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Burners for heating boilers. Gas burners for heating boilers. Gas burner for heating boiler

Gas-burner It is one of the main elements of a heating boiler running on natural gas. This device is a system where the gas itself is mixed directly with air. Subsequently, the finished mixture enters the combustion chamber in a certain direction and in a strictly specified quantity.

It is worth noting right away that the structure of this part is not too complicated, but it has a number of important subtleties. If you neglect them, then achieve quality work heating boiler will be very problematic in the future.

It is no coincidence that the choice of boiler depends on the type of gas burner, and it does not matter at all whether it is domestic or industrial. It must be remembered that self-adjustment of the burner is strictly prohibited., since its design includes special sensors that have a direct impact on the stability of the boiler.

The burner has a direct impact on the coefficient useful action the entire heating system. For this reason, you should choose it as responsibly as possible. There is no point in saving money here, as a low-quality part will cause too much fuel consumption.

Compliance with the requirements

As mentioned above, in the burner natural gas is mixed in air, and the resulting mixture burns. As a result of exposure high temperature starts chemical reaction, the products of which are carbon dioxide and water.

Of course, the whole process is accompanied by the release of a decent amount of thermal energy, which is spent on heating, located in. This is another key node. All products obtained during the combustion process enter and are discharged outside the premises.

This is a rather dangerous item, so a number of specific requirements are imposed on it in order to make the operation of the heating boiler as safe as possible.

The requirements in this case are as follows:

  1. The design should be as simple as possible, since this significantly increases the degree of reliability of this element.
  2. The burner must make a minimum amount of noise. The fact is that gas boilers usually installed directly in a residential building, where this indicator plays an important role.
  3. The longer the service life of the part, the better.
  4. If the boiler design provides for the use various types fuel, then it is better to purchase a universal burner. Here they make sure that it can easily switch from one type of fuel to another.
  5. Ideally, the burner produces a minimum amount harmful substances , for example, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, due to which the environmental friendliness of the boiler increases several times at once. However, this will only work if the design of the chimney along with the hood is done correctly.


According to the method of supplying oxygen to the combustion chamber

Divided into two groups:


The gas is mixed with air coming directly from the room where the boiler is installed. The principle of an elementary ejector is applied here. The gas is directed through specially shaped nozzles located inside the channel. They have access ordinary air. A little further away there are several slots through which the prepared mixture of gas and air will exit.

In the direction from the nozzle to the outlet, the gas-air mixture slightly rarefies the air, which creates conditions for the supply of a new portion.

Combustion occurs in a special chamber where there are several channels installed parallel to each other. Each of them is equipped with a separate nozzle.

The heated gases after combustion are sent to top part heat exchanger, transferring a certain percentage of its energy. Then they go out to environment through the chimney. Due to the fact that as a result of this process a certain temperature difference occurs, draft is formed. This creates a regular supply of new portions of oxygen.

atmospheric burner operating diagram

This design has a number of positive qualities:

  1. It's very simply designed and, besides, the components are very cheap.
  2. Operation is completely independent of the availability of electrical energy. Here, a much more important role is played by the correct design of the chimney and the total pressure in the household gas line.
  3. It works silently.
  4. Weighs almost nothing and doesn't take up space.
  5. It's very easy to install or replace.

An atmospheric burner also has disadvantages. First of all, it is imperative to build a chimney. How completely the gas-air mixture will burn depends entirely on the composition of the air and the quality of assembly of all heating boiler systems.

Fan burners

They are more complex, and the same can be said about their management. However, with their help you can achieve absolute control over the entire automatic system this process. In this case, the air that is mixed with the gas comes from the street, and it is forced into the combustion chamber by a special fan.

If necessary, the fan speed can be changed depending on the pressure in the system. Exhaust gases are also forced out of the premises.

You can slightly adjust the air or gas supply so that the exhaust is less hot at the outlet. Accordingly, this will allow more heat to be transferred to the coolant, which, in turn, increases the efficiency of the boiler.

Here it is most convenient to use a coaxial chimney, which includes several pipes of different diameters in its design. They are inserted into each other. Due to the fact that fan burners supply air to the fuel forcibly, it is best to consider that they are suitable for several types of fuel at once, for example, gas, diesel fuel, gasoline, and so on.

fan burner design

The fan burner also has quite a lot of advantages:

  1. Fuel mixture and combustion are under complete control of the operator.
  2. Boiler power also regulated.
  3. Consumption fuel consumption is greatly reduced.
  4. Efficiency higher than atmospheric.
  5. They can be installed even in such houses or apartments, where the chimney is simply absent.
  6. There is no need to reconfigure the burner for a different type of fuel.

