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Tree peony scarlet sails landing and care. Tree peony: care and cultivation. Pests capable of causing plant death

The tree peony is a shrub plant that has more than 480 species. Its homeland is China. It became widespread in Europe at the end of the 18th century. Currently actively grown in the suburbs. There is a list of varieties that are adapted to the climate in this area. If the flower is provided with shelter for the winter, the perennial can also grow in Siberia, where the temperature drops to -50 degrees.

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    According to the description, the peony is a tree up to 2 meters high. In all directions, thick shoots diverge. Growing, the peony takes the form of a deciduous shrub with feathery leaves.

    Each species is characterized by individual flowers, which reach 22 cm in diameter. Colors can be yellow, pink, white, raspberry or a combination. They also differ in their structure: they are simple, terry or semi-double. The number of flowers depends on the age of the tree peony. The older the bush, the more of them.


    There are about 500 varieties and hybrids of peony in the world, most of which grow in China. In Russia, the following types are common:

    • Coral Altar. It has original carved leaves and a peculiar coloring of the petals.
    • Vesuvius. The petals are crimson red, and the flowers are large, double.
    • Vladimir Novikov. This variety is adapted to the climate of the Moscow region. A sprawling bush reaches a height of 150 cm. Large flowers of a beet shade. The edges of the petals are corrugated.
    • Coral. This hybrid variety grows up to 100 cm in height. The flowers are red, non-double.
    • Peter the Great. The height of the bush can vary from 130 to 150 cm. It has semi-double flowers with a diameter of 20-25 cm. The petals have a beet shade.

    Vladimir Novikov

    Perth the Great

    Preparing for landing

    Preparation for planting begins with an inspection of the seedling. Tubers should not be affected by rot. Small roots should leave the trunk. It also requires the presence of several large kidneys. These seedlings are separated from the root system of adult bushes. It is better to separate from a young bush than from an old one. Even if such a seedling is small, over time it will strengthen and quickly grow. Outwardly, its root system is lighter, and the planting material separated from the old bush is darker. The roots are approximately 10 mm thick and 25 mm long.

    To check the suitability, attention is drawn to the root in the context: it must be matte. If a shine appears when wetting, then there is rot inside. With a knife, you need to remove the affected area, leaving only healthy tissue.

    Before planting, seedlings are placed in water for 3 days. Despite the fact that the flower loves water, an excess of moisture is harmful to it. Do not allow the appearance of cracks on the roots. They start up there garden ants which are difficult to get rid of.

    After soaking, the seedling is lowered for 30 minutes into the solution of the suspension of Fundazol. Next, you need to take it out, sprinkle the cut points with wood ash and dip it into a clay mash.

    Site Requirements

    It is necessary to select and prepare a place for planting a peony in advance.

    1. 1. The site should be chosen one that is located on a hill and is illuminated by the sun. Nearby there should be no trees that would cast a shadow on young bushes.
    2. 2. Loamy soils are considered optimal chernozem. If the soil is sandy, humus, clay and peat are added to it. If the soil is clayey, then sand and organic fertilizers should be added to it.
    3. 3. In case of leakage in the area ground water drainage is laid at the bottom of the excavated pit. It can be gravel, broken brick or coarse sand.
    4. 4. Peony does not grow well in acidic soils. In this case, in landing pit you need to add 300 g of lime.

    The best place to land is the east side. In the morning, maximum light hits the bushes.

    Sapling storage

    If the seedling was purchased at the end of winter, then it must be planted in a pot, placed in a dark place and slightly moistened with soil. The seedling will remain dormant in winter.

    In early spring, the pot is taken out into the street to a shaded place. Water the black soil as needed. Rooting in open ground begins from the beginning of autumn.

    Planting Rules

    When planting a peony, a number of conditions must be observed:

    1. 1. The best time for this is the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.
    2. 2. The pit is dug out a month before planting. Outwardly, it should have a conical shape, up to 80 cm deep and 75 cm wide.
    3. 3. Drainage from gravel or broken bricks is laid at the bottom. Its thickness is 19 cm.
    4. 4. The rotted manure is laid on top.
    5. 5. A soil mixture is being prepared from peat, superphosphate, wood ash and bone meal.
    6. 6. The seedling is inserted into the pit so that the root collar is above the surface of the black soil. The buds and the grafting site should rise above the ground.
    7. 7. The soil mixture is mixed and poured into a cone-shaped pit. From above it is plentifully watered.

    Planting a tree peony


    If the planting process was carried out correctly, then the only thing left for the peony to do is to provide care: water it in time, take care of the soil, supplying it with fertilizers.

    In the first year, maintenance is minimal. Peonies aged 2-3 years require more attention.


    In the process of growing tree peony watered 2 times a month. Each plant consumes at least 8 liters of water. During the entire time, work is required to loosen the soil and control pests and weeds.

    In hot weather, in summer, watering is increased, and in autumn the rate is reduced. 2 days after watering, loosening of the chernozem is carried out.

    top dressing

    Growing a peony at home involves constant fertilizing with fertilizers. Especially the plant needs nitrogen and potassium. Such elements are introduced into the soil in the spring, when a period of growth is observed.

    Subsequently, phosphorus-potassium elements are introduced into the soil. At this time, the setting of the kidneys takes place. The plant needs the same fertilizers during the flowering period.

    Excessive concentration of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the soil causes a disease in plants called gray rot.


    Pruning is carried out in the spring, before the start of the growing season. Dry and broken branches are subject to cleaning. Old shoots are cut to 10 cm.

    When preparing a peony for flowering next year, pruning is carried out to the first upper bud. It is imperative to do annual pruning - the vital activity of the plant depends on it.


    Peonies do not tolerate transplantation well and often get sick for 2-3 years. Therefore, when digging, the bushes are taken out of the ground along with a lump. Then it is removed with a stream of water.

    Before planting, the entire root system is inspected, rotten processes are removed. The cut sites are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.


    Peonies bloom at the end of May and continue until the beginning of June. Non-double peonies bloom first, terry peonies bloom after 5 days, and the last, after 1.5 weeks, are semi-shrub peonies.

    However, at times the shrub may not bloom. This happens for various reasons:

    • Increased planting depth.
    • Landing in a shaded area.
    • Big age of bushes.
    • Too frequent changes.

    If the peony is disturbed in the spring, then the fragile roots will take root for a long time. This will lead to the fact that the plant will not bloom in the summer.


    Reproduction by this method takes up to 2 years. To do this, an incision is made on the branches located closer to the ground, the place is treated with a growth enhancement solution.

    Layers lean to the ground and are covered with black soil in the places of the incision. Plants need regular watering. As soon as rooting occurs, these branches can be separated from the mother bush.


    The method is rarely used because peony seeds germinate poorly. Seeds are collected in an unripe form, when they are still firm, light brown in color. Cracks begin to diverge along the seams.

    Pre-seeds are kept in the refrigerator for 1.5 months, so that they do not dry out. It takes the period from early August to mid-September. You can plant them right away. For this, containers with black soil are being prepared. Planting is carried out to a depth of 5 cm. After germination, they can be planted in open ground.

A tree peony, or as it is also called a semi-shrub peony, is a hybrid view belonging to the genus peony, peony family. Some botanists believe that these peonies are not a separate species, but a group of different varieties or hybrids. On this moment there are about 500 of them. Almost all of them grow in China.

A plant of this species was created by Chinese breeders. In Europe, tree peony began to grow in the eighteenth century. This amazing flower can be grown in our latitudes, the main thing is to follow the rules for caring for this amazing plant and it will delight the gardener with its luxurious inflorescences long years.

Peonies tree-like varieties with photos and names

- one of the youngest hybrids, which looks not only amazing, but also very unusual. The height of the peony bush can reach up to 1.5 meters. Inflorescences are small, terry bright yellow. On a shrub during flowering, up to 40 flowers can bloom. The plant has pinnate, openwork leaf plates of a dark green hue. Flowering time falls at the beginning of summer.

