home · Tool · Adhesive for PVC tiles. Adhesive for PVC floor tiles. “Ideal laminate” series

Adhesive for PVC tiles. Adhesive for PVC floor tiles. “Ideal laminate” series

Wood floors used to be considered a luxury. Now on the market building materials, gained wide popularity and fame flooring from PVC plates ki. This wonderful, practical material adds aesthetics to the room. A wide selection of colors and shapes allows you to create interesting design solutions for the interior of almost any room.

For installation, PVC floor tile adhesive is used, which is easily applied to the surface, allowing the material to be laid quite quickly. The installation technology is simple and you can completely cope with this task yourself.

Applying glue to the floor surface

Laying principles

Installation is carried out using special glue. Before starting installation, it is advisable to make sure that the floor covering does not have significant defects, such as cracks or depressions. An excellent condition for installing this material is a flat and stable base (along the entire length of the room) in which the installation will be carried out. It is not difficult to understand and figure out how to glue PVC tiles to the floor; the main thing is to follow the basic principles of installation and know the procedure for performing the necessary actions.

Installation can be done on the old coating, thereby providing the room with additional sound insulation. Coatings and surfaces ideal for installation:

  • linoleum;
  • plywood;
  • concrete;
  • porcelain stoneware, etc.
If the old coating looks more or less decent, then installation can be done without any problems. How to glue PVC tiles to the floor if the base is uneven with bumps? In this case, you will need to either prepare the surface - make a screed or use plywood as an addition.

PVC tile installation process

Gluing PVC tiles to the floor begins from the middle of the room. To begin with, you need to lay out the first row, then draw one line parallel to the wall and the other diagonally across the room. The adhesive is applied to the floor using a notched trowel (1 mm increments). The adhesive must be applied as carefully as possible, distributing it evenly over the floor surface.

How to glue PVC tiles to the floor, in which direction you need to move, is quite simple to decide. Laying the rows must be done using the “pull” method - moving along the already laid surface. There is no need to process the resulting joints between the tiles. After gluing, you need to walk over the surface with a roller, thereby pressing and fixing it to the floor.

Layed PVC covering

If self-adhesive PVC floor tiles are used for the surface, then its installation is quite easy. All you need to do is remove the film from the back of the coating surface, apply it to the floor, thereby gluing it. When performing this procedure, it is necessary to squeeze out the air from under the surface of the coating.

In order for the surface to be smooth and beautifully laid, at the stage of preparatory work, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. As a result, the laid tiles look natural and are in no way inferior in design to a simple laminate.

Tile PVC brand Tarkett, Lounge collection

PVC tiles are perfect solution for finishing the floor. It looks like laminate, but has three undeniable advantages:

  1. Not afraid of water;
  2. If the panel becomes unusable, it can be easily replaced without removing the rest. In the case of laminate, you need to disassemble the entire floor to get to the desired panel;
  3. Easy to install and trim (you can cut with a regular stationery knife).

When choosing tiles, I was guided by the price and manufacturer of the material. Arriving at the store, they recommended PVC tiles from the Tarkett brand, at a price of about 800 rubles per sq.m. She suited me quite well.

In order for the tiles to lay “as they should”, you need to prepare the floor, namely make it even and smooth. This can be achieved by pouring a self-leveling mixture for self-leveling flooring. Such mixtures, as the name implies, spread independently over the floor and level out; there is no need to install beacons. The minimum layer is 2 mm, and this is exactly what we need: to cover small holes in the screed and make the floor surface smooth.

Before pouring the floor, it must be cleaned. We remove everything unnecessary: ​​the remains of putty, plaster and sweep everything thoroughly, or even better, vacuum it. Then you need to prime the floor 2 times - the first layer of primer must dry before applying the next one. A well-primed floor will provide reliable adhesion and good spreadability of the self-leveling mixture.

The next step is to prepare a self-leveling mixture solution. Pour water into the container ( required amount water can be found on the packaging) and slowly pour in the dry mixture, stirring at the same time so that no lumps or bubbles form. The volume of the container should be such that the entire bag and water fit in it. I used 2 plastic buckets with a capacity of about 30 liters each. The mixture was chosen by Bergauf brand.

This work and the entire pouring process in general is best done by two people: one mixes the solution, the other does the pouring, so that there is no downtime. You need to stir at low speed to prevent the formation of air bubbles.

