connected to an unstable power supply network

Flaws IR heating:
  • The technique is intended primarily for local, spot heating. Using it to create an even microclimate in large workshops it is irrational

  • complexity of system calculation, the need for precise selection of suitable devices

Air heating

Air heating is considered the most in a convenient way heating industrial and residential premises. This is expressed in the following benefits:

  • ability uniform heating of large workshops or premises of any size

  • the system can be reconstructed, its power can be increased if necessary without complete dismantling

  • air heating most safe to use and installation

  • system has low inertia and can quickly change operating modes

  • exists many options

Disadvantages air heating are:
  • dependence on heating source

  • addiction depending on availability connection to the electricity network

  • upon failure system temperature the room is very falls quickly

All these qualities are criteria for choosing a heating system when designing.

Creating a heating system project

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Designing air heating is not an easy task. To solve it, it is necessary to clarify a number of factors, self-determination which may be difficult. RSV company specialists can make a preliminary one for you free of charge premises based on GREERS equipment.

The choice of one or another type of heating system is made by comparing climatic conditions region, building size, ceiling height, features of the proposed technological process, location of workplaces. In addition, when choosing, they are guided by the cost-effectiveness of the heating method and the possibility of using it without extra costs.

The system is calculated by determining heat losses and selecting equipment that matches them in terms of power. To eliminate the possibility of errors SNiP must be used, which sets out all the requirements for heating systems and gives the coefficients necessary for calculations.

SNiP 41-01-2008


ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT from 01/01/2008 by decree of 2008. INSTEAD SNiP 41-01-2003

Heating system installation

Expert opinion

Heating and ventilation engineer RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Important! Installation work are manufactured in strict accordance with the design and SNiP requirements.

Air ducts are an important element of the system, which provide transportation of gas-air mixtures. They are installed in each building or room according to individual scheme. The size, cross-section, and shape of the air ducts play an important role during installation, since to connect the fan, adapters are needed that connect the inlet or outlet pipe of the device to the air duct system. Without high-quality adapters, it will not be possible to create a tight and efficient connection.

In accordance with the selected type of system, installations are carried out. electrical cables , is done pipe layout for coolant circulation. The equipment is installed, all necessary connections and connections are made. All work is carried out in compliance with safety requirements. The system is started in the minimum operating mode, with a gradual increase in design power.

Useful video

Production facilities, workshops, warehouses, due to their spacious size and taking into account the climatic conditions of Russia, often need to solve such topical issue, How optimal heating. The word “optimal” means the price/reliability/comfort ratio that is suitable for a particular industrial building.

This is what we will talk about in our article.

In general, creating a heating scheme for industrial premises is quite difficult task. This is due to the fact that each individual production facility is built for specific technological processes, and has very big sizes and height.

Plus, the equipment used in production sometimes complicates the laying of pipes for ventilation or heating. But despite this, heating industrial buildings is an important function that cannot be avoided.

And that's why:

  • a well-thought-out heating system ensures comfortable conditions labor for employees and directly affects their performance;
  • it protects equipment from hypothermia, which can cause breakdowns, which in turn will lead to monetary costs for repairs;
  • Warehouses must also have an appropriate microclimate so that the goods produced retain their original appearance.

By choosing a simple, but at the same time reliable heating system, you will reduce the cost of its repair and maintenance.
Plus, much fewer employees will be required to control it.

Choosing a heating system for industrial premises

For heating industrial buildings Most often, central heating systems (water or air) are used, but in some cases it is more rational to use local heaters.

But in any case, when choosing a production heating system, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  1. Area and height of the room;
  2. The amount of heat energy needed to maintain the optimal temperature;
  3. The ease of maintenance of heating equipment, as well as its suitability for repair.

Now let's try to understand the positive and negative aspects that the above-mentioned types of heating of industrial premises have.

Central water heating

The source of the heat resource is a central heating system or a local boiler house. Water heating consists of a boiler (radiators or convectors) and a pipeline. The liquid heated in the boiler is transferred to the pipes, giving off heat to the heating devices.

Water heating of industrial buildings can be:

  1. Single-pipe - here it is impossible to regulate the water temperature.
  2. Two-pipe - here temperature control is possible and is carried out thanks to thermostats and radiators installed in parallel.

As for the central element of the water system (that is, the boiler), it can be:

  • gas;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric;
  • combined.

You need to choose based on the possibilities. For example, if it is possible to connect to a gas main, a gas boiler would be a good option. But please note that the price is this type fuel consumption increases every year. In addition, there may be interruptions in central system gas supply, which will not benefit the production enterprise.

Requires a separate safe room and fuel storage tank. In addition, you will have to regularly replenish fuel reserves, which means taking care of transportation and unloading - additional costs Money, labor and time.

