home · On a note · Ideas for decorating the outside of country houses. Do-it-yourself country decor from scrap materials. Fireplaces, Russian stoves of a country house

Ideas for decorating the outside of country houses. Do-it-yourself country decor from scrap materials. Fireplaces, Russian stoves of a country house

Decorating the walls of a house or other building in the country will make it unique. This will be helped not only by flowers, but also by vegetables, buttons, stencils, and applique.

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If anyone thinks that decorating walls is the prerogative of only professional designers, they are mistaken. There are simple ways to decorate a room. If you have a summer house, start by transforming the walls on the hacienda. After making sure that such work is pleasant and uncomplicated, you can decorate the walls in the apartment. Available materials will help with this.

Decorating walls in a dacha with an applique and a figurine made from tights

You can decorate the building using:

  • stencils and paint;
  • paintings, panels that are made by hand;
  • vertical gardening;
  • applications;
  • finishing materials, etc.
Look how interesting decorating walls in a country house can be.

For it you will need:
  • sheets of plastic;
  • construction knife;
  • marker;
  • ruler;
  • acrylic paints;
  • glue.
Draw animals (pig, cow, bird or others) on sheets of plastic. Also draw the sun, clouds, and, helping yourself with a ruler, a fence. Cut out these objects with a sharp construction knife, decorate acrylic paints. Let them dry and glue some elements to the wall and place others near it. This wall decor will transform this outside part of the house into a beautiful cozy corner.

Place a human figurine next to this picturesque picture. You already know how to make a scarecrow. But this cute one is created from:

  • wires;
  • fittings;
  • flesh-colored tights;
  • synthetic bag (these are used to transport and store flour and sugar);
  • padding polyester;
  • 3-core cable;
  • straw;
  • yarn;
  • thread;
  • fabrics.
Place the bag on the ground and fill it with straw. Place the reinforcement vertically in its center, sticking one end into the soil. Tie the top of the bag with a rope. Put a skirt on him right away. Tie it at a thin waist.

Wrap straw onto the top of the scarecrow, securing it with rope and wire. Determine where the shoulders will be. Attach a thick wire here.

For the shoulders and arms, take the rest of the three-core cable, which consists of a winding of three thick wires. The desired piece can be easily cut with pliers.

Stuff the pantyhose legs with padding polyester and put them on this cable. In order not to tear the nylon, round off its winding, then the wire will not stick out.

So, the lower panels of the tights became the arms, the middle part will be the neck, it is located at the top of the reinforcement, like the head. Stuff these parts with padding polyester. Decorate the head - with stitches, a needle and thread, give it the desired shape - oval or round. All that remains is to embroider the facial features with threads or cut them out from colored scraps and sew them on. Make hair out of yarn and put a sweater on the figurine. Here's how to decorate outer wall at home in the country.

How to decorate your home with vegetables and flowers?

We bring to your attention an interesting and useful way exterior home decorations.

Make a bed near the southern, southwestern or southeastern wall, and edge it with a side. Here you need to plant seedlings of tomatoes and climbing pumpkins. Mulch the soil with hay. As you grow, tie the lashes higher and higher. To do this, you can drive in a few nails, tie the upper ends of the rope to them, and the lower ends to the lashes.

For garters, use cellophane ribbons - they do not rot. Do not forget that the lashes increase in volume, so the loop should be generous so as not to overtighten this part of the stem.

A trellis is also used for vertical decoration; you can make it yourself from scrap materials. After all, at many dachas there are remains of picket fences, slats, bars, and wire.

Wall decoration can also be made from other vegetables, for example, cucumbers. Near the sunny wall, heat-loving vines will be protected from the wind and will grow and develop beautifully.

Here's how to make a trellis with your own hands quickly and easily. From two long and as many short bars, knock down a box - the base. You need to attach slats to it - either horizontally and vertically, or along one and the other diagonal. To ensure that the distance between these elements is the same, either make markings right away, or lay a piece of board of the required width, which will show the boundaries of the padding of adjacent slats.

Here's how to make your own trellis. To fasten the elements, you can use a furniture stapler, nails or self-tapping screws.

