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Stained glass works. Do-it-yourself film stained glass window: master class with photos. Making a contoured openwork stained glass window

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A colorful stained glass window can decorate a living room, a bedroom, or a corridor. Ordering such products is too expensive, but you can make similar decor for your home yourself. A stained glass window of any complexity can be created with your own hands without any special problems: the artist needs high-quality glass, paints, and sealant. The step-by-step instructions below will tell you in detail about the rules for making stained glass.

Materials for creating illuminated stained glass windows

The basis of the work is glass, but its choice must be approached very carefully. The surface of the material must be perfectly flat; the presence of air bubbles or waves is unacceptable. The selection of other components for work should be approached no less responsibly: the result obtained depends on their quality. In order to make stained glass on glass, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Whatman paper (must correspond to the size of the decor being made);
  • glass;
  • stained glass paints;
  • black silicone for aquariums (can be replaced with rubber sealant);
  • wooden blocks (for the frame);
  • corners;
  • LED cord, fasteners and power cord with adapter.

After purchasing all the elements, you can safely start making bright home decor.

How to make a stained glass window from ordinary glass?

You should not do many elements, especially if such a task is being performed for the first time. After receiving a beautiful sketch, the following work is carried out:

1. The pencil drawing is outlined with a thick marker for ease of subsequent transfer of the image.

2. Glass is placed on top of the paper, whatman paper is fixed to the glass with tape.

3. The sealant is prepared: the sharp nose is cut off, as shown in the attached video tip. This will help you draw lines more accurately and conveniently.

4. The pattern is transferred to the glass.

5. The image is colored using stained glass paints along the prepared contours.

To obtain the most beautiful and “lively” stained glass window, it is recommended to use additives when applying paints, dilute one color with another, and lighten areas. All these techniques are demonstrated in a master class on making stained glass at home. On ready-made decor you can see how original and bright the play and shade transitions look.

Preparing a frame and decorating a room with stained glass

The dimensions of the frame are determined according to the dimensions of the glass itself: it will be glued directly to wooden frame. To securely connect the beam, you need to saw it in the corners to get a reliable lock between adjacent elements. Next, drill holes at the joints and hammer dowels into them.

After assembling the frame, it is sanded and painted.

It is attached along the inner side using plastic fasteners duralight.

Once fixation is complete, it is connected to the power cord with an adapter. The glass is glued to the frame, the glass is additionally fixed at the front metal corners, mounted on the rear of the frame metal fastenings under the dowels. At this stage, the stained glass window will be completely ready for installation.

The art of creating stained glass can be applied in your home. The room in which fragments of stained glass decor will be present will sparkle with new colors, such a design will not go unnoticed.

Useful information about stained glass

This type of design, such as stained glass, refers to artistic painting. This decorative arts knows no boundaries either in time or in the variety of its applications.

Some historical facts

This type of art has ancient history. Archaeological excavations confirm that stained glass art existed in Ancient Babylon, Rome, Greece, and Egypt. Some finds made of multi-colored glass, according to archaeologists, are about five thousand years old.

The modern understanding of stained glass is inextricably linked with the Christian traditions of temple design. The windows, decorated with stained glass, were created by Byzantine craftsmen in the Temple of St. Sophia of Constantinople (VI century). Stained glass windows of that time were boards interspersed with glass. Those countries in which glass was not yet suspected used stones (in the form of plates) - selenite, alabaster.

This is what the images in the temple look like, made using stained glass technique

The first book describing all the intricacies of stained glass art was published in the 11th century. This work, written by the German monk Theophilus, contains all the classical principles of using glass for decoration.

Let's skip the centuries-old history of the development of stained glass decor and return to our days. Over this long period, both materials and tools have changed dramatically.

The combination of classics and innovation is characteristic of the works modern masters this type of creativity. The technology for creating stained glass has become much simpler, and this makes it possible to use this technique to create beautiful decor with your own hands.

Places of application

The modern use of stained glass is very diverse:

  • window;
  • doors and doorways;
  • glass partitions;
  • niches;
  • pieces of furniture;
  • mirrors;
  • panel;
  • ceilings.

Stained glass windows are decorative elements that are appropriate both in in public places(cafes, restaurants, museums, offices), and at home. Furniture in the children's room and kitchen, slides in the bedroom, ceilings in the living room, facades furniture sets- this is a very small fraction of what can be decorated with stained glass windows in a home interior.

Advantages of using stained glass windows at home:

  1. Safety. Such elements cannot cause injury to either adults or children, especially if the stained glass windows are made using film technology.
  2. Variety of colors and styles. You yourself have the right to decide what tone and style to choose so that the stained glass decoration is in tune with the entire setting.
  3. Easy care. Stained glass windows do not require any special care products, just a regular glass cleaner and soft fabric will cope with the task perfectly.
  4. Economical. Creating a stained glass window at home with your own hands is much cheaper than ordering such pleasure from companies involved in their production.

Types of techniques

Stained glass windows can be created using various techniques and techniques developed by masters of their craft. Here a brief description of such techniques.


Stages of creation



  1. Creating a sketch.
  2. Laying out the outline of the design using a metal profile.
  3. Inserting glass fragments into metal profiles.
  4. Soldering joints.
  5. Painting glass areas.

Suitable for creating large-sized structures.

All areas listed above.

  1. Drawing a sketch.
  2. Breaking the sketch into fragments.
  3. Cutting out glass elements.
  4. Giving glass fragments the required sizes and shapes.
  5. Glass parts are wrapped with copper adhesive tape.
  6. Connecting parts using soldering (tin + lead).

This technology is akin to the process of creating artistic canvases from paints, the details of a stained glass window can be so small.