Solid fuel boilers They are unlikely to be suitable for heating industrial premises, except perhaps small ones. Operating and maintaining a solid fuel unit is a rather labor-intensive process (loading fuel, regularly cleaning the firebox and chimney from ash).

True, at present there are automated solid fuel models into which you do not need to load fuel yourself; a special automatic intake system has been developed for this. Also, automated models allow you to set the desired temperature.

However, you still have to take care of the firebox. The fuel used here is pellets, sawdust, wood chips, and, if placed manually, also firewood. Although this type of boiler requires labor-intensive operation, it is the most inexpensive.

Electric boilers are also not the best option for large industrial enterprises, since the energy consumed costs a pretty penny. But heating a production space of 70 square meters using this method is quite acceptable. However, do not forget that in our country, periodic power outages for several hours have long been a common occurrence.

As for combination boilers, they can be called truly universal units. If you have chosen a water heating system and want to get efficient and uninterrupted heating of your production as a result, then take a closer look at this option.

Although a combination boiler costs several times more than previous units, it provides a unique opportunity - practically not to depend on external problems (interruptions in the centralized heating system, gas supply and electricity supply). Such units are equipped with two or big amount burners, for various types fuel.

Built-in types of burners are the main parameter for dividing combined boilers into subgroups:

  • Gas-wood heating boiler– you don’t have to worry about gas supply interruptions and fuel price increases;
  • Gas-diesel– will provide high heating power and comfort in the room large area;
  • Gas-diesel-wood– has expanded functionality, but you have to pay for it with lower efficiency and low power;
  • Gas-diesel-electricity– a very effective option;
  • Gas-diesel-wood-electricity- an improved unit. It can be said that it provides complete independence from possible external problems.

Everything is clear with boilers, now let's see whether water heating in production fits the selection criteria that we initially outlined. Here it’s worth mentioning right away that the heat capacity of water, compared to the heat capacity of the same air, is several thousand times greater (at the usual temperatures of air (70°C) and water (80°C) in the heating system).

In this case, the water consumption for the same room will be thousands of times less than the air consumption. This means that fewer connecting communications will be required, which is certainly a big plus, given the design of industrial premises.

A water heating system allows you to control the temperature: for example, you can set standby production heating (+10°C) during non-working hours, and set a more comfortable temperature during working hours.

Air heating

This type is the very first artificial heating of premises. So air heating systems have proven their effectiveness for quite some time now. for a long time and, it should be noted, are in constant demand.

All this thanks to the following positive aspects:

  • Air heating assumes the absence of radiators and pipes, instead of which air ducts are installed.
  • Air heating shows more high level Efficiency compared to the same water heating system.
  • In this case, the air is heated evenly throughout the entire volume and height of the room.
  • The air heating system can be combined with a supply ventilation and air conditioning system, which allows you to obtain fresh air instead of the heated one.
  • It is impossible not to mention regular shift and air purification, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being and performance of employees.

In order to save money, it is better to choose combined air industrial heating, which consists of natural and mechanical air circulation. What does it mean?

The word “natural” means the intake of already warm air from environment(warm air is available everywhere, even when it is -20°C outside). Mechanical induction is when the duct draws from the environment cold air, heats it and supplies it to the room.

For heating a large area, air heating systems for industrial premises are perhaps the most rational option. And in some cases, for example, at chemical plants, air heating is the only permitted type of heating.

Infrared heating

How to heat an industrial premises without resorting to traditional methods? Using modern infrared heaters. They work on the following principle: emitters generate radiant energy above the heated area and transfer heat to objects, which in turn heats the air.

Information! The functionality of infrared heaters can be compared to the Sun, which also infrared waves heats the earth's surface, and as a result of heat exchange from the surface, the air is heated.

This principle of operation eliminates the accumulation of heated air under the ceiling and, as a result, large temperature changes, which is very attractive for heating industrial enterprises, since most of them have high ceilings.

IR heaters are divided into the following types at installation location:

  • ceiling;
  • floor;
  • wall;
  • portable floor.

By type of waves emitted:

  • shortwave;
  • medium wave or light (their operating temperature is 800°C, so they emit soft light during operation);
  • long-wave or dark (they do not emit light even at their operating temperature of 300-400 ° C).

By type of energy consumed:

  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel

Gas and diesel infrared systems are more profitable and their efficiency is 85-92%. However, they burn oxygen and change the humidity in the air.

Type heating element:

  • Halogen– the only drawback is that if dropped or subjected to a strong impact, the vacuum tube may break;
  • Carbon– the main heating element is made of carbon fiber and placed in a glass tube. The biggest advantage compared to other IR devices is lower energy consumption (about 2.5 times). If you fall or strong impact The quartz tube may break.
  • Tenovye;
  • Ceramic– the heating element is made of ceramic tiles assembled into one reflector.
    The principle of operation is the flameless combustion of a gas-air mixture inside a ceramic tile, as a result of which it heats up and transfers heat to surrounding surfaces, objects, and people.

