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How to use phytosporin powder. Phytosporin for flowers is a plant biomedicine. Combination of phytosporin with other drugs

Fungicide "Fitosporin-M". REMINDER.

A new generation microbiological preparation, effective against fungal and bacterial diseases on any crops - house flowers, rooted cuttings, in the garden on fruit trees and shrubs, on all vegetable crops. Bacterial fungicides and biological pesticides. The speed of impact is from the moment of treatment.

Available in:

Powder (with a titer of at least 2 billion spores and living cells and spores/g) in bags of 10 and 30 g, 1 teaspoon of powder - 3.3.5 g.

Pastes (with a titer of at least 100 million living cells and spores/g), in a bag there is a flat cake weighing 200 g.

Liquids (aqueous suspension with a titer of at least 1 billion living cells and spores/ml).


"Fitosporin-M" refers to systemic drugs that can spread throughout the vascular system of plants. Its basis is a spore culture, the products of its vital activity (produces fungicidal oligopeptides) suppresses the reproduction of pathogens of fungal and bacterial plant diseases:

Alternaria blight,
.American powdery mildew,
.bacterial spotting (black rot),
.bacterial cancer,
.white spotting (septoria),
.brown rust,
.root rot,
.monolial burn,
.powdery mildew,

Downy mildew (downy mildew),
.penicella rot,
.snow mold,
.dry and wet rot of tubers,
.tracheomycosis (tracheomycosis wilt),
.late blight,
.fusarium rot,
.cercosporosis, etc.

And also rot during storage of tubers and bulbs: white rot, gray rot, black dry rot, fruit rot, dry fusarium rot, etc. Group in VK life of flowers and plants. "Fitosporin" is not a panacea for all diseases horticultural crops and indoor (tropical) flowers, its effectiveness may vary depending on different plants and depending on the disease ranges from 65 to 95%. This is very good performance, considering that the drug is low-toxic and can be safely used even in an apartment.

The great advantage of this drug is the preservation of living cultures in a wide temperature range from -50 to +40°C. The biological product retains its properties even after freezing and thawing.

Under unfavorable conditions for it, the bacterial culture of Bacillus subtilis enters a spore state and its vital activity is suspended, but as soon as conditions are restored (for example, after thawing), the bacteria enter an active state, inhibiting pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

In addition, the biofungicide "Fitosporin-M" can be enriched with the humic bioactive fertilizer "GUMI" (this should be indicated on the packaging).

Humic acids are necessary only for the roots, so they are not added for spraying vegetables and fruits, including before storage.

But the main advantage is the ability to apply at any time at any stage of plant development - during the growing season, flowering, fruiting. The manufacturer guarantees the safety of the crop even on the day of treatment with Fitosporin.

Directions for use:

"Fitosporin" is used for treating seeds, cuttings, preparing land before sowing and planting, and for spraying vegetative and fruit-bearing plants.

Treatments can be carried out in any weather, but after rains protective film, resulting from spraying, is partially washed away, so repeated spraying is necessary.

Frequency of treatment: once every 7-14 days, depending on the weather. During periods of long, prolonged rains, spray immediately after rain.

If “Fitosporin” is used for irrigation, then the frequency of treatments is 1 month for vegetables and 2 times a month for fruit trees and shrubs. Houseplants once a month.

"Fitosporin" powder.

Dilute 1-2 hours before treatment.

For soaking tubers and bulbs: 10 gr. powder per 500 ml of water, spray with this solution, enough for 20 kg of pre-treatment planting material.

For soaking seeds for 2 hours before planting: 1.5 g. powder (0.5 teaspoon) per 100 ml of water.

For soaking the root system for the prevention and treatment of rot, before planting seedlings: 10 g. "Fitosporina" in 5 liters of water, soak for 1-2 hours. VK group life of flowers and plants. After planting or replanting, you can water the soil with this solution (like regular watering).

For the prevention and treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases, spraying on the leaf:

◦potatoes - 10 gr. powder per 5 liters of water, again after 10-14 days,
◦ cabbage - 6 gr. per 10 liters of water, again after 2-3 weeks,
◦tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - 5 g per 10 liters of water, again after 10-14 days,
◦cucumbers - 10 gr. per 5 liters of water, spray three times with an interval of 10-15 days.

For spraying indoor and garden flowers: as a preventive measure 1.5 g. (1/2 teaspoon) per 2 liters of water; for the treatment of diseased flowers 1.5 g. for 1 liter of water.

For preparing greenhouses and soil before planting vegetables and berries: 5 gr. powder per 10 liters of water, spray the surfaces of greenhouses and greenhouses, water the soil, a week before planting.

"Fitosporin" paste.

Fitosporin-M paste contains GUMI, so you don’t need to add anything to it. VK group life of flowers and plants. Preparation of solution concentrate: 100 g. Dilute Fitosporin-m paste into 200 ml. water, or in any other quantity in a 1:2 ratio. The resulting concentrated solution can be stored, and before use, diluted again with water at the rate of:

Tubers and bulbs before storage or planting, spraying at the rate of 3 tbsp. spoons of solution concentrate per 1 glass of water.