The application is varied, but the design of lamps using this technique is interesting.

  1. Sketch.
  2. Cutting glass exactly according to the sketch.
  3. Collecting blanks into a single whole.
  4. Sintering in a special furnace.

The relief and multi-layering of the resulting products allows them to be used as paintings, mirrors and other interior decorations


  1. Selecting a pattern and making a stencil.
  2. Surface treatment (glass, plexiglass, mirror).
  3. Attaching the stencil to the surface to be decorated.
  4. Impact on the surface using abrasive and compressed air.
  5. Application of hydrophobic varnish (for protection).

The decor is matte, so it is most often used in interiors to dim light, as well as to decorate doors, etc.

  1. Creating a drawing according to the size of the proposed stained glass window.
  2. Transferring the design to glass.
  3. Drawing contours (with special paints).
  4. Filling the fragments with the desired color (done with special paints for stained glass).

Various areas of application - depending on the ideas of the decorator or designer. The screens covering the batteries look interesting under such “protection”.

There are many other ways of applying patterns to glass surfaces, but, most likely, it will no longer be stained glass, but its imitation: film technology, flooded, farcet stained glass, photo printing, frosted glass, collages, 3D design, etc. An excellent option for using such stained glass - wardrobe doors, mirrors, furniture elements, etc.

Making stained glass windows with your own hands

First, think about it, and then imagine on paper what you want to get in the end. Based on this idea, stock up on materials.

Selection of materials and tools

To paint stained glass (one of the most accessible techniques for the common man) you will need:

  • acrylic paints, matched to the color of your sketch;
  • a solvent suitable for such materials;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • contours for stained glass works;
  • cotton buds;
  • barbecue sticks or toothpicks;
  • ferrule.

Acrylic paints have long gained great popularity among needlewomen of various directions. And this is no coincidence, since they are easily washed off (when applying unnecessary strokes), adhere well and mix with each other, and there is no chemical smell when working with them.

When choosing paint, do not forget to look at the line about the purpose of these materials. They must be suitable for working with glass and ceramics.

It is very easy to create stained glass on a glass surface using the film technique. To do this, you need to find a special film, which differs from ordinary self-adhesive and is a high-tech imitation of colored glass. Between the two transparent layers there is a colored substance that is resistant to sunlight and temperature variations (from -45 to +135 Celsius). The color schemes presented by the manufacturers of this material help bring any idea to life.

Stained glass film is cut with ordinary scissors; you do not need any special devices. The fragments are glued together using a special lead tape. There is another option - the easiest - to use a film already with a pattern applied, ready-made. But in this case, you will have to say goodbye to your idea.

The choice of technology and appropriate materials is yours.

Making a stencil

If, however, you prefer the implementation of stained glass in a painted version, then you will need a stencil for the work. This is especially necessary for people who do not have sufficient experience and certain skills as an artist.

Stencil selection

The sketch, previously drawn by you or downloaded from Internet sources, needs to be transferred from a thin sheet of paper to a thicker “medium” - cardboard, whatman paper, etc.

If the stained glass pattern is intended to be used several times, then there is a logical reason to make a stencil from plastic, then it can serve more than once.

There are patterns that can be reproduced on a stencil, with special symbols each fragment of the future stained glass window. These can be numerical or alphabetic abbreviations indicating the color of this area.

By securely attaching the template design to the glass surface, you won’t have to worry about not reproducing your idea exactly. All you have to do is draw according to the template's instructions.

We bring ideas to life

  1. We print (draw ourselves) a suitable stencil and transfer it to a dense material.
  2. Then it is necessary to degrease the surface that we will decorate.

    Degreasing the glass surface

Stained glass is experiencing a renaissance. Colored glass paintings are increasingly used by designers to decorate interiors in a variety of styles. Such a painting can decorate a room, become its accent, and set the tone for the entire interior. But previously, making stained glass was labor-intensive and expensive, but modern techniques allow you to create masterpieces on glass yourself.

Styles and techniques

There are many styles of stained glass, because stained glass itself dates back to the Middle Ages. It has changed over time to reflect cultures different countries and eras, the emergence of new techniques made it possible to diversify the materials used. Nowadays, several styles are used to decorate rooms.

  1. Classical. Assumes a symmetrical design, floral motifs or geometric pattern. Made in warm, pastel colors. Suitable for classic interiors with clear lines and good quality, heavy furniture.
  2. Gothic. This is the style of Catholic churches of medieval Europe. Twilight, upward thrust of narrow lancet windows and high towers with spiers, dark red, scarlet, gold, green, blue, purple colors. It uses religious motifs or scenes from the life of medieval knights, castles, exploits, dragons, unicorns. Gothic stained glass will give the space a touch of mystery and fabulousness. It was during the Middle Ages that the most famous stained glass windows, recognized as masterpieces, were created.

    Stained glass in gothic style- fairy tale and mystery in your home

  3. Modern. Perhaps a universal style for any interior. The main motives of this style are marine, the idea is the priority of form over content. This style is characterized by smooth, fancy lines, one way or another repeating the shape of a sea wave, grace, and sophistication. Pale, muted colors, halftones, blue-green tones. Art Nouveau goes well with modern technology and goes well with a high-tech interior.

    Stained glass in Art Nouveau style is appropriate in any interior

  4. Abstract. Involves a geometric pattern and bright, cheerful colors. Does not conflict with almost any interior, except for the most orthodox one. Brings a special emotionality into the space. In abstract stained glass it is important to maintain a balance between form and color and then it will never get boring, charging you with optimism and encouraging creativity.

