home · Other · "Fertika" (fertilizer): reviews. Complex fertilizers: application. Kemira Fertika potato fertilizer, luxury, station wagon: description, instructions, price Potato fertilizers Fertika and Gera comparison

"Fertika" (fertilizer): reviews. Complex fertilizers: application. Kemira Fertika potato fertilizer, luxury, station wagon: description, instructions, price Potato fertilizers Fertika and Gera comparison

» Medicines

The Fertika trademark is a new name for products that were previously produced as Kemira. In 1995, products from a Finnish company appeared in Russia - soluble fertilizer “Kemira Lux” and granular fertilizer “Kemira Universal”. The novelty was not lost in the crowd and was liked by many farmers.

At the end of the twentieth century, part of the production was transferred to Russian factories, importing raw materials. Then the Finnish company was bought by a large Norwegian company, and since 2011 the name “Kemira” changed to “Fertika”. Production facilities are located in Russia, Finland and Norway, and the product range is constantly expanding.

“Kemira” is no longer officially produced: leftovers from warehouses or counterfeits can be sold. Instead, you should ask in stores for a modern analogue - products of the Fertika brand.

When developing drugs, the company relies on the latest Scientific research in the field of plant nutrition and soil composition. An important principle is the combination of an integrated and individual approach. Distinctive features trademark"Fertika":

The container with fertika fertilizer must be tightly closed and stored out of the reach of children.
  1. A large assortment:
  • for any time of year;
  • universal and for individual crops (garden, vegetable, indoor);
  • different methods of application;
  • convenient packaging;
  • price range for any budget.
  1. A combination of tradition and innovation.
  2. Invariably high quality: the composition stated on the packaging corresponds to reality.
  3. Variety of nutrients, addition of microelements in optimal proportions.
  4. Does not contain chlorine (which inhibits many plants).
  5. High degree of absorption.
  6. Efficiency, quick and tangible effect.
  7. Environmental Safety.
  8. Dry fractions do not cake.

Demand for products of this brand remained even after a significant increase in its value (tied to the euro currency exchange rate).


The brand produces 5 groups of fertilizers for cultivated plants:

  1. (according to proprietary recipe): for dry application to the soil (for digging and in holes) and seasonal fertilizing.
  2. (proprietary composition) – series “Lux”, “Summer-for evergreens” and “Kristalon”: for fertilizing watering and spraying.
  3. Liquid concentrates"Kristalon" and "Lux".
  4. Organo-mineral fertilizers(WMD).
  5. Standard mineral fertilizers(urea, ammophos, nitrate, etc.).

Assortment of fertik fertilizer available on store shelves

Instructions for use

Each variety has its own application characteristics - timing, method, dosage, purpose.

Granular mineral mixtures

1 tbsp. a spoon holds 15-18 g, a glass - approximately 180-200 g.

Spring-summer station wagon

Compound: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. No chlorine! Does not acidify the soil.

There are 2 varieties:

  • Universal-2 (nitrogen 12%, phosphorus 8%, potassium 14%)
  • Finnish station wagon (nitrogen 11%, phosphorus 11%, potassium 21%). Produced only from imported components with increased quality control. Expensive for the price.

Finnish universal dissolves well in water (80%), so it is also suitable for fertilizing irrigation. It contains a high percentage of potassium, which is especially good for peat lands, cucumbers and berry gardens.

Fertilizer powder for dilution


  1. In the spring, for plowing or digging, in holes and rows before sowing or planting (dose per 1 square meter):
  • tomatoes, peppers – 150 g;
  • cabbage, root vegetables, peas, cucumbers – 120 g;
  • greens – 80 g;
  • strawberries – 50 g;
  • berry bushes – 120 g;
  • trunk circle of mature trees – 85 g;
  • seedlings – from 30 to 120 g.
  1. In the first half of summer, give 1-2 additional feedings, pouring and loosening into moist soil. The dosage is half that for spring digging.
  2. You can sprinkle it into seedling soil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons onto a bucket of substrate.


There is half as much nitrogen (up to 5%), but double the amount of phosphorus (21%) and potassium (31%).

Purpose (dry filling with embedding in wet soil, dose per 1 square meter):

  1. 1-2 fertilizing of fruit and berry crops and decorative perennials(in the second half of the season) – 40 g.
  2. At autumn planting bushes and trees, bulbous flowers and other perennials - 80 g.
  3. For continuous pre-winter digging or plowing - 50 g.

