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Requirements for building materials. Operational and technical requirements for building materials Requirements for building materials services

The main hygienic requirement for building materials is that they have poor thermal conductivity, protecting rooms from cooling and overheating.

The thermal conductivity of materials depends on their porosity and the total volume of air they contain. The thermal conductivity coefficient of air (0.02) is significantly lower than that of building materials. For example, the thermal conductivity coefficient of wood is 0.15-1.25, brick - 0.5-0.75, lime plaster - 0.33-0.75, concrete - 0.9-1.25, reinforced concrete - 1.4 .

Construction materials, especially those used for the external parts of buildings, must also have low hygroscopicity, not absorb moisture from the air, resist precipitation, and easily release water back, since filling the pores with water, the thermal conductivity of which is 0.5, sharply worsens their thermal properties .

Of significant importance is the low sound conductivity of building materials and enclosing structures, which depends on their massiveness, multilayer™ and other properties.

Air permeability of materials as a factor promoting exchange room air with the outside, has a certain hygienic significance, but in modern construction does not play a big role due to the equipment of modern buildings with an artificial ventilation system.

Most of the above requirements are met by wood, but the construction of wooden houses is possible only in small areas. populated areas, since it is dangerous in terms of fire, less durable and limited in number of floors. Brick, which can be solid or hollow and has high thermal resistance, fully satisfies hygienic and economic requirements. Modern building material is concrete, which is fake diamond, which consists of 85% of inert filler material (crushed stone, gravel, sand), bound into a continuous mass using cement and water. The introduction of metal reinforcement (reinforced concrete) into the thickness of concrete gives load-bearing structures buildings have greater strength. To increase thermal properties and reduce sound conductivity, special thermal and soundproofing materials in the form of slabs of wood shavings and binders minerals(fibrolite), mineral and glass wool (foam glass), etc. In housing construction, prefabricated concrete structures, which are manufactured at the factory and installed on the construction site.

IN last years For interior finishing work, polymer building materials are used, obtained synthetically on the basis of high-molecular organic compounds. Polymer - synthetic resin - serves as the main binder integral part material, which, in addition, may contain substances that increase its plastic properties, prevent aging, give the necessary color and increase mechanical strength. Synthetic rubber is a promising source of raw materials for some polymer materials.

Polymer materials are cheaper than traditional building materials. They are lighter, more durable and moisture resistant. Many of them have low thermal and sound conductivity and have smooth surface, are easy to clean, they can be given bactericidal properties, processed into thin durable films and sheets that transmit light and ultraviolet rays.

All this determines the high technical, economic and hygienic efficiency of using polymer materials as elements building structures, floor coverings, wall cladding, thermal insulation materials. However, they may pose a potential hazard to human health due to the possible release of chemicals into the air that have a toxic effect and an unpleasant odor. They are also characterized by the ability to accumulate charges of static electricity on their surface, which upon contact with them cause unpleasant sensations. Thin floor coverings have a lower temperature than regular floors. Finally, it should be noted that polymer building materials are easily flammable, resulting in the release of highly toxic substances into the indoor air. For warning negative influence on the well-being and health of people, the production and use of polymer materials is carried out in accordance with SNiP I-B, 15-62 "Materials and products based on polymers", "Guidelines for the sanitary and hygienic assessment of polymer building materials intended for use in the construction of residential and public buildings " and "Passport for hygienic assessment of products made of polymeric materials introduced into the national economy and everyday life", approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

More on the topic Hygienic characteristics of building materials:

  2. Hygienic examination of materials in contact with food
  3. State hygienic regulation and registration of substances, materials, food products, industrial products
  5. Hygienic importance of soil. Types of soils, their hygienic characteristics. Soil microorganisms. Self-purification of water




GOST 16381-77

(ST SEV 5069-85)




By Decree of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction Affairs dated December 30, 1976 No. 223, the implementation period was established

from 01.07.77

This standard establishes the classification and general technical requirements for building thermal insulation materials and products used for thermal insulation of building structures, equipment and pipelines.

The classification standard fully complies with ST SEV 5069-85.


1.1. Materials and products are divided according to the following main characteristics:

type of main feedstock;



flammability (flammability);

1.2. Based on the type of main raw materials, materials and products are divided into:



Products made from a mixture of organic and inorganic raw materials are classified as inorganic if the amount of the latter in the mixture exceeds 50% by weight.