Despite such a large number positive characteristics, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Such a burner will be quite expensive.
  2. It depends on the availability of electricity, if it is not there, the gas is automatically turned off.
  3. Use and maintain the burner is possible only by calling specialists.

By type of flame control

Low temperature burner

Which works due to flames heated to quite low temperatures . In most cases, such systems are used in many types of boilers - from Soviet-made designs to the latest models. Just like the atmospheric one, the low-temperature burner makes virtually no noise and is also universal.

Single stage

It is capable of functioning only in one mode, and the temperature of the coolant is regulated only by turning off and on the burner itself. The two-stage either operates at full power or at 40%.

After heating the coolant to the set temperature, the burner begins to consume fuel economically. Due to this, it is possible to maintain the temperature at a stable level, where there is no need to use the burner operating at full power.

Modulating burners

which are able to work with almost any power, due to which temperature control is carried out in a very smooth mode.

In principle, there are quite a lot of types of gas burner designs for heating boilers, but they are not very common:

  1. Diffusion– in this burner the combustion of fuel occurs without mixing with oxygen in the air.
  2. Injection– here the air is supplied directly to the firebox, where natural gas itself is added to it, after which the mixture is ignited.
  3. Pre-mix burner– here mixing occurs at a point directly in front of the outlet.
  4. Regenerative– before mixing gas and air, they are first heated. Air and gas reach certain temperature, after which they mix with each other.

With your own hands

The easiest way to make the first type of burner, since it can be made from scrap materials.

To make it, you will need to use the following materials (almost all of them are available):

  1. Empty valve oxygen cylinder (he will serve as a nozzle here). What kind of valve it will be is not at all important; you can use the most common VK-74.
  2. So that the gas stream is directed as narrowly as possible, you will have to build a small cap that will be put on the valve. Carefully make a small hole in it and place a jet there (a part from a blowtorch would be perfect).
  3. The injector will be the simplest- he will need steel pipe, the thickness of which will not be higher than 2 mm. It is better to make it about 100 mm in length. The most reliable way to secure it is by welding. However, in this case, you will have to maintain a certain distance that should remain between the cap and the nozzle. This is done to ensure that a sufficient amount of fresh air enters there.
  4. To make the flame burn quickly, a piezoelectric element is installed next to the nozzle. You can do without it, and light the burner with matches and a piece of paper.

Operating rules and cost

A gas burner can accumulate quite a lot of soot during its operation. To prevent this substance from causing damage, and to ensure that the burner itself functions as long as possible, it will have to be regularly cleaned of soot. It is also worth noting that when large quantities soot, it can ignite - this will lead to a fire.

To prevent this from happening, regularly scheduled inspections of the gas boiler and all its other elements are carried out.

You can carry out cleaning yourself, but you should carefully read all the included instructions before doing so. It is best to contact a specialist who already has a sufficient amount of experience in this work - in this case, the work will be completed much faster and better, and the room will not become clogged at all.

The simplest atmospheric gas burner, which, in principle, can be assembled with your own hands, will not cost too much. It will cost about 1.5-2 thousand rubles. If the boiler contains a certain number of sections, then you need to select a burner of a more serious design.

In particular, for a 3- or 6-section boiler, the burner will cost about 8-10 thousand rubles. It is best to purchase models domestic production, since they are designed specifically for our fuel.

  1. IN Lately Combination burners are gaining popularity. These are some of the safest structures, but at the same time they are very complex. Their efficiency is quite high, but the price also makes itself felt.
  2. Gas boiler burner should be cleaned if gas consumption in the room begins to noticeably increase, if any bad smell, if, with all indicators remaining unchanged, the air temperature in the heated room begins to decrease noticeably.

The pace of suburban and country house construction require the emergence of not only new materials and technologies, but also new solutions related to heating systems of private houses. This is due to the fact that the infrastructure usually does not keep up with the villages and housing estates growing like mushrooms after rain.

Frequent power outages, and sometimes even its complete absence, as well as the distance from gas mains, force owners to look for new ways to heat their homes. At the same time, increased demands are placed on the autonomy and versatility of heating units. Designed to meet these requirements combined heating boilers, operating on several types of fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages of using multi-fuel boilers

The use of multi-fuel heating units is justified in cases where the supply traditional types fuel supply is intermittent or unavailable. Wherein combi boilers for heating a private house have several advantages :

  • versatility;
  • high operational reliability;
  • the possibility of complete autonomy;
  • additional efficiency by switching between different types fuel;
  • opportunity automatic control heat supply;
  • readiness to use different types of fuel without readjustment.

