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Rules of conduct when using electrical appliances. Conversation on PPB "rules for using household electrical appliances" Rules for using household appliances and a computer

Careless operation of electrical appliances can lead to fire, burns and even death. To prevent this from happening, in Everyday life must be observed simple rules safe handling with electrical appliances.

1. Use electrical appliances following the safety rules specified in the factory instructions, carry out their repairs in a timely manner. Entrust work on carrying out and repairing electrical appliances exclusively to professionals.

2. Do not turn on at the same time a large number of electrical appliances. This may lead to network congestion. Also, avoid plugging many electrical appliances into one outlet, as overload may cause it to catch fire.

3. Do not use electrical devices while in water. Do not insert the plug of an electrical appliance into a socket or touch any electrical appliances that are running. wet hands or a damp cloth. It is advisable to use a hairdryer and corded electric razor outside the bathroom.

4. Strictly follow the order of connecting electrical devices to the network: connect the cord first to the device, and only then to the network. Shutdown occurs in reverse order. Do not remove the plug from the network by pulling the cord.

5. Do not hang things to dry on electric heating devices or electrical wiring.

6. Cooking on electric stove, do not check the degree of heating of the burner by touching it with your palm.

7. Do not hook electrical cords onto water or gas pipes, for heating radiators.

8. It is unsafe to use electrical appliances with damaged cord insulation.

9. Do not touch the heated vessel or water when the heater is on.

10. Do not leave electrical household appliances plugged in for a long time. Plugged-in hair curling irons and irons should never be left unattended, as flammable items can quickly catch fire if in direct contact with them. An electric stove, iron and kettle must be used in conjunction with special fireproof stands.

11. Do not place electric heaters near flammable items, such as clothes, curtains, blankets, etc. Do not leave switched on heaters without supervision, do not allow them to overheat. Do not use tiles with an open spiral for heating.

12. Do not touch a water tap or any other metal utility or building structure while holding an electrical appliance that is turned on. Do not fill the kettle with water while it is plugged in.

13. When leaving home, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances and lights.

14. If you witness an electrical appliance catch fire, find a way to turn off the power and only then extinguish the fire by covering the fire with earth or sand. Do not pour water on burning electrical appliances..

By not following the rules for the safe use of electrical appliances, you are putting your life in danger, because even a short stay under the influence of an electric current of 100 mA or more leads to cardiac arrest. But if you follow these simple safety rules in everyday life, then trouble will bypass your home.

Terms of use household electrical appliances.

Why do you need to know the rules for using electrical appliances?

Electrical appliances are our faithful friends and helpers. Although they are not living, but iron, they must be handled with care and caution. Electric current, without which no device will work, can be very dangerous. In order not to suffer due to improper handling of electricity, we will get acquainted with the basic rules for using electrical appliances that everyone should know.

Rule one:

Don't plug it into a socket foreign objects!

As you already know, the socket is intended for connecting electrical appliances to the network, and not at all for your fingers. However, it is dangerous to insert not only your fingers into the socket, but also foreign objects, especially metal ones: nails, wire, knitting needles, hairpins. These objects are good conductors of electric current! The current through them, like a bridge, will instantly transfer to your hand and hit you as if you had stuck your finger into the socket.

Rule two:

Do not touch exposed wires with your hands!

The wires through which electric current flows to the devices have insulation protection. This means that the metal wire where the electricity flows is placed inside another wire, plastic, rubber, with a fabric winding. Rubber, plastic, and fabric are insulators through which current does not pass and cannot harm anyone. But it happens that the insulating sheath of the wire is damaged, and the dangerous metal wire is exposed. It is very dangerous. If you touch the exposed wire of a switched-on device, you may receive an electric shock.

Therefore, before connecting the device to the network, check whether the metal wires. If yes, then never use such a device until it is repaired!

Rule three:

Do not touch switched on devices with wet hands!

Remember that water is a conductor of electricity. She, like metal objects, is a bridge through which electricity moves to a person. If you touch a switched-on electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk receiving an electric shock.


Before turning on, turning off or doing anything else with an electrical appliance, you must wipe your hands dry!

Remember, young friend:

Tok doesn't like wet hands.

Before turning on the device.

We need to wipe our hands!

Rule four:

Do not wipe electrical appliances when they are turned on with a damp cloth!

The water in a damp cloth serves as the same conductor for electric current as water on wet hands. If you want, for example, to wipe the TV while it’s on, first turn off the device and then wipe off the dust from it.