For soaking vegetable, garden and indoor flowers- 2 drops of concentrated solution in half a glass of water, leave for 2 hours.

For rooted cuttings: 4 drops of working solution per 1 glass of water (200 ml).

Spraying leaves of vegetables, berries, fruit trees and flowers for the prevention and treatment of various diseases - 3 teaspoons of concentrate per 10 liters of water or 4 drops of concentrate per 200 ml. water, watering and spraying.

Indoor plants: 10 drops per 1 liter of water for spraying and 15 drops per 1 liter of water for watering the soil in pots.

"Fitosporin" liquid.

Liquid "Fitosporin" (in a ready-made solution) is intended, first of all, for spraying vegetative plants leaf by leaf (including indoor ones), as well as for spraying vegetables, fruits, berries, tubers before storing.

At the same time, the manufacturer offers the same solution in various options: you can see a bottle with the inscription "Fitosporin - M Bioprotection for flowers and indoor plants", Group in VK life of flowers and plants. "Fitosporin - M Golden autumn"Fitosporin - M Storage" are identical solutions in terms of the number of beneficial bacteria and are used in the same way: at the rate of 10 drops per 1 glass of water (200 ml). You can root cuttings in the same solution, or soak seeds.

"Fitosporin-M" Reanimator.

Concentrate of bacterial spores Bacillus subtilis, the drug contains amino acids, antibiotics of natural origin, vitamins, enzymes that promote dissolution cell walls pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The drug helps restore plant growth due to disease damage, as well as from the effects of adverse factors affected by waterlogging, sunburn, frozen plants. Can be combined with growth stimulants.

Consumption rates:

At the beginning of the disease, dilute the drug in a ratio of 1 part concentrate to 20 parts water, carefully spray the plants. Again after 10 days.

If the disease is severely developed, dilute 1 part of the concentrate with 2 parts of water. Again after 10 days.

Consumption of the prepared solution: 1 liter per 10 sq. m.

Compatibility of "Fitosporin" with other drugs.

The drug is compatible with many chemical pesticides: for example,

With insecticides - “Decis”, “Aktara”, “Fitoverm”, etc.;

Fungicides - “Strobi”, “Quadris”, “Tilt Premium”, “Fundazol”, “Vitivax 200”;

Fertilizers and growth regulators - "Zircon", "Ribav-Extra", "Epin", "Obereg", "Plantafol";

Antibiotic drugs - "Fitolavin".

Important - do not combine with solutions that have alkaline reaction!
It should be noted that some versions of “Fitosporin-M” contain “GUMI” (humic acids), for example “Fitosporin-paste”. In this case, it is not advisable to combine them with growth stimulants.

In addition, the manufacturer produces “Fitosporin” special for specific vegetables, for example “Fitosporin-M cucumber” or “Fitosporin-M tomatoes” - their difference is that they contain microelements (different in each) that are more necessary for a specific garden crop.

And therefore, it is advisable to use them on the specified crops, and if necessary, use the Group in VK life of flowers and plants. "Fitosporin-M" is universal, and do not combine spraying with mineral fertilizers so that there is no excess of certain minerals.


Fitosporin has a hazard class of 4 for humans (may cause mild irritation of the mucous membrane upon contact with the drug or solution) and a hazard class of 3 for bees (border protection zone for bees is 4-5 km). Non-phytotoxic, harmless to beneficial insects.

Security measures.

Perform processing using gloves; avoid smoking, drinking, and eating while working. In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse with water; if it enters the digestive tract, drink 3-4 glasses of water, induce vomiting, take several tablets activated carbon.

Store the drug in a dry place, optimally from -20 to +30°C, separately from food products and medications, in places inaccessible to children and pets. Shelf life 4 years. Storing the working solution is permissible at moderate temperatures, in a place protected from the sun.

Fitosporin-M - good drug in the form of a powder and paste on a biological basis with beneficial microorganisms, it is designed to protect planting species of plant materials, garden, garden, and indoor plants from a whole range of unpleasant fungal and harmful bacterial diseases.

The strength of the drug is based on living cells and small spores of beneficial bacteria.

Fitosporin M paste. Instructions for use:

Disinfects planting seeds and materials from fungal, mold-like types of fungi, painful pathogens of all kinds of rot and a range of other diseases.
- young seedlings and seedlings are protected from pathogenic organisms from the soil.
- increases plant resistance.
- excludes infection of the plant from pathogens of various forms of diseases and destroys their infection according to the structure of plant tissues.

The use of Fitosporin affects the rate of seed germination, stable growth of seedlings, stimulates increased growth and rapid development of plants. These properties are needed by crops with a short growing season and lack of moisture.