1.3. Based on their structure, materials and products are divided into:



granular (loose).

1.4. Based on the binder content, materials and products are divided into:

1.5. Based on their form, materials and products are divided into:

loose (cotton wool, perlite, etc.);

flat (plates, mats, felt, etc.);

shaped (cylinders, half-cylinders, segments, etc.);


1.6. Based on flammability (combustibility), materials and products are divided into:




1.7. The names of the main thermal insulation materials and products in accordance with the accepted classification are given in the reference book.

Sec. 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1. Thermal insulation materials and products must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for these materials and this standard.

2.2. Materials and products must meet the following general technical requirements:

have a thermal conductivity of no more than 0.175 W/(m× K) (0.15 kcal) (m × h × °C)at 25 °C;

have a density (volumetric mass) of no more than 500 kg/m3;

have stable physical, mechanical and thermal properties;

do not emit toxic substances and dust in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations.

2.3. The grade of materials and products is determined by density.

2.4. The maximum temperature for the use of materials and products is established in standards or technical specifications for specific types materials and products with mandatory indication of the flammability group.

2.5. The thermal conductivity of materials and products, depending on the maximum temperature of use, is indicated in standards or technical specifications for specific types of materials and products at a temperature of 25 ° C for materials and products used at temperatures up to 200 ° C; 125 °C for materials and products used at temperatures up to 500 °C; 300 °C for materials and products used at temperatures above 500 °C.

Basic hygienic requirements for building materials

TO building materials used in the construction of sports facilities, the following basic requirements are required: hygienic requirements:

low thermal conductivity;

low sound conductivity;

low hygroscopicity;

sufficient breathability.

In the construction of sports facilities, reinforced concrete and brick are most widely used, for finishing and cladding of premises - polymer materials.

For floors in sports halls they are used wood coverings, in locker rooms, wardrobes, pantries, massage rooms, corridors - linoleum, which has good thermal insulation qualities. In showers, toilets, and bathrooms, the floor is covered with ceramic tiles.

The walls of gyms are painted with paints and varnishes to a height of at least 1.8 m. This greatly facilitates wet cleaning. To paint the walls of sports facilities, paints of predominantly light colors are used (cream, peach, light pink, coral, sea ​​wave, gray-pearl, sky blue) with a matte surface, without glare. Must be avoided Brown, bright red (exciting), black (absorbs too much light). This is also important for the prevention of sports injuries. The color design of a sports facility should evoke a feeling of aesthetic satisfaction, improve the athlete’s neuropsychic state and increase his performance.

Generally color design The sports facility should not be monochromatic; it is necessary to use color spots, combinations of cold and warm tones. For example, if the walls are painted in a cool color (blue), then the floor may be beige. Use for floor coverings synthetic materials expanded color scheme, since they can be given any color.

The choice of specific finishing materials used in the construction of sports facilities is based on the following basic hygienic requirements:

harmlessness to human health;


high heat, sound and waterproofing properties;

easy cleaning.

Basic requirements for lighting of sports facilities

In many sports, the training and sports activities of athletes are accompanied by significant eye strain. Their sudden overfatigue can occur when there is insufficient or irrational lighting, which leads to a decrease in special sports performance, which, in turn, is one of the causes of sports injuries.

Sports facilities use natural and artificial lighting. Lighting for sports facilities must meet the following basic hygienic requirements, namely:

sufficient in level, uniform, without shine;

the spectrum of artificial lighting should be close to daylight;

artificial lighting should be uniform and flicker-free.

Direct daylight must have gyms, swimming pool bath rooms, indoor skating rinks, doctor's offices, office space

Ventilation of sports facilities

To timely remove excess heat, moisture and harmful gaseous air pollutants generated as a result of the activities of athletes and spectators, sports facilities are equipped with special ventilation systems, natural and artificial.

In accordance with hygienic requirements in gyms, the air cube is 30 m3, the ventilation volume is 90 m3 per person per hour. In other words, such power is required ventilation systems, which could provide at least three times the exchange of air in them per hour. For example, in gyms and indoor swimming pool halls, for air exchange it is necessary to supply at least 80 m3 of outside air per hour per student and 20 m3 per seat.