So, for it you needed:
  • 4 bars;
  • slats;
  • screws or nails;
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • hammer or screwdriver.
If you are interested in a simpler option on how to make a trellis with your own hands to decorate a wall, cottage, or garden bed, then check out this.

Assemble a covered box from bars, wrap a rope or wire around it along one and the other diagonal. If this is a trellis for grapes with your own hands, it is better to wind the wire so that it curls along this more durable material.

Decorating the walls of a country house with these climbing plants It will also bring undoubted benefits - closer to autumn you will be able to enjoy ripe grapes. And if cucumbers weave along the trellis, they will bear fruit even earlier - in the summer.

The grapes on the south side of the house will overwinter well; they don’t even need to be removed from their supports. By decorating the part of the building facing south, on a hot day it will shade it and the house will not overheat. This is how wall decoration will give you the coveted coolness in the sultry summer. And cucumber vines can wilt in such a place, so it is better to place them in the southeast or southwest.

The photos clearly show what other trellises you can make. You can place them not close to each other, but at some distance from the wall of the building.

In the left photo, single trellises are attached with wire and to the ground with metal pins. For double support, a base is made of bars. On the right is a diagram that tells how to make a trellis for cucumbers.

If you have little space, make an ergonomic bed, and tie the canes to the reinforcement that connects 2 bicycle wheels - one lies on the ground, the other is attached to the upper sides of the reinforcement.

An old umbrella without fabric makes an excellent trellis for bush cucumbers.

Not only vegetables, but also flowers will decorate the walls. Plant climbing plants near the building and let them weave along the trellis.

Look how even such simple supports for flowers decorate the outer walls.

From the leftover lumber you can make trellises like these for flowers, and then place them around the house.

How to make a stencil for colorful painting?

If you have an artistic bent, wall decoration can be like this.

If you doubt whether you will succeed, then use stencils. They are very easy to work with.

Once you learn how to make a stencil, you can draw it or print it, cut it out, and you have a ready-made template.

When placing such birds on the wall, paint it over. When you remove the template, you will see that a bird has appeared under it. Paint it and watch it soar White dove. If the wall was painted before, then there is no need to apply a tint to the bird.

Draw a couple of birds in the same way. To do this, enlarge the presented stencil. It’s fun to redraw its outlines with your own hands. White list, and then cut along the contours, which is what you will do.

See how you attach a stencil to the wall with your own hands. To create such a pattern you will need:
  • dye;
  • stencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • construction tape;
  • brush.
You can buy such pattern stencils or make them yourself. For the free version, print out the design you like, cut along the contours with a stationery knife, and remove the excess.

Place the stencil on the wall and attach it to it with tape. Dip the brush into the paint and go over this sheet of paper once, let it dry, then paint the same way a second time. Move the stencil, secure it, and make the same pattern next to it. Use the same technique to decorate the entire surface.

If the paint covers the surface underneath well, then you can apply it not in 2, but in one layer.

After practicing how to draw patterns using a stencil with your own hands, you will be able to decorate the walls in the living room or in another room using this technique.

How to make a panel from plants, buttons, wood, stone?

These three-dimensional paintings They will also carry out the mission of decorating walls “excellently”, not only external ones, but also internal ones. Place on wooden shelves flower pots, let them add a bright accent.

Can be used as a flowerpot cans, old clay pots, decorated with mosaics.

For the latter, stock up on:

  • pots;
  • colored glass bottles, broken tiles;
  • paint;
  • burlap;
  • sand;
  • spatula;
  • hammer;
  • grout;
  • cement.
First you need to prepare the glass fragments and tiles. To do this, wrap the bottle in burlap and hit it with a hammer several times. Grind the tiles in the same way.

Prepare a mixture of three parts sand and one part cement. Gradually pour water into it, stir vigorously. You should get a mass similar in appearance to sour cream.

Apply the solution to one side of the pot, fix glass fragments and mosaic tiles here. Then, gradually, decorate all sides of the pot in the same way. Let the cement dry and apply grout. When it is slightly dry, remove the excess with a soft cloth.

