home · Other · How to make a solution white. How to make white mortar for bricklaying. The use of colored solutions to mask masonry seams

How to make a solution white. How to make white mortar for bricklaying. The use of colored solutions to mask masonry seams

All masonry mixtures existing today are a special type of building material that is widely used for masonry or wall cladding using individual elements, including various types of bricks. To make durable and high-quality masonry, it is necessary to take into account characteristics composition different types mixtures, prepare the working solution correctly and follow the application technology.

High-quality masonry mixtures are special complexes that, when sealed with water, can form a ready-to-use, durable, elastic, high performance characteristics a solution suitable for construction or finishing work. The components of dry mixtures, as a rule, do not differ much, and are presented:

  • a binder, which can be either natural clay or cement;
  • the main component in the form of fractionated sand or expanded clay concrete;
  • solvent in the form of pure water;
  • a variety of additional mineral components.

If there is a need to obtain a brick masonry mixture that optimally matches color scheme with the masonry being performed, a variety of natural dyes and pigmenting substances.

Selection principles

The key task of the masonry mortar is to perform a connecting function between all elements of the structure being built, and the choice of mixture should be based on the mandatory consideration of the following principles:

  • the composition of the working solution for performing work in summer and winter has certain differences;
  • when choosing a mixture, it is necessary to take into account the location of the object, since underground and above-ground work is carried out using solutions of different compositions;
  • masonry clinker bricks carried out using a special composition of the working solution;
  • When constructing stove or fireplace structures, the use of cement mortars must be excluded.

Type of binder component included in standard solution, allows you to determine the type of hardening, which can be either hydraulic or air. If there is one binder component, then we have a simple mixture represented by lime and cement compositions. The presence of several binding elements is a sign of a complex masonry mixture, which can have high ductility and successfully resist cracking under negative influences. external factors.

When ready-made is needed
masonry mixture for bricks

Main types

Today, the initial parameters of the mortar make it possible to subdivide all masonry construction and finishing mixtures into several main types.

CementHigh levels of strength and rigidity.Private construction and construction of multi-storey buildings.
Cement-clayThe clay introduced into the solution must be thoroughly crushed and cleaned of impurities.Low-rise and private construction.
Cement-limeQuite high adhesion rates and good ductility.Laying ceramic or silicate bricks.
LimestoneLow strength, high fragility and low thermal conductivity.Construction of low structures and low-rise buildings.

Color mixture

Cladding activities using bricks often involve the use of colored mixtures. Such compositions have certain advantages, and the standard composition includes fine-grained inorganic components in the form of lime or cement, water and colored fillers. The ready-made mixture is typically filled with a mineral dye based on iron oxide. The total volume of dyes should not exceed 8% by weight of the entire solution. A high-quality color mixture can be represented by the following main components:

  • cement grade M500, which reduces the release of salts and gives the masonry optimal strength;
  • fractional washed sand, eliminating the presence of clay and foreign impurities;
  • mineral-type colored pigment components that provide sufficient resistance to adverse weather conditions for long-term use and provide aesthetic appearance;
  • polymer additives that provide high strength and water resistance.

The use of color mixtures allows harmonious combination brick colors with painted seams. At self-production you need to remember that to obtain light colors, only white cement is added, and to achieve dark shade Gray cements should be added.

Making your own mixtures

For the purpose of preparing the simplest and most popular masonry mortar with your own hands building bricks need to prepare:

The preparation technology is simple and consists of adding cement and sand to a small amount of filtered water, thoroughly stirring and adding the remaining water. The resulting mixture should be stirred for about three to four minutes. It is important to remember that the sand used for preparing mixtures must be sifted, and large volumes of masonry require the use of a concrete mixer.

The optimal consistency of the composition has characteristic homogeneity and elasticity. Works with silicate or ceramic bricks carried out with cement-sand mortars.

Independent calculation of consumption

Step-by-step calculation of consumption allows you to obtain the most accurate amount of solution with minimal errors. First you need to calculate the area of ​​the masonry, excluding the area of ​​door and window openings, and then calculate the amount of mortar per each cubic meter of area - a third of a cubic meter of mixture.