Promotes the active yield of plants, has a volumetric effect on the varietal potential and capabilities of the species, creating acceptable conditions for the formation of an environmentally friendly harvest. Increasing the yield through the use of Fitosporin m, you can increase the planned yield to 20% or more.

Efficacy of the drug against diseases: strong bacterial cancer, helminthosporium fungal and unpleasant fusarium root rots, wilt, gommosis, black leg, rhizoctonia, molding of plants and rot of the seeds themselves, lodging, snow mold, late blight, powdery mildew, dry, wet forms of tuber rot, macrosporiosis, brown rust, soft rot spreading in vegetable crops, Alternaria blight, etc.

Fitosporin M use, reviews about the drug.

Fitosporin M is a unique drug that is used to treat tomatoes, potatoes, flowers, and gooseberries against powdery mildew. In general, this is such a multi-functional drug and every gardener should have one; phytosporin must be constantly used.

The drug phytosporin m comes in two different types - powder (gray) and paste (solid form) and many people do not understand how to process these powders and pastes. On the packaging itself there are instructions where the consumption rates are prescribed.

Phytosporin powder (it gray), belongs to the types of biological preparations and is harmless to humans, there is also a 200 g paste. The instructions for use inform that the preparation contains more than 100 mil. living cells and spores. These beneficial microorganisms suppress our pathogenic microflora and fungal bacterial diseases, of which there are many in gardens and vegetable beds.

How to use the drug phytosporin M?

Preparation of working solution:
200 g of phytosporin paste per 400 ml. (2 cups) water
or 50 g of paste per 100 ml. (half a glass)

Potatoes - spraying against late blight, rhizoctonia
4 tbsp. spoons of working solution per 1.5 cups - 300 ml. water

Cabbage, cucumbers, flowers - root rot, blackleg, slimy bacteriosis, fusarium wilt
Soaking seeds for 1-2 hours in solution:
2 drops of working solution per half glass of water.

Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers - powdery mildew, late blight
Spraying bushes 2-3 teaspoons per 10 liters. water
Using phytosporin preparations throughout the season will save you from a lot of trouble.

Which seeds require phytosporin treatment?

Those plant seeds that are susceptible various diseases- cabbage, cauliflower susceptible to diseases - black leg, root rot, bacteriosis, mucous wilt, and all these diseases are suppressed by phytosporin. Aster, strawberry seeds, garden strawberries, potato seeds, cucumbers, tomatoes different types they also require processing.

The working solution of the phytosporin preparation in paste can be stored throughout the season and used on your own plants. There are a lot of plants in the garden that require processing.

Do not wait for signs of disease. Phytosporin is a preventive drug, it forms a film of living bacteria on the leaves and they prevent these pathogenic pathogens from penetrating healthy tissues and causing blackening of the leaves and rotting of your fruits.

Treatments and spraying with this product must be repeated every 7-14 days depending on the weather. During the rainy period, the frequency of spraying is 5-7 days, but the consumption of working fluid is very economical. Using phytosporin, the following reviews have emerged about its use.

Fitosporin M application - video.

Spraying is ideal for stable maintenance of plant immunity when farming has already been established. Powdery mildew, which so loves gooseberries and garlic, is reduced (but not destroyed). I have been spraying almost everything with phytosporin for a long time and regularly, I like the product, practically using it on tomatoes there is no late blight.

The drug Fitosporin-M is extremely necessary for protecting garden and indoor plants from a large number of bacterial and fungal diseases. The basis of the drug is a natural bacterial culture of natural origin - living spores and cells of Bacillus subtilis 26 D. The carrier for bacteria is a regular chalk base, GUMI powder (OD humate) and others natural fillers. OD humate additionally enhances the fungicidal effect of the preparation and contributes to its longer preservation.

Fitosporin is used against such dangerous diseases, such as: septoria, fusarium, rhizoctonia, alternaria, bubbly smut, loose smut, leaf rust, powdery mildew, seedling rot, root rot, seed mold, late blight, black leg, wilt, scab and some others.

The drug is sold in the form of a paste. Add 1 part paste to 2 parts non-chlorinated water. Mix the composition thoroughly. The resulting solution will be the basis for preparing working formulations of the drug:

  1. If you need to treat compost or soil, dilute 1 tablespoon of base in 10 liters of water. This is enough to process 1 m2 of garden area.
  2. If your goal is pre-sowing soaking of planting material (corms, bulbs, roots, cuttings, seeds), then use 4 drops to prepare a working solution liquid foundation dissolve in 1 glass of water (200 ml).
  3. For processing cultivated plants during the growing season should be used next lineup: 1 tablespoon of Fitosporin-M liquid base is diluted in 10 liters of water. Similar processing can be done once every 2 weeks.
  4. To water indoor plants, dissolve 4 drops of liquid base in a glass of water (200 ml).
  5. To dip potato tubers (planting treatment), dilute 4 tablespoons of liquid base preparation in 1 liter of water. This is enough to process 1 bucket of planting material.
  6. Fitosporin-M is also actively used for processing crops stored for long-term storage.