You can make a panel out of wood using the remaining wood cuts. They are glued to plywood and then framed.

From the remains of the boards you can make a shelf, put dishes, a samovar or your awards for winning competitions on it. Decorating the walls in this way will give them uniqueness.

This informative article contains some of the most interesting ideas for a country house and the decor of the country house itself - they will decorate your country corner and at the same time help you save money.

So, start getting inspired now!

Useful rake

Old tools can also be useful in your household. For example, a broken rake will make an excellent replacement for a garden supply rack or even a dish holder.

Because their teeth are very convenient and practical for storing gloves and spatulas or glasses.

Old boot - new pot

When sorting out things that have gone out of fashion and everyday use, do not rush to throw them away, give them another chance - worn-out shoes, torn hats and old watering cans can be turned into original flower pots.

They just need to be refreshed and applied... to the “envy” of your dacha neighbors.

Hemp table

Uprooting stumps for landscaping garden plot or – quite hard work.

But, if you add a little imagination, you can transform a nondescript and “unnecessary stump” into an elegant table for tea parties.

To do this, you just need to cover the stump with a glass or wooden tabletop.

And a stump standing in the middle of the garden can be decorated with flowers - then no one will notice it in the thicket of plants.

In addition, the stumps growing on the territory can also be used as a platform for games - checkers, tic-tac-toe or scrabble.

Children will definitely love this idea - they will play right in the garden!

"House" for the hose

A hose lying along a summer cottage can cause a lot of inconvenience and problems. And in order not to trip over it again, and, even worse, not to fall, you can put it in a large container (for example, in a flowerpot), having previously made a hole in it.

This is a very convenient and absolutely safe idea that will not irritate your eyes or spoil your landscape design!

colorful tiles

Give your dacha exterior some variety with bright acrylic paints. For example, color gray tiles at home or garden stones– life will become brighter and more fun!

Can lanterns

You can not only store pickles and all kinds of preserves in jars - they can become an original and practical decoration for your summer cottage.

Make stylish candlesticks out of them and hang them on the roof, branches or. Flower pots can also be used as candlesticks.

flower window

Don't forget to decorate the windows to delight yourself and your guests. Flowers will lift your spirits, give a delightful aroma and will make the monotonous facade of the house simply incredible.

Mirror reflection in windows

Another one great idea for a country house - a blank wall of a country house can also be decorated.

For example, old unused windows can be revitalized with a mirror. They will be able to reflect the summer landscape and create the visual illusion of a large space.

Board for children's creativity

Everyone knows about the benefits and practicality of drawing boards.

Therefore, in order not to scold children for their sudden manifestation of creative inspiration, and not to later wash the walls and fences of various arts - just hang a chalk board on them.

Let the children “express themselves” directly on!

Elegant feeder

An old broken chandelier can also be used to decorate a summer cottage.

For example, good idea- pour bird food into light bulb stands, thereby attracting winged guests.

Wooden garden path

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Cottage finishing: 4 budget ideas 2 times cheaper than usual

In our realities, large investments in dacha repairs look quite unproductive. On the one hand, is it worth spending a lot on furnishing a home in which we spend at most several months? On the other hand, no one can cancel the completely reasonable desire for a cozy place in their “country estate”.

If you are interested in simple materials and budget solutions, capable of improving and decorating your dacha, then this article is definitely for you. In it I will analyze the main inexpensive methods of wall cladding and share several creative options creating an original country interior.

Sheathing options

Today construction market offers many variations and a variety of materials ideal for finishing a country house. Among a fairly impressive list, you can choose something according to the preferences of the home owner and his financial capabilities.


Lining is rightfully considered one of the most popular materials used for arranging summer cottages. The advantages of the panels speak for themselves. This:

  • their pleasant aesthetic appearance, allowing you to imitate a variety of textures;
  • affordable price;
  • high thermal insulation performance;
  • ease of installation, which can be handled even without much experience in repair work;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Interior decoration country house clapboard is a great idea for those who value comfort and coziness above all else. By experimenting with textures and shades, owners have the chance to create a memorable interior without spending a fortune.

