home · Other · Do-it-yourself decorative plaster coat: principles, methods, necessary materials. Finishing a fur coat with facade plaster, video instructions How to properly make a fur coat from cement

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster coat: principles, methods, necessary materials. Finishing a fur coat with facade plaster, video instructions How to properly make a fur coat from cement

The simple cladding of the building, called a fur coat, is so called because of its strong resemblance to fur on inside sheepskin coats. The most common cladding is found in southern regions CIS countries, such as Ukraine and Moldova.

It was from there that this type of plaster migrated to Russia, and then to Western Europe.

Facing coat

How to make cladding?

To learn how to do such work, you need to understand what a fur coat finish is - in fact, it is the same plaster, only it is applied in a special way, by throwing splashes (that is why it is not “made”, but “applied” or “thrown on” ). Now we will learn how to apply a coating on the wall of your house with your own hands, and there is also a video instruction waiting for you.

Very soon we will show you how to apply it in video instructions.

Rough surface

In order to apply insulation, you need base plaster
  • She represents cement mortar, which is applied to any base and it must provide the opportunity for good adhesion.
    For the best adhesion, only a homogeneous composition, that is, ordinary cement-sand plaster, can be the best.
  • Whether it will be a lighthouse or not is up to you, but if the walls of the house are fairly even and the difference in plane does not exceed 0.5 mm per 1 m2, then it is quite possible to do without leveling it.
    And if the fraction is 10 mm or more, then large deviations on the plane of the wall can be allowed.
  • You may want to make the fur coat in fragments, highlighting some protrusions in the form of circles or diamonds on the plane, then you need to immediately apply them with plaster mortar.
    Although a pedestal is usually not made for such elements, but simply applied to a given area, framing it with some kind of slats.
  • I would like to note that it is not necessary to grout the rough plaster with a float or trowel, but in this case, no corrosion more than 3 mm deep should remain on the surface. Large recesses can be repaired immediately when leveling the wall using the rule.
  • First of all, you need to make a solution for textured plaster. As a rule, the solution is made from grade 400 cement with sand in a ratio of 1:3. The thicker the solution, the larger the fraction will be and vice versa.
  • The solution is considered ready if it has reached the consistency of rare mashed potatoes, but it is best if you try on a separate section of the wall to see what you get and adjust the thickness of the mixture.
  • Sometimes the solution is made from putty and enamel paint, mixing them 1:1. The graininess of the coating in this case will depend on the amount of putty (if there is more of it, then the fraction is larger).

Methods for cape or wall application

Cape with a broom through a stick
  • The most simple tool and, perhaps, the first in this type of finishing is an ordinary broom and stick.
    Take the most ordinary millet broom (which is used to sweep in the apartment), dip it in the solution and hit it on a stick in the direction of the surface being processed. Apply the blow to the place where the broom diverges into a triangle (not with the handle).
For fine fur coats, you can use a brush (the arrow indicates the direction of movement of the brush)
  • If you want to make a small fur coat (this is usually done on various fragments), you can use a stiff brush and a wooden strip.
    In this case, simply move the stick along the bristles from the wall towards you, and the splashes will fly in the desired direction. There are no clear instructions on this, so you may need to make some changes.
Sketching through the grid
  • The texture will be slightly different if you throw it through the mesh. To avoid deformation, the mesh screen is pulled over a wooden baguette, moving it in Right place over the entire plane. In this situation, the solution is applied with a trowel.
Material throwing machine
  • A serious improvement for work of this kind was the sketching machine..
    It is a stainless steel drum with blades inside, which are driven by a handle located on the side.
Cape using a mechanical machine
  • Load the solution into the drum, and by rotating the handle that sets the blades in motion, direct the unit with its outlet towards the face of the house.
    Such a device is convenient due to its compactness and autonomy, but it must be thoroughly cleaned and washed after each day of work, because the frozen solution will very quickly render the mechanism unusable.

Cover with compressor

Watch a video about applying a fur coat to a house with your own hands

  • As we have already said, applying a fur coat is a creative matter, so the methods of covering also vary. In the photo above you can see how it is thrown on with a compressor.
    The principle of the device is that compressed air pushes the solution onto the wall, just like the blades of a mechanical machine.