    Stained glass in abstract style suitable for any interior and will never get boring

  5. Egyptian. Dim paintings in sandy-brown tones. The drawing reproduces Egyptian hieroglyphs, gods, pharaohs and scenes from their lives.
  6. Antique. The paintings resemble antique mosaics with ancient Greek scenes. Characterized by the presence of many small details. Suitable for rooms in a minimalist style.

    Stained glass in an antique style is often a finished product

  7. Byzantine. It is distinguished by the use of not only colored, but also transparent glass, which makes the image seem to be hanging in the air. Such stained glass windows resemble glass painting and are suitable for rooms filled with light.

    The use of transparent glass in the Byzantine style creates the illusion of the design floating in the air

  8. Vanguard. The subject of the drawing can be anything. But thanks to modern execution techniques, it is given a sense of volume. The image is multi-layered, with three-dimensional details, on transparent or frosted glass, glossy, shining. This stained glass window sets the tone for the entire room and makes it trendy.

    Stained glass in an avant-garde style can contain voluminous details

Stained glass in the interior creates a powerful accent, so it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a style. It should be in harmony with the overall style of the room or set it. Then the rest of the interior items will complement and play with it without creating dissonance.

You can decorate any glass or mirror surface with stained glass. This will give the interior uniqueness, originality and a feeling of luxury. It is appropriate to place a stained glass window in any room.

Where to place stained glass in an apartment

  1. Window. Stained glass will give the bedroom a feeling of coziness, and the nursery - a fabulous feel. Stained glass in a window can be used as protection from the sun, hide the bathroom from prying eyes, and add festiveness and comfort to the kitchen.

    A floral pattern on the balcony window will create the illusion of a country house

  2. Doors. You can decorate both fully glass doors and glass inserts. It is better to do the drawing in the same style on all doors.

    It is better to keep the pattern on all doors in the same style

  3. False windows. This glass picture is backlit and is often installed in bathrooms or on staircases.

    A stained glass window will help avoid the feeling of a closed space and additionally decorate the room

  4. Ceiling lamps. Large glass shades or acrylic inserts in the ceiling will add originality to the interior.

    The Gothic interior will be decorated with a stained glass ceiling

  5. Glass partitions. They can be transparent or matte. Such partitions are often installed between the kitchen and the bathroom or the toilet and the bathroom. Stained glass allows light to pass through, but does not allow you to see what is happening behind it.

    Stained glass is a good solution for zoning a room

  6. Furniture fronts, glass countertops. Decorating furniture with stained glass is a good way to give it personality. Even old furniture, decorated with stained glass, looks expensive and luxurious.

    Stained glass inserts are appropriate for both living room and kitchen furniture

  1. As already mentioned, the plot of the drawing should correspond to the general style and atmosphere of the room.
  2. Dark tones and horizontal lines are suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings, they visually reduce the space.

    Dark tones of stained glass create an atmosphere of mystery, but visually reduce the space

  3. Stained glass on the mirror - a good choice for small spaces. It will create a perspective of space and visually enlarge the room.

    Stained glass on the mirror will create a sense of perspective and expand a small room

  4. The abundance of bright colors and colorful images can become boring over time. Take this into account when choosing an ornament.
  5. For the bedroom and nursery it is better to choose calm bright hues, conducive to rest.

    For the bedroom it is better to prefer calm tones

  6. It is appropriate to decorate the kitchen with a landscape or still life, and the bathroom with a marine theme.

    Scenes with fish are suitable for the bathroom

But not every stained glass window can be done independently. There are several types of execution techniques.

Types of equipment

  1. Classic or typesetting. The most complex and ancient technique. Colored glass fragments are inserted into metal frames, assembled into a pattern and soldered. The technique requires special tools and skills. It is applied for large structures and only by professionals.

    Stained glass using the classic technique is indispensable for large areas

  2. English or film. The pattern is formed on glass from stained glass self-adhesive film. Each fragment is cut out separately and glued to the place determined by the stencil. The pasted fragments are framed with lead tape. With certain skills, you can make such a stained glass window yourself.
  3. Fusing. The stained glass window is made without metal frame by sintering multi-colored fragments into a monolithic pattern. It is impossible to make such a stained glass window at home; a special oven with a high temperature is required.

    Stained glass using the fusing technique amazes with the brightness of colors and integrity of the composition

  4. Tiffany. This technique is similar to the classical one. Pattern fragments are cut out of colored glass and bordered with copper tape. The finished elements are assembled into a pattern and soldered together. This technique is difficult for beginners, but it can be mastered and used at home.

    Stained glass using the Tiffany technique successfully replaces the classical technique

  5. Sandblasting. It involves processing glass using a stencil with sand fed under high pressure. The treated areas become matte, and the pattern becomes airy. It cannot be used at home; it requires special equipment.
  6. Cast. Each element is cast or blown from glass separately. After this, the fragments are assembled into a picture using reinforcement or mortars. Not used at home.
  7. Etching. By etching glass with hydrofluoric acid, deep relief patterns are created. Using this at home strong acid dangerous for health.
  8. Painted stained glass window. The pattern is copied onto the glass and outlined. After the contour of the void has dried, it is painted with stained glass paints.

    Using the painted technique you can create real paintings

  9. Contour filler. As with the painted technique, the outline of the design is first prepared. After it dries, the voids are filled with a thick layer of paint. If necessary, the paint is leveled with a brush or wooden stick.

    The pouring technique most successfully imitates classical styles

Video: making English film stained glass with your own hands

Painted stained glass and contour pouring techniques are the most accessible for self-production. They do not require special knowledge, materials or tools, and can imitate almost any other technique. To make such stained glass windows you only need special paints, accuracy and patience.