What should you consider during the installation process?

  1. High-quality finishing is only possible when using wooden sheathing as a basis.
  2. If you want to insulate the walls of the house, you can put it in the frame mineral wool, glass wool or polystyrene foam.
  3. Wooden slats for the base should be secured either with nails or self-tapping screws.

I also want to note that lining can be a very inexpensive and practical answer to the question of how to decorate a change house for country house ik.


Drywall is not much inferior to lining in popularity. This universal material, used both for leveling walls or arranging interior spaces, and for decorating window slopes.

Instructions for installing drywall are as follows:

  1. The first step is to create a frame made of metal or wooden slats. They are fixed to the wall with screws or self-tapping screws at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other.

  1. Afterwards, plasterboard slabs are attached to the frame. The joints between the sheets are sealed with putty and then primed.

  1. After about 6-8 hours (this is exactly how long it will take for the primer to dry), you can proceed to pasting or painting the walls.


This is what fully corresponds to the famous phrase “cheap and cheerful.” If you are thinking about how to decorate the walls to make it as budget-friendly as possible, then plywood will come in handy. This material allows the walls to “breathe”, it has good water resistance (so it can be used for cladding a bathroom) and sound insulation.

In addition to such impressive advantages, I would like to add easy installation with your own hands, which can be handled by people who have never done repairs before. As a finishing touch, the plywood can either be painted with bright paint or covered with wallpaper.

How to combine fantasy with lack of money?

Above I reviewed the main Decoration Materials, accompanying inexpensive repairs at the dacha. They will help put the house in order and solve the issue of light insulation. But what to do when your soul demands a continuation of the banquet and wants something beautiful in a small country house?

I will tell you how interesting it is to decorate a country house while spending a minimum of money.

Idea 1. The whole world is in colors

When considering the most popular options for decorating a room, it’s hard not to mention paint. This is one of the simplest ways to update your interior, which also allows you to experiment with colors and shades, and is used all over the world. in great demand. What do future painters and artists need to know?

Painting wood or clapboard

  1. If you want to add rich color wooden surface or lining, but leave their interesting texture, buy translucent paint.

  1. Exterior decoration should be decorated only with elastic paints that are not afraid of temperature changes (alkyd, oil). The inside of the room can be painted with water-dispersed or water-based compositions. It makes sense to use more expensive silicate or silicone paints only in conditions of very high humidity.

The photo shows an example when the paint only emphasizes the richness of the texture

  1. The interior walls must be thoroughly finished before painting; this will significantly reduce paint consumption.
  2. If after winter there is a strong feeling of dampness in the house, do not rush to use a brush or roller. First, you should dry the room thoroughly ( construction hairdryer or a heat gun, for example).

  1. You should definitely not even try to paint over areas where rot and mold are firmly established.. Believe me, after the repair work, the fungus will simply continue to destroy the coating. So first, get rid of the mold, dry the surface, sand it with sandpaper, treat it with an antiseptic and only then paint.

Reserve a little time and do everything as required. Believe me, the result will be worth it.

Painting plaster or drywall

You can give plastered or plasterboard walls a more sophisticated look using acrylic water-based paint.

  • For better adhesion of paint to the surface, do not skimp on primer. IN as a last resort(but only as a last resort), you can use a soap solution instead, which needs to remove grease and dust from the walls. But still, try to get a primer - with it the result will be more effective and reliable.

  • If there are small cracks on the surface and there is no plaster, you should resort to paint with latex filler. It can hide cracks up to 2 mm in size.
  • Don’t be afraid of the most “impractical” color in the interior – white. Firstly, white paint is the cheapest, and secondly, against a light background, any object will look bright and stylish. In addition, it will help visual increase premises.

Idea 2. To be wallpaper or not to be?

Wallpaper in the country is not only not uncommon, but the most popular type of decor. How to deal with them during the repair process? I will consider two possible options:

  1. When the old wallpaper begins to peel off little by little, do not rush to tear it off (unless you have definitely decided to change the situation). If they peel off in whole sheets, then there is nothing to do, and you will have to remove everything and glue new ones. In the case where the canvas peels off only at the joints and in the corners, it is better to just carefully glue everything back together.