At the same time, shortcomings combination boilers are their high cost, complex design and the dependence of some models on electricity (meaning units equipped with an automatic control system).

Design features of combined heating boilers

Combination boilers for the home are good because they eliminate dependence on the use of one type of fuel and, in its absence, allow you to switch to another. In addition, the vast majority of models provide a second circuit, which is used to organize hot water supply to a country house.

There are also powerful multi-circuit units that allow you to additionally connect other circuits of the heating system or a heated floor system.

A multi-fuel heating boiler can operate on gas, diesel fuel, or any type of solid fuel, as well as electricity. To switch to another type of fuel, you only need to change the burner.

In some cases, units have two combustion chambers- one for solid fuel, and the other for gaseous or liquid fuel. In others - powerful heating elements, built into the water jacket of multi-fuel boilers. It all depends on the types of fuel planned for use, and therefore on the level of autonomy of the boiler.

The use of devices operating on several types of fuel is justified, for example, if the gas main is expected to be connected soon, but before that you can use firewood or diesel fuel.

If a gas-diesel combination is used, the unit will not even require readjustment, since a universal burner can be used for both types of fuel.

Or take the situation when the owners come to Vacation home only on weekends. These days you can heat your premises using cheaper solid fuel. On the remaining days of the week, it is only important to maintain a positive temperature, which an electric heater or gas burner can easily handle.

Almost all multi-fuel boilers for heating a private home have an automatic system that switches to another fuel if further combustion with the selected fuel is impossible. The choice of combustion parameters and mode switching is set in the boiler settings.

Types of multi-fuel boilers

When choosing a heating unit, the consumer is primarily guided by availability And efficiency energy resources used. Depending on the availability of a particular fuel, combined heating a private house can be built using boilers using certain combinations of combustible materials.

Gas-diesel boilers

Boilers operating on diesel fuel and gas- one of the most available options. Their relatively low cost is explained by the design, which for these two types of fuel differs only in the type of burner, which is not difficult to reinstall. Some models are equipped with a universal burner that operates on both fuels. Such devices are compact and have the least weight among their classmates.

The undoubted advantage of boilers of this type is complete automation. Human participation is minimized and consists of setting the unit settings. Excellent devices are produced by the Swedish “CTC”, additionally supplying them with electric water heaters of the main circuit. Among the manufacturers in the CIS countries, we can note the Russian Ziosab and the Ukrainian ATEM.

Boilers running on solid fuel and electricity

IN rural areas, as well as villages remote from main gas pipelines, the surest option is boilers for heating with wood and electricity. In fact, this is an ordinary solid fuel boiler. A special feature of its design are heating elements built into the water jacket and an automation and control unit.

The ease of use of the boiler comes from the principle of its operation: the unit basically works by burning solid fuel. If combustion stops, the temperature of the coolant drops, which is monitored by the automation, turning on the heating elements when the minimum set parameter is reached. Further work The unit uses electricity to maintain the temperature inside the system within specified limits. This allows the coolant not to cool down, for example, at night, or when re-filling firewood cannot be carried out on time.

Solid fuel boilers with gas burner

Units operating on solid and gaseous fuels have a more complex design due to completely different approaches to the combustion process. Such boilers have two combustion chambers, one for burning gas, the other for burning wood, coal, pellets, etc.

There are the simplest designs of boilers of this type that have only one chamber - for burning solid fuel. The use of gas in them implies the installation gas equipment(burners, automation unit, etc.), which requires calling a gas specialist, so it’s a stretch to call such devices universal. In addition, the specific nature of burning solid fuels implies constant maintenance of the boiler, which reduces the convenience of its use significantly. Also, any combination boiler for heating a private home that uses wood and electricity is more designed to work with solid fuel, so the efficiency of the gas burned in it is lower than in traditional gas units.

Despite some disadvantages and difficulties in using such a boiler, sometimes it is the only possible option, and also very inexpensive. Also, do not forget about the lowest cost of firewood or pellets, as well as the possibility of its operation on some production waste. Products from Dakon (Czech Republic), Jama (Finland), Roca (Spain), and many domestic products have proven themselves to be excellent.

In recent years, new models have appeared on the market that operate on a completely different approach to burning solid fuels. These units are worthy competitors to boilers of all types, both in terms of efficiency and autonomy.

Currently, manufacturers are moving away from producing units that operate on a combination of only certain types of fuel, giving preference to universal models designed to burn all types of combustible materials.

Features of solid fuel boilers

As already noted, a solid fuel boiler has long been considered the least comfortable to use. Requiring constant maintenance, with low efficiency and also polluting the atmosphere, such a unit was used only in the absence of alternatives.

