home · On a note · Do-it-yourself gabions for garden beds. Unusual use of gabions in the garden. Slate beds

Do-it-yourself gabions for garden beds. Unusual use of gabions in the garden. Slate beds

Gabions are multifunctional and universal designs. They are containers made of strong wire or strong metal mesh, filled with stone, rubble or other materials. The word "gabion" itself has foreign origin. Translated from Italian, “gabbione” means “big cage”.

Initially, gabion frames were wicker and resembled baskets without a bottom. They were used, starting from the 16th century, in military affairs for the construction of fortifications. WITH late XIX centuries, these prefabricated structures began to be used in construction. The construction of dams, bridges and retaining walls could not be done without them; strengthening of slopes, slopes and bank protection with gabions was widely used.

Types of gabions and their areas of application

Later, wicker baskets were replaced by metal frames, and the structures themselves received new functions. Today, gabions are used not only in construction, but also in... Thanks to the use of various fillers, they can fulfill both their direct purpose, for example, strengthening the bank with gabions, and a decorative function, or combine both of these tasks.

For the frame of gabions, durable galvanized wire with a diameter of 2-6 mm is usually used. Individual products are fastened together into a single structure. At the same time, in order to ensure the stability of the structure, prevent its deformation and premature destruction, the same strong wire is used for installing gabions. Based on the shape of the frame, these products are divided into:

  • flat;
  • cylindrical;
  • box gabions.

In large structures, dividing partitions (diaphragms) must be provided. In this case, box-shaped structures can be either mesh or welded gabions, depending on the method of their production.

Flat gabions, the thickness of which does not exceed 30 cm, are excellent option for strengthening the banks of streams and rivers, slopes of ravines, laying on the bottom of shallow reservoirs.

Possessing flexibility, these products of small thickness follow all the curves of the surface and any unevenness of the relief.
Such gabions, as in the photo, can also be laid as a foundation for box-shaped structures.

Gabions - the choice of specialists

Attention builders, owners personal plots It is no coincidence that landscape designers are attracted to these designs. They have a number of advantages that are worth dwelling on in more detail:

These structures are safe and fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape.

How to make gabions on your personal plot yourself

At country houses and suburban areas Gabions can be used for:

To build gabions on the site, you can invite qualified construction specialists. However, it is quite possible to assemble such a design yourself, you just need to use quality materials. Let's give step by step instructions how to make gabions with your own hands. There are two options:

To build gabions, you will need a strong metal mesh, special metal spirals, steel pins, strong wire staples, braces, geofabric (for bulk materials), and filler.
To connect the parts of the box, staples and metal spirals are used, and with the help of pins the structure is firmly attached to the ground. The middle of the container can be filled with fine filler (geofabric is used for this), and the front walls can be filled with larger stones.

The filler fractions should be larger in size than the cells of the gabion container. The larger the cells, the larger the pieces of filler required.

When arranging above-water structures, the size of the filler fractions should be one third larger than the size of the cells of the box or mesh. If the product is intended for use under water, such a structure should be filled with an even larger stone, it should be one and a half times larger size cells of a metal container.

Installation of gabions

Filler for gabions: which one to choose?

If on your site these structures perform the function retaining walls, strengthening slopes, or you decide to build a fence from gabions, for these purposes you need to use durable filler. Hard types of natural stones are perfect: basalt, quartzite, granite.

You can also use other varieties that are frost-resistant, durable, waterproof, and resistant to temperature changes. The stone for gabions can be different forms and sizes, depending on the size of the cells of the metal frame.
These may be round boulders, " wild stone", large pebbles or crushed stone - any of these materials will not only be durable, but will also make the entire structure attractive and make it pleasing to the eye.

To fill gabions that perform a decorative function, use materials with an interesting texture or various combinations thereof.

As decorative filler to install gabions, you can use all kinds of materials, selecting them in accordance with the design style of the site and color palette.
These can be pieces of glass, scraps of pipes and metal structures, broken tiles, paving stones, brick fractions, tree cuts, thick pieces of bark and other natural or man-made materials.

