home · Other · Design of the courtyard of a private house: design features. Photo of the yard of a private house or how to arrange a personal plot with your own hands Private house interior yard

Design of the courtyard of a private house: design features. Photo of the yard of a private house or how to arrange a personal plot with your own hands Private house interior yard

To achieve a compositional idyll on a personal plot, it is not enough just to build luxury house– It is equally important to beautifully and functionally design the area around it. Planning the yard of a private house is a very responsible process, since you need to take care of the correct placement of both economic and technical facilities, as well as places for recreation and entertainment. Is there anything worth missing out on? initial stage arrangement - and correcting the shortcomings will then take a lot of time and money.

What to consider when planning

The first thing you need to do when planning your yard is to make a list of required and desired objects. Technical and utility buildings can be called obligatory, without which it is impossible to ensure comfortable living for people, and desirable ones usually include all decorative delights designed to improve the territory and give it an aesthetic and attractive appearance.

  • garage or parking for at least 2 cars (even if the family does not yet own a car - think about the future or about guests who will come for visits);
  • outbuildings (guest houses, workshops, summer kitchens, premises for pets, etc.);
  • access roads to the garage, paths for movement around the territory;
  • yard lighting system;
  • places and areas for recreation and entertainment (for example, gazebo, sauna, swimming pool, party area, active games, sports, a place for a stationary barbecue or pitching a tent in the summer);
  • green spaces: vegetable garden or vegetable beds, decorative flower beds, fruity or decorative garden;
  • other objects landscape design: fountains, artificial waterfalls, ponds, sculptural compositions, etc.

Even if the family does not have a car, a parking space should be provided

General requirements for landscaping a yard

In addition to the wishes of the owner, in the design of the courtyard area it is imperative to adhere to the construction and sanitary standards for the improvement of courtyards, including on private plots. This will help avoid all sorts of inconveniences, problems with neighbors and government services supervision.

Rules for the placement of residential buildings

Quite strict requirements exist in relation to the location of residential buildings and other architectural objects relative to the boundaries of the site.

A residential building, as well as a guest house, must be located at a distance of at least 3 m from the border of the yard, and if there is a highway immediately beyond its borders, then at least 6 m. This is done to protect residents from excess dust, exhaust gases, and excess noise.

The layout of the courtyard of a private house in the village is somewhat different from city courtyards. Mainly due to the fact that villagers very often raise and breed domestic animals, constructing special premises for them on the territory of their personal plot. According to architectural standards, as well as out of respect for neighbors, such buildings for livestock or poultry are erected no less than 4 m from the neighbor’s fence, other utility structures - at a distance of 1 m.

Features of the location of green spaces

It is customary to plant tall and large trees no closer than 3 m from the demarcation fence, so that their branches and roots do not create inconvenience to the owners of the neighboring plot. For the same reasons, the norm for medium-sized trees is 2 m, for shrubs – 1 m. These standards should definitely be taken into account when arranging hedges to mark the boundaries of the yard.

It is advisable to coordinate this issue with your neighbors in advance, including discussing the type of plants that are planned to be used to create a green fence (some types of plants can cause allergies or asthma attacks).

Layout of a plot with a garden

Sanitary and hygienic planning standards

The following standards regarding the location of objects in the yard are designed to ensure a comfortable and safe existence, as well as basic hygiene:

  • if the toilet is located on the street and not inside the house, then it is built 20 m from the residential building. In this case, the distance from the toilet to the neighbors’ homes should be similar;
  • bathhouse or sauna, equipped in separate room, must be located at a distance of 5 m from a residential or guest house;
  • the well cannot be dug next to compost, cesspools, toilet or cattle pen. The optimal distance of the water source from such objects is 20 m;
  • It is better to remove premises for keeping animals at least 15 m from the house.

Even in small courtyard it is necessary to provide a rest area

Layout of the yard of a private house of 6 acres is the most difficult task in creating landscape design, since, in addition to the house, you always want to arrange a full-fledged parking space, a corner for relaxing on fresh air, make a flower bed, plant a couple fruit trees or beds with spices.