Effect of application:

  1. Stimulation of flowering and fruiting, root growth and the formation of fruit buds for the next season.
  2. Excellent ripening and high quality of fruits, keeping quality of the harvest.
  3. Increased winter hardiness.

Fertik fertilizer granules on hand close up

Specialized mixtures

Complexes are also produced separately for lawns, flowers and potatoes, as well as for evergreens (and other lovers of acidified soil).

Potato: when planting 70 g per 1 sq. meter or 20 g per hole, 40 g per 1 square. meter when hilling.

Flowers: 20-40 g per 1 sq. meter - according to seedlings, when planting, then adding 1-2 times per season.

Lawn: per 1 sq. meter: 100 g when sowing; feeding 50 g every 2 weeks in spring and summer, scattered under watering, 30 g in autumn.

Spring for evergreens(for conifers, blueberries, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas) per 1 sq. meter: 40 g at planting, 1-2 feedings in the first half of the season - 60 g each. Do not dissolve in water!

Water-soluble mineral complexes

The products are intended for liquid root and foliar feeding different cultures ny plants during the growing season. Does not contain chlorine.

Fertika-summer for evergreens

This is a mixture for conifers, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, blueberries (acid soil crops). Packaged in 100 g and 1 kg. Contains 11 components. Plants are watered with fertilizer solution repeatedly. The dosage depends on the degree of acidity of the earth.

Fertika summer fertilizer for lawns

Fertika-lux (analogue to Kemira-lux)

This is an expensive drug. It is produced under strict quality control, exclusively from imported components. Available in small packages (20 g and 100 g).

Because of high cost not cost-effective for liquid application on vegetables and berries. More profitable is foliar application.


  • Contains 8 essential nutritional components.
  • Excellent dissolution.
  • Universal: suitable for repeated fertilizing watering and spraying of all crops (including indoors) - starting from the seedling stage.
  • Especially appreciated flower growers for high efficiency ( lush flowering petunias, etc.).
  • Stimulates the formation of buds, flowers, ovaries, fruits.
  • Adds brightness and lushness to greenery.

Instructions for use: 1 tbsp. a spoon is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Fertilizing is carried out 2-4 times a month, alternating root and foliar application. Irrigation consumption – up to 10 liters per 1 sq. meter, when spraying - 1 liter per 10-20 sq. meters. On food plants Feeding is stopped 2-4 weeks before harvest, for all perennials - in the second half of the season.

Beware of fakes! Some companies produce products with a similar design on the packaging, but with problematic quality: underweight and incomplete composition


Sold in packages of 20 g, 100 g and 800 g. This complex is almost half the price of Lux. Kristalon contains slightly less iron, potassium and phosphorus, but it is supplemented with sulfur and magnesium. This is useful for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes, beans, onions, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers - especially on loam. Dosage: 10 g per bucket of water. The deposit rules are similar to Lux.

Varieties of Crystal: Universal, Tomato, Cucumber, Flower.

Liquid concentrates “Kristalon” and “Lux”

The newest series of branded products – sets of ampoules (5 pieces per package) “Fertika Lux” and “Kristalon” (for various plants, including indoor ones). The contents of the ampoule are diluted in 1 liter of water, and root or foliar feeding.

Liquid fertika concentrate for dilution and watering

Organo-mineral fertilizers (OMF)

This series is packaged in 2.5 kg bags and 900 g bucket packs. Varieties:

  1. Universal.
  2. Vegetable.
  3. For onions and garlic.
  4. For strawberries and wild strawberries.
  5. For roses.

OMU is a granulated organic concentrate enriched with humates (18%) and mineral elements. It is applied to the soil dry or in the form of an infusion.

The product is quite expensive - suitable for those gardeners who do not grow too much a large number of plants, does not want to mess with manure or compost.

Production of fertics in ampoules for use on indoor plants

Compatibility with other drugs

Fertika fertilizer mixtures have almost neutral acidity (except for products for conifers), so they can be combined with most other fertilizers, stimulants and pesticides.

Storage and safety precautions

The official shelf life of mineral complexes is 5 years after production, but the fertilizing properties continue to be preserved. No caking is observed. The prepared solution can also be stored.