Video instructions for assembling a gabion structure

Decorative gabions in landscape design

Today you can increasingly see gabions in landscape design as decorative elements. There is no doubt that the use of these structures in decorative purposes breathed into them new life. This area allows the use of products that previously carried exclusively a functional load as one of the main decorations of the site. And this area truly provides limitless scope for realizing the designer’s fantasies.

The decorative role of these structures can be successfully combined with their functional purpose. Today, self-made gabion walls can be seen not only on personal plots as fences, retaining walls, partitions for zoning and on the exterior of buildings, but also in interior spaces.

The lighting of decorative gabions on a site in evening time. Therefore, when constructing these structures, it is worth taking care of their lighting.

Gabions will be the best solution for the construction of zones and gazebos, facing the banks of small decorative ponds and construction of fountains, fencing flower beds, manufacturing bases for garden furniture and stands for garden sculptures.
The fillers of these structures are harmoniously combined with forged parts, natural wood, metal and other materials.

Gabions look great on a site in a high-tech or minimalist style. The asceticism of these structures is perfectly set off by the green lawn, flowering plants And ornamental shrubs. In areas with changes in relief interesting solution There will be the creation of terraces from gabion structures. The recreation area can be separated with a gabion screen, creating a cozy corner with an original design.

When installing an “outdoor” fireplace or barbecue area from gabion, it is necessary Special attention give it to the filler. It is better if it is a fire-resistant material: stone or brick. Wood is not suitable for these purposes.

Gabions in landscape design, photos of which are given below, surprise with the variety of materials, shapes, and colors used.
Thanks to these designs, any area can acquire a unique look and turn into comfortable place for a vacation where it’s nice to get together with the whole family and receive guests.

And much more. The main requirements for future fencing are reliability, protection against penetration and burglary, durability and aesthetic qualities. It was these qualities that guided the German inventors who developed fences that are not like all the popular fences of our time. So, pergons and gabions. Let's look at what these structures are and how to build gabions with your own hands.

Design features and materials for the production of pergons

Pergons are universal fencing systems made in the form of steel boxes with various fillers. Their name combines two German words: “pergola”, which means a corridor made of bars, and “gabion”, i.e. a box filled with rubble, stone or pebbles and intended to strengthen barricades.

In Europe, fences made from pergoons first began to be used back in 2007, but now similar structures are gaining popularity in domestic market. Pergons, which are also called bulk fences, are equipped with a support box made of metal mesh. Gabion mesh must be strong enough to support the weight of the fill material, as well as resistant to corrosion and tampering.

Processed glass, stone, pebbles, crushed stone, wood, etc. can be used as a filler for creating pergons. concrete plates and much more. Gabions can be installed on the foundation or directly on the ground. Installation of the structure is quite quick and easy. The choice of filler depends on the wishes of the customer. For example, bulk stone fences look reliable and impressive. Glass for gabions can have different colors and gives the fence lightness and aesthetics.

Purpose and advantages of gabions

Gabions and pergons have the same functional responsibilities as the fences we are all familiar with. They can act as fencing for houses, used for zoning garden plots, as well as for creating flower beds or decorating the walls of buildings. In addition to functionality and practicality, pergons are also famous for their aesthetic qualities. Yes, some landscape designers They are used to decorate the garden, create single or multi-tiered flower beds, decorate artificial ponds, stairs or gazebos. The territory where the pergons are installed is characterized by harmony and tranquility. A stone fence made of gabions reminds of man’s closeness to nature and is in many ways superior to concrete or metal fences.

Decoration of the estate. A new look at site fencing

Owners of private houses or country cottages Very often people wonder how to choose a fence to enclose a site. And it’s true, because beautiful fences can also be quite reliable, durable and affordable. In the classical sense, a fence should be made of metal, brick or stone masonry, corrugated board, slate, reinforced concrete or wooden picket fence. It is no longer possible to surprise anyone with a familiar fence, and each such design has a lot of disadvantages.