To facilitate the planning process, the yard should be divided into 3 mandatory zones:

  • residential and outbuildings;
  • green area (garden, vegetable garden);
  • rest zone.

An example of successful placement of all necessary zones on a site

It is very important, even at the stage of laying the foundation of a residential building, to choose a place for it so that the shadow from the building does not fall on the main part of the site, otherwise in the future there will be a problem with growing vegetation. Perfect option– construction of a building in the northern part of the yard.

It is better to place utility rooms or a greenhouse there. If the site is planned to be divided Orchard, then the trees should be located in the direction from north to south, maintaining a distance between seedlings of at least 3 m, otherwise, over time, the overgrown trees will form a dense cover with their crowns, preventing normal natural lighting of the area.

The layout of the courtyard of a private house in the photo below is one example of the ideal placement of all the most necessary objects in a small area.

Most practical option arrangement of small yards - geometric. It allows you to economically use every centimeter of land.

Arranging narrow yard, it's better to use round shapes

Ideas for arranging areas of non-standard shapes

It often happens that the courtyard around the house has an irregular shape (triangle, truncated trapezoid, rhombus, etc.). This may immediately seem like a problem, but with a balanced and thoughtful approach to planning, this disadvantage can be smoothed out and even turned into an advantage.

For example, in sharp corners you can hide utility rooms, sheds, animal pens or compost pits, where they will not attract attention so much. Sharp corners can be fenced off with hedges, placing seating areas behind them.

It is better to divide a narrow long yard in half with a house, placing all other elements on both sides of it. At the same time, when designing paths, flower beds, and green spaces, it is better to use rounded shapes. Winding paths are very helpful in such a situation, as they visually make the yard wider.

If the yard has a round or oval shape, it is not at all necessary to place the house in its center. Shifting the building towards the edge of the site will visually increase its size even more.

You need to plan your yard before any activities begin. construction work, since in the process of arrangement, to provide lighting or equipment for additional buildings, it may be necessary to provide communications and adjust the relief, which is quite difficult to do when the site is practically already decorated.

When talking about a plot of a private house, many people imagine a garden or vegetable garden. But this doesn't have to be the case. Today, the arrangement of the exterior of a private house as a recreation area is gaining new momentum. We are already tired at work, so when we return home, we should allow ourselves to relax, and not run to weed the beds or remove weeds. How to choose suitable design courtyard of a private house and do it yourself - Dekorin will tell you in this article, and you will also clearly see photos of real courtyards.

Original design of the courtyard of a private house (9 photos): recreation area or vegetable garden

Of course, vegetables from the garden are tasty, healthy and always fresh, and you don’t have to run to the store. But it’s not always worth planting all the available acres with them. You can set aside a small area for a vegetable garden and use the rest of the space for another purpose.

Why don't you "furnish" your yard? Make it so attractive and comfortable that those passing by would also want to pop in for a peek? We offer you in the photo several ideas on how to make the design of the courtyard of a private house sparkle with new colors and be conducive to a good rest.

How to create an attractive courtyard design for a private house with your own hands - 10 photos

Beauty created with our own hands evokes admiration and makes us proud of the work done. Of course, you can trust the designers, but it will be more expensive and more formulaic. Therefore, we suggest you take advantage of the following interesting ideas:

  1. Landscaping the yard with your own hands by making a lawn, planting bushes or arranging flower beds;
  2. Decorate the design of the courtyard of a private house with interesting decorative elements, such as: garden statues, flowerpots, old furniture, crafts from scrap materials;
  3. Create original zone relaxation for yourself and your children, inspired by the photo from this article.

Also read: How to make an alpine slide with your own hands

Design of a small courtyard of a private house - 7 photos with simple ideas

A small courtyard of a private house is not a death sentence for creating a functional and beautiful design. Since the size of the plot does not always allow you to equip a terrace for relaxation or a large gazebo, you can create a small secluded corner with a table and chairs under a tree or near tall bushes that provide shade. Hang garlands, homemade lamps from bottles and pots with flowers on the branches, which will bring even more comfort.