No special storage conditions required. General hygiene rules handling fertilizers (use only for their intended purpose, keep away from children, do not pour into water bodies). In case of accidental ingestion, drink a large amount of water, induce vomiting, take Activated carbon, consult a doctor. Contact with the drug must be work clothes, rubber gloves.

The extensive range of fertilizers from the Fertika brand allows any farmer to choose everything he needs for his garden. The high price is compensated by a reliable quality guarantee.

It is difficult to imagine a time when there were no potatoes on the Eurasian continent. Nowadays it has become one of the most popular food products.

Let's talk in more detail about how to feed this root vegetable using Kemira Potato.

From that moment on, the question arose about increasing productivity and increasing taste qualities tubers. This can be achieved by using potato fertilizer, such as Kemira.

Today, the chemical industry has come to the aid of vegetable growers and produces many useful mixtures. Kemira for root crops is one of the modern and new generation.

Despite the fact that many gardeners are familiar with the concept of crop rotation, they are forced to grow potatoes in one area for several years. This situation is explained simply by the absence of another land plot for this culture.

Since tubers annually take a huge amount of nutrients from the soil, the soil very quickly loses its fertility.

On poor land, and even without changing crops, potato yields fall. Even from elite and super-elite varietal seeds it is difficult to obtain a decent harvest.

Incorporation of organic and inorganic inputs helps replenish the soil's fertility. For potatoes, the presence of such elements as:

  • potassium
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • calcium

The presence of these elements in the soil ensures not only productivity, but also excellent taste of tubers. It has been experimentally proven that introducing mineral mixtures increases the yield by 2.5-3 times.

Also, after applying a complex of fertilizers, potatoes exhibit all their varietal qualities in full. The tubers are obtained in the stated size and shape. To ensure the introduction of all these substances, very often it is necessary to use not one, but several fertilizers.

With such an application, it is difficult to calculate the rate for each substance. But an excess of fertilizers sometimes causes more harm than its lack. For example, exceeding the nitrogen application rate may not only not provide an increase in the yield, but even leave it without it.

Here mixtures that can be classified as a new generation will come to the aid of the gardener. This product rightfully belongs to one of the modern balanced fertilizers.

The advantage of Kemira potato fertilizer

The Kemira series of fertilizers was developed at the end of the twentieth century by Finnish manufacturers of mineral products. On Russian market For the first time, the Kemira station wagon and Kemira luxury mixtures appeared in 1995.

They immediately won recognition from everyone involved in the cultivation of various crops. Potato growers were no exception.

In 1999, tests were carried out in Russia and production of this product was organized. The manufacturer has thought out the composition, release form, and packaging of the fertilizer. Also taken into account during production:

  • reduced content harmful substances, including nitrates
  • no chlorine
  • safety
  • ease of use
  • balance of macro- and microelements

Later, the shares of the Finnish company were bought by Norwegian fertilizer producers. Since 2011, the described fertilizer has been produced under the Fertika brand.

Despite the changes, Kemira fertilizer for root crops is still produced from clean, proven and safe raw materials. Compared to other fertilizers, Kemira is much more effective. The harvest after its use increases by 60 - 100%.

Tubers grown with it contain approximately 2 - 3.5% more starch than without it or after using other

To get the desired effect, Kemira for potatoes should be used correctly.

Composition and use of potato Kemira

The composition contains the following amounts of useful substances:

  • sulfur 2.7%
  • nitrogen 11%
  • potassium 17%
  • phosphorus 9%
  • magnesium 2.7%

All components are thoroughly mixed and granulated. This makes application easier in several ways.

According to the instructions, you can apply fertilizer to the entire area intended for planting potatoes. This is done in the spring, immediately after the ground thaws to the point of a shovel.

The application rate of Kemira for root crops is 50 - 80 g per 1 sq. meter. Kemira granules are evenly scattered onto a bed cleared of plant debris and everything is dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel.

This method allows the plant to use nutrients all season. General norm consumption usually does not exceed 5 kg per 100 sq. m.

The second way to apply Kemira, according to the instructions, is to add fertilizer directly into the hole before planting the potatoes. The application rate is about 20 g per plant.