Connoisseurs of originality and creativity should definitely familiarize themselves with pergons or gabions. These fences are bulk fences that retain the natural charm of stone or wood and go well with green lawns, decorative flowers or bushes. Unlike stone structures pergons do not require connecting stones with concrete. Bulk material fits freely and is supported by an unobtrusive mesh frame.

The height, thickness and dimensions of pergon sections vary widely. Individual blocks can be installed separately, at some distance or as a blank wall. Before buying gabions, you should decide on the functional purpose, location of the gabion and the surrounding landscape design elements. For example, gabions acting as a fence can be supplemented with flower beds made of pergons, paths paved with similar stones, artificial ponds, bridges and other design elements.

Gabions also look very interesting in combination with hedges. Of course, in winter period their time appearance less interesting, so it is better to use such fences when constructing summer gazebos or for zoning recreation areas. Buy pergons Available in almost any color scheme. For example, fences filled with white limestone, pink or blue-gray marble look impressive. Thanks to the combination of different fillers, you can get pergons with all kinds of patterns and designs. Even ordinary ones large stones can be a real highlight personal plot with the right approach.

Scope of application of pergons and gabions

The use of pergons and gabions directly depends on their size and configuration. Very often they are used to create such structures:

  1. Fences and fences. Pergons with a height of 60–240 cm are suitable for these purposes. Such fences are highly durable, reliable and durable. They are designed to protect the site from unwanted intrusion, prying eyes or zoning of space. In some cases, a gabion fence can be supplemented strip foundation, hedge or stone path.

  2. Beds and flower beds. Using gabions you can create high or multi-tiered beds, decorative flower beds different heights and sizes. They also allow you to increase crop yields, make it easier to care for plants, or make your garden neat and aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Facades and interior decoration houses. Pergons and gabions allow you to decorate the facades of buildings and give the building an impressive and respectable appearance. Using these structures and by combining bulk material different color and factions, you can realize any plans and ideas. In addition to outdoor work, pergons can be used inside residential buildings, entertainment venues, restaurants and boutiques. Modern technologies and high-strength materials make it possible to create pergons with a thickness of less than 15 cm. Thanks to this, they are used in the summer areas of cafes, for finishing terraces, balconies and loggias without losing useful space.
  4. Garden and decorative elements. The use of gabions in the garden is not limited to flower beds and flowerpots. With their help, you can also create gazebos, arches, obelisks, labyrinths, artificial ponds and other design elements that will make your garden plot very attractive and cozy.

Modern fence and its cost. Gabions price

The price set for modern fences usually depends on the cost of the base materials, as well as the complexity of the work associated with their production and installation. The same principle is used to determine the cost of the stages that are just appearing on our construction market. The design of gabions involves the use of metal mesh and bulk material, the cost of which determines the price indicated for gabions.

While pergola mesh is usually inexpensive, prices for aggregate can vary greatly. The most expensive option is usually natural stone. Pergons filled with marble can have an impressive cost, approximately 200–700 euros for a section measuring 2–2.5 m. Less expensive are pergons filled with glass, wood, concrete elements or artificial stone. Also, the cost of gabions is influenced by the size of the sections, type of fastening, presence or absence of a foundation, and additional decorative elements.

You can save money and build pergons inexpensively by building similar structures yourself. No special skills or technically complex techniques are required. It will only be enough to purchase basic materials, as well as familiarize yourself with information on how to make pergons with your own hands.

How to make a gabion or pergon yourself

Making gabions is much easier and cheaper than building a stone fence with your own hands. The fact is that pergons or gabions do not provide mechanical fastening filler. These designs are based on the use of a metal frame that can withstand heavy loads, for example, in the form of an embankment natural stone large faction.

You can build gabions with your own hands on an existing foundation, a solid foundation in the form of asphalt, a blind area, a concrete floor, or directly on the ground. The base surface must be smooth and previously cleared of debris. As load-bearing structure Usually stand-up posts protrude, which are equipped with flanges in the lower part and attached to the base using dowels or anchors. Optimal material for making stands, a rod with a diameter of 8–10 mm is used.