- is a late frost-resistant variety, the flowering time of which falls on the last summer months. The height of the bush reaches up to 1.5 meters. Peony forms from 30 to 70 buds, from which large terry inflorescences with a pleasant aroma appear. Leaf plates have a feathery shape and a dark green color, retaining their decorative effect until the end of autumn.

- this shrub reaches a height of 2 meters, is frost-resistant and has large, pinnate, rich green leaf plates. On one bush, from 30 to 70 buds can bloom, depending on the age of the plant. The inflorescences are large, having a crown shape and a golden hue with a red border. Peony blooms in mid-June.

- This is one of the most unusual varieties of peonies. It has large, double inflorescences with a pleasant aroma and a two-tone shade. One side of the flower is red, the other is white. In height, the peony bush reaches 1.3 meters and has beautiful dense foliage of a dark green hue. The peony blooms in June for two weeks.

The height of the peony bush reaches up to 2 meters. Thanks to the lush, feathery foliage of a dark green hue, the peony has a special decorative effect. Unlike other varieties, the inflorescences of this plant resemble simple daisies with round, wavy white petals and a red heart with golden stamens. The flowering time of the plant is in the middle of summer.

- This unusual plant variety is bred in China. Peony inflorescences are large, terry. At a young age, they are dark pink, and after five years they acquire a bright purple hue. The shrub reaches a height of 1.5 meters and has small, dark green pinnate leaf plates. The flowering time of the plant falls at the end of spring - the beginning of summer.

- is a medium early and medium tall variety, reaching a height of up to 120 centimeters. The leaf plates of the plant are pinnate, openwork of medium size, dark green hue. Peony bloom time is mid-June. The inflorescences are large, terry have a blue-pink hue with purple spots.

- a wide peony bush, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. The grade differs in frost resistance and resistance to diseases. The leaf plates are large, openwork bright green. The inflorescences are large, semi-double dark red in color with a delicate, pleasant aroma. The flowering time of the plant is in mid-June.

The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters. This variety is characterized by late flowering, which falls at the beginning of July. Peony leaf plates are large, openwork, dark green. Semi-double inflorescences have a diameter of about 20 centimeters. A shade of peony of an unusual pale golden color with a pink frame around the edge of the petals.

- the height of the bush reaches up to 1.3 meters. The inflorescences are semi-double, large, white in color with a pleasant aroma, resembling a lotus in appearance. The foliage is carved, medium, dark green. The plant blooms in late May - early June.

- one of the most spectacular varieties of peony. Compact shrub with dark green feathery large foliage, has long shoots with luxurious white inflorescences with red stripes. The peony blooms for two weeks in June.

- is a deciduous shrub with strong lignified branches, the height of which is up to 150 centimeters. The foliage of the plant is dense, feathery, rich green. The variety blooms late and is winter hardy. Inflorescences have a crown-globular shape and a whitish-lemon shade.

The variety is distinguished by late flowering, which falls at the beginning of June. The height of the bush with dense dark green feathery foliage is up to 150 centimeters. Large inflorescences have a spherical shape, a pink-blue hue and a delicate, pleasant aroma.

- a variety of late flowering, characterized by frost resistance. The height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters. The leaves are thick, dark green, pinnate in shape. The inflorescences are large, outwardly resembling large, terry roses. The peculiarity of this variety is that the opened buds at first have a greenish-lemon hue, then they change their color to pale pink or translucent. The plant blooms in early July.

- variety is different early flowering and frost resistance. The height of lignified shoots reaches 1.5 meters. Leaf plates are carved, lush, rich green. Inflorescences are large, terry, purple in color. Peony blooms in mid-May - early June.

- the height of the peony bush is from 110 to 150 centimeters. On lignified stems, from 20 to 40 large chrysanthemum-shaped inflorescences of a purple-red hue with a pleasant aroma bloom during the flowering season, which falls from late May to mid-June. The leaf plates of the peony are large, carved with a rich bright green hue. The variety is resistant to diseases and low temperatures.

Tree peony care and cultivation in the suburbs

In order for the peony to please with beautiful flowers, as well as to actively grow and develop, you should choose the right time and place for planting this green handsome man. The most favorable time for planting a plant in open ground is the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.

It is best to plant a peony on a hill that will not be lit by direct sunlight. There should not be dense trees and buildings nearby, as they will create thick shadow which is unacceptable for the plant. The best option for a luxurious flower would be a light shadow.

If we talk about spring planting, then it is not recommended because of the too long and difficult adaptation period of the plant, since at this time it has active growth and vegetation, which should take all its strength.

The ideal soil for the plant will be slightly acidified loam mixed with a small amount of lime, organic matter and coarse river sand. It is necessary to plant a peony in such a way that its root system is away from groundwater. At the bottom of the landing pit, it is necessary to lay a thick layer of drainage, consisting of a mixture of coarse river sand and fine expanded clay.

Planting a tree peony

To plant a plant in open ground, you should dig a planting hole and pour a small earthen hill inside it, on which you need to put a bush, straighten its roots and moisten the ground well. After the water has gone into the soil mixture, the seedling must be sprinkled so that its root neck is above the soil surface.

If the gardener decided to plant several plants at once, then this must be done in compliance with a two-meter distance between young bushes. Many people think that this plant is picky, but in fact this is not entirely true, because pickiness is to create optimal conditions for the growth and development of a flower, and does not at all concern the care of it.

Peony doesn't like straight lines sun rays and severe waterlogging of the soil, from which the root system can rot. In order for a young bush to grow beautiful and lush, it needs a lot of space. The soil for the plant should be nutritious, with good breathability and drainage. In principle, creating such conditions is quite simple, so growing chic peony under the force of not only an experienced gardener, but also a beginner.

If you have herbaceous peonies, which are also beautiful and graceful as tree-like. Which are grown with the same ease during planting and care in the open field, if the rules of agricultural technology are observed. With all necessary recommendations You can read this article.

In order for the plant to bloom, grow and develop as it should, experienced gardeners advise doing the following:

  • The landing pit is best prepared in advance - a month before disembarkation. Preparation consists in applying fertilizers to the soil so that they soak it properly.
  • When planting at the bottom of the pit on top of the drainage, put humus, a small layer of garden soil, pour a little on top complex fertilizer, one st. spoon blue vitriol and some slaked lime.
  • If a gardener purchased a seedling in late autumn or early winter, then it should be “sleeped” until the end of next summer. For this purpose, you should take a small container with the soil necessary for the plant and plant a bush in it, after which the pot with the plant should be removed to a cool, well-lit room. During the sleep period, the plant will take root, and at the end of next summer it can be planted in open ground.

By listening to the advice of experienced flower growers, you will be able to grow a healthy and luxurious plant that will delight you with beautiful, bright peonies every summer.

Watering a tree peony

One bush requires 6 to 8 liters of liquid. Watering should be done at least twice a month. However, precipitation must also be taken into account. If the summer is rainy, then the peony can not be watered, and if it is dry, then watering should be increased up to three times a month.

Starting in August, watering should be reduced to their complete elimination. Loosen the ground around the bush should be a few days after watering, when the top layer of soil dries. If desired, the space around the bush can be mulched with a thin layer of humus.

Soil for tree peony

The ideal soil for the plant will be loam, however, if there is sandy soil on the site, then before planting it must be mixed with soddy soil, clay, peat and humus. To improve breathability and nutritional value, river sand and organic matter should be brought into the planting pit.

If the soil is acidic, then you can reduce the pH by adding a small amount of slaked lime to the soil. At the bottom of the landing pit, it is necessary to put drainage from expanded clay and river sand, thus, it will be possible to protect root system peony from stagnant water.

Tree peony transplant

This variety of peony does not tolerate transplantation well. After it, the plant is sick for several years, since it is very difficult for him to recover after the procedure. Transplantation should be carried out carefully in late summer or early autumn. The plant should be dug out together with the earthman, which then must be washed with water from a hose.

After all the earth is washed off, the root system should be checked by cutting off long roots and removing rotten ones. After cutting the roots, they need to be processed weak solution potassium permanganate, and sprinkle slices with charcoal.

Before planting the plant in the ground, the root system must be dipped in a clay-based mash. The recovery period of a peony can take from six months to several years.