Video: do-it-yourself stained glass using the Tiffany technique

What you need to make stained glass

Before you start work, prepare everything you need. For painted and filled stained glass you will need paints.


Special stained glass or acrylic glass paints are used. They all have their own characteristics.

Acrylic paints

The composition includes three main components: pigment, water and acrylic polymer emulsion. Sold in tubes or jars.

Acrylic paints are sold in jars and tubes

Acrylic paints dry quickly, after which they become durable and resilient. After drying, they are resistant to temperature and humidity changes. It is very difficult to scrape off a dried coating, as well as to remove it with sandpaper.

Acrylic paints dry quickly and are easy to work with at home.

The color of the finished coating is matte and bright. It is not subject to fading and does not fade over time. Paints of different colors can be mixed with each other. The brush should be washed with water immediately after use; if it becomes dry, you will have to use a solvent.

There are two types: fired and unfired. After application, those fired are heated in the oven, harden and become resistant to external influences. The firing temperature is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Stained glass paints can be fired or unfired

If the paints are not fired, after a week they will dry and harden in the same way as when fired, but before this point there is a risk of smearing them. Paints are water-based, so they are diluted with it. Brushes can also be washed with water.

Unfired paints dry in 1 to 3 days, depending on the manufacturer. The drawing requires fixing by applying a layer of nitro varnish.

These colors are more vibrant. They are thicker due to the synthetic solvent they contain. They fit well and are more convenient to work on vertical surfaces.

Homemade paints

Some craftsmen prefer to use paints own production. They are easy to make yourself from what is sold in construction stores.

  1. Based on nitro varnish. NTs-2141 or another similar one is used. Nitrovarnish is diluted with solvent 647 in a ratio of 1 to 0.4. Can be tinted with artistic oil paint or construction paint. The dye is added little by little until the desired color intensity is achieved.
  2. Based on BF-2 glue. The glue is diluted twice with acetone and tinted with any alcohol-based dye. This could be ballpoint pen paste or other paint. The emulsion is stirred in a glass container and tested on the glass. If necessary, add paint until the required intensity is achieved.
  3. Gelatin based. 5–6 grams of gelatin brew 200 ml hot water until it reaches a paste consistency and add fabric dye. A drawing made from such paint requires fixing with nitro varnish.

In addition to paints, you will need an outline for the work. This is a special thick paste for outlining the borders of a pattern. It imitates metal frames for pieces of smalt in painted and filled stained glass windows.


Relief contours are made on a water basis and are sold in tubes. With their help, the drawing is outlined, which is then filled with paints. Can also be used to create a three-dimensional drawing.

Stained glass contours can be used to create a three-dimensional pattern

At home, contour paste can be prepared using PVA glue. To do this, you will need 50 ml of tableware PVA, 20-30 ml of natural black ink (the best is Dutch), 30-40 grams of silver or bronze powder.

Mascara is added to the glue with constant stirring, and then powder until a creamy consistency is obtained. This paste is prepared as needed and is not stored. Stir each time before use. Masters apply it with a brush, forming a roll; for beginners, it is more convenient to use a pastry syringe.

Required Tools

To make stained glass using different techniques, a special tool is required. In drawing and pouring techniques you will need a minimum of it:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glass marker;
  • tassels;
  • wooden sticks or toothpicks.

And of course, making stained glass is impossible without a stencil of the design. Let's take a closer look at how to do it.

Stencil for stained glass

A suitable stencil can be purchased at a specialty store or from a stained glass artist. But it’s much more interesting to make a stencil yourself by choosing a suitable sketch.

Do not choose a sketch with many details and voids; such a design will look sloppy on the finished stained glass window.

The image can be downloaded from the Internet and simply printed at the required scale, taking into account the size of the future stained glass window. Or take a picture or postcard you like and enlarge it to the required size.

Photo gallery: samples of stencils for creating stained glass yourself

Floral motifs never go out of style and are suitable for any room The stencil details are numbered for easy painting of the stained glass window. The lattice complements the flower and gives the design a finished look. Birds are another timeless subject for stained glass

Number the parts of the drawing with the same color. This will help you avoid making mistakes when coloring.

How to enlarge a drawing

  1. Draw the pattern into cells with a side of no more than 1 cm.
  2. Number the resulting grid vertically and horizontally.
  3. Take measurements from stained glass.
  4. Transfer the dimensions onto paper.
  5. Mark the sheet according to the number of cells in the picture.
  6. Draw a grid on the sheet in accordance with the markings.
  7. Cell by cell, transfer the image from the postcard onto paper on an enlarged scale.
  8. The finished drawing can be adjusted and colors changed.

If you have drawing skills, you can create the pattern yourself. To do this, transfer the dimensions of the future stained glass window onto a sheet of paper and mark the contours of the pattern location. Draw with a simple pencil so that you can correct inaccuracies.

When choosing an image, keep in mind that if you enlarge it, its proportions may suffer. If necessary, draw the drawing not in squares, but in rectangles.

Draw in the details, you should get a complete picture. Trace the finished drawing along the contour with a ballpoint pen or a thin marker.


Having prepared everything you need, you can begin making stained glass. Make sure that working surface was level, and remember that if handled carelessly, the glass may break.

Making stained glass: step-by-step instructions

  1. Place the glass on the prepared stencil so that their edges coincide.
  2. Thoroughly degrease the glass with alcohol, acetone or vinegar. Dry the surface with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  3. Transfer the outlines of the design from the stencil onto the glass with a special disappearing marker. If you have experience in drawing, the lines can be applied directly with a contour or contour paste.

    Drawing a contour requires accuracy and a precise eye.