In sports premises natural ventilation carried out due to air filtration, which occurs due to differences in the outside air temperature and indoor air temperature. Along with natural ventilation, the halls are provided with an artificial ventilation system (a ventilation system in which air moves both into and out of the sports room using various fans). To remove contaminated air, a network of exhaust ducts is installed. They are discharged into a common collector on the ceiling of sports facilities, and air is removed from it using powerful fan. From a hygienic point of view gym It is more expedient to place the supply and exhaust openings of artificial ventilation on opposite end walls.


Article 34. Requirements for building materials and products used in the construction of buildings and structures

Commentary on Article 34 of the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures”

1. Design solutions that meet the requirements of the commented Law are an important guarantee safe operation buildings or structures in the future. At the same time, no less important for the safety of buildings and structures designed and under construction have characteristics of materials and products used for construction. The provisions of Part 1 of the commented article establish requirements for the compliance of building materials and products used in the construction of buildings and structures with the norms of the commented Law and project documentation. Information about the materials used in the construction of buildings and structures, the rationale for their use can be included in the sections of the project documentation: “Architectural solutions” (justification of the adopted volumetric-spatial and architectural-artistic decisions, including in terms of compliance limit parameters permitted construction of a capital construction project; description and justification of the compositional techniques used in the design of facades and interiors of a capital construction project; description of solutions for finishing premises of main, auxiliary, service and technical purposes; description architectural solutions, providing natural lighting for rooms with constant occupancy of people and others), “Constructive and space-planning solutions” (aggressiveness of groundwater and soil in relation to materials used in the construction of the underground part of a capital construction project; description and justification of design solutions for buildings and structures, including their spatial diagrams adopted when performing calculations of building structures; description and justification technical solutions, ensuring the necessary strength, stability, spatial immutability of buildings and structures of a capital construction project as a whole, as well as their individual structural elements, components, parts during the manufacturing, transportation, construction and operation of a capital construction project; description of design and technical solutions for the underground part of a capital construction project; description and justification of the adopted space-planning decisions for buildings and structures of a capital construction project, etc.), subsection “Water supply system” of section 5 “Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions” ( information on the materials of pipes of water supply systems, on the material of pipelines and wells), subsection “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating network” (justification of the characteristics of materials for the manufacture of air ducts), etc.

2. Compliance of the building materials used in the construction of buildings and structures with the requirements of the commented Law ensures their safety, due to such qualities of building materials as reliability, strength and durability. Reliability construction site represents the property of a construction object to perform the required functions during the design life (GOST R 54257-2010 “Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions and requirements”). The main indicator of the reliability of construction projects is the impossibility of exceeding their limit states under the influence of the most unfavorable combinations of design loads during the design service life. The reliability of building structures and foundations should be ensured at the stage of developing the general concept of the structure, during its design, manufacture of its structural elements, construction and operation.

The main parameters of the strength of materials are the standard values ​​of their strength characteristics. The provision of standard values ​​for the strength characteristics of a material that has passed acceptance control or sorting should, as a rule, be at least 0.95. Standard values ​​of soil characteristics or parameters that determine the interaction of foundations with soil should be taken equal to their mathematical expectations obtained from the results of processing test results, unless other conditions determining their values ​​are specified.

According to this GOST durability represents the ability of a construction project to maintain physical and other properties established during design and ensuring its normal operation during its design service life with proper maintenance.

Durability and, accordingly, safety throughout life cycle building or structure building materials are provided by protecting building structures from corrosion. In accordance with SP 28.13330.2012 “Protection of building structures from corrosion. Updated edition of SNiP 2.03.11-85” protection of building structures from corrosion should be ensured by methods of primary and secondary protection and special measures. Primary protection protection of building structures from corrosion should be carried out during the design and manufacture of structures and include the selection of design solutions that reduce aggressive effects and materials that are resistant to the operating environment. Secondary protection building structures includes measures that provide protection against corrosion in cases where primary protection measures are insufficient. Secondary protection measures include the use of protective coatings, impregnations and other methods of insulating structures from aggressive environmental influences. Special protection includes protective measures that are not part of primary and secondary protection, various physical and physical-chemical methods, measures that reduce the aggressive effects of the environment (local and general ventilation, wastewater management, drainage), removal of production with emissions of aggressive substances to isolated rooms etc. Corrosion protection should be prescribed taking into account the most unfavorable values ​​of aggressiveness indicators. The design and implementation of protection of structures exposed to highly aggressive environments must be carried out with the involvement of specialized organizations (section 4 SP 28.13330.2012).