Top dressing of a tree peony

A tree peony needs potassium and nitrogen as a fertilizer. During the vegetative period, nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied to the soil, and during the formation of buds, potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

When the plant blooms, nitrogenous fertilizer should be added to potash and phosphorus top dressing. It is very important not to overfeed the peony, otherwise it can lead to rotting of the root system.

Top dressing should be carried out along with watering so as not to burn the roots. When the peony fades, the flower stalks should be removed, and before the dormant period, 300 grams of wood ash and 200 grams of bone meal should be added to the soil.

Peony tree-like terms and duration of flowering

The flowering time of the plant depends on the cultivar. It can start in May, June or July. The duration of flowering is from 12 to 14 days. Peony flowers can be medium, large and small, and also have various shades from white and purple to purple and lemon green.

The inflorescences themselves can resemble roses, lotuses and even daisies. Blooming peonies not only delight the eye with their beauty and grace, but also fill the garden with a delicate fragrance.

Pruning tree peony

Tree peony does not like pruning very much. It is impossible to prune the plant in autumn, so as a result of abundant flowering, buds on last year's branches begin to form near the flower. Formative pruning should be done in the spring, after the buds appear. The procedure is carried out every few years.

The rest of the time, only weakened or damaged branches can be removed. Weak shoots should be cut to half, and in young bushes, some of the formed buds should be removed so as not to weaken and allow them to develop. If the winter turned out to be harsh and the plant is very cold, you should do a cardinal pruning at the root to help it recover.

Peony tree-like preparation for winter

Since the tree peony is a frost-resistant plant, it is not afraid of frost, but an early thaw can be harmful, because during warming the plant begins to wake up and grow, and when frost appears, it simply dies.

To prevent this from happening, the peony should be carefully prepared for the winter. In October, it is necessary to collect the branches together and tie, after that you need to mulch the ground around the bush with peat. Before the cold weather, you should cover the bush with spruce branches or jute bags. It is necessary to open a peony in the spring, after the threat of frost has passed.

Tree peony reproduction by bush division

Reproduction by bush division occurs as follows. The gardener must choose mature plant with strong shoots. The bush must have at least eight branches. The division procedure is carried out in late summer - early autumn.

The selected peony must be dug up, cleaned from the ground and washed with the root system. Then the branches are cut to a size of 10 centimeters and the roots are dried for about three hours in the shade. The finished plant is divided into several blanks, each of which must have at least two buds. The cut sites are treated with crushed charcoal and fungicide.

To less injure the roots, they can be gently stretched without a knife, and be sure to dip them in a clay mash before planting.

Propagation of a tree peony by cuttings

Peony can also be propagated using cuttings. To do this, choose an adult plant with buds and half-lignified branches. The procedure is carried out in June or August. The selected branches are carefully cut with a knife obliquely under the kidney, the leaf plate is also removed by 2/3 of the branch. The cut point is kept in a growth stimulator for about half an hour and planted in a box with the ground with a mixture of peat and sand.

After planting, the soil is covered sand layer. Boxes with seedlings are wrapped in a film and maintain the necessary microclimate in them until the onset of autumn. In early October, rooted cuttings are transplanted into a greenhouse, where they will stay until spring, and in spring they are planted in open ground. This method is not the most convenient, since young plants will begin to bloom only after five years.

Tree peony propagation by layering

To propagate a peony with layering, you should start the procedure in May, when it blooms. For reproduction, you need to choose the strongest branch, press it to the soil and make an incision in the place where it comes into contact with the ground.

In order for rooting to occur faster, the incision should be treated with a growth stimulator and a spacer should be placed. The place of the cut must be sprinkled with a thick layer of soil. The new root system will appear by September.

Tree peony grafting

Reproduction by grafting is the most time-consuming method. As a stock, you need to take a segment of the roots of an ordinary peony about 15 centimeters long. The graft is cut from a branch of a tree-like peony, which has two eyes.

The roots of the rootstock peony should be kept for three weeks in the basement, after which a wedge cut should be made on it, cutting in the same way and lower part. Both cuts on the scion and rootstock should match perfectly.

For a month, while the grafted seedling grows together, it should not be removed from the box. After a month, when the seedling grows together, it can be transplanted into open ground.

Tree peony diseases and pests

Tree peony, unlike the usual one, is much more resistant to diseases and pests. However, when improper care and waterlogging of the soil, it can be threatened by brown spot and gray rot .

  • These ailments most often affect weakened or young bushes. When gray rot appears, damaged branches should be cut off and sprayed with a weak solution of manganese. . In the future, observe the correct watering and do not overmoisten the soil.
  • Brown spot affects leaf plates and branches . If they appeared rusty plaque, then the damaged areas should be removed, after which the plant must be treated with a solution of 6% copper sulfate.

Of the pests, the plant is threatened only caterpillars that eat the leaves. To get rid of them, the peony should be sprayed with the Fitoverm insecticide.

Ants plants that appear on buds do not pose any danger, they collect nectar and no measures should be taken to destroy them.

Possible difficulties in growing a tree peony

Gardeners who decide to decorate their homestead with this beautiful, ornamental plant often face a number of problems regarding the cultivation of this luxurious flower. These include:

No peony bloom There may be several reasons for this problem. They consist in too much deepening of the root system, freezing of flower buds due to insufficient shelter of the peony for the winter or too acidic soil. After eliminating all the above problems, the peony will definitely bloom next season.

No peony growth - it should be noted that the peony grows very slowly, however, if the plant is already more than five years old and there is no growth, the reason for this may be improper planting, which led to the deepening of the roots or a lack of fertilizers necessary for growth and full development.

Peony leaf curl - most often, such an ailment as gray rot leads to twisting of the leaves. To eliminate it, the plant should be treated with Actellik according to the instructions on the package.

yellowing of peony leaves - the reason for this is the ants that settled under the bush, or the earth is too heavy with a minimum nutrients. To eliminate both of these problems, transplanting the plant to a new place in a nutritious soil suitable for peony will help.

Withering and drying of the plant - the plant can wither and dry due to lack of moisture and sunlight. Also, this problem can be caused by soil that is not suitable for peony and a lack of fertilizers. In most cases, it is solved by transplanting to a new place with ideal conditions for a flower.

Poor survival of a tree peony - the reason is improper planting or unsuitable conditions for the plant. Having created the necessary microclimate for the peony and planting it correctly, guided by the advice of experienced gardeners, the plant will definitely take root and grow.


The tree peony is rightfully considered a real garden aristocrat. In order for him to grow and delight with his beautiful flowers for many years, it is enough to provide him necessary care which even a novice gardener can do.

Therefore, if you dream of this luxurious plant, feel free to plant it, and in a few years it will delight you with abundant flowering and decorativeness, which will distinguish it from other inhabitants of the garden.

This amazingly beautiful garden flower has become a cult in its homeland. There is a tree peony on a small Chinese coin, holidays are held in honor of it and works of art are created. Growing this flower is not easy, but its amazing flowering pays for all the trouble.

This flower cannot be called capricious, but in order to achieve lush flowering and preserve the plant in frosty winters, certain agricultural practices should be observed.

Landing in open ground

These charming flowers are long-lived. In China, there are plants planted over 800 (!) years ago. In our harsh climate, they cannot last so long, but in order for their flowering to please not only you, but also your children and grandchildren, you need to plant tree-like peonies correctly.

This plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, so its planting should provide for drainage, which is made from small stones or small pieces of brick.

With a high standing of groundwater, plants are planted on high ridges.

Site and soil preparation

Tree peonies do not tolerate transplantation well, therefore, in order for planting and further care to lead to abundant flowering, you must immediately determine their habitat.

It must meet the following conditions:

  • be well lit throughout the day, a slight lacy shade is allowed and even desirable during the hottest time - this will prolong flowering;
  • be protected from strong winds - they interfere with flower buds;
  • do not have stagnant water - even a few days in the water during the melting of snow in the spring is enough and the flowers may die;
  • remoteness from other plants - the roots of a tree peony react negatively to the presence of "neighbors";
  • if several varieties are planted, the distance between plants should not be less than one and a half meters - the diameter of the crown of a tree-like peony is equal to its height, and this flower does not grow in cramped conditions.