Advice. Try to calculate your strength and time in such a way that you can throw the solution on the entire individual plane within one day.
If you need to temporarily stop work (smoke break, lunch), then cover the edges of the coating with cellophane so that it does not dry out - this way you will avoid cracking.

Advice. To give the solution a certain color, some people add various dyes directly to the cement. But in this case, it is difficult to make the color uniform, because the solution has to be mixed again, so it is better to do it after covering the material.


Interestingly, the price consists of only sand, cement and paint (if you do it yourself), which turns out to be very cheap, but the effect exceeds all expectations. You can also watch the sketching process in the video clip attached to the page and see how simple such work is. You can do all this yourself.

Greetings to all visitors and readers of the site “”!
In this article I would like to tell you about decorative, textured plaster, which is called “fur coat”.
Decorative plaster is far from new on the finishing materials market. Such decorative finishing has long been used by craftsmen from Greece, Italy, France and other countries.
Yes, and it is popular among us, and why not.
After all, it’s not difficult to do and looks pretty decent.
Of all kinds textured plasters"fur coat" - the most simple finishing walls
Moreover, using the ancient method of applying plaster, the process itself is simplified many times. Therefore, you don’t have to be a super finisher, but just pick up a broom and use it to slowly decorate, for example, the outer walls of a house.
And most importantly, the cost of this method is very low, i.e. phrase "cheap and cheerful" 100% consistent with this method.
So let's get started.
To work we need a minimum of tools:

  • Drill with a “Mixer” attachment for stirring the solution.

You can do without this device, but then it will take longer.

  • A broom is the main tool of labor.

note That for plastering a fur coat, special machines are used that apply the solution and adjust the grain size.
But I think that such a device is necessary only for those who professionally engage in finishing and make money from it.

  • Level.
  • Spatula.

The procedure for performing work on finishing walls with “fur coat”

Of course, in stores building materials You can purchase ready-made solutions for such purposes, but if you make “fur coat” plaster with your own hands, we use the following materials:
It is better to choose river sand, having previously sifted it.
We use ordinary gray cement, in my case, because the color will not change.

note , in order for the “fur coat” to be colored, it is necessary to use decorative white cement.

It is better to add a dye of the desired color to the prepared solution. This way it will be more resistant to fading than, say, painting a ready-made “fur coat.”
Proportional ratio of mortar for “fur coat” plaster.
1 cement + 2 sand.
The consistency should be like this - the thinner it is, the finer the grain size of the plaster.

Making a “fur coat” on the wall

✓We throw the solution on the wall.

To apply the solution, we used to use birch brooms, but we will use a regular sorghum broom.
(Sorghum is a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants).

✓Dip the broom into the solution.
✓We hit the stick (you can just blurt it out). Thus, it is as if we were spraying the solution onto the wall.

note that it is necessary to apply it in 2-3 layers; when the first layer is ready, you must immediately apply the second one without allowing the solution to dry out, otherwise it will fall off. Try to apply the solution evenly so that you get solid color, and there were no influxes.

By the way, when the fur coat is still fresh, you can apply different designs or patterns to the surface using a narrow spatula. And after hardening, simply paint over it.

If you decide to paint over it after plastering, it is better to do it after it has completely dried.
If you are decorating some kind of ledge or parapet, then first you need to level the outer corners using a special perforated corner (sold in hardware stores) or profile.

Then plaster, and only then make a “fur coat”.
That's all on this topic. Apply and experiment!
Would you like to know more about complex form decorative plaster (“bark beetle”), read these articles:

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"Shuba" is one of the most economical options for finishing a building. Facade decorative plasters of this type can protect the house from natural destruction mineral surface and weather phenomena. Modern “fur coats” are quite strong and durable coverings.

It is believed that the most economical option decoration of buildings is “fur coat”.

List of elements that will be needed to apply “fur coat” plaster:

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What plaster mixture would be best suited “under a fur coat”?