To keep the canvas stronger, add to wallpaper glue regular glue PVA (in a ratio of 1 to 6).

  1. You have long ago decided to change the boring pattern, but in some areas the wallpaper seems to be stuck tightly. Run an iron through a piece of wet fabric to make it easier to remove the material.

For those who are thinking about wallpapering their country house, I’ll tell you a few tricks to save money:

  • look in the closet for wallpaper left over from the last renovation (some scraps will definitely be saved), ask relatives and friends about the same. As a result, you will be able to collect material for original decor in patchwork style. Cover the wall in the room with scraps of different patterns and enjoy the unusual result;

Thus, you can decorate only one wall, otherwise it will turn out too colorful. For others, painting or wallpaper in neutral shades is fine.

  • Most often in specialized stores you can find baskets with so-called “sale” wallpaper, left over from unsold collections of one or two rolls. The price of their assortment is much standard; all you have to do is select and combine several models by color and texture;

  • decorating the inside of a country house is primarily associated with the cheapest paper wallpaper. Well, for one or two seasons they will do just fine. After the allotted time, their appearance will be far from the original.

I would still advise you to resort to the help of two-layer paper wallpaper– the difference in price is not so noticeable, but they will last longer.

To save money, do not choose wallpaper with large patterns. Due to the fact that you will have to adjust the details of the design, there will be more waste. The ideal option is a small abstract pattern.

Idea 3. Not Italian, but still tiles

Tiles are another worthy material for budget renovation. I'm not talking about Italian ceramics; there are many cheaper examples in stores. Again you have at least 2 options:

  • buy required amount tiles and decorate the kitchen or even the outdoor shower inside;
  • again, scrape along the bottom and use the found remains to decorate the selected surface in patchwork style.

Idea 4. Reminder from the past - wall newspaper

An even cheaper replacement for wallpaper can be (so you might think) ordinary newspaper strips. Glue them like a regular paper covering, and open the top with varnish. The main advantage of this option is that over time it will look even more interesting and atmospheric.

By the same principle you can use old geographic Maps or book pages (although I really don’t approve of the second option).

Additional options

If you think I'm done listing all the different inexpensive way registration of the dacha, then you are mistaken. I still have a few interesting ideas left:

  1. Perforated comfort. A couple of perforated metal sheetsgreat way For convenient storage frying pans and knives in the country. If they also cover the unevenness on the wall, so much the better.

  1. We don't throw away boxes. Several old boxes attached to the wall can create a fairly spacious and convenient shelving unit. Both practical and useful for decoration!
  2. Nowhere without textiles. Another the simplest way hide flaws in wall decoration– cover it with a large panel made of beautiful fabric, felt or a cork roll (depending on what you find in the pantry).

I tried to select for you the most interesting and inexpensive options for arranging a summer house, even more ideas are contained in the video in this article.


If you have a crisis of ideas and you don’t know what to decorate the walls of your dacha with, then I hope my article will be useful to you. I gave an example of the main finishing materials used to decorate a country home, and suggested several ways to decorate it.

If you still have any questions for me, I will be glad to answer them in the comments. There, share your impressions of the finishing options presented above and express your opinion.

November 2, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, or ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

Country houses are not usually intended for year-round use, but this does not mean that you can be negligent in the design of the premises. A country house, regardless of the style in which it is decorated, is characterized by more thin walls And autonomous systems heating and water supply.

Features of country buildings

The modern interior of a country house often resembles the design of city apartments. Today popular house designs are made from wooden materials, although brick, cinder block and other types of building materials are no less often used.

The choice may depend interior interior dachas:

For any country house you will need to prepare all surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor. This is ensured full spectrum rough work, which involves leveling surfaces, as well as preparing them for application or installation of finishing materials.

Fireplaces, Russian stoves of a country house

The center of the interior of a country house is many designers or, which are gaining popularity again, displacing the gas and electric systems that replaced them not so long ago.