Section 5 of this set of rules contains requirements for primary, secondary and special protection measures concrete and reinforced concrete structures . Depending on the degree of aggressiveness of the environment, you should use the following types protection or a combination thereof: in a slightly aggressive environment - primary and, if necessary, secondary; in moderately aggressive and highly aggressive environments - primary in combination with secondary and special. Measures to protect against biological damage should be developed by specialized organizations at the stage of pre-design work and surveys, during the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of buildings and structures.

Section 6 of the set of rules contains requirements for anti-corrosion protection measures wooden structures. Biological agents can have an aggressive effect on wooden structures, causing biodamage to wood, as well as chemically aggressive environments - gaseous, solid, liquid, causing chemical corrosion of wood. Wooden structures, intended for use in chemical environments of moderate and strong degrees of aggressive influence, should be made from coniferous wood with increased resistance - spruce, pine, fir, larch, cedar and others. For wooden structures, use debarked wood that is not affected by wood-destroying fungi and insects; Use only dried wood, the humidity of which does not exceed 20%. Protection of wooden structures from biological and chemical corrosion is carried out using structural measures and chemical products(biocides).

Section 7 of SP 28.13330.2012 provides requirements for protective measures stone structures from corrosion. Thus, the seams of masonry in rooms with an aggressive environment must be embroidered. The surface of stone and reinforced masonry structures operating in environments exposed to aggressive environments should be protected from corrosion paint and varnish materials(on plaster or directly on masonry). For structures located in the above-ground part, protective materials should be used that provide the necessary vapor permeability.

3. The safety of building materials used in the construction of buildings and structures also depends on the degree fire danger. Fire safety requirements for the use of building materials in buildings and structures are established in relation to the fire hazard indicators of these materials. The fire hazard of building materials is characterized by the following properties: flammability; flammability; ability to spread flame over a surface; smoke generating ability; toxicity of combustion products. Based on flammability, building materials are divided into combustible (G) and non-combustible (NG). Building materials are classified as non-combustible with the following values ​​of flammability parameters determined experimentally: temperature increase - no more than 50 degrees. C, sample weight loss – no more than 50%, duration of stable flame combustion – no more than 10 s. Construction materials that do not satisfy at least one of the above parameter values ​​are classified as flammable. Combustible building materials are divided into the following groups:

– low-flammable (G1), having a temperature flue gases no more than 135 degrees. C, the degree of damage along the length of the test sample is not more than 65%, the degree of damage along the mass of the test sample is not more than 20%, the duration of spontaneous combustion is 0 s;

– moderately flammable (G2), having a flue gas temperature of no more than 235 degrees. C, the degree of damage along the length of the test sample is not more than 8%, the degree of damage along the mass of the test sample is not more than 5%, the duration of independent combustion is not more than 30 s;

– normal-flammable (G3), having a flue gas temperature of no more than 450 degrees. C, the degree of damage along the length of the test sample is more than 85%, the degree of damage along the mass of the test sample is not more than 50%, the duration of independent combustion is not more than 300 s;

– highly flammable (G4), having a flue gas temperature of more than 450 degrees. C, the degree of damage along the length of the test sample is more than 85%, the degree of damage along the mass of the test sample is more than 50%, the duration of spontaneous combustion is more than 300 s.

By flammability combustible building materials (including floor carpets), depending on the value of the critical surface heat flux density, are divided into three groups: non-flammable (B1), having a critical surface heat flux density of more than 35 kW/sq. m; moderately flammable (B2), having a critical surface heat flux density of at least 20, but not more than 35 kW/sq. m, and flammable (B3), having a critical surface heat flux density of less than 20 kW/sq. m.

According to the speed of flame spread on the surface, combustible building materials (including floor carpets), depending on the value of the critical surface heat flux density, are divided into four groups: non-propagating (RP1), weakly propagating (RP2), moderately propagating (RP3) and highly propagating (RP4).

According to smoke-forming ability combustible building materials, depending on the value of the smoke generation coefficient, are divided into materials with low smoke generation capacity (D1), with moderate smoke generation capacity (D2), and with high smoke generation capacity (D3). Based on the toxicity of combustion products, combustible building materials are divided into low-hazard (T1); moderately hazardous (T2); highly dangerous (T3) and extremely dangerous (T4).