Modern models of solid fuel boilers use the principle pyrolysis combustion, based on dry distillation of fuel, during which generator gas is released, which is burned in a special combustion chamber. In this case, the flame temperature reaches 1000 degrees Celsius, and there are no harmful impurities. The pyrolysis process can be adjusted, so such a multi-fuel boiler can operate on wood for up to 3 days, and only then switch to another type of fuel.

Other boilers of this type use the principle of gradual, ball by ball, burning of fuel. They are not as efficient as pyrolysis ones, but they are also boilers long burning and can be used in conjunction with automatic solid fuel loading units. The rotor of such machines periodically rotates, adding fuel to the combustion chamber. Long-burning solid fuel units with automatic loading can operate without operator intervention for up to 10 days.

Criteria for selecting multi-fuel boilers

When choosing a device, proceed from the type of fuel available in the area. The possibility of periodic maintenance of the unit is taken into account, as well as the priority type of fuel and the required duration of operation of the boiler on a particular fuel. Next they calculate thermal power unit and take into account the number of heating system circuits that need to be connected.

When choosing a multi-fuel boiler, pay attention to presence of a water heating circuit. With its help you can feed the hot water line.

It is also necessary to consider how well the electricity is supplied to your home. For frequent outages, it is better to choose a stand-alone model that does not provide electronic control.

The correct choice of a combination boiler will allow you to achieve autonomy of the heating system, the ability not to depend on one type of fuel, and will give you confidence in the future.

Categorizing products of this type is quite complicated. In gas heating appliances, depending on the specifics of operation, injection, regenerative, diffusion and a number of others burners can be used; There are quite a lot of engineering solutions. Usually, domestic boilers are equipped with only one of two modifications of units - atmospheric or blown. The last type of burner is often called forced or fan in everyday life.

You need to understand that manufacturers are constantly improving these components of boiler equipment, and therefore they can partially implement engineering solutions inherent in other types of gas burners. But the principle of their functioning remains the same; Only individual characteristics and capabilities of devices change.

Atmospheric burners

They work on the ejector principle and are the simplest modifications in their design. Air coming naturally from outside (due to the vacuum created in the nozzle) is mixed with “blue fuel”. The method of preparing the gas-air mixture is identical for all burners of this group. Individual differences can only be in design features the nozzle itself; they determine the efficiency of the node. Mainly, in the number and location of holes through which the prepared mixture is supplied to the combustion chamber.


  • Simplicity. This applies to the burner design, installation, power adjustment and maintenance.
  • Energy independence. It is assumed that this node is not connected to a power source. This means that interruptions in the industrial/voltage line, its surges, and under/overrated ratings do not have any effect on the stability of the burner.
  • Silence. The concept is somewhat relative, since if configured incorrectly, some hum will still be heard, but only close and not so significant.
  • Light weight, compact.
  • The cost is lower than other types of burners.


  • Restricted use; only for gas boilers with an open combustion chamber.
  • Efficiency is largely determined by high-quality hood. And therefore professional installation– an indispensable condition for the correct operation of heating equipment.
  • It is difficult to achieve complete combustion of gas. It depends on many factors; external conditions(affecting draft force), boiler settings, fuel quality, line pressure and a number of others.

Blast burners

The fundamental difference from atmospheric varieties is in the fan, which is integral part node. This allows air to be forced into the burner.


  • Versatility in use. Boilers with combustion chambers are mainly equipped with forced-air burners. closed type. But sometimes it is advisable to install such a unit, even if it is open. For example, insufficient draft, a small room in which a heating device is installed, and in a number of other cases. This is where you need professional advice.
  • Possibility of more flexible control of the boiler operation. And this allows you to install best mode(the range of power control is much wider) and achieve complete combustion of fuel (by correctly selecting the proportions of the components of the combustible mixture), thereby reducing the emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere.
  • Partial savings on gas. This is achieved by using a coaxial chimney. Since the temperature of cold air from the street is slightly increased by combustion products removed from the unit, the operating mode heating device the more gentle one is chosen. As a result - a decrease
  • It is much easier to convert forced-air burners to a different type of fuel, unlike their atmospheric counterparts. Moreover, not only liquefied gas, but also for other types of fuel. For example, solarium.


  • The need to connect electricity. Without it, the fan will not be able to work.
  • Difficult to maintain. IN this issue You can’t do without the services of a professional.
  • The cost is much higher than atmospheric burners. In addition, associated costs are also expected; It is advisable to connect a boiler with a blowing unit not directly to the industrial/voltage network, but through a UPS.