Features of the design of the courtyard of a private house in the village (selection of 8 photos)

The design of the courtyard of a private house in the village is quite easy to do with your own hands, since to create rustic style old ones are perfect gardening Tools, cars, flower pots and almost any worn-out items that can be turned into decor.

When a private house has already been built, all that remains is to improve the territory itself. website will give you ideas on how to improve the yard of a private house and decorate a suburban area in an interesting, beautiful and cost-effective manner.

Create a beautiful yard using flower arrangements

Who among us will remain indifferent to flowers? Flowers are one of the most simple ways give the yard bright colors and at the same time comfort. When it comes to decorating a yard, flowers are simply irreplaceable.

Anyone can plant flowers and make a bright composition out of them, but to do something more original, you need to use your imagination.

A flower motorcycle or bicycle will look very unusual. I think that for those who previously had such a “friend” there should be problems with this. There are two ways to make a flowerbed from a bicycle:

  1. We take this “miracle of technology” as a basis and cover horizontal and partially vertical surfaces with a mesh filled with nutrient soil.
  2. We install ready-made flower pots. If you choose hanging flower pots with coconut shavings, then you can put a baby diaper at the bottom so that when watering, all the water does not flow out at once, but remains inside.

Next we start decorating. To make your creation look more original, it is best to decorate it with curly annual plants, low ground cover flowers. They live well in such bicycle flower beds:

  • petunias,
  • marigold,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

Very good to decorate country house and the yard of a private house with your own hands. To do this, you can use the simplest, unpretentious plants, for example, morning glory or maiden grapes, as well as more noble flowers - climbing roses or . These plants can create a real paradise on suburban area.

Climbing roses can decorate the yard so much that it will simply be buried in flowers, especially if you pick up.

Don't forget that even unnecessary old shoes can become original decoration plot. Take a pair of bright children's rubber boots, make holes in the sole, add drainage, then soil and plant flowers. These will make excellent garden pots for outdoor flowers. And it’s especially nice that we decorate the yard with our own hands at no extra cost.

To make original garden flowerpot for flowers you can use not only shoes, but also old broken jugs, garden watering cans, old kitchen utensils, basins, buckets, tubs, wheelbarrows, bathtubs, barrels.

You can also arrange them in old stumps. They are very simple and elegant. This DIY yard decoration can be seasonal if you plant tulips in the stumps

Old logs will help us a lot to decorate patio in the country. If there are rotten logs, you can hollow out a hole in them, lay soil and create a beautiful flower arrangement.


Another good way how to decorate the yard of a private house with your own hands and add zest to the area - this is to add bushes unusual shape. This technique is often used by experienced owners. country houses, creating stunning topiary and beautiful yard private house.

Some of them even manage to turn their yard into a real zoo, using pruning shears to cut out the figures of various animals that enliven the yard of a private house.

A waterfall, fountain, pool are the main decorations of the yard in the summer season

If you are thinking about how to improve the yard of a private house with your own hands, then be sure to create a fountain or pond on a suburban area. How nice it will be to be near the water in the summer heat.

Splashes of water from the fountain will protect plants from dryness, and the pool will become a real salvation from sun rays, children who love to splash in the water will be especially happy with it.

Looking at the waterfall, you imagine yourself somewhere far from home. Landscaping the courtyard of a private house with even the smallest fountain is very relaxing.

It’s very easy to make this beauty your own. Surely after construction many will find pieces of tiles, tiles, and stones. River stones will look more realistic.

A fountain installed in the depths of the garden will look very harmonious. You can also put benches and swings for children there. This way the garden will turn into a real park where the whole family can relax and the arrangement of the yard will be complete.

Stone garden - beautiful and mysterious

For those who want to stand out, we offer to make a stone garden on their personal plot. It can consist only of stones and sand, but it is better to dilute it different colors, green plants, as well as a small pond or waterfall. This is very unusual decoration yard

Stone elements can become the decoration of the path. Stones or bricks can be used to create incredibly cozy recreation areas - patios that can decorate any courtyard of a private home.