The granules must be mixed very well with the soil at the bottom of the hole. The planted potato tuber should not come into contact with fertilizer granules.

You can feed the potatoes with Kemira while hilling the bushes. Here the application rate is 40 g per square meter. meter. You can by evenly distributing the granules around it and lightly embedding them into the ground.

Other means for fertilizing potatoes

Before planting root crops, you can enrich the soil by adding well-rotted organic matter. For example, you can use humus or compost. Bird droppings are sometimes used, but this product is best used with great caution, in low concentrations and only well-fermented materials.

It is better to apply organic fertilizers not in the spring, just before planting, but on autumn days. We would like to note that rotted organic matter not only enriches the soil, but also improves its structure, making the soil looser.

Fresh organic products cannot be applied to planting potatoes. If the soil on the site is dug up with such substances, at least 2-3 years must pass before root crops can be planted.

As mineral fertilizers the most in demand are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can use urea, ammonium nitrate, phosphate rock, superphosphates and potassium chloride.

From natural remedies high efficiency is ash. This substance not only feeds plants, but also protects them from certain pests and diseases.

In addition to what is described, you can use the technique of planting green manure plants. This is especially true if potatoes are grown in the same area for several seasons in a row. Also, such plants are very good predecessors for the described culture.

We would like to note that before applying any means, it is better to analyze the condition of the soil in order to supplement it with exactly those substances that are lacking for the normal development of garden crops.

You can also understand what the condition of the soil is by the development of crops growing on it. Poor development of the vegetative mass indicates a lack of nitrogen. If, on the contrary, the plants have gorgeous tops, but do not bloom and bear fruit well, there may be too much of this substance.

A small number of ovaries and poor flowering indicate a lack of phosphorus. And if the fruits fill slowly or do not ripen well at all, they fall off, become smaller, and there is a lack of potassium in the soil. Perennials lacking this element do not tolerate cold well.

While watching the video you will learn about fertilizer.

To avoid disappointment, it is important to buy Kemira fertilizer for potatoes only from trusted sellers.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

Every summer resident tries to grow good harvest. Certainly, experienced gardeners they know that without fertilizing and proper care you won’t get any choice berries, large potato tubers, or healthy fruits and vegetables.

Most people try to use organic matter when growing: prepared independently compost fertilizer, . But for cultivation you also need mineral supplements, especially since it is not possible to buy organic matter everywhere, and the use, for example, fresh manure, not all plantings like it. Then proven mineral fertilizers are used. One of them is Kemira.

Article outline

What is Kemira fertilizer and its composition

This mineral complex developed in Finland. It began to be produced in the late nineties and early two thousandths, and has recently been produced licensed in Russia. For lovers of the original product, there are orders through online stores with direct deliveries from Finland, but it should be noted that the fertilizer Russian made no different.

The Kemira fertilizer contains all the substances necessary for plant growth, both macro- and micro-components.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are balanced. The composition contains essential microelements, such as:

  • selenium,
  • magnesium,
  • manganese,
  • sulfur,
  • zinc,
  • molybdenum,
  • copper.

You should not be afraid of chlorine components that do not benefit plants, they simply are not there.

This “vitamin complex” for plants is produced in granules, in convenient packaging. Packaged in bags of appropriate weight. For example, for feeding indoor flowers production has been established in small convenient batches of 10-15-50 g. For gardeners growing potatoes on their 6-8 acres, you can purchase several bags of 2.5-5 kg ​​each. For farms - bulk bags of 40 kg.

There is production in liquid form, which needs to be added to the water in the right quantity. It is worth noting that dry fertilizer granules dissolve in water without problems.

The good thing about Kemira complex fertilizer is that it can be used both as a solution and as a dry application, while digging the soil or when fertilizing, followed by incorporation into the soil. After watering, the fertilizer will gradually release nutrients.

When purchasing fertilizer, you should pay attention to what type of plant you are buying Kemira for.

Several types of fertilizers are available, the composition of which is specially designed for a particular plant.

Often, instead of the name Kemira, the substitute word Fertik is used. This is the same fertilizer with the same properties and composition.

The Kemir Fertik line includes specially developed formulations for various plants, ranging from potato fertilizers to fertilizers for lawns and flower beds of the local lawn.