Quality is largely determined by the manufacturer. Among Russian models, units under the brands “Cooper”, “Ochag”, “KChM”, “UGOP-P” have won a good reputation. Imported burners are more expensive. But if preference is given to foreign products, then you should focus on the brands “Lamborghini”, “Cib Unigas”, “Buderus”, “Weishaupt”. According to experts and users, they are most adapted to our conditions (pressure drops in the main line, gas purity, etc.).

For the boiler it is its most important component. The operation of the boiler, its efficiency and productivity depend on the choice of this component.

The demand for such burners is quite high, since the type of fuel they use is considered one of the cheapest today. Exists a large assortment gas burners. Therefore, in this matter you need to be careful and take into account all aspects.

Gas burners for boilers are structures within which gas and oxygen are mixed. The mixture flows to the outlet holes and there ignition occurs from a spark or piezoelectric element and a stable, stable torch is formed.

The main task of the listed elements in boilers is to maintain stable and constant combustion of the resulting mixture. As you can see, the design of the boiler with a gas burner is quite simple and its installation will not cause difficulties.

It consists of several components: a nozzle, an ignition system, an automation system and a flame presence sensor.

Its structure must, first of all, be safe. In addition, this element of the heating boiler must burn the mixture without residue, and the release of harmful substances must be minimal.

Low noise level is another requirement for devices. You definitely need to pay attention to the service life.

Gas burners for heating boilers with automation are another safety requirement. As soon as the fire goes out, the fuel supply automatically stops. This is one of the main criteria for her selection.

They have found their application in household heating colas and in industry. Gas, despite its high consumer qualities, has quite low cost compared to other types of fuel. This makes gas burners in demand and popular.

Atmospheric gas burner.

Today gas gases are of great interest AOGV boilers– heating gas water heating devices. Distinctive feature Here comes the energy dependence of boilers, that is, they can operate without an electrical network.

In addition, the noted devices are fully automated by the automated control system, which plays the role of an automatic temperature regulator and reduces the amount of fuel consumed.

Classification of gas burners

Main types: atmospheric/injection, blast/ventilation, and diffusion-kinetic. The first is characterized by an open combustion chamber. Air is supplied by being sucked into the gas flow.

Atmospheric gas burners consist of a tube or several tubes into which fuel is supplied. Low pressure is formed in the tube, due to which air is sucked from the room. Such burners are usually part of the boiler.

Most often, atmospheric gas burners are used for domestic heating boilers. The area that they can heat is no more than 100 sq.m. In addition, heaters can be used in boilers different types- from expensive to cheap designs.

Blast gas burners for heating boilers have a more complex design and operating principle.

Ventilation burners have a closed combustion chamber. Here the air is supplied by a fan. Thus, it becomes possible to set the flow power of the gas-air mixture. This in turn leads to high efficiency values.

Blower burners must be purchased separately from the boiler, as an additional unit.

These burners for heating boilers have their advantages. Firstly, this is safety, since they have closed chamber combustion. The second advantage is high level Efficiency Forced-air gas burners for boilers are insensitive to pressure changes.

They also have their drawbacks: high noise levels compared to atmospheric ones, high energy costs, and the high cost of the device itself.

As for diffusion-kinetic gas burners, they occupy an intermediate place between atmospheric and blast ones. Air is not completely supplied to the chamber, but is then added to the flame. They are not used in domestic boilers.

This type of burner has its pros and cons. The main advantage is considered to be achieving the maximum efficiency value. The disadvantage here is the high cost.

Other differences

In addition to the above, depending on the type of adjustment, there are other types. These include single-stage, two-stage, smooth two-stage, modulated.

The structure of a gas burner.

The operating principle of single-stage gas burners is to automatically close the gas valve as soon as the coolant reaches a certain temperature. Thus, the gas burner automatically goes out.

After the gas reaches the temperature of the lower limit, the gas valve automatically opens, which leads to the complete ignition of the burner. Such devices are very convenient to use in gas household appliances.

Two-stage gas burners for the boiler operate in two systems - 40% and 100%. The burner starts working at 40% immediately as soon as the coolant heats up to desired temperature, And gas valve will be covered. Automatic system allows you to switch from one work system to another.

Smoothly adjustable two-stage gas burners operate in two modes. Here the transition to another mode is carried out more smoothly than in two-stage ones.

For continuous heating of the boiler, modulating burners are used. Unlike a boiler with an atmospheric burner, this type of burner covers a wide power range. In addition, modulating options significantly save gas.