The use of Fitosporin-M is possible in parallel with known chemicals: Baitan universal, TMTD, Vitivax 200, Fundazol, Tilt premium, Decis, Triallat, as well as with various pesticides. It can be used in conjunction with all growth regulators and fertilizers, except those that are alkaline based.

Carry out all work with the drug Fitosporin-M wearing rubber gloves, overalls and a cotton-gauze bandage. Do not use food containers when preparing the solution you need based on Fitosporin-M.

If the drug accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, they should be washed thoroughly immediately. If swallowed Fitosporin-M solution It is necessary to perform gastric lavage and rinse your mouth as soon as possible.

Fitosporin-M must be stored in a dry place, away from food. The container left after using the drug must be burned along with other household waste.

Many gardeners are familiar with Fitosporin. The product is usually used for the treatment and prevention of various fungal diseases. High efficiency it showed against late blight. But in order to reliably protect the plant, it is important to use this drug correctly. The article will tell you how to dilute Fitosporin, how to treat crops with it and at what time.

Before buying a product, you should familiarize yourself with it: study the composition, understand the principle of action. Then it will be much easier to decide whether the drug is suitable for certain case or not. It is also necessary to understand in what forms Fitosporin is produced and which one is better.

Composition of the drug Fitosporin

Fitosporin contains absolutely harmless components, for which this product is highly valued by summer residents. The drug contains exclusively natural substances - beneficial spore Bacillus subtilis, strain 26 D. They enable crops to independently cope with ailments.

The principle of action of the drug

The operating principle is as follows. After spraying, the spore bacterium becomes active and begins to feed. Its waste products have a detrimental effect on fungi, killing them and suppressing reproduction. Due to the fact that the culture's immunity is increased, the likelihood of re-infection is minimized. This mechanism of action is completely harmless to plants.

Also, the drug Fitosporin does not cause any harm to humans. Therefore, they can safely process fruit trees, vegetables, berry bushes even during the formation of ovaries and during fruit ripening. You can read about the plant preparation Epin.

Release forms of Fitosporin

Fitosporin can be found on sale in three forms. They are all equally good. The only difference is that the compositions are prepared differently. Everyone has the right to choose the most convenient option for themselves.

Fitosporin-M is produced in the following forms:

  1. Powder. Sold in bags of 30 and 10 grams. The contents are white-gray in color. It can be stored for quite a long time without losing its beneficial qualities. Compared to a paste-like substrate, it dissolves less well. The powder is pre-soaked.
  2. Paste. Packaged in bags in the form of a flat cake weighing from 10 to 200 grams. The consistency is thick, dark due to the presence of humate. Fitosporin-M paste lasts for a long time and dissolves very quickly and easily.
  3. Aqueous suspension. Fitosporin-M liquid for indoor flowers has a milder effect. Therefore, it is usually used in greenhouse (for violets and roses) and home floriculture. It is prohibited to freeze such a product, because then all biological properties are lost.

Main functions of Fitosporin-M

Let's consider the main functions of the drug. Gardeners consider Fitosporin the most effective this moment among the many low-toxic options that exist. The effect of using Fitosporin-M universal is noticeable almost immediately.

It manifests itself in the following:

The range of application of the biofungicide is quite wide: for seeds and treatment of adult plants. Manufacturers produce special Fitosporin for various vegetables. For example, on sale you can find Fitosporin-M for tomatoes, Fitosporin-M for cucumbers. The only difference is that they contain different microelements that are beneficial for a particular crop. There is also Fitosporin-M Reanimator, which should be purchased if you need to restore a tree, bush or flower after an illness, remove it from stress state. There is also Fitosporin universal, which is suitable for treating all garden and vegetable plants.

What are the reviews about Fitosporin?

Those summer residents who use Fitosporin-M give positive reviews. They claim that the drug is truly effective. The following advantages are noted: environmental safety, harmlessness to humans and ease of use. Gardeners and flower growers also like the reasonable price.

However, some gardeners say that compared to chemical fungicides, the use of Fitosporin-M is less effective. They call the remedy more preventative than curative. The disadvantages include the lack of a dispenser. The substance is diluted drop by drop, and this is not particularly convenient, especially for beginners. However, for the most part, Fitosporin has good reviews.

How much does the drug cost?

When thinking about buying Fitosporin-M for seedlings, many summer residents are interested in the cost of the drug. It should be noted here that this substance is quite inexpensive. The price depends on a number of factors. For example, on the release form, region of sale, manufacturer, dosage, etc. However, on average, you will have to pay about 30-50 rubles for a standard pack weighing 10 grams. But a 100 gram bottle costs a little higher - 55-65 rubles. But it is completely inexpensive compared to other substances. At the moment, Fitosporin is considered the cheapest among other preventive agents.

How to use the drug correctly?