By flame spread materials are divided into those that do not spread flame over the surface and have a flame propagation index of 0; slowly spreading flame over the surface, having a flame spread index of no more than 20; quickly spreading flame over the surface, having a flame spread index of more than 20 (Article 13 of the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements).

In accordance with Art. 133 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements the manufacturer (supplier) must develop technical documentation for substances and materials, containing information about safe use of this product. Technical documentation for substances and materials (including passports, technical specifications, technological regulations) must contain information about the fire hazard indicators of substances and materials. Thus, technical documentation for finishing and facing materials for walls, ceilings, incl. coatings made of paints, enamels, varnishes, as well as thermal insulation materials must contain information about the flammability group, flammability group, smoke-forming ability group, toxicity group of combustion products. Technical documentation for flooring materials - information on all of the above groups, as well as on the flame propagation group; for carpeted floor coverings - about the flammability group, the smoke-generating ability group, the toxicity group of combustion products; on roofing materials– about the flammability group, flammability group, flame propagation group; for waterproofing and vapor barrier materials with a thickness of more than 0.2 mm - about the flammability group, flammability group. Along with indicating in technical documentation for fire hazard indicators of building materials, it must contain information about fire safety measures when handling them.

4. The structures and parts of buildings and structures must be made of building materials that are resistant to possible exposure to moisture, low temperatures, aggressive environments, biological and other adverse factors. Thus, for the manufacture of wooden structures, predominantly coniferous wood should be used. Wood solid hardwood should be used for dowels, pillows and other critical parts. For designs wooden supports air lines For power transmission lines, pine and larch wood should be used, and for the structures of power transmission line supports with voltages of 35 kV and below, with the exception of elements of racks and attachments buried in the ground, and traverses, spruce and fir wood may be used. The wood of dowels, inserts and other parts must be straight-grained, without knots and other defects, the wood moisture content should not exceed 12%. Such parts made from wood species that are not very resistant to decay (birch, beech) must be subjected to antiseptic treatment (clauses 4.1, 4.6 SP 64.13330.2011 “Wooden structures. Updated edition of SNiP II-25-80”).

When designing buildings and structures, measures should be taken to ensure the possibility of their construction in winter conditions. Application of silicate bricks, stones and blocks; stones and blocks from cellular concrete; hollow bricks and ceramic stones; semi-dry pressed clay bricks are allowed for external walls of rooms with wet conditions, provided they are applied to them internal surfaces vapor barrier coating. The use of these materials for the walls of rooms with wet conditions, as well as for the external walls of basements and plinths, is not allowed. Brick, stones and mortars for stone and reinforced stone structures, as well as concrete for the manufacture of stones and large blocks must meet the requirements of the relevant GOSTs or technical specifications (clauses 4.1 – 4.3, 5.1 SP 15.13330.2012 “Stone and reinforced stone structures. Updated version of SNiP II-22-81” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 29, 2011 N 635/5).

When designing public buildings and structures, structures, details and Decoration Materials must be made of materials that are resistant to possible influences of moisture, low and high temperatures, aggressive environment and other unfavorable factors, or protected from corrosion. Butt joints of prefabricated elements and multilayer structures must be designed to withstand thermal deformations and forces arising from uneven settlement of foundations and other operational influences. Sealing and sealing materials used in joints must retain elastic and adhesive properties when exposed to negative temperatures and wetness and be resistant to ultraviolet rays. Sealing materials must be compatible with the materials of protective and protective-decorative coatings of structures in places where they meet (clauses 9.2 - 9.4 SP 118.13330.2012 “ Public buildings and buildings. Updated version of SNiP 31-06-2009”).