Rule five:

Do not use electrical appliances touching water!

As you already know, water is an excellent conductor-bridge for electric current, so never touch water and a switched-on electrical appliance at the same time!

You cannot hold one hand under running water and turn on the electric stove or washing machine with the other. Never use electrical appliances while lying in the bathroom!

Rule six:

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended!

When leaving home, always check that the lights are off and that the TV, tape recorder, electric heater, iron and other electrical appliances are turned off. Electrical appliances left unattended often cause fires.

Rule seven:

Do not fall asleep with the TV, tape recorder, electric heater or other household electrical appliances on!

Rule eight:

Do not plug more than three electrical appliances into one outlet!

Rule nine:

Do not wrap electric lamps with flammable materials (cloth, paper, oilcloth, etc.).

How to behave in case of fire of electrical appliances.

We hope that all the appliances in your home are in perfect working order and will never catch fire. But, unfortunately, due to various reasons electrical appliances may ignite and cause a fire. In order to avoid getting into a dangerous situation, you need to know the basic rules of behavior in case of fire of electrical appliances.

Rule one:

If the device catches fire and your parents are at home, you need to immediately inform them about what happened!

Rule two:

If you are alone, then you need to remember the basic rule:

Under no circumstances should you extinguish the appliance with water while it is plugged in!

First you need to turn off the device, that is, remove the plug from the socket, and only then

fill with water. If there is no water nearby, you can cover the device with a blanket and fall asleep

sand, earth.

Rule three:

If you see that you cannot cope with the fire, then you need to leave the apartment or house and call adults.

To call the firefighters, you need to dial 01.

Rule four:

If you can’t leave the house and you don’t have a phone, then you need to look out the window and attract people’s attention.

It is necessary to shout loudly and persistently: Fire! Fire! Dial 01!

Information for adults! How to help a child who has suffered an electric shock.

Sadly, our children do not always listen to us and sometimes act in their own way. To prevent your child from being harmed by electricity, it is necessary to take measures in advance.

All sockets must be equipped with special current-proof plugs.

Try to hide all electrical wires so that it is difficult for children to reach them.

If a child nevertheless sticks a finger or an object into the socket and receives an electric shock, it is necessary to push or pull the child by the edge of his clothing or belt. For safety, you need to stand on a dry board, rubber mat, stack of newspapers or books. You need to wrap your hand in a dry cloth or wear a rubber glove.

If a child grabs a bare wire, you must immediately disconnect the device from the network. If for some reason this cannot be done, then you should cut the wire with an ax with a dry wooden handle or use wire cutters with well-insulated handles. You can push the wire away with a dry stick.

After the current has stopped, it is necessary to place the child on flat surface, cover him and call a doctor immediately.


We hope that our children will never find themselves in such situations, and that electric current, without which no electrical appliance can operate, will not harm anyone!

Can you imagine your life without household electrical appliances, our faithful friends and helpers? Probably not. Literally a couple of decades have passed, and humanity has become so accustomed to them. And it’s not surprising, because they simplify our lives, allowing us to take care of ourselves or our family, and not household chores. In return, people are obliged to treat such helpers with care and respect. Everyone must know the rules for the safe use of electrical appliances. Adults should teach their children basic safety precautions, and in schools teachers reinforce the acquired knowledge with the children. Next in the article we will look at the basic rules for using household electrical appliances.

Be careful with the socket!

For a sane adult, it is clear why you should not put foreign objects into an outlet. But not for a child. All children are very curious, and if the mother says the standard “no”, this is not enough for the baby, he does not yet understand the meaning of this word. Therefore, it is necessary to explain what the consequences may be, and it is better to minimize possible contacts of the child with the socket, for example, insert special plugs.

The socket is intended for connecting electrical appliances to the network, and not for children's fingers. Not only is it dangerous to insert them into an outlet, but also other foreign objects. All metal things are especially dangerous in this regard: nails, knitting needles, wire, hairpins and screwdrivers. These items are excellent conductors of electricity, so if you put something like that into an outlet, your child will instantly receive an electric shock. The task of parents is to warn their children that they should never do this under any pretext, and explain why. This is a basic rule for using electrical appliances that all family members should know.

Do not touch exposed wires!