After preparing the solution, take a bucket and begin pouring from the farthest corner. Pour the mixture onto the floor and wide spatula we help it spread over the surface. Once you have emptied the bucket, your partner will need to prepare a second bucket of solution. After pouring out several buckets, you need to expel the remaining air from the mixture; for this we use a needle roller.

Buy a roller with needles 4-5 cm long. Due to my inexperience, I bought a roller with 2 cm needles, it didn’t roll well and caught the solution behind it. A quick call to a friend solved the problem, he brought me a normal needle roller.

In general, I described the entire pouring process, to put it briefly: pour the mixture, help it spread with a spatula, remove air bubbles with a needle roller. It should look something like the photo below.

All pouring work must be completed in one go. After drying, the floor becomes smooth and slightly corrugated. Dries in approximately 24 hours.

If tubercles have formed somewhere, they can be sanded, for example, with a grater.

Laying PVC tiles must begin from the very large room, in my case this is the hall. You need to make markings, namely mark the middle of the room and draw a straight line along which the installation will take place. I used chop cord.

The glue I used for commercial linoleum was Homakoll. We will also need a notched trowel with 1 mm teeth to apply the glue evenly.

First, apply the glue to the floor with a regular spatula on one side of the line, and level it with a notched one to obtain an even layer.

Then we begin laying the tiles along the line in a checkerboard pattern (in a staggered manner, with a shift relative to the previous row), strictly along the line. Even the slightest deviation is not allowed. You should press the panels well to the base for better adhesion; to do this, you need to smooth the surface of each tile with a rag in your hands after laying.

It happens that some of the glue begins to squeeze out of the seams. You need to remove it immediately with a damp cloth, otherwise it will dry out later and it will be difficult to do.

You can cut tiles, as I said above, with an ordinary stationery knife. To do this, turn the panel over, measure desired length, take a square and draw a knife along the line 1-2 times, then break the panel in this place.

When laying tiles near the walls, they do not need to rest against the walls; it is better to leave 0.5-1 cm. This distance will then be covered with a plinth.

If you have questions about this species works, then you can ask me them on the website http://actualremont.ru/ - I will be happy to answer them.

There are many types of tile adhesive. Taking into account the type of work being carried out, the base on top of which the cladding will be attached, the material with which the coating will be made, tile adhesive is selected. For example, if when working on interior decoration vinyl briquettes are used in the premises, then a special connecting mixture must be selected.

This type of flooring will need vinyl tile adhesive. Decoration can be carried out outdoors (decoration of building facades) or interior (decoration of premises). To carry out work outdoors, the binding component must be moisture-resistant, heat-resistant (as with low temperatures, and at high). By doing interior renovation, it is also necessary to take into account the purpose of the room; moisture-resistant glue may also be required.

Adhesive for PVC tiles (click to enlarge)

PVC surfaces are in no way inferior to other types of tiles; rather, they are superior to all other surfaces. Due to their plasticity, lightness, compactness, polyvinyl chloride slabs are simple, more convenient than others, environmentally friendly, have high level wear resistance. It is permissible to use cladding not only on top of the floor, but it is also possible to decorate walls.

Quartz vinyl slabs can be used even when laying heated floors.

Polyvinyl chloride coatings are divided into many varieties according to different characteristics.

For example, according to the production method, polyvinyl chloride surfaces are divided into:

  • pressed - produced using special plasticizers, in order to improve quality, the entire composition is compressed;
  • quartz vinyl – this coating is made using natural quartz as a base.

    Types of PVC coatings (click to enlarge)

    Types of tile adhesive

    Tile adhesive differs according to many criteria, but first it is distinguished by the form of production.

    With such an abundance of glue, it is difficult to choose the right mixture. You will need special glue for PVC tiles to connect vinyl covering. What kind of adhesive should be used for vinyl tiles? Do you need separate adhesive for quartz vinyl tiles?

    What is special about the adhesive suitable for PVC boards?

    The connecting composition is truly special, it has many differences:

    • withstands low temperatures;
    • stable in humid environments;
    • provides reliable adhesion of the cladding and the base;
    • withstands elevated temperatures, which allows it to be used with underfloor heating systems.

    Remember! To choose the right adhesive mixture, you need to pay attention to some circumstances:

    • the purpose of the premises being designed should be taken into account;
    • pay attention to the material from which the base for covering is made;
    • determine, take into account temperature regime, humidity level;
    • take into account the load that will further affect the coating in the future.