Every summer resident should know how to use the drug correctly. After all, reviews about it are mostly positive. However, using Fitosporin-M for indoor plants, garden and garden crops, we must understand that this remedy is not a panacea for all ailments. U different trees, bushes and flowers, its effectiveness will differ. Much depends on the stage of the disease. Average positive result is achieved in 65-95%. These figures are quite high. Especially considering the fact that the product is low-toxic. Therefore, the substance can be used at home.

Before diluting Fitosporin-M powder, it is useful to study the instructions for it in order to comply with the dosage. Many sellers assure that there is no need to be afraid of an overdose with such a drug. Call some side effects he is not capable. However experienced gardeners have a different opinion. There are cases where treatment with too high a concentration of the product harmed the crop. Therefore, it is still worth following the dosages recommended by the manufacturer.

Before using Fitosporin, experts advise mixing magnesium sulfate or potassium monophosphate into the solution.

Then the effect will be many times higher. Some people add a little jam. Such fertilizers are a kind of bacteria activator. The drug should not be used immediately after preparation. He needs to let it sit for about half an hour.

It is important to note that bacteria are activated only upon contact with water. So there is no need to pollinate the plant or add powder to the digging.

Fitosporin-M is often used for orchids and other flowers. For this purpose, dissolve 10 drops in a liter of water and spray with the prepared solution. If you need to water the soil in a pot, the concentration will be slightly higher - add 15 drops to a liter of water.

Powdered Fitosporin needs to be diluted with water room temperature. Usually this ratio is 1:2. This produces the so-called working solution. But there is no need to dissolve the liquid version. After all, it is sold ready for use. All that is required is to add a certain number of drops to the water.

The number of sprays largely depends on the complexity of the disease and weather conditions. Typically, treatment is carried out once every two weeks if the weather is dry, and every week during the rainy season. Garden and indoor crops are irrigated to the roots once a month. And here fruit trees and the bushes are watered twice a month.

What can it be combined with?

Fitosporin goes well with many chemicals. For example, with the insecticides Decis and Fitoverm. It is good to combine it with the antibiotic Fitolavin. Allowed sharing with fungicides such as Quadris, Strobi and Fundazol. Growth regulators can also be interfered with. Mixtures with the addition of Zircon, Plantafol or Epin have proven themselves to be quite good.

But combining Fitosporin with solutions that have an alkaline reaction is strictly prohibited. Checking compatibility is quite simple: if a sediment appears at the bottom during mixing, this means that the drugs do not combine well. Fitosporin in the form of a paste contains humic acids. In this case, using it with growth stimulants makes no sense.

What are the precautions when working with Fitosporin?

Before diluting Fitosporin powder, it is important to familiarize yourself with what safety measures exist.

When working with the drug, it is recommended to observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is advisable to work in overalls. Use rubber gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage. It is prohibited to use food containers to prepare the solution. If the substance gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, it is necessary to rinse the eyes and rinse the mouth clean water. If the drug was accidentally swallowed, you cannot do without gastric lavage.

Fitosporin should be stored in a closed, dry and dark room, away from medications, feed and food. The shelf life of the drug is about 3-4 years at temperatures from 0 to +25 degrees. After this period, it is not recommended to use the product.

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

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Fitosporin is a fundamentally new means of protecting plants from diseases and stressful conditions. Fitosporin prevents the appearance and helps to cure plants from more than 3 dozen different bacterial and fungal diseases of green mass, fruits, tubers and bulbs: rust, rot, scab, spotting, mycotic wilt, powdery mildew; ( full list see fig. below). The cure rate is 65-95%; Preventive effectiveness under proper conditions of use of the drug and plant cultivation approaches 100%. Phytosporin assimilated by plants is harmless and safe: treatment can be carried out on the day of harvest. Phytosporin preparations of the 3rd class of danger for people and bees: you need to prepare working solutions using latex gloves, and if the substance gets on the mucous membranes or inside, take self-help measures, see below. For bees, the quarantine zone during the treatment of plantings with phytosporin is 4-5 km.

What is phytosporin

Action and release forms

Bacillus subtilis for a long time was considered a pathogenic microorganism for humans, but 15-20 years ago it was definitely established that it is harmless, and the diseases attributed to it arise in a completely different way. It was then that the idea of ​​using Bacillus subtilis for plant protection arose, because the oligopeptides it secretes turned out to be strong fungicides and bactericides.

This was a real curiosity - roughly speaking, for a long time the situation was like this: they prepared an infusion, it turned out to be pathogenic. After some time they checked - there was only Bacillus subtilis and some other ciliates and bacteria in negligible quantities. In fact, they were the remnants of the pathogenic community and were the first to reproduce. Then, while testing for pathogenicity was underway, the hay bacillus destroyed them, and the harm was attributed to it. This dragged on for years until they decided to test the effect of pure cultures of Bacillus subtilis and the remains of its “companions” on animals.