Let's talk about one more rule. Electric current moves through the wires, so they should be protected first. Each of them that is connected to the network must have an insulating coating resembling a plastic, fabric or rubber tube - an insulator. It is impossible to get an electric shock through it. But there are times when the wire sheath is damaged. When exposed, it should never be picked up by hand. Parents and teachers are required to announce the rules for using electrical appliances for children, so that when walking on the street after school and seeing a bare wire, the child will immediately inform an adult about it.

Wet hands and electrical appliances

Water is an excellent conductor of electric current. Just like metal, it can connect its source and human body, creating an invisible bridge through which the current strikes people. Therefore, remember that if you touch a plugged-in electrical appliance with wet hands, you risk receiving severe electric shock. Use the rule that before each contact with electrical appliances, your hands must be completely dry.

Also, do not carry out wet cleaning on devices that are turned on. The main rule for the safe use of household electrical appliances involves careful and careful handling of them. But this does not mean that you need to wash them with a damp cloth while they are on. Naturally, you should regularly monitor the cleanliness of your devices. But first you need to first disconnect them from the network, and then proceed to wet cleaning.

Water and electrical appliances

The liquid is a conductor of electric current, which means that when in contact with any switched on device, you cannot simultaneously touch the water. Here is a standard situation: you are standing, washing dishes, and at this time a pot of water boils on the electric stove, what do you do? Be sure to quickly turn off the stove and continue washing without drying your hands. If you forget all the rules for using electrical appliances, you risk getting an electric shock. Never use them with your hand in the water at the same time. Also, while lying in the bathroom, never touch anything that can be plugged in (sockets, wires or devices).

Do not leave electrical appliances on

Golden Rule, which is taught from childhood, is to turn off all equipment when leaving home. In Soviet times, there were reminder signs hanging on the door that said: “When leaving, turn off electrical appliances!” Any devices left unattended may cause fire and fire. Therefore, be sure to check if the TV, iron, light, stove or other is turned off. Never go to bed with an electric heater or other electrical appliances on.

Rules for using electrical appliances at home

People use a huge number of home devices every day, but they forget the basic rules for their use, which we will discuss below:

  1. Do not connect more than three electrical appliances to one adapter and outlet.
  2. When drying your hair with a hairdryer, do not touch wet hair.
  3. Do not cover electric lamps with easily flammable materials (paper, fabric, oilcloth, etc.).
  4. Do not leave Charger connected to the network.
  5. Do not pull the electrical cord; carefully remove it from the socket, holding the plug.
  6. Don't leave children sleeping alone in a room with a light on.
  7. Before repairing an electrical appliance, unplug it.
  8. Do not leave devices turned on and a child in the same room unattended.
  9. Do not load the electrical network, otherwise a short circuit may occur.

The rules for using electrical appliances were created based on user reviews and experience. Frequent cases of fires, fires and short circuits occur due to the negligence of people.

Fire of electrical appliances

Almost every person is sure that the devices in his home are in full working order and there is no risk of fire. But alas, fire statistics indicate the opposite. In any case, every person must know how to behave if equipment catches fire.

If you have forgotten the rules for using electrical appliances and a short circuit occurs in the network, then use the following recommendations for behavior in such situations:

Remember that following basic rules fire safety- this is, first of all, your well-being, the opportunity to save your life and the lives of your loved ones. Putting out a fire is much more difficult than preventing its occurrence.

Subject: Rules for using household appliances electrical appliances: iron, refrigerator, washing (sewing) machine, electric stove, etc.

Target: introduce the rules for using household electrical appliances

Tasks: - cultivate a sense of responsibility for your life and the lives of others;

    Encourage children to lead a safe, healthy lifestyle

Electrical safety rules in everyday life

Electric current is dangerous. The saying “electric shock” is well known - it immediately becomes clear that it hurts. It is also dangerous: if a strong electric current passes through the human body, the person begins to have convulsions, it becomes difficult for him to breathe, and in some cases the heart may stop. In this case, it happens that electricity seems to “hold” a person, preventing him from breaking contact with the current source. Electric current also creates thermal effect and can cause severe burns to the skin. In addition, about a quarter of all fires in our homes are caused by faulty electrical appliances. It is difficult to list all the electrical appliances that are used in every home: the list would be too long. Therefore, we divide them into two types: devices with batteries or accumulators and devices that operate from electrical network. The first group includes audio players, Cell phones, flashlights, digital video and photo cameras and other portable devices. They sometimes need to be charged from the mains, but through a transformer adapter. Or change batteries. The exception is traditional radios, which operate from a special radio socket, as well as ordinary telephones. These devices are not dangerous: the electric current in them is very weak.