IR heaters are most often used for heating:

  • industrial premises;
  • shopping and sports facilities;
  • warehouses;
  • workshops;
  • factories;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • livestock farms;
  • private and apartment buildings.

Advantages of infrared heating:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that IR heaters are the only type of devices that allow for zone or spot heating. Thus, in different parts production premises can be maintained at different temperatures. Zone heating can be used to heat work areas, parts on a conveyor belt, car engines, young animals on livestock farms, etc.
  2. As mentioned above, IR heaters heat surfaces, objects and people, but do not affect the air itself. It turns out that there is no circulation of air masses, which means there is no loss of heat and drafts and, as a result, fewer colds and allergic reactions.
  3. The low inertia of infrared heaters allows you to feel the effect of their action immediately after starting, without preheating the room.
  4. Infrared heating is very economical, due to its high efficiency and low energy consumption (up to 45% less energy than traditional ways). There is probably no need to explain that this significantly reduces the financial costs of the enterprise and quickly recoups all investments in infrared heating facilities.
  5. IR heaters are durable, lightweight, take up little space, and are easy to install (each product comes with detailed instructions installation) and they require virtually no maintenance during operation.
  6. Infrared heaters are the only type of heating devices that can provide effective local heating (that is, without resorting to centralized heating systems).


Finally, I would like to suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo table, which shows the specific heating characteristics of industrial buildings.

We examined the main types of heating of industrial premises. Which one will be the most optimal in your case is up to you to decide. And we hope that this article was useful to you. Additional information You will find information on this topic in specially selected video material.


In a rather unfavorable climate, any building needs good heating. And if heating a private house or apartment is not difficult, heating industrial premises will require a lot of effort.

Heating industrial premises and enterprises is a rather labor-intensive process, which is facilitated by a number of reasons. Firstly, when creating heating circuit It is imperative to comply with the criteria of cost, reliability and functionality. Secondly, industrial buildings usually have quite large dimensions and are designed to perform certain work, for which special equipment is installed in the buildings. These reasons significantly complicate the installation of the heating system and increase the cost of work. Despite all the difficulties, industrial buildings still require heating, and in such cases it performs several functions:

  • ensuring comfortable working conditions, which directly affects the performance of staff;
  • protection of equipment from temperature changes to prevent overcooling and subsequent breakdown;
  • creating a suitable microclimate in warehouse areas so that manufactured products do not lose their properties due to improper storage conditions.
What is the result? Heating industrial workshops will allow you to save on various types of expenses, for example, for repairs or sick leave payments. In addition, if the heating system is chosen correctly, then its maintenance and repair will be much cheaper, and a minimum number of interventions will be necessary for its operation. It is only important to know that the specific heating characteristics of industrial buildings can be different, and it must be initially calculated.

Choosing a system for heating industrial premises

Heating of industrial premises is carried out using different types of systems, each of which requires detailed consideration. Centralized liquid or air systems are the most popular, but local heaters can also often be found.

The choice of heating system type is influenced by the following parameters:

  • dimensions of the heated room;
  • the amount of thermal energy required to maintain the temperature regime;
  • ease of maintenance and availability of repairs.
Each system has its pros and cons, and the choice will primarily depend on the compliance of the functionality of the selected system with the requirements that apply to it. When choosing the type of system, it is necessary to calculate the heating system of an industrial building in order to have a clear understanding of how much heat the building needs.

Central water heating

In the case of a central heating system, heat generation will be provided by the local boiler house or unified system, which will be installed in the building. The design of this system includes a boiler, heating devices and piping.

The operating principle of such a system is as follows: the liquid is heated in the boiler, after which it is distributed through pipes to all heating devices. Liquid heating can be single-pipe or double-pipe. In the first case, temperature control is not carried out, but in the case of two-pipe heating, the temperature regime can be adjusted using thermostats and radiators installed in parallel.

The boiler is central element water heating system. It can run on gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electricity or a combination of these types of energy resources. When choosing a boiler, you must first take into account the availability of one or another type of fuel.

For example, the ability to use mains gas allows you to immediately connect to this system. At the same time, you need to take into account the cost of the energy resource: gas reserves are not unlimited, so its price will increase every year. In addition, gas mains are very susceptible to accidents, which will negatively affect the production process.

Using a liquid fuel boiler also has its pitfalls: to store liquid fuel, you need to have a separate tank and constantly replenish the reserves in it - and this is an additional expense of time, effort and finance. Solid fuel boilers are generally not recommended for heating industrial buildings, except in cases where the building area is small.