Bacillus subtilis turned out to be harmless to plants, but survived in their living tissues, destroying pathogenic microorganisms there too, see fig. This determines the systemic effect of phytosporin, and the ease of migration of living bacteria in the vascular system of plants determines its effectiveness.

Effect of phytosporin bacteria on plant pathogens

Bacillus subtilis is distinguished by its persistence among its fellows, both live and in spores. This makes it possible to prepare phytosporin preparations both with spore cultures in the form of dry powder or tablets, or paste with humates, and in the form of a liquid bacterial culture (stock solution, see next figure). The shelf life of both is quite long if the rules of storage and preparation of working solutions are observed: dry preparations - up to 4 years; pastes – up to 2 years; liquid forms are used during the season or can be overwintered in the refrigerator at 0 - +4 degrees.

Terms of Use

However, there is no panacea for anyone or anything, so the successful use of phytosporin must be ensured. conditions:

  • Both the hay bacillus and its spores die in direct sunlight, therefore, phytosporin preparations should be stored in the dark and used in the evening.
  • Before use, working solutions of spore cultures should be allowed to stand in the dark at room temperature for at least 1-2 hours so that the spores awaken and the bacteria emerge from them.
  • The entire package of powdered phytosporin should be used immediately.
  • Remains of pastes and stock solutions of the drug must be immediately hermetically sealed and placed under storage conditions, see above.
  • Bacillus subtilis does not tolerate chlorine, so for preparing solutions tap water you need to either leave it for a day or more in an open container, or boil it and let it cool.
  • Bacillus subtilis is inhibited in alkaline environment, therefore, phytosporin is incompatible with any fertilizers, pest control products, and other agrochemicals that give an alkaline reaction; in particular, with most potash, nitrogen fertilizers, microfertilizers with calcium, infusion wood ash and so on. Treatment with phytosporin in such cases should be carried out at least 7 days after using the mentioned products.
  • For the same reason, the effectiveness of phytosporin on carbonate and podzolic soils does not exceed 65-70%. In such conditions, its most effective use would be preventive, see below.
  • Bacillus subtilis thrives in a favorable environment, which is not found in plants that are stunted, barely vegetating, or neglected and severely affected by diseases. In this case, you need to create for the plants favorable conditions; in case of extensive disease damage, first use minimal doses of harshly acting therapeutic agents (Bordeaux mixture, iodine preparations, brilliant green, ammonia etc.), and after 3-7 days follow up with phytosporin.
  • Fitosporin is ineffective against viral diseases plants.
  • Phytosporin Gumi is poorly compatible with any growth stimulants. It is not advisable to use both in the same season.

Note: In general, phytosporin is most effective as a prophylactic agent, and treatment with it in this capacity is simpler and cheaper.

Fitosporin M

Fitosporin M differs from simple one not only in increased efficiency, but also in a certain specialization of action, because It is prepared on the basis of artificially bred strains of Bacillus subtilis, and in a variety of release forms. Therefore, its application begins with the choice of a sales form.

On the site and in the room

In small private farms with dense polyculture and for indoor plants, powder and paste Fitosporin M in bags with a titer of 2 billion/g of live spores will be the cheapest. Powder or paste is chosen depending on the prevailing conditions of use, see above and below.

To treat diseased plants, it is advisable to use instant Super-Universal with growth stimulants, pos. 1 in Fig.:

For prevention in the country, personal plot and in all cases for indoor plants - a paste of the same titer, pos. 2. In difficult cultivation conditions (in unfavorable years, at the server borders of crop distribution, etc.) – anti-stress Fitosporin K, pos. 3. If a significant area of ​​the plot is occupied by one crop and, especially, in a greenhouse, it is better to use preparations specialized for individual species plants, pos. 4-7; There are also other specialized ones.

Note:“floral” Fitosporin M is also perfect for indoor flowers.

In commercial farming

On areas of more than 10-12 acres occupied for commercial agricultural production, optimal choice Fitosporin forms will be stock solutions or paste. In a garden of up to 0.5-1 hectares for crops for sale, it is better to make working solutions yourself, diluting the paste 1:2 to a titer of 1 billion/g (see below).

For intermittent plantings of annuals, the usual Fitosporin M, pos. 1 in Fig. (the letter Zh in the designation means liquid). For grains and other plants with the so-called. Kranz syndrome, for example, corn, Fitosporin M F Extra with increased speed migration, pos. 2.

Note: Kranz syndrome is not a set of symptoms of the disease, but a complex of structural and physiological features of plants that allow them to enter the time of maturity and bear fruit in heat and dryness. Therefore, the conductivity of the vascular bundles of plants with kranz syndrome is lower than that of succulent ones.

It is believed that Fitosporin is not very effective in woody plants, so for gardens, perennial berry gardens and vineyards it is often recommended to replace it with Trichophyte and other drugs of the same group. However, Fitosporin M with fungal and bactericidal additives (item 3), which is also effective for tree plantations, is commercially available. It can also be successfully used to prevent diseases of annuals, especially susceptible to them: cucumbers, tomatoes. Unlike other products of the same kind for the same plants preventative treatment tomato field Fitosporin will cost less and can be produced in any external conditions at any stage of plant development, even during harvest.