From all this we can conclude that if you have at least a little skill in working on the land and show your imagination, you can turn an ordinary yard into a work of art!

Gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

One of the most essential things when decorating the yard of a private house with your own hands is a gazebo. Gazebos can be different - open, closed, attached to the house. These can be awnings and marquees, tents.

The most practical do-it-yourself gazebos in the courtyard of a private house are made of polycarbonate.

The most romantic gazebos in the yard are tents with fluttering fabrics and a lot of beautiful country furniture. Landscaping the yard of a private house with such a tent is one of the most enjoyable activities!

If you live in a private house, you probably have at least a small garden area at your disposal. Regardless of its size, you always want to properly landscape your yard and give it an aesthetic and cozy look. Nowadays landscape design is more popular than ever, so there are many options for decorating the area near a private house.

Landscape design and arrangement of a small yard

Landscaping the area adjacent to the house is always a very creative and enjoyable process, which allows you to fully demonstrate your decorating abilities. You can find an appropriate design option for the yard of a private house even with the most modest initial data.

If a private house is located within the city or on the outskirts of the city, most likely the yard around it is not large at all. Arranging such a yard with your own hands will require some skill and imagination. But the task is not at all hopeless. Quite the contrary, from a small, inconspicuous courtyard you can turn into a real piece of paradise and a fragrant oasis for mental relaxation.

The landscape design of such an area should take into account 2 main points:

1. The yard will have to be partially paved - tiled or natural stone. This is necessary to ensure cleanliness in a miniature area where there is simply no room to make paths.

2. Part of the territory near a private house must be landscaped, otherwise the entire landscape design loses its meaning. This can be done with the help of small flower beds, for which you need to leave a special place, and plants in pots or hanging planters as in the photo.

Landscaping your yard with special care and love, combine shrubs with small trees and climbing vines. Don't skimp on flowering plants. They look especially advantageous and beautiful. The more different colors and colors fill the yard of your home, the more pleasant it will be to be in it.

If the yard area allows, place a small wooden table and a couple of chairs. Create a shady corner around it with your own hands. Here you can have breakfast in the morning and read your favorite books in the afternoon in the shade of the trees.

DIY landscape design of a spacious yard

Before you start digging the ground and chaotically arranging a large yard around a private house, it makes sense to sketch out at least a rough draft of its future design. To do this, you don’t need to be a genius and be able to skillfully handle the appropriate computer programs.

Everything is much simpler. Take a sheet of paper, a pencil and draw by hand where you would like to see a flower bed, paths or gazebo in your yard in the shade of dense thickets of rose hips (photo). Mentally divide your yard into different zones.

For example, part of the territory can be designated as a recreation area. Here it is worth installing homemade wooden benches, table or ready-made rattan wicker furniture (photo). Do not forget about the convenience of those who will be in this part of the yard. Provide paths to the recreation area so you don't have to walk on wet grass in wet weather. An umbrella won't hurt either - you'll have somewhere to hide on a hot day.

If you like to invite guests over and have picnics, provide a place for barbecue. Place it away from the house, in the far corner of the yard, so that the smoke and heat from the fire do not penetrate into the open windows Houses.

Be sure to give space in your project to paths, a place to park your car (if necessary) and other details that are important to you. If you are lucky enough to have a small lake in the yard of your private home, be sure to think about its design. The banks can be lined with stones and planted with flowers as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself yard landscaping

It is difficult to imagine a beautiful landscape design without green grass. There are two ways to plant pleasing grass around your house:

- using seed lawn grass;
— spreading a ready-made rolled lawn on your site.

The option with seed grass is suitable only for the most patient and hardworking owners who love to dig in the ground. Arranging and cultivating a seeded lawn will take many years and require a lot of effort from an amateur gardener.