For example: the task is to build a one-story building, with a wall length of 15 m and a ceiling height of 3.4 m. There are seven windows measuring 1.8 x 1.2 m and a pair doorways 2.1 x 1.3 m.

Independent calculation of masonry with outer thickness at 64 cm and internal thickness at 25 cm, will be as follows:

  • determine the total volume of the external walls: (4 walls x 15 m x 3.4 m – 7 windows x 1.8 m x 1.2 m – 2 doors x 2.1 m x 1.3 m) x 0.64 m;
  • determine the total volume interior walls: (42 m x 3.4 m – 5 x 2 x 1.3) x 0.25 m;
  • we calculate the ratio of aggregates and binding components 4:1;
  • calculate the amount of cement.

As a rule, the following proportions are used when mixing:

  • one part cement;
  • three parts of sifted sand;
  • ½ part water.

To prepare the most common types of mortar, the following proportions of sand and cement are recommended:

  • 5:1 for the manufacture of grade M25;
  • 4:1 for the manufacture of grade M50;
  • 3:1 for the manufacture of grade M75;

For example, to prepare M25 you need to mix 2 tons of sifted sand, 0.26 tons of M400 cement and add 350 liters of water. The ratio may vary depending on many factors, including soil and climatic conditions and the location of the work. Clinker facing brick requires compositions with increased viscosity. Increase strength lime mortar possible using hammer slag. A properly prepared mixture spreads quite slowly.

Consumption standards

Depending on the thickness of the brickwork, standard standards for the consumption of working material may vary.

Masonry thicknessConsumption standards

12 cm30 kg24 kg18 kg
25 cm78 kg66 kg54 kg
38 cm126 kg108 kg90 kg

The most common grades used for brickwork are M50, M75, M100, M125, M150 and M200.

Proportions of cement, lime paste and sifted sand
Brand of solutionM50M75M100M150M200
M2001,0:0,3:4,0 1,0:0,1:2,5 - - -
M3001,0:0,6:6,0 1,0:0,3:4,0 1,0:0,2:3,5 1,0:0,1:2,5 -
M4001,0:0,9:8,0 1,0:0,5:5,5 1,0:0,4:4,5 1,0:0,2:3,0 1,0:0,1:2,5
M500- 1,0:0,8:7,0 1,0:0,5:5,5 1,0:0,3:4,0 1,0:0,2:3,0

According to SP 82-101-98, when preparing mortars for brickwork, you need to focus on certain parameters. A tabular example of obtaining a cubic meter of working composition using a concrete mixer with a capacity of 200 liters.

BrandMasonryCement M400 kgSand, kgWater, lNumber of batches
M10028 134 18 12
M150Hollow and solid brick35 121 20 12
M200Hollow and solid brick42 112 22 12
M300Hollow and solid brick49 102 23 12

SP 82-101-98. Preparation and use of construction mortars

To increase strength, it is advisable to add a plasticizer, which saves about ten percent of cement. As a result, there is no delamination, and application of the composition becomes much easier.

If there is a need to paint, the pigments are first diluted in a small amount of warm water and then added to the first portion of the concrete mixer composition. Standard additives, such as modifiers, plasticizers and hardeners, must be added to the same portion. Correct ratio is always prescribed by the manufacturer of building materials on the packaging or in the attached instructions.

Features of traditional masonry

Technological processes and principles are based on certain key parameters, including masonry thickness:

  • half a brick - thickness is 12 cm;
  • in one brick - thickness is 25-26 cm;
  • one and a half bricks - thickness is 38 cm;
  • two bricks - thickness 58 cm;
  • at two and a half - the thickness is 64 cm.

Construction ceramic blocks installed on a layer of special solution or bed. The same mixture is used to fill the gaps or seams between the elements. The standard thickness of the aggregate should not exceed a centimeter. Specialists in the field of finishing and construction work Several types of laying elements are practiced, but the most common and simplest is the chain construction of walls. The following masonry options can also be used:

  • continuous type;
  • with four-row ligation of seams;
  • with an air gap;
  • well.

The choice of construction method depends on the height of the structure, its purpose, quality characteristics and dimensions of building materials.

Tools used

To build quality walls or to perform aesthetic cladding, it is very important to ensure that you have a complete set of tools.