Fitosporin M Autumn (item 4) is still little known in small-scale crop production, but deserves more. This 2-component preparation saturates the soil with spores of beneficial bacteria and allows for spring field work in the usual way, which is by no means superfluous in a 6-acre dacha, where in the spring your head is spinning about where to plant and sow when and what to process when. And spraying bare tree crowns and shrubs with phytosporin in autumn will also create a supply of Bacillus spores in them. In the spring they will come to life (if in winter it was not below -40), the rapid flow of sap will spread the bacteria throughout the tree and further treatments with Fitosporin will no longer be required this season.

Note: in the most severe cases of mass disease of annuals, ready-to-use concentrate Fiosporin M Reanimator is used - 1:20 with water at the beginning of the disease and 1:2 in case of severe damage. Treatment scheme – 2-fold spraying with an interval of 10 days. The consumption rate is 1 liter of working solution per 1 sq. m of planting.

How to dissolve phytosporin

Whether you buy the specialized drugs described above or use simple Fitosporin or Fitosporin M, which are cheaper, you will need to prepare stock and working solutions. The peculiarity of preparing phytosporin solutions is that you do not dissolve chemicals, but breed a culture of living organisms. If you intend to process a small number of plants, then there is one trick that significantly increases the efficiency of processing and reduces the consumption of the drug:

  1. First you need to prepare a concentrated seed solution: in it the spores will awaken quickly, and, most importantly, in larger quantities;
  2. When signs of activity of living bacteria appear, see below, the seed is diluted with water to the concentration of the mother solution: the bacteria in it will remain alive, but inactive, so the mother solution is stored for a long time under suitable conditions;
  3. Immediately before use, the mother solution is diluted to a working concentration and left for 1-2 hours (no more!): the bacteria seem to get hungry and show the greatest activity in the plant.

To prepare the phytosporin seed, 5-10 g of powder (left in the figure) or 10-20 g of Gumi are gradually introduced into 200 ml clean water room temperature and stir. After 10-30 minutes, a small foam will appear on the powder solution, and the Gumi solution will become completely homogeneous. Now don’t yawn: the seed is immediately poured in a thin stream or drop by drop into the amount of water needed for the mother solution:

  • For processing tubers and bulbs for storage - 0.5 liters of water per 10 g of dry preparation.
  • For seedlings, seedlings and root watering - 1 liter of water per 10 g of dry powder.
  • To soak seeds - 2 liters of water per 10 g of dry powder.

After preparing the stock solution, it is poured into an opaque container, closed tightly, and the weight of the dry drug in the solution is written on the container. This is necessary in order to properly dilute the stock solution to the working solution, see below. The stock solution is stored for up to 2 weeks in a cool, dark place.

How to dilute pasta

Gummed paste-like Fitosporin actually does not require the preparation of a seed: almost 100% of the spores wake up from it directly in the mother solution. Therefore, the paste for the mother solution is simply diluted with water 2:1 (2 cups per 200 g bag), sealed as described above, and stored. Or, in order to completely avoid the loss of living bacteria, a working solution is immediately prepared, kept for 1-2 hours and put into use.

If you need a lot of medication

There is a rule in biology: the more living space a population has at its disposal, the greater its density can be with the same viability. So, aquarists know that in a 6 liter container it is difficult to create suitable conditions only for a couple of adult swordtails or barbs. But in a 60 liter aquarium, not 20, but 40 of the same fish can live; with water filtration – 60.

The same rule is fully true for bacteria, so in preparing a solution of Fitosporin for the garden, the priming stage as such is eliminated. If the powder is diluted, then pour a measured amount into a bowl (on the left in the figure), add a little water while stirring and stir until a semi-liquid slurry is formed (in the center). Now you can dilute it with water to normal (almost 100% of the bacteria have already been born), leave it for 1-2 hours, and use it.

Instructions and dosages

Fitosporin is not critical to the dosage of the drug: few bacteria get on the plant - they will multiply; too many - the extra ones will die off. The main thing here is not to spend too much (which costs money) and not to delay treatment, which will ultimately also lead to overspending. And, which is also important: if it rains an hour or two after treatment, then 3 hours after it (or the next morning) you need to re-treat it.

Instructions for use of each type of Fitosporin are printed on the back of the sachet or given on the insert of the bottle, see figure:

However, firstly, both general plan, not some average conditions were calculated. Secondly, if the area is not neglected, then preventive treatment with cheaper simple universal Fitosporin or Fitosporin M will give no less effect. Therefore, we provide recipes for processing schemes for them in the form of Gumi powder and paste.