Construction materials used in the construction of buildings and structures must meet certain sanitary and hygienic requirements to ensure their safety for human health and the environment. For example, polymer materials used in construction should not create specific smell, exceeding permissible norm, by the time buildings are put into operation, as well as release volatile substances into the environment in such quantities that can have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the human body (taking into account the combined effect of all released substances). Polymer building materials should not stimulate the development of microflora (especially pathogenic ones) and should be resistant to wet disinfection when using polymer building materials for interior decoration medical and preventive, sanatorium and resort, children's, preschool, school and other similar buildings. Polymer building materials should not worsen the indoor microclimate. Polymer building materials can be approved for use in construction only based on the results of their hygienic assessment, which is based on the results of sanitary-chemical, toxicological, physical-hygienic studies, observations on people conducted in laboratory and field conditions. Based on the results of the hygienic assessment, the conditions for using polymer building materials are specified: maximum saturation, period for reducing the migration of substances from the material to the maximum permissible concentration, air temperature and humidity, air exchange rate of the premises, which are included in the regulatory and technical documentation and instructions for the use of materials. Projects of regulatory and technical documentation and technological documentation for polymer materials intended for use in construction are subject to hygienic examination and approval by Rospotrebnadzor authorities. In regulatory, technical and operational documentation Polymer building materials must reflect requirements that ensure safety for human health, namely: the area and conditions of use are clearly defined; the recipe, residual monomer content, allowed impurities (types, quantity) are indicated; given sanitary hygienic characteristics, incl. indicators of migration of components into environments; the rules and methods for monitoring hygienically significant indicators and characteristics of products are reflected; requirements for storage and transportation conditions are specified; a label has been defined (clauses 5.1 – 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7 SanPiN “Design, construction and operation of residential buildings, public utility enterprises, educational, cultural, recreational and sports institutions. Polymer and polymer-containing building materials, products and structures. Hygienic safety requirements. Sanitary rules and norms”, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 1999 N 3).

5. The provisions of Part 2 of the commented article contain a blanket norm, establishing that building materials and products must comply with the requirements set forth in the legislation Russian Federation O technical regulation. Analysis of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” allows us to conclude that safety of building materials, used in the construction of buildings and structures, must be guaranteed by established forms of confirmation of conformity. Main purposes of conformity assessment is a certificate of conformity of products, incl. building materials, technical regulations, standards, codes of practice, contract terms; assistance to purchasers in the competent selection of products, works, services; increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services in the Russian and international markets; creating conditions to ensure the free movement of goods across the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for the implementation of international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade (Article 18 of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”).

Confirmation of compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation can be voluntary or mandatory. The first is carried out in the form of voluntary certification, the second - in two forms: adoption of a declaration of conformity (declaration of conformity) and mandatory certification. Voluntary confirmation of compliance carried out at the initiative of the applicant under the terms of the agreement between the applicant and the certification body and is carried out to establish compliance with national standards, standards of organizations, codes of practice, voluntary certification systems, and terms of agreements. The objects of voluntary confirmation of conformity are products, processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, work and services, as well as other objects for which standards, voluntary certification systems and contracts establish requirements. Certification objects certified in the voluntary certification system may be marked with the mark of conformity of the voluntary certification system.

Mandatory confirmation of compliance is carried out only in cases established by the relevant technical regulations, and exclusively for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations and only in relation to products released into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Declaration of Conformity and the Certificate of Conformity have equal legal force and are valid throughout the Russian Federation in relation to each unit of product released into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation during the validity of the declaration of conformity or certificate of conformity, during the shelf life or service life of the product established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Mandatory certification is carried out by the certification body on the basis of an agreement with the applicant. Product Compliance technical regulations is confirmed by a certificate of conformity issued to the applicant by the certification body, which includes: the name and location of the manufacturer of the certified product; name and location of the certification body that issued the certificate of conformity; information about the certification object, allowing to identify this object; name of the technical regulation for compliance with the requirements of which certification was carried out; information about the studies (tests) and measurements carried out; information on documents submitted by the applicant to the certification body as evidence of product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations; validity period of the certificate of conformity.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 N 982 approved the Unified scrollproducts subject to mandatory certification and the Unifiedscrollproducts, confirmation of conformity of which is carried out in the form of acceptance of a declaration of conformity. These lists also include a number of building materials used in the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures.