True, there are automated versions of boilers that are capable of independently taking fuel, and in this case the temperature is adjusted automatically, but maintenance of such systems cannot be called simple. For different models of solid fuel boilers, different types of raw materials are used: pellets, sawdust or firewood. A positive quality of such structures is the low cost of installation and resources.

Electric heating systems are also poorly suited for heating industrial buildings: despite their high efficiency, these systems use too much a large number of energy, which will greatly affect the economic side of the issue. Of course, for heating buildings up to 70 sq.m. electrical systems are quite suitable, but you need to understand that electricity also tends to disappear regularly.

But what you can really pay attention to is combined heating systems. Such designs may have good characteristics and high reliability. A significant advantage over other types of heating in this case is the possibility of uninterrupted heating of an industrial building. Of course, the cost of such devices is usually high, but in return you can get reliable system, which will provide the building with heat in any situation.

Combined heating systems usually have several types of burners built in, which allow the use of different types of raw materials.

It is by the type and purpose of the burners that the following designs are classified:

  • gas-wood boilers: equipped with two burners, they allow you not to worry about rising fuel prices and problems with the gas supply line;
  • gas-diesel boilers: demonstrate high efficiency and work very well with large areas;
  • gas-diesel-wood boilers: extremely reliable and can be used in any situation, but power and efficiency leave much to be desired;
  • gas-diesel-electricity: a very reliable option with good power;
  • gas-diesel-wood-electricity: combines all types of energy resources, allows you to control fuel consumption in the system, has a wide range of settings and adjustments, is suitable in any situation, requires a large area.
The boiler, although it is the main element of the heating system, cannot independently provide heating for the building. Can a water heating system provide the necessary heating for a building? The heat capacity of water is much higher when compared with the heat capacity of air.
This suggests that the pipeline can be much smaller than in the case of air heating, which indicates better efficiency.

Besides, water system makes it possible to control the temperature in the system: for example, by setting the heating at night at 10 degrees Celsius, you can significantly save resources. More accurate figures can be obtained by calculating the heating of industrial premises.

Air heating

Despite the good characteristics of the liquid heating system, air heating is also in good demand in the market. Why is this happening?

This type of heating system has positive qualities, which allow us to evaluate such heating systems for industrial premises at their true worth:

  • absence of pipelines and radiators, instead of which air ducts are installed, which reduces installation costs;
  • increased efficiency due to more competent and uniform distribution of air throughout the room;
  • An air heating system can be connected to a ventilation and air conditioning system, which makes it possible to ensure constant air movement. As a result, exhaust air will be removed from the system, and clean and fresh air will be heated and enter the heating of the production workshop, which will have a very good effect on the working conditions of the working personnel.
Such a system can be additionally equipped with one more advantage: for this it is necessary to install combined air heating, which combines natural and mechanical air impulses.

What is hidden under these concepts? The natural impulse is to take in warm air directly from the street (this possibility exists even when the temperature outside is sub-zero). Mechanical impulse takes in cold air, warms it up to required temperature and in this form he is sent to the building.

Air heating is excellent for heating large buildings, and heating industrial premises based on an air system is very effective.

In addition, some types of production, for example chemical, simply do not make it possible to use any other type of heating system.

Infrared heating

If it is not possible to install liquid or air heating, or in the case when these types of systems do not suit the owners of industrial buildings, infrared heaters come to the rescue. The principle of operation is described quite simply: an IR emitter generates thermal energy directed at a specific area, as a result of which this energy is transferred to objects located in this area.

In general, such installations make it possible to create a mini-sun in work area. Infrared heaters are good because they heat only the area they are directed at and do not allow the heat to dissipate throughout the entire room.

When classifying IR heaters, the method of installation is first considered:

  • ceiling;
  • floor;
  • wall;
  • portable.

Infrared heaters also differ in the type of waves emitted:
  • shortwave;
  • medium wave;
  • light (such models have a high operating temperature, so they glow during operation;
  • long wave;
  • dark.
IR heaters can be divided into types according to the energy resources used:
  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • diesel
IR systems running on gas or diesel have much greater efficiency, making them much cheaper. But such devices negatively affect indoor air humidity and burn oxygen.

There is a classification according to the type of work item:

  • halogen: heating is carried out by a fragile vacuum tube, which is very easy to damage;
  • carbon: the heating element is carbon fiber hidden in a glass tube, which is also not very durable. Carbon heaters consume approximately 2-3 times less energy;
  • Tenovye;
  • ceramic: heating is carried out by ceramic tiles, which are combined into one system.
Infrared heaters are well suited for use in all types of buildings, from private homes to bulky industrial buildings. The convenience of using such heating lies in the fact that these structures are able to heat individual zones or areas, which makes them incredibly comfortable.