For a similar decorative finishing Cement-lime plaster may be best. Today, there are some ready-made compositions on sale, which are called “fur coat” plaster. However, the main ingredient in them is cement. Cement itself is an expensive component, and therefore, in most cases, lime and some additives are added to it in order to improve performance. You should know the main characteristics of such decorative plaster and where it is used most often.

Plaster cement-lime composition today is one of the most popular compositions for cladding the walls of premises in which there is high humidity. These are, for example, bathrooms, kitchens, plinths, external concrete and stone facades, wooden walls. A similar composition may also be suitable in climatic conditions when observed increased level humidity (fog, rain). In addition, an additional advantage of this plaster is that the lime included in the composition has excellent disinfecting properties. In this regard, mold and mildew are not harmful to wall coverings on which such finishing material is applied.

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Preparatory work for applying decorative plaster “fur coat”

Scheme preparatory work for applying decorative plaster.

Before the surface of the walls is finished, some preparation work will need to be done. The first step is to take care of the foundation. If this is a new building, then the walls will need to be cleaned of traces construction work- grease and bitumen stains. If there was previously a coating on the surface, you will need to remove it (plaster, paint). Next, you need to inspect the walls for cracks or other flaws. The base should be leveled with plaster.

After using this composition, the walls will be smooth and even. Another prerequisite is a primer. It makes it possible to strengthen the surface and improve adhesion between the existing base and the decorative coating that is planned to be applied. It is necessary to select the composition of the primer according to the type of base (for concrete, brick, wood).

Scheme for applying plaster.

At the next stage, all the tools necessary to perform such work are prepared. The mixture is diluted according to the instructions on the package. It is necessary to calculate approximately 1 kg of composition per 0.2 liters of clean water.

All this is mixed with an electric drill with a special nozzle until no clots appear in the mixture. Next, the “shuba” plaster is kept in the container for approximately 5 minutes and thoroughly mixed again. In the process of carrying out such work, it is necessary to take care of the appropriate conditions (on average, the room temperature should be 5-25 ° C).

Before you start applying, you will need to take care of the safety rules. Safety glasses and rubber gloves should be worn. It is important to avoid getting decorative plaster on your eyes or skin. If it gets on your eyes or skin, rinse the area thoroughly with clean and slightly cold water.

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Wall decoration using the “spray” method under a fur coat

Scheme of wall finishing using the spray method.

At the next stage, decorative “fur coat” plaster is applied with your own hands. In this case, it is necessary to use a spatula and trowel. The surface is processed in sections, gradually moving from one to another. In this case, it is not allowed to take any breaks in work, because the coating may dry unevenly. In this case, cracks may begin to appear at the junctions of these sections. In this regard, it is necessary to gradually and systematically process the entire surface at once. Excess plaster will need to be put back into the container and mixed with the main mixture.

You should know that this method is most suitable if the walls are faced “under a fur coat” using the “bark beetle” composition (in this case, the thickness of the layer is equal to the thickness of the grains in the mixture).

If you plan to finish the “fur coat” using the “spray” method, you need to know that this can be done in several ways: through a mesh, using a brush or broom, mechanically using a special machine.

You should learn more about each of these methods. Spraying using a brush or broom occurs as follows. The solution is applied to a brush or broom, the tool is taken in one hand, and a stick is held in the other. All this needs to be brought to the surface of the walls and hit with a stick on a brush or broom. It is possible to apply to one place plaster composition repeatedly.

If you use a broom, you will get a medium texture, and if you use a brush, then a fine texture. Spraying using a mesh is carried out using a special mesh, in which the cell size should be 10x10 mm or 2.5x2.5 mm. Everything will depend on what size texture is needed. The mesh is stretched to wooden frame, after which you can begin to pour the solution evenly. It will pass through the mesh and form the necessary decorative coating.

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Other ways to apply a “fur coat”

Scheme for applying decorative plaster.

One of the most common methods of applying such a decorative coating is to apply textured roller. In this case, the plaster is applied in a uniform thin layer, after which it is rolled with a roller. This can result in uneven texture: in some places it will be greater, and in others it will be less. This is due to the uneven thickness of the layer that is applied.