Network electrical appliances are those that operate from a 220 V electrical network: a TV and refrigerator, an iron and a computer, a stereo system and a washing machine, a food processor and light bulbs in chandeliers, floor lamps and sconces, and the like. People use all these devices every day and sometimes forget to be careful. But you should always remember this.

Safe rules use electrical appliances

When turning off an electrical appliance, do not pull the plug out of the outlet by the cord.

Do not touch live electrical appliances with wet hands.

Do not use faulty electrical appliances or sockets.

Do not play with matches or lighters: playing with fire may cause a fire.

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended and gas stoves: This may also cause a fire.

Stick to the rules fire safety on a hike, relaxing in nature.

Rules for using individual household electrical appliances

To prevent electric shock, do not:

    leave electrical appliances turned on unattended;

    use faulty devices, homemade household appliances, especially high voltage;

    plug several devices into one outlet at the same time;

    touch exposed areas where devices connect to terminals, plugs, or each other;

    use electrical appliances for purposes other than their intended purpose and without first reading the instructions.

Memo “Fire is the result of one’s own negligence and ignorance of fire safety equipment”

1. During operation of the electrical network, it is strictly prohibited:

Overload the electrical network by simultaneously turning on several powerful consumers (irons, stoves, reflectors, heaters, etc.);

Use homemade fuses on electrical panels (jumpers, bundles of wires, etc.);

Use faulty electrical equipment (switches, sockets, wires, etc.);

Connect electrical appliances to the mains without plugs;

Cover electric lamps with paper and rags;

Twist electrical wires and tie them into a knot;

When leaving home, leave electrical appliances plugged in.

2.During operation of TVs:

It is allowed to use only standard fuses, the ratings of which are specified in the operating instructions;

The power plug socket must be located in a place accessible for quickly disconnecting the TV from the network;

You should turn off the TV if there are no adults in the room; it is necessary to provide conditions that would deprive young children of the opportunity to turn on the TV on their own;

Be sure to unplug the power cord from the outlet when the TV is turned off;

If the setting buttons are damaged or the TV is not working properly (there is no picture, you can hear a hum, you smell soot, etc.), you must immediately turn off the TV from the network, unplug the power cord from the socket and call a specialist;

After graduation warranty period At least once a year, it is necessary to call specialists from a repair company for a preventive check of the TV, cleaning it from dust and dirt.


1. Place the TV in close proximity to LVP and GP and objects, as well as near heating devices or in a furniture wall, where, as a result of insufficient air access, the TV is poorly cooled.

2. Close the ventilation holes in back wall and the bottom of the TV case.

3. Entrust repairs to random persons.

4. Allow the TV to be powered from a network with increased voltage (in such cases, a voltage stabilizer should be used).

5. Leave the TV on unattended.

6. Allow children to watch television in the absence of adults.

Turn off electrical appliances from the network in a timely manner. Only the refrigerator can work constantly. Remember that simply “flicking” a switch is not enough. A TV, computer, or stereo is often left in “standby mode” - the device seems to be turned off, but a small indicator lights up on the panel. In this case, many components of the device are energized. Before going to bed or leaving home, such devices must be unplugged.

Do not plug many electrical appliances into one outlet. In case of too high load, insulation of hidden in the wall electrical wires may be damaged, resulting in a short circuit and fire.

Do not use electrical appliances with damaged insulation.

If the device fails, turn it off immediately and remove the plug from the socket.

Do not cover floor lamps and table lamps with newspapers or fabric to make a smokehouse out of the lamp: the fabric, especially synthetic ones, or paper may catch fire.

Heating appliances - iron, fireplace, kettle - should be placed on stands made of non-combustible materials that do not conduct electrical current. Electric iron and others heating devices cannot be removed until they have completely cooled down.

Do not touch electrical outlets or electrical appliances that are running with wet hands. In particular, this applies to a hair dryer, which is usually used in the bathroom.

Never attempt to troubleshoot an electrical appliance yourself.

Burnt out light bulbs in a chandelier, table lamp, change the floor lamp by turning off lighting fixture.

The smell of plastic burning may mean that the insulation has started to melt. In this case, you must immediately turn off all electrical appliances and light bulbs. Carefully touch the outlet to see if it is hot. If the outlet cover becomes hot, do not use it again until an adult can determine the cause of the heat. Sometimes a malfunction of an electrical appliance leads to a short circuit. In such cases, the lights in the house go out and other appliances turn off. If there are no adults at home at this moment, ask your neighbors for help. Do not use anything yourself - electric shock is very dangerous and can cause death in some cases.