Tree peonies do not like either heavy clay soils or too light sandy ones. The best option- loam with good moisture permeability and air saturation. Soil acidity is another important indicator, which should be between 6.1 and 6.8.

If the soil does not meet the requirements of plants, it has to be improved by adding necessary components and lime. IN clay soil sand is added, and clay is added to sandy. Liming is always best done in the fall and in no case be combined with the application of nitrogen fertilizers, since nitrogen is lost when lime is applied. If such a procedure could not be carried out in the fall, ash must be added when planting in the pit, which not only reduces the acidity of the soil, but also contains micro and macro elements necessary for plants.

How and when to plant?

Most best time, in which the planting of a tree peony is optimal, starting from August and ending in October. The warmer the region where the plant grows, the later it can be planted. The main rule that should be followed is that at least a month should pass from planting to the arrival of frost. This is the time the flower needs to take root well.

  1. A pit for planting a peony in the ground is prepared in advance so that the earth settles, the most correct thing is to do it in the spring. The land must be thoroughly cleaned of weeds. The pit for planting should have a depth and diameter of at least fifty centimeters.
  2. The bottom layer is drainage. Its thickness depends on the natural moisture content of the soil, but not less than twenty centimeters. If the soil is peaty, it is completely changed. Other types of soil are adjusted according to the requirements of the plant. In any case, the bottom layer should consist of humus or a mixture of bone meal and excavated soil in a ratio of one to two, with the addition of two hundred grams of superphosphate and one hundred and fifty grams of potassium sulfate. Bone meal will naturally enrich the soil with phosphorus. It is very good to add a glass of wood ash. Planting a tree peony is done in such a way as to exclude contact of the roots with fertilizers - this can lead to their burns and further decay.
  3. In a half-filled with prepared earthen mixture and watered pit put the plant in plastic container, carefully cut off the bottom around the perimeter and carefully pull it out from under the flower. Then cut the sides and completely remove the container. They fill the pit to the top, controlling the location of the root neck - it should be at the level of the edges of the pit. It is better to carry out the last operation with an assistant.
  4. If the seedling has a closed root system, carefully remove it from the pot and then proceed as in the first case.
  5. Main condition proper fit- preserve the suction roots as much as possible. After the procedure, the plant is well watered, five liters of water per bush are needed. If the root formation stimulator (heteroauxin, rootin) is dissolved in water according to the norm on the package, this will help the plant to take root more successfully.

If there is a desire to make the grafted plant root-own, the root neck is deepened by ten to fifteen centimeters. In this case, you will need to take care of the supply of additional heat to the roots. No closer than fifteen centimeters from the plant, two or three bottles of dark glass are half buried in a circle, neck down. You can wet rags with kerosene and put them in bottles. The smell of kerosene will save the roots from damage by moles and bears.

In practice, the mass supply of tree peony roots occurs at the end of winter - the beginning of spring. Nevertheless, it is better not to plant the plant during this period. Why is spring planting undesirable?

Seedlings with an open root system have practically no thin suction roots that feed the plant. If you plant peonies in the spring, they quickly start growing under the influence of high temperature. This is facilitated by nutrient reserves in the rhizomes, which are quickly depleted. In heat, the growth of suction roots is slow and as a result, an imbalance appears between the underground and above-ground part plants. From a lack of nutrition, the plants weaken, all the forces will be spent on their restoration, which means that flowering on next year you won't have to wait. Therefore, it is better to grow seedlings with an open root system by planting them in a plastic bottle with loose soil and holes made for water drainage. They keep her in a cold basement.

Tree peony: outdoor care

For the well-being of plants and so that they do not stop blooming, tree-like peonies need proper care. This flower does not forgive negligence, so all agrotechnical measures must be strictly followed.

Peony watering schedule

These beautiful flowers are watered infrequently, but plentifully. In the absence of precipitation, it is enough to do this 4 times a month, pouring at least 6 liters of water under each plant. In hot weather, water more often. Mulching will help maintain the required level of humidity. Watering is gradually reduced starting in August and stops completely at its end. The ground under the bushes is regularly weeded.

Fertilizer and top dressing

This flower loves to eat, so feeding starts already in early spring.

Tree peony feeding schedule:

  1. After the snow melts, it is necessary to treat the ground around the bushes with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of three grams per half a ten-liter bucket of water. This amount is enough to water one bush.
  2. Even in the snow, the first top dressing with potash and nitrogen fertilizers is carried out. It will take fifty grams of ammonium nitrate and twenty grams of potassium sulfate per bush. Top dressing is evenly scattered under the bush, and melt water will deliver nutrition to the roots.
  3. The second feeding is carried out when the buds are formed. It should include all macronutrients: ten grams of nitrogen, twelve grams of potassium, fifteen grams of phosphorus per plant per plant in terms of the effective mass of fertilizer.
  4. The bushes of last year's planting respond very well to foliar top dressing, which is held in cloudy, but not rainy weather. Bushes are sprayed from a sprayer with a solution of urea (first dressing) at the rate of fifty grams per ten-liter bucket and complex fertilizer with the addition of trace elements (second dressing) according to the instructions on the package. Top dressing is carried out in the phase of the growing moon.
  5. Caring for these flowers in the summer comes down to mandatory feeding at the end of flowering with a solution of twenty-five grams of superphosphate and ten grams of potassium sulfate per ten liters of water per square meter.

plant pruning

Usually spring pruning is carried out.

  1. If the bush is not frozen, then pruning is best done immediately after removing the shelter before the start of the growing season. Usually cut off upper part escape to the first growth bud.
  2. Weak branches need to be shortened so that their height from the soil level is from nine to twelve centimeters.
  3. Sometimes it seems that the escape is frozen. In this case, you need to wait until the beginning of the growing season, and if by the end of May the buds do not wake up, you will have to cut the shoot to a healthy part.
  4. In order not to deplete the young bush, some of the buds are removed from it before flowering begins.

The nuances of a transplant

The plant has a negative attitude to transplantation, it really does not like it when its root system is disturbed. If such a need arose, only adult bushes aged 5-6 years can be transplanted. The transplant process is identical to planting a flower. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the first time after transplantation, the tree-like peony will develop poorly.

Preparing for winter

The winter hardiness zone of most tree peonies is 4-5. In areas with a more severe climate, plants require winter shelter. The buds, as well as the leaves of the plant, are damaged by late spring frosts.

The most winter-hardy are peonies of the Roca subspecies. They are not afraid of frosts up to 40 degrees.

To prepare a tree-like peony for winter, after the first frost, all leaves are removed from the bushes and burned. The bush is neatly tied. It is impossible to bend it to the ground, as its shoots are very fragile. The soil under the plant is covered with a thick layer of humus. When it came frost resistant, plants are covered with burlap or non-woven material.

Reproduction of a tree peony

These plants can be propagated in the following ways.

  1. Reproduction by grafting. Very effective, but also the most difficult way. It requires the root of a herbaceous lactiflora peony and a stalk that has two buds from a young shoot of a tree-like peony. The end of the handle is shaped like a wedge. The same shape and size make a hole on the root. A cutting is inserted there and the grafting site is tied with a strip of soft film. The resulting vaccinations are stored covered with wet sawdust in the dark and planted in a greenhouse a month later, deepening the vaccination site by seven centimeters. Growing in a greenhouse is carried out for two years, and vaccination is carried out in August.
  2. Reproduction by division. The easiest way. You can share own-rooted bushes that have reached the age of six. Divide tree peonies in the same way as grassy ones.
  3. Reproduction by layering. For this method, in the spring, a branch is selected that is strongly inclined to the ground, a small incision is made on it and treated with a root formation stimulator. The branch is bent to the soil and sprinkled with earth with a layer of about ten centimeters. A rooted shoot is planted in next year.
  4. Propagation by cuttings. This method is no different from cutting roses. The stalk is taken semi-lignified, having one kidney, and rooted in a mini-greenhouse. Cuttings are carried out at the end of June. The soil is a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. Planting depth - one and a half centimeters. If the cutting takes root, which is rare, it is grown in a greenhouse.
  5. seed reproduction. A method for breeders, since plants do not retain parental traits. Tree peony seeds have low germination, and during their storage it becomes even less. After harvesting, the seeds are scarified and sown in moist fertile soil. Sowing depth up to three centimeters. Seedlings have to wait from two to five years.