  4. Let the outline dry, otherwise the drawing will smudge.
  5. Now all that remains is to fill the voids of the drawing with paints. This is done with a thin brush or straight from the tube. Tubes of ready-made paints are equipped with a convenient spout.

    Paints are applied to stained glass with a brush or using a tube attachment.

  6. Paint is applied from the edges to the center. It’s okay if paint gets on the outline during work - touch it up with a wooden stick or toothpick. After drying, special paints become transparent and the outline appears through them.
  7. If the design involves color transitions, lighter or darker tones are applied after the base ones. They can be mixed or shaded with the main ones using a toothpick.
  8. Bubbles formed during the work are also removed using a toothpick.
  9. Let the finished painting dry completely. Some paints require additional coating with nitro varnish, please pay attention to this. This information is indicated on the packaging.
  10. All that remains is to insert the stained glass into the frame.

    Stained glass can be inserted into the frame

To protect yourself from cuts, you can first cover the edges of the glass with masking tape before work.

Video: master class on making stained glass using poured technique

Having mastered the painted and filling technology, you can try yourself in English film or fusion techniques. This will require a lot of expense, materials and skills, but it's worth it.

Photo gallery: several ideas for placing stained glass windows in the interior

Abstract drawing suitable for high-tech style Floral ornament will decorate the living room windows Stained glass on the bathroom window will add a special atmosphere and protect from prying eyes A geometric pattern for a living room can be easily made using stained glass film Stained glass windows landing performed in the same style Bay windows are well suited for stained glass The ceiling insert can be decorated with stained glass film

Creating stained glass windows is a creative and exciting activity. Even children can make the simplest stained glass windows. And let your work not be similar to the masterpieces of world painting, but they will bring originality and a piece of your individuality to your home.

Today we will talk about creating stained glass: how to choose a pattern for a stained glass window, ways to transfer a pattern to stained glass, materials and tools for making stained glass yourself, two ways to create a painted stained glass window, self-production stained glass paint, how to get a matte glass surface.

Among the many in various ways For room decoration, stained glass windows stand out for their special brightness and unusual appearance. A game sun rays or special lighting will add a special charm to the room where the stained glass products are installed. By the way, if a classic stained glass window is an ornament made of colored glass through which natural light, That modern concept stained glass windows are much wider. Artistic stained glass windows can be placed in any room - even in one where daylight completely absent.

Traditionally, stained glass compositions were created from fragments of colored glass held together with lead gaskets (lead is quite soft). When creating stained glass windows from colorless glass, painting on it was done with silicate-based paints.

Modern stained glass windows are connected by lead and brass profiles (brass with a steel insert), they can be installed either in window openings, and as lampshades for interior lamps in a building, for installing suspended ceilings, forming internal partitions, creating showcase compositions and panels. Decorative items, such as Tiffany stained glass, are independent elements decor.

Stained glass art - technology of creation

- created according to the classical stained glass technology, with the only difference being that the edges of some (or all) stained glass elements are cut (the bevel is removed). Thanks to this operation it is achieved big game sunlight in the created edges, which increases the beauty of the stained glass composition.

— is created by fusing multi-colored glasses in high-temperature furnaces. In this case, the colored elements of the stained glass window are carefully cut out and polished, after which they are placed on a sheet of glass (substrate), forming a complete composition. Next is processing in an oven, after which the substrate and colored elements are soldered into one whole. One more distinctive feature fusing stained glass is their wavy surface.

There is another technology for creating fusing stained glass windows - gluing elements of a stained glass pattern onto a backing made of tempered glass using transparent adhesives, having previously subjected the colored glass to high-temperature treatment. The fact is that it is impossible to use a substrate of tempered glass, which is necessary when creating all-glass doors and glazing large window openings, to create fusing stained glass - it will become brittle during heat treatment. Gluing the elements will allow you to get a strong, highly artistic stained glass composition, and it can even be installed on the ceiling - if for some reason such a stained glass window breaks, it will not cut anyone, because there will be no fragments.

— a design is applied to the glass using silicate paints, then the glass is subjected to heat treatment in an oven. The painted composition is made with a brush or airbrush.

— a stained glass composition is made using one of the above technologies, then using it back side applied thin layer titanium nitride. In this case, the degree of reflection can be increased, decreased, or a one-way transparent mirror can be obtained.

Engraved stained glass— the drawing is created only by hand, using engraving equipment or hand tools. Colored glass - the basis for such stained glass windows - is created by mixing glass different color, which heat up to liquid state, then several liquid glasses of different colors are poured onto the table and rolled out. The glass obtained in this way has a unique color and pattern - it is impossible to obtain two sheets of such stained glass with an identical pattern and color.

- a technique that is especially popular today. To obtain matte stained glass, sandblasting technology is used: a jet of sand supplied under high pressure scratches the surface of transparent glass, knocking out microparticles and turning one side of the glass matte. To create a design using this technology, you will need a stencil - it is fixed to the glass and placed in a sandblasting chamber. After processing, the areas covered with the stencil remain transparent, everything else becomes matte.

Of particular interest is the technique of creating stained glass using the deep working method - producing three-dimensional drawings on glass. For this, a sandblasting machine and a more complex, multi-layer stencil are used. The creation technology is as follows: all layers of the stencil are laid on sheet glass and sandblasted (a layer of glass of about 1 mm is removed), then one stencil layer is removed and a new sand blasting is carried out (a layer of 1.5 mm is removed), etc. until the desired composition is obtained. It is possible to create stained glass windows in this way only on glass with a thickness of 6 mm or more, and the process itself is quite painstaking and time-consuming.