IR heaters affect any objects, but do not affect the air and do not affect the movement of air masses, which eliminates the possibility of drafts and other negative factors that can affect the health of personnel.

In terms of warming up speed, infrared emitters can be called leaders: they must be started while at the workplace, and there is almost no need to wait for heat.

Such devices are very economical and have a very high efficiency, which allows them to be used as the main heating of production workshops. IR heaters are reliable, capable of operating for a long period of time, and take virtually no usable space, are light in weight and require no effort during installation. In the photo you can see different types infrared emitters.


This article discussed the main types of heating for industrial buildings. Before installing any selected system, it is necessary to calculate the heating of industrial premises. Making a choice always falls on the owner of the building, and knowledge of the tips and recommendations outlined will allow you to truly choose suitable option heating system.

During the cold season, autonomous heating of the production premises provides the company’s employees with comfortable working conditions. Normalization of temperature conditions also has a beneficial effect on the safety of buildings, machines and equipment. Heating systems, although they have the same task, have technological differences. Some use hot water boilers for heating industrial premises, while in others compact heaters are used. Let's consider the specifics of industrial heating and the effectiveness of using various systems.

Requirements for heating industrial premises

At low temperatures Heating of production premises, as required by labor protection, must be carried out in cases where the time workers stay there exceeds 2 hours. The only exceptions are premises in which permanent presence of people is not necessary (for example, rarely visited warehouses). Also, structures are not heated, being inside of which is equivalent to carrying out work outside the building. However, even here it is necessary to provide for the presence of special devices for heating workers.

Occupational safety imposes a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements for heating industrial premises:

  • heating indoor air to a comfortable temperature;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature due to the amount of heat generated;
  • inadmissibility of air pollution with harmful gases and unpleasant odors(especially for stove heating production premises);
  • the desirability of combining the heating process with ventilation;
  • ensuring fire and explosion safety;
  • reliability of the heating system during operation and ease of repair.

During non-working hours, the temperature in heated rooms may be reduced, but not below +5 °C. At the same time, industrial heating must have sufficient power to restore normal temperature conditions by the start of the work shift.

Calculation of autonomous heating of production premises

When calculating the autonomous heating of a production premises, we proceed from general rule that a constant temperature must be maintained in the workshop, garage or warehouse, without strong changes. For this purpose, a central boiler room is built, and heating radiators for production premises are installed in the work area. However, at some enterprises there is a need to create separate zones with unequal air temperatures. For the first of these cases, a calculation is made for the use of a central heating system, and for the second, for the use of local heaters.

In practice, the calculation of the heating system of an industrial premises should be based on the following criteria:

  • area and height of the heated building;
  • heat loss through walls and roofs, windows and doors;
  • heat loss in the ventilation system;
  • heat consumption for technological needs;
  • thermal power of heating units;
  • rationality of using this or that type of fuel;
  • conditions for laying pipelines and air ducts.

Based on this, the need for heat energy to maintain the optimal temperature is determined. More accurate calculation Heating systems for industrial premises are facilitated by the use of special calculation tables. In the absence of data on the thermal properties of a building, heat consumption has to be determined approximately based on specific characteristics.

Making a choice among different types production systems heating, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of production, thermal calculations, cost and availability of fuel - and build feasibility studies on this. Systems of infrared, water, air and electric types most fully correspond to the autonomous heating of modern industrial premises.

Infrared heating of industrial premises

To create the necessary thermal comfort in workplaces, infrared heating of industrial premises is often used. Infrared (IR) local thermal emitters are installed mainly in workshops and warehouses with an area of ​​up to 500 m² and with high ceilings. In each of these devices, a heat generator, a heater and a heat-releasing surface are structurally combined.

Advantages of infrared heating of industrial premises:

  • only heating of the floor, walls, workshop equipment and directly people working in the room occurs;
  • the air does not heat up, which means the consumption of thermal energy is reduced;
  • dust does not rise into the air, which is especially important for electronic enterprises, Food Industry and precision engineering;
  • costs for design and installation of heating are reduced to a minimum;
  • infrared heating devices do not take up usable space.

IR heaters are divided into stationary and portable, and depending on the installation location, into ceiling, wall and floor. If it is necessary to influence individual workplaces, directed IR radiation is used using small wall heaters. But if you install infrared film heating on the ceiling of a production room, then the heating will be uniform over the entire area. Often, heated floors are also installed on the basis of panels with built-in IR heaters, but with such a system, energy consumption increases.

Infrared gas heating of industrial premises is also used in enterprises. Such heating devices The fuel is natural gas, which is cheaper than electricity. The main advantage of gas IR emitters is their efficiency.