Kemira (Fertika) Flower– necessary for good growth flowers: annuals and perennial plantings. It is used during the growing of seedlings and after planting permanent place from spring to autumn. Increases the duration of flowering, saturates the flower stalks with bright colors.

Lawn fertilizer Kemira Spring-Summer gives good results throughout the season when fertilizing the lawn or lawn. Improves grass growth and density. It is used after mowing the grass, scattered, with a rake throughout the entire lawn area.

Kemira Universal– a necessary balanced complex for garden fruit-bearing trees and shrubs, various conifers grown on the site. Used for growing seedlings and almost all vegetables; when processing and feeding strawberry berry plantations in a summer cottage.

Kemira Coniferous– a special complex designed for feeding, fashionable Lately plantings, thuja, junipers, decorative spruce and pine trees.

Kemira Autumn used during the last seasonal feeding of plants, to better prepare the root system and above-ground parts for the cold period. Can be applied in doses as per fruit trees and shrubs, as well as for perennial flowers, including bulbous ones.

Potato Kemira which contains more than 15% potassium, increases such an important indicator for potatoes as keeping quality. When applying fertilizer during planting, it is worth considering that granulated Kemira is easy to dose. Tubers treated with diluted fertilizer before planting germinate better and do not get sick. When harvesting, you can notice that the amount of harvest increases by 40-50%.

Fertilizer Kemira Lux Available in both granular and solution form. Suitable for all vegetables, berries and fruits grown by summer residents. The composition includes all useful elements necessary for normal growth. Can provide plants with micro- and macro-components for a longer period than other types of fertilizers. Suitable for growing seedlings and indoor flowers. Kemira Lux is a unique fast-acting fertilizer. All useful elements begin their action immediately after being added to the soil, in dissolved or dry form.

Kemira Combi It is produced mainly in the form of a pink powder, easily soluble in water. All components of the fertilizer are easily absorbed by plants. Used for fertilizing all types of garden and garden crops both in open ground and for greenhouse plants. Gives good results on alkaline soils, as it does not contain calcium.

Kemira Hydro– another type of fertilizer, all the beneficial substances of which are easily absorbed by plants. Contains all beneficial substances except calcium. Mainly used in hydroponics. Good results when applied in open ground and greenhouses.

When choosing a fertilizer, it is worth considering that recent developments have made it possible to produce individual species for certain crops grown. For example, you can buy a special composition for beets, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Many gardeners note that when using Kemira, plant resistance to many fungal and viral diseases, productivity increases.

Vegetables and fruits grown using fertilizer are environmentally friendly, since the composition does not contain components such as chlorine and heavy metals.

Thanks to the granular release, the fertilizer can be used for a long time; proper storage, does not cake into lumps, does not deteriorate and does not become moldy.

  1. Feeding Kemira, thanks to its balanced composition, does not allow the soil to become depleted, but promotes the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.
  2. Use both for seedlings and indoor flowers, and for perennial plantings on garden plot adds another plus to this fertilizer.
  3. Some species (Kemira Universal) can be used for spring digging and preparing the soil for planting seedlings in greenhouses and open ground.
  4. Kemira is able to provide a long flowering period for annuals and perennial flowers. Saturates the buds with bright colors and prevents diseases.

Provides resistance to plants sharp changes temperatures during unstable spring weather, when unexpected return frosts are still possible.

Prevents the accumulation of nitrates in fruits, and improves the keeping quality of the crop during long-term winter storage.

Kemira – universal fertilizer. It can be used both in dry granular form, by scattering before tillage, and in solution.

Using the scattering method is too wasteful, so it is best to add it to the hole when planting seedlings in a permanent place or scatter it into a furrow when sowing seeds.

It is best, after adding the granules, to mix them with the nutritious earth mixture prepared for planting and water them.

At seedling method You should not allow the fertilizer to come into contact with the roots of the plant, as you can burn the roots, which still need to survive the stress of moving to a new place.

Each package of Kemira fertilizer has detailed instructions by application. It is necessary to adhere to the standards for preparing the solution if the gardener uses fertilizer in liquid form.

Potato fertilizer can be used by pouring it into the hole when planting, at the rate of 15-20g in each hole. This is a little less than a teaspoon. Before putting the potatoes, you need to sprinkle the granules with earth.

The second feeding is carried out during hilling, by scattering it around each bush. The norm is a little more than when landing.

