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Interior of a small bedroom with a computer desk. An office and a bedroom in one room - it's possible! Multifunctional workplace

How do we imagine an office? Desk, office chair, bookshelves, computer. What do we see when we hear the word “bedroom”? A classic bed, dim lighting and wallpaper in calm tones. But what to do if life circumstances force you to combine workplace and a place of rest?

Zoning options for a combined room

The options and possibility of zoning depend on the area of ​​the room, the number of people living and working in the office, their age, as well as the likelihood of strangers visiting the room. Based on this information, we will try to consider everything possible options zoning of a combined room:

  • If we are talking about ordinary room, where you need to combine a place of rest with a workplace, then in such a room you need to provide a minimum of items, but they must be multifunctional. For example, a wardrobe, a table-window-sill, a podium-shelf. But when decorating a studio apartment, the designer has much more options division into recreation and work areas. Here you can use both a double-sided cabinet and plasterboard partition;
  • Depending on how many people will live and work in the bedroom-office, we must think about ways to divide the room into zones. If the entire space will be occupied by one person, then when zoning you can do without partitions or choose light, partially transparent partitions. If the room is intended for several people, then you need to divide the space in such a way that the inhabitants of the bedroom and office do not interfere with each other. Solid partitions made of plasterboard or plywood come in handy here, sliding doors or thick curtains stretched from the ceiling;
  • If the room is intended for children, then in addition to the working and sleeping space, it will be necessary to provide a place for toys. A good way out is to use transformable furniture. For example, a schoolchild will benefit from a folding table that can be removed during games. Toys can be stored in drawers sofa If children younger age, then for safety reasons you should not make high podiums in their bedroom-office. If the room is intended for adults, then it all depends on its size, flight of thought and financial investments;
  • To resolve work issues, you expect visitors in your office. Then it is logical to zone your premises in such a way that guests do not pass through sleeping area. That is, regardless of the location of the window, there should be a workplace at the entrance to the room. In this zoning option, it is necessary to provide continuous partitions.

Setting up a workplace

Ideally, I would like to arrange my workplace next to a window, although this is not always possible.

  • If you decide to do just that, then a very popular option is turning the window sill into a table. The good thing about this idea is that your workspace will have natural light.

When designing a bedroom office, you need to remember simple rule: lying on the bed (sofa) you should see a minimum of work items; sitting at the table, you should not constantly strive to go to bed, bumping into her with your eyes.

And if it is possible to arrange the furniture this way, use this advice.

  • When arranging a workplace, it is necessary to provide for the presence of an office corner. If you use a cabinet as a partition, then on its reverse side, located in the office, you can place shelves for books and writing instruments. This would be a good option for a folding table where you can’t put it all.

  • You have decided to make a partition with functional openings. Then you can make a niche in it for a computer desk. The holes in the partition on the office side will be filled with items necessary for work, and on the bedroom side - with flowers and decorative items. All this will serve as additional sound insulation.

  • When choosing furniture for a small room, think about a corner computer desk. There are many models of such tables. You can choose one where it would be convenient to work both on the computer and with papers. In addition, there are models with already built-in bookshelves, the sides of which will protect the nearby sleeping place from the light of a table lamp.

  • Another option for placing a desktop is inside a built-in closet.. In apartments they are used as warehouses. But if you put a table there, hang shelves, make lighting, then it will be a full-fledged workplace, which, if necessary, can be hidden by closing the door.

Design and style solutions

To decorate the bedroom-living room, you can use the following style solutions:

  • Minimalist design ideal for a bedroom office. You can compensate for the minimum number of things by using transforming items . Wall shelves, decorative baskets for small items or children's toys will help you avoid a large number of items on the floor and save space. The TV can be hung on the wall on special brackets or placed in a niche in the partition;
  • For small spaces style will suit high tech. Glass and metal are the basis of the style. Minimal use of furniture. It is unlikely to be suitable for use in a nursery, but people with a Nordic character type may be interested;
  • The loft style will look great both in the bedroom and in the office. You can make a podium from deliberately rough boards. You can without hesitation hang shelves made with your own hands from ordinary boards on the walls under untreated red brick;
  • In the Japanese style, the main element of the interior will be a screen that allows you to separate the office from the bedroom. Photo wallpaper with cherry blossoms will create comfort in the recreation area. And reed blinds on the upper half of the window will shade the workplace from bright sun rays;
  • Classic style design will suit For large room . Since this is a luxury style, you will have to look for home furnishings that match it. Here the workplace can be separated from the sleeping area by an arch with thick curtain as light protection.