When working you will need to use:

If necessary, you need to prepare in advance scaffolding or any devices that allow you to safely and efficiently carry out all construction or Finishing work at a sufficient height.

Step-by-step instruction

It is important to note that it is necessary to lay elements, regardless of the parameters of the structure being constructed, from the corners, following simple technology.

Step 1. Take a couple of bricks and place them, maintaining a right angle, on the foundation base, checking the accuracy of the location with a building triangle.

Step 2. Lay the next pair of elements, and then put two more on the resulting group of four bricks, which will allow next row overlap the previous row.

Step 3. Having drawn the area into three elements, you need to carry out the same work on the other corner, using ordering and pulling moorings, which will allow the rows to be oriented strictly horizontally. The lacing should be located approximately every 5 m, without sagging.

Single-row masonry involves the construction of the beginning outer wall, and then internal, after which the backfill is laid. Multi-row masonry involves arranging blocks in a mixed or stepwise manner.

Rules for applying the solution

Today, in modern brick construction, several effective ways applying the working solution. When laying it yourself, it is enough to choose the most convenient option.

First way

Step 1. Lift the element previously laid on a dry surface with your left hand.

Step 2. With help right hand Apply the solution to the installation area and use your fingers to level it to the optimal thickness.

Step 3. With your left hand, lower the brick into the water and place a small amount of mortar on the side.

Step 4. Place the element on the “bed” and press it, slowly moving it back and forth, which helps to obtain a thin seam.

Second way

Step 1. Place the element on the working solution distributed over the surface.

Step 2. While lifting the back of the brick, lower its front side so that the forward movement causes the mixture to accumulate with the butt edge.

Step 3. Using both hands, push and press the brick against the adjacent element, squeezing out the excess amount of mortar.

Third way

Step 1. Gently but thoroughly wet the brick in warm water.

Step 2. Apply a heap of solution to a well-moistened surface.

Step 3. Apply the mixture to the end part, then lay the brick and press it, moving it back and forth with both hands.

The laying of every third or fourth row must necessarily end with filling the seam space, which will make it possible to obtain more attractive seams, and also help to increase their resistance to temperature changes. Among other things, such an event is aimed at a kind of prevention of destruction of the structure as a result of negative impact moisture. The only option when it is permissible to neglect such a procedure - finishing walls with plaster.

It should be noted that it is necessary to control the quality of installation almost constantly, and every square meter The constructed surface must be checked for correct corner connections, vertical and horizontal indicators using a plumb line, building level and square. It is strictly forbidden to shift the laid elements after the solution has hardened.

If it is impossible to make it yourself building mixture, can already be used ready-made compositions from such well-established manufacturers as Osnovit-Brikform, Knauf, PKF Stroybeton, Rusean, Vilis, PERFEKTA and DAUER.

Video - Masonry mixture for bricks

Video - Bricklaying with colored mortar

Brickwork is often used as a method of cladding the walls of buildings for various purposes. For these purposes, special facing bricks with high aesthetic characteristics are used, however, masonry mortar gray does not add beauty to the walls. To give the facade an impeccable look, it is advisable to decorate the seams between the bricks - make them colored! White seam in masonry is especially in demand. Next, we will look at several ways to achieve this.

Basic methods

Masonry mortar is a mixture of building components and water. As a rule, it is gray in color. Accordingly, to get a colored or white seam, you can go in two ways:

  1. Color the solution itself different ways.
  2. Use colored grout for the joints.

Both methods have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when making a decision.

Coloring the solution

This method is good because it reduces the labor intensity of the work - the white seam in the brickwork is obtained directly during the construction of the facing structure.

In order for the cement mortar to become white, coloring components must be added to it. They may be:

  • slaked lime, which is known to increase the plasticity of the solution and improve its performance properties;
  • colored colors for masonry is one of the ways to give cement mortar any shade. The point is that expectations may not be met - strict adherence to the proportions of preparing the mixture is required, the best effect is achieved when using a special white cement, against which the color will be most visible;
  • Titanium oxide is a universal bleach that can perfectly lighten the cement mass.

The listed components will help to make a white seam during masonry, which will save time and labor costs, but you will have to pay for it - additives are needed in significant quantities, which increases the cost of the working material.