How to get rid of pests and diseases?

Healthy bushes are quite resistant to diseases, and in weakened plants, gray rot and brown spotting are most common.

  1. When signs of gray rot appear, spraying with potassium permanganate helps - three grams per ten-liter bucket or a solution of copper sulphate of six percent concentration.
  2. If the plant is sick with brown spotting, remove and burn all the leaves with signs of the disease. The plant itself is treated with Bordeaux liquid. Its concentration is one percent.

meet and viral diseases peonies: Lemoine's disease, verticillium wilt and leaf mosaic. Affected plants are removed from the flower garden, as it is impossible to cure them.

  1. Ants, attracted by the sweet secretions of buds, annoy tree-like peonies. They are fought with repellents.
  2. Aphids are washed off with a stream of water or destroyed with insecticides: Actellik or Fitoverm.
  3. They are saved from thrips by spraying tree-like peonies with Karbofos 0.2% concentration.

Use in landscape design

The emperor's flower can become an excellent tapeworm in a flower garden of any size or just on a lawn. Several plants will perfectly decorate the background of the flower garden. Low varieties will be appropriate in rock gardens, peonies are good and next to conifers.

The peony family includes many interesting plants. Tree peony has long been appreciated by experts. This semi-shrub plant grows in a wide variety of forms, the number of which includes more than 480 varieties and hybrids. It first appeared in China, where many varieties of this plant were bred at one time. But gradually Japanese flower growers also joined this business.

IN late XVIII century, the tree peony has become so popular in Europe that it has been actively cultivate for sale and also for home use. Today, growing a tree peony has become even easier. To do this, you just need to purchase a seedling. However, not always right decision is its purchase in garden centers, because they are offered there not so often, and if they come across, they are very expensive.

The photo of this shrub does not give an idea of ​​​​its features, so they need to be given special attention.

Under natural conditions, peonies grow in the form of a deciduous shrub 1.5-2 meters high, in which light brown erect thick shoots are formed. Over time, the shoots gain mass, thanks to which it becomes hemispherical. In the adult state, the peony has openwork feathery leaves. The flowers of the plant, decorating the ends of the shoots, are quite large, reaching a diameter of 13-22 cm. Each variety is unique, which manifests itself in a variety of colors and shapes.

Therefore, today you can find plants of a very different shade - yellow, crimson, white or pink. They can also differ in their structure: flowers can be double, semi-double and simple. There are also species with two-color flowers. The older the tree peony becomes, the large quantity flowers are formed on its shoots. It enters the flowering stage 2 weeks earlier, unlike the herbaceous peony, and is also frost-resistant.

Growing a tree peony

This plant does not create much trouble in care, so you can grow it at home without even having special skills. The main thing is accuracy observe the rules of agricultural cultivation:


In relation to this plant, they carry out the same measures as in the case of the herbaceous peony. Agrotechnics of cultivation provides regular watering, loosening the soil and controlling weeds. It is enough to water the peony tree at least twice a month. It is necessary to spend at least 7-8 liters of water per plant.

In summer, the frequency of watering is increased. In early August, the tree peony's need for moisture decreases, so watering is not carried out so often and gradually begins to reduce them. You need to loosen the soil every one to two days after watering, when the top layer dries. During loosening, the penetration depth should be no more than 5 cm. After each loosening, the soil is covered with a layer of humus.

top dressing

Proper care of a tree peony involves regular fertilization. This plant has the highest requirement for potassium and nitrogen. Fertilizing with nitrogen-containing preparations is necessary already in early spring, when the tree peony begins to grow. Subsequently, fertilizers are changed to phosphorus-potassium, which the plant needs from the moment buds are set until the end of the growing season.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to apply fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium, as well as preparations containing nitrogen. However, one must be very careful with the last element, since if it is excessively concentrated in the soil, this will not benefit, but harm plant. This is dangerous because it can cause gray rot. To avoid such unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to adhere to the rule: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. It is also important to protect the root system from burns. For this top dressing should be carried out only after thorough watering of the soil.


The list of mandatory activities that provide for the care of a tree peony includes pruning. It must be carried out in the first weeks of spring before the start of the growing season. During this procedure, all dried and damaged branches are subject to removal. Old shoots must be cut to 10 cm.

In China, local flower growers practice anti-aging pruning with a frequency of once every 10 years. Its essence boils down to cutting the shoots almost to the ground. As a result of this operation, the process of formation of new kidneys is started. To prepare a tree-like peony for abundant flowering for the next season, it is necessary to cut the shoots to the top bud. It is not recommended to neglect pruning, since the full development and life cycle of the plant depends on this operation.


When caring for tree peonies, one should not forget that they need regular transplantation. However, during this operation, you need to be very careful, because it is very injures plants. For many peonies, the transplant is so stressful that at the end they get sick and cannot recover for two to three years.

  • during transplantation, you should try to do everything as carefully as possible so as not to injure the root system. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the bush along with a clod of earth, and the excess soil is removed under running water;
  • before transplanting, it is imperative to inspect the root system - if rotten and damaged roots are found, they must be removed;
  • the places of cuts must be covered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried and applied a large number of coal powder.


To breed a tree peony, you can use one of the following methods:

  • division of the rhizome;
  • propagation by cuttings;
  • reproduction by layering.

There are also flower growers who practice the grafting method.

Division of the rhizome

When propagating a tree-like peony in this way, after digging up a bush, it is necessary to divide it into parts, each of which must have several buds. The resulting divisions must be placed in clay mortar for half an hour, and only after that they can be transplanted into the soil. This method provides the best chances for survival, provided that specimens aged 5 years. It is recommended to plant them at the end of August. Subsequently, the same care measures are carried out as for adult plants.

Reproduction by cuttings

It is recommended to breed tree peonies in this way in the middle of summer. To do this, a healthy bush is selected, from which semi-lignified shoots are cut, having one bud and a leaf. Before the cutting is sent to the ground, the sheet it has must be shortened by half. As a planting soil mixture, a composition prepared from peat and sand is used. The cuttings are immersed in it by 2 cm.

Rooting can be accelerated if the cuttings are in a container under a film or transparent glass, which provides a greenhouse effect inside. At this stage of propagation by cuttings, it is necessary to carry out regular ventilation and watering. Under such conditions, they are grown for 2.5 months, and then transplanted into individual containers, in which they are kept in greenhouse conditions until spring. At the first signs of tree peony growth, you can look for a place to transplant into open ground.

Reproduction by layering

Immediately you need to prepare for the fact that growing tree peony seedlings in this way will take a lot of time and effort. Typically, this event takes at least two years.

Layers are harvested in the spring, using healthy and strong branches as planting material. On each you need to make an incision towards the ground. Any available growth preparation must be applied to the incision sites. Very important carefully commit branch, for this you need to insert a peg into the incision. Next, the layers are added dropwise, filling the place with earth with a layer of 10 cm. In the future, caring for the layering is reduced to regular watering. When the branches take root early autumn a suitable day is chosen and the seedling is separated from the mother bush, after which they are looking for permanent place.

Experienced gardeners often practice the method of breeding peonies with the heel. But when using it, the number of established seedlings is extremely small. It has received the greatest distribution in cases where it is required to propagate many flowers. However, this method has proved its worth in home floriculture.

The essence of the method is to graft a plant on the root system of a herbaceous peony. This is done using tree peony cuttings, in which multiple buds must be present. First, you need to prepare the shoots in a special way: their lower part needs to be sharpened, inserted into the cut, which was previously made on the root of the herbaceous peony. Next, the area where the cuttings are connected to each other must be wrapped with polyethylene.