Color spectrum

Depending on the chosen style, select color scheme for your bedroom-office. If this room has a clear distinction between a recreation area and a workplace, then the design colors may be different. But professionals recommend making color differences of no more than two tones. Perhaps someone will intuitively feel the influence of a particular color on their mood.

If this does not happen, then pay attention to the following information:

  • Red color- Quite aggressive. If in the design of your office you use it in large quantities, you will notice how quickly you will get tired and irritated. But a red spot (table lamp, pen, photograph with red poppies) will force you to focus on this object, concentrate your attention, and increase your productivity;
  • Orange color associated with the sun and warmth. It calms and invigorates positive thinking;
  • Bright yellow color will bring positive emotions, make you cheer up and get ready for work;
  • Pale yellow, yellow-green calms and relaxes the nervous system;
  • Green color considered the most peaceful nervous system. Looking at him we calm down and relax. It will look harmonious both in the office and in the bedroom;
  • Blue refers to cool. This is the color of calm and prudence, patience and endurance;
  • Blue color quite insidious. In small quantities it will calm and relax. But completely blue walls, furniture, carpet can lead to apathy;
  • Purple considered mystical. Accents of this color will look very interesting. Continuous coverage will be unnecessary due to strong psychological pressure.

Black stands apart from the colors of the rainbow. It can be used to decorate any room. It will be an excellent background for light shades.

But visually black color reduces space, so in small rooms it must be used carefully.

Here are the rules to follow when decorating a bedroom office in dark shades:

  • Minimalism style uses calm colors. This style loves light. Good decision There will be the use of beige, light green, yellow, blue. But the work area should be darker. Then, when leaving “work”, you will enter a zone that is softer for the eyes and nervous system;
  • High-tech style is a combination of white, different shades of gray and black. Can be used beige colour;
  • Despite the apparent simplicity and carelessness of the loft style, it will be a very cozy and homely room due to the use warm shades brown and brick red;
  • Japanese style associated with big amount colors. To avoid having too many of them, use the design rule: take one color as a basis, add two more to it, harmoniously matching them;
  • Classic style is an abundance of white and gold. Combinations of walls in pastel shades and dark floors are adopted here. But white can be combined with both green and blue. Gold is almost mandatory element decor.


Any color scheme can be improved or ruined by lighting. What it will be like in the bedroom-office depends on whether there is a partition in the room. If there is none, then ceiling lighting will be united. For example, hanging chandelier. But the workplace must have a sufficiently powerful desk lamp. While there may be a night light or a sconce hanging by the bed.

If there is a partition, then it itself can be part of the lighting if you install it in spotlights. The same lamps can be on the ceiling. Moreover, if the partition also goes along the ceiling, then the bedroom and office may have different ceiling designs. For example, in the bedroom, install multi-level spotlights with yellow light. While in the office, install only a table lamp or lamp daylight on a wall with a white or blue spectrum.

The bedroom is a place where a person restores his strength: not only physical, but also emotional. It is important to choose the design and decoration of the room that promote relaxation and relieve psychological stress. For the location of the bedroom, a quiet, bright, isolated room, as far away from the kitchen as possible, is suitable.

Organizing a workplace in the bedroom has its advantage: a calm, quiet atmosphere will allow you to better concentrate on your work. If there is no free room for a workplace, its location in the bedroom is the best option. In this case, the interior can be arranged in such a way that two zones - working and sleeping - do not conflict with each other, look harmonious and obey the same energy.

Color scheme of the room and interior items

Since ancient times, people began to notice that color has a certain effect on the human psyche. For example, red, orange and yellow have an exciting and stimulating effect, while blue has a relaxing effect.