Emitters for infrared systems gas heating production facilities are available in several types:

  • high-intensity (light) with a heat transfer temperature of 800–1200 °C;
  • low-intensity (dark) with a temperature of 100–550 °C;
  • low temperature with a temperature of 25–50°C).

A limitation in the use of industrial infrared heaters is the requirement not to place them in rooms with a ceiling height below 4 m.

Water heating of industrial premises

If the enterprise will use a water heating system, for its installation it is necessary to build a special boiler room, lay a pipeline system and install heating radiators in the production premises. In addition to the main elements, the system also includes means of ensuring operability, such as shut-off valves, pressure gauges, etc. To maintain the water heating system of industrial premises, it is necessary to constantly maintain special personnel.

According to the principle of its design, water heating of industrial premises can be:

  • single-pipe- regulation of water temperature is impossible here, since all heating radiators for industrial premises are installed in series;
  • two-pipe- temperature control is permissible and is carried out using thermostats on radiators installed in parallel.

Heat generators for a water heating system are heating boilers. Depending on the type of fuel consumed, they are: gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel, electric, combined. For heating small industrial premises, stoves with a water circuit are used.

You need to choose the type of boiler based on the needs and capabilities of a particular enterprise. For example, the opportunity to connect to the gas main will be an incentive to purchase gas boiler. In the absence of natural gas, preference is given to a diesel or improved solid fuel unit. Electric heating boilers for industrial premises are used quite often, but only in small buildings.

In the midst heating season Failures or accidents may occur in gas and electricity supply systems, so it is advisable to have an alternative heating unit at the enterprise.

Combination boilers for heating industrial premises are much more expensive, but they are equipped with several types of burners: G gas-wood, gas-diesel, and even gas-diesel-electricity.

Air heating of industrial premises

The air heating system at each specific industrial enterprise can be used as the main one or as an auxiliary one. In any case, installing air heating in a workshop is cheaper than water heating, since there is no need to install expensive boilers for heating production premises, lay pipelines and install radiators.

Advantages of an air heating system for a production facility:

  • saving work area area;
  • energy efficient consumption of resources;
  • simultaneous heating and air purification;
  • uniform heating of the room;
  • safety for the well-being of workers;
  • no risk of leaks and freezing of the system.

Air heating of a production facility can be:

  • central- with a single heating unit and an extensive network of air ducts through which heated air is distributed throughout the workshop;
  • local- air heaters (air heating units, heat guns, air heat curtains) are located directly in the room.

In a centralized air heating system, to reduce energy costs, a recuperator is used, which partially uses the heat of internal air to heat fresh air coming from outside. Local systems do not perform recovery, they only warm the internal air, but do not provide an influx of external air. Wall-ceiling air heating units can be used to heat individual workplaces, as well as for drying any materials and surfaces.

By giving preference to air heating of industrial premises, enterprise managers achieve savings by significantly reducing capital costs.

Electric heating of industrial premises

Opting for electrically heating, two options for heating workshop or warehouse premises should be considered:

  • using electric heating boilers for industrial premises;
  • using portable electric heating devices.

In some cases, it may be advisable to install small electric ovens for heating industrial premises with a small area and ceiling height.

Electric boilers have an efficiency of up to 99%, their operation is fully automated thanks to the presence of programmable control. In addition to performing the heating function, the boiler can serve as a source of hot water supply. Absolute air purity is ensured, since there is no emission of combustion products. However, the numerous advantages of electric boilers are negated too much high cost the electricity they consume.

Electric convectors can successfully compete with electric boilers in the field of heating industrial premises. There are electric convectors with natural convection, as well as with forced air supply. The operating principle of these compact devices is the ability to heat rooms by heat exchange. The air passes through the heating elements, its temperature rises, and then it goes through the usual circulation cycle inside the room.

Minuses electric convectors: They dry out the air excessively and are not recommended for heating rooms with high ceilings.

Radiant heating panels have been able to demonstrate their excellent energy-saving characteristics in a relatively short period of time. Outwardly, they are similar to convectors, but their difference is manifested in the special design of the heating element. The advantage of electric radiant panels is their ability to act on objects in the room without needlessly heating the air. Automatic thermostats help maintain the set temperature.

Whatever heating system for the production premises the owner of the company decides to install, his main task should remain concern for maintaining the health and performance of all company personnel.

Whether it is an industrial building or a residential building, you need to carry out competent calculations and draw up a diagram of the heating system circuit. At this stage, experts recommend paying special attention to calculating the possible thermal load on the heating circuit, as well as the volume of fuel consumed and heat generated.

Thermal load: what is it?