If you want to see the result of your labors immediately, then use a rolled lawn. Measure the area of ​​your yard, subtract the area of ​​flower beds and other green spaces from it, and start choosing lawn grass in rolls. But don't rush to buy it because it doesn't last long. First, clear the area, mark it, and initially arrange the yard.

You will need to cut down old trees that disfigure the landscape, uproot stumps and level the ground as much as possible. Assess the condition of the soil: if it is too clayey, add sand and gravel. Depleted soil - be sure to bring fertile soil into the yard, otherwise nothing will grow on it. Add a layer of soil over the entire area. Special attention pay attention to the places where you are going to plant flower beds.

Only after such preparation can you lay out the rolled lawn. By the way, this can be done with your own hands. It is not necessary to hire workers. The grass in rolls fits perfectly and looks great almost immediately.

After installation, the lawn needs to be watered abundantly for a week. During this time, the grass will take root well, and the joints between the stripes will become invisible. Usage roll lawn allows you to create very Beautiful design and turn your yard into a real masterpiece design art(photo).

Decorating the yard with original decorative elements

You can complete the design with the help of such details as unusual wooden or wrought-iron benches, flowers in painted pots, original compositions from an old wheel, pots and a cart planted with flowers (photos 1-4). You can design this style in any way you like. This decor always looks very impressive and colorful. The main thing is not to overdo it and maintain a sense of proportion.

You can make original “vases” for flowers with your own hands from the simplest materials at hand: old logs, boards, ropes. And don’t forget about small oases of wildlife - flower beds. Thanks to various flowering plants You can paint whole pictures on them. Japanese-style rock gardens also look very good in such courtyards.

Don’t forget to learn everything about the plants you are going to use to decorate your yard:

- they grow best on the sunny side or in the shade;
— how much moisture and what fertilizers are required;
- feel good in the vicinity of other plants or alone;
- when they start and how long they bloom.

Remember: if you love blooming species vegetation around you, you should select plants that bloom in different time and one after another. So your yard will always delight with bright colors and wonderful aromas.

These are the basic recommendations for arranging the garden area around the cottage. Following our recommendations, a little effort and a lot of imagination will give excellent results. In a month or two, you will be able to invite friends to your place and listen with pleasure to their many compliments on your talent as a designer and gardener. And the effort of arranging your yard itself is very pleasant.

If you are the owner country cottage or a private house located within the city, you understand perfectly well that the matter does not end with arranging your home. A lot of time, effort and money goes into effective and beautiful design the area adjacent to the house. Nowadays, landscape design has been heard of even in the most remote villages. But not all of our compatriots will agree that the time for beds laid out throughout the entire plot of land has passed, giving way to alpine slides, fountains and artificial ponds in oriental style.

Most owners of private houses (both within the city and beyond) choose the option of decorating the area adjacent to their home, but with a functional background. So that your work is translated into a harmonious, beautiful and practical landscape design that will delight you and your family all year round, planning must be taken seriously. Fortunately, there is now more than enough information on this topic. Equip private territory It is possible with a minimum of financial costs, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. To maintain the beauty of your site, you will need to find opportunities and pay attention to plants, buildings, ponds and even garden furniture.

Planning the beauty of the yard

The yard around a city private house or country cottage is an adjacent area that welcomes not only the owners after a hard day (or week, in the case of country estates), but also their guests. We can safely say that the impression of homeowners begins to form at the first glance at the design of a personal plot or yard.

Before you start planning your landscaping, decide what a “beautiful yard” means to you? How would you like to see it? Is it important for you to amaze your neighbors and guests with the splendor of your yard design, or do you put practicality and convenience at the forefront? What is your lifestyle, do you have children and pets, do guests often gather for barbecues and barbecues, do you have evening gatherings in the fresh air? The set of “scenery” for your private yard largely depends on the answers to these questions. Taking into account at the initial planning stage many nuances of the further operation of your site, you will save not only money, but also time for subsequent alterations, reconstruction and corrections.