For a bedroom combined with an office, it is better to choose light, neutral colors:

  • grey: great choice for a combination of two zones. This color does not burden the psyche and eyesight, and against its background it is easy to hide the shortcomings of the room or highlight significant interior details.
  • olive: another “calm” color. It balances the emotional state and relieves tension. When choosing this color, several features should be taken into account: olive absorbs light well, so there should be enough lighting; It’s better not to choose dark colors, they can turn the room into a “swamp”.

  • cream: a good option For small room, as it is able to visually expand the space. It has a mild emotional effect, gives strength and confidence.

These colors in combination with white will create a favorable atmosphere for both relaxation and work, and will also reconcile and bring together both zones.

To dilute pastel colors and enliven the room, you can use bright colors some interior items. For example, a bedside table, a work chair and a lamp on the table orange color“collects” the space into a harmonious, modern and original composition.

Principles for arranging zones in a room

To optimize the space of the room, it is important to correctly arrange the pieces of furniture that form the working and sleeping areas. A well-designed room layout will allow the zones to efficiently fulfill their purpose: to provide comfortable sleep or productive work.

Sleeping area

  • It is better to place the bed in the part of the room opposite from the window or in the darkest part of the room. At the same time, it is important to take into account the convenience of approaches to the bed: they should not be cluttered;
  • The bed should be placed along the room, with the head of the head facing the smaller wall without a window;
  • It is not recommended to place the bed opposite the door;
  • According to ergonomic rules, the distance from the edges of the bed to the walls should not be less than 70 cm.

But we should not forget that there are exceptions to all rules; sometimes it is better to place the bed diagonally across the room if it is not possible to provide convenient approaches. In some cases, you can place the bed under the window if the geometry of the room does not allow you to choose another solution.

Work zone

It is better to equip the work area in the bedroom near the window. Sufficient lighting will help create a working mood.

A good functional solution would be to combine a window sill with a desktop. This will save space and properly divide existing zones.

Another option for arranging a workplace is to connect it to other functional pieces of furniture: shelving, chests of drawers or cabinets. This solution will hide the work area and create the main accent of the room as a bedroom. For example, a workplace as part of a closet:

Workplace combined with a dressing table:

In a composition with shelves:

For lovers of the classics standard will do solution: hazelnut desk. In this case, it is better to place it in the area of ​​the room opposite from the bed in order to separate the zones from each other as much as possible.

At the same time, the working area in classic style exists independently and does not require support from the entire room.

Interior elements in the room

In addition to color and furniture, lighting and additional interior details play a decisive role in the visual perception of a room. When choosing calm colors general finishing It is recommended to dilute the composition with rich details. This could be textiles and decorative elements.

Computer desk in the bedroom- a necessary measure, but this does not mean that you need to put it as necessary. Today for you – photos of interiors and useful tips how to integrate a computer desk into a bedroom design.

In the photo on the left - wonderful example how to beautifully decorate a computer desk in small bedroom, if you show a little imagination.

Here a shelf made of beautiful expensive material. One end of it is attached to the wall with a window, the other end is supported by brackets.

The shelf can be fixed in another way - on one side to the wall with a window, on the other - on one thick leg. Such legs are sold in the same stores where all furniture fittings are sold.

So, the first tip for those who place a computer desk in a small bedroom:

Instead of a computer desk, you can use a shelf - it will look stylish and save space

The same photo shows very clever decor. A couple of flowers in pots, a beautiful table lamp, an organizer in an unusual frame - and instead of a dull office desk You have a cozy corner for work in your bedroom.

So, the seventh tip:

— a computer desk can be placed in a section of a built-in closet or a chest of drawers with an opening lid can be used instead

And now some advice for those who are less concerned about the problem of saving space than the problem of decor. It is more difficult to beautifully decorate a bedroom that has a computer desk.

Of course, a computer and work materials change the appearance of the bedroom and reduce the degree of comfort and relaxation. But I started this article with the fact that it is the decor that can save the situation.