    Watch the video to find out more:

    Only by clearly understanding what material is used and for what purpose, in what room, under what conditions the connection will be made, only then selecting the right glue will not cause you any difficulties, and the process itself will be completed successfully. Based on this, several types of glue are distinguished when PVC installation covered.

    Types of glue suitable for PVC tiles

    The binder component suitable for polyvinyl chloride cladding is divided into several types, based on the constituent components and its purpose.

    Each type of glue has a complex composition, individual characteristics, and methods of use. The question arises, how to glue PVC tiles to the floor.

    Installation features

    Stacked vinyl tiles on the floor without using glue, like laminate. There are also self-adhesive tiles, which do not require special care, you just need to remove the adhesive tape. Installation process other types of polyvinyl chloride coatings have several features.

    • before gluing the slabs, you need to clean the base from debris, dust, and level it;
    • the slabs must be glued to the base, starting from the center of the surface to be glued;
    • laying out the slabs can be done like laying out a laminate, one after another or according to the pyramid principle;
    • prepare an adhesive solution; to mix the composition, it is better to use a construction mixer;
    • To apply the paste you will need a notched spatula;
    • excess adhesive should be removed immediately with a damp cloth, since dried excess will be difficult to remove;
    • mounted tile briquettes must be tapped with a rubber hammer and rolled with a roller to ensure better adhesion to the base;
    • You can use the pasted surface only after a minimum of 24 hours, a maximum of 48 hours.

    From the video you will learn all the necessary information:

    Perhaps experienced craftsmen know the intricacies of the process of laying this type of covering, but not everyone has such information, so novice craftsmen need to know about some points that arise during the installation process.

    • before gluing PVC boards on top concrete base, you need to check it for condensation. You can attach the oilcloth to the base with tape and leave it overnight. If condensation has accumulated, the base must be dried;
    • It’s worth thinking through the laying principle in advance, sketching out a diagram, especially when laying in diamond shapes;
    • you should work quickly, because the adhesive dries quickly;
    • If it is necessary to cut off part of the cladding, it is better to do this after attaching the whole briquette.

    PVC briquettes are durable, have an attractive appearance, are easy to install, and therefore are quite relevant. The floor can be laid out of vinyl material according to the design idea, using several shades or textures of the material. Such covering requires a special adhesive composition, thanks to which it will last long years. For example: a two-component or thermally activated component may be suitable for quartz vinyl tiles - this material is used more often for heated floors.

    When choosing a connecting compound, you should not be guided by well-known manufacturers or at a high price. Suitable glue you can choose only by knowing what material will be used and what type of work it requires. In order for the process to end with a good result, you need to take into account some installation features and work with glue correctly, according to the instructions.

    Important! The adhesive liquid must be used very carefully: some types set instantly, therefore, it will not be possible to correct any errors that occur.

    Compared to the installation of other types of cladding, the process of joining PVC boards is quite simple and enjoyable. Thanks to abundance adhesive composition, PVC tiles can be connected in almost any room.

    Good luck with your selection and easy installation!

The flooring is an important component of a beautiful and high-quality interior of a room; it, like the ceiling, must fully comply with the chosen design solution. This is why it is necessary to devote Special attention its correct installation and choice of materials. Depending on the type of coating, it can be laid in the most different ways, but the most popular is glue; it is with its help that PVC boards are attached. Quality is very important during the installation process. adhesive solution, on which the solidity of the floor and its evenness will depend.

It’s worth noting right away that to prevent deformation and swelling of the material, as well as shrinkage of the glue, additional conditions, namely, PVC flooring before the procedure should lie in a room for a day at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. This will ensure optimal elasticity of the floor and prepare it for installation. Modern market offers wide choose various construction tools and materials, including adhesive bases, but how to choose the most suitable option from all the variety?

What is this article about?

How to choose glue?