- looks similar to the classic one, although it is created in a simpler way. The design elements for batch stained glass are cut out on a machine controlled by a computer program. The lead gaskets that held together the fragments of classical stained glass were replaced here with modern materials that look like lead. After forming the finished stained glass composition, it is glued using a special transparent glue onto a sheet of glass - the finished stained glass window made using this technology is lighter and stronger than the classic one. Often such stained glass is sandwiched between two sheets of transparent glass.

- most cheap way creating a stained glass composition. On the market in large assortment The film is presented in different colors; elements of a stained glass pattern are cut out of it manually or using a plotter and glued onto sheet glass. The stained glass obtained in this way will not last long, but it is easy to replace.

Drawings for stained glass

An important point in choosing the theme of the sketch for the stained glass composition will be the purpose of the room. If some kind of abstraction is assumed, then it is better to implement it in a single color scheme with premises. You should attach importance to the meaning contained in the stained glass composition - this way it will look better in the overall design.

It is important to consider that stained glass designs should not leave too much empty space on the glass, nor should they overload it. In the first case, you can make a stained glass window from a small central design (pattern), complementing the picture decorative elements at the corners of the glass, covering the rest free space varnish.

Please note that correcting voids in a finished stained glass composition is much easier than correcting an overly filled stained glass pattern after its completion (this desire often arises when there are a large number of small elements).

Carefully consider the sketch of the stained glass window, experiment with the sizes of individual elements of the composition. It is best to introduce new details into the drawing gradually. No less important color palette stained glass pattern - try several color options.

How to make stained glass with your own hands

At home, creating stained glass using industrial methods is impossible. For example, fusing stained glass requires a special glass furnace and a temperature of 900 °C.

What types of stained glass windows can be made at home? This is Tiffany stained glass, painted stained glass (firing was replaced by varnishing) and film stained glass. Let's consider each of them separately.

We make Tiffany stained glass yourself

Required separate room for work (quite painstaking).

From materials: colored glass, special copper foil (sold in rolls, its width is 4.7 mm), transparent glue (not silicate), soldering acid, solder for soldering stained glass elements (tin/lead content 50/50 or 60/40), any product for washing dishes, patina.

From the tools: a diamond glass cutter (preferably a diamond one), pliers, small wire cutters, a small machine for turning glass edges or whetstone, thin soldering iron.

We create a sketch of the future stained glass window - first on plain paper (preferably checkered), then transfer the final version to a larger one. thick paper(cardboard or Whatman paper). You need to cut the sketch into elements, put them on colored glass of a suitable color and trace along the outline with a marker.

Using a glass cutter, we cut out the elements of the future Tiffany stained glass window from glass. Carefully break off the glass along the cut line; the resulting irregularities need to be broken off with small pliers: for this we take cardboard box of a suitable size, hold the glass element (without pinching it too hard!) with pliers, take the small pliers in the other hand and break it off (without the box, the pieces of glass will scatter throughout the room).

The next stage is turning the edge. If there is a special machine, we work on it, but if not, you need to put water in a bowl (preferably metal), put a sharpening stone there (it should be submerged in water) and grind off the sharp protrusions on the glass against it. We check the quality on a general sketch; if all the glass elements fit perfectly together, then you can move on to the next stage - wrapping the edges with copper foil.

We use special copper foil in the form of a tape with one adhesive side. We wrap the edge with it: placing the middle of the copper tape in the center of the edge, we bend it on both sides. It is important that the fold edges are the same on both sides of the Tiffany stained glass glass element. Carefully smooth the foil onto the glass using a wooden spatula (not metal - it will scratch). When all the glass fragments of the stained glass window are wrapped in foil, fold them into a composition and check the fit again.

Next, you will need to treat the edge covered with copper foil with soldering acid - it will act as a flux during soldering. To apply soldering acid, use a cotton swab attached to a stick. Soldering queue: heat up the soldering iron, put drops of tin on it and solder the Tiffany stained glass elements along the edges, connecting them together. The tin seam should be continuous and resemble a small roller - this will be beautiful and neat. The tin should completely cover the entire visible part copper foil- both between stained glass elements and along them outer edges. You are unlikely to succeed right away, so practice. If the Tiffany stained glass window you are making is intended to be hung, then solder a wire loop to it.

Upon completion of soldering, it’s time to wash the soldered stained glass window - if this operation is skipped, then the remaining soldering acid will cause moss-like formations to appear on the tin seam. For washing Tiffany stained glass, ordinary detergent for dishes and a sponge.

Allow the stained glass to dry, then cover the tin seams with a patina (black or copper color, depending on your taste). The patina should be applied with a cotton swab: apply a little patina to the swab, then rub it firmly into the surface of the tin joint. Having completed this operation, you need to wash the stained glass window again. That's it, the job is finished!

Stained glass painted with paints is one of the oldest techniques. We offer you two ways to create a painted stained glass window: in the first of them, the design is formed by applying it with a brush and paints, in the second, paint is poured onto the design.

The first thing you need to do is select a design for the stained glass window, prepare a sketch of it, enlarging the image proportionally (if necessary).

After preparing the stained glass for drawing, wipe it thoroughly with a cotton swab or a clean cloth, moistened with alcohol. This simple operation will big influence on the durability of future stained glass painting.

It's time to transfer the contours of the design onto the glass. By the way, you need to paint on glass in a horizontal position - the paint will not spread. The easiest way to transfer a sketch of a design is to stick it with tape on the back side of the glass and redraw its outline with thin lines - first with a marker, then with special stained glass paint applied to a thin brush (see below for methods of making it).

Start painting the drawing, first you need to paint the fragments that are separated from each other (i.e., not adjacent), in this case it will be possible to correct the paint going beyond the contour and it will not mix with paint of a different color from the adjacent fragment of the drawing.