After grafting, the plants must be placed in a container filled with sawdust, and placed in partial shade. It usually takes 1 month to root. At this moment, the shoots are transplanted into one container, while the lower bud should be buried in the ground by 5-6 cm. For planting, it is necessary to ensure the greenhouse effect. When using the grafting method for propagating a tree peony, you have to wait about 1.5-2 years for it to start growing.


Tree peony is one of the most common ornamental plants. It is no coincidence that this plant is grown in gardens, because it has a pleasant appearance. However, maintaining the beauty of this plant is not so easy, because it rather capricious flower that requires certain requirements to be met. Therefore, you need to get to know them first of all in order to have an idea of ​​​​what difficulties the grower will have to face.

Tree peony (lat. Paeonia x suffruticosa) - hybrid plant Peony family. It is the work of Chinese breeders, later spread in the horticulture of Japan, came to Europe in the late 18th century.

The tree-like peony is a semi-shrub 1.5-2 m high. Its stems are thick, erect, light brown in color, they grow annually, over time the shape of the bush becomes hemispherical. Leaf plates are double-pinnate, openwork. Inflorescences are located at the tops of the shoots. The flowers are large, 12-20 cm in diameter, can be simple, semi-double, double. The colors are white, yellow, pink, raspberry, purple, can be two-tone. How older plant, the more flowers it gives.

This beautiful plant is enthusiastically grown by many gardeners. You should know the nuances of cultivation in order to enjoy the splendor of flowering.

Terms of planting a tree peony in the ground

Depending on the temperature conditions your region, the landing time may be shifted.

Impatient gardeners are in a hurry to plant peonies in the spring (with the establishment of warm weather, around May). Indeed, seedlings with a closed root system can be planted throughout the growing season.

For seedlings with an open root system, autumn planting is preferable (from the second half of August to the end of September). When planted in spring, green shoots develop rapidly, taking strength from the root system - as a result, seedlings with an open root system take root longer and do not bloom longer.

To plant or not to plant tree peonies in spring?

Planted in the spring, tree-like peonies with an open root system will not die, but will be far behind in development compared to seedlings planted in the fall. Here everyone decides for himself. But on by and large, you can plant in the spring, even if the root system is open.

How to save a tree peony until planting in the fall

You should not refuse to buy seedlings with an open root system in spring or even in winter. To preserve them until autumn planting, intermediate storage in a container is used. Take containers with a volume of 5 liters, make holes for water to drain. The soil requires a neutral reaction, place a drainage layer at the bottom. Plant seedlings and store in a cool room (balcony, loggia, cellar). Water occasionally, preventing the earthen coma from drying out.

  • The purpose of intermediate planting is to allow the growth of suction roots, but the seedling should not bloom. If this happens, when the height of the shoots reaches 15-20 cm, the container should be moved to a lighter, but still cool place.

When leaves appear, treat with a drug that improves the process of photosynthesis so that the plant "breathes" (Epin, Zircon, Ferovit). In the spring, you can take it out into the garden, placing it in a secluded corner under the scattered shade of trees or dig it in partial shade (mulch the soil with peat). In autumn, transplant the bushes to a permanent place of growth.

Choosing a place in the garden for planting a tree peony

Choose a sunny place for landing, but shading is desirable at midday hours (let the sun look at the site in the morning and evening hours). You will need protection from drafts and strong gusts of wind. Do not plant near shrubs or trees.

Damp, flooded areas are contraindicated. With close groundwater, provide good drainage or plant in a high bed.

The soil requires loose, water and breathable, preferably alkaline reaction. If the soil is clay, dilute with coarse sand and ash. In any case, a couple of weeks before planting, dig a small amount of humus and dolomite flour.

How to plant a tree peony in open ground

Planting a tree peony in the ground in spring and autumn

Dig planting holes (volume 40x40x30), fill the soil with a slide. Put the seedling, straighten the roots, add the earth, press it a little with your hands, the root collar should be flush with the soil surface, water it abundantly.

So planted seedlings with an open root system. Container plants are transferred from the container along with an earthy clod. Pour the missing amount of soil into the planting hole, water it.

When the soil settles a little after planting, mulch trunk circle, the root neck can be slightly covered. Mulch will help retain moisture during periods of drought, and in winter it will provide additional shelter.

Heat favorably affects the growth of peonies - for this, gardeners use interesting method. Take the dark ones glass bottles, dig obliquely upside down, moving along the trunk circle (retreat 10-15 cm from the plant).

How to care for a tree peony

Caring for a tree peony will not be difficult: you will need to occasionally water, periodically feed, loosen the soil, get rid of weeds, and prune.

Watering and loosening the soil

In the spring and before flowering, water abundantly, but do not allow waterlogging, and water well during a period of prolonged drought. It is advisable to water with warm settled water (you can collect rainwater in a barrel in the garden or pour it there for heating tap water). After the end of flowering, watering is reduced, and by August it is completely stopped - the wood should ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Periodically loosen the soil, deepening by 3-5 cm.

Feeding and disease prevention

If it is rainy or cloudy for a long time, in order to prevent the appearance of rot, treat it with a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid.

  • If the tree peony grows in fertile soil, top dressing can be started from the 3rd year of growth. It is not advisable to add organic matter, also control the introduction of the proportion of nitrogen (from its overabundance, the plant's resistance to diseases decreases).
  • Apply the first top dressing in early spring with the snow melting (scatter 2 tsp of potassium and nitrogen in the near-stem circle).
  • The second dressing is applied during the budding period (half a glass of phosphorus, 1 tsp potassium, 2 tsp nitrogen).
  • At the end of flowering, feed for the last time for the season (20 g of phosphorus, 12 g of potassium).

Every year, the trunk circle is mulched with humus or compost (about 1 bucket for each bush).


The bush does not need forming pruning.

In early spring, weak shoots can be shortened, leaving a length of 10-20 cm. Note that last year's shoots give flowering. If you notice frozen kidneys, do not rush to remove them. Wait until the end of May - they can recover. If this does not happen, cut back to the first living bud. In grafted plants, over time, basal shoots from the rootstock may form - remove it.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out every 10-15 years. All shoots must be cut under the stump.

When the tree peony blooms

The tree peony begins to bloom in June, and only some varieties bloom in May. The flowering period lasts about 15 days.

A grafted tree-like peony blooms in the 2nd year after planting, own-rooted - in 3-5 years. Every year the number of inflorescences increases, in all its glory it opens in the 3-4th year of the flowering season. This is especially true for varieties with terry and "fantasy" inflorescences.

First bloom

The first bud must be cut off as soon as it is colored. This contributes to the accumulation of plant strength for the formation of new flowers. If two buds appear at once, remove the top one. Wait for the moment of staining, carefully pinch off or pierce with a needle (thin wire), leave it on the stem until dry - the bud will return the accumulated microelements to the bush. If removed too early (before staining) there is a risk of damage to the growth point, then the shoot may remain small (stop developing). The second bud is removed when it just opens.

How to cover tree peonies for the winter

Adult tree-like peonies are quite cold-resistant - they are not afraid of average frosts down to -20 ° C. However, in the conditions of the Moscow region and middle lane for a successful wintering, you will need to build good cover for a tree peony. The warm damp autumn also adversely affects the future wintering. Under such conditions, the bush continues to grow and may not have time to “fall asleep” before the onset of cold weather. In this regard, in the northwestern regions and conditions of the middle zone, the plant should be prepared for wintering:

  • In advance (starting in August) stop watering;
  • If the end of summer-autumn turned out to be rainy, it is better to organize a canopy to protect the bushes from excessive dampness;
  • Loosen the soil deeply (be careful not to damage the root system), mulch the trunk circle with humus or peat (1 bucket of mulch under each bush);
  • Trim the leaves: in early October, shorten them by 2/3. This measure contributes to the successful maturation of shoots. current year(it is on them that buds will be laid next season) and will increase the frost resistance of the plant.
  • Build a “tripod” out of sticks: bury the ends in the ground, and fasten the tops with wire, cover the bushes with any covering material (canvas, spunbond). It is important to provide the plant with access fresh air, therefore, spunbond is not tied in the root space, even if you cover it without a tripod. You can use spruce branches for shelter.