The power grid can be made, for example, from galvanized rod with a diameter of 5–6 mm. The cell dimensions depend on the selected bulk material. For example, for a fraction of 50–90 cm, a grid with cells of 5x20 cm is suitable, for a fraction of 22–32 mm - 2.5x20 cm. This approach will prevent material from spilling out through the cells and will help avoid the appearance of unwanted voids.

Depending on the overall dimensions pergons and the weight of bulk materials, the structure can be equipped with additional stiffeners or double rods. The main load falls on the supports, so they must be firmly fixed. Since a foundation for gabions is not required, the cost of their construction is significantly reduced. When building such fences with your own hands, the price of gabions will be determined only by the cost metal profile, bulk material and fastening elements. You can build gabions with your own hands using supports from an old fence. In this case, the load placed on them and the dimensions of the future grid should be taken into account.

Options for design solutions when constructing gabions and pergons (photo)

The simplest are gabions rectangular shape. They can be used as fencing, for decorating flower beds or creating beds. However, pergons and gabions can take other forms. For example, gabions of round, oval, spiral shape, single-tiered or composite, are very often used for flower beds.

Any material is suitable as a filler, including construction residues. It all depends on the landscape design and the taste of the artist. Gabions with decorative colored stone, river pebbles or glass look very interesting. There may be other fillers. Broken tiles, fragments of concrete or brick are also suitable for these purposes. The filler can be placed randomly or neatly in a steel box. When using filler of different fractions or color scheme You can get fences with interesting colored or textured designs.

Designer fences made of gabions

Gabions themselves are atypical solutions for fencing. However, you can also be creative in creating them. For example, a fence for a private house can be made of steel sheets, corrugated board or hardboard, combining base material with gabion sections. When filling pergons, you can leave space for the substrate. In the future, this will make it possible to carry out vertical gardening and plant decorative annual or perennial plants.

A gabion fence has high mechanical strength and eliminates the possibility of break-in. His metal elements must have anti-corrosion coating, in order to exclude premature wear and loss of aesthetic qualities. The bulk material can be replaced with another if desired. Guaranteed service life correct installation gabions will be at least 50 years.

Experienced gardeners claim that high beds can speed up the ripening of fruits and significantly increase plant yields. That is why raised beds have long been used in summer cottages or garden plots. Traditionally, to create such beds they use wooden boards, which will soon require replacement. The construction of high beds using pergons helps to increase their service life and make the garden more attractive and tidy.

The thickness of the pergons for cladding facades can be 12 cm or more. The filler is small stone, pebbles, crushed stone or decorative glass. Vertical or inclined surfaces made of any material can be lined with pergons. This does not require leveling the wall or sealing small cracks. Gabion facades can also be supplemented with growing substrate ornamental plants. Facades made of gabions with decorative lighting look very impressive.

In general, pergons and gabions are fencing of a new generation. They fit well into the landscape design of the garden, are used to create flower beds, raised beds or as facing material. Thanks to their natural charm, pergonas are a wonderful decorative element. Their protective functions, practicality and durability allow them to be in many ways superior to most other popular structures in the construction industry.

To make your favorite garden look unusual and at the same time dignified, it is not at all necessary to create a huge number of flower beds with bright, variegated flowers. Two or three small ones, but framed in a beautiful frame, will be enough. You can make it yourself from construction mesh and ordinary pebbles, as the Japanese do. This design is called a gabion. It can also be purchased at finished form cylindrical, flat and box-shaped.

Translated, it sounds like a stone placed in a net. This structure has not only a decorative function, but also a useful and practical one. In addition to framing flower beds and ridges with the help of an arch, a flower stand, a bench, a table, they beautifully decorate terraces, slopes, steps, and carry out zoning of territories. They look beautiful at night, in the spotlights.

Using gabions, you can create raised beds for vegetables, which have many benefits. They will protect the crop from the encroachment of moles and relieve you from back pain during grueling weeding. They can also become an alternative to a greenhouse if all plant debris and plant branches are placed on the bottom in the fall. And in the spring, pour soil on top, cover with film and covering material. The stones heat up very quickly in early spring and retain the heat collected during the day throughout the night.