Don't forget to turn off the iron!

Is it possible to live today without a TV, refrigerator, washing machine, electric iron, computer or without electric light? Actually, it's possible. It's just very inconvenient. It is especially difficult without a refrigerator. In frosty winter you can still store food on the balcony or outside the window, but in summer...

We are accustomed to household electrical appliances. So used to it; that we can no longer imagine how to do without them. And sometimes we forget that they are all potentially dangerous. The safest are refrigerators and automatic washing machines, electric kettles And microwaves. If something is wrong, they turn off automatically. Audio tape recorders and music centers. All devices that operate on batteries are absolutely safe - players, flashlights, toys. Dangerous are televisions, computers, electric fireplaces, electric irons, electric stoves and lighting fixtures. You can get burned on a heating device - a stove or an iron. The TV may explode, although the probability of such an event is extremely small - one chance in a million or even less. The greatest danger is represented by those that a person turns on and off himself and that are not designed for long time continuous operation.

These are coffee grinders, hair dryers, some Food processors, boilers. After all, electrical wiring is also dangerous. Why? Yes, because electric current is a dangerous thing. Electric current is no joke. So, what is it? But we won’t talk about this! About electricity and electric current They will tell you at school during physics lessons. However, studying physics begins in the 7th grade, and you begin to use electrical appliances yourself much earlier.

What to do? Here's what.

Remember the main rules for using electrical appliances:

When you finish using any electrical appliance, be sure to turn it off and unplug it. The exception is the refrigerator.

If the heating device is an iron, a fireplace, do not remove it until it has completely cooled down. Turn off an appliance that has overheated, let it cool and only then turn it on again.

If the appliance fails, immediately turn it off and unplug it from the socket.

Never attempt to troubleshoot an electrical appliance yourself.

If you need to change a burnt out light bulb, first turn off the lighting fixture (chandelier, floor lamp), carefully unscrew it from the socket old light bulb and replace it with a new one. Only after this can you turn on the light.

Do not touch the TV or computer while it is on. Static may accumulate on the screen electric charge, and then you will get an electric shock.

If the wiring is damaged, never touch the wires. Even if you are sure that the power is off.

Do not plug many electrical appliances into one outlet.

A faulty appliance or damaged wiring may cause a fire. If an appliance or electrical cord suddenly catches fire, do not extinguish the fire with water. First, turn off the device from the power supply, and then fill the fire with soil from flower pots.

    Examples of violations of BZ rules

In the village of Lugovoe, Poltava region, three-year-old S., left unattended, found at home a faulty portable lamp with damaged insulation. After plugging it into the socket, the boy died.

In the village of Manchenki, Kharkov district, M. wanted to pour water into the tank summer shower. Rising metal stairs with a bucket to the shower tank, she swayed and grabbed the wires that ran from the house to summer kitchen at a distance of 1 m from the shower tank. The electrical wiring had damaged insulation. M. found herself under voltage and fell to the ground, clutching the wires in her hand. The victim’s friend P. tried to pull the girl away from the wires, but as a result of touching her, she was also electrocuted. Father P. relieved the tension by turning off circuit breaker on the shield. M. died, and P. received severe burns.

When studying the causes of fires in electrical installations of residential buildings, it is necessary to focus on the fact that most often fires arise as a result short circuits, power supply overloads, sparking and heating of contact connections. Many fires occur when the rules for using household electric heating appliances (irons, kettles, electric stoves, etc.) are violated.

When using an electric iron, you must remember that it working surface heats up to 300°C and place it on ironing board(table) without a fireproof stand is unacceptable. Often, the power cord of the iron is damaged at the junction with the iron; here it is exposed to heat from the heated body and mechanical stress during ironing. The cord insulation dries out and cracks, which creates the preconditions for a short circuit.

An incandescent lamp also contains elements fire danger. Its bulb (outer surface) heats up to high temperature(250-300°C), and contact of the lamp with flammable materials may cause a fire.

In electrical networks and electrical installations, so-called “transition resistances” arise at the points of contact between live parts (“twisting” of wires). At the points of such connection, local heating of the current-carrying parts occurs, which can lead to the insulation catching fire and then to a fire.

Many tenants, despite the ban, install for heating their rooms, country houses homemade home-made electric heating devices, without thinking that this could lead to a fire.