Among the advantages of such heating, experts note:

  • stoves and fireplaces look great in the interior of a country house in the living room, kitchen or bedroom;
  • they can be decorated in a rustic style or given modern look design;
  • a fireplace can be made one of the design elements of a Russian stove for beauty, as well as efficient heating;
  • such systems do not require gas or electricity, and fuel is cheap.

For the interior of a country house, a fireplace will be simple ideal option, because it becomes a practical element heating system, but also emphasizes the special atmosphere of a country home. This is precisely the detail that city apartment owners cannot afford, which is why a fireplace is very relevant in a dacha.

Furnishing of premises

What is also typical for a country house is that for the furnishings inside they usually use old furniture, which is removed from the city apartment after being replaced with new ones.

This imposes some features of a country interior:

  • it represents confusion various styles in design;
  • Often people decorate the interior of their dacha with their own hands, making homemade furniture;
  • motley and varied design refers to the kitsch style, and the soft one is simply called country style.

Sleeping places and homemade furniture

Another feature of the house in country style is the need to arrange additional sleeping places.

The interior of a country house is approached from a practical standpoint, first of all, which is why sofas are usually selected as folding sofas, with the ability to be folded out. This is required because quite a lot of people periodically gather at the dacha; relatives and friends come for weekends or holidays.

Furniture in a variety of styles will fit into the decor of a country house, and mixing is acceptable different styles for decorating the interiors of such a house. But it looks best at the dacha wooden furniture, even if these are outdated options and models. It is only very important that the house is cozy and comfortable for everyone who lives in it from time to time, since the atmosphere should be relaxing and help you relax.

Complementing the interior with handmade furniture

Rustic style country house interior does not require serious financial investments- it makes no sense and is not rational.

If there is no old furniture, which could be transported from the apartment to the dacha, then you can try to make it yourself. Also relevant homemade designs in the house, including partitions or verandas.

Homemade furniture does not look good in every style:

  • Provence is good for a bright and delicate country house;
  • Wooden structures look great with country style;
  • rustic style allows you to combine any furniture options;
  • very bright and unusual style loft for any premises;
  • will be bright and free.

A modern garden interior can be decorated with wooden finishing materials or stone. Loft allows you not to use finishing materials in some places, since this is a feature of the style.

Layout, its features

The plan of a small country house may have only one room combined with a kitchen, or there may also be several rooms, which are also typical for a classic house for year-round use.

If you plan to regularly receive guests, then you should get a dining room. And if you plan to stay at the dacha large quantity people, then limit yourself to a minimum area.

For a summer residence the following are acceptable:

  • thin walls and partitions;
  • lack of electric or gas heating;
  • makeshift stairs and dining areas on verandas.

Dachas are usually used in the summer, and therefore there is no need to worry about ensuring that the heating is sufficient for living in winter period. Although if you plan to spend the winter holidays at your dacha, you need to create autonomous heating.

Designer things

The interior design of a dacha involves the use of a large number decorative elements, including already out-of-fashion decorations from city apartments.

When a person does not have old things in stock, then an excellent move to decorate the house and liven up the atmosphere would be:

  • flowers or artificial trees in massive tubs;
  • light curtains combined with big amount wood;
  • antique lamps or with a minimum of decoration.

Paintings or copies look great at dachas. However, it is not recommended to store valuable paintings at dachas, because such housing is more susceptible to attacks by thieves and looters if it remains without owners for a long time. It’s good when a country house is located on the territory of a guarded village, but this is typical only for suburban villages near large cities. Otherwise, there is a high risk of robbery if the house is decorated with very valuable items.

Bathroom of a private house

To decorate in a rustic style, they use antique, out-of-fashion cast iron alloy bathtubs, mounted on large legs, often made in the form of animal paws. Often, and this great alternative street summer soul and a village toilet.

If you have or are planning to have children, then you should take care of stone or tile flooring. This will allow children to play without fear of getting the floorboards wet, since wood can rot quite quickly from water and moisture.

Features of kitchen design

Kitchen in village house can be decorated in both modern and classic style, and are of great importance wide windows in this room - they allow you to save on lighting in daytime days, since bright sunlight enters the kitchen through the windows.