To make gabions with your own hands, you need a special strong galvanized mesh with a diameter of 2.7 mm, frame rods of 8 mm, if the gabion design has areas of increased load and stones of different diameters. You cannot skimp on the mesh; thin chain-link type wire can easily burst under the weight of stones, and then the entire structure will lose its aesthetic appearance, even if you close the hole with wire.

First remove upper layer soil 10-15 cm, level the area, add sand and compact. Place a layer of pebbles on top. If you are planning to make a solid building that will last for centuries, then make a small foundation and fill the site cement mortar. This way you will strengthen the base and protect the future gabion from destruction.

The next stage is the assembly of a frame made of galvanized mesh; it can be single or double lay so that the mesh does not burst under the load. Cut it into shape. Here you can easily do without welding, connecting the edges of the structure with metal wire. If the structure is long, the inside frame is divided into sections using the same galvanized wire, connecting opposite walls to distribute the load evenly. Tuck the ends of the wire inside for safety, so as not to get scratched or accidentally tear your clothes.

The final stage is the selection of stones. And here everything depends entirely on your desires and purchasing power. You can buy them or collect them.

When filling the gabion, make sure that the diameter of the stones is larger than the diameter of the cell in the mesh. For greater decorativeness and aesthetics, arrange the largest and beautiful stones By outside, and hide the angular and unpresentable ones in the middle of the box. They decorate with broken tiles, paving stones, large pebbles, round boulders, crushed concrete and even wooden saw cuts. You can make a design from multi-colored stones.

You see, there is nothing complicated! Winter is a great time to consider changes to your landscape design. By making a gabion in your garden, you will add a touch of Japanese style.

In our area, a dacha rarely becomes a place exclusively for relaxation in the lap of nature. Giving up the desire to grow homemade fruits and vegetables is an almost impossible task. But at the same time, it is not at all necessary to turn the dacha into an ordinary vegetable garden. It’s worth using a little imagination - and a personal plot with useful plants will be a place for a pleasant pastime. We are sharing a selection of ideas for arranging beds that will decorate your dacha.

1. Universal pallets - in action

Pallets - excellent material, which can be used in many ways in the country. The beds were no exception. Fantasy is almost unlimited: from pallets you can make both a vertical and horizontal flower bed.

2. Mini wooden fence

Small logs or logs, cut into two parts, become the basis for fencing the bed. They just need to be dug in around its perimeter. Do not forget about protective impregnation for wood, which will prevent the destruction of wood.

3. A fresh look at plastic boxes

Plastic boxes filled with soil make an excellent bed for growing small plants. Their important advantage is mobility. At any time, the bed can be moved to another place or completely dismantled. To make the garden bed look impressive, choose boxes made of bright plastic.

4. DIY vertical gardening

If you have minimal carpentry skills, making a vertical garden bed will not be difficult. In addition to its excellent appearance, a vertical bed has another important advantage - it allows you to rationally manage the area of ​​your personal plot when there is an obvious shortage of it.

5. Unusual gabions

Gabions - metal mesh, filled with stones, which are quite widely used in construction. You can use them to make a lot of useful things for your garden, including an unusual fence for your garden bed.

6. Potted plants

Large diameter pots are suitable even for growing large plants. But just arrange them in different places dachas are a boring solution. A plot of loosened soil on which pots of plants stand will look more original. To make such a composition look harmonious, choose the color of the pots that is as close as possible to the color of the soil.

7. Soft beds

The method of growing plants, when they are planted in bags, is called African. This trend is not yet very widespread on our continent. Therefore, there is no doubt that the textile bed will attract maximum attention. In order for it to please the eye for a long time, choose the thickest textile or tarpaulin material.

8. If there is construction going on at the dacha

Building blocks made, for example, from foam concrete, will be an excellent basis for creating a bed. You just need to fill free space soil and plant plants in it.