To correct this, at the time of rolling - if it is clear that the “fur coat” is obtained in larger sections - you need to move the material with light movements of the spatula to places where the pattern is smaller, and then roll again. In this case, it is important not to overdo it. The material is applied from corner to corner, without interruptions.

If you do not have experience in applying decorative “fur coat” plaster, it is recommended that you first try to apply the coating to some small area walls, which is located in a not too noticeable place.

There is another way to correct uneven application. It is necessary to choose the direction of movement of the roller from the area with a larger texture towards the area with a smaller one. This way the “fur coat” can be distributed more evenly.

Decorative plaster can also be applied using a compressor.

Application using a compressor is the fastest and most in a rational way for such coverage.

In this case, everything will turn out evenly. If you plan to hire a specialist, it will cost much less than in other cases. In addition, in this case the texture will be more interesting and not so “prickly”. The texture (droplet size) can be adjusted by diluting with water.

There is another advantage to using this method. This type of texture will last longer. The spines have the property of collapsing (crumbling) over time, but the rounded shape will not do this. If the decorative plaster coat will be applied independently, without the involvement of third-party specialists, it is not necessary to buy a compressor - it is possible to rent it. The cost of a compressor for applying plaster starts from 7,000 rubles, and the rental cost is from 500 to 1,000 rubles per day. In 1 day of using such a compressor, it is possible to “spray” up to 200 m of “coat”.

You can apply the “fur coat” with a machine. In this case, the texture will be close to that applied by a compressor. It is possible to adjust it by diluting water, as in the previous method. A machine for applying decorative plaster is also called a “organ organ”. Inside it there is a container into which the plaster is poured, as well as flexible metal plates onto which the material will be collected.

When the handle is rotated, the plates that are stained with the material will rest against a special bar and then come off, causing the plaster to splash out. Labor intensity similar work can be compared to the roller coating method, however appearance texture will be more presentable.

The average cost of an inexpensive coating of this type ranges from 50 to 200 rubles per 1 sq.m. Application work costs from 200 rubles per sq.m., however, you can apply fur coat plaster with your own hands.

If everything is done correctly and the application technology is followed, the surface that is covered with “shuba” decorative plaster can serve for many years.

Everyone knows what fur coat plaster is. This type of decorative coating is often used for exterior finishing houses. The secret of its popularity lies, perhaps, in the low cost of the components included in the working mixture, as well as in the relatively simple application technology. Then such a cladding looks quite decent. For those who want to see their home “dressed” in traditional fur coat, the article below may be useful, which will tell you how to do it yourself.

In the past, cement-based compounds were used to plaster fur coats. Even now, many builders use them, preferring dry mixtures. Such materials are more practical and cheaper than other analogues. However, in this case, the cement completely deprives the finished solution of its elastic properties. Therefore, professional craftsmen today try to use acrylic compounds, which are sold in finished form and have a number positive qualities. True, such mixtures cost several times more.

Ready acrylic plaster"fur coat"

Often ready-made and dry mixtures go on sale already colored. But you can also give the material the desired shade yourself using coloring powders or tinting pastes. The initial color of the composition is usually white or gray. The first option is suitable for creating pastel colors, the second - for preparing darker compositions. However, there is one caveat here. It will not be possible to dilute the material in a sufficient volume at once, and it is very problematic to give the mixture the required shade by preparing the color composition in small batches.

Important! When painting the composition, you need to try to maintain the proportions of the tinting paste so that the next time you mix the components, you get the same shade.

For those who don't want to take risks with guessing tones, there are more safe way– this is surface painting facade paint. Here you no longer have to worry about the finishing being multi-colored. However, this method is also not the most successful, since when small cracks form, they will be immediately visible.

Methods of applying the solution

Plaster can be applied various methods, among which there are both completely manual and more advanced ones. Each of them will be discussed below.

Manual methods

Advanced Methods

On a note! Machine for applying plaster under a fur coat - great option for those who do not have the means to purchase a compressor. Despite the fact that the work is done manually, the quality of the finish is almost as good as that using a compressor. The solution spreads beautifully and evenly.