It can often be observed that electric wires they pull it back with ropes, tie the wires in knots, and hang chandeliers on the wires. This damages the insulation of the wires and creates conditions for short circuits.

In some apartment buildings residential buildings electrical panels on stairwells do not close, residents use them to store ashtrays. It should be remembered that free access to electrical panels for unauthorized persons can end sadly.

A fire can also occur from improper actions when repairing electrical networks or electrical equipment. Remember: repairs to electrical equipment must be carried out by a specialist.

Fire safety measures when using electrical devices:

1. It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of electrical wiring, electrical appliances and equipment, as well as the integrity and serviceability of sockets, plugs and electrical cords.

3. It is prohibited to tie electrical wires into knots, twist them together, cover them with wallpaper or cover them with combustible finishing elements.

4. It is prohibited to simultaneously connect several current consumers (lamps, tiles, irons, etc.) to the electrical network, especially into the same outlet using a tee, as overloading the electrical wiring and causing a short circuit is possible.

5. It is prohibited to attach wires to gas or water pipes, on the radiators of the heating system.

6. Contact of electrical wires with telephone and radio broadcast wires, radio and TV antennas, tree branches and roofs of buildings.

7. Extension cords are intended for short-term use household appliances; They should be unplugged from the outlet after use.

8. Do not lay the extension cable under carpets or through door thresholds.

9. You must use only certified electrical accessories.

11. It must be remembered that fuses protect against short circuits, but not against fire due to poor contacts of electrical wires.

12. Signs of faulty wiring:

Hot electrical plugs or sockets;

Strong heating of the electrical wire during operation of electrical equipment;

The sound of crackling in sockets;


The smell of burning rubber, plastic;

Traces of soot on plugs and sockets;

Darkening of electrical wire braids;

Reducing the lighting in the room when one or another electrical appliance is turned on.

13. It is necessary to prohibit children from touching electrical wiring, sockets, extension cords, or power cords with their hands or sharp objects, as well as from turning on electrical appliances and electrical equipment in the absence of adults.

14. It is advisable to equip electrical sockets with plugs.

15. Before turning them on, heating devices must be installed on stands made of non-combustible materials.

16. It is prohibited to leave switched on devices unattended, especially high-temperature heating devices - electric kettles, boilers, soldering irons and electric stoves.

17. It is prohibited to use electrical appliances with open coils during explosive areas, for example, in places where gasoline and drugs in aerosol containers are stored and used.

18. It is necessary to ensure that flammable interior items (curtains, carpets, plastic lampshades, wooden furniture parts, etc.) do not, under any circumstances, touch the heated surfaces of electrical appliances.

19. It is prohibited to cover electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth or other flammable materials.

20. It is prohibited to leave an electric heater on at night, near the bed or other flammable objects.

21. When purchasing an electric heater, you must make sure that it is equipped with an emergency switching system (in case it overheats or falls).

22. When turning on heaters, try not to use extension cords if possible. Otherwise, you need to make sure that the calculated (rated) power of the extension cord is not less than the power of the electrical appliance.

24. Do not leave a working TV unattended. When operating the TV, you must fulfill the following requirements:

Do not install the TV where it is poorly ventilated (cooled), that is, near heating devices, V furniture wall etc.;

Do not block the ventilation openings at the rear or bottom of the case;

When installing the TV, be sure to provide the ability to quickly and safely disconnect its plug from the socket; do not install it close to flammable materials (tulle, curtains, curtains, etc.);

If a malfunction occurs, immediately disconnect the TV from the network and call a specialist;

After turning off the TV using the toggle switch (button), unplug the cord from the socket, then it will be completely de-energized;

When leaving home, do not leave the TV in standby mode, since this mode is not fireproof; you need to completely turn off the power to the device;

Clean your TV from dust regularly.

If the TV is on:

1. Disconnect the TV from the power supply. If you cannot get to the power outlet because of the fire, then de-energize the apartment by turning off the breaker or circuit breaker.

2. Report a fire to fire department by phone “01”, from mobile “112”.

3. Cover the TV with a thick cloth (bedspread, blanket). Without air access, combustion will stop.

4. To avoid poisoning by combustion products, remove all people from the premises

5. If you cannot control the fire, immediately leave the room, closing the door behind you.

If other electrical appliances catch fire, proceed in the same way.

Do not extinguish fires with water electrical devices connected to the electrical network.