Drip irrigation is becoming increasingly popular. It can be combined with feeding Kemira. To do this, a nutrient solution is introduced into the system at the rate of 0.5 g per liter of water.

Basically, such feeding is carried out with Kemira Lux. Tomatoes and cucumbers and other vegetables grown in greenhouses respond well to it. Repeated watering with fertilizer is carried out after 7-10 days.

A universal type of fertilizer suitable for growing green plants: different varieties salads, onions grown for feathers, dill with parsley and radishes. The minimum application rate is about 80g per square meter beds, but it is better to scatter plants in rows, followed by embedding in the soil and watering.

For carrots, cucumbers, peppers, the norm increases to 100g per square meter, the best option Such fertilizing will be combined with watering.

First, the soil is slightly moistened with water, then watered with a fertilizer solution and again clean water. This way, the plant will more easily withstand the burn if the gardener did not calculate the fertilizer rate quite correctly, and besides, the nutrients will get to the roots faster.

How Kemira fertilizer is produced and used

Safety precautions when using Kemira

Work with Kemira various types should follow safety precautions.

  1. It is necessary to put on a respirator before starting to apply the solution or sprinkle fertilizer on the beds. To prepare the solution you should use plastic dishes. Hands must be gloved.
  2. The granules are diluted in water according to the instructions; an overdose of fertilizer is not allowed, otherwise irreparable harm to the plants can be caused.
  3. The solution is prepared for one time watering; it is not recommended to store it. Application rates and dosage are indicated on the package or bottle of fertilizer.
  4. Frequent use will not be beneficial. It is enough to treat the plantings once every 7-10 days.
  5. After feeding, rinse all containers with water, wash your hands and face with soap, and rinse your mouth.

The price of the type of fertilizer purchased may vary, depending on its composition. Since the packaging of Kemira is very diverse, ranging from a few grams to large bags, it is possible to calculate required amount fertilizers for the season.

It is worth considering that correct application Kemira (Fertik) fertilizers can significantly increase the yield, improve its quality and allow you to use your own grown fruits and preparations until new shoots, and possibly until a new harvest.

In early spring, fertilizer is evenly scattered in a dose of 60-80 g per square meter on an area intended for growing potatoes. m and dig up the soil to the depth of a bayonet shovel, carefully removing weed rhizomes. When applying complex granular fertilizer, a reserve of all necessary fertilizers is created in the soil. nutrients, which is smoothly used by plants during the growing season to create a crop.

Upon landing

Fertilizer for potatoes can be applied in another way - into the holes when planting tubers. In this case, the application rate is 15-20 g per plant. The soil is mixed with fertilizer to prevent direct contact of tubers and granules. This method of application significantly improves the nutrition of potatoes both at the initial and subsequent stages of growth.

During the growing season

During the growing season, hilling is carried out twice - at a seedling height of 10 cm and before closing the rows. At the same time, the plants are fed. Application rate – 30-40 g per square meter. m of soil. Fertilizing is carried out with dry fertilizer in wet soil. Fertilizer is distributed around the bush and carefully incorporated into the soil.

Potatoes are the second bread on the table; the cultivation of this crop is of great importance. This vegetable has its own requirements for soil and climatic features. Therefore, everything that is missing for good growth and development of potatoes can be corrected with the help of fertilizers.

Why do you need to fertilize potatoes?

Any plant needs elements such as nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium. For potatoes, they are simply necessary, since root crops need nutrition to grow.

For normal growth, one root crop requires:

  • 50 g nitrogen;
  • 20 g phosphorus;
  • 100 g potassium.

In addition, some of the elements evaporate. For this reason, it is extremely necessary to fertilize potatoes.

There are several ways to fertilize potatoes:

  • Apply complex mineral fertilizers;
  • Fertilize with one-component fertilizer;
  • Use organics.

Microelements not only help potatoes grow, but also help them resist diseases such as:

  • Scab;
  • Late blight;
  • Nematode.

Also, thanks to microelements, root vegetables have the property of keeping quality, due to which for a long time stored in the cellar.

The most important elements speakers:

  • Manganese;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Cobalt;
  • Molybdenum.