Due to the automation of the process, the service life of such units is much longer. The flame height for modulating type heating is adjusted automatically.

In turn, modulated options are classified depending on the operating principle of the modulating units.

There are burners with modulation:

  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • electronic

Burners with electronic modulation provide high precision control. Today, modulating gas burners made in Italy are considered the best.

Gas burners for universal boilers

Why are they needed? universal boilers? In fact, fuel for solid fuel boilers, such as firewood and compressed straw, is quite low in price. If the price of one type of fuel rises, you can easily switch to another.

The design and operating principle of a gas burner for universal boilers is more complex. Burners for solid fuel boilers transfer fuel from one type to another. The efficiency of a gas boiler depends on the choice of burner.

Types of universal boilers using a gas burner

Let's look at the example of a universal wood-coal-gas boiler. Such boilers use atmospheric boilers, where gas and air are mixed naturally. You can also use a blower system equipped with a fan.

Which one to choose is up to the buyer, but it should be mentioned: fan models are volatile and noisier.

An automated gas burner is performed using a fan circuit. Gas and air are mixed in it, after which the resulting mixture enters the nozzle and ignition occurs.

Design features of the burner for a gas boiler.

A fan, gearbox and automation system are built into the burner side, with the help of which the gas burner is adjusted.

Today, the most famous are universal gas/diesel boilers, since the structure of these substances during combustion is very similar. This makes switching to another fuel quick and easy.

There are also more expensive models of universal boilers that operate on many fuel options. For example, boilers: wood-coal-electricity-gas-liquid fuel. There is only one type of fuel here. It is on this basis that the boiler power is calculated. Accordingly, other types of fuel are secondary.

Using a liquid fuel element will reduce the efficiency of the heating equipment. When heating firewood, diesel, briquettes, the heat rises from the bottom up and heats the coolant. If a burner is used, it spreads horizontally.

As a result, the heat is most affected back wall boiler After long use it may burn out.

Additional thermal insulation will help solve this problem. Stored diesel fuel should be in the appropriate places. These include plastic containers and rooms with a protective tray. Sometimes it is buried next to the boiler room, if the soil allows. The issue of storage should be thought out in advance.

Universal boilers are often used in car repair shops. If the object is located in a place without access to the gas main, then universal heating devices will be an excellent choice.

Not only wood, coal or pellets, but also used oil can be used as fuel. This fuel provides fairly high efficiency.

At the same time, consumption can vary significantly depending on power. A sufficient supply of this material is required, which is only possible with large-scale turnover.

Switching from heating one type of fuel to another is sometimes simple, and sometimes labor-intensive. Changing from diesel to gas can be particularly dangerous. The first, as a result of prolonged operation of the heating system, leaves soot in the chimney.

After switching to gas, it may crumble and block the chimney. Then carbon monoxide may enter the premises, which is fraught with serious consequences.

Of course, in this case the burner should turn off automatically. Nevertheless, it is not worth risking your life and it is better to turn to specialists. They will definitely clean the chimney after changing the heating operating mode.

All the above transition conditions are characteristic only of single-fuel systems. Their design involves burning fuel in one chamber. On the one hand, such a device is the most economical. If you do not plan to change modes frequently, then there is no point in overpaying.

Based on the materials used, boilers are divided into cast iron and metal. The first option is the most reliable. Their design allows them to withstand severe thermal loads. They are able to provide a long service life even at high operating powers.

The disadvantage of the devices is their bulkiness and weight. When choosing, you need to think through everything in advance possible options operation of the specified heating device.

Double-furnace boilers are more practical and easier to use. Especially when it comes to frequent switching from one type of fuel to another. At the same time, they have significant dimensions. The fireboxes in them can be located in different ways: next to each other, one above the other.

In this case, the same coolant circuit is heated by different types of fuel, and the transition is carried out without additional installation work, manually or automatically, depending on the additional equipment used.

Installation of a gas boiler with a burner.

Each compartment is made specifically for specific type fuel. As a result, it is ensured high efficiency and efficiency due to changing the operating mode. Switching from one work option to another does not cause any difficulties. In some models it can be done automatically.

These heating systems are especially effective in conditions of power outages, unstable gas supply, and the high cost of connecting to the main line.

Given the availability of solid fuel materials and their relatively low cost, they have no equal. On the other hand, the price of a universal system is quite high.

Homemade units

There are craftsmen who remake heating systems with their own hands. On the Internet you can even find the necessary diagrams for changing the devices of gas burners, their installation and adjustment.

Typically, metal is used as a material for the manufacture of heating systems. A cast iron firebox would be much more reliable. However, it is not possible to use it at home.