Click on the photo to take a closer look - in this bedroom interior, elegant decor removes all the office-ness and turns the work area into a cozy corner in which it is pleasant to be.

To achieve this effect, use white furniture, delicate pastel colors, multi-colored carpet, elegantly shaped accessories.

If such decor seems too feminine to you, go the other way. In the photo on the left - the bedroom is covered with wallpaper with a complex pattern, but in discreet colors, and furniture and accessories are selected exactly in the colors of the wallpaper - blue and brown. As a result, the bedroom looks not boring and not at all office-like, but its decor is neither too pretentious nor too feminine.

So, if you want to achieve this effect, use wallpaper in subdued colors, but with a complex pattern, and select furniture and accessories exactly in the colors of the wallpaper.

But don't let it get serious. When decorating the computer area in the bedroom, do not use the color of the wallpaper in its color if the wallpaper is plain and dark, as in the photo on the right.

Dark blue wallpaper is used here - a controversial decision, but it may be suitable for the bedroom if Blue colour The owners really like it and if it is more important for them to fall asleep well than to wake up cheerfully. However, used in decoration computer zone shades of blue and dark gray make this area simply twilight. It looks beautiful, but it is impossible to fully work in such a blue fog - it will make you sleepy.

So, if your bedroom is covered with dark wallpaper, use light and rich colors in the decor of the computer area.

Well, it seems like everything is about how to place a computer desk in the bedroom and how to decorate it. I hope you found this article helpful!


Anonymous says:
06/07/2012 at 1:19 am
“a computer desk can be placed in a section of a built-in closet or a chest of drawers with an opening lid can be used instead”
“a narrow computer desk will take up virtually no space usable space bedrooms” In general, when working at a computer, your feet should be on the floor in front of the chair, and not squeezed into a closet or pressed against the wall, at least if you want to stand at it for a long time.
“If there is enough space behind the bed, place the computer desk close to the bed.” It actually emits electromagnetic waves, and backside more than the front one, and in addition it makes a slight buzz.
Although if the computer is used for half an hour a week, you can put it anywhere, even on a narrow table, even on a bedside table, even on ironing board, even on a dressing table (coffee table, serving table, etc.), and if you have a laptop, you can generally take it out from the mezzanine every time.

Mila says:
09/02/2012 at 8:56 pm
Not all computers are laptops, we have a whole hardware room spread out on the table, and the bookcase is also filled with speakers, an amplifier, a printer, a fax machine, etc. I wonder if there is some kind of hybrid of a television stand and desk at the end? So that at once - the TV sticks, shove something downstairs, the monitor stands up and a place like a table is organized at the end, we like a lot of space at hand. And hide the wires with the system unit out of sight somewhere under the table. Idiot's dream.)))

Anonymous says:
20/01/2012 at 6:41 pm
I use an ironing board as a computer desk for my laptop in my small apartment. I cover it with a tablecloth so it doesn't get dirty. It’s very convenient - you can put it on the sofa or in any other place, set it to the desired height and put it away so that it doesn’t take up space when you don’t need it.

Not everyone can afford to allocate a separate room for a workplace; a bedroom office in this case will be an excellent way out of the situation. The main thing is to choose the right furniture, color scheme of finishing materials and perform zoning. In this case, your bedroom will turn into both a cozy corner for relaxation and an office where you can calmly do business.

You can see examples of the most successful design of bedrooms and offices in our gallery.

Interior design and style solutions

For working area in a small or medium-sized bedroom-office, as a rule, a minimum of space is allocated. That is why it should be made compact. It is better to decorate a room with a work area in light colors. The perfect solution– use of pastel shades.

Bedroom office design, in the photo the interior is decorated in light colors

The work area in the bedroom office is equipped with convenient shelves

A children's bedroom-office in one room can be furnished with modular ergonomic furniture. A loft bed with corner cabinet and a work desk located under the bed.

Loft bed in the interior of a children's bedroom office

The category of people who leads labor activity remotely, outside the office, often faces the inability to establish the work process properly. In most cases, this is not due to the lack of such important qualities, as discipline or responsibility, but by improper organization of one’s time and workplace.