In this case, it is necessary to choose furniture for the kitchen from materials that are not afraid of not only moisture and dirt, but also direct sunlight. There are usually few cabinets in a country kitchen, since the bulk of the dishes are usually stored in permanent housing, and only the essentials are kept in the country house.

Bouquets of fresh or fresh flowers or flowers in pots can refresh the atmosphere. Still lifes in reality and in paintings also look advantageous. Despite the fact that we are talking about a country house, you should not give up modern household appliances, which can greatly facilitate the work of cooking and cleaning, so that the rest becomes complete, and household chores do not interfere.

Country houses outside

Country houses are perfect for spending time in in the summer or spring, and garden plantings are usually placed in front of the building. Vegetable gardens with greenhouses are often taken out to backyard, or even outside the courtyard. If there is space, then it would be relevant to install a pool or pond with fountains and streams in the courtyard of a country house.

The paths to the house are being laid out decorative bricks or filled with concrete, and unpretentious flowers are planted along them, which do not require regular watering and care.

To make yard maintenance easier, you can use special coatings with lawn grass, and lighting can be made with built-in motion sensors.

Work for summer cottage, planting vegetables and fruits, fertilizing the soil and pruning trees... all this is a little exhausting and makes you think about relaxing. But we are not used to relaxing, and therefore we will spend free time productively - we will decorate the facade of the country house and the site itself in an original way!

Of course, any country work distracts from the design of the site and buildings, but for this you also need to set aside time, because while we are digging, watering and harvesting, our country houses are becoming old and dilapidated. Today we will rectify the situation in an unusual way– let’s decorate a country house cheaply and cheerfully!!! And to be honest, the decoration will be truly exclusive.

You can decorate the facade of a country house at any time convenient for you., because this is not work, but pure pleasure. All you need is a little creativity and vivid imagination. Of course, the options we propose will not be implemented in an hour or two, but you will be truly satisfied appearance home and garden!

Decorating a country house with bottle caps

We talked for a long time about the use plastic bottles at the dacha, examined and studied in detail the processes and objects from glass bottles, we came up with compositions from other inexpensive and readily available materials, but today we will talk to you specifically about plastic bottle caps.

It would seem like ordinary garbage that won't do anything. Okay, a soda bottle, it can become a greenhouse, a small pot for a plant, serve as an ashtray, or just a small storage area for water. But it turns out that top part bottles, namely the cap, can be useful in the country. The only bad thing is that it is very difficult to collect a sufficient amount of “working material”, especially if after reading the article you immediately want updates on your summer cottage...

But it’s okay, all our problems are easily solved, and therefore we immediately move on to the main topic and learn how to decorate a country house with bottle caps!

Decorating a house window with lids

Just below, in the photo, we have an old one wooden house, which can be repaired, but doing it is long and painful. If you have the same house at your dacha, summer cuisine or a shed that you don’t want to invest in, but should be updated long ago, we invite you to follow us!

We're starting out warm spring season at the dacha with a good mood, and therefore we use caps to decorate the facade and windows of the house bright color. Fanta, cola, mineral water, sprite and lemonade, respectively, caps of orange, red, blue, green and yellow color. They are fixed to the surface wooden structure on small nails or screws. Someone will use glue, but we’ll immediately warn you that this is not very practical on the street.

A light, lively drawing immediately changes the appearance of your home, and you only spent a couple of hours on the design. Well, provided that you already had the caps!

Decorating the facade of the house with lids

We won’t go through the words again and rewrite what’s what, but simply point out that for such a nice design the same caps from plastic bottles were used - from cola, water, beer, and other drinks.

Some small nails, drawing skills beautiful flowers V large sizes, an hour of work, and everything is ready!

Decorating the whole house with lids

Well, here the work is clearly not for an hour, or even for a day. Agree, a whole picture, a miracle, a masterpiece and many more wonderful epithets.

An old country house is gradually turning into a new, bright and colorful one, which will now not only be looked at, but with envy.

Of course, there are several problems here - maintaining a correct and symmetrical pattern and ornament, as well as a huge number of plastic bottle caps. In the case of such registration, you will need to collect material for a long time, or even buy it from friends, relatives, neighbors in the country. But, if you are planning such a work, we only wish you good luck and inspiration!