Great option self made is to order the system from specialists. They will be able to manufacture the device in accordance with all the customer’s wishes. However, the possibility of defects in the boilers cannot be ruled out, which may appear after some time.

Why do you need homemade heating units? The fact is that the marked options have a lower cost. They are made mainly because of the desire to save money. At the same time, these options are inferior to their factory counterparts in efficiency.

Over a long period of operation, it may turn out that the homemade option will be even more expensive.

Usually only solid fuel and electric units are manufactured. Making a gas or diesel boiler is extremely dangerous. In addition, their installation in the house is strictly prohibited.

According to the principle of operation, a homemade product is no different from a purchased version. It will burn fuel and heat the coolant filled with water.

To the main disadvantage of this unit can be attributed to the lack of warranty. Factory equipment will work and perform its functions. Even if the buyer stumbles upon a defect, he will be able to exchange the product for another.

It is better to use pellets, firewood, and coal as fuel in self-made units. These materials are less dangerous than gas. It is impossible to make heating devices based on the latter.

Simple solid fuel units are the most popular and widespread homemade devices. They are simple, and their design is in many ways similar to a conventional stove. In addition, they are versatile.

Like a conventional stove, these systems can operate on any solid fuel. The main thing is that it burns.

Main parts of a gas boiler.

The efficiency of homemade equipment is significantly lower than factory equipment. It is influenced by many factors.

Among them:

  • thermal insulation;
  • combustion completeness;
  • the correctness of the conclusions.

The efficiency of the unit directly depends on the combustion temperature. The higher it is, the lower the efficiency. In high-quality systems, the temperature in the firebox is maintained at 120–150°C. Higher values ​​reduce the safety of pipes. This in turn significantly reduces the durability of the unit.

When making heating boilers with a burner, it is better to protect yourself as much as possible from possible consequences her work. Therefore, you should consider a separate purchase of an automatic gas burner, which will be installed in an atmospheric or blown boiler.

You can also make electric heating units with your own hands. Their design may vary. It all depends on the person’s needs. The simplest option is to install a heating element directly into the heating system. In this case, there is no need to make a boiler.

The pipe with the heater must have a sufficiently large diameter. It should be easily removable for repairs and cleaning.

Systems without a heater deserve special attention. Its role is played by water itself. A current is passed through it, and heating occurs due to the movement of water ions. The liquid itself must contain salt.

It is extremely difficult to make such a device. Electricity passes directly through the coolant, so the entire system must be reliably insulated.

One of the dangers of this device is electrical breakdown. Essentially the same as short circuit. Gas may also accumulate in the system. As a result, heating efficiency will decrease.

From all of the above, the best option is a solid fuel unit. Its body can be assembled from heat-resistant steel. It is characterized by increased strength, less wear and high resistance to thermal influences.

However, heat-resistant steel is expensive and in practice is rarely used in homemade boilers. Another option is cast iron: this material tolerates heat well, although it is difficult to work with. Manufacturing Equipment cast iron stove available only at specialized enterprises.

It is important to understand that without the proper experience and skills, it is better not to tinker heating system with his own hand. Safety must come first. It is enough to make even one inaccuracy, and this can lead to disastrous consequences.

Bottom line

Gas burners have found their use in household heating systems, as well as in industry. Gas, despite its high consumer qualities, has a fairly low cost compared to other types of fuel. This makes gas burners in demand and popular.

This review discusses the main types of gas burners, their advantages and disadvantages. This information will definitely be useful when choosing a boiler for heating, taking into account the place of its use: house, apartment, cottage.

In every gas boiler, regardless of its model, the main working unit is the gas burner. Its function is to provide quick preparation special air fuel mixture, with its subsequent entry into the combustion chamber, as well as maintaining a stable flame throughout the entire period of operation of the heating equipment. It should be noted that the reliability of operation, as well as the efficiency of fuel consumption, is determined precisely by how high-quality the gas burner for the gas heating boiler is installed in this model. Therefore, when choosing a boiler, it is imperative to study the type and features so that the characteristics meet the requirements.


Complete combustion of fuel, accompanied by effective heat transfer, is possible only with correct ratio mixtures of air and gas. This fuel mixture burns with an almost colorless flame that has a characteristic bluish tint. When it burns, it is observed Maximum temperature heating

Based on the method of supplying air and oxygen, their mixing, as well as the technology for forming the flame, experts distinguish several types of gas burners. However, as a rule, preference is given to only two varieties - atmospheric and fan. When choosing one of these types, you need to take into account that for an atmospheric burner you will need a chimney to constantly maintain natural draft, and when using ventilation burners you only need to remove coaxial chimney outside the building.