There is another way to paint stained glass fragments. To execute it, you will need to cut out on a paper sketch only the fragment that you intend to paint this time. Align it along the contour with a similar area on the glass and paint it with a brush or spray. After the paint has dried, prepare a new fragment - and so on, until the stained glass pattern is completely painted.

It will take three days for the painted fragments to dry completely. After this, apply paint to the remaining areas and let it dry. Then apply an outline over the painted areas of the picture using a thin squirrel brush and stained glass paint - this way you can give the image clarity and hide small gaps and drips. Be careful and leisurely!

After three days, you need to perform the final operation - apply a layer of varnish to the stained glass window using a wide brush or paint sprayer. Cover the entire stained glass window with varnish, including those areas of glass that do not have a pattern. This time the drying period is a week. For the entire drying period, place the glass with a stained glass pattern in a clean, dry and well-ventilated room, do not touch it, and exclude access to it by children and pets. After seven days, the stained glass window is ready, it can be inserted into a frame or, for example, into an interior door.

Painted stained glass using paint pouring method

The beginning of work on creating such a stained glass window lies in choosing a stained glass pattern and transferring its outline onto the glass. Next, you need to make the contour convex (volumetric) to create boundaries that prevent paint from spilling beyond the intended area.

Here you will need to make a special contour paint, for this you need:

  • 50 ml PVA glue, suitable for gluing porcelain and glass;
  • black mascara - 20-30 ml;
  • silver (aluminum powder) - about 30-40 g.

Contour paint is created like this: take a small glass jar, pour PVA glue into it, add black ink, mix and add silver while stirring. The consistency of the paint obtained in this way should resemble lead-colored liquid sour cream.

Let us immediately note that if during the process of applying a volumetric contour on the glass, the paint in the jar thickens, then by adding some warm water and a little black ink (for the desired color), it will return to the state you need.

The contour formed by such homemade paint will stick firmly to the glass and will look similar to the lead gaskets connecting the elements of a classic stained glass window. Moreover, you can improvise with the width of the contour when applying it - this will give your stained glass originality. So, we arm ourselves with a squirrel or kolinsky brush and start drawing the outline - it should turn out to be voluminous (convex) to a sufficient extent, so don’t skimp on the paint, but you need to apply it carefully and carefully. In the process of creating a volumetric contour, it is necessary to periodically stir the paint, since lighter silver particles will begin to accumulate on its surface. Do not delay with contour work - the longer the paint you prepare sits, the more its color will change, which means the monotony of the contour lines will be lost.

After drawing the outline of the stained glass pattern, we wait 3 hours for the paint to dry completely.

How to make stained glass paints

The continuation of the material on creating a stained glass pattern using the paint pouring method will be below, but for now it’s time to present here several ways to create stained glass paint at home.

First way. You will need nitrovarnish NTs-218 (you can use 222 or 2141), 647th solvent and oil paints for artwork. Pour about a third of the nitro varnish into the jar, add a solvent (up to about 40% of the amount of nitro varnish), mix until a composition similar to water is obtained. Then add a drop (the size of a pea) artistic paint, mix, add more paint if the color is not bright enough (paint will need up to 10% of the amount of nitro varnish). As a result, we get a well-flowing colored varnish, which is perfect for filling a stained glass pattern.

Second way. You will need light BF-2 glue, acetone, and alcohol-soluble paint (you can use ballpoint pen paste). Pour glue into a glass jar, dilute it with acetone in a 1:1 ratio, mix and add paint until the desired color saturation is obtained.

Third way. You will need gelatin, warm water, dry dyes for cotton, wool or silk fabrics. About 6 g of gelatin should be diluted in 200 g of warm water and mixed. Separately, dilute dry paints in warm water. Pour a little solution of water with gelatin into a new glass jar and add required amount paint solution, mix. After applying this paint to the stained glass window and drying it, you will need to cover the top of the drawing with colorless nitro varnish.

Important: all stained glass paint recipes given below must be mixed exclusively in glass containers (ideal glass jars from baby food).

We continue to create stained glass using the paint pour method

So, the contour paint on the stained glass window has dried, and the paint for filling is ready. Before you start painting the stained glass, make sure that the glass sheet is in a strictly horizontal position - any, even slight, distortion will cause the paint layer to run off and thicken at the lowest point of the fragment being painted.

We arm ourselves with a large round brush (squirrel or kolinsky), pick up a large amount of paint and apply it to the specified fragments of the stained glass window. In this case, the main thing is not to cross the boundary of the contour and completely fill each of the fragments with paint of a certain color. If you get paint on the outline itself, it’s okay; on the contrary, it’s even good, because it will completely eliminate any unpainted areas near the outline. Fight the appearance air bubbles- watch for their appearance and quickly remove them with a movement of the brush. Having completed the painting, we pause for 3-4 hours - let the paint dry completely.

The next step is to re-draw the outline. Try to repeat the previous contour lines, apply paint as liberally as when you first drew the contour. Now you can be sure of the complete elimination of any irregularities and flaws. The next stage of work is 2-3 hours after the applied contour has dried.

To complete the work on the stained glass window, you need to apply 3-4 layers of transparent nitro varnish to it, covering the entire surface of the glass with a thin layer. This measure will protect the drawing from scratches and moisture and extend its service life. It is best to apply nitro varnish not with a brush, but with a sprayer, allowing at least 10 minutes before each new layer to dry the previous layer.

The work of creating the stained glass window is completed - you just need to insert it into the frame. This hand-drawn stained glass window will serve you for at least 10 years.