Mulch young plants with humus, fallen leaves or straw, pouring a whole mound around the trunk. Needles should not be used as mulch - acidification of the soil is possible. Also use additional covering material.

In early spring, once the snow begins to melt, remove the mulch and cover along with the snow cover to prevent rotting.

How the tree-like peony overwintered under spunbond, look at the video:

When to open tree peonies

It is necessary to open tree-like peonies with the first warmth, when the snow melts and the earth dries out a little, so that it becomes possible to go out into the garden. Don't worry, a little frost won't hurt.

When and how to transplant tree peonies

Tree peonies do not like to be disturbed by a transplant. Without this procedure, they manage perfectly for 10-15 years. For everything to be successful, it is advisable to do this at the end of the season (from the 20th of August to the end of September, 30-40 days before the onset of frost in your area). Transplantation is acceptable in early spring before bud break.

More specific guidelines:

  • For the Urals, Siberia: August 20-September 15-20;
  • Central Russia, Moscow region, North-West: August 25-September 25;
  • South of Russia, Ukraine - throughout September.

The deadline is the end of September, until the suction roots have formed.

The root system of the plant penetrates 80-90 cm deep, while the roots are very tender. Tie the branches of the bush so that they do not interfere. At a distance of about half a meter to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel, dig a bush, it is better to do this with a pitchfork. Swing the plant and remove it along with the earthy clod. Gently rinse the roots under a gentle stream of warm water.

Cut off old, diseased, rotten roots, treat the cut points with a solution of potassium permanganate (10 g of powder per 1 liter of water). Moisten the roots in a solution with a growth stimulator, plant (similarly as for seedlings). Build a shelter for the winter. In the next year, most of the shoots may be withered, the leaves are small and oppressed. The main thing is that the upper buds of the shoots are alive. Water well, feed regularly - the tree peony will adapt and grow.

Growing a tree peony from seeds

Growing a tree peony from seeds is a rather laborious and lengthy process, but you can get a large number of young seedlings. Remember: you need to sow a peony only in the ground; at home, seedlings turn out to be unviable and soon die.

Sowing before winter

Seeds are harvested as soon as the seed pods begin to open. Dry them for 3-4 days. Then sow in the ground to a depth of 5-6 cm at a distance of 25-30 cm. Sow before the start of frost, be sure to cover the bed for the winter with spandbond or spruce branches, and remove the shelter in spring.

spring sowing

Harvest the seeds without waiting for the seed pods to open. Remove from seed pod, place in damp peat and store at 5-8°C. You can do the same with purchased seeds, storing them in peat in the vegetable section of the refrigerator until sowing.

Dry purchased seeds must be scarified before stratification, that is, break the shell with a file. If this is not done, they can germinate for two years. Sow prepared seeds in open ground in May, deepening by 4-5 cm and leaving a distance of 25-30 cm between them. After a while, shoots will appear.

How to care for seedlings

Water as the soil dries up, feed a solution of urea a couple of times per season (40-50 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water, consumption per 1 m²). Mulch the soil surface with peat, destroy weeds.

Over the summer, one leaf will grow about 4-6 cm high. For the winter, cover the seedlings with dry leaves, spruce branches or lutrasil. After wintering, do not touch the seedlings, let them grow in the same place. Only when the peonies get stronger, and this may even be the next season, they can be transplanted to a permanent place in late summer - early autumn. Do not rush to transplant, the later you do it, the better: poorly developed seedlings may not survive the transplant. Wait until they reach a height of 30-40 cm and have 2-3 developed shoots. Peonies from seeds will bloom no earlier than in 4-5 years.

Reproduction of a tree peony by vegetative methods

Use 4 methods of vegetative propagation of a tree peony.

By dividing the bush, applicable to plants aged 5-6 years

The optimal time for the procedure is the end of summer-beginning of autumn. Dig and carefully divide the bush, be sure to treat the cut points with a fungicide. Each division should contain 2-3 growth buds and roots 10-20 cm long.

Reproduction by layering

Do this before flowering begins (in May). Bend the developed shoot in the ground, make a shallow longitudinal incision about 10 cm long on the bark, treat with a growth stimulator. Pin to the ground with a staple, sprinkle with a layer of soil 8-10 cm thick, leaving the top on the surface. Maintain soil moisture, roots will appear by the end of the warm season, but the sprout should be separated from the mother plant at the end of the next summer.

Grafting on the root of a herbaceous peony

In the conditions of the middle lane, this is done in August.

Rootstock - part of the root herbaceous plant 10-15 cm long. Scion - cuttings cut into semi-lignified shoots of the current year. It is good if the thickness of the stock and scion is the same. The grafting is done vprikalad or rotated (with a significantly greater thickness of the scion, only this method is used).

Rootstock roots must be dug 2-3 weeks in advance and stored in a cool place.

Each cutting should have 1-2 buds (slice above the top at a distance of 2-3 cm, under the bottom - 3-4 cm, remove the leaves). Use isopropyl alcohol for instrument sterilization. You will need a very sharp knife and sharp garden shears.

Grafting spin

Make a transverse cut on the root, and if the diameter of the root is larger than the cutting, you will need a wedge-shaped cut. Cut the stalk on both sides into a wedge (it is advisable to do this under water - this way the porous tissue will not clog). Then insert into the cut.

Wrap on top special tape for vaccinations (when using ordinary electrical tape, turn the adhesive side outward), it is necessary to capture the transverse section of the root. Top should be coated with garden pitch.

Vaccination in the butt

On the root and cutting, make cuts (they should be smooth) at a slight angle, align and fasten in the same way.

What to do with grafted seedlings

It is possible to plant grafted plants in a greenhouse for 3-4 weeks; when planting, the graft should be above the soil level. Water regularly.

Another (more preferable) method: the grafted material is placed in boxes, covered with moss or sawdust, covered with plastic bags and kept in the basement for the same time.

Successfully grafted plants are transplanted into open ground, placing at an angle. For the winter, cover with a layer of straw, which must be removed in the spring. The cuttings are grown until autumn, in the fall they are transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Propagation by green cuttings

A fairly effective method (about 60-70% takes root). At the same time, you can get a significant amount of planting material. Cuttings should be prepared before the start of the lignification process (during June), cutting is best done in the morning. Leave 2 growth buds, make an oblique cut under the bottom (at a distance of 1.5-2.5 cm), above the top - even (distance 2.5-3 cm). Shorten the leaves by ½ or 1/3. Treat with a growth stimulator.

Plant in a sand-peat mixture at an angle, deepening by 4-5 cm, cover with a jar or cut plastic bottle. Keep the soil moist, spray the leaves. The first roots will appear in 1.5-2 months. Remove cover gradually. For the winter, dig the cuttings in a hole and cover. In the spring, transplant to a trial bed for growing - by autumn, an escape should develop from the lower bud. Then you can transplant to a permanent place of growth, if desired, postpone the procedure until the next season.

Diseases and pests

Tree peonies are resistant to diseases and pests. Bushes that are old or weakened by transplantation may be at risk.

Gray rot is the most dangerous disease. Cut off and burn the affected areas. Treat the bush with a solution of manganese (3 g of powder per 10 liters of water) or a 6-7% solution of copper sulfate.

May be affected by brown spotting. Affected leaves are removed and disposed of. It will require treatment with Bordeaux mixture.

Difficulties and mistakes in care

  • Tree peony does not bloom (grows for 7 years, its height is 50 cm).

There may be several reasons. Incorrect planting: if the soil is too heavy, the roots go deep (the access of oxygen and nutrients to them is inferior). Do a transplant. Freezing of flower buds: carefully cover the bushes for the winter. Acidic Soil: Tree peonies grow best in alkaline soils. When planting for digging, make dolomite flour, garden lime.

  • It grows in a sunny area, but the growth of a tree peony is small (for 2 years it reached only 15 cm).

Most likely, you deeply buried the plant when planting.

  • The tree-like peony grows for 3 years, blooms successfully, but the height is no more than half a meter.

The annual increase is small. Especially from grafted seedlings - the plant only goes to its own roots.