In order for heating equipment to operate efficiently and without failures, in addition to the combustion process, it is necessary to control the output thermal power. Therefore, the main parameter of burners for a gas boiler is power control technology. Depending on this characteristic, there are the following types devices:

  • Single-stage - devices can operate exclusively in the mode of complete combustion of the incoming gas. Their advantage lies in their simple design and low price. However, they have increased fuel consumption and sudden changes in coolant temperature inside the heating boiler.
  • Two-stage – devices in which it is possible to operate both maximum power, and by about 40-60%.
  • Modulation - in such equipment a two- or three-stage method is combined with smooth adjustment of the gas supply. In it you can change both the combustion field and the size of the torch flame.
  • Equipment with a smooth change in the size of the flame - the volume of gas supplied can be adjusted to the full volume of the burner.

Features, pros and cons of atmospheric burners

The operation of the burner is similar to the mechanism of a simple ejector, in which a gas-air mixture is prepared from gas and air coming directly from the room. The combustion field consists of several parallel rows of channels with separate nozzles.

The popularity of atmospheric burners is due to the fact that these devices have a number of important advantages:

  • Simple design;
  • Compactness;
  • Affordable price;
  • Quiet operation;
  • Adjusting the output power of the burner does not require special skills;
  • Simple installation technology;
  • Lack of energy dependence;
  • Technological maintenance can be performed independently at home.

But when choosing such equipment for heating a house, it is necessary to take into account that a chimney is required for operation, and the quality of its work directly depends on the shape individual elements and the correctness of its installation.

Features, pros and cons of fan burners

These devices have a complex design and automated system control, which ensures almost complete control of all processes in heating equipment.

Among the main advantages of burners of this type it should be noted:

  • Ability to adjust operating power over a fairly wide range;
  • Security full control preparing the gas-air mixture;
  • Fuel combustion control;
  • Economical fuel consumption;
  • The device helps to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler;
  • Can be used in buildings without a chimney;
  • There is no need to reconfigure or change the design of equipment to use combined fuel.

However, there are also disadvantages: energy dependence, high price, additional installation voltage stabilizer and UPS, need for help service centers for execution Maintenance.


Tasks such as preparing a fuel mixture or regulating the combustion process are performed thanks to the design features of the burner, the size and shape of the output injectors and nozzles. The device automation is designed to perform the following functions:

  • Setting the optimal thermal power;
  • Constant support of igniter combustion;
  • Ignition of the spark gap flame or a special piezoelectric element;
  • Regulation of pressure inside the gas line;
  • Monitoring changes in heating system temperature;
  • Providing traction;
  • Elimination of violations in the functioning of the fan;
  • Reaction to flame extinction;
  • Feed shut off natural gas in an emergency;
  • Sending a problem signal to the display.


Setting up atmospheric burners involves adjusting the location of the damper for air flow, as well as adjusting the position of the nozzle responsible for gas dosage and the nozzle. At proper operation burner, the flame is uniform with a bluish tint.

If a fan type device was selected, then the initial setting will only be needed for the inlet damper air flow to regulate their volume. The minimum requirements are determined by the fact that the system is automated and equipped electronic unit control, which almost completely eliminates manual control of mechanical components of heating equipment. In addition, such burners have a reducer that is responsible for the normal composition of the gas-air mixture at the inlet.

Popular models

Many companies produce gas burners for heating. Therefore, on the market you can find devices of a variety of models, differing from each other in design, parameters, operating principle and technical characteristics. Among the most popular models of domestic production are “Ochag”, “UGOL-P”, “KCHM” and “Kupper”.

In addition, users often prefer burners foreign manufacturers: Lamborghini, Cib Unigas, Buderus, and also Weishaupt.

Gas burner for boiler Cooper AGG-26K

How to clean?

During active use, devices must undergo regular maintenance, including cleaning. If their design includes a fine filter, then it needs to be changed or cleaned. If this part is missing, the nozzles are cleaned from dirt, dust, and oily substances.

This procedure is carried out using compressed air, the pressure of which should not exceed the values ​​​​specified by the manufacturer. In addition, many use regular air flow. The nozzles are cleaned with a polymer brush with short bristles of medium hardness. Additionally, it is recommended to use special detergents. Over time, the internal cavity of the outlet injectors becomes clogged with foreign substances, so it is necessary to check their condition.

When choosing a gas burner for a gas boiler, you should take into account that atmospheric devices are much easier to clean, because the structure is completely disassembled. This can be done even at home. But for maintenance of fan burners, you must definitely contact a service center.