Stages of work

So, the methods of painting and applying the solution have been discussed, and it’s time to talk about how to make a plaster coat with your own hands, analyzing the whole process step by step.

  1. It all starts with surface preparation, during which you need to clean the base from dust and dirt, and then apply notches to the wall using a chisel and hammer.
  2. Next, the surface is primed using a special ready-made composition, which is easy to apply with a wide brush. The primer improves the adhesion of the base, due to which the coat of plaster will adhere to it more firmly.
  3. After treating with primer, you need to let the surface dry thoroughly, and then you can start applying the mixture, having decided in advance which solution will be used.

    Note: The technology below assumes the use cement-sand mortar, which, despite the emergence of new materials, continues to be popular.

  4. The plaster in this case is formed from three layers, the first of which is applied and leveled using a conventional trowel. The solution should have a creamy consistency.
  5. After the first layer has dried, another similar one is applied and also allowed to dry.
  6. On final stage the decorative coating is sprayed directly using one of the methods described above.

Points to consider when working

When starting the plastering process, you should remember that optimal temperature air for working with the solution from +5 to +27 degrees. Not lower and not higher. At the same time, the raw mixture should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun, which means another desirable condition is to work in cloudy weather. But no precipitation.

Don't skimp on primer. The entire surface of the building must be carefully treated.

Special powders can be used as coloring agents for the solution:

  • for getting white asbestos or crushed white marble is suitable;
  • you can color the mixture red using iron ore or manganese;
  • Coal powder will help give the composition a black color;
  • finely ground cobalt glass is a means of preparing a blue-blue composition.

Powders are added to the solution during mixing cement-sand composition with water.

Now, knowing the technology of applying plaster under a fur coat, those who want to decorate their home themselves can only apply the theory in practice.

Shuba plaster is one of the most common methods of decorating building facades. By fur coat we mean a layer sand-cement mixture, which is sprayed onto the outer perimeter of the walls of the building. Finishing with such plaster does not require any professional skills, takes little time, and the resulting result is not inferior in aesthetics to more expensive ones. facing materials, such as siding or facade brick.

  • the ability to modify the surface of the walls by adding larger-grained components to the solution, as well as by using a stencil or mesh,
  • minimal costs for purchasing the necessary materials and equipment,
  • simplicity and speed of finishing work, most of which can be done with your own hands,
  • light weight of the plaster layer, which does not create a load on the foundation,
  • improving the heat and sound insulation of buildings,
  • versatility (a fur coat can be used to cover concrete, brick or wooden walls),
  • resistance to precipitation and temperature changes,
  • spectacular appearance of a decorated building.

The disadvantages of this type of finishing include the tendency to accumulate dust. In addition, decorative plaster under a fur coat does not fit well with trendy landscape designs.

What will you need to decorate with a fur coat?

Decorating walls with a fur coat begins with preparing the tools and preparing the solution. To carry out the work you will definitely need a trowel and a set of metal spatulas different sizes, plumb line, rule, grater and level. The availability of other equipment directly depends on the technique of applying the mixture: with a broom, roller, brush or a special spraying machine.

Plastering mortar is sold in most stores specializing in the sale of building materials. By purchasing a ready-made mixture, you get plaster of the desired shade, which can be immediately applied to the wall. However, many plasterers prefer to make blanks for fur coats with their own hands. In this case, it is possible to vary the thickness and texture of the mixture to obtain the desired relief and pattern. In addition, homemade plaster is much cheaper than factory-made analogues.

Homemade fur coat recipes

On Internet forums and on the pages of specialized publications you can find various recipes preparing solutions for fur coats with your own hands, but the following are considered the most proven:

  • cement grade M300 or M400 (preferable) is mixed with sifted river sand in a ratio of 1:3, water is added based on the considerations that the thicker the mixture, the rougher the relief of the applied finish will be,
  • putty and enamel paint in a 1:1 ratio are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, the grain size of which is increased by adding new portions of putty.

Homemade plaster under a fur coat is not necessarily a decoration gray. This cladding can be of any shade; it all depends solely on the imagination of the plasterer. You can give the wall the desired color by adding color at the stage of mixing the mass or by spray painting the already treated surface.