It should be noted! Light soil contains the minimum amount of microelements necessary for the growth and development of potatoes. For sandy loam and sandy soil, it is sufficient to apply organic fertilizers. But at the same time, for greater effect, experts recommend using mineral fertilizers in addition. At the same time, they are applied both at the root and by spraying.


On individual plots, gardeners most often used organic fertilizers and nitrophoska. But during the development of technology, many new fertilizers have appeared that perfectly stimulate plant growth.

Among these it should be noted:

  • Kemira;
  • Fertika;

Let's look at each of them in more detail and determine the advantages and disadvantages of these fertilizers.

The main feature of this fertilizer is that it contains humic compounds. They are necessary for both the growth and development of the plant. In addition, Omu lasts much longer, unlike other fertilizers.

Today, to plant potatoes, gardeners use potato planters, which are equipped with a special compartment for mineral fertilizers. Thanks to this, they fall directly into the soil.

Omu potato is a fertilizer that is ideal for all types of soil. It is especially recommended for use in light soils that contain small amounts of mineral elements. Thanks to its long-term action, the soil becomes fertile.

This fertilizer must be used regularly, so the soil will receive a huge supply of microelements, which are so necessary for the growth and development of vegetables.

It should be noted! Omu granules are perfectly absorbed by plants. It can be used both as soil fertilizer and for plant nutrition. However, it is introduced into the soil only in the spring.

The advantages of this fertilizer include:

  • The fertilizer contains a large amount of microelements that are necessary for the growth and development of plants;
  • With the help of this fertilizer, potato yields will increase;
  • Omu fertilizer for potatoes helps plants resist fungal diseases;
  • Does not contain chlorine;
  • After using this fertilizer, potato tubers are perfectly preserved and remain in storage for a long time;
  • Suitable for application both in open ground and in greenhouses.


  • N – 6%;
  • P2O5 – 8%;
  • K2O – 9%;
  • MgO – 2.0%;
  • P – 3.5%;
  • K – 7.5%;
  • Mg – 1.2%;
  • S – 4.69%;
  • C – 2.0%;
  • Cu – 0.01%;
  • Zn – 0.01%;
  • Fe – 0.06%;
  • Mn – 0.1%;
  • B – 0.025%;
  • Na – 0%.

Kemira potato

This fertilizer is made directly for potatoes. It contains all the necessary elements that are needed for the growth and development of this vegetable. At the same time, there is no chlorine in the composition, which has a beneficial effect on root crops and promotes their development and growth. This fertilizer must be applied to the soil. At the same time, it is used for the first time when preparing the soil for planting a crop.

TO positive qualities Kemirs for potatoes include:

  • Lack of nitrates and low content of harmful elements;
  • Manufacture of fertilizer exclusively from natural raw materials;
  • Complete absence of chlorine;
  • Safety for the human body;
  • Convenient use;
  • Balanced composition of microelements.

The use of Kemira, compared to other fertilizers, gives a larger potato yield. At the same time, the tubers will have a higher starch composition, which contributes to a long shelf life of the vegetable.

When preparing fertilizer use:

  • 2.7% sulfur;
  • 11% nitrogen;
  • 17% potassium;
  • 9% phosphorus;
  • 2.7% magnesium.

All these components are thoroughly mixed and granulated, which is very convenient when applying fertilizer to the soil.

Feeding potatoes is a very important procedure for stimulating growth and obtaining high yield. Fertika fertilizer for potatoes will cope with this task perfectly. It does not contain chlorine, since this element reduces plant growth and prevents the development of tubers.

The fertilizer tends to be easily absorbed by the plant and has a beneficial effect on the accumulation of starch in tubers, which contributes to the good keeping quality of vegetables.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • 10.7% nitrogen;
  • 8.7% phosphorus;
  • 16% potassium;
  • 2.7% magnesium;
  • 2.7% sulfur.

The instructions for using this fertilizer are completely simple. It is enough to add granules to moist soil when preparing the soil for planting potatoes. The main thing is to adhere to the norms.

The advantages of this fertilizer are:

  • Positive effect on growth, which accelerates the formation of tubers. Thus, productivity increases;
  • Serves as protection against pests and diseases;
  • Makes it possible to significantly increase shelf life;
  • Does not contain nitrates;
  • Safe for the body;
  • Made from natural raw materials.