Here the dosages are given based on the dry preparation. To prepare a working solution from the mother liquor, it is necessary to calculate the amount of the latter based on the content of the original dry culture in it, see above. The consumption rate everywhere is 1 liter of working solution per 1 sq. m of treated surface (sheet or soil).

  • Vegetable nightshades (tomatoes, vegetable pepper, eggplant) – 6 g per 10 liters of water. Processing method: spraying; in dry weather, water at the root. Treatment is repeated throughout the season, starting from 2 weeks after planting the seedlings. Processing frequency is 14-21 days.
  • Potatoes and cucumbers – 20 g/10 l of water. Treatment – ​​double watering at the root after flowering for potatoes and spraying for cucumbers. Frequency – 7-14 days.
  • Preventive watering of seedlings and soil in a greenhouse - 5 g/10 l of water once when preparing the soil or when the seedlings have 2-4 true leaves.
  • Ornamental plants in the room and open ground - 2 g (less than a teaspoon) per 3 liters of water for prevention; if signs of disease appear, double dose. Preventive watering periodically every 2-4 weeks starting from the budding period; therapeutic - 2 times when signs of the disease appear and after 7-10 days.

Note: how to water garden and garden plants with Fitosporin garden plants, seedlings and soil in a greenhouse, see story //www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ8kxcD10zY.


Paste-like Fitosporin Gumi is more expensive, but more convenient to use than powder. Only this is suitable for soaking tubers and bulbs before planting and storage. A paste:water concentrate of 1:2 is used as a mother solution, see above. The recipe and processing schemes are as follows:

  • Bulbs and tubers - 15 drops per 1 liter of water. Processing time: 1 hour before planting, 2 hours for storage.
  • Seeds (only before sowing) – 10 drops/1 l (or 2 drops per 200 ml). Soak for 1 hour.
  • Cuttings for better rooting – 40 drops/1 l. Soaking time – 2 hours. Only for those who take root on their own! Fitosporin is not a stimulator of cell division! If a plant is difficult to propagate by cuttings, you need to use cytokinin, Kornevin, Zircon and other root growth stimulants!
  • Preventive spraying of annuals open ground– 1 ml/1 l or 10 ml per bucket of water. Frequency – 7-14 days.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic watering of open ground plants at the root – 20 drops/1 liter of water. The norm is 100-200 ml per plant. The frequency is the same.
  • Preventive spraying of indoor herbaceous plants – 10 drops/1 l. Frequency – 7-14 days.
  • Preventive watering of indoor plants – 15 drops/1 liter. The frequency is the same.

Note: about spraying with Fitosporin, see the video below:

Video: spraying shrubs, strawberries, etc. with Fitosporin. against powdery mildew

Phytosporin for orchids

Orchids, as you know, are delicate and capricious plants. The most unpretentious of them - phalaenopsis - often get sick in the city, and growing cattleya, odontoglossum, dendrobium or vanda in an apartment before flowering is a feat for an amateur gardener. Phytosporin is a good helper in this, both as a preventative and as a therapeutic agent for orchids, but it should be used in different ways than for ordinary indoor and garden plants.

For preventive watering and spraying of orchids with Fitosporin, you need a manual sprayer, which produces a not strong, but very fine “foggy” stream. You can recognize one (not necessarily very expensive) by its collapsible metal head (on the left in the figure). If you unscrew it, it turns out that the nozzle is very narrow, 0.1-0.2 mm, and a turned spiral part is hidden in the head - a turbulator; how to prepare Fitosporin solutions for treating orchids, see next. video:

Video: Fitosporin-m for orchids

If your home orchids do get sick, spraying and watering will not help: you need to remove the plant from the container (or remove the epiphytic plant from the substrate), wash its roots and apply phytosporin paste with a soft brush to the affected areas, in the center in Fig. But not the pasty Fitosporin M Gumi! Humates and microelements in this case will only cause harm! You need to take 1 g of the most common, simple, non-specialized phytosporin without M (a third of a teaspoon, on the right in the figure), add the same spoonful of water to it, mix the gruel (visible in the center of the figure), leave it for 1-2 hours, and then smear it on the diseased plant; For more information about the use of phytosporin for orchids, see another video:

Video: treatment of orchid roots with phytosporin


Fitosporin is more of a preventative agent: it acts weaker than mineral and synthetic fungicides and biocides, but in the plant it is absolutely harmless both to it and to the consumers of the crop - this is the first thing. Second, the active principle of phytosporin is not chemical substances, but living organisms that need at least a minimally suitable habitat for them. Therefore, in an unkempt area, overgrown with weeds and with soil baked into stone, phytosporin will be of no use. As with other agrochemicals. It works here Golden Rule agriculture: the most malicious pest, for which there is and cannot be any remedy - a careless owner.

And finally, the harmlessness and mildness of the action of phytosporin carries an important consequence. Namely: in a well-groomed, properly cultivated area, it greatly enhances the effect of also harmless and free agrotechnical and biological pest control measures, because makes plants “tasteless” and low in nutrition for them.