In order to protect the country's domestic market from the unjustified use of new materials, products, structures and technologies, on which the reliability, safety and durability of buildings and structures depend, as well as the creation favorable conditions for elimination technical barriers when introducing progressive domestic and foreign achievements in construction, new, including imported from abroad, materials, products, designs and technologies, the requirements for which are not regulated by the current building codes and rules, state standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents, can be used in construction(including reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment and repair of buildings and structures) after confirming their suitability for use in the construction and operation of facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Suitability of new products is confirmed technical certificate of the Gosstroy of Russia. Such a technical certificate is a document authorizing the use of new products in construction on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided that they comply with the requirements specified in the certificate. It is issued taking into account mandatory requirements construction, sanitary, fire, industrial, environmental, and other safety standards approved in accordance with current legislation. New products are subject to testing and confirmation of suitability, on which the operational properties of buildings and structures, their reliability and durability, safety for the life and health of people, their property, and the environment depend, including:

– newly developed on the territory of the Russian Federation and transferred to mass (serial) production;

– requirements for the properties and conditions of use of which are completely or partially absent from the current building codes and regulations, state standards, technical specifications and other regulatory documents;

– first mastered by production using foreign technologies, if it differs (in materials, composition, design, etc.) from products of a similar purpose that meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation;

– manufactured according to foreign norms and standards and supplied in accordance with the requirements of these norms and standards to the territory of the Russian Federation.

New products do not require testing and confirmation of suitability, designed in full compliance with current building codes and regulations, as well as developed and supplied in accordance with state standards or technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner. A specific list of new products that are subject to testing and confirmation of suitability for use in construction is established by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy.

The technical certificate for a new product, depending on its purpose and scope of application, contains a fundamental description of the product, allowing identification; purpose and permitted area of ​​application of the product; indicators and parameters characterizing the reliability and safety of products; additional conditions production, use and maintenance of products, as well as quality control, including by control and supervisory authorities; list of documents (conclusions, examination reports, test reports, etc.) used in the preparation of the technical certificate.

For the use of new products in construction without a technical certificate, the perpetrators will be held accountable, established by law Russian Federation (clauses 3 – 5, 7, 10 of the Rules for confirming the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 N 1636).

In pursuance of this Resolution, the Gosstroy of Russia, by its Resolution No. 76 dated July 1, 2002, approved the List of new materials, products, structures and technologies subject to testing and confirmation of suitability for use in construction, which includes certain building materials and products, building structures (from concrete and other materials, metal, wood, metal-wood, wood-aluminum and others), buildings and structures, engineering equipment buildings and structures, external networks.

6. The responsibility for monitoring the compliance of the building materials and products used, including building materials produced on the territory where construction is carried out, with the requirements of design documentation throughout the entire construction process in accordance with the provisions of Part 3 of the commented article rests with the person carrying out the construction of the building or structures. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 53 Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction project, the person carrying out the construction must carry out control over the safety of building structures and sections of engineering support networks, if elimination of deficiencies identified during construction inspection is impossible without dismantling or damaging other building structures and sections of engineering support networks. Construction control carried out by the contractor involves checking the quality of building materials, products, structures and equipment supplied for the construction of a capital construction project (incoming control). Incoming control is carried out before the use of products during the construction process and includes checking the availability and content of suppliers’ documents containing information about the quality of the products supplied by them, their compliance with the requirements of working documentation, technical regulations, standards and codes of practice. When performing incoming inspection, the Contractor has the right to carry out measurements and tests of the relevant products in the prescribed manner on their own or to entrust them to an accredited organization. If during incoming inspection a product is identified that does not meet the established requirements, its use for construction is not allowed (subparagraph “a”, paragraph 5, paragraph 7 of the Regulations on carrying out construction control during the construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 N 468 “On the procedure for conducting construction control during construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects”). When carrying out construction control over the safety of building materials, the contractor can be guided by the Classifier of the main types of defects in construction and the building materials industry, approved by the Main Inspectorate of the State Architecture and Construction Supervision of the Russian Federation on November 17, 1993, which contains classification characteristics of critical and significant defects for the main types of construction and installation work produced by building materials , structures and products. In accordance with this Classifier, a critical defect is a defect in the presence of which a product or structure is functionally unsuitable and its use may lead to a loss or reduction in the strength, stability, reliability of a building, structure, part or structural element. A critical defect must be unconditionally eliminated before subsequent work begins or with the suspension of work. According to the specified Classifier, a significant defect is recognized as a defect, the presence of which significantly degrades operational characteristics construction products and its durability. Such a defect must be eliminated before it is hidden by subsequent work.