The use of Azofoska fertilizer for potatoes is convenient because it easily dissolves in water. But it should be remembered that after the expiration date it is not recommended to use this fertilizer, as it can lose its qualities. Azofoska is used for any type of soil.

Positive qualities include:

  • When using fertilizer, the plant receives all the necessary microelements;
  • It can be applied both as part of other fertilizers and as an independent fertilizer;
  • Positively affects the root system;
  • Promotes plant growth;
  • Protects root crops from diseases;
  • Promotes flowering;
  • Increases shelf life;
  • Thanks to the use of Azofoska, the tubers have a rich taste;
  • They can lie in the soil for a long time.

Important! The disadvantage is that this fertilizer releases a huge amount of toxic substances that are harmful to the human body. For this reason, protective clothing must be worn when applying fertilizer.

Thanks to the use of Fasco fertilizer, potatoes ripen much faster, while the yield doubles.

The advantages of this fertilizer:

  • Liquid state, thanks to which plants quickly absorb the microelements they need;
  • All elements are selected and balanced, which is why the plant not only gives a good harvest, but also practically does not get sick.

Fasco is used both during planting and after seedlings appear. In this case, the seedlings need to be fed every ten days in the summer.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • Nitrogen – 0.9%;
  • Phosphorus – 0.6%;
  • Potassium – 1.5%;
  • Organic matter – 3.0%.

You can buy mineral fertilizers in special stores or on the manufacturer’s websites. At the same time, check whether delivery is available in Moscow and the region.

Organic fertilizers

Most summer residents use old ones old-fashioned methods fertilizers for potatoes and at the same time get good yields.

For this use:

  • Sawdust;
  • Peat.

Most often, manure is used when planting potatoes. It consists of animal feces as well as litter. It should be taken into account that the manure for fertilizer must be rotted. Only in this case will it have an effect on the growth and development of culture. You can also use slurry as a top dressing. But before use it must be diluted.


This material makes excellent compost. But not only sawdust is suitable for this fertilizer. Tops are also thrown into the humus pile different plants, eggshells, peat, manure, ash and more. As it rots, it all becomes like black soil. At the same time, it is introduced into the soil in the amount that is available at the dacha. But in order for compost to give positive result, it must be added to the soil in the fall, because unrotted components do not affect the growth of the plant in any way.

The soil must be properly prepared before planting potatoes. This is done in the fall. Then fertilizer is applied for the first time. In most cases this is manure or compost.

In spring, fertilizers are applied in the following doses per one hundredth of the plot:

  1. 1 bucket of humus, 1 glass of ash, 3 tbsp. nitrophoska;
  2. 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate, and this mixture must be added after the land has been plowed;
  3. Peat manure (or compost), 20-30 g of nitrophoska, fertilizing with ammonium nitrate (20 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g) is done between the rows;
  4. 7-10 kg of humus, ammonium nitrate (20 g), potassium sulfate (20 g), superphosphate (30-40 g), dolomite flour(450 g);
  5. If there are no organic fertilizers, then excellent option There will be an application of nitrophoska - 5 kg per hundred square meters, or nitroammophoska - 3 kg per hundred square meters.

During planting, fertilizers are applied directly into the hole. To do this, take 700 grams of dry humus and a handful of ash. Or put 1 tbsp in the hole. nitrophoska and 0.5 cups of bone meal. Foliar feeding of potatoes can also be used. For this purpose, foliar spraying is used.

Feeding potato seedlings

Potato seedlings need watering. You need to know what to feed the potatoes after germination, even before hilling. This feeding is done after a little loosening.

To do this, use the folk method:

  • Bird droppings solution. They dilute it one to ten and water it between the rows;
  • Urea is taken at the rate of one tablespoon per ten liters of water and half a liter of solution is added to each bush;
  • To prepare mullein, take a liter of fresh manure and dilute it in ten liters of water. Watering should be done between rows.

The Giant fertilizer for potatoes is a good substitute for organic matter.

Having a number of advantages, this tool promotes:

  • Enriching the soil with humus;
  • Stimulation of potato eye growth;
  • Resistance against weather changes;
  • Tuber formation;
  • Long-term storage;
  • Strengthens the root system;
  • Will increase productivity.

Fertilizing potatoes is very important. But it should be remembered that excessive application of mineral fertilizers can only harm the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for use of one or another type.