If a couple of books or good articles In terms of time management, equipping a workplace with your own hands is a more difficult task. We suggest combining the design of a bedroom and an office in one room. Exactly sleeping area empty in work time, so it’s impossible would be better suited to create a comfortable work space.

We will tell you not only how to choose the right furniture, divide zones, choose the winning color design. But also how to organize the design of a bedroom-office without harming the intimate atmosphere of the bedroom.

Step one - zoning the space

Many people mistakenly believe that each room should perform one strictly defined function: the kitchen - for cooking, the living room - for meeting guests and cozy gatherings, the bedroom - for sleeping, etc. This approach to interior design is somewhat outdated. Competent zoning techniques can not only unobtrusively divide a room into comfortable zones, but also to give the room an additional touch of comfort coupled with originality.

The design of a bedroom combined with an office can be divided into functional areas using:

  • Decorative partitions and arched structures.
  • Podium.
  • Sliding doors.
  • Furniture items: wardrobe, shelving (the optimal “material” for zoning in a small room).
  • Lights and colors - the workspace should be decorated in lighter colors and located closer to the source of daylight.
  • Movable fabric structures (curtains, screens).
  • Various floor coverings.

Experts say that zoning a room in a ratio of one to two looks most harmonious. In the case of an office-bedroom, it is wiser to give most space in the sleeping area.

Sometimes our ability to imagine what will ultimately come out of our plans fails us, so when planning a future interior it is convenient to use special programs.

Organization of the work area

The atmosphere around us helps us tune in to the desired wavelength. In the bedroom, it encourages peace and relaxation, which contradicts the need to concentrate on an active work process.

That is why the organization of the work area itself is one of the most important moments in the design of a combined bedroom-office. It is best to place your workplace by the window and sit with your back to the sleeping area located in the back of the room.

This is due to the fact that the work requires bright lighting, while for recreation it is, on the contrary, contraindicated. Another advantage of this distinction is that your gaze will not fall on the bed and be distracted from the work process.

Original ideas for decorating a workplace in the bedroom:

  • A work area located at the foot of the bed is usually used when it is impossible to move the bed from the window area; this technique significantly saves space.
  • Workplace located instead bedside table- convenient in small apartments.
  • Designing a work area in a corner or niche allows you to play around with complex room designs in an interesting way.
  • Another option is to build a work area into a closet. The office space will be noticeable only in daytime, in progress. By closing the cabinet doors in the evening, you will completely hide your work area.
  • An excellent solution for decorating a work area is to move the office to an insulated balcony adjacent to the bedroom.

An elegant and ergonomic solution is to use a table top-window sill or a secretary table, which can be transformed into a cabinet if necessary. Another good advice to save space - if you need to work with a computer while working, purchase a TV adapter and get rid of the second monitor in the room.

Lighting and color palette

In solving the problem of how to organize a workplace in the bedroom, choice plays a huge role. color palette and lighting. They should be different for different functional areas.

In the sleeping area, the lighting should be relaxing and subdued: you can use the soft yellow light of traditional incandescent lamps. In the work area, be sure to install spot lighting on the left. Energetic blue or white light is ideal fluorescent lamps. Great option– placement of spotlights around the perimeter of the room.

The interior of a bedroom with a work area tends to be matte pastel shades. Bright, saturated colors will not only irritate in the sleeping area, but also interfere with concentration in the work area. For different zones it is quite possible to use different colors. The main thing is that they are harmoniously combined with each other.

Tip: it is preferable to decorate an office in a small bedroom in a minimalist style: a minimum of functional pieces of furniture and neutral, calm shades. Otherwise, the room will look cluttered.

Successful design options for a bedroom-office in a geometric style can be found at the link.

If you are unable to select separate room under the office, you must try to maintain a minimalist style when decorating the work area in the bedroom. Indoors with computer desk And office chair pillows with ruffles and others decorative elements will look ridiculous.

The bedroom is a fairly good room for organizing a work area without compromising the relaxation area. Greater value at the same time, it is not the size of the space or the costs invested in the equipment of the room, but the use of successful design techniques.