This term refers to the amount of heat given off. A preliminary calculation of the thermal load will allow you to avoid unnecessary costs for the purchase of heating system components and their installation. Also, this calculation will help to correctly distribute the amount of heat generated economically and evenly throughout the building.

There are many nuances involved in these calculations. For example, the material from which the building is built, thermal insulation, region, etc. Experts try to take into account as many factors and characteristics as possible to obtain a more accurate result.

Calculation of heat load with errors and inaccuracies leads to inefficient operation of the heating system. It even happens that you have to redo sections of an already working structure, which inevitably leads to unplanned expenses. And housing and communal services organizations calculate the cost of services based on data on heat load.

Main Factors

An ideally calculated and designed heating system should maintain the set temperature in the room and compensate for the resulting heat losses. When calculating the heat load on the heating system in a building, you need to take into account:

Purpose of the building: residential or industrial.

Characteristics of the structural elements of the building. These are windows, walls, doors, roof and ventilation system.

Dimensions of the home. The larger it is, the more powerful the heating system should be. It is imperative to take into account the area of ​​window openings, doors, external walls and the volume of each internal room.

Availability of rooms special purpose(bath, sauna, etc.).

Degree of equipment with technical devices. That is, the availability of hot water supply, ventilation system, air conditioning and type of heating system.

For a separate room. For example, in rooms intended for storage, it is not necessary to maintain a temperature that is comfortable for humans.

Number of feed points hot water. The more there are, the more the system is loaded.

Area of ​​glazed surfaces. Rooms with French windows lose a significant amount of heat.

Additional terms and conditions. In residential buildings this may be the number of rooms, balconies and loggias and bathrooms. In industrial - the number of working days in a calendar year, shifts, technological chain production process etc.

Climatic conditions of the region. When calculating heat loss, street temperatures are taken into account. If the differences are insignificant, then a small amount of energy will be spent on compensation. While at -40 o C outside the window it will require significant expenses.

Features of existing methods

The parameters included in the calculation of the thermal load are found in SNiPs and GOSTs. They also have special heat transfer coefficients. From the passports of the equipment included in the heating system, digital characteristics relating to a specific heating radiator, boiler, etc. are taken. And also traditionally:

Heat consumption, taken to the maximum per hour of operation of the heating system,

The maximum heat flow emanating from one radiator is

Total heat consumption in a certain period (most often a season); if hourly load calculation is required heating network, then the calculation must be carried out taking into account the temperature difference during the day.

The calculations made are compared with the heat transfer area of ​​the entire system. The indicator turns out to be quite accurate. Some deviations do occur. For example, for industrial buildings it will be necessary to take into account the reduction in thermal energy consumption on weekends and holidays, and in residential premises - at night.

Methods for calculating heating systems have several degrees of accuracy. To reduce the error to a minimum, it is necessary to use rather complex calculations. Less accurate schemes are used if the goal is not to optimize the costs of the heating system.

Basic calculation methods

Today, the calculation of the heat load for heating a building can be carried out using one of the following methods.

Three main

  1. For calculations, aggregated indicators are taken.
  2. The indicators of the structural elements of the building are taken as the basis. Here, the calculation of the internal volume of air used for heating will also be important.
  3. All objects included in the heating system are calculated and summed up.

One example

There is also a fourth option. It has a fairly large error, because the indicators taken are very average, or there are not enough of them. This formula is Q from = q 0 * a * V H * (t EN - t NRO), where:

  • q 0 - specific thermal performance buildings (most often determined by the coldest period),
  • a - correction factor (depends on the region and is taken from ready-made tables),
  • V H is the volume calculated along the external planes.

Example of a simple calculation

For a building with standard parameters (ceiling heights, room sizes and good thermal insulation characteristics) you can apply a simple ratio of parameters adjusted for a coefficient depending on the region.

Let's assume that a residential building is located in the Arkhangelsk region, and its area is 170 square meters. m. The heat load will be equal to 17 * 1.6 = 27.2 kW/h.

This definition of thermal loads does not take into account many important factors. For example, design features buildings, temperatures, number of walls, ratio of wall areas to window openings, etc. Therefore, such calculations are not suitable for serious heating system projects.

It depends on the material from which they are made. The most commonly used today are bimetallic, aluminum, steel, much less often cast iron radiators. Each of them has its own heat transfer (thermal power) indicator. Bimetallic radiators with a distance between the axes of 500 mm, on average they have 180 - 190 W. Aluminum radiators have almost the same performance.

The heat transfer of the described radiators is calculated per section. Steel plate radiators are non-separable. Therefore, their heat transfer is determined based on the size of the entire device. For example, the thermal power of a double-row radiator with a width of 1,100 mm and a height of 200 mm will be 1,010 W, and panel radiator made of steel with a width of 500 mm and a height of 220 mm will amount to 1,644 W.