The best option is to use titanium oxide. This component is not washed out and does not affect the strength of the wall in any way. In addition, you won’t have to expect unpleasant surprises from the solution - delamination, the formation of efflorescence (as when adding lime).

Preparation and laying

To make masonry mortar white and reduce material consumption, masons use 2 types of working mixture at the same time - classic and colored.

Gray cement-sand mortar is prepared using traditional technology. It is placed on an invisible part of the masonry.

To do white mixture, you need to prepare:

  1. white cement grade M500 - 1 part;
  2. titanium oxide (whitewash) - no more than 10% of the amount of cement;
  3. sand - 3 parts;
  4. water as needed.

The dye is dissolved in water and the sand is mixed with cement, or the dry component is mixed with a binder before mixing with the liquid.

A house made of red or brown brick with white joints can be faced using exclusively white mortar or laid only on outside masonry surface.

Grouting joints

The essence of this method is the treatment of formed gray seams with colored compounds.

Advantages of grout:

  • the ability to give the masonry any color;
  • wide choose dry color mixtures;
  • seam protection from aggressive external environment, waterproofing and strengthening;
  • the seam can be renewed, the color of the grout can be changed;
  • the cost of the material is significantly lower than coloring the solution itself.

The disadvantage is that the work is labor-intensive; grouting is carried out separately after the construction of the structure.

Do brick seam white or colored using different mixtures:

  • on cement based- the most common, suitable for interior and exterior work;
  • on epoxy resin- grout for interior spaces. This coating can be washed and cleaned, it is not afraid of water and high humidity.

Cement grout is sold as a dry mixture. It is enough to dilute them with water in the proportion stated on the label to obtain a white or colored solution.

There is another way - using a color that is introduced into the cement mixture.

How to grout

A house made of brown brick with white seams or facing with red masonry with jointing of the same color - there are many options for facade design. But the difference is not only in the chosen color, but also in the shape of the seam created by the mason. It depends on the shape of the instrument used for design.

For stitching you will need:

  • long spatula;
  • narrow jointing.

Work algorithm:

  1. The masonry is cleaned of dust and other contaminants.
  2. The seams at the work site are wetted - this will help achieve high adhesion between the grout and the base.
  3. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Mixing the components must be done using a metal sieve and a construction mixer.
  4. The mortar is applied to the spatula along the entire length, the tool is pressed tightly against the edge of the bottom brick.
  5. Using a jointer of the desired shape, push a small amount of mortar into the joint and rub the mixture.

The work should be carried out in sections, wetting the surface in a timely manner. It is important to immediately remove excess grout from the brick before it sets.

To paint or not

Dark brick with white seams looks solemn, this classic version façade design. And it doesn’t matter whether the stone used is brown or red - a gray mortar of cement and sand definitely does not decorate the facade.

When choosing a method for painting seams, you should rely on 2 main factors:

  • construction timeframes. If they are getting tight, it is best to paint the masonry mortar;
  • financial opportunities. In this case, you should calculate the amount of painting and grouting work and choose the appropriate option.

It should be noted that for mashing you will need not only material, but also labor resource. However, the work can be done independently, without using the services of specialists.

A private house made of red brick with white seams looks impressive, voluminous and expensive. This is a classic facade design option that you can do yourself. Seams white highlight the stone, highlighting its texture, size, and clarity of lines. The only problem color scheme- the fragility of the visual effect; over time it acquires a grayish tint. It is created using grout or a solution of the desired color. The finished mixture can be purchased at a hardware store or made with your own hands with the addition of white sand and lime. Light joints work best with brown, red and other dark bricks.

The meaning of color scheme in a brick wall

The white seam of the brickwork is used to strengthen decorative effect. With its help, the texture, color, and material of the stone are emphasized. It highlights every element and makes a dark brick house more presentable. The expressiveness of the texture is emphasized by the shade of the seam. The combination with red in construction has always been considered a classic. A gray or black seam blends in with the elements and does not visually set off brown or other dark colors. construction material. Wherein brick facade looks dull.

It is important to consider that light-colored seams quickly become dirty and gray. For visual effect, it needs to be updated regularly.