PVC tile adhesive is the most important component quality repairs, the durability of the flooring, its strength and reliability, as well as beauty and practicality will depend on it. When choosing an adhesive, the following features must be taken into account:

  • humidity in the apartment, it will largely affect the laying of slabs;
  • the conditions of their operation, this includes the degree of temperature changes and the load on the tiles, for example, for installing the flooring of a loggia, experts recommend paying attention to glue that is resistant to frost and high humidity;
  • the material of the tiles and their size, their weight will depend on these indicators, this suggests that glue for heavy slabs must have the highest adhesion strength to the base of the surface (the degree of adhesion can be found on the glue packaging; the higher it is, the more expensive the solution). Its porosity and how much it will absorb moisture will also depend on the material;
  • the material of the floor base, how the tiles will lie will depend on it, it is worth noting that the best way it will adhere to a perfectly clean surface, which will need to be pre-primed for the best adhesion.

Once upon a time, the gluing of slabs was carried out using an ordinary mortar consisting of cement and sand, later they began to add PVA glue to it for greater stickiness and reliability. But even this could not provide adequate strength and durability of the coating; cases of peeling occurred very often facing material. Modern compositions also contain sand and cement, but they are enriched with various additives that ensure the reliability and durability of structures. This is due to increased moisture resistance, adhesion of the adhesive base to the base, ductility and other characteristics.

At the same time, the price of the issue should not come first, because expensive adhesive bases are intended mainly for specific operating conditions.

Types of adhesive mixtures

  1. An adhesive mixture based on cement (class C1 according to EN 12004), it is excellent for outdoor work. This adhesive for PVC tiles has adhesion to the base, the value of which is not lower than 0.5 MPa, it is used for finishing both dry and wet rooms;
  2. An adhesive mixture based on cement with additional elements(class C2 according to EN 12004). This option is perfect for interior work, their adhesion is no lower than 1 MPa, while the glue has increased elasticity. It is excellent for laying slabs in rooms where there are constant temperature changes and high humidity air, and such glue, unlike the previous version, is able to withstand increased statistical and dynamic loads;
  3. Specialized glue mixture, which has specific properties that affect the area used, this includes heat-resistant specimens; they are used for finishing a variety of stoves and fireplaces. If the tiles have a translucent or marble color, experts recommend using a white adhesive solution. At the same time, there is a special glue for lining swimming pools and other structures related to water. This type of glue includes frost-resistant options, as well as high-strength specimens.

Features of using glue

During the repair process, the adhesive solution is used for cladding; it has gained the greatest popularity when laying large PVC slabs. It is used for cladding any surfaces that are heavily subject to heavy loads, as well as bases that are constantly exposed to vibration. Tile adhesive goes well with surfaces that are heated. It is worth noting that the area of ​​the room being repaired should be slightly smaller than the total area of ​​the purchased tiles, and the tiles near the walls will necessarily need to be trimmed. This is very convenient because in the future they can be used as a replacement if a chip occurs.

To prevent the adhesive from causing discomfort during installation, before gluing it is necessary to carefully prepare the base for the tiles; it must be dry (otherwise moisture will accumulate and destroy the adhesive composition, and then the floor covering itself), perfectly smooth and clean (no dirt, dust, sand, paint, traces of grease or oil). If the room is different high humidity, then waterproofing will be necessary.

After everything preparatory work After leveling and cleaning are completed, you can begin laying PVC boards.

Before the procedure, cement-based glue must be diluted with water. When gluing, you need to make sure that air does not get under the coating; for this, special toothed spatulas with a replaceable blade are used, which will evenly distribute the adhesive solution and ensure its optimal consumption. At the same time, the material should not be allowed to adhere too closely to the walls; a small distance must be left. Once the coating is laid, it will need to be rolled using a heavy roller.

How to calculate the required amount of glue?

The approximate consumption of the adhesive solution is always indicated on the packaging, but its value may vary. To avoid mistakes, it is best to seek advice from a specialist, the seller from whom the glue was purchased, or the head of the repair team.

Statistics show that a square meter of floor surface requires about 5 kg of dry material, therefore a 25 kg bag is enough for 5 square meters. It is worth noting that if there is not enough bag, this means that the laying technology was violated (the reason may be an insufficiently leveled coating). This not only increases the cost of the entire repair, but also causes negative consequences.

It's pretty new material floor covering, came to replace the well-known linoleum.

In terms of price it is considered one of the most budget options, has its own individual benefits.