Of course, the landscape design of your yard will largely depend on its size. If the territory is large, then the flight of your imagination will be limited only by financial capabilities and features of the territory’s landscape, soil type and location in relation to the cardinal directions. But if we are talking about a small backyard of a city private house, then in this case it is necessary to set clear priorities. On several square meters It will be difficult to place a children’s playground, a place for barbecue, a patio for relaxation, and a large flower bed with flowers.

Having worked optimal plan creating landscape design - go to the area and mark the exact location of all objects (gazebos, flower beds, rock gardens, ponds and patios). For simplicity, experts recommend dividing the entire area into squares. Each such segment will have a key figure - a building or a decorative element. This way it’s easier to evenly distribute all planned landscape design items and create a balanced appearance plot.

Before starting construction work (if any is planned), it is necessary to check the condition of the territory. If segments of water accumulation are found, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating artificial reservoirs, fountains and waterfalls are laid.

Paths, steps and flower beds

Garden paths are an integral part of any landscape design. In addition to its main goal - organizing safe travel Along the site, paths perform the functions of zoning and decorating the territory.

Garden paths can be laid out from large, but flat stones, concrete slabs, clinker or ordinary bricks, cobblestones, cover with fine gravel or pebbles, fencing with special low borders. By combining track materials, you can get not only the necessary functionality, but also decorative decoration garden or yard.

Landscape design and geometry are inextricably linked. For some, harmony and balance in environment seen in smooth lines, rounded shapes, winding paths and oval flower beds. Some people need rigor and clarity - direct garden paths, as companions from point A to point B, strict forms of bushes, trimmed with what is called a “ruler” and absolutely smooth lawn. Only the owners know what plants and tree shapes will be able to caress their eyes and bring calm and balance to their mood.

It is better to plan the planting of flowers in flower beds or garden tubs in such a way that the flowering of some is replaced by the flowering of other varieties. In this case, your yard will be able to delight you and your family with bright colors throughout the warm season (in most regions of our country - this is approximately from mid-April to early October).

If the landscape of your site involves some hilliness, then instead of fighting nature, creating artificial embankments and leveling slopes, you can succumb to the natural arrangement of hills and lowlands and build beautiful steps that can act as a focal point, attracting everyone's attention.

Artificial ponds on the site, fountains and cascades

It’s rare that an oriental landscape design is complete without a small artificial pond or a small source of water. And as we know, all European and American landscape designers, and our compatriots as well, draw inspiration from the founders of the art of bringing beauty and harmony into the territory surrounding the house - the eastern peoples.

Japanese masters consider water not only the source of life, but also, together with the earth, a symbol of harmony and balance of all living things. Organizing an artificial reservoir on a site is not easy; you will need to contact specialists, study the features of the soil and landscape in order to choose the right place, conduct communications and subsequently tirelessly take care of the proper functioning of the fountain or cascade. But all the effort, work and money spent will pay off when you can watch the fish in your artificial pond or watch the water flow into a small tank.

Efficient lighting system for a private yard

Lighting the territory of a private yard is not only a matter of extending the time of communication with the surrounding nature, but also a priority of safety. A well-thought-out and harmonious lighting system will allow you to calmly move around the site in the dark, be on the patio and enjoy the illumination of decorative items in your yard landscape design that are especially significant to you.

First of all, think about it functional lighting– illumination of the facade of the house and additional buildings, the entrance to the garage or parking lot, the main entrance. Experts recommend placing lighting fixtures in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of your yard are visible and illuminated possible ways moving around the site - garden paths, steps.

Next, you can begin to develop a decorative lighting plan. You can create lighting near the flower bed, garden sculpture, rock garden or pond. By using LED strips Trees and shrubs are illuminated using the so-called “illumination without lanterns.”

Lamps can be built into the spaces between the degrees, but this point must be considered at the initial stage of designing the location of landscape design objects. Currently there are many lighting fixtures, which operate from miniature storage batteries that draw energy from sunlight. You won't have to spend money on electricity bills, dim lights energy saving lamps will be sufficient for safe movement along the paths of the site.

Even in a small area you can find a corner for organizing a relaxation area with the possibility of cooking over an open fire. Agree, it is unfair to deny yourself the opportunity to invite friends for a barbecue while living in a private house with a yard, even if it is located in the city center.