The calculation of a heating radiator by area includes the following basic parameters:

Ceiling height (standard - 2.7 m),

Thermal power (per sq. m - 100 W),

One external wall.

These calculations show that for every 10 sq. m requires 1,000 W of thermal power. This result is divided by the thermal output of one section. The answer is required amount radiator sections.

For the southern regions of our country, as well as for the northern ones, decreasing and increasing coefficients have been developed.

Average calculation and accurate

Taking into account the described factors, the average calculation is carried out according to the following scheme. If per 1 sq. m requires 100 W of heat flow, then a room of 20 sq. m should receive 2,000 watts. A radiator (popular bimetallic or aluminum) of eight sections produces about Divide 2,000 by 150, we get 13 sections. But this is a rather enlarged calculation of the thermal load.

The exact one looks a little scary. Nothing complicated really. Here's the formula:

Q t = 100 W/m 2 × S(room)m 2 × q 1 × q 2 × q 3 × q 4 × q 5 × q 6 × q 7, Where:

  • q 1 - type of glazing (regular = 1.27, double = 1.0, triple = 0.85);
  • q 2 - wall insulation (weak or absent = 1.27, wall laid with 2 bricks = 1.0, modern, high = 0.85);
  • q 3 - the ratio of the total area of ​​window openings to the floor area (40% = 1.2, 30% = 1.1, 20% - 0.9, 10% = 0.8);
  • q 4 - outside temperature(the minimum value is taken: -35 o C = 1.5, -25 o C = 1.3, -20 o C = 1.1, -15 o C = 0.9, -10 o C = 0.7);
  • q 5 - the number of external walls in the room (all four = 1.4, three = 1.3, corner room = 1.2, one = 1.2);
  • q 6 - type of calculation room above the calculation room (cold attic = 1.0, warm attic = 0.9, heated residential room = 0.8);
  • q 7 - ceiling height (4.5 m = 1.2, 4.0 m = 1.15, 3.5 m = 1.1, 3.0 m = 1.05, 2.5 m = 1.3).

Using any of the described methods, you can calculate the heat load of an apartment building.

Approximate calculation

The conditions are as follows. Minimum temperature in the cold season - -20 o C. Room 25 sq. m with triple glazing, double-glazed windows, ceiling height of 3.0 m, two-brick walls and an unheated attic. The calculation will be as follows:

Q = 100 W/m 2 × 25 m 2 × 0.85 × 1 × 0.8(12%) × 1.1 × 1.2 × 1 × 1.05.

The result, 2,356.20, is divided by 150. As a result, it turns out that 16 sections need to be installed in a room with the specified parameters.

If calculation in gigacalories is required

In the absence of a thermal energy meter on an open heating circuit, the calculation of the heat load for heating the building is calculated using the formula Q = V * (T 1 - T 2) / 1000, where:

  • V - the amount of water consumed by the heating system, calculated in tons or m 3,
  • T 1 - a number indicating the temperature of hot water, measured in o C and for calculations the temperature corresponding to a certain pressure in the system is taken. This indicator has its own name - enthalpy. If in practical terms we remove temperature indicators It is not possible, they resort to the average indicator. It is within 60-65 o C.
  • T 2 - temperature cold water. It is quite difficult to measure it in the system, so constant indicators have been developed that depend on the temperature outside. For example, in one of the regions, in the cold season this indicator is taken equal to 5, in the summer - 15.
  • 1,000 is the coefficient for obtaining the result immediately in gigacalories.

In case of a closed circuit thermal load(gcal/hour) is calculated differently:

Q from = α * q o * V * (t in - t n.r.) * (1 + K n.r.) * 0.000001, Where

The calculation of the heat load turns out to be somewhat enlarged, but this is the formula given in the technical literature.

Increasingly, in order to increase the efficiency of the heating system, they are resorting to buildings.

This work is carried out in the dark. For a more accurate result, you need to observe the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors: it should be at least 15 o. Lamps daylighting and the incandescent lamps turn off. It is advisable to remove carpets and furniture as much as possible; they knock down the device, causing some error.

The survey is carried out slowly and data is recorded carefully. The scheme is simple.

The first stage of work takes place indoors. The device is moved gradually from doors to windows, paying special attention to corners and other joints.

The second stage - inspection with a thermal imager external walls buildings. The joints are still carefully examined, especially the connection with the roof.

The third stage is data processing. First, the device does this, then the readings are transferred to the computer, where the corresponding programs complete the processing and produce the result.

If the survey was carried out by a licensed organization, it will issue a report with mandatory recommendations based on the results of the work. If the work was carried out in person, then you need to rely on your knowledge and, possibly, the help of the Internet.