  1. No problems with transportation. Linoleum rolls have large linear dimensions; delivery requires a special automobile transport. If the roll is delivered by small vehicles, then there is a high probability of bending and damage. Low-quality thin linoleum breaks in these places.
  2. Improved performance. If abrasions occur in one place, there is no need to change the entire coating, as is the case with linoleum. Only individual tiles are replaced, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of repairing the flooring.
  3. They are not afraid of moisture and sharp changes temperatures, have good abrasion characteristics.
  4. Modern innovative technologies have significantly reduced the amount of chemical compounds released PVC materials. Such tiles are allowed to be installed in bedrooms.
  5. Versatility of use. There are no restrictions on the materials used to make the base and the specific purpose of the premises. Tiles are laid in both residential and public spaces with high traffic.
  6. Relatively low thermal conductivity. PVC tile floors are significantly warmer than ceramic floors.
  7. The material is easy to cut, which allows you to create exclusive applications on the floor, lay coverings in a herringbone pattern, in a checkerboard pattern, etc.
  8. Perfectly imitates the structure natural materials: stone, wood. There are options for three-dimensional images, which allows you to significantly visually increase the volume of rooms. 3D images in Lately widely used by designers to create exclusive interiors.
  9. Does not restrict access to underground utilities. In case of emergency situations a few tiles can be removed, repair work done and put back in place. If you have some experience, PVC tiles do not lose their original properties after dismantling.

Wide range of sizes and design solutions allows you to choose the most suitable option for each room and interior. Experienced builders can independently create original patterns and ornaments using tiles various manufacturers and with various decor front surface. The main thing is that they have the same thickness, the specific location and choice of pattern is done individually.

Among professional builders the technology is not considered complicated; you just need to follow all the manufacturers' recommendations. Any deviations can cause the tiles to peel off, and this is a rather unpleasant phenomenon.

Work must be done with the utmost care to avoid major damage to the floors. All new cracks and potholes will have to be repaired; there is no need to increase the amount of work.

Practical advice. You can do without dismantling the strictly covering, this will make the work much easier and faster. It is especially beneficial to skip this operation on ceramic tiles. The craftsmen know how much time it takes to remove it, and what kind of uneven base remains after that. It is recommended to fill ceramic tiles a special leveling compound, it must be used according to the attached instructions. The money lost on purchasing the solution is fully compensated by saving time and improving the quality of the new coating.

The self-leveling floor can also be poured onto a wooden base.

Step 2. Preparing the base. Very important point, it will never be possible to properly lay PVC tiles on an unprepared base, keep this in mind. The surface should be as flat and smooth as possible, without bumps and depressions, all cracks should be repaired. When filling cracks and depressions, use only non-shrink putty, otherwise the operation will have to be repeated several times.

The protrusions are removed with a spatula; after leveling, it is recommended to sprinkle the slab with damp sand and sweep it. Wet sand is swept along with dust, no need to use a vacuum cleaner. If the base is wooden, then slabs of plywood or OSB can be used to level it; the seams between the sheets must be sealed. The substrate must only be dry, surface humidity ≤ 5%.

How to deal with cracks in a rotten floor

Step 3. To increase the adhesion of the adhesive, it is recommended to apply a primer; choose any one, they all effectively cope with their tasks. In addition to increasing adhesion, the primer allows you to save expensive glue, it is much less absorbed from the dry surface of the base, and the consumption per square meter is reduced.

Step 4. Marking the base.

It may be difficult for beginners; let’s look at this operation in more detail.

  1. Find the center of the room. This can be done in two ways: mark two diagonals, where they intersect will be the center, or measure the width and length of the room and thus find the desired point. To mark lines, it is very convenient to use a beating rope; such devices are sold in construction stores.
  2. Strictly at an angle of 90°, mark two lines parallel to the wall from the center. There are often times when a room does not have an ideal rectangular shape, it's not scary. The tile should lie exactly in the center; near the walls, uneven cuts are covered with plinth and become almost invisible. If you don’t have enough experience, it is recommended to cut out a few more parallel lines approximately every three rows of tiles. They will help to constantly monitor the installation process, and if deviations are detected, take timely measures to eliminate the problems that have arisen.

Laying tiles begins from the center along the center line. Apply the glue in parts only to the area that you have time to do within no more than 10–15 minutes. The more experienced the master, the faster he does the work. The adhesive composition must meet the recommendations of the PVC tile manufacturer, consumption is approximately 0.3–0.4 kg/m2. Pay attention to the back of the tiles, there are arrows indicating them correct position. All arrows must point in the same direction.