White highlights red, brown and black brick. This effect is mainly used when exterior decoration, but are also found in the interior decor of rooms with brick wall. When building a fireplace with this combination, you should remember the impracticality light shade and its possible imminent contamination. It is enough to use a solution of a color so that the surface of the building looks unusual without the use of mosaics or modeling. Light joints in brickwork are found during construction:

This design of seams decorates brick fence.
  • private houses;
  • non-residential objects (for example, courtyard buildings);
  • fences;
  • columns and other architectural structures.

What solution is needed?

White mortar for laying bricks can be purchased at the store in ready-made version or do it yourself. It includes White sand, lime and cement. Plus, special admixtures are added to ensure the strength of the masonry. It perfectly shades the masonry brown, enhancing texture and scale. There is a wide selection of ready-made mixtures on sale that do not require additional components and guarantee color purity. It is important to remember that when making a solution you should be careful about the concentration of ingredients, which affects the strength and reliability of the masonry.

White mortar for bricklaying is used to decorate country buildings. To give greater expressiveness to the masonry, use different colors of mortar, not just white. For each type of brick you can choose suitable design. How to get a colored seam?

Colored seams look much better than regular gray, so they are often used for decoration front sides Houses.

Despite the fact that brickwork even by itself looks quite presentable, almost 15% brick wall stripes will occupy the seams between the elements. The classic version of brickwork has a dark red color and a white seam, which visually separates the elements from each other. Thanks to this combination of colors, the entire structure will be perceived completely differently - details, volume, shadows and texture of materials will be visible.

If you choose the wrong color for the seams, then the masonry will lose its appearance, become faded and inexpressive, and the appearance of the building will fade. Over time, under the influence of external factors and weather, the seam will turn gray, after which it will lose its attractiveness. The gray seam practically does not separate the elements, so the feeling of volume and expressiveness of forms disappears. This is how only 15% of the masonry area can affect the visual perception of the entire structure. It is worth remembering that attention to small details helps improve the perception of many buildings.

Fortunately, you can avoid all of these unwanted faded visual effects by choosing the right seam materials.

How to create a white seam?

If you want to decorate your dark brick home with white joints, choose your additives very carefully. Also, the classic version of a pure white seam can be made using the following methods:

  1. The space between the bricks is grouted with special grouts that give the material color. It will not be possible to create a snow-white seam.
  2. The brick structure is treated with special compounds that help the materials develop color. The same composition has excellent protective properties and protects the wall from wear.
  3. When constructing a brick structure, a mortar with an appropriate shade of color, for example, white, is used. Jointing and contouring help achieve purity in the color of joints in brickwork.
In order for the solution to turn white, you need to add slaked lime.

White color helps to emphasize the volume and texture of the structure, thanks to it it is possible to highlight details and individual elements walls, which is why it is used so often with red, orange and brown bricks.

You can get it in the following ways using a standard masonry solution:

  • add more slaked lime;
  • use nitric oxide in the composition;
  • get titanium oxide.

Unfortunately, each option is costly in its own way.

Cooking tips

White masonry mortar for bricks can be created in different ways, but it is spent on the components of the mortar Money it will take a lot. The highest quality white color is produced by titanium oxide in solution. The whiteness of such a mixture does not disappear for decades.

  1. To create a high-quality white masonry mortar, you will have to mix two types of mixture. The first will be on a cement-sand base, and the second is made on the basis of white M500 cement with dye additives (titanium oxide).
  2. When laying, both mixtures are used, but in a certain order.
  3. When laying bricks, the inner part is filled with the first mixture of sand, and covered with the second outer part bricks The quality of construction is not lost, but the appearance changes.

The adhesion of materials will not allow one type of solution to separate from another until it dries completely. In addition, if the house is made of dark brick, various traces of dye will not be visible on it, which happens in some cases if you add the wrong component to the mixture, since the solution will not flow.

Mixing the solution

You will need for the solution:

  • white cement;
  • dye;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • capacity;
  • kneading tool.

Don’t try to make a solution right away, as it probably won’t work. Mix in small containers samples to check the final color.

The composition of the mixture will be with the following proportions: cement to sand 1:3. In this case, the dye should not be more than 10% of the amount of cement. The sand should be clean, river, medium size. Mix all the ingredients dry, and then gradually add warm water to obtain the required consistency. Let it sit for a while, then stir it in, and you can start laying.