9. Eco-style

A simple, but no less effective way to transform the most ordinary bed is to fill the soil around the plants with straw. This natural soil additive will have a positive effect on plant growth. The soil under the straw always remains loose, which facilitates the penetration of oxygen to the roots of the plants. Straw also acts as an additional fertilizer.

10. Second life of an old barrel

An old wooden barrel can become a real decoration for a dacha. But in order for it to become a bed, it is necessary to cut it into two parts. Also don't forget to treat the wood protective composition to prevent it from rotting and cracking.

11. From the bathroom to the garden

Thanks to the large depth, even large plants can be grown in the bathtub - voluminous root system fits in it without difficulty. To make the garden bed look even more decorative, outer surface You can draw patterns on the bathtub or paint it entirely in the chosen color. Several accommodation options are also available. The bathtub can be simply placed on the ground, or partially or completely dug into the ground.

12. Almost a sandbox

If wooden fence cannot boast of a pronounced texture and color of natural wood worthy of attention, then this is easy to fix. Just paint the mini fence in bright color. In such an environment, green plants will look even fresher.

13. Pyramid of flower pots

From many plastic flower pots It's easy to make an original vertical bed. To make the structure stable, fasten the pots together with screws. The design looks decent, where the lower tier is made up of pots with a maximum diameter, and the upper one with a minimum diameter.

14. Natural wood is always in fashion

The tree that preserved natural color and invoice - classic material for arranging a summer house. It would also be appropriate as a fence for an unusual do-it-yourself garden bed. To prevent wood from deteriorating when exposed to moisture, sun rays and temperature changes, it must be treated with protective impregnations and covered with several layers of varnish.

15. Paving slabs can also look decorative

Paving slabs- a material that is not afraid of any external influences. Therefore, a bed laid out with it will retain its original appearance. long years. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time arranging your dacha, then simply lay the tiles around the perimeter of the garden bed on top of each other. You can make the structure more durable if you fasten the tiles with cement mortar.

If, after arranging the beds, the desire to make something with your own hands for the dacha has not disappeared, then it’s time to continue exciting experiments. Continuing the topic -

Good day to all Hacienda residents!

High beds significantly improve the warming of the soil in which the root system of plants is located. This allows you to start the gardening season 2-3 weeks earlier. They are indispensable in low areas, in swampy places, for growing the first early vegetables and greenery. In addition, high beds create order and comfort on the site. They are convenient to weed and easy to approach. You can easily turn two adjacent high beds into a greenhouse or greenhouse by first connecting them with arcs and covering them with covering material.

Such a container is filled according to the principle of a warm bed. Plant waste is placed at the bottom - cut branches, fallen leaves, mowed grass. In other words, all those materials that are usually put into a compost bin. Then lay down a good layer of manure about 15 cm thick. After this, the bed is covered with earth (from which weeds are first selected) with the addition of ash and humus. This layer is approximately 20 cm. The bed from below is “warmed up” by rotting manure; plants are very comfortable in such warm soil. On warm bed the harvest always ripens earlier. Such beds should be located in an unshaded place so that they can also be warmed by the sun from above.
It is very important that the bottom high beds was not isolated from the ground on which the container stands (for example, it cannot be placed on concrete slabs). Then worms and other beneficial soil organisms will be able to freely penetrate the bed and speed up the decomposition process.

We invite you to watch a master class on creating a high bed from gabions.

1. To create a high bed you will need four gabion cages measuring 50 x 50 x 50 cm each and several mats of coconut fiber size 150 x 50 cm.

2. In the selected area, use pegs and twine to mark an area measuring 200 x 50 cm and remove the top fertile layer of soil.

3. On the site, install the cages in a row and fasten them into one structure using wire twisted in a spiral.

4. To retain the soil, the side walls are lined with coconut fiber lining. The bottom is left open.

5. Fill the structure with humus (here in the wheelbarrow there is rotted manure).

6. To prevent the earth from pushing out the sides of the structure, at least one wire tie is placed in each cage.

7. A layer of previously removed fertile soil or a ready-made garden mixture is poured on top.

8. Cover with a wire lid and secure it with spirals.