Additional stained glass works

Provide detailed creation method film stained glass We consider it unnecessary here - the work here is the simplest, you need to prepare a sketch, apply it to the glass and to the tint film, cut out the necessary fragments and attach it to the glass. The film will stick to the glass itself.

In some cases, stained glass doors are required to be opaque, especially if these doors lead to a bathroom or bedroom. To solve this issue, it is necessary to give the side of the glass opposite the stained glass pattern matte finish or stick a tint film on it. There are two ways to create a matte surface: using compositions based on liquid glass or using compositions based on hydrofluoric acid.

Compositions based on liquid glass:

  1. It is necessary to dilute the liquid glass a little with distilled water, then add a small amount of tooth powder to it and mix thoroughly.
  2. Mix 10 parts of liquid glass with 15 parts of distilled water, add 8 parts of barium sulfate and 1 part of silicic acid to this solution. The last ingredient can be obtained by mixing liquid glass with a significant amount of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid - silicic acid will precipitate, it must be isolated, dried and ground into powder.

Before applying any of these compounds, the glass must be thoroughly washed with soapy water and dried. To apply, use a smooth roller - dip it in the composition, roll it and carefully cover the entire surface of the glass with the solution. After drying, the glass should be rinsed under water.

It must be taken into account that when working with solutions based on liquid glass, you need to apply the coating as carefully as possible - the matte surface created by this composition will reveal all defects.

Compositions based on hydrofluoric acid:

  1. 12 parts of hydrofluoric acid, 10 parts of barium sulfate and 10 parts of ammonium fluoride are mixed together, then poured into a thin layer on the surface of the glass. After drying, the treated surface should be washed with a soda solution (5%) and then with water.
  2. 50% hydrofluoric acid is applied in a thin layer to the previously prepared glass. The preparation is as follows - the glass is placed in a wooden frame, covered on the reverse side with two layers of PVC film, and a plasticine rim is made along the edge of the glass (along the wooden frame). The layer of hydrofluoric acid is kept on the glass surface for 10 s, the temperature of the acid solution should be 30-40 °C. After the curing period has expired, rinse the treated surface with a 5% baking soda solution, followed by water.

Unlike compositions on liquid glass, the use of hydrofluoric acid gives a more even matte surface, regardless of errors made during application.

In this article we will look at do-it-yourself film stained glass, what are its features, advantages and disadvantages. Stained glass craft has been developing since ancient times and as soon as the technique of patterned colored glass has not been improved. There are already a lot of technologies and each of them has its own application.

Firstly, the construction industry continues to use the method of gluing together pieces of various colored glasses using metal soldering. This technology is unchanged in the design decoration of premises. But it wasn't always like this.

The stained glass windows are very for a long time were not used in the decoration of residential premises and were used only in cathedrals and temples, so artists did not immediately raise their hand to the “sacred”. And only towards the end of the 19th century did crafts with a creative bent begin to develop rapidly, as the chemical industry provided new paints, materials and technologies. Many artisans, in particular the artist and later famous glass designer Louis Comfort Tiffany, showed great interest in experimenting with the creation of artistic paintings with various materials on all sorts of previously unimaginable surfaces. He created a method of stained glass that is still used today, named after him - Tiffany stained glass.

There are specialized workshops that make custom stained glass, although the technique of creating stained glass from pieces of glass is also available at home, subject to the availability of the necessary materials.

The work requires professional tools - blowtorch, grinding equipment and diamond glass cutter. Also as consumables You need to stock up on colored glasses, copper tape, tin wire and soldering acid.

According to the sketch of the design, markings of the design are applied to the glass using a marker and cut into pieces, the pieces are then polished and all the parts are covered with copper, then assembled like a mosaic on flat surface and solder. This job is very difficult for beginners, beautiful work It may not work out right away.

Special paints for stained glass windows have also appeared, which imitate colored mosaics on glass. The advantage is ease of getting started. All you have to do is remove the glass and start drawing. Paint can be used to create artistic painting no worse than on paper - play with paint colors, mix several colors, draw with dots and thin curls. But such paints are used in small works, it is quite difficult to distribute them, they dry quickly and leave streaks. Therefore, for the extensive details of the design, a very neat type of stained glass art with colored self-adhesive film is used.

This type of stained glass requires the purchase of a special translucent film for stained glass and aluminum or lead strips.

Simple lesson

Film stained glass is also not an easy task and is not cheap. But considering the fact that this creative art is used in decoration, and also due to its service life, it will delight your eyes for quite a long time, it is worth at least once to make yourself beautiful, for example, for a window. The master class will help you quickly and easily make such beauty.

To work, we will need glass, a strong stationery knife so that it can cut lead wire and film, a roller, preferably a rubber one, scissors, lead tape, a sketch of a drawing, a set of color film.

First, let's prepare a drawing, you can draw it yourself, remember that you still have to cut out the details on it, so it's better not to get carried away with small details. The easiest way is to print ready-made traditional stained glass templates. Some examples will be provided at the end of the article.

Now we take the glass, clean it of dirt with microfiber and glass cleaner on both sides. If lint or stains remain under the film, they can ruin the entire look.

We stick lead tape along the contour of the picture, then turn it over. Using our stencil, we cut out pieces of film from colored tape and glue them on the back side. We paste tape over it again, we get a kind of double-sided stained glass window, as shown in the photo.

Ideas for creativity

There are several ways to cut the film into mosaic pieces. If it is transparent, place a drawing under it and trace it with a pencil or thin pen. Also, for stained glass, you can use some additives of opaque film, then these details are cut out from the picture as if through stencils, or transferred through carbon paper. Film stained glass is also convenient to use with illumination from below. At home, the glass should be placed on a frame with a stand on an elevated surface, and a lamp should be placed underneath.