Another option is to stir the dye separately in water until the small particles dissolve in the liquid. Then the components of the mixture are gradually poured into one container: half cement, 1/3 sand, and the rest is dye.


For cement grade M100, the amount of dye in the solution should be no more than 1/10, and for M75 and below - no more than 1/12.


If you want to decorate your red brick house, use the technology of grouting the joints with colored mortar.

This is one of the most economical options updating the appearance of brickwork. In this case, the solution may change its color depending on environmental conditions, which means that the appearance of the wall will change along with the temperature around it.


The most reliable way to permanently give your brick country house visual appeal is the laying of bricks on colored mortar. The methods for preparing the mixture have been described, all that remains is to apply the knowledge in practice.

Face bricklaying remains, in a way, a classic of the genre when facing buildings, despite the fact that today new construction and construction technologies are appearing beautiful view construction projects: siding, various plaster and putty mixtures, aluminum plates, metal profiles and much more. Though brickwork- this is one of the most expensive types construction, but at the same time one of the most durable. Having once invested money in construction, you can save yourself for many decades from having to think about how to preserve the beauty of a building or structure in the event of strong gusty winds, hail, accidental impacts from hard objects and other unforeseen cases. Photo description: facing brickwork on a black seam - white brick on mortar with good quality pigment. The proportion is 0.75 liters of pigment per 1 bucket of M-400 cement and 4 buckets of sand. More than 10 years have passed since construction.

If you have decided that such an expensive cladding of the building will be carried out, then it would not be a bad idea to think through options that will give an elite look to your building. Something as small as the color of a brick joint can play a significant role in this regard. Even very expensive and elite brick will lose its sophistication if the color of the seams is faded or similar in color to the brick.
Photo description: elite brick on mortar with low-quality pigment. After 5 years, the solution has lost more than half of its color.

And vice versa, even cheap brick, which does not hold its size well (one copy differs from another by several millimeters in thickness and length, the color has different shades and spots), will look very original and attractive due to the contrasting seam, which will emphasize the texture of the brick and give the masonry a more expensive look.
Photo description: brickwork on a black seam - cheap brick, mortar with high-quality pigment

One of the most common solution dyes is black pigment. It is made from industrial carbon black. Depending on the amount of additives that allow the soot to be fixed in the solution, both the quality of the pigment and its price will change. High-quality pigment does not cost much more, but its consumption is reduced (approximately 1.5 - 2 times), and its coloring properties increase (only it must first be soaked in water and kneaded for at least 15 minutes). So the buyer will also save money... such a paradox. In addition, the color of the solution will last much longer. If a solution with a low-quality pigment loses its brightness after just a few years, a high-quality pigment will retain the color of the solution for many decades.
Photo description: facing brickwork on a black seam with low-quality pigment and without pigment.

It is very easy to distinguish high-quality pigment. Pour 1 liter of pigment into a bucket of water, stir it with a rod for 20 seconds, and it completely sinks in the water, emitting a soft hiss. Poor quality pigment will partially float even after 2 minutes of thorough mixing.
Photo description: the same elite brick - on the left is masonry with high-quality pigment, but with a small dose, on the right is a mortar without pigment.

Proportions required to obtain a bright black color for the solution: 1.5 liters of pigment x 1 bucket of cement (12 liter) and 3 - 4 buckets quarry sand. This proportion is necessary for dark brick. For white brick you can reduce the amount of pigment to 0.75 - 1 liter.
Photo description: a freshly built fence using a solution with high-quality pigment. The proportion is 0.75 liters of pigment per bucket of M-400 cement per 4 buckets of quarry sand.

It is also important to note that a high-quality pigment does not weaken the solution, while a low-quality one requires more cement to obtain the required grade. In the end, I would like to give a few more examples illustrating facing brickwork and the results of choosing high-quality and low-quality components when mixing mortar on a black seam.
Photo description: low-quality brick, but laid on mortar with a small dose of pigment.
Photo description: tiles imitating elite brick. On the right - a contrasting pigment was used, on the left - regular tile adhesive.
Photo description: elite brick, mortar with low-quality pigment after 3 years.
Photo description: elite brick. Red brick on mortar with a small dose of pigment, brown brick in a solution without pigment.