Materials, products, equipment, the non-compliance with established requirements was revealed by incoming inspection, should be separated from suitable ones and marked. Work using these materials, products and equipment should be suspended. The developer (customer) must be notified of the suspension of work and its reasons. In accordance with civil law, one of three decisions can be made.

Animal housing is built to be dry, bright, warm in winter and cool in summer. For construction, local, relatively durable and cheap materials with satisfactory heat-shielding properties are used. In order to retain heat in the premises and prevent moisture condensation, fences should be erected from building materials with low volumetric mass, with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and heat absorption, with increased heat capacity, with average vapor and air permeability.

The heat transfer of fencing of livestock buildings should not be higher than 0.8 - 1.0 cal/(h*m2*°C), and the coefficient thermal resistance heat transfer (L) below 2 - 2.5 kcal/(h*m2*oC). Fulfilling these requirements allows you to support required temperature indoor air and prevent condensation of water vapor on the building fences.

Each structural element of the building must meet the relevant requirements.

Having necessary funds, you can buy an apartment in any district of Moscow or the Moscow region. With the investment agency Domus Finance LLC there will be no problems with solving housing issue. A wide range of options, legal support and full documentation of transactions will make the purchase a simple and worry-free decision.

The foundation of the building bears the weight of the walls, ceilings and roof, protects the walls from subsidence and the penetration of moisture from the soil into them. Between the foundation and the wall an insulating layer of roofing felt, asphalt, greasy cement mortar, tarred birch bark, bitumen. The base of the foundation must be below the soil freezing horizon. Concrete and stones are usually used for the foundation.

Walls should be constructed from materials that retain heat well. About 40% of heat is lost through external walls, so they must have good heat-insulating properties. These requirements are most fully met by dry logs, burnt or sand-lime brick, expanded clay concrete, multilayer concrete panels with insulation made of polystyrene foam, polystyrene and other materials.

Building materials used to construct walls must be dry, since damp walls lose more heat and mold develops on them. Particularly unsatisfactory microclimate when damp walls and poor ventilation.

The walls should be smooth, which makes it easier to keep them clean, and it is more convenient to whiten and disinfect them.

Ceilings in modern buildings usually made from reinforced concrete slabs, they often build rooms with a combined roof. In all cases they must be well insulated. In the attic, subject to fire safety measures, it is allowed to store roughage or bedding straw, which significantly improves the thermal insulation qualities of the ceiling.

Floors in livestock premises made of durable, smooth, low thermal conductivity, moisture-proof and non-slip material, resistant to disinfectants and aggressive indoor environment, easy to maintain, economical. Depending on the technology, floors are made solid or lattice. Most often, red brick laid on edge in a herringbone pattern, expanded clay concrete with a cement or polymer coating, and ceramic tiles are used for flooring.

Wooden floors, which are widespread in older buildings, are far from perfect and expensive. Asphalt floors are made only in rooms for large cattle, but they are short-lived. Concrete floors are very cold and have a negative effect on the growth of hoof horns, so they are used only in passages and driveways. In pigsties, wooden flooring is often used, and in a number of farms, electric floor heating is used with various technical means. In this case, safety precautions must be strictly observed.

In sheds, stalls of stables, in rooms for loose livestock and in buildings where poultry is on deep litter, adobe and clay-crushed stone floors are installed.

Slotted floors can be continuous or partial. Reinforced concrete, metal and plastic gratings are used for their construction. Belarus has mastered the production of reinforced concrete gratings coated with plates made from waste from the rubber industry.

Gates are built in such a way that animals can be quickly removed from the premises, taking into account the use of machines and mechanisms. External exits are equipped with vestibules that protect the premises from cooling. The most convenient gates are carriage type. In any case, the gate should only open outwards. Disinfection mats are installed at the gates.

Windows are placed taking into account uniform lighting building. To reduce heat loss, windows are made with double and even triple glazing. Keeping the glass clean, repairing it, painting the frames and periodically filling the cracks is a necessary requirement for window care.

Practice confirmed economic efficiency keeping poultry, fattening pigs and cattle in windowless buildings with automatically controlled artificial lighting.

The roof serves to protect premises and animals from precipitation, for insulation in winter time and protection from overheating in summer. The materials used for roofs are slate, asbestos-cement slabs, roofing felt, roofing felt, etc. Regular roof repairs help maintain a normal microclimate in the room.

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