Vinyl tile installation

There should be no gaps between the tiles. To do this, it is placed using the “nesting” method. First, the end edge is tightly joined, and then the tile is gradually lowered over the entire area and pressed tightly. Don't allow education air chambers, once dry they are difficult to remove. You can pierce the chamber with a needle and release the air, but this operation is effective only until the glue dries.

Important. PVC tiles cannot move after gluing; this can only be done with ceramic ones. If there are problems with the tightness of the fit, then the PVC tiles need to be heated a little construction hairdryer, it becomes soft and the installation process is simplified and accelerated.

Constantly check the position of adjacent tiles on all sides of the junction; they must lie in the same plane. The better the base, the better the tile lays; it is very difficult to level its position by changing the thickness of the adhesive. Only the most experienced masters can do this.

Immediately remove any adhesive that appears on the tiles, do not allow it to dry. The glue can be cleaned up with a damp cloth, not a wet one. If it is subsequently discovered to be dried, it should be thoroughly wetted before removal; the use of abrasive materials is strictly prohibited. To prevent such cases, you need to re-inspect the laid tiles every half hour to identify defects.

After completing the work, you should check their quality and make sure that they are securely glued; special attention should be paid to the edges of the room. Cleaning construction waste and floor cleaning can begin after 24 hours. The furniture is put in place in two days.

Taking into account that PVC tiles are a new flooring material for many, we need to give some advice from experienced craftsmen on how to install them. They will reduce the number of defects and make work easier.

Technology for laying PVC floor tiles

  1. Always purchase tiles with a margin of 5–8% of the room area. This is much more profitable than going to the store again to buy the missing material. In addition, the store will not always have exactly the same tiles in stock, and this is a big problem.
  2. If cutting is necessary, markings should be made only with front side, this will help avoid annoying mistakes. Use only a sharpened pencil; always cut strictly along the drawn line. Remember that one millimeter is considered a big mistake; in many cases it is impossible to hide it.
  3. You need to cut the tiles with a sharp construction knife. The ruler should be made of metal, the tiles should be placed perfectly flat surface. You can use pieces of plywood or OSB for these purposes.
  4. Do not cut the entire thickness of the material, it is enough to make a 1/3 cut, cut through only the top protective layer. Next, you should bend it along the cut line and carefully cut off the remaining part from the reverse side.
  5. If there are pipes in the room, then it is recommended to first make a template for them from thick cardboard. This way you can have completely identical connections in the areas where the coating adheres to the pipes.
  6. Never immediately place cut tiles on the adhesive. First check its position and adjust if necessary. Only after this can glue be applied to the base and the tiles laid in place.

And the main advice. Don't rush, first you need to gain a little experience, in the future the installation process will speed up much more. In this case, nothing will have to be redone or corrected.

What are the criteria for selecting PVC tiles?

In order for the tile to serve for a long time, you need to take into account the specific operating conditions and, depending on them, buy types of tiles. All data is indicated on the packaging. In addition to linear dimensions, pay attention to performance characteristics.

Strength class. For residential premises 21–23, for retail and public 31–33, for warehouse and industrial premises 41–43. The higher the number, the higher the wear resistance of the tile.

Abrasion. Characterizes the resistance of the front surface to abrasive materials, denoted by the letters T, P, M and F. If tiles of group F can be used in bedrooms, then for public premises T tile is required. It must be borne in mind that this indicator has a significant impact on the cost; it can differ significantly.

Design. There is no universal advice here, everyone can choose what they like. In this case, it is necessary to take into account general style interior of premises.

Disadvantages of tiles

There are them too; manufacturers don’t like to remember these characteristics.

  1. During manufacturing, synthetic resins are used. They all release into the air chemical compounds. Each country has its own standard standards that are considered safe. Unfortunately, the value of these indicators is sometimes influenced not only by doctors, but also by manufacturers. They are trying with all their might to lobby for an increase in the maximum acceptable standards, they often manage to achieve their goals.
  2. The heating temperature of PVC tiles cannot exceed +25°C. If it is higher, then the tile becomes very soft, dents appear on its surface from indentation, and sometimes through gaps may occur. This limitation makes it undesirable PVC use tiles in systems with underfloor heating.
  3. The maximum service life does not exceed ten years. This is what the manufacturers promise, but in fact it does not last that long. The reduction in service life is affected not only by difficult operating conditions, but also by technology violations during production.
  4. Modular PVC Floor Tiles

    Video - Technology for laying PVC floor tiles