A round hearth serves as an excellent focal point around which garden furniture (chairs or small sofas), paths are formed and plants are planted. The beam layout system in this case will be the most advantageous.

An outdoor fireplace or large stove made of stone will not only be a functional embodiment of cooking various dishes over an open fire, but will also form a relaxing place where you can simply relax, watching the flames in the hearth.

Outdoor or covered dining area

For installation lunch group Very little space is needed. You just need to purchase a table and chairs (or mini-chairs) to be able to dine outdoors.

But if you have the opportunity to organize a covered shed for dining area on the site, then in this case your plans will not be affected by bad weather conditions. In hot weather, you and your family or guests will be protected from the sun; in rainy weather, you can safely continue lunch or dinner.

How to Design a Small Backyard

Very often, urban private houses cannot boast of having a large surrounding area. Usually in front of the house there is a place to park a car or arrange a garage, and all areas for recreation, games and cooking in the fresh air have to be moved to the backyard, the size of which is very limited.

In this case, it will be effective to place a wooden platform or deck as the basis for arranging a patio or dining area on outdoors. Perennials in bulk flower beds along the perimeter of the territory or near the fence will not only decorate your backyard, but will also hide your area from prying eyes.

Next, all you have to do is choose garden furniture that will serve as a place to relax or eat outdoors. Outdoor furniture can be portable or stationary. Usually, solid stone or wooden furniture is used as stationary furniture, but for small courtyards without awnings this option is not the best option. It is better to give preference to folding furniture that you can hide in the pantry or attic when cold weather sets in.

Currently, there are many options for garden furniture to suit every taste and wallet size. The most popular among our compatriots is outdoor furniture made of plastic ( affordable price and ease of transportation) and artificial rattan(looks respectable and expensive). But there are many models made of wood, forged metal, stone and even bamboo. The choice of furniture for a private patio will depend on your financial capabilities, frequency of use and ability to care for the furniture. For example, plastic furniture can be washed with a hose, but rattan products are very dependent on moisture. Forged chairs and tables need to be tinted every 2-3 years, and wooden furniture needs to be impregnated with oil and coated with varnish or protective antiseptics.

Decorating your backyard may become a hedge. In addition to the main purpose - fencing the territory and protecting against the entry of strangers, the fence can also serve a decorative function. Its frame can serve as a basis for the arrangement of weaving plants, forming a combined hedge, or the design of the fence itself can stand out against the general background of the landscape design.

Unusual fence design or bright color will bring a positive mood not only to the recreation area, but also to the entire backyard. Furniture or soft fillings matched to the color of the fence will create a harmonious patio with an attractive appearance.

The backyard area, in addition to the option with a wooden platform, can be laid out with concrete or stone slabs, covered with fine gravel or decorative pebbles, delineating the boundaries with low borders or metal (polycarbonate) boundaries. But in the case of loose flooring, you must be prepared to constantly add material and level it over the area.

Organizing a dining area on a wooden platform is one of the most common options for using a small backyard area. What could be better than a meal with family or friends and family in the fresh air? In such an environment, the appetite is better and the food tastes better.

For an outdoor dining area, it is better to use light but stable furniture that you can bring under a canopy or even indoors and store in winter period time. But in addition to the design and material of garden furniture, the design of the products, their color and texture also matters. If the entire composition of the dining area is designed in similar colors, the place for eating will delight and soothe, creating a peaceful atmosphere. If you decide to use bright, accent pieces of furniture or decor, then the decor of the dining area will become tonic, charging with optimism and good mood. It all depends on the temperament of the homeowners and the result they want to get from their stay in the backyard.

In addition to organizing a seating area or dining area, backyard You can place a segment for cooking kebabs and barbecues. Whether it will be a stationary fireplace, a portable grill, a real Russian oven or just a large grill - it all depends on your preferences and the size of the yard. But in any case, you will need to take care of seating near the fire and a table that will serve many functions.