Decorating your home with lids: another great project

We can't help but show you another creation. Unfortunately, its author is unknown to us. But he can clearly say that he is a very patient person who understands art and honors ancient color and culture.

A very beautiful house, the decoration of which took thousands of bottle caps.

Decoration from lids for the garden

As promised, we present to you a couple of very cute garden products.

First of all, we have a very cute and bright snail, for the production of which you do not need to be specially distracted for a long time or use a complex tool. It’s enough to set aside some time for yourself during lunch or in the late afternoon, cut out the outline of a snail from plywood or plastic, take a couple of hundred caps from plastic bottles, and get down to business.

To make your work easier, make yourself a small layout of the lids directly according to the snail layout. Draw the course of the caps, some kind of pattern, roughly indicate the colors. As a result, you will get a garden figure that can be installed anywhere - in the garden, at the entrance to a house or yard, at the foot of an old tree, in a new flowerbed made from car tires, and so on.

Country crafts continue to delight us, and next in line is a funny bird - a cap penguin. Everything here is already traditional - a model made of a piece of plastic, plywood, fiberboard, thin OSB or even the remains of polycarbonate from a canopy or greenhouse, as well as a couple of dozen lids.

You cut out a shape, place lids on it, decorate it with colors and the direction of the lids, create a new garden figure and install it on a summer cottage in any convenient location.

Using the same method, figurines of hares, foxes, parrots, wolves, turtles... and anyone else you like, even cartoon characters from your favorite children's animation, can be made.

Painting the facade of a country house with paints

It is not easy to work with lids, but it is even more difficult to use paint to decorate the facade and walls of a country house. Here you need not just to be able to use paints, but to draw, have talent or at least the desire to create.

In general, we recommend taking on similar work only to those people who have already held a brush or pencil in their hands, and successfully. If not, but you still want to decorate the walls of your house with such masterpieces, look for talents among your relatives or friends, and trust them with your dacha buildings for painting.

The process of decorating with paints requires certain preparation, since painting a country house must be flat surface. If the site is a mud hut, it will be necessary to plaster, putty, grout and prime the surface. If the surface is brick, then the walls also need to be plastered and leveled as much as possible. In general, any surface will have to be leveled, so we recommend that you think carefully about decorating the facade in this way (a few more original ideas).

As you can see, there are two problems here at once - the urgent need for a skilled artist and a “canvas” for his creations. If painting is not possible under such conditions, it is better to abandon the option and consider others!

Complex decoration of the facade of a country house

If the previous options do not suit you, you can always make things simpler. You don’t need to prepare surfaces, spend money on materials, look for unearthly talents and special paints, because all you need to do is dream a little and collect all your positive emotions to decorate the facade.

Look at the image below. Agree, bright colors look very harmonious even on brick surface walls. And how well blue and pink color pots of flowers on the wall, flowerpots in the palisade, green fence and an intricate bright figure... we think it’s very beautiful, and most importantly, such a design really costs pennies.

Simple drawings on the walls of a country house

If you don’t want complications and don’t worry about how the walls of your house will look, draw on the walls yourself or even entrust the creativity to your children! In our next photo everything is very simple, but at the same time, cute and pretty - a picture on the wall, without preparation and expensive paints, but also the actual design of the territory - crafts from bottles, crafts from logs, a light lawn, and so on.

If you like this kind of design, please don’t stop anyone, because the most important thing is that you update the area brightly and beautifully, while making yourself and your family happy!

Simple and inexpensive decoration of the facade of the house

But we have an even simpler method. It is suitable for people who need to decorate their walls, but do not have enough time and finances for expensive repairs or painting. Let's tell the truth, there are tens of thousands of us, and we are only glad that we can find a way out of any situation. Today the solution is to paint the walls wooden house leftover paints, with simple brushes, in different colors - the main thing is to refresh, add color and mood. And, you see, it turns out very well!!! This material will also be useful before New Year holidays.

How to decorate a house with lids (video)