  • The bush grew in a shady place, and after transplanting to a sunny area and lush flowering, its leaves became covered with brown spots.

This is botrys (gray rot). About the methods of struggle mentioned earlier.

  • The bushes are 5 years old, in February the buds were small, black. If tree peonies were not covered for the winter, would they die?

Young plants must be covered for the winter. If the bushes bloomed in the previous season, you don’t have to worry - they will depart until May. Then inspect the bush and cut to the first living kidney. In case of severe freezing, carry out a full pruning at the root (this applies to adult plants).

Tree peonies in landscape design

Among perennials, there are few crops that can compete with tree-like peonies in beauty, unpretentiousness and longevity (with proper agricultural technology, they can grow in one place for more than 50 years). They are suitable for landscaping household plots, and parks, squares.

Gorgeous inflorescences delight with a variety of colors and shapes, fill the space with the most delicate aroma. Non-double varieties bloom first (on the 20th of May), then terry varieties take over, after a couple of weeks, yellow peony buds bloom. If you grow herbaceous peonies on the site in parallel, your garden will be decorated beautiful bloom from mid-May to the end of the first summer month.

Tree peonies can be planted solo or in groups. They look very impressive next to architectural structures. Among plants, suitable partners (or rather background) are conifers (especially with a silvery tint of needles), chestnuts, lilacs.

Plant daffodils, blueberries, tulips between the bushes: when these crops fade, peony leaves will cover empty spaces. Look beautiful next to tree peonies, other ornamental shrubs.

Tree peony in garden design in the photo variety Paeonia x suffruticosa ‘Shimadaijin’

In vast areas (for example, in parks), bushes of a tree-like peony are planted as a colorful spot, it is not desirable to plant a continuous strip on the lawn - the majesty of the picture is lost. Consider a combination of sizes and colors. It is better to create a ceremonial composition from one variety of peonies. In a mixed fit, combine terry and non-terry shapes.

Types and varieties of tree peonies with photos and names

Types of tree peonies Paeonia suffruticosa:

Peony yellow Paeonia lutea

The color is bright yellow, most types of yellow peony have rare small flowers and long split leaves. Some hybrid varieties acquired a more sophisticated look with double large flowers.

Delaway Peony Paeonia delavayi

Various shades of chestnut, rich burgundy. There are tall shrubs and more squat ones.

Peony Potanin Paeonia potaninii

The color palette is red-brown, characterized by large loose flowers with flat centers. It grows no more than 1-1.2 m. The leaves are narrow, strongly dissected. In frosts below -20°C, it requires shelter for the winter.

Peony Lemoine Paeonia lemoinei

Yellow, orange, pink, crimson tones. Spreading densely leafy shrub with large double flowers.

All varieties of tree peonies are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Sino-European - have large terry inflorescences, they droop under the weight of the bud. Colors range from pale pink to fuchsia.
  2. Japanese varieties - flowers are not so large, but light, as if hovering under a bush.
  3. Hybrid forms of yellow peony and Delaway peony - various shades of yellow.

Popular tree peony varieties with photos and names

Red giant - large red semi-double flowers with yellow centers. Flowering is plentiful. Requires shelter for the winter, pruning of branches by a third of the length is allowed, but only in spring, after wintering, when you can see how frozen the tips of the shoots are.

Kiao sisters - corollas up to 16 cm in diameter, double colors: one half is dark red, the other has a white-cream hue.

Sapphire - on one bush at the same time there can be up to fifty huge flowers (about 18 cm in diameter). Pale pink petals, crimson core.

Coral tree peony variety Shan Hu Tai In the photo, the bush is 6 years old

The coral altar is a colorful combination of snow-white and salmon shade, the diameter of the rim is 20 cm.

Green Jade - the buds have a lime hue.

Variety Lavender has a delicate lilac hue with dark purple spots at the center. Anthers are yellow. The flowers are very large, flowering is plentiful.

Varieties of tree-like peonies of yellow tones

High Noon variety with bright yellow flowers and dark purple spots in the center of the petals.

Academician Sadovnichiy - the height of the bush varies from 70 cm to 1 m, the inflorescences are located at the level of the upper leaves. Bud cup-shaped, semi-double. The petals are bright yellow, with a dark purple spot at the base, the filaments are red-purple, the stigma is cream.

Kuindzhi - non-double flowers with wide petals of bright yellow color, the base is decorated with a red spot.

Souvenir de Maxime Cornu (Souvenir de Maxime Cornu) - a bush of a meter height. The flower is densely double, drooping, retains freshness for a long time after cutting. The petals are bright yellow with a pinkish-cream border.

Winter-hardy varieties of tree-like peonies for the Moscow region and the middle lane

Varieties of tree-like peonies of red and pink colors

Vesuvius tree peony Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Vesuvian’ photo

Vesuvian (Vesuvius) - a bush about 75 cm high is decorated with large double flowers. The petals are crimson red, the short filaments are light red, the anthers are pale yellow, the pistil is pale green with a purple stigma.

Vladimir Novikov is a sprawling shrub 1.3-1.5 m high. Corollas with a dark purple spot at the base, petals of a burgundy magenta hue with corrugated edges. Raspberry filaments with bright yellow anthers.

Gauguin tree peony Paeonia suffruticosa ‘Gauguin’ photo

Gauguin (Gauguin) - a bush up to 1.2 m high. Petals of a raspberry-red hue with darker veins and a fuchsia-colored border.

Coral is a bush of a meter height. Flowers are simple. Red-purple petals with a dark red spot at the base.

Peter the Great is a multi-stem sprawling bush 1.3-1.5 cm high. The flowers are large (diameter 20-25 cm), semi-double. Violet-red petals with veins purple. Staminate filaments have a delicate lilac hue.

Stefan is a sprawling bush 0.9-1 m high. It has flowers up to 20 cm in diameter. The petals are raspberry-colored with veins of a lilac hue, at the base there is a dark purple spot.

Vadim Tikhomirov - the height of a compact bush is 1.5 m. The petals are painted in pink color, the edges are corrugated, the center is decorated with a spot of a dark crimson hue.

Hoffman - the bush is 1.5 m high. The pink-purple pastel petals have dark purple spots in the center, the stamen filaments are white, and the anthers are yellow. Flowers very large, semi-double, numerous.

Irina - the bush reaches a height of 1.7 m. Semi-double flowers up to 17 cm in diameter with petals of a dark salmon hue, the base is dark magenta. Staminate filaments of a bright crimson hue.

Muse - the height of a bush with bright green leaves is 1.3 m. Petals of a raspberry-pink hue form 4 circles.

Smolin is a sprawling bush, some shoots can lie down, grow up to 1.3 m. The base of the petals is bright purple, turning into a pale pink hue. A semi-double multi-row flower reaches a diameter of 25 cm. The leaves are green with a brownish tint.

Marianna is a compact shrub 1.2-1.4 m high. Petals with corrugated edges are arranged in 3 rows. The center is dark crimson, the shade of the petals is pale pink.

Varieties of white tree peonies:

August - the bush reaches a height of 1.2-1.3 m. The flowers are goblet-shaped, the petals are snow-white, the center is decorated with a barely noticeable spot of a pinkish hue.

Anastasia Sosnovets - the height of a compact bush is 1.5 m. The flowers are simple, each petal is two-row with slightly corrugated edges, the base is decorated with a raspberry-colored spot.

Spring waltz - grows up to 1.2 m in height. The petals are snow-white, the base is decorated with a blueberry spot, the staminodial disc is red-purple.

Vorobyevsky - one and a half meter bush. simple flowers goblet-shaped with snow-white petals and stamen filaments of a lilac shade.

Milky white petals have maroon spots in the center, the middle with large yellow anthers. Leaves and branches dark green with a purple tint.

Maria - is a sprawling bush 1.2-1.3 m high. Semi-double flowers (petals arranged in 2 rows) consist of snow-white petals with corrugated edges.

Tatyana - the height of the bush varies from 1 m to 1.2 cm. The flowers are semi-double (2-3 rows), at the base there is a raspberry spot.