In the first case, the plaster will better retain its color when exposed to sun rays, but the solution will have to be prepared for all surfaces to be decorated at once, so as not to have to worry about choosing shades later different mixtures, therefore, and Finishing work needs to be completed in as soon as possible until the mixture has dried. It is also worth considering that to prepare a colored fur coat, you need to use white cement, which is colored better than ordinary gray.

In the second case, the paint will gradually fade in the sun, but finishing work can be carried out measuredly, without unnecessary haste.

A mixture is considered ready when its thickness resembles rare mashed potatoes. Use the resulting mass to treat a small section of the wall to get an idea of ​​what it will look like. decorative fur coat Finally, and if necessary, adjust the thickness of the solution. To create artistic effects, they are sometimes added to the mixture. marble chips, pieces of broken colored glass or ceramics.

It is advisable to prepare the solution in volumes that can be applied to a single surface during the day. When pausing in work, the edges of the finish must be covered plastic film to avoid drying out and cracking between areas treated at a certain time interval.

Preparing walls for coating

The volume and complexity of the work directly depends on the condition of the surface being treated, but all stages of fur coat finishing are quite doable with your own hands. If there are differences in height on the wall of more than 2 cm, leveling will be required, which is achieved by applying a rough layer of plaster.

Theoretically, the decorative mixture can be applied to a wall with serious defects if special notches are used during the work, but there is no guarantee that such a coat will last for several years. It is advisable to use the technique with notches when plastering yourself face brick, since this surface has rather low adhesion.

Level the walls normally, controlling the surface level. The plastered wall is allowed to dry, after which the surface is considered ready for further finishing.

If a decorative fur coat is applied to wooden structure, the walls must first be treated with lime-gypsum mortar and then primed.

Next preparatory stage is to clean the walls from dust, dirt and lumps of unfixed cement. To do this I use a stiff wire brush. When finishing old buildings, it is advisable to treat the walls with an antiseptic. Then the surface to be decorated is primed with a deeply penetrating solution, which improves the adhesion of the fur coat to the walls. Upon completion of this work, you can begin to directly apply the fur coat.

Fur coat cape techniques

There are many cape techniques. The easiest way is to apply the solution using a regular broom and stick. Most often, this technique is used when tiling a house with your own hands. You need the simplest broom, tied from millet shoots. It is dipped in plaster mortar and hit the stick in such a way that the broom rests on the cane in the area where the handle transitions into a triangular whisk.

The mixture is applied in 2-3 layers while the lower layers are still wet, otherwise the decorative coat will fall off. It is also worth monitoring the uniformity of the thickness of the plaster layer and the absence of sagging, which can spoil the appearance of the facade.

The next most difficult task is finishing the walls with a roller. This technique is suitable for applying a rather rare solution used to create a fine-grained surface on the facade of a building. The solution is either thrown onto the wall, after which it is evenly distributed with a paint roller, or the roller is dipped into the plaster mixture and, as it were, the walls are painted with it. The latter method allows you to get a rougher wall texture. If you treat a slightly dried fur coat with a trowel dipped in water, you can give the surface the texture of cork.

To create a small fur coat with your own hands you will need wooden slats and a stiff brush. IN classic version the brush is pressed against the stick and passed over the surface on which it was previously applied thin layer plaster mixture, but each painter modifies this technique at his own discretion.

A mesh or stencil will help to achieve the effect of a patterned finish. The frame on which the mesh is fixed is pressed against the wall, after which cement mortar is sprayed with a trowel. As each section is processed, the structure is gradually moved along the entire surface.

Applying plaster using a spray machine is the least energy-intensive way to coat walls. The solution is loaded into the drum, the bell of the machine is turned towards the surface to be treated and, holding the funnel at a right angle, they begin to rotate the handle of the device. The rotating drum blades eject small portions of the mixture, which allows the solution to be evenly applied to the façade.

A DIY decorative fur coat is not only an economical option for decorating your home, but also a way to show creativity and experiment with various combinations patterns and finishing textures, which allows you